Example #1
def insert_and_associate_forced_fits(image_id,successful_fits,successful_ids):
    assert len(successful_ids) == len(successful_fits)

    ms_ids = []

    for idx, id in enumerate(successful_ids):
        if id[0] == 'ff_nd':
        elif id[0] == 'ff_ms':
            raise ValueError("Forced fit type id not recognised:" + id[0])

    if nd_extractions:
        logger.debug("adding null detections")
        dbgen.insert_extracted_sources(image_id, nd_extractions,
        logger.debug("No successful nulldetection fits")

    if ms_extractions:
        dbgen.insert_extracted_sources(image_id, ms_extractions,
        logger.debug("adding monitoring sources")
        logger.debug("No successful monitor fits")
Example #2
def insert_image_and_simulated_sources(dataset,
    Simulates the standard database image-and-source insertion logic using mock

        dataset: The dataset object
        image_params (dict): Contains the image properties.
        mock_sources (list of MockSource): The mock sources to simulate.
        new_source_sigma_margin (float): Parameter passed to source-association
        deruiter_radius (float): Parameter passed to source-association

        3-tuple (image, list of blind extractions, list of forced fits).

    image = tkp.db.Image(data=image_params, dataset=dataset)
    blind_extractions = []
    for src in mock_sources:
        xtr = src.simulate_extraction(image, extraction_type='blind')
        if xtr is not None:
    insert_extracted_sources(image._id, blind_extractions, 'blind')
    nd_ids_posns = nulldetections.get_nulldetections(image.id)
    nd_posns = [(ra, decl) for ids, ra, decl in nd_ids_posns]
    forced_fits = []
    for posn in nd_posns:
        for src in mock_sources:
            eps = 1e-13
            if (math.fabs(posn[0] - src.base_source.ra) < eps
                    and math.fabs(posn[1] - src.base_source.dec) < eps):
                    src.simulate_extraction(image, extraction_type='ff_nd'))
    if len(nd_posns) != len(forced_fits):
        raise LookupError("Something went wrong, nulldetection position did "
                          "not match a mock source.")
    #image.insert_extracted_sources(forced_fits, 'ff_nd')
        ff_runcat_ids=[ids for ids, ra, decl in nd_ids_posns])

    return image, blind_extractions, forced_fits
Example #3
def insert_image_and_simulated_sources(dataset, image_params, mock_sources,
    Simulates the standard database image-and-source insertion logic using mock

        dataset: The dataset object
        image_params (dict): Contains the image properties.
        mock_sources (list of MockSource): The mock sources to simulate.
        new_source_sigma_margin (float): Parameter passed to source-association
        deruiter_radius (float): Parameter passed to source-association

        3-tuple (image, list of blind extractions, list of forced fits).

    image = tkp.db.Image(data=image_params,dataset=dataset)
    for src in mock_sources:
        xtr = src.simulate_extraction(image,extraction_type='blind')
        if xtr is not None:
    nd_ids_posns = nulldetections.get_nulldetections(image.id)
    nd_posns = [(ra,decl) for ids, ra, decl in nd_ids_posns]
    forced_fits = []
    for posn in nd_posns:
        for src in mock_sources:
            eps = 1e-13
            if (math.fabs(posn[0] - src.base_source.ra)<eps and
                        math.fabs(posn[1] - src.base_source.dec)<eps ):
    if len(nd_posns) != len(forced_fits):
        raise LookupError("Something went wrong, nulldetection position did "
                          "not match a mock source.")
    #image.insert_extracted_sources(forced_fits, 'ff_nd')
    dbgen.insert_extracted_sources(image.id, forced_fits, 'ff_nd',
                   ff_runcat_ids=[ids for ids, ra, decl in nd_ids_posns])

    return image, blind_extractions, forced_fits
Example #4
 def test_associate_nd(self):
     Check if associate_nd increments the forcedfits_count column
     e = Extractedsource(zone=1, ra=1, decl=1, uncertainty_ew=1, x=1, y=1,
                         z=1, uncertainty_ns=1, ra_err=1, decl_err=1,
                         ra_fit_err=1, decl_fit_err=1, ew_sys_err=1,
                         ns_sys_err=1, error_radius=1, racosdecl=1,
                         det_sigma=1, f_int=0.01, image=self.empty_image,
                         semimajor=1, semiminor=1, pa=1, f_peak=1,
                         f_peak_err=1, f_int_err=1, chisq=1,
                         reduced_chisq=1, extract_type=FORCED_FIT,
     forcedfits_count_pre = self.runningcatalog1.forcedfits_count
     forcedfits_count_post = self.runningcatalog1.forcedfits_count
     self.assertEqual(forcedfits_count_pre + 1, forcedfits_count_post)
Example #5
 def test_associate_nd(self):
     Check if associate_nd increments the forcedfits_count column
     e = Extractedsource(zone=1, ra=1, decl=1, uncertainty_ew=1, x=1, y=1,
                         z=1, uncertainty_ns=1, ra_err=1, decl_err=1,
                         ra_fit_err=1, decl_fit_err=1, ew_sys_err=1,
                         ns_sys_err=1, error_radius=1, racosdecl=1,
                         det_sigma=1, f_int=0.01, image=self.empty_image,
                         semimajor=1, semiminor=1, pa=1, f_peak=1,
                         f_peak_err=1, f_int_err=1, chisq=1,
                         reduced_chisq=1, extract_type=FORCED_FIT,
     forcedfits_count_pre = self.runningcatalog1.forcedfits_count
     forcedfits_count_post = self.runningcatalog1.forcedfits_count
     self.assertEqual(forcedfits_count_pre + 1, forcedfits_count_post)
Example #6
def insert_and_associate_forced_fits(image_id, successful_fits,
    assert len(successful_ids) == len(successful_fits)

    nd_extractions = []
    nd_runcats = []

    ms_extractions = []
    ms_ids = []

    for idx, id in enumerate(successful_ids):
        if id[0] == 'ff_nd':
        elif id[0] == 'ff_ms':
            raise ValueError("Forced fit type id not recognised:" + id[0])

    if nd_extractions:
        logger.info("adding null detections")
        logger.info("No successful nulldetection fits")

    if ms_extractions:
        logger.info("adding monitoring sources")
        logger.info("No successful monitor fits")
Example #7
    def test_m2m_nullDetection(self):
        This tests that two sources (close-by to be associated if they were
        detected at different timesteps) which are not seen in the next
        image and thus have forced fits, will have separate light curves.
        The postions are from the previous test.
        data = {'description': "null detection:" + self._testMethodName}
        dataset = DataSet(data=data)

        # Three timesteps, just 1 band -> 3 images.
        taustart_tss = [
            datetime.datetime(2013, 8, 1),
            datetime.datetime(2013, 9, 1),
            datetime.datetime(2013, 10, 1)
        freq_effs = [124]
        freq_effs = [f * 1e6 for f in freq_effs]

        im_params = db_subs.generate_timespaced_dbimages_data(
            len(freq_effs) * len(taustart_tss))
        timestamps = itertools.repeat(taustart_tss, len(freq_effs))

        for im, freq, ts in zip(
                im_params, itertools.cycle(freq_effs),
            im['freq_eff'] = freq
            im['taustart_ts'] = ts

        images = []
        for im in im_params:
            image = tkp.db.Image(dataset=dataset, data=im)

        # Arbitrary parameters, except that they fall inside our image
        # and close together (see previous test)
        src0 = db_subs.example_extractedsource_tuple(ra=122.985, dec=10.5)
        src1 = db_subs.example_extractedsource_tuple(ra=123.015, dec=10.5)

        # Group images in blocks of 4, corresponding to all frequency bands at
        # a given timestep.
        for images in zip(*(iter(images), ) * len(freq_effs)):
            for image in images:
                # The sources are only seen at timestep 0
                if (image.taustart_ts == taustart_tss[0]):
                    dbgen.insert_extracted_sources(image.id, [src0, src1],

            for image in images:
                nd_ids_pos = dbnd.get_nulldetections(image.id)
                # The null_detections are the positional inputs for the forced
                # fits, which on their turn return additional parameters,
                # e.g. from src0, src1
                if image.taustart_ts == taustart_tss[0]:
                    # There are no null detections at the first timestep
                    self.assertEqual(len(nd_ids_pos), 0)
                elif image.taustart_ts == taustart_tss[1]:
                    # src0 & src1 are null detections at the second timestep
                    self.assertEqual(len(nd_ids_pos), 2)
                        image.id, [src0, src1],
                        ff_runcat_ids=[ids for ids, ra, decl in nd_ids_pos])
                    # All other images have two null detections.
                    self.assertEqual(len(nd_ids_pos), 2)
                        image.id, [src0, src1],
                        ff_runcat_ids=[ids for ids, ra, decl in nd_ids_pos])

                # And here we have to associate the null detections with the
                # runcat sources...

        query = """\
        SELECT id
        FROM runningcatalog r
        WHERE dataset = %(dataset_id)s
        ORDER BY datapoints
        cursor = tkp.db.execute(query, {'dataset_id': dataset.id})
        result = cursor.fetchall()

        # We should have two runningcatalog sources, with a datapoint for
        # every image in which the sources were seen.
        self.assertEqual(len(result), 2)

        query = """\
        SELECT r.id
          FROM runningcatalog r
              ,runningcatalog_flux rf
         WHERE r.dataset = %(dataset_id)s
           AND rf.runcat = r.id
        ORDER BY r.id
        cursor = tkp.db.execute(query, {'dataset_id': dataset.id})
        result = cursor.fetchall()

        # We should have two runningcatalog_flux entries,
        # one for every source in the band, i.e. 2 x 1.
        self.assertEqual(len(result), 2)

        # Source 0: inserted into timestep 0.
        # Force-fits in images at next timesteps,
        # so 1+2 for band 0.
        self.assertEqual(result[0][2], 3)

        # Source 1: inserted into timestep 0
        # Force-fits in images at next timesteps.
        # so 1+2 for bands 0
        self.assertEqual(result[1][2], 3)
        #self.assertEqual(result[2][2], 2)
        #self.assertEqual(result[3][2], 2)

        # We should also have two lightcurves for both sources,
        # where source 1 has 3 datapoints in band0 (t1,t2,t3).
        # Source 2 also has 3 datapoints for band0 (t1,t2,t3).
        query = """\
        SELECT a.runcat
          FROM assocxtrsource a
              ,extractedsource x
              ,image i
         WHERE a.xtrsrc = x.id
           AND x.image = i.id
           AND i.dataset = %(dataset_id)s
        ORDER BY a.runcat
        cursor = tkp.db.execute(query, {'dataset_id': dataset.id})
        result = cursor.fetchall()

        # 3 + 3 entries for source 0 and 1 resp.
        self.assertEqual(len(result), 6)

        # The individual light-curve datapoints
        # Source1: new at t1, band0
        self.assertEqual(result[0][2], 4)
        self.assertEqual(result[0][4], taustart_tss[0])

        # Source1: Forced fit at t2, same band
        self.assertEqual(result[1][2], 7)
        self.assertEqual(result[1][3], result[0][3])
        self.assertEqual(result[1][4], taustart_tss[1])

        # Source1: Forced fit at t3, same band
        self.assertEqual(result[2][2], 7)
        self.assertEqual(result[2][3], result[1][3])
        self.assertEqual(result[2][4], taustart_tss[2])

        # Source2: new at t1, band0
        self.assertEqual(result[3][2], 4)
        self.assertEqual(result[3][3], result[1][3])
        self.assertEqual(result[3][4], taustart_tss[0])

        # Source2: Forced fit at t2, band0
        self.assertEqual(result[4][2], 7)
        self.assertEqual(result[4][3], result[3][3])
        self.assertEqual(result[4][4], taustart_tss[1])

        # Source2: Forced fit at t3, band0
        self.assertEqual(result[5][2], 7)
        self.assertEqual(result[5][3], result[4][3])
        self.assertEqual(result[5][4], taustart_tss[2])
Example #8
    def test_nullDetection(self):
        data = {'description': "null detection:" + self._testMethodName}
        dataset = DataSet(data=data)

        # Three timesteps, each with 4 bands -> 12 images.
        taustart_tss = [
            datetime.datetime(2013, 8, 1),
            datetime.datetime(2013, 9, 1),
            datetime.datetime(2013, 10, 1)
        freq_effs = [124, 149, 156, 185]
        freq_effs = [f * 1e6 for f in freq_effs]

        im_params = db_subs.generate_timespaced_dbimages_data(
            len(freq_effs) * len(taustart_tss))
        timestamps = itertools.repeat(taustart_tss, len(freq_effs))

        for im, freq, ts in zip(
                im_params, itertools.cycle(freq_effs),
            im['freq_eff'] = freq
            im['taustart_ts'] = ts

        images = []
        for im in im_params:
            image = tkp.db.Image(dataset=dataset, data=im)

        # Arbitrary parameters, except that they fall inside our image.
        src0 = db_subs.example_extractedsource_tuple(ra=122.5, dec=9.5)
        src1 = db_subs.example_extractedsource_tuple(ra=123.5, dec=10.5)

        # Group images in blocks of 4, corresponding to all frequency bands at
        # a given timestep.
        for images in zip(*(iter(images), ) * len(freq_effs)):
            for image in images:
                # The first source is only seen at timestep 0, band 0.
                # The second source is only seen at timestep 1, band 3.
                if (image.taustart_ts == taustart_tss[0]
                        and image.freq_eff == freq_effs[0]):
                    dbgen.insert_extracted_sources(image.id, [src0], 'blind')
                elif (image.taustart_ts == taustart_tss[1]
                      and image.freq_eff == freq_effs[3]):
                    dbgen.insert_extracted_sources(image.id, [src1], 'blind')

            for image in images:
                nd_ids_pos = dbnd.get_nulldetections(image.id)
                # The null_detections are the positional inputs for the forced
                # fits, which on their turn return additional parameters,
                # e.g. from src0, src1
                if image.taustart_ts == taustart_tss[0]:
                    # There are no null detections at the first timestep
                    self.assertEqual(len(nd_ids_pos), 0)
                elif image.taustart_ts == taustart_tss[1]:
                    # src0 is a null detection at the second timestep
                    self.assertEqual(len(nd_ids_pos), 1)
                        image.id, [src0],
                        ff_runcat_ids=[ids for ids, ra, decl in nd_ids_pos])
                    # All other images have two null detections.
                    self.assertEqual(len(nd_ids_pos), 2)
                        image.id, [src0, src1],
                        ff_runcat_ids=[ids for ids, ra, decl in nd_ids_pos])

                # And here we have to associate the null detections with the
                # runcat sources...

        query = """\
        SELECT id
        FROM runningcatalog r
        WHERE dataset = %(dataset_id)s
        ORDER BY datapoints
        cursor = tkp.db.execute(query, {'dataset_id': dataset.id})
        result = cursor.fetchall()

        # We should have two runningcatalog sources, with a datapoint for
        # every image in which the sources were seen.
        self.assertEqual(len(result), 2)

        query = """\
        SELECT r.id
          FROM runningcatalog r
              ,runningcatalog_flux rf
         WHERE r.dataset = %(dataset_id)s
           AND rf.runcat = r.id
        ORDER BY r.id
        cursor = tkp.db.execute(query, {'dataset_id': dataset.id})
        result = cursor.fetchall()

        # We should have eight runningcatalog_flux entries,
        # one for every source in every band, i.e. 2 x 4.
        # The number of flux datapoints differ per source, though
        self.assertEqual(len(result), 8)

        # Source 1: inserted into timestep 0, band 0.
        # Force-fits in band 0 images at next timesteps,
        # so 1+2 for band 0.
        self.assertEqual(result[0][2], 3)

        # Source 1: inserted into timestep 0, band 0.
        # Force-fits in bands 1,2,3 images at next timesteps.
        # so 0+2 for bands 1,2,3.
        self.assertEqual(result[1][2], 2)
        self.assertEqual(result[2][2], 2)
        self.assertEqual(result[3][2], 2)

        # Source 2: inserted into timestep 1, band 3.
        # Force-fits in band 0,1,2 images at next timestep,
        # so 1 for band 0,1,2
        self.assertEqual(result[4][2], 1)
        self.assertEqual(result[5][2], 1)
        self.assertEqual(result[6][2], 1)

        # Source 2: inserted into timestep 1, band 3.
        # Force-fit in band 3 image at next timestep,
        # so 1+1 for band 3
        self.assertEqual(result[7][2], 2)

        # We should also have two lightcurves for both sources,
        # where source 1 has 3 datapoints in band0 (t1,t2,t3)
        # and 2 datapoints for the other three bands (t2,t3).
        # Source 2 has two datapoints for band3 (t2,t3) and
        # one for the other three bands (t3).
        query = """\
        SELECT a.runcat
          FROM assocxtrsource a
              ,extractedsource x
              ,image i
         WHERE a.xtrsrc = x.id
           AND x.image = i.id
           AND i.dataset = %(dataset_id)s
        ORDER BY a.runcat
        cursor = tkp.db.execute(query, {'dataset_id': dataset.id})
        result = cursor.fetchall()

        # 9 + 5 entries for source 1 and 2 resp.
        self.assertEqual(len(result), 14)

        # The individual light-curve datapoints
        # Source1: new at t1, band0
        self.assertEqual(result[0][2], 4)
        self.assertEqual(result[0][4], taustart_tss[0])

        # Source1: Forced fit at t2, same band
        self.assertEqual(result[1][2], 7)
        self.assertEqual(result[1][3], result[0][3])
        self.assertEqual(result[1][4], taustart_tss[1])

        # Source1: Forced fit at t3, same band
        self.assertEqual(result[2][2], 7)
        self.assertEqual(result[2][3], result[1][3])
        self.assertEqual(result[2][4], taustart_tss[2])

        # Source1: Forced fit at t2, band1
        self.assertEqual(result[3][2], 7)
        self.assertTrue(result[3][3] > result[2][3])
        self.assertEqual(result[3][4], taustart_tss[1])

        # Source1: Forced fit at t3, band1
        self.assertEqual(result[4][2], 7)
        self.assertEqual(result[4][3], result[3][3])
        self.assertEqual(result[4][4], taustart_tss[2])

        # Source1: Forced fit at t2, band2
        self.assertEqual(result[5][2], 7)
        self.assertTrue(result[5][3] > result[4][3])
        self.assertEqual(result[5][4], taustart_tss[1])

        # Source1: Forced fit at t3, band2
        self.assertEqual(result[6][2], 7)
        self.assertEqual(result[6][3], result[5][3])
        self.assertEqual(result[6][4], taustart_tss[2])

        # Source1: Forced fit at t2, band3
        self.assertEqual(result[7][2], 7)
        self.assertTrue(result[7][3] > result[6][3])
        self.assertEqual(result[7][4], taustart_tss[1])

        # Source1: Forced fit at t3, band3
        self.assertEqual(result[8][2], 7)
        self.assertEqual(result[8][3], result[7][3])
        self.assertEqual(result[8][4], taustart_tss[2])

        # Source2: Forced fit at t3, band0
        self.assertEqual(result[9][2], 7)
        self.assertEqual(result[9][3], result[0][3])
        self.assertEqual(result[9][4], taustart_tss[2])

        # Source2: Forced fit at t3, band1
        self.assertEqual(result[10][2], 7)
        self.assertTrue(result[10][3] > result[9][3])
        self.assertEqual(result[10][4], taustart_tss[2])

        # Source2: Forced fit at t3, band2
        self.assertEqual(result[11][2], 7)
        self.assertTrue(result[11][3] > result[10][3])
        self.assertEqual(result[11][4], taustart_tss[2])

        # Source2: new at t2, band3
        self.assertEqual(result[12][2], 4)
        self.assertTrue(result[12][3] > result[11][3])
        self.assertEqual(result[12][4], taustart_tss[1])

        # Source2: Forced fit at t3, band3
        self.assertEqual(result[13][2], 7)
        self.assertEqual(result[13][3], result[12][3])
        self.assertEqual(result[13][4], taustart_tss[2])
Example #9
File: main.py Project: hughbg/tkp
def run(job_name, mon_coords, local=False):
    pipe_config = initialize_pipeline_config(
        os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "pipeline.cfg"),

    debug = pipe_config.logging.debug
    #Setup logfile before we do anything else
    log_dir = pipe_config.logging.log_dir
    setup_log_file(log_dir, debug)

    job_dir = pipe_config.DEFAULT.job_directory
    if not os.access(job_dir, os.X_OK):
        msg = "can't access job folder %s" % job_dir
        raise IOError(msg)
    logger.info("Job dir: %s", job_dir)

    db_config = get_database_config(pipe_config.database, apply=True)
    dump_database_backup(db_config, job_dir)

    job_config = load_job_config(pipe_config)
    se_parset = job_config.source_extraction
    deruiter_radius = job_config.association.deruiter_radius

    all_images = imp.load_source('images_to_process',

    logger.info("dataset %s contains %s images" % (job_name, len(all_images)))

    logger.info("performing database consistency check")
    if not dbconsistency.check():
        logger.error("Inconsistent database found; aborting")
        return 1

    dataset_id = create_dataset(job_config.persistence.dataset_id,

    if job_config.persistence.dataset_id == -1:
        store_config(job_config, dataset_id)  # new data set
        job_config_from_db = fetch_config(dataset_id)  # existing data set
        if check_job_configs_match(job_config, job_config_from_db):
            logger.debug("Job configs from file / database match OK.")
            logger.warn("Job config file has changed since dataset was "
                        "first loaded into database. ")
            logger.warn("Using job config settings loaded from database, see "
                        "log dir for details")
        job_config = job_config_from_db

    dump_configs_to_logdir(log_dir, job_config, pipe_config)

    logger.info("performing persistence step")
    image_cache_params = pipe_config.image_cache
    imgs = [[img] for img in all_images]
    metadatas = runner(tasks.persistence_node_step, imgs, [image_cache_params],
    metadatas = [m[0] for m in metadatas]

    logger.info("Storing images")
    image_ids = store_images(metadatas,

    db_images = [Image(id=image_id) for image_id in image_ids]

    logger.info("performing quality check")
    urls = [img.url for img in db_images]
    arguments = [job_config]
    rejecteds = runner(tasks.quality_reject_check, urls, arguments, local)

    good_images = []
    for image, rejected in zip(db_images, rejecteds):
        if rejected:
            reason, comment = rejected
            steps.quality.reject_image(image.id, reason, comment)

    if not good_images:
        logger.warn("No good images under these quality checking criteria")

    grouped_images = group_per_timestep(good_images)
    timestep_num = len(grouped_images)
    for n, (timestep, images) in enumerate(grouped_images):
        msg = "processing %s images in timestep %s (%s/%s)"
        logger.info(msg % (len(images), timestep, n+1, timestep_num))

        logger.info("performing source extraction")
        urls = [img.url for img in images]
        arguments = [se_parset]
        extract_sources = runner(tasks.extract_sources, urls, arguments, local)

        logger.info("storing extracted to database")
        for image, sources in zip(images, extract_sources):
            dbgen.insert_extracted_sources(image.id, sources, 'blind')

        logger.info("performing database operations")
        for image in images:
            logger.info("performing DB operations for image %s" % image.id)

            logger.info("performing source association")
            logger.info("performing null detections")
            null_detections = dbnd.get_nulldetections(image.id)
            logger.info("Found %s null detections" % len(null_detections))
            # Only if we found null_detections the next steps are necessary
            if len(null_detections) > 0:
                logger.info("performing forced fits")
                ff_nd = forced_fits(image.url, null_detections, se_parset)
                dbgen.insert_extracted_sources(image.id, ff_nd, 'ff_nd')
                logger.info("adding null detections")
            if len(mon_coords) > 0:
                logger.info("performing monitoringlist")
                ff_ms = forced_fits(image.url, mon_coords, se_parset)
                dbgen.insert_extracted_sources(image.id, ff_ms, 'ff_ms')
                logger.info("adding monitoring sources")
            transients = search_transients(image.id,
Example #10
    def test_nullDetection(self):
        data = {'description': "null detection:" + self._testMethodName}
        dataset = DataSet(data=data)

        # Three timesteps, each with 4 bands -> 12 images.
        taustart_tss = [datetime.datetime(2013, 8, 1),
                        datetime.datetime(2013, 9, 1),
                        datetime.datetime(2013, 10, 1)]
        freq_effs = [124, 149, 156, 185]
        freq_effs = [f * 1e6 for f in freq_effs]

        im_params = db_subs.example_dbimage_datasets(len(freq_effs)
                                                     * len(taustart_tss))
        timestamps = itertools.repeat(taustart_tss, len(freq_effs))

        for im, freq, ts in zip(im_params, itertools.cycle(freq_effs),
            im['freq_eff'] = freq
            im['taustart_ts'] = ts

        images = []
        for im in im_params:
            image = tkp.db.Image(dataset=dataset, data=im)

        # Arbitrary parameters, except that they fall inside our image.
        src0 = db_subs.example_extractedsource_tuple(ra=122.5, dec=9.5)
        src1 = db_subs.example_extractedsource_tuple(ra=123.5, dec=10.5)

        # Group images in blocks of 4, corresponding to all frequency bands at
        # a given timestep.
        for images in zip(*(iter(images),) * len(freq_effs)):
            for image in images:
                # The first source is only seen at timestep 0, band 0.
                # The second source is only seen at timestep 1, band 3.
                if (image.taustart_ts == taustart_tss[0] and
                            image.freq_eff == freq_effs[0]):
                    dbgen.insert_extracted_sources(image.id, [src0], 'blind')
                elif (image.taustart_ts == taustart_tss[1] and
                      image.freq_eff == freq_effs[3]):
                    dbgen.insert_extracted_sources(image.id, [src1], 'blind')

            for image in images:
                dbass.associate_extracted_sources(image.id, deRuiter_r=5.68)
                null_detections = dbnd.get_nulldetections(image.id)
                # The null_detections are the positional inputs for the forced
                #  fits, which on their turn return additional parameters,
                # e.g. from src0, src1
                if image.taustart_ts == taustart_tss[0]:
                    # There are no null detections at the first timestep
                    self.assertEqual(len(null_detections), 0)
                elif image.taustart_ts == taustart_tss[1]:
                    # src0 is a null detection at the second timestep
                    self.assertEqual(len(null_detections), 1)
                    dbgen.insert_extracted_sources(image.id, [src0], 'ff_nd')
                    # All other images have two null detections.
                    self.assertEqual(len(null_detections), 2)
                    dbgen.insert_extracted_sources(image.id, [src0, src1],

                # And here we have to associate the null detections with the
                # runcat sources...

        query = """\
        SELECT id
        FROM runningcatalog r
        WHERE dataset = %(dataset_id)s
        ORDER BY datapoints
        cursor = tkp.db.execute(query, {'dataset_id': dataset.id})
        result = cursor.fetchall()

        # We should have two runningcatalog sources, with a datapoint for
        # every image in which the sources were seen.
        self.assertEqual(len(result), 2)

        query = """\
        SELECT r.id
          FROM runningcatalog r
              ,runningcatalog_flux rf
         WHERE r.dataset = %(dataset_id)s
           AND rf.runcat = r.id
        ORDER BY r.id
        cursor = tkp.db.execute(query, {'dataset_id': dataset.id})
        result = cursor.fetchall()

        # We should have eight runningcatalog_flux entries,
        # one for every source in every band, i.e. 2 x 4.
        # The number of flux datapoints differ per source, though
        self.assertEqual(len(result), 8)

        # Source 1: inserted into timestep 0, band 0.
        # Force-fits in band 0 images at next timesteps,
        # so 1+2 for band 0.
        self.assertEqual(result[0][2], 3)

        # Source 1: inserted into timestep 0, band 0.
        # Force-fits in bands 1,2,3 images at next timesteps.
        # so 0+2 for bands 1,2,3.
        self.assertEqual(result[1][2], 2)
        self.assertEqual(result[2][2], 2)
        self.assertEqual(result[3][2], 2)

        # Source 2: inserted into timestep 1, band 3.
        # Force-fits in band 0,1,2 images at next timestep,
        # so 1 for band 0,1,2
        self.assertEqual(result[4][2], 1)
        self.assertEqual(result[5][2], 1)
        self.assertEqual(result[6][2], 1)

        # Source 2: inserted into timestep 1, band 3.
        # Force-fit in band 3 image at next timestep,
        # so 1+1 for band 3
        self.assertEqual(result[7][2], 2)

        # We should also have two lightcurves for both sources,
        # where source 1 has 3 datapoints in band0 (t1,t2,t3)
        # and 2 datapoints for the other three bands (t2,t3).
        # Source 2 has two datapoints for band3 (t2,t3) and
        # one for the other three bands (t3).
        query = """\
        SELECT a.runcat
          FROM assocxtrsource a
              ,extractedsource x
              ,image i
         WHERE a.xtrsrc = x.id
           AND x.image = i.id
           AND i.dataset = %(dataset_id)s
        ORDER BY a.runcat
        cursor = tkp.db.execute(query, {'dataset_id': dataset.id})
        result = cursor.fetchall()

        # 9 + 5 entries for source 1 and 2 resp.
        self.assertEqual(len(result), 14)

        # The individual light-curve datapoints
        # Source1: new at t1, band0
        self.assertEqual(result[0][2], 4)
        self.assertEqual(result[0][4], taustart_tss[0])

        # Source1: Forced fit at t2, same band
        self.assertEqual(result[1][2], 7)
        self.assertEqual(result[1][3], result[0][3])
        self.assertEqual(result[1][4], taustart_tss[1])

        # Source1: Forced fit at t3, same band
        self.assertEqual(result[2][2], 7)
        self.assertEqual(result[2][3], result[1][3])
        self.assertEqual(result[2][4], taustart_tss[2])

        # Source1: Forced fit at t2, band1
        self.assertEqual(result[3][2], 7)
        self.assertTrue(result[3][3] > result[2][3])
        self.assertEqual(result[3][4], taustart_tss[1])

        # Source1: Forced fit at t3, band1
        self.assertEqual(result[4][2], 7)
        self.assertEqual(result[4][3], result[3][3])
        self.assertEqual(result[4][4], taustart_tss[2])

        # Source1: Forced fit at t2, band2
        self.assertEqual(result[5][2], 7)
        self.assertTrue(result[5][3] > result[4][3])
        self.assertEqual(result[5][4], taustart_tss[1])

        # Source1: Forced fit at t3, band2
        self.assertEqual(result[6][2], 7)
        self.assertEqual(result[6][3], result[5][3])
        self.assertEqual(result[6][4], taustart_tss[2])

        # Source1: Forced fit at t2, band3
        self.assertEqual(result[7][2], 7)
        self.assertTrue(result[7][3] > result[6][3])
        self.assertEqual(result[7][4], taustart_tss[1])

        # Source1: Forced fit at t3, band3
        self.assertEqual(result[8][2], 7)
        self.assertEqual(result[8][3], result[7][3])
        self.assertEqual(result[8][4], taustart_tss[2])

        # Source2: Forced fit at t3, band0
        self.assertEqual(result[9][2], 7)
        self.assertEqual(result[9][3], result[0][3])
        self.assertEqual(result[9][4], taustart_tss[2])

        # Source2: Forced fit at t3, band1
        self.assertEqual(result[10][2], 7)
        self.assertTrue(result[10][3] > result[9][3])
        self.assertEqual(result[10][4], taustart_tss[2])

        # Source2: Forced fit at t3, band2
        self.assertEqual(result[11][2], 7)
        self.assertTrue(result[11][3] > result[10][3])
        self.assertEqual(result[11][4], taustart_tss[2])

        # Source2: new at t2, band3
        self.assertEqual(result[12][2], 4)
        self.assertTrue(result[12][3] > result[11][3])
        self.assertEqual(result[12][4], taustart_tss[1])

        # Source2: Forced fit at t3, band3
        self.assertEqual(result[13][2], 7)
        self.assertEqual(result[13][3], result[12][3])
        self.assertEqual(result[13][4], taustart_tss[2])
Example #11
    def test_m2m_nullDetection(self):
        This tests that two sources (close-by to be associated if they were
        detected at different timesteps) which are not seen in the next
        image and thus have forced fits, will have separate light curves.
        The postions are from the previous test.
        data = {'description': "null detection:" + self._testMethodName}
        dataset = DataSet(data=data)

        # Three timesteps, just 1 band -> 3 images.
        taustart_tss = [datetime.datetime(2013, 8, 1),
                        datetime.datetime(2013, 9, 1),
                        datetime.datetime(2013, 10, 1)]
        freq_effs = [124]
        freq_effs = [f * 1e6 for f in freq_effs]

        im_params = db_subs.generate_timespaced_dbimages_data(len(freq_effs)
                                                     * len(taustart_tss))
        timestamps = itertools.repeat(taustart_tss, len(freq_effs))

        for im, freq, ts in zip(im_params, itertools.cycle(freq_effs),
            im['freq_eff'] = freq
            im['taustart_ts'] = ts

        images = []
        for im in im_params:
            image = tkp.db.Image(dataset=dataset, data=im)

        # Arbitrary parameters, except that they fall inside our image
        # and close together (see previous test)
        src0 = db_subs.example_extractedsource_tuple(ra=122.985, dec=10.5)
        src1 = db_subs.example_extractedsource_tuple(ra=123.015, dec=10.5)

        # Group images in blocks of 4, corresponding to all frequency bands at
        # a given timestep.
        for images in zip(*(iter(images),) * len(freq_effs)):
            for image in images:
                # The sources are only seen at timestep 0
                if (image.taustart_ts == taustart_tss[0]):
                    dbgen.insert_extracted_sources(image.id, [src0,src1],

            for image in images:
                dbass.associate_extracted_sources(image.id, deRuiter_r=5.68,
                nd_ids_pos = dbnd.get_nulldetections(image.id)
                # The null_detections are the positional inputs for the forced
                # fits, which on their turn return additional parameters,
                # e.g. from src0, src1
                if image.taustart_ts == taustart_tss[0]:
                    # There are no null detections at the first timestep
                    self.assertEqual(len(nd_ids_pos), 0)
                elif image.taustart_ts == taustart_tss[1]:
                    # src0 & src1 are null detections at the second timestep
                    self.assertEqual(len(nd_ids_pos), 2)
                    dbgen.insert_extracted_sources(image.id, [src0,src1],
                          ff_runcat_ids=[ids for ids, ra, decl in nd_ids_pos])
                    # All other images have two null detections.
                    self.assertEqual(len(nd_ids_pos), 2)
                    dbgen.insert_extracted_sources(image.id, [src0, src1],
                          ff_runcat_ids=[ids for ids, ra, decl in nd_ids_pos])

                # And here we have to associate the null detections with the
                # runcat sources...

        query = """\
        SELECT id
        FROM runningcatalog r
        WHERE dataset = %(dataset_id)s
        ORDER BY datapoints
        cursor = tkp.db.execute(query, {'dataset_id': dataset.id})
        result = cursor.fetchall()

        # We should have two runningcatalog sources, with a datapoint for
        # every image in which the sources were seen.
        self.assertEqual(len(result), 2)

        query = """\
        SELECT r.id
          FROM runningcatalog r
              ,runningcatalog_flux rf
         WHERE r.dataset = %(dataset_id)s
           AND rf.runcat = r.id
        ORDER BY r.id
        cursor = tkp.db.execute(query, {'dataset_id': dataset.id})
        result = cursor.fetchall()

        # We should have two runningcatalog_flux entries,
        # one for every source in the band, i.e. 2 x 1.
        self.assertEqual(len(result), 2)

        # Source 0: inserted into timestep 0.
        # Force-fits in images at next timesteps,
        # so 1+2 for band 0.
        self.assertEqual(result[0][2], 3)

        # Source 1: inserted into timestep 0
        # Force-fits in images at next timesteps.
        # so 1+2 for bands 0
        self.assertEqual(result[1][2], 3)
        #self.assertEqual(result[2][2], 2)
        #self.assertEqual(result[3][2], 2)

        # We should also have two lightcurves for both sources,
        # where source 1 has 3 datapoints in band0 (t1,t2,t3).
        # Source 2 also has 3 datapoints for band0 (t1,t2,t3).
        query = """\
        SELECT a.runcat
          FROM assocxtrsource a
              ,extractedsource x
              ,image i
         WHERE a.xtrsrc = x.id
           AND x.image = i.id
           AND i.dataset = %(dataset_id)s
        ORDER BY a.runcat
        cursor = tkp.db.execute(query, {'dataset_id': dataset.id})
        result = cursor.fetchall()

        # 3 + 3 entries for source 0 and 1 resp.
        self.assertEqual(len(result), 6)

        # The individual light-curve datapoints
        # Source1: new at t1, band0
        self.assertEqual(result[0][2], 4)
        self.assertEqual(result[0][4], taustart_tss[0])

        # Source1: Forced fit at t2, same band
        self.assertEqual(result[1][2], 7)
        self.assertEqual(result[1][3], result[0][3])
        self.assertEqual(result[1][4], taustart_tss[1])

        # Source1: Forced fit at t3, same band
        self.assertEqual(result[2][2], 7)
        self.assertEqual(result[2][3], result[1][3])
        self.assertEqual(result[2][4], taustart_tss[2])

        # Source2: new at t1, band0
        self.assertEqual(result[3][2], 4)
        self.assertEqual(result[3][3], result[1][3])
        self.assertEqual(result[3][4], taustart_tss[0])

        # Source2: Forced fit at t2, band0
        self.assertEqual(result[4][2], 7)
        self.assertEqual(result[4][3], result[3][3])
        self.assertEqual(result[4][4], taustart_tss[1])

        # Source2: Forced fit at t3, band0
        self.assertEqual(result[5][2], 7)
        self.assertEqual(result[5][3], result[4][3])
        self.assertEqual(result[5][4], taustart_tss[2])