Example #1
def test_SunCalc(monkeypatch, setup_test):
    # dawn:   datetime.time(4, 28, 38, 892410)
    # sunrise:datetime.time(4, 55, 38, 480930)
    # noon:   datetime.time(11, 50, 59)
    # sunset  datetime.time(18, 46, 18, 926896)
    # dusk    datetime.time(19, 13, 17, 159158)

    with freeze_time(parse("2000-01-01 00:00:00")) as fdt:
        global FDT
        FDT = fdt
        monkeypatch.setattr(time, 'sleep', sleepless)
        c = Camera(sw_cam=True)

        c.save_images = False
        city = 'Brisbane'
        interval = 600
        on = 'dawn'
        off =  'sunset' # (2000, 1, 1, 18, 46, 18, 926896, tzinfo=tzlocal())
        camera_inactive_action = 'WAIT'
        c._camera = FakePiCamera()
        assert c.active_timer.active() is False
        run_until(c, fdt, today_at(4, 30))
        assert c.active_timer.active() is True
        run_until(c, fdt, today_at(12, 30))
        assert c.active_timer.active() is True
        run_until(c, fdt, today_at(18, 30))
        assert c.active_timer.active() is True
        run_until(c, fdt, today_at(18, 40))
        run_until(c, fdt, today_at(18, 50))
        assert c.active_timer.active() is False
        run_until(c, fdt, tomorrow_at(8))
        assert c.active_timer.active() is True
Example #2
def test_camera_inactive_action(monkeypatch, setup_test):
    with freeze_time(parse("2000-01-01 12:00:00")) as fdt:
        global FDT
        FDT = fdt
        monkeypatch.setattr(time, 'sleep', sleepless)
        c = Camera(sw_cam=True)
        c.mode_button.value = AUTO
        c.save_images = False
        interval = 900 # 15 minutes
        on = 09:00:00
        off = 13:00:00
        camera_inactive_action = 'EXCEPTION'       
        c._camera = FakePiCamera()
        c.mode_button.value = AUTO
        with pytest.raises(PowerOff):
            run_until(c, fdt, today_at(18))
        on = 09:00:00
        off = 13:00:00
        camera_inactive_action = 'WAIT'          
        run_until(c, fdt, tomorrow_at(18))  # no raise
Example #3
def test_config(monkeypatch, setup_test):
    with freeze_time(parse("2000-01-01 00:00:00")) as fdt:
        global FDT
        FDT = fdt
        c = Camera(sw_cam=True)

        c.tmv_root = "./test_config/"
        cf = """
            city = "Brisbane"
            off = 07:00:00
            on = 18:00:00
            id = "Custom day config at 800"
            iso = 800
            exposure_mode = "auto"
            resolution = "800x600"

            id = "CUSTOM-DIM"
            framerate = 1
            iso = 0
            exposure_mode = "night"
            resolution = "800x600"

            id = "CUSTOM-NIGHTY"
            framerate = 1
            iso = 1600
            shutter_speed = 1000000
            exposure_mode = "verylong"
            resolution = "800x600"
        # default
        assert c.picam[LightLevel.LIGHT.name]['exposure_mode'] == 'auto'
        assert c.picam[LightLevel.LIGHT.name]['resolution'] == '800x600'
        # new one
        assert c.picam[LightLevel.LIGHT.name]['iso'] == 800
        c._camera = FakePiCamera()
        # fake sleeping
        monkeypatch.setattr(time, 'sleep', sleepless)
        # should have clicked over to DARK. Configured a special iso for DARK in toml.
        assert c.picam[c.light_sensor.level.name]['iso'] == 1600