def print_temp(): global update_interval global update_temp_time # We only run the contents of this function every 5 seconds if update_temp_time < time.time(): update_temp_time = time.time() + update_interval # Grab the temperates and print them print("\nInternal PICO-D4 Temp: {:.2f}°C".format( TinyPICO.get_internal_temp_C())) print("Battery Voltage is {}V".format(TinyPICO.get_battery_voltage())) print("Battery Charge State is {}\n".format( TinyPICO.get_battery_charging()))
mosi=Pin(TinyPICO.DOTSTAR_DATA), miso=Pin(TinyPICO.SPI_MISO)) # Create a DotStar instance dotstar = DotStar(spi, 1, brightness=0.5) # Just one DotStar, half brightness # Turn on the power to the DotStar TinyPICO.set_dotstar_power(True) # Say hello print("\nHello from TinyPICO!") print("--------------------\n") # Show some info on boot print("Battery Voltage is {}V".format(TinyPICO.get_battery_voltage())) print("Battery Charge State is {}\n".format(TinyPICO.get_battery_charging())) # Show available memory print("Memory Info - micropython.mem_info()") print("------------------------------------") micropython.mem_info() # Create a colour wheel index int color_index = 0 # Get the amount of RAM and if it's correct, flash green 3 times before rainbow, otherwise flash red three times def check_ram(): gc.collect() ram = gc.mem_free() col = (255, 0, 0, 1)
def battery(): from tinypico import get_battery_voltage, get_battery_charging return {'volt': get_battery_voltage(), 'state': get_battery_charging()}