Example #1
class CompoundTest(LibFcn):
    name = prefix + "compoundTest"
    sig = Sig([{
        "datum": P.WildRecord("D", {})
    }, {
        "operator": P.String()
    }, {
        "comparisons": P.Array(P.WildRecord("T", {}))
    }, {
        "test": P.Fcn([P.Wildcard("D"), P.Wildcard("T")], P.Boolean())
    }], P.Boolean())
    errcodeBase = 32020

    def __call__(self, state, scope, pos, paramTypes, datum, operator,
                 comparisons, test):
        if operator == "and":
            for comparison in comparisons:
                if callfcn(state, scope, test, [datum, comparison]) is False:
                    return False
            return True
        elif operator == "or":
            for comparison in comparisons:
                if callfcn(state, scope, test, [datum, comparison]) is True:
                    return True
            return False
        elif operator == "xor":
            numTrue = 0
            for comparison in comparisons:
                if callfcn(state, scope, test, [datum, comparison]) is True:
                    numTrue += 1
            return numTrue % 2 == 1
            raise PFARuntimeException("unrecognized logical operator",
                                      self.errcodeBase + 0, self.name, pos)
Example #2
class FanoutBoolean(LibFcn):
    name = prefix + "fanoutBoolean"
    sig = Sigs([
            "x": P.WildEnum("A")
        }], P.Array(P.Boolean())),
            "x": P.String()
        }, {
            "dictionary": P.Array(P.String())
        }, {
            "outOfRange": P.Boolean()
        }], P.Array(P.Boolean())),
            "x": P.Int()
        }, {
            "minimum": P.Int()
        }, {
            "maximum": P.Int()
        }, {
            "outOfRange": P.Boolean()
        }], P.Array(P.Boolean()))
    errcodeBase = 17060

    def __call__(self, state, scope, pos, paramTypes, x, *args):
        if len(args) == 0:
            return fanoutEnum(x, paramTypes[0]["symbols"])
        elif len(args) == 2:
            if len(args[0]) != len(set(args[0])):
                raise PFARuntimeException("non-distinct values in dictionary",
                                          self.errcodeBase + 0, self.name, pos)
            return fanoutString(x, args[0], args[1])
        elif len(args) == 3:
            return fanoutInt(x, args[0], args[1], args[2])
Example #3
class Symmetric(LibFcn):
    name = prefix + "symmetric"
    sig = Sigs([Sig([{"x": P.Array(P.Array(P.Double()))}, {"tol": P.Double()}], P.Boolean()),
                Sig([{"x": P.Map(P.Map(P.Double()))}, {"tol": P.Double()}], P.Boolean())])
    errcodeBase = 24100
    def same(x, y, tol):
        if math.isinf(x) and math.isinf(y) and ((x > 0.0 and y > 0.0) or (x < 0.0 and y < 0.0)):
            return True
        elif math.isnan(x) and math.isnan(y):
            return True
        elif not math.isinf(x) and not math.isnan(x) and not math.isinf(y) and not math.isnan(y):
            return abs(x - y) < tol
            return False
    def __call__(self, state, scope, pos, paramTypes, x, tol):
        if isinstance(x, (list, tuple)) and all(isinstance(xi, (list, tuple)) for xi in x):
            rows = len(x)
            if rows < 1:
                raise PFARuntimeException("too few rows/cols", self.errcodeBase + 0, self.name, pos)
            cols = len(x[0])
            if cols < 1:
                raise PFARuntimeException("too few rows/cols", self.errcodeBase + 0, self.name, pos)
            if raggedArray(x):
                raise PFARuntimeException("ragged columns", self.errcodeBase + 1, self.name, pos)
            if rows != cols:
                raise PFARuntimeException("non-square matrix", self.errcodeBase + 2, self.name, pos)
            return all(all(self.same(x[i][j], x[j][i], tol) for j in range(cols)) for i in range(rows))

        elif isinstance(x, dict) and all(isinstance(x[i], dict) for i in x.keys()):
            keys = list(rowKeys(x).union(colKeys(x)))
            if len(keys) < 1 or all(len(row) == 0 for row in x.values()):
                raise PFARuntimeException("too few rows/cols", self.errcodeBase + 0, self.name, pos)
            return all(all(self.same(x.get(i, {}).get(j, 0.0), x.get(j, {}).get(i, 0.0), tol) for j in keys) for i in keys)
Example #4
class Tester(LibFcn):
    sig = Sigs([
            "x": P.Bytes()
        }], P.Boolean()),
            "x": P.String()
        }], P.Boolean())
    codec = None

    def __call__(self, state, scope, pos, paramTypes, x):
        if paramTypes[0] == "bytes" or paramTypes[0] == {"type": "bytes"}:
                codecs.decode(x, self.codec, "strict")
            except UnicodeDecodeError:
                return False
                return True
                codecs.encode(x, self.codec, "strict")
            except UnicodeEncodeError:
                return False
                return True
Example #5
class IsNum(LibFcn):
    name = prefix + "isnum"
    sig = Sigs([Sig([{"x": P.Float()}], P.Boolean()),
                Sig([{"x": P.Double()}], P.Boolean())])
    errcodeBase = 21040
    def __call__(self, state, scope, pos, paramTypes, x):
        return not math.isnan(x) and not math.isinf(x)
Example #6
class KleeneOr(LibFcn):
    name = "|||"
    sig = Sig([{
        "x": P.Union([P.Boolean(), P.Null()])
    }, {
        "y": P.Union([P.Boolean(), P.Null()])
    }], P.Union([P.Boolean(), P.Null()]))
    errcodeBase = 18230

    def genpy(self, paramTypes, args, pos):
        return """self.f["|||"](state, scope, {0}, {1}, lambda: ({2}), lambda: ({3}))""".format(
            *([repr(pos), repr(paramTypes)] + args))

    def __call__(self, state, scope, pos, paramTypes, x, y):
        xval = x()
        if xval is True or xval == {"boolean": True}:
            return {"boolean": True}
        yval = y()
        if yval is True or yval == {"boolean": True}:
            return {"boolean": True}
        elif (xval is False or xval == {
                "boolean": False
        }) and (yval is False or yval == {
                "boolean": False
            return {"boolean": False}
            return None
Example #7
class LogicalXOr(LibFcn):
    name = "^^"
    sig = Sig([{"x": P.Boolean()}, {"y": P.Boolean()}], P.Boolean())
    errcodeBase = 18200

    def __call__(self, state, scope, pos, paramTypes, x, y):
        return (x or y) and not (x and y)
Example #8
class ContainsValue(LibFcn):
    name = prefix + "containsValue"
    sig = Sigs([
            "m": P.Map(P.Wildcard("A"))
        }, {
            "value": P.Wildcard("A")
        }], P.Boolean()),
            "m": P.Map(P.Wildcard("A"))
        }, {
            "fcn": P.Fcn([P.Wildcard("A")], P.Boolean())
        }], P.Boolean())
    errcodeBase = 26040

    def __call__(self, state, scope, pos, paramTypes, m, value):
        if callable(value):
            for v in m.values():
                if callfcn(state, scope, value, [v]):
                    return True
            return False
            for v in m.values():
                if v == value:
                    return True
            return False
Example #9
class BinarySimilarity(BinaryMetric):
    name = prefix + "binarySimilarity"
    sig = Sig([{
        "x": P.Array(P.Boolean())
    }, {
        "y": P.Array(P.Boolean())
    }, {
        "c00": P.Double()
    }, {
        "c01": P.Double()
    }, {
        "c10": P.Double()
    }, {
        "c11": P.Double()
    }, {
        "d00": P.Double()
    }, {
        "d01": P.Double()
    }, {
        "d10": P.Double()
    }, {
        "d11": P.Double()
    }], P.Double())
    errcodeBase = 28110

    def __call__(self, state, scope, pos, paramTypes, x, y, c00, c01, c10, c11,
                 d00, d01, d10, d11):
        length = len(x)
        if len(y) != length:
            raise PFARuntimeException("dimensions of vectors do not match",
                                      self.errcodeBase + 0, self.name, pos)
        a00, a01, a10, a11 = self.countPairs(x, y)
        return div((c11 * a11 + c10 * a10 + c01 * a01 + c00 * a00),
                   (d11 * a11 + d10 * a10 + d01 * a01 + d00 * a00))
Example #10
class LogicalNot(LibFcn):
    name = "!"
    sig = Sig([{"x": P.Boolean()}], P.Boolean())
    errcodeBase = 18210

    def genpy(self, paramTypes, args, pos):
        return "(not {0})".format(*args)

    def __call__(self, state, scope, pos, paramTypes, x):
        return not x
Example #11
class LogicalOr(LibFcn):
    name = "||"
    sig = Sig([{"x": P.Boolean()}, {"y": P.Boolean()}], P.Boolean())
    errcodeBase = 18190

    def genpy(self, paramTypes, args, pos):
        return "({0} or {1})".format(*args)

    def __call__(self, state, scope, pos, paramTypes, x, y):
        return x or y
Example #12
class Contains(LibFcn):
    name = prefix + "contains"
    sig = Sigs([Sig([{"haystack": P.String()}, {"pattern": P.String()}], P.Boolean()),
                Sig([{"haystack": P.Bytes()},  {"pattern": P.Bytes()}],  P.Boolean())])
    errcodeBase = 35010
    def __call__(self, state, scope, pos, paramTypes, haystack, pattern):
        haystack, pattern, to = convert(haystack, pattern, paramTypes[0])
        re = Regexer(haystack, pattern, self.errcodeBase + 0, self.name, pos)
        out = re.search(0)
        return out
Example #13
class KleeneNot(LibFcn):
    name = "!!!"
    sig = Sig([{
        "x": P.Union([P.Boolean(), P.Null()])
    }], P.Union([P.Boolean(), P.Null()]))
    errcodeBase = 18240

    def __call__(self, state, scope, pos, paramTypes, x):
        if x is True or x == {"boolean": True}:
            return {"boolean": False}
        elif x is False or x == {"boolean": False}:
            return {"boolean": True}
            return None
Example #14
class GreaterThan(LibFcn):
    name = ">"
    sig = Sig([{"x": P.Wildcard("A")}, {"y": P.Wildcard("A")}], P.Boolean())
    errcodeBase = 18120

    def __call__(self, state, scope, pos, paramTypes, x, y):
        return compare(jsonNodeToAvroType(paramTypes[0]), x, y) > 0
Example #15
class Contains(LibFcn):
    name = prefix + "contains"
    sig = Sig([{"haystack": P.String()}, {"needle": P.String()}], P.Boolean())
    errcodeBase = 39030

    def __call__(self, state, scope, pos, paramTypes, haystack, needle):
        return needle in haystack
Example #16
class Tanimoto(BinaryMetric):
    name = prefix + "tanimoto"
    sig = Sig([{
        "x": P.Array(P.Boolean())
    }, {
        "y": P.Array(P.Boolean())
    }], P.Double())
    errcodeBase = 28100

    def __call__(self, state, scope, pos, paramTypes, x, y):
        length = len(x)
        if len(y) != length:
            raise PFARuntimeException("dimensions of vectors do not match",
                                      self.errcodeBase + 0, self.name, pos)
        a00, a01, a10, a11 = self.countPairs(x, y)
        return div((a11 + a00), (a11 + 2 * (a10 + a01) + a00))
Example #17
class EndsWith(LibFcn):
    name = prefix + "endswith"
    sig = Sig([{"haystack": P.String()}, {"needle": P.String()}], P.Boolean())
    errcodeBase = 39080

    def __call__(self, state, scope, pos, paramTypes, haystack, needle):
        return haystack.endswith(needle)
Example #18
class TopN(LibFcn):
    name = prefix + "topN"
    sig = Sig([{
        "x": P.Wildcard("A")
    }, {
        "top": P.Array(P.Wildcard("A"))
    }, {
        "n": P.Int()
    }, {
        P.Fcn([P.Wildcard("A"), P.Wildcard("A")], P.Boolean())
    }], P.Array(P.Wildcard("A")))
    errcodeBase = 14110

    def __call__(self, state, scope, pos, paramTypes, x, top, n, lessThan):
        if n <= 0:
            return []
            index = 0
            for best in top:
                if callfcn(state, scope, lessThan, [best, x]):
                index += 1
            if index == len(top):
                out = top + [x]
                above, below = top[:index], top[index:]
                out = above + [x] + below
            return out[:n]
Example #19
class LessOrEqual(LibFcn):
    name = "<="
    sig = Sig([{"x": P.Wildcard("A")}, {"y": P.Wildcard("A")}], P.Boolean())
    errcodeBase = 18150

    def __call__(self, state, scope, pos, paramTypes, x, y):
        return compare(jsonNodeToAvroType(paramTypes[0]), x, y) <= 0
Example #20
class MissingTest(LibFcn):
    name = prefix + "missingTest"
    sig = Sig([{
        "datum": P.WildRecord("D", {})
    }, {
            "T", {
                "field": P.EnumFields("F", "D"),
                "operator": P.String(),
                "value": P.Wildcard("V")
    }], P.Union([P.Null(), P.Boolean()]))
    errcodeBase = 32010

    def __call__(self, state, scope, pos, paramTypes, datum, comparison):
        #         newDatumTypeFields = [{"name": x["name"], "type": removeNull(x["type"])} if x["name"] == comparison["field"] else x for x in paramTypes[0]["fields"]]
        #         newParamTypes = [dict(paramTypes[0], fields=newDatumTypeFields)] + paramTypes[1:]
        #         return simpleComparison(newParamTypes, datum, comparison, False, state.parser)
        out = simpleComparison(paramTypes, datum, comparison, False,
                               state.parser, self.errcodeBase + 1,
                               self.errcodeBase + 0, self.name, pos)
        if out is True:
            return {"boolean": True}
        elif out is False:
            return {"boolean": False}
            return out
Example #21
class UpdateHoltWintersPeriodic(LibFcn):
    name = prefix + "updateHoltWintersPeriodic"
    sig = Sig([{
        "x": P.Double()
    }, {
        "alpha": P.Double()
    }, {
        "beta": P.Double()
    }, {
        "gamma": P.Double()
    }, {
            "A", {
                "level": P.Double(),
                "trend": P.Double(),
                "cycle": P.Array(P.Double()),
                "multiplicative": P.Boolean()
    }], P.Wildcard("A"))
    errcodeBase = 14050

    def __call__(self, state, scope, pos, paramTypes, x, alpha, beta, gamma,
        if alpha < 0.0 or alpha > 1.0:
            raise PFARuntimeException("alpha out of range",
                                      self.errcodeBase + 0, self.name, pos)
        if beta < 0.0 or beta > 1.0:
            raise PFARuntimeException("beta out of range",
                                      self.errcodeBase + 1, self.name, pos)
        if gamma < 0.0 or gamma > 1.0:
            raise PFARuntimeException("gamma out of range",
                                      self.errcodeBase + 2, self.name, pos)

        level_prev = theState["level"]
        trend_prev = theState["trend"]
        cycle_unrotated = theState["cycle"]
        if len(cycle_unrotated) == 0:
            raise PFARuntimeException("empty cycle", self.errcodeBase + 3,
                                      self.name, pos)
        cycle_rotated = cycle_unrotated[1:] + [cycle_unrotated[0]]
        cycle_prev = cycle_rotated[0]

        if theState["multiplicative"]:
            level = div(alpha * x,
                        cycle_prev) + (1.0 - alpha) * (level_prev + trend_prev)
            trend = beta * (level - level_prev) + (1.0 - beta) * trend_prev
            cycle = div(gamma * x, level) + (1.0 - gamma) * cycle_prev
            level = alpha * (x - cycle_prev) + (1.0 - alpha) * (level_prev +
            trend = beta * (level - level_prev) + (1.0 - beta) * trend_prev
            cycle = gamma * (x - level) + (1.0 - gamma) * cycle_prev

        return dict(theState,
                    cycle=([cycle] + cycle_rotated[1:]))
Example #22
class Corresponds(LibFcn):
    name = prefix + "corresponds"
    sig = Sig([{
        "a": P.Map(P.Wildcard("A"))
    }, {
        "b": P.Map(P.Wildcard("B"))
    }, {
        "fcn": P.Fcn([P.Wildcard("A"), P.Wildcard("B")], P.Boolean())
    }], P.Boolean())
    errcodeBase = 26390

    def __call__(self, state, scope, pos, paramTypes, a, b, fcn):
        aset = set(a.keys())
        bset = set(b.keys())
        if aset != bset:
            return False
            return all(callfcn(state, scope, fcn, [a[k], b[k]]) for k in aset)
Example #23
class In(LibFcn, ObjKey):
    name = prefix + "in"
    sig = Sig([{
        "s": P.Map(P.Wildcard("A"))
    }, {
        "x": P.Wildcard("A")
    }], P.Boolean())
    errcodeBase = 26220

    def __call__(self, state, scope, pos, paramTypes, s, x):
        return self.toKey(x, jsonNodeToAvroType(paramTypes[0]["values"])) in s
Example #24
class IsWeekend(LibFcn):
    name = prefix + "isWeekend"
    sig = Sig([{"ts": P.Double()}, {"zone": P.String()}], P.Boolean())
    errcodeBase = 40160

    def __call__(self, state, scope, pos, paramTypes, ts, zone):
        day = tz(
                tscheck(ts, self.errcodeBase + 1, self.name, pos), UTC()),
            zone, self.errcodeBase + 0, self.name, pos).weekday()
        return day == 5 or day == 6
Example #25
class Disjoint(LibFcn):
    name = prefix + "disjoint"
    sig = Sig([{
        "a": P.Map(P.Wildcard("A"))
    }, {
        "b": P.Map(P.Wildcard("A"))
    }], P.Boolean())
    errcodeBase = 26280

    def __call__(self, state, scope, pos, paramTypes, a, b):
        return len(set(a.keys()).intersection(set(b.keys()))) == 0
Example #26
class Subset(LibFcn):
    name = prefix + "subset"
    sig = Sig([{
        "little": P.Map(P.Wildcard("A"))
    }, {
        "big": P.Map(P.Wildcard("A"))
    }], P.Boolean())
    errcodeBase = 26270

    def __call__(self, state, scope, pos, paramTypes, little, big):
        return all(k in big for k in little.keys())
Example #27
class TakeWhile(LibFcn):
    name = prefix + "takeWhile"
    sig = Sig([{"a": P.Array(P.Wildcard("A"))}, {"fcn": P.Fcn([P.Wildcard("A")], P.Boolean())}], P.Array(P.Wildcard("A")))
    errcodeBase = 15710
    def __call__(self, state, scope, pos, paramTypes, a, fcn):
        out = []
        for x in a:
            if callfcn(state, scope, fcn, [x]):
        return out
Example #28
class DropWhile(LibFcn):
    name = prefix + "dropWhile"
    sig = Sig([{"a": P.Array(P.Wildcard("A"))}, {"fcn": P.Fcn([P.Wildcard("A")], P.Boolean())}], P.Array(P.Wildcard("A")))
    errcodeBase = 15720
    def __call__(self, state, scope, pos, paramTypes, a, fcn):
        i = 0
        for ai in a:
            if callfcn(state, scope, fcn, [ai]):
                i += 1
        return a[i:]
Example #29
class FilterWithKey(LibFcn):
    name = prefix + "filterWithKey"
    sig = Sig([{
        "m": P.Map(P.Wildcard("A"))
    }, {
        "fcn": P.Fcn([P.String(), P.Wildcard("A")], P.Boolean())
    }], P.Map(P.Wildcard("A")))
    errcodeBase = 26320

    def __call__(self, state, scope, pos, paramTypes, m, fcn):
        return dict(
            (k, v) for k, v in m.items() if callfcn(state, scope, fcn, [k, v]))
Example #30
class IsWorkHours(LibFcn):
    name = prefix + "isWorkHours"
    sig = Sig([{"ts": P.Double()}, {"zone": P.String()}], P.Boolean())
    errcodeBase = 40170

    def __call__(self, state, scope, pos, paramTypes, ts, zone):
        dt = tz(
                tscheck(ts, self.errcodeBase + 1, self.name, pos), UTC()),
            zone, self.errcodeBase + 0, self.name, pos)
        day = dt.weekday()
        hour = dt.hour
        return (day != 5 or day != 6) and (hour >= 9 and hour < 17)