def checkWinner(): if (button1['text'] == 'O' and button2['text'] == 'O' and button3['text'] == 'O' or button4['text'] == 'O' and button5['text'] == 'O' and button6['text'] == 'O' or button7['text'] == 'O' and button8['text'] == 'O' and button9['text'] == 'O' or button1['text'] == 'O' and button4['text'] == 'O' and button7['text'] == 'O' or button2['text'] == 'O' and button5['text'] == 'O' and button8['text'] == 'O' or button3['text'] == 'O' and button6['text'] == 'O' and button9['text'] == 'O' or button1['text'] == 'O' and button5['text'] == 'O' and button9['text'] == 'O' or button3['text'] == 'O' and button5['text'] == 'O' and button7['text'] == 'O'): messagebox._show("Winner Winner Chicken Dinner", "Player O is winner") if (button1['text'] == 'X' and button2['text'] == 'X' and button3['text'] == 'X' or button4['text'] == 'X' and button5['text'] == 'X' and button6['text'] == 'X' or button7['text'] == 'X' and button8['text'] == 'X' and button9['text'] == 'X' or button1['text'] == 'X' and button4['text'] == 'X' and button7['text'] == 'X' or button2['text'] == 'X' and button5['text'] == 'X' and button8['text'] == 'X' or button3['text'] == 'X' and button6['text'] == 'X' and button9['text'] == 'X' or button1['text'] == 'X' and button5['text'] == 'X' and button9['text'] == 'X' or button3['text'] == 'X' and button5['text'] == 'X' and button7['text'] == 'X'): messagebox._show("Winner Winner Chicken Dinner", "Player X is winner")
def check_haarcascadefile(): exists = os.path.isfile("haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml") if exists: pass else: mess._show(title='Some file missing', message='Please contact us for help') window.destroy()
def mabout(): messagebox._show( title="About Me", _icon=None, message= " Name: Diptayan Biswas\n Email: [email protected]\n Codechef Handle: diptayan\n Codeforces Handle: kakarotto_sama\n Ratings:\n - 6* at Codechef\n - Expert at Codeforces" )
def Cheack_Login(): db = pymysql.connect(host='', port=3306, user='******', passwd='cla051063', db='abes', charset='utf8') cursor = db.cursor() global id1 id1 = getid() sql = "SELECT id FROM user WHERE id='%s'" % (id1) cursor.execute(sql) result = cursor.fetchone() log = getlog() log1 = "login" if log1 == log: if result and log1 == log: db.close() print(id1) text1 = 'login' Cheack_Log(text1) Borrow_frame() else: msg._show( title='error!', message= 'The user you entered does not exist! Please register first!') else: msg._show(title='error!', message='Please rescan the human face!')
def psw(): label_reset() assure_path_exists("images\mfiles/") exists1 = os.path.isfile("images\mfiles\duinghr.db") if (not exists1): psd = tsd.askstring('Old Password not found', 'Please enter a new password below', show='*') if psd == None: mess._show(title='No Password Entered', message='Password not set!! Please try again') window.destroy conn = sqlite3.connect('images\mfiles\duinghr.db') c = conn.cursor() c.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Studentdetails(NAME TEXT)') c.execute("INSERT INTO StudentDetails VALUES (?)", (psd,)) conn.commit() c.close() conn.close() else: conn = sqlite3.connect('images\mfiles\duinghr.db') c = conn.cursor() c.execute("SELECT * FROM StudentDetails") data = c.fetchall() data = data[0] key = data[0] c.close() conn.close() password = tsd.askstring('Password', 'Enter Password', show='*') window2.grab_set() if (password == key): saveprofile() elif (password == None): pass else: mess._show(title='Wrong Password', message='You have entered wrong password')
def checkWinner(): if (button1['text'] == 'O' and button2['text'] == 'O' and button3['text'] == 'O' or button4['text'] == 'O' and button5['text'] == 'O' and button6['text'] == 'O' or button7['text'] == 'O' and button8['text'] == 'O' and button9['text'] == 'O' or button1['text'] == 'O' and button4['text'] == 'O' and button7['text'] == 'O' or button2['text'] == 'O' and button5['text'] == 'O' and button8['text'] == 'O' or button3['text'] == 'O' and button6['text'] == 'O' and button9['text'] == 'O' or button1['text'] == 'O' and button5['text'] == 'O' and button9['text'] == 'O' or button3['text'] == 'O' and button5['text'] == 'O' and button7['text'] == 'O'): messagebox._show("Winner of Game", "Player O is the Winner") quit() elif (button1['text'] == 'X' and button2['text'] == 'X' and button3['text'] == 'X' or button4['text'] == 'X' and button5['text'] == 'X' and button6['text'] == 'X' or button7['text'] == 'X' and button8['text'] == 'X' and button9['text'] == 'X' or button1['text'] == 'X' and button4['text'] == 'X' and button7['text'] == 'X' or button2['text'] == 'X' and button5['text'] == 'X' and button8['text'] == 'X' or button3['text'] == 'X' and button6['text'] == 'X' and button9['text'] == 'X' or button1['text'] == 'X' and button5['text'] == 'X' and button9['text'] == 'X' or button3['text'] == 'X' and button5['text'] == 'X' and button7['text'] == 'X'): messagebox._show("Winner of Game", "Player X is the Winner") quit()
def save_pass(): assure_path_exists("TrainingImageLabel/") exists1 = os.path.isfile("TrainingImageLabel\psd.txt") if exists1: tf = open("TrainingImageLabel\psd.txt", "r") key = else: master.destroy() new_pas = tsd.askstring('ไม่พบรหัสผ่านเก่า', 'โปรดป้อนรหัสผ่านใหม่ด้านล่าง', show='*') if new_pas == None: mess._show(title='ไม่ได้ใส่รหัสผ่าน', message='ยังไม่ได้กำหนดรหัสผ่าน!! กรุณาใส่ใหม่') else: tf = open("TrainingImageLabel\psd.txt", "w") tf.write(new_pas) mess._show(title='รหัสผ่านลงทะเบียน', message='ลงทะเบียนรหัสผ่านใหม่เรียบร้อยแล้ว !!') return op = (old.get()) newp= (new.get()) nnewp = (nnew.get()) if (op == key): if(newp == nnewp): txf = open("TrainingImageLabel\psd.txt", "w") txf.write(newp) else: mess._show(title='ผิดพลาด', message='ยืนยันรหัสผ่านใหม่อีกครั้ง !!!') return else: mess._show(title='รหัสผ่านผิด', message='กรุณากรอกรหัสผ่านเดิมให้ถูกต้อง') return mess._show(title='เปลี่ยนรหัสผ่านแล้ว', message='เปลี่ยนรหัสผ่านเรียบร้อย !!') master.destroy()
def naruci(): odgovor = "" flag = False velicina = "" vrsta = "" b="" nacinPlacanja="" if varVelicina.get()==1: velicina = "25cm" elif varVelicina.get()==2: velicina = "32cm" elif varVelicina.get()==3: velicina = "50cm" if varVrsta.get()==1: vrsta="Margarita" elif varVrsta.get()==2: vrsta="Quattro Stagione" elif varVrsta.get()==3: vrsta="Funghi" elif varVrsta.get()==4: vrsta = "Vegeteriana" if varKecap.get(): b = "sa kecapom," c="" if varMajonez.get(): c = "sa majonezom," d="" if varOrigano.get(): d = "sa origanom," izbor =c+b+d if varNacin.get()==1: nacinPlacanja = "placanje gotovinom" if varNacin.get()==2: nacinPlacanja="placanje karticom" print(varTelefon.get()) regex = "\w{3}-\w{4}-\w{3}" if not,varTelefon.get()): txtTelefon.configure(bg="red") txtTelefon.update() messagebox._show("Greska pri unosu!","Broj telefona mora biti u formatu 000-0000-000") flag = False else: flag=True if varAdresa.get()=="" or varTelefon.get()=="": messagebox._show("Greska!","Polja za unos adrese i broja telefona moraju biti popunjena!") flag=False if flag==True: porudzbina = "Pica: " + velicina + ", " + vrsta + ", " + izbor + nacinPlacanja + ", " + varAdresa.get() + ", " + varTelefon.get() + ", " + varNapomena.get() messagebox.showinfo("Narudžba", "Naručili ste: " + velicina +", " + vrsta + ", " +izbor + nacinPlacanja + ", " + varAdresa.get() + ", " + varTelefon.get() + ", " + varNapomena.get()) print(porudzbina) s.send(porudzbina.encode()) odgovor = s.recv(1024).decode() lblVreme.config(text=odgovor + "minuta")
def change_req(self, flag): if (self.old.get() == '' or == '' or self.confirm.get() == ''): messagebox._show('Intente llenar todos los campos') else: self.fetch() self.details = self.conn.execute( 'Select nom_dueño, pass, id_cuenta, tipo, balance, estado from cuenta where id_cuenta = ?', (, )) for i in self.details: p = i[1] if self.old.get() == p: if == self.confirm.get(): self.limpiar = Label(self.frame, text='', font=('Courier', 20, 'bold')), y=180, width=380, height=180) self.label = Label(self.frame, text='Pin actualizado', font=('Courier', 10, 'bold')), y=180, width=300, height=100) self.conn.execute( 'Update cuenta set pass = ? where id_cuenta=?', (, self.conn.commit() self.remove_change_pin() messagebox._show('Reinicio', 'Vuelva a ingresar') main.destroy()
def check_haarcascadefile(): exists = os.path.isfile("haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml") if exists: pass else: mess._show(title='หาไฟล์เปรียบเทียบใบหน้าไม่เจอ', message='กรุณาติดต่อที่เบอร์ 01-23456789') window.destroy()
def iptalGoster(): adEntryVeri = adEntry.get() if adEntryVeri != "": msg._show("İptal", "İptal Butonuna Basıldı") adEntry.delete(0, END) else: msg._show("İptal", "İptal Butonuna Basıldı")
def with_trans(self, flag): if (self.amount.get() == ''): d = 'Enter amount' messagebox._show('Transaction Error', d) elif (self.amo < int(self.amount.get())): d = 'Monto supera el balance de la cuenta' messagebox._show('Error transaccional', d) else: self.limpiar = Label(self.frame, text='', font=('Courier', 20, 'bold')), y=180, width=380, height=180) self.label = Label(self.frame, text='Transaccion exitosa', font=('Courier', 10, 'bold')), y=180, width=300, height=100) self.conn.execute( 'Update cuenta set balance = balance-? where id_cuenta=?', (self.amount.get(), self.conn.execute( 'Insert into transaccion (descripcion , estado , fecha , id_Cajero , id_Cuenta, monto) values ("Retiro","aprobado","02/02/2021",1000, ? , ?)', (, self.amount.get())) self.conn.commit() self.last_with() self.entries() self.fetch()
def mabout(): messagebox._show( title="About Me", _icon=None, message= " Name: Pratik Lath\n Email: [email protected]\n Codechef Handle: pratiklath\n Codeforces Handle: pratiklath\n Ratings:\n - 5* at Codechef\n - Expert at Codeforces" )
def save_pass(): assure_path_exists("TrainingImageLabel/") exists1 = os.path.isfile("TrainingImageLabel\psd.txt") if exists1: tf = open("TrainingImageLabel\psd.txt", "r") key = else: master.destroy() new_pas = tsd.askstring('Old Password not found', 'Please enter a new password below', show='*') if new_pas == None: mess._show(title='No Password Entered', message='Password not set!! Please try again') else: tf = open("TrainingImageLabel\psd.txt", "w") tf.write(new_pas) mess._show(title='Password Registered', message='New password was registered successfully!!') return op = (old.get()) newp= (new.get()) nnewp = (nnew.get()) if (op == key): if(newp == nnewp): txf = open("TrainingImageLabel\psd.txt", "w") txf.write(newp) else: mess._show(title='Error', message='Confirm new password again!!!') return else: mess._show(title='Wrong Password', message='Please enter correct old password.') return mess._show(title='Password Changed', message='Password changed successfully!!') master.destroy()
def checkwinner(): if (button1['text'] == 'O' and button2['text'] == 'O' and button3['text'] == 'O' or button4['text'] == 'O' and button5['text'] == 'O' and button6['text'] == 'O' or button7['text'] == 'O' and button8['text'] == 'O' and button9['text'] == 'O' or button1['text'] == 'O' and button4['text'] == 'O' and button7['text'] == 'O' or button2['text'] == 'O' and button5['text'] == 'O' and button8['text'] == 'O' or button3['text'] == 'O' and button6['text'] == 'O' and button9['text'] == 'O' or button1['text'] == 'O' and button5['text'] == 'O' and button9['text'] == 'O' or button3['text'] == 'O' and button5['text'] == 'O' and button7['text'] == 'O'): messagebox._show("Winner is", " PLAYER-O ") elif (button1['text'] == 'X' and button2['text'] == 'X' and button3['text'] == 'X' or button4['text'] == 'X' and button5['text'] == 'X' and button6['text'] == 'X' or button7['text'] == 'X' and button8['text'] == 'X' and button9['text'] == 'X' or button1['text'] == 'X' and button4['text'] == 'X' and button7['text'] == 'X' or button2['text'] == 'X' and button5['text'] == 'X' and button8['text'] == 'X' or button3['text'] == 'X' and button6['text'] == 'X' and button9['text'] == 'X' or button1['text'] == 'X' and button5['text'] == 'X' and button9['text'] == 'X' or button3['text'] == 'X' and button5['text'] == 'X' and button7['text'] == 'X'): messagebox._show("Winner is", " PLAYER-X ")
def mostrar(self): """ Metodo que muestra registros existentes en base de datos """ try: # limpieza de tabla records = self.tree.get_children() for element in records: self.tree.delete(element) # Consiguiendo datos sql_select = 'SELECT * FROM producto ORDER BY id ASC' mibase = mysql.connector.connect(host="localhost", user="******", passwd="", database="base_luciano3") micursor = mibase.cursor() micursor.execute(sql_select) resultado = micursor.fetchall() for fila in resultado: self.tree.insert('', 0, text=fila[0], values=(fila[1], fila[2])) except: messagebox._show(message="Aún no se ha creado una bd")
def checkWinner(): if (button1['text'] == '0' and button2['text'] == '0' and button3['text'] == '0' or button4['text'] == '0' and button5['text'] == '0' and button6['text'] == '0' or button7['text'] == '0' and button8['text'] == '0' and button9['text'] == '0' or button1['text'] == '0' and button4['text'] == '0' and button7['text'] == '0' or button2['text'] == '0' and button5['text'] == '0' and button8['text'] == '0' or button3['text'] == '0' and button6['text'] == '0' and button9['text'] == '0' or button1['text'] == '0' and button5['text'] == '0' and button9['text'] == '0' or button3['text'] == '0' and button5['text'] == '0' and button7['text'] == '0'): messagebox._show("Winnerof Game....*-*", "Player 0 is Winner") elif (button1['text'] == 'X' and button2['text'] == 'X' and button3['text'] == 'X' or button4['text'] == 'X' and button5['text'] == 'X' and button6['text'] == 'X' or button7['text'] == 'X' and button8['text'] == 'X' and button9['text'] == 'X' or button1['text'] == 'X' and button4['text'] == 'X' and button7['text'] == 'X' or button2['text'] == 'X' and button5['text'] == 'X' and button8['text'] == 'X' or button3['text'] == 'X' and button6['text'] == 'X' and button9['text'] == 'X' or button1['text'] == 'X' and button5['text'] == 'X' and button9['text'] == 'X' or button3['text'] == 'X' and button5['text'] == 'X' and button7['text'] == 'X'): messagebox._show("Winnerof Game....*-*", "Player X is Winner")
def clientes(): banco() clientes.delete(*clientes.get_children()) lista = cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM clientes') for data in lista: clientes.insert('', END, values=(data)) messagebox._show('MorenoNet', 'Dados Carregados e Atualizados!')
def check_book(): db = pymysql.connect("localhost", "root", "root", "library") cursor = db.cursor() a = input_book.get() sql = "SELECT * FROM book WHERE bname = '%s'" % (a) cursor.execute(sql) results = cursor.fetchone() if results: root3 = tk.Tk() root3.title('查询到的书') val = "您要查询的书号为:%s" % (results[0]) print2 = tk.Label(root3, text=val) print2.grid(row=1, column=0, padx=10, pady=5) val = "您要查询的书的作者为:%s" % (results[1]) print3 = tk.Label(root3, text=val) print3.grid(row=2, column=0, padx=10, pady=5) val = "您要查询的书的库存量为:%s" % (results[2]) print4 = tk.Label(root3, text=val) print4.grid(row=3, column=0, padx=10, pady=5) val = "您要查询的书名为:%s" % (results[3]) print5 = tk.Label(root3, text=val) print5.grid(row=4, column=0, padx=10, pady=5) val = "您要查询的书的出版日期为:%s" % (results[4]) print6 = tk.Label(root3, text=val) print6.grid(row=5, column=0, padx=10, pady=5) else: msg._show(title='错误', message='没有查到您要查询的记录') db.close()
def btnadd(): b = bidE.get() ba = btitleE.get() bb = bauthorE.get() bc = byearE.get() bd = bsubjectE.get() be = bavicopiesE.get() bf = btotalcopiesE.get() db = pymysql.connect(host="localhost", user="******", password="******", db="test") cursor = db.cursor() ins_book = ( "INSERT INTO test.book_tbl(BookId,Title,Author,Year,Subject,AvailableCopies,TotalCopies) VALUES(" + b + ",' " + ba + " ',' " + bb + " ', " + bc + " ,' " + bd + " '," + be + "," + bf + ");") cursor.execute(ins_book) ms._show("Book ADD", "Successfully Added") db.commit() db.close() if result: print("successfull") else: print("nhi hua")
def add(): name = e1.get() pswd = e2.get() db = pymysql.connect(host="localhost", user="******", password="******", db="test") cursor = db.cursor() find_user = ("INSERT INTO test.login(username,passwords) VALUES(' " + name + " '," + pswd + ");") # find_user = ("DELETE FROM test.login WHERE username = '******';") # find_user = ("UPDATE test.login set passwords = 123456789 where username = '******';") cursor.execute(find_user) ms._show("Signup", "Successfully Added") # print("DATA DELETED") # print("Data UPDATED") db.commit() db.close()
def checkWinner(): if (button1['text'] == 'X' and button2['text'] == 'X' and button3['text'] == 'X' or button4['text'] == 'X' and button5['text'] == 'X' and button6['text'] == 'X' or button7['text'] == 'X' and button8['text'] == 'X' and button9['text'] == 'X' or button1['text'] == 'X' and button4['text'] == 'X' and button7['text'] == 'X' or button2['text'] == 'X' and button5['text'] == 'X' and button8['text'] == 'X' or button3['text'] == 'X' and button6['text'] == 'X' and button9['text'] == 'X' or button1['text'] == 'X' and button5['text'] == 'X' and button9['text'] == 'X' or button3['text'] == 'X' and button5['text'] == 'X' and button7['text'] == 'X'): disableButton() messagebox._show('Winner', p1.get()) if (button1['text'] == 'O' and button2['text'] == 'O' and button3['text'] == 'O' or button4['text'] == 'O' and button5['text'] == 'O' and button6['text'] == 'O' or button7['text'] == 'O' and button8['text'] == 'O' and button9['text'] == 'O' or button1['text'] == 'O' and button4['text'] == 'O' and button7['text'] == 'O' or button2['text'] == 'O' and button5['text'] == 'O' and button8['text'] == 'O' or button3['text'] == 'O' and button6['text'] == 'O' and button9['text'] == 'O' or button1['text'] == 'O' and button5['text'] == 'O' and button9['text'] == 'O' or button3['text'] == 'O' and button5['text'] == 'O' and button7['text'] == 'O'): disableButton() messagebox._show('Winner ', p2.get())
def id_check(a): global id if a == '1': id = manager.entry_name.get() password = manager.entry_key.get() else: id = borrower.entry_name.get() password = borrower.entry_key.get() getid() db = pymysql.connect(host='', port=3306, user='******', passwd='cla051063', db='abes', charset='utf8') cursor = db.cursor() sql = "SELECT password FROM user WHERE id='%s' AND job='%s'" % (id, a) cursor.execute(sql) result = cursor.fetchone() if result: if password == result[0]: success_login(a) else: msg._show(title='error!', message='Wrong account or password input!') else: msg._show( title='error!', message= 'The user you entered does not exist! Please register first!') if a == '1': manager.root1.destroy() elif a == '0': borrower.root1.destroy() db.close() #
def AddToFile(): # check for invalid input try: eval(salary.get()) if (name.get() == ""): raise ValueError('Invalid Input') if (department.get() == ""): raise ValueError('Invalid Input') if (designation.get() == ""): raise ValueError('Invalid Input') if (status.get() == ""): raise ValueError('Invalid Input') except: messagebox._show( "Invalid Input", "Please enter valid inputs. Closing this window.") root.destroy() # adding details to list details.append(name.get() + "\n") details.append(department.get() + "\n") details.append(designation.get() + "\n") details.append(status.get() + "\n") details.append(str(eval(salary.get())) + "\n") with open('db.txt', 'a') as output: # opens file in append mode output.writelines(details) # print list to file messagebox.showinfo("Successful!", "New Record is added successfully!" ) # operation done successfully message root.destroy()
def check(): if (button1['text'] == 'O' and button2['text'] == 'O' and button3['text'] == 'O' or button4['text'] == 'O' and button5['text'] == 'O' and button6['text'] == 'O' or button7['text'] == 'O' and button8['text'] == 'O' and button9['text'] == 'O' or button4['text'] == 'O' and button5['text'] == 'O' and button6['text'] == 'O' or button1['text'] == 'O' and button4['text'] == 'O' and button7['text'] == 'O' or button2['text'] == 'O' and button5['text'] == 'O' and button8['text'] == 'O' or button3['text'] == 'O' and button6['text'] == 'O' and button9['text'] == 'O' or button1['text'] == 'O' and button5['text'] == 'O' and button9['text'] == 'O' or button3['text'] == 'O' and button5['text'] == 'O' and button7['text'] == 'O'): messagebox._show("CONGRATS", "{} is the winner".format(entry1.get())) elif (button1['text'] == 'X' and button2['text'] == 'X' and button3['text'] == 'X' or button4['text'] == 'X' and button5['text'] == 'X' and button6['text'] == 'X' or button7['text'] == 'X' and button8['text'] == 'X' and button9['text'] == 'X' or button4['text'] == 'X' and button5['text'] == 'X' and button6['text'] == 'X' or button1['text'] == 'X' and button4['text'] == 'X' and button7['text'] == 'X' or button2['text'] == 'X' and button5['text'] == 'X' and button8['text'] == 'X' or button3['text'] == 'X' and button6['text'] == 'X' and button9['text'] == 'X' or button1['text'] == 'X' and button5['text'] == 'X' and button9['text'] == 'X' or button3['text'] == 'X' and button5['text'] == 'X' and button7['text'] == 'X'): messagebox._show("CONGRATS","{} is the winner".format(entry2.get()))
def id_check(a): # 检查账号 global id if a == '1': # 在管理员界面下登录,参数是1 # 把账号/密码框框里输入的字符串赋值给id/password id = manager.entry_name.get() password = manager.entry_key.get() else: # 在读者界面下登录,参数是0 id = reader.entry_name.get() password = reader.entry_key.get() getid() # 最后得到id # 连接数据库,root是你数据库的用户名,应该是默认的是root,sunhao2268411762是你数据库的密码,library是你要连接的数据库名字 db = pymysql.connect("localhost", "root", "sunhao2268411762", "library") # 建立游标cursor,这个游标可以类比指针,这样理解比较直观 cursor = db.cursor() sql = "SELECT password FROM user WHERE id='%s' AND job='%s'" % (id, a) cursor.execute(sql) # sql语句被执行 result = cursor.fetchone() # 得到的结果返回给result数组 if result: # 如果查询到了账号存在 if password == result[0]: # result[0]是数组中的第一个结果 success_login(a) # 密码对上了,进入对应的读者/管理员操作界面 else: # 有账号但密码没对上 msg._show(title='错误!', message='账号或密码输入错误!') else: # 没有账号 msg._show(title='错误!', message='您输入的用户不存在!请先注册!') if a == '1': manager.root1.destroy() # 关闭登录小窗口,回到管理员界面 elif a == '0': reader.root1.destroy() db.close() # 查询完一定要关闭数据库啊
def ymlmanip(self): if sys.platform == 'win32': ymloperations.Ymloperations().upload() messagebox._show("Success!", "Model uploaded successfully") else: ymloperations.Ymloperations().download() messagebox._show("Success!", "Model downloaded successfully")
def compare_set(self): arrTargetCard = self.find_match() if arrTargetCard == self.arrCard3: messagebox._show(title="Set", message="Set!") else: messagebox._show(title="Set", message="WRONG.")
def Copy(): password = entry.get() if (len(password) != 0): pyperclip.copy(password) msgbox._show(title="Copied", message="Password Copied to clipboard") else: msgbox.showwarning(title="Empty", message="First Generate a password")
def add(b_id, p_id, num, month, day): #添加图书信息到数据库中 #sql="INSERT INTO book VALUES('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')"% (list.get(),b_name.get(),author.get(),price.get(),amount.get()) db = pymysql.connect("localhost", user_name, pass_word, "booksell") cursor = db.cursor() #cursor.execute(sql) cursor.execute( 'select count,price from book,supplier where book_id = and = ' + b_id.get() + ' and = ' + p_id.get()) res = cursor.fetchone() rest_num = res[0] price_in = res[1] #print(rest_num+int(num.get()),price_in) try: cursor.execute("start transaction") cursor.execute("update book set count = " + str(rest_num + int(num.get())) + ', price_in = ' + str(price_in) + ', price_out=' + str(format(1.2 * float(price_in), '.2f')) + 'where id = ' + b_id.get()) # 添加进货记录 cursor.execute('select num from purchase where id =' + b_id.get() + ' and month=' + month.get() + ' and day=' + day.get() + ' and supplier_id=' + p_id.get()) record_num = cursor.fetchone() #print(record_num) # 如果没有当天的进货记录则创建新的进货记录 if record_num == (): #print(1) cursor.execute("insert into purchase values(" + b_id.get() + ',' + month.get() + ',' + day.get() + ',' + num.get() + ',' + p_id.get() + ")") # 否则直接修改当天的进货记录 else: if record_num[0] + int(num.get()) == 0: #print(2) cursor.execute("delete from purchase where id=" + b_id.get() + " and month=" + month.get() + " and day=" + day.get() + " and supplier_id=" + p_id.get()) else: #print(3) cursor.execute("update purchase set num=" + str(record_num[0] + int(num.get())) + " where id=" + b_id.get() + " and month=" + month.get() + " and day=" + day.get() + " and supplier_id=" + p_id.get()) except: msg._show(title='错误!', message='数据库查询出错!') cursor.execute("rollback") # 出错时需要回滚 db.commit() #这句不可或缺,当我们修改数据完成后必须要确认才能真正作用到数据库里 db.close() msg.showinfo(title='成功!', message='新书已入库!')
def CheckLoss(self): '''Checks if player lost''' self.loser = True self.flagTrack['text'] = '0' messagebox._show('Minesweeper', 'You Lose!', parent=self) for key in self.cells.keys(): if self.cells[key].value == 9: self.cells[key].flagged = False self.cells[key].expose() playagain()
def readConfig(): if platform.system() == "Windows": try: theconfigFile = open('config\\clients.config', 'r') except: window = Tk() window.withdraw() createFolder("config\\") File = open('config\\clients.config', 'a') File.close() messagebox.showinfo("Missing config", "No config Found. Createt an empty one") window.destroy() return else: try: theconfigFile = open('config/clients.config', 'r') except: window = Tk() window.withdraw() createFolder("config/") File = open('config/clients.config', 'a') File.close() messagebox._show("Missing config", "No config Found. Created an empty one") window.destroy() return theConfig = theconfigFile.close() for line in theConfig: if line[0] != " ": phase=0 name="" for char in line: if char=='[' and phase==0: phase=1 elif char != ']': name=name+char createGroup(name) gID = len(theGroup)-1 else: theName = "" theAdress = "" phase = 0 for buchstabe in line: if buchstabe != " " and phase == 0: if buchstabe == ":": phase = 1 else: theName = theName + buchstabe elif buchstabe != " " and phase == 1: theAdress = theAdress + buchstabe addGroupClient(groupID=gID,clientName=theName,clientAddress=theAdress)
def readConfig(self): global gID, gID if platform.system() == "Windows": try: theconfigFile = open('config\\clients.config', 'r') except: window = Tk() window.withdraw() self.createFolder("config\\") File = open('config\\clients.config', 'a') File.close() messagebox.showinfo( "Missing config", "No config Found. Createt an empty one") window.destroy() return else: try: theconfigFile = open('config/clients.config', 'r') except: window = Tk() window.withdraw() self.createFolder("config/") File = open('config/clients.config', 'a') File.close() messagebox._show("Missing config", "No config Found. Created an empty one") window.destroy() return theConfig = theconfigFile.close() for line in theConfig: if line[0] != " ": gID = self.createGroup(line) - 1 else: theName = "" theAdress = "" phase = 0 for buchstabe in line: if buchstabe != " " and phase == 0: if buchstabe == ":": phase = 1 else: theName = theName + buchstabe elif buchstabe != " " and phase == 1: theAdress = theAdress + buchstabe self.addGroupClient(gID, theName, theAdress)
def updateGUI(self): list2 = self.find() for item in list2: y = item[0] x = item[1] tuple = (y,x) label = self.aDict[tuple] label.configure(background = 'yellow') label.configure(fg ='grey') entry = self.e3.get() if len(entry) == 3: if '=-+*/'.find(entry[0]) == -1 and '=-+*/'.find(entry[2]) == -1: value = eval(entry) else: value = False else: messagebox.showwarning(title = 'Invalid input', message = 'Invalid Input') value = False y = 0 counter = 0 for x in self.rows2: if value == False: searchNum = True else: searchNum = int(x[0]) print ( searchNum , 'SearchNum') print ( counter, 'Counter') if value == searchNum: label = self.searchables[counter] label.configure(fg = 'grey') print ( 'label changed!') if self.booleans[counter] == False: self.booleans[counter] = True y += 1 if y == 8: messagebox._show(title = 'congrats', message = ' You have found all the nums!' ) if counter != 9: counter += 1 else: print ('not a match!') counter += 1
def load_intro(): with open("./intro/intro.txt") as f: data = if [ c for c in data if c not in ('o','*','\n')] or len(data) > 1125: warn = messagebox._show("Bad format","You messed up the intro pattern") else: for i in range(len(data)): if data[i] == "*": Cell.cells[i].is_alive = True Cell.cells[i].draw_life()
def load_preset(): """ Loading preset pattern in plaintext from filesystem """ with open("./presets/{}".format(preset_var.get() ) ) as f: data = allowed_chars = ('o','*','\n') if [c for c in data if c not in allowed_chars] or len(data) > 1125: warn = messagebox._show("Bad format","File format is invalid, it should be \nmade of 1125 chars containing 'o' or '*'") else: for i in range(len(data)): if data[i] == "*": Cell.cells[i].is_alive = True Cell.cells[i].draw_life()