Example #1
def pr5b2(dim, cutoff):
    data = numpy.loadtxt("data/ps8/data2", dtype=numpy.float64)
    ms = tispy.lyap_k("-d", 155, "-m", dim, "-M", dim, input=data)
    pargs = cut(ms[:, 0], ms[:, 1])

    total = 0.0
    count = len(pargs) / 2
    for i in xrange(0, len(pargs), 2):
        xs = 0.31 * pargs[i][:cutoff]
        ys = pargs[i + 1][:cutoff]
        ps = numpy.polyfit(xs, ys, 1)
        total += ps[0]

    print "Found Lyapunov exponent: {0:.6f}".format(total / count)
Example #2
File: ps9.py Project: owingit/chaos
def pr5b2(dim, cutoff):
    data = numpy.loadtxt('data/ps8/data2', dtype=numpy.float64)
    ms = tispy.lyap_k('-d', 155, '-m', dim, '-M', dim, input=data)
    pargs = cut(ms[:, 0], ms[:, 1])

    total = 0.0
    count = len(pargs) / 2
    for i in xrange(0, len(pargs), 2):
        xs = 0.31 * pargs[i][:cutoff]
        ys = pargs[i + 1][:cutoff]
        ps = numpy.polyfit(xs, ys, 1)
        total += ps[0]

    print 'Found Lyapunov exponent: {0:.6f}'.format(total / count)
Example #3
File: ps9.py Project: owingit/chaos
def pr5(dim=8, file_prefix=None):
    data = numpy.loadtxt('data/ps8/data2', dtype=numpy.float64)
    ms = tispy.lyap_k('-d', 155, '-m', dim, '-M', dim, input=data)
    pargs = cut(ms[:, 0], ms[:, 1])

    # Find the average slope of the first two points.
    total = 0.0
    count = len(pargs) / 2
    for i in xrange(0, len(pargs), 2):
        [x1, x2] = pargs[i][:2]
        [y1, y2] = pargs[i + 1][:2]
        total += (y2 - y1) / (0.31 * (x2 - x1))

    print 'Found Lyapunov exponent: {0:.6f}'.format(total / count)
                ylabel='Logarithm of the Stretching Factor',
                title='Calculating the Lyapunov Exponent',
                file_prefix=suffixed(file_prefix, '_4'))
Example #4
def pr5(dim=8, file_prefix=None):
    data = numpy.loadtxt("data/ps8/data2", dtype=numpy.float64)
    ms = tispy.lyap_k("-d", 155, "-m", dim, "-M", dim, input=data)
    pargs = cut(ms[:, 0], ms[:, 1])

    # Find the average slope of the first two points.
    total = 0.0
    count = len(pargs) / 2
    for i in xrange(0, len(pargs), 2):
        [x1, x2] = pargs[i][:2]
        [y1, y2] = pargs[i + 1][:2]
        total += (y2 - y1) / (0.31 * (x2 - x1))

    print "Found Lyapunov exponent: {0:.6f}".format(total / count)
        ylabel="Logarithm of the Stretching Factor",
        title="Calculating the Lyapunov Exponent",
        file_prefix=suffixed(file_prefix, "_4")
Example #5
File: ps9.py Project: owingit/chaos
def pr6x1(tau, file_prefix=None):
    lfunc = lorenz.lorenz(16, 45, 4)
    ts, vs = rungekutta.rk4(
        lfunc, 0.0, numpy.array([-13.0, -12.0, 52.0], dtype=numpy.float64),
        0.001, 30000)
    xs = vs.transpose()[:, 0]
    data = numpy.array(zip(xs, ts), dtype=numpy.float64)
    ms = tispy.lyap_k('-d', int(tau), '-m', 7, '-M', 7, input=data)
    pargs = cut(ms[:, 0], ms[:, 1])

    total = 0.0
    count = len(pargs) / 2
    for i in xrange(0, len(pargs), 2):
        xs = 0.31 * pargs[i][:50]
        ys = pargs[i + 1][:50]
        ps = numpy.polyfit(xs, ys, 1)
        total += ps[0]
    print 'Lorenz lyapunov exponent: {0}'.format(total / count)

                ylabel='Logarithm of the Stretching Factor',
                title='Calculating the Lyapunov Exponent',
                file_prefix=suffixed(file_prefix, '_7'))
Example #6
def pr6x1(tau, file_prefix=None):
    lfunc = lorenz.lorenz(16, 45, 4)
    ts, vs = rungekutta.rk4(lfunc, 0.0, numpy.array([-13.0, -12.0, 52.0], dtype=numpy.float64), 0.001, 30000)
    xs = vs.transpose()[:, 0]
    data = numpy.array(zip(xs, ts), dtype=numpy.float64)
    ms = tispy.lyap_k("-d", int(tau), "-m", 7, "-M", 7, input=data)
    pargs = cut(ms[:, 0], ms[:, 1])

    total = 0.0
    count = len(pargs) / 2
    for i in xrange(0, len(pargs), 2):
        xs = 0.31 * pargs[i][:50]
        ys = pargs[i + 1][:50]
        ps = numpy.polyfit(xs, ys, 1)
        total += ps[0]
    print "Lorenz lyapunov exponent: {0}".format(total / count)

        ylabel="Logarithm of the Stretching Factor",
        title="Calculating the Lyapunov Exponent",
        file_prefix=suffixed(file_prefix, "_7")
Example #7
File: ps9.py Project: owingit/chaos
def pr5b1(dim):
    data = numpy.loadtxt('data/ps8/data2', dtype=numpy.float64)
    ms = tispy.lyap_k('-d', 155, '-m', dim, '-M', dim, input=data)
    pargs = tuple([xs[:11] for xs in cut(ms[:, 0], ms[:, 1])])

Example #8
def pr5b1(dim):
    data = numpy.loadtxt("data/ps8/data2", dtype=numpy.float64)
    ms = tispy.lyap_k("-d", 155, "-m", dim, "-M", dim, input=data)
    pargs = tuple([xs[:11] for xs in cut(ms[:, 0], ms[:, 1])])
