Example #1
    def __init__(self, app, request):
        self.app = app
        self.request = request

        # Alias.
        self.current_user = self.auth_current_user

        area_name = self.get_area_name()
        if area_name not in ("docs", "www"):
            # TODO instead of 404, redirect to a page to create the area,
            # if the are doesn't exist.
            # For now, only 404 is allowed.

        self.area = Area.get_by_key_name(area_name)
        if self.area is None:
            self.area = Area.get_or_insert(key_name=area_name, name=area_name)

        # Get sitename from config or use host minus port as default
        # sitename.
        sitename = self.request.host.rsplit(":", 1)[0]

        # Add some common stuff to context.
        self.context = self.request.context = {
            "area": self.area,
            "current_url": self.request.url,
            "sitename": get_config("moe", "sitename", sitename),
            "analytics_code": get_config("moe", "analytics_code", None),
            "dev": get_config("tipfy", "dev"),
            "apps_installed": get_config("tipfy", "apps_installed"),
Example #2
    def __init__(self, app, request):
        self.app = app
        self.request = request

        area_name = self.get_area_name()
        if area_name not in ('docs', 'www'):
            # TODO instead of 404, redirect to a page to create the area,
            # if the are doesn't exist.
            # For now, only 404 is allowed.

        self.area = Area.get_by_key_name(area_name)
        if self.area is None:
            self.area = Area.get_or_insert(key_name=area_name, name=area_name)

        # Get sitename from config or use host minus port as default
        # sitename.
        sitename = self.request.host.rsplit(':', 1)[0]

        # Add some common stuff to context.
        self.context = self.request.context = {
            'area':           self.area,
            'current_url':    self.request.url,
            'sitename':       get_config('moe', 'sitename', sitename),
            'analytics_code': get_config('moe', 'analytics_code', None),
            'dev':            get_config('tipfy', 'dev'),
            'apps_installed': get_config('tipfy', 'apps_installed'),
Example #3
def set_translations_from_request():
    """Sets a translations object for the current request.

    It will use the configuration for ``locale_request_lookup`` to search for
    a key in ``GET``, ``POST``, cookie or keywords in the current URL rule.
    The configuration defines the search order. If no locale is set in any of
    these, uses the default locale set in config.

    By default it gets the locale from a ``lang`` GET parameter, and if not
    set tries to get it from a cookie. This is represented by the default
    configuration value ``[('args', 'lang'), ('cookies', 'tipfy.locale')]``.

    locale = None
    request = Tipfy.request
    for method, key in get_config(__name__, 'locale_request_lookup'):
        if method in ('args', 'form', 'cookies'):
            # Get locale from GET, POST or cookies.
            locale = getattr(request, method).get(key, None)
        elif method == 'rule_args':
            # Get locale from current URL rule keywords.
            locale = request.rule_args.get(key, None)

        if locale is not None:
        locale = get_config(__name__, 'locale')

Example #4
File: urls.py Project: ac001/moe
def get_rules():
    """Returns a list of URL rules for the application. The list can be
    defined entirely here or in separate ``urls.py`` files. Here we show an
    example of joining all rules from the ``apps_installed`` listed in
    entry_points = get_config('tipfy', 'apps_entry_points')

    if get_config('moe', 'use_subdomain', False):
        kwargs = {'subdomain': '<area_name>'}
        kwargs = {'defaults': {'area_name': 'www'}}

    rules = [
        # This is a dummy rule pointing to wiki start page. Replace it by
        # one pointing to a homepage handler.
        Rule('/', endpoint='home/index', handler='moe.wiki.handlers.WikiViewHandler', **kwargs),

    for app_module in get_config('tipfy', 'apps_installed'):
            # Get the rules from each app installed and extend our rules.
            app_rules = import_string('%s.urls.get_rules' % app_module)()
            entry_point = entry_points.get(app_module)
            if entry_point:
                # Submount using the entry point.
                rules.append(Submount(entry_point, app_rules))
                # Just append the rules.
        except ImportError:

    return rules
def set_translations_from_request():
    """Sets a translations object for the current request.

    It will use the configuration for ``locale_request_lookup`` to search for
    a key in ``GET``, ``POST``, cookie or keywords in the current URL rule.
    The configuration defines the search order. If no locale is set in any of
    these, uses the default locale set in config.

    By default it gets the locale from a ``lang`` GET parameter, and if not
    set tries to get it from a cookie. This is represented by the default
    configuration value ``[('args', 'lang'), ('cookies', 'tipfy.locale')]``.

    locale = None
    request = Tipfy.request
    for method, key in get_config(__name__, 'locale_request_lookup'):
        if method in ('args', 'form', 'cookies'):
            # Get locale from GET, POST or cookies.
            locale = getattr(request, method).get(key, None)
        elif method == 'rule_args':
            # Get locale from current URL rule keywords.
            locale = request.rule_args.get(key, None)

        if locale is not None:
        locale = get_config(__name__, 'locale')

Example #6
File: urls.py Project: ac001/moe
def get_rules():
    # A protected path (by default '/pages') is used by everything related to
    # the wiki operation. Everything else is considered a wiki content page.
    protected_path = '/' + get_config('moe.wiki', 'protected_path')

    # Take the area name from the subdomain if they are in use. Otherwise
    # assume that this will be used in a single domain.
    if get_config('moe', 'use_subdomain', False):
        kwargs = {'subdomain': '<area_name>'}
        kwargs = {'defaults': {'area_name': 'www'}}

    rules = [
        # Initial page.
        Rule('/', endpoint='wiki/index', handler='moe.wiki.handlers.WikiViewHandler', **kwargs),
        Submount(protected_path, [
            # Base for the internal pages.
            Rule('/', endpoint='wiki/pages', handler='moe.wiki.handlers.WikiOverviewHandler', **kwargs),
            # Lists all pages.
            Rule('/list', endpoint='wiki/list', handler='moe.wiki.handlers.WikiPageListHandler', **kwargs),
            # Lists all child pages for a given page.
            Rule('/list/<path:page_path>', endpoint='wiki/list', handler='moe.wiki.handlers.WikiPageListHandler', **kwargs),
            # Lists all pages (Atom format).
            Rule('/list-atom', endpoint='wiki/list-atom', handler='moe.wiki.handlers.WikiPageListFeedHandler', **kwargs),
            # Lists all child pages for a given page (Atom format).
            Rule('/list-atom/<path:page_path>', endpoint='wiki/list-atom', handler='moe.wiki.handlers.WikiPageListFeedHandler', **kwargs),
            # Lists all changes.
            Rule('/changes', endpoint='wiki/changes', handler='moe.wiki.handlers.WikiChangesHandler', **kwargs),
            # Lists all changes for a given page.
            Rule('/changes/<path:page_path>', endpoint='wiki/changes', handler='moe.wiki.handlers.WikiPageChangesHandler', **kwargs),
            # Lists all changes (Atom format).
            Rule('/changes-atom', endpoint='wiki/changes-atom', handler='moe.wiki.handlers.WikiChangesFeedHandler', **kwargs),
            # Lists all changes for a given page (Atom format).
            Rule('/changes-atom/<path:page_path>', endpoint='wiki/changes-atom', handler='moe.wiki.handlers.WikiPageChangesFeedHandler', **kwargs),
            # Edition overview.
            Rule('/edit/', endpoint='wiki/edit', handler='moe.wiki.handlers.WikiEditOverviewHandler', **kwargs),
            # Edits a page.
            Rule('/edit/<path:page_path>', endpoint='wiki/edit', handler='moe.wiki.handlers.WikiEditHandler', **kwargs),
            # Diffs overview.
            Rule('/diff/', endpoint='wiki/diff', handler='moe.wiki.handlers.WikiDiffOverviewHandler', **kwargs),
            # Show diffs for a page revision.
            Rule('/diff/<path:page_path>', endpoint='wiki/diff', handler='moe.wiki.handlers.WikiDiffHandler', **kwargs),
            # Reparse all pages.
            # Rule('/reparse/', endpoint='wiki/reparse', handler='moe.wiki.handlers.WikiReparseHandler', **kwargs),
        # A wiki page.
        Rule('/<path:page_path>', endpoint='wiki/index', handler='moe.wiki.handlers.WikiViewHandler', **kwargs),

    return rules
Example #7
File: ib.py Project: strogo/gaeaib
  def get(self, board, page=0):

    if page > self.PAGES:
      raise NotFound()

    if page == 0:
      cache = models.Cache.load("board", board)
      if cache:
        return Response(cache.data)

    data = {}
    data['threads'] = get_threads(board,page=page) # last threads
    data['show_captcha'] = True
    data['reply'] = True
    data['board_name'] = self.NAMES.get(board) or "Woooo???"
    data['board'] = board # board name
    data['boards'] =  get_config("aib", "boardlist")
    data['pages'] = range(self.PAGES)

    data['overlay'] = board in self.OVER

    html = render_template("board.html", **data)

    if page == 0:
      cache = models.Cache.create("board", board)
      cache.data = html

    return Response(html)
Example #8
    def handle_exception(self, e, handler=None):
        if get_config('tipfy', 'dev'):
            # Always raise the exception in dev, so we can debug it.

        return ExceptionHandler(Tipfy.app, Tipfy.request).dispatch('get',
Example #9
def option_modsign(request, data):
  if data.get('name') != get_config("aib.ib", "mod_name"):

  user = users.get_current_user()
  if users.is_current_user_admin():
    data['typ'] = 'modpost'
Example #10
    def user_model(self):
        """Returns the configured user model.

            A :class:`tipfy.ext.auth.model.User` class.
        return import_string(get_config(__name__, 'user_model'))
Example #11
    def _validate_recaptcha(self, challenge, response, remote_addr):
        """Performs the actual validation."""
        private_key = get_config('tipfy.ext.wtforms', 'recaptcha_private_key')
        result = urlfetch.fetch(
            headers={'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
                'privatekey': private_key,
                'remoteip': remote_addr,
                'challenge': challenge,
                'response': response

        if result.status_code != 200:
            return False

        rv = [l.strip() for l in result.content.splitlines()]

        if rv and rv[0] == 'true':
            return True

        if len(rv) > 1:
            error = rv[1]
            if error in self._error_codes:
                raise RuntimeError(self._error_codes[error])

        return False
Example #12
def get_rules():
    """Returns a list of URL rules for the application. The list can be defined
    entirely here or in separate ``urls.py`` files. Here we show an example of
    joining all rules from the ``apps_installed`` listed in config.
    rules = [
        tipfy.Rule('/', endpoint='home', handler='home.HomeHandler'),
        tipfy.Rule('/submit', endpoint='submit', handler='submit.SubmitHandler'),
        tipfy.Rule('/review', endpoint='review-start', handler='review.ReviewStartHandler'),
        tipfy.Rule('/review/<int:id>', endpoint='review-quote', handler='review.ReviewQuoteHandler'),
        tipfy.Rule('/review/remind', endpoint='review-remind', handler='review.ReviewRemindHandler'),
        tipfy.Rule('/quote/<int:id>', endpoint='quote-view', handler='quote.QuoteViewHandler'),
        tipfy.Rule('/random', endpoint='random-quote', handler='random_quote.RandomQuoteHandler'),
        tipfy.Rule('/atom', endpoint='atom-view', handler='atom.AtomViewHandler'),

    for app_module in tipfy.get_config('tipfy', 'apps_installed'):
            # Load the urls module from the app and extend our rules.
            app_rules = tipfy.import_string('%s.urls' % app_module)
        except ImportError:

    return rules
Example #13
    def __init__(self, area, user, roles_map=None, roles_lock=None):
        """Loads access privileges and roles for a given user in a given area.

        :param area:
            An area identifier, as a string.
        :param user:
            An user identifier, as a string.
        :param roles_map:
            A dictionary of roles mapping to a list of rule tuples.
        :param roles_lock:
            Roles lock string to validate cache. If not set, uses the
            application version id.
        if roles_map is not None:
            self.roles_map = roles_map

        if roles_lock is not None:
            self.roles_lock = roles_lock
        elif self.roles_lock is None:
            # Set roles_lock default.
            self.roles_lock = get_config("tipfy", "version_id")

        if area and user:
            self._roles, self._rules = AclRules.get_roles_and_rules(area, user, self.roles_map, self.roles_lock)
Example #14
    def _validate_recaptcha(self, challenge, response, remote_addr):
        """Performs the actual validation."""
        private_key = get_config('tipfy.ext.wtforms', 'recaptcha_private_key')
        result = urlfetch.fetch(url=RECAPTCHA_VERIFY_SERVER,
            headers={'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
                'privatekey': private_key,
                'remoteip':   remote_addr,
                'challenge':  challenge,
                'response':   response

        if result.status_code != 200:
            return False

        rv = [l.strip() for l in result.content.splitlines()]

        if rv and rv[0] == 'true':
            return True

        if len(rv) > 1:
            error = rv[1]
            if error in self._error_codes:
                raise RuntimeError(self._error_codes[error])

        return False
def _get_format(key, format):
    """A small helper for the datetime formatting functions. Returns a format
    name or pattern to be used by Babel date format functions.

    This function derives from `Flask-Babel <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Flask-Babel/>`_

    :param key:
        A format key to be get from config: ``date``, ``datetime`` or ``time``.
    :param format:
        The format to be returned. Valid values are "short", "medium",
        "long", "full" or a custom date/time pattern.
        A format name or pattern to be used by Babel date format functions.
    config = get_config(__name__)['date_formats']

    if format is None:
        format = config[key]

    if format in ('short', 'medium', 'full', 'long'):
        rv = config['%s.%s' % (key, format)]
        if rv is not None:
            format = rv

    return format
Example #16
    def get_roles_and_rules(cls, area, user, roles_map, roles_lock):
        """Returns a tuple (roles, rules) for a given user in a given area."""
        res = None
        cache_key = cls.get_key_name(area, user)
        if cache_key in _rules_map:
            res = _rules_map[cache_key]
            res = memcache.get(cache_key, namespace=cls.__name__)

        if res is not None:
            lock, roles, rules = res

        if res is None or lock != roles_lock or get_config("tipfy", "dev"):
            entity = cls.get_by_key_name(cache_key)
            if entity is None:
                res = (roles_lock, [], [])
                rules = []
                # Apply role rules.
                for role in entity.roles:
                    rules.extend(roles_map.get(role, []))

                # Extend with rules, eventually overriding some role rules.

                # Reverse everything, as rules are checked from last to first.

                # Set results for cache, applying current roles_lock.
                res = (roles_lock, entity.roles, rules)

            cls.set_cache(cache_key, res)

        return (res[1], res[2])
Example #17
def is_default_locale():
    """Returns ``True`` if locale is set to the default locale.

        ``True`` if locale is set to the default locale, ``False`` otherwise.
    return getattr(local, 'locale', None) == get_config(__name__, 'locale')
Example #18
def get_threads(board, page=0, fmt_name="page"):

  _fmt = "thread_" + fmt_name
  if _fmt in globals():
    fmt = globals()[_fmt]
    fmt = thread_plain

  threads = []

  board_db = Board.get_by_key_name(board)
  if board_db:
    threads = board_db.linked

    if not threads:
      threads = [ (board, th) for th in board_db.thread]

  per_page = get_config('aib.ib', 'thread_per_page')
  threads = threads[per_page*page:per_page*(page+1)]
  logging.info("threadlist in %r : %r" % (board, threads))

  # grab data from cache
  data =  Thread.load_list(threads)

  return [ fmt(th) for th in data if th ]
Example #19
def _get_format(key, format):
    """A small helper for the datetime formatting functions. Returns a format
    name or pattern to be used by Babel date format functions.

    This function derives from `Flask-Babel <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Flask-Babel/>`_

    :param key:
        A format key to be get from config: ``date``, ``datetime`` or ``time``.
    :param format:
        The format to be returned. Valid values are "short", "medium",
        "long", "full" or a custom date/time pattern.
        A format name or pattern to be used by Babel date format functions.
    config = get_config(__name__)['date_formats']

    if format is None:
        format = config[key]

    if format in ('short', 'medium', 'full', 'long'):
        rv = config['%s.%s' % (key, format)]
        if rv is not None:
            format = rv

    return format
Example #20
def bump(boards, thread):

  board_db = Board.get_by_key_name(boards)
  main = boards[0]

  per_page = get_config('aib.ib', 'thread_per_page')
  pages = get_config('aib.ib', 'board_pages')
  threads = per_page * pages

  def hide(linked, board):
    for _board, thread in list(linked):
        if board == _board:
            linked.remove((board, thread))

  add = 0
  for x,(name,board) in enumerate(zip(boards,board_db)):
    if not board:
      board = Board(key_name=name)
      board.linked = []
      board_db[x] = board

    if not board.linked and board.thread:
      board.linked = [
        (board.code, th)
        for th in

    if main[-1] == '~':
      hide(board.linked, main)
      add = per_page/3

    if (main,thread) in board.linked:

    board.linked.insert(add, (main,thread))
    board.linked = board.linked[:threads]

  main_db = board_db[0]

  if thread in main_db.thread:

  main_db.thread.insert(add, thread)
  main_db.thread = main_db.thread[:threads]

Example #21
def is_default_locale():
    """Returns True if locale is set to the default locale.

        True if locale is set to the default locale, False otherwise.
    ctx = Tipfy.request.context
    return ctx.get('locale', None) == get_config(__name__, 'locale')
Example #22
def get_lookup():
    global _lookup
    if _lookup is None:
        _lookup = TemplateLookup(directories=[path.join(get_config(__name__,
            'templates_dir'))], output_encoding='utf-8',

    return _lookup
def is_default_locale():
    """Returns True if locale is set to the default locale.

        True if locale is set to the default locale, False otherwise.
    ctx = Tipfy.request.context
    return ctx.get('locale', None) == get_config(__name__, 'locale')
Example #24
def check(ip):

  stat_interval = get_config('aib.antiwipe', "wipe_stat_interval")

  statnum = int(time()/stat_interval)
  statkey = "poststat-%d" % statnum

  poststat = memcache.get(statkey) or 0
  logging.info("wipe stat: %d" % poststat)

  interval = get_config('aib.antiwipe', "interval")
  maxquota = get_config('aib.antiwipe', "quota")
  maxquota_all = get_config('aib.antiwipe', "quota_all")

  if poststat > maxquota_all:
    interval *= get_config('aib.antiwipe', "wipe_interval_ratio")
    maxquota /= get_config('aib.antiwipe', "wipe_quota_ratio")
    logging.info("looks like wipe, increase interval: %d" %  interval)
  elif poststat > (maxquota_all*10):
    logging.info("increase limit even more!")
    interval *= get_config('aib.antiwipe', "wipe_huge_interval_ratio")
    maxquota = 1

  memcache.set(statkey, poststat+1, time=stat_interval)
  qkey = "ip-%s" % ip
  quota = memcache.get(qkey) or 0
  quota += 1
  memcache.set(qkey, quota, time=interval)

  if quota > maxquota:
    return False

  return True
Example #25
    def cookie_args(self):
        """Returns the configured arguments to set an auth cookie.

            A dictionary of keyword arguments for a cookie.
        keys = ['domain', 'path', 'secure', 'httponly', 'session_expires',
        return dict((k, get_config(__name__, 'cookie_' + k)) for k in keys)
Example #26
File: ib.py Project: a37912/gaeaib
 def get(self):
   return render_response(
       boards =  get_config("aib", "boardlist"),
       allboards = map(
Example #27
  def create(self,op):

    data = {
        "op" : op,
        "id" : self.thread,
        "board" : self.board,
        "subject" : op.get("subject"),

    self.cache = Cache.create("thread", self.board, self.thread)
    self.cache.data = render_template("thread.html", 
        thread = data,
	threads = [data],
        board = self.board,
        board_name = NAMES.get(self.board) or get_config("aib",
        boards = get_config("aib", "boardlist"), # context?
Example #28
def option_modsign(request, data):
  mods = get_config("aib.ib", "mod_name")

  user = users.get_current_user()
  if not user or user.email() not in mods:

  if data.get('name') == mods.get(user.email()):
    data['typ'] = 'modpost'
Example #29
def make_rainbow(*a):
  """ function makes rainbow codes """
  secret = get_config('aib.rainbow', 'secret')
  a = map(str,a)
  key = str.join("-", a)
  rb_hash = md5(key).hexdigest()[:18]
  logging.info("rainbow code: %s" % rb_hash)
  return rb_hash
Example #30
def get_auth_system():
    """Returns the configured authentication system.

        An instance of :class:`tipfy.ext.auth.BaseAuth`.
    global _auth_system
    if _auth_system is None:
        _auth_system = import_string(get_config(__name__, 'auth_system'))()

    return _auth_system
Example #31
  def pre_dispatch(self, handler):
    if get_config("tipfy", "dev"):

    if  handler.request.method == 'POST':

    if handler.request.host not in FRM:

    return redirect(REDIRECT+handler.request.path)
    def _get_csrf_token(self, request):
        token = str(uuid.uuid4())
        token_list = self._get_session(request).setdefault('_csrf_token', [])
        # Store a maximum number of tokens.
        maximum_tokens = get_config('tipfy.ext.wtforms', 'csrf_tokens')
        while len(token_list) > maximum_tokens:

        # Set the validation rule for the tokens.
        self._fields['csrf_token'].validators = [CsrfToken(token_list)]
        return token
Example #33
    def _get_csrf_token(self, request):
        token = str(uuid.uuid4())
        token_list = self._get_session(request).setdefault('_csrf_token', [])
        # Store a maximum number of tokens.
        maximum_tokens = get_config('tipfy.ext.wtforms', 'csrf_tokens')
        while len(token_list) > maximum_tokens:

        # Set the validation rule for the tokens.
        self._fields['csrf_token'].validators = [CsrfToken(token_list)]
        return token
Example #34
def get_timezone(timezone=None):
    """Returns a ``datetime.tzinfo`` object for the given timezone. This is
    called by [[#format_datetime]] and [[#format_time]] when a tzinfo
    is not provided.

    :param timezone:
        The timezone name from the Olson database, e.g.: ``America/Chicago``.
        If not set, uses the default configuration value.
        A ``datetime.tzinfo`` object.
    return pytz.timezone(timezone or get_config(__name__, 'timezone'))
def get_timezone(timezone=None):
    """Returns a ``datetime.tzinfo`` object for the given timezone. This is
    called by [[#format_datetime]] and [[#format_time]] when a tzinfo
    is not provided.

    :param timezone:
        The timezone name from the Olson database, e.g.: ``America/Chicago``.
        If not set, uses the default configuration value.
        A ``datetime.tzinfo`` object.
    return pytz.timezone(timezone or get_config(__name__, 'timezone'))
Example #36
def get_env():
    """Returns the Jinja2 environment, a singleton.

        A ``jinja2.Environment`` instance.
    global _environment
    if _environment is None:
        templates_compiled_target = get_config(__name__,

        use_compiled = not get_config('tipfy', 'dev') or get_config(__name__,

        if templates_compiled_target is not None and use_compiled:
            # Use precompiled templates loaded from a module.
            loader = ModuleLoader(templates_compiled_target)
            # Parse templates on every request.
            loader = FileSystemLoader(get_config(__name__, 'templates_dir'))

        # Initialize the environment.
        _environment = Environment(loader=loader,

        # Add url_for() by default.
        _environment.globals['url_for'] =url_for

            from tipfy.ext import i18n
            # Install i18n, first forcing it to be loaded if not yet.
                'format_date':     i18n.format_date,
                'format_time':     i18n.format_time,
                'format_datetime': i18n.format_datetime,
        except (ImportError, AttributeError), e:
def set_translations(locale):
    """Sets the locale and translations object for the current request. Most
    functions in this module depends on the translations object being set to
    work properly.

    :param locale:
        The locale code. For example, ``en_US`` or ``pt_BR``.
    if locale not in _translations:
        locales = [locale, get_config(__name__, 'locale')]
        _translations[locale] = support.Translations.load(
            'locale', locales, 'messages')

    ctx = Tipfy.request.context
    ctx['locale'] = locale
    ctx['translations'] = _translations[locale]
Example #38
    def _renew_session(self, force=False):
        """Renews the session id if its expiration time has passed.

        :param force:
            True to force the session id to be renewed, False to check
            if the expiration time has passed.
        if force is False:
            # Only renew the session id if it is too old.
            expires = datetime.timedelta(seconds=get_config('tipfy.ext.auth',

            force = (self.session_updated + expires < datetime.datetime.now())

        if force is True:
            self.session_id = gen_salt(length=32)
            self.session_updated = datetime.datetime.now()
    def post_dispatch(self, handler, response):
        """Saves current locale in a cookie.

        :param handler:
            The current ``tipfy.RequestHandler`` instance.
        :param response:
            The current ``tipfy.Response`` instance.
        ctx = Tipfy.request.context
        locale = ctx.get('locale', None)
        if locale is None:
            # Locale isn't set.
            return response

        # Persist locale using a cookie when it differs from default.
        response.set_cookie(get_config(__name__, 'cookie_name'),
                            max_age=(86400 * 30))

        return response
Example #40
def compile_templates(argv=None):
    """Compiles templates for better performance. This is a command line
    script. From the buildout directory, run:


    It will compile templates from the directory configured for 'templates_dir'
    to the one configured for 'templates_compiled_target'.

    At this time it doesn't accept any arguments.
    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv

    cwd = os.getcwd()
    app_path = os.path.join(cwd, 'app')
    gae_path = os.path.join(cwd, 'etc/parts/google_appengine')

    extra_paths = [
        # These paths are required by the SDK.
        os.path.join(gae_path, 'lib', 'antlr3'),
        os.path.join(gae_path, 'lib', 'django'),
        os.path.join(gae_path, 'lib', 'ipaddr'),
        os.path.join(gae_path, 'lib', 'webob'),
        os.path.join(gae_path, 'lib', 'yaml', 'lib'),

    sys.path = extra_paths + sys.path

    from config import config

    app = make_wsgi_app(config)
    template_path = get_config('tipfy.ext.jinja2', 'templates_dir')
    compiled_path = get_config('tipfy.ext.jinja2', 'templates_compiled_target')

    if compiled_path is None:
        raise ValueError('Missing configuration key to compile templates.')

    if isinstance(template_path, basestring):
        # A single path.
        source = os.path.join(app_path, template_path)
        # A list of paths.
        source = [os.path.join(app_path, p) for p in template_path]

    target = os.path.join(app_path, compiled_path)

    # Set templates dir and deactivate compiled dir to use normal loader to
    # find the templates to be compiled.
    app.config['tipfy.ext.jinja2']['templates_dir'] = source
    app.config['tipfy.ext.jinja2']['templates_compiled_target'] = None

    if target.endswith('.zip'):
        zip_cfg = 'deflated'
        zip_cfg = None

    old_list_templates = FileSystemLoader.list_templates
    FileSystemLoader.list_templates = list_templates

    env = get_env()

    FileSystemLoader.list_templates = old_list_templates
Example #41
 def __init__(self, backends=None, default_backend=None):
     self.backends = backends or self.default_backends
     self.default_backend = default_backend or get_config(
         __name__, 'default_backend')
Example #42
 def pre_dispatch(self, handler):
     handler.request.registry['session_store'] = SessionStore(
         handler.request, get_config(__name__), self.backends,
Example #43
 def pre_dispatch_handler(self):
     request = Tipfy.request
     request.registry['session_store'] = SessionStore(
         request, get_config(__name__), self.backends, self.default_backend)