Example #1
    def write_function_dockercall(self, job):
        Writes a string containing the apiDockerCall() that will run the job.

        :param job_task_reference: The name of the job calling docker.
        :param docker_image: The corresponding name of the docker image.
                                                            e.g. "ubuntu:latest"
        :return: A string containing the apiDockerCall() that will run the job.
        docker_dict = {
            "docker_image": self.tasks_dictionary[job]['runtime']['docker'],
            "job_task_reference": job,
            "docker_user": str(self.docker_user)
        docker_template = heredoc_wdl('''
        stdout = apiDockerCall(self, 
                               volumes={{tempDir: {{"bind": "/root"}}}})
                                      indent='        ')[1:]

        return docker_template
Example #2
    def write_function_dockercall(self, job):
        Writes a string containing the apiDockerCall() that will run the job.

        :param job_task_reference: The name of the job calling docker.
        :param docker_image: The corresponding name of the docker image.
                                                            e.g. "ubuntu:latest"
        :return: A string containing the apiDockerCall() that will run the job.
        docker_dict = {
            "docker_image": self.tasks_dictionary[job]['runtime']['docker'],
            "job_task_reference": job,
            "docker_user": str(self.docker_user)
        docker_template = heredoc_wdl('''
        stdout = apiDockerCall(self, 
                               parameters=[os.path.join(tempDir, "{job_task_reference}_script.sh")], 
                               volumes={{tempDir: {{"bind": tempDir}}}})
        writetype = 'wb' if isinstance(stdout, bytes) else 'w'
        with open(os.path.join(asldijoiu23r8u34q89fho934t8u34fcurrentworkingdir, '{job_task_reference}.log'), writetype) as f:
                                      indent='        ')[1:]

        return docker_template
Example #3
    def write_scatterfunction_header(self, scattername):

        scatter_inputs = self.fetch_scatter_inputs(scattername)

        fn_section = '\n\nclass {jobname}Cls(Job):\n'.format(jobname=scattername)
        fn_section += '    def __init__(self, '
        for input in scatter_inputs:
            fn_section += '{input}=None, '.format(input=input)
        fn_section += '*args, **kwargs):\n'
        fn_section += '        Job.__init__(self)\n\n'

        for input in scatter_inputs:
            fn_section += '        self.id_{input} = {input}\n'.format(input=input)

        fn_section += heredoc_wdl('''

                             def run(self, fileStore):
                                 tempDir = fileStore.getLocalTempDir()
                                     os.makedirs(os.path.join(tempDir, 'execution'))
                                 except OSError as e:
                                     if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
                                 ''', {'jobname': scattername}, indent='    ')[1:]
        for input in scatter_inputs:
            fn_section += '        {input} = self.id_{input}\n'.format(input=input)
        return fn_section
Example #4
    def write_function_dockercall(self, job):
        Writes a string containing the apiDockerCall() that will run the job.

        :param job_task_reference: The name of the job calling docker.
        :param docker_image: The corresponding name of the docker image.
                                                            e.g. "ubuntu:latest"
        :return: A string containing the apiDockerCall() that will run the job.
        docker_dict = {"docker_image": self.tasks_dictionary[job]['runtime']['docker'],
                       "job_task_reference": job,
                       "docker_user": str(self.docker_user)}
        docker_template = heredoc_wdl('''
        # apiDockerCall() with demux=True returns a tuple of bytes objects (stdout, stderr).
        _toil_wdl_internal__stdout, _toil_wdl_internal__stderr = \\
                          parameters=[os.path.join(tempDir, "{job_task_reference}_script.sh")], 
                          volumes={{tempDir: {{"bind": tempDir}}}})
        with open(os.path.join(_toil_wdl_internal__current_working_dir, '{job_task_reference}.log'), 'wb') as f:
            if _toil_wdl_internal__stdout:
            if _toil_wdl_internal__stderr:
        ''', docker_dict, indent='        ')[1:]

        return docker_template
Example #5
    def write_modules(self):
        # string used to write imports to the file
        module_string = heredoc_wdl(
                    from toil.job import Job
                    from toil.common import Toil
                    from toil.lib.docker import apiDockerCall
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import generate_docker_bashscript_file
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import generate_stdout_file
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import select_first
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import sub
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import size
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import glob
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import process_and_read_file
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import process_infile
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import process_outfile
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import abspath_file
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import combine_dicts
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import parse_memory
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import parse_cores
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import parse_disk
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import read_lines
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import read_tsv
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import read_csv
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import read_json
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import read_map
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import read_int
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import read_string
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import read_float
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import read_boolean
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import write_lines
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import write_tsv
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import write_json
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import write_map
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import defined
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import basename
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import floor
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import ceil
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import wdl_range
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import transpose
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import length
                    import fnmatch
                    import textwrap
                    import subprocess
                    import os
                    import errno
                    import time
                    import shutil
                    import shlex
                    import uuid
                    import logging
                    _toil_wdl_internal__current_working_dir = os.getcwd()

                    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

                        ''', {'jobstore': self.jobstore})[1:]
        return module_string
Example #6
 def write_main_header(self):
     main_header = heredoc_wdl('''
         if __name__=="__main__":
             options = Job.Runner.getDefaultOptions("./toilWorkflowRun")
             options.clean = 'always'
             with Toil(options) as toil:
     return main_header
Example #7
 def write_main_header(self):
     main_header = heredoc_wdl('''
         if __name__=="__main__":
             options = Job.Runner.getDefaultOptions("{jobstore}")
             options.clean = 'always'
             with Toil(options) as fileStore:
         ''', {'jobstore': self.jobstore})
     return main_header
Example #8
 def write_main_header(self):
     main_header = heredoc_wdl('''
         if __name__=="__main__":
             parser = Job.Runner.getDefaultArgumentParser()
             options = parser.parse_args()
             options.clean = 'always'
             with Toil(options) as fileStore:
         ''', {'jobstore': self.jobstore})
     return main_header
Example #9
    def write_function_outputreturn(self, job, docker=False):
        Find the output values that this function needs and write them out as a

        :param job: A list such that:
                        (job priority #, job ID #, Job Skeleton Name, Job Alias)
        :param job_task_reference: The name of the job to look up values for.
        :return: A string representing this.

        fn_section = ''
        if 'outputs' in self.tasks_dictionary[job]:
            return_values = []
            for output in self.tasks_dictionary[job]['outputs']:
                output_name = output[0]
                output_type = output[1]
                output_value = output[2]

                if output_type == 'File':
                    nonglob_dict = {
                        "output_name": output_name,
                        "expression": output_value,
                        "out_dir": self.output_directory,
                        "output_type": output_type

                    nonglob_template = heredoc_wdl('''
                        # output-type: {output_type}
                        output_filename = {expression}
                        {output_name} = process_outfile(output_filename, fileStore, tempDir, '{out_dir}')
                                                   indent='        ')[1:]
                    fn_section += nonglob_template
                    fn_section += '        {} = {}\n'.format(
                        output_name, output_value)

            if return_values:
                fn_section += '        rvDict = {'
            for return_value in return_values:
                fn_section += '"{rv}": {rv}, '.format(rv=return_value)
            if fn_section.endswith(', '):
                fn_section = fn_section[:-2]
            if return_values:
                fn_section = fn_section + '}\n'

            if return_values:
                fn_section += '        print(rvDict)\n'
                fn_section += '        return rvDict\n\n'

        return fn_section
Example #10
    def write_function_subprocesspopen(self):
        Write a subprocess.Popen() call for this function and write it out as a

        :param job: A list such that:
                        (job priority #, job ID #, Job Skeleton Name, Job Alias)
        :return: A string representing this.
        fn_section = heredoc_wdl('''
                this_process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
                stdout, stderr = this_process.communicate()\n''', indent='        ')

        return fn_section
Example #11
    def write_main_destbucket(self):
        Writes out a loop for exporting outputs to a cloud bucket.

        :return: A string representing this.
        main_section = heredoc_wdl('''
            outdir = '{outdir}'
            onlyfiles = [os.path.join(outdir, f) for f in os.listdir(outdir) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(outdir, f))]
            for output_f_path in onlyfiles:
                output_file = fileStore.writeGlobalFile(output_f_path)
                preserveThisFilename = os.path.basename(output_f_path)
                destUrl = '/'.join(s.strip('/') for s in [destBucket, preserveThisFilename])
                fileStore.exportFile(output_file, destUrl)
            ''', {'outdir': self.output_directory}, indent='    ')
        return main_section
Example #12
    def write_function_cmdline(self, job):
        Write a series of commandline variables to be concatenated together
        eventually and either called with subprocess.Popen() or with
        apiDockerCall() if a docker image is called for.

        :param job: A list such that:
                        (job priority #, job ID #, Job Skeleton Name, Job Alias)
        :return: A string representing this.

        fn_section = '\n'
        cmd_array = []
        if 'raw_commandline' in self.tasks_dictionary[job]:
            for cmd in self.tasks_dictionary[job]['raw_commandline']:
                if not cmd.startswith("r'''"):
                    cmd = 'str({i} if not isinstance({i}, WDLFile) else process_and_read_file({i}, tempDir, fileStore)).strip("{nl}")'.format(
                        i=cmd, nl=r"\n")
                fn_section = fn_section + heredoc_wdl('''
                            # Intended to deal with "optional" inputs that may not exist
                            # TODO: handle this better
                            command{num} = {cmd}
                            command{num} = ''\n''', {
                    'cmd': cmd,
                    'num': self.cmd_num
                                                      indent='        ')
                cmd_array.append('command' + str(self.cmd_num))
                self.cmd_num = self.cmd_num + 1

        if cmd_array:
            fn_section += '\n        cmd = '
            for command in cmd_array:
                fn_section += '{command} + '.format(command=command)
            if fn_section.endswith(' + '):
                fn_section = fn_section[:-3]
            fn_section += '\n        cmd = textwrap.dedent(cmd.strip("{nl}"))\n'.format(
            # empty command section
            fn_section += '        cmd = ""'

        return fn_section
Example #13
    def write_modules(self):
        # string used to write imports to the file
        module_string = heredoc_wdl(
                    from toil.job import Job
                    from toil.common import Toil
                    from toil.lib.docker import apiDockerCall
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import generate_docker_bashscript_file
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import select_first
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import sub
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import size
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import glob
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import process_and_read_file
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import process_infile
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import process_outfile
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import abspath_file
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import combine_dicts
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import parse_memory
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import parse_cores
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import parse_disk
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import read_string
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import read_int
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import read_float
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import read_tsv
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import read_csv
                    from toil.wdl.wdl_functions import defined
                    from os.path import basename
                    import fnmatch
                    import textwrap
                    import subprocess
                    import os
                    import errno
                    import time
                    import shutil
                    import shlex
                    import uuid
                    import logging
                    asldijoiu23r8u34q89fho934t8u34fcurrentworkingdir = os.getcwd()

                    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

                        ''', {'jobstore': self.jobstore})[1:]
        return module_string
Example #14
    def write_function_outputreturn(self, job, docker=False):
        Find the output values that this function needs and write them out as a

        :param job: A list such that:
                        (job priority #, job ID #, Job Skeleton Name, Job Alias)
        :param job_task_reference: The name of the job to look up values for.
        :return: A string representing this.

        fn_section = ''

        fn_section += heredoc_wdl('''
            _toil_wdl_internal__stdout_file = generate_stdout_file(_toil_wdl_internal__stdout, 
            _toil_wdl_internal__stderr_file = generate_stdout_file(_toil_wdl_internal__stderr, 
                                  indent='        ')[1:]

        if 'outputs' in self.tasks_dictionary[job]:
            return_values = []
            for output in self.tasks_dictionary[job]['outputs']:
                output_name = output[0]
                output_type = output[1]
                output_value = output[2]

                if self.needs_file_import(output_type):
                    nonglob_dict = {
                        "output_name": output_name,
                        "expression": output_value,
                        "out_dir": self.output_directory

                    nonglob_template = heredoc_wdl('''
                        {output_name} = {output_type}.create(
                            {expression}, output=True)
                        {output_name} = process_outfile({output_name}, fileStore, tempDir, '{out_dir}')
                                                   indent='        ')[1:]
                    fn_section += nonglob_template
                    fn_section += '        {} = {}\n'.format(
                        output_name, output_value)

            if return_values:
                fn_section += '        rvDict = {'
            for return_value in return_values:
                fn_section += '"{rv}": {rv}, '.format(rv=return_value)
            if fn_section.endswith(', '):
                fn_section = fn_section[:-2]
            if return_values:
                fn_section = fn_section + '}\n'

            if return_values:
                fn_section += '        return rvDict\n\n'

        return fn_section
Example #15
    def write_function_header(self, job):
        Writes the header that starts each function, for example, this function
        can write and return:

        'def write_function_header(self, job, job_declaration_array):'

        :param job: A list such that:
                        (job priority #, job ID #, Job Skeleton Name, Job Alias)
        :param job_declaration_array: A list of all inputs that job requires.
        :return: A string representing this.
        fn_section = '\n\nclass {jobname}Cls(Job):\n'.format(jobname=job)
        fn_section += '    def __init__(self, '
        if 'inputs' in self.tasks_dictionary[job]:
            for i in self.tasks_dictionary[job]['inputs']:
                var = i[0]
                vartype = i[1]
                if vartype == 'String':
                    fn_section += '{input}="", '.format(input=var)
                    fn_section += '{input}=None, '.format(input=var)
        fn_section += '*args, **kwargs):\n'
        fn_section += '        super({jobname}Cls, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)\n'.format(

        # TODO: Resolve inherent problems resolving resource requirements
        # In WDL, "local-disk " + 500 + " HDD" cannot be directly converted to python.
        # This needs a special handler.
        if 'runtime' in self.tasks_dictionary[job]:
            runtime_resources = []
            if 'memory' in self.tasks_dictionary[job]['runtime']:
                memory = self.tasks_dictionary[job]['runtime']['memory']
                fn_section += '        memory=parse_memory({})\n'.format(
            if 'cpu' in self.tasks_dictionary[job]['runtime']:
                cores = self.tasks_dictionary[job]['runtime']['cpu']
                fn_section += '        cores=parse_cores({})\n'.format(cores)
            if 'disks' in self.tasks_dictionary[job]['runtime']:
                disk = self.tasks_dictionary[job]['runtime']['disks']
                fn_section += '        disk=parse_disk({})\n'.format(disk)
            runtime_resources = ['self'] + runtime_resources
            fn_section += '        Job.__init__({})\n\n'.format(
                ', '.join(runtime_resources))

        if 'inputs' in self.tasks_dictionary[job]:
            for i in self.tasks_dictionary[job]['inputs']:
                var = i[0]
                var_type = i[1]
                var_expressn = i[2]
                json_expressn = self.json_var(task=job, var=var)

                # json declarations have priority and can overwrite
                # whatever is in the wdl file
                if json_expressn is not None:
                    var_expressn = json_expressn

                if var_expressn is None:
                    # declarations from workflow
                    fn_section += '        self.id_{} = {}\n'.format(var, var)
                    # declarations from a WDL or JSON file
                    fn_section += '        self.id_{} = {}.create(\n                {})\n'\
                        .format(var, self.write_declaration_type(var_type), var_expressn)

        fn_section += heredoc_wdl('''

                             def run(self, fileStore):
                                 tempDir = fileStore.getLocalTempDir()
                                 _toil_wdl_internal__stdout_file = os.path.join(tempDir, 'stdout')
                                 _toil_wdl_internal__stderr_file = os.path.join(tempDir, 'stderr')
                                     os.makedirs(os.path.join(tempDir, 'execution'))
                                 except OSError as e:
                                     if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
                                 ''', {'jobname': job},
                                  indent='    ')[1:]
        if 'inputs' in self.tasks_dictionary[job]:
            for i in self.tasks_dictionary[job]['inputs']:
                var = i[0]
                var_type = i[1]

                docker_bool = str(self.needsdocker(job))

                if self.needs_file_import(var_type):
                    args = ', '.join([
                        f'abspath_file(self.id_{var}, _toil_wdl_internal__current_working_dir)',
                        'tempDir', 'fileStore', f'docker={docker_bool}'
                    fn_section += '        {} = process_and_read_file({})\n'.format(
                        var, args)
                    fn_section += '        {} = self.id_{}\n'.format(var, var)

        return fn_section
Example #16
def updateStaticEC2Instances():
    Generates a new python file of fetchable EC2 Instances by region with current prices and specs.

    Takes a few (~3+) minutes to run (you'll need decent internet).

    :return: Nothing.  Writes a new 'generatedEC2Lists.py' file.
        "Updating Toil's EC2 lists to the most current version from AWS's bulk API.  "
        "This may take a while, depending on your internet connection.")

    dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    # the file Toil uses to get info about EC2 instance types
    origFile = os.path.join(dirname, 'generatedEC2Lists.py')
    assert os.path.exists(origFile)
    # use a temporary file until all info is fetched
    genFile = os.path.join(dirname, 'generatedEC2Lists_tmp.py')
    assert not os.path.exists(genFile)
    # will be used to save a copy of the original when finished
    oldFile = os.path.join(dirname, 'generatedEC2Lists_old.py')

    # provenance note, copyright and imports
    with open(genFile, 'w') as f:
        # !!! AUTOGENERATED FILE !!!
        # Update with: src/toil/utils/toilUpdateEC2Instances.py
        # Copyright (C) 2015-{year} UCSC Computational Genomics Lab
        # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
        # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
        # You may obtain a copy of the License at
        #     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
        # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
        # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
        # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
        # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
        # limitations under the License.
        from six import iteritems
        from toil.lib.ec2nodes import InstanceType\n\n\n''',
                dictionary={'year': datetime.date.today().strftime("%Y")}))

    currentEC2List = []
    instancesByRegion = {}
    for regionNickname, _ in iteritems(EC2Regions):
        currentEC2Dict = fetchEC2InstanceDict(regionNickname=regionNickname)
        for instanceName, instanceTypeObj in iteritems(currentEC2Dict):
            if instanceTypeObj not in currentEC2List:

    # write header of total EC2 instance type list
    genString = "# {num} Instance Types.  Generated {date}.\n".format(
        num=str(len(currentEC2List)), date=str(datetime.datetime.now()))
    genString = genString + "E2Instances = {\n"
    sortedCurrentEC2List = sorted(currentEC2List, key=lambda x: x.name)

    # write the list of all instances types
    for i in sortedCurrentEC2List:
        z = "    '{name}': InstanceType(name='{name}', cores={cores}, memory={memory}, disks={disks}, disk_capacity={disk_capacity})," \
            "\n".format(name=i.name, cores=i.cores, memory=i.memory, disks=i.disks, disk_capacity=i.disk_capacity)
        genString = genString + z
    genString = genString + '}\n\n'

    genString = genString + 'regionDict = {\n'
    for regionName, instanceList in iteritems(instancesByRegion):
        genString = genString + "              '{regionName}': [".format(
        for instance in sorted(instanceList):
            genString = genString + "'{instance}', ".format(instance=instance)
        if genString.endswith(', '):
            genString = genString[:-2]
        genString = genString + '],\n'
    if genString.endswith(',\n'):
        genString = genString[:-len(',\n')]
    genString = genString + '}\n'
    with open(genFile, 'a+') as f:

    # append key for fetching at the end
    regionKey = '\nec2InstancesByRegion = dict((region, [E2Instances[i] for i in instances]) for region, instances in iteritems(regionDict))\n'

    with open(genFile, 'a+') as f:
    # preserve the original file unless it already exists
    if not os.path.exists(oldFile):
        os.rename(origFile, oldFile)
    # delete the original file if it's still there
    if os.path.exists(origFile):
    # replace the instance list with a current list
    os.rename(genFile, origFile)
Example #17
    def write_function_header(self, job):
        Writes the header that starts each function, for example, this function
        can write and return:

        'def write_function_header(self, job, job_declaration_array):'

        :param job: A list such that:
                        (job priority #, job ID #, Job Skeleton Name, Job Alias)
        :param job_declaration_array: A list of all inputs that job requires.
        :return: A string representing this.
        fn_section = '\n\nclass {jobname}Cls(Job):\n'.format(jobname=job)
        fn_section += '    def __init__(self, '
        if 'inputs' in self.tasks_dictionary[job]:
            for i in self.tasks_dictionary[job]['inputs']:
                var = i[0]
                vartype = i[1]
                if vartype == 'String':
                    fn_section += '{input}="", '.format(input=var)
                    fn_section += '{input}=None, '.format(input=var)
        fn_section += '*args, **kwargs):\n'

        if 'runtime' in self.tasks_dictionary[job]:
            runtime_resources = []
            if 'memory' in self.tasks_dictionary[job]['runtime']:
                memory = self.tasks_dictionary[job]['runtime']['memory']
                fn_section += '        memory=parse_memory({})\n'.format(
            if 'cpu' in self.tasks_dictionary[job]['runtime']:
                cores = self.tasks_dictionary[job]['runtime']['cpu']
                fn_section += '        cores=parse_cores({})\n'.format(cores)
            if 'disks' in self.tasks_dictionary[job]['runtime']:
                disk = self.tasks_dictionary[job]['runtime']['disks']
                fn_section += '        disk=parse_disk({})\n'.format(disk)
            runtime_resources = ['self'] + runtime_resources
            fn_section += '        Job.__init__({})\n\n'.format(
                ', '.join(runtime_resources))

        if 'inputs' in self.tasks_dictionary[job]:
            for i in self.tasks_dictionary[job]['inputs']:
                var = i[0]
                var_expressn = i[2]
                json_expressn = self.json_var(task=job, var=var)

                # json declarations have priority and can overwrite
                # whatever is in the wdl file
                if json_expressn:
                    var_expressn = json_expressn
                if not var_expressn:
                    var_expressn = var

                fn_section += '        self.id_{} = {}\n'.format(
                    var, var_expressn)

        fn_section += heredoc_wdl('''
                                 super({jobname}Cls, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

                             def run(self, fileStore):
                                 tempDir = fileStore.getLocalTempDir()
                                     os.makedirs(os.path.join(tempDir, 'execution'))
                                 except OSError as e:
                                     if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
                                 ''', {'jobname': job},
                                  indent='    ')[1:]
        if 'inputs' in self.tasks_dictionary[job]:
            for i in self.tasks_dictionary[job]['inputs']:
                var = i[0]
                var_type = i[1]
                docker_bool = str(self.needsdocker(job))
                if var_type == 'File':
                    fn_section += '        {} = process_and_read_file(abspath_file(self.id_{}, asldijoiu23r8u34q89fho934t8u34fcurrentworkingdir), tempDir, fileStore, docker={})\n'.format(
                        var, var, docker_bool)
                    fn_section += '        {} = self.id_{}\n'.format(var, var)

        return fn_section