def processDayCompleteInfo(stockCode, code, stockName, note, holdFlag): beforeStartDate = beforeDate + " 09:30:00" beforeEndDate = beforeDate + " 15:00:00" openStockTime = beforeDate + " 09:31:00" body = { "method": "get_price_period", "token": getToken(), "code": code, "unit": "1d", "date": beforeStartDate, "end_date": beforeEndDate, "fq_ref_date": beforeDate } cursor.execute( "SELECT yesterday_price,start_price FROM stock_day_base_info WHERE stock_code='%s' AND DATE(create_time)='%s'" % (stockCode, baseDate)) existFlag = cursor.fetchone() if existFlag: if existFlag[1]: return existFlag[0] else: cursor.execute( "update stock_day_base_info A ,stock_data B SET A.start_price = B.start_price where A.stock_code='%s' AND A.stock_code=B.stock_code AND B.now_time='%s' " % (stockCode, openStockTime)) db.commit() return existFlag[0] else: response =, data=json.dumps(body)) dataArray = response.text.split('\n') yesterDayPrice = response.text[3] del dataArray[0] if len(dataArray) == 0: return yesterDayPriceArray = dataArray[0].split(',') yesterDayPrice = yesterDayPriceArray[2] cursor.execute( "SELECT A.maxPrice FROM (select max(high_price) as maxPrice,stock_code,stock_name from hold_stock_day_info where deal_date>=(SELECT * FROM (select deal_date from trade_days where deal_date<=DATE(now()) ORDER BY deal_date DESC limit 12) A ORDER BY A.deal_date limit 1) GROUP BY stock_code) A where A.stock_code = '%s'" % (stockCode)) max12Price = cursor.fetchone() print(stockCode, stockName, yesterDayPrice, note, baseDate, holdFlag, max12Price) cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO stock_day_base_info(stock_code,stock_name,yesterday_price,note,create_time,update_time,hold_flag,max_12_price) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,now(),%s,%s)", (stockCode, stockName, yesterDayPrice, note, baseDate, holdFlag, str(max12Price[0]))) db.commit() return yesterDayPrice
def processDayCompleteInfo(stockCode,code,stockName,baseDate): startTime = baseDate + " 09:30:00" body={ "method": "get_price_period", "token": getToken(), "code": code, "unit": "1d", "date": startTime, "end_date": endTime, "fq_ref_date": baseDate } #print(stockCode) response =, data = json.dumps(body)) dataArray = response.text.split('\n') print(dataArray) yesterDayPrice = response.text[3] del dataArray[0] if len(dataArray)==0 : return insertValues = [] for data in dataArray: smallDataArray = data.split(',') dealDate = smallDataArray[0] if dealDate!=baseDate: continue openPrice = smallDataArray[1] endPrice = smallDataArray[2] highPrice = smallDataArray[3] lowPrice = smallDataArray[4] highLimit = smallDataArray[8] if len(smallDataArray)<=11: yesterdayPrice = '0' else: yesterdayPrice = smallDataArray[11] insertValues.append((stockCode,stockName,openPrice,endPrice,highPrice,lowPrice,yesterdayPrice,dealDate)) cursor.executemany("INSERT INTO hold_stock_day_info(stock_code,stock_name,open_price,end_price,high_price,low_price,yesterday_price,deal_date) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)",insertValues) db.commit()
import time import datetime import decimal from decimal import * import constant from tokenInfo import getToken url = "" db = pymysql.connect(, constant.userName, constant.password, "market", charset="utf8") #获取调用凭证 token = getToken() cursor = db.cursor() beforeDate = "2021-12-09" def doJob(): #5分钟同步一次 synNewStock() def synNewStock(): print("=========执行同步已发行最新股票 开始============") dict = {'00': 'XSHE', '30': 'XSHG', '60': 'XSHG', '688': 'XSHG'} rangeNum = {
def prosessSinbleStockAllInfo(stockCode, code, stockName, yesterDayPrice, holdFlag): startDate = baseDate + " 09:30:00" cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute( "SELECT date_format(DATE_ADD(max(now_time),INTERVAL 1 MINUTE), '%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%i:%%s') FROM stock_data WHERE stock_code='%s' " % (stockCode)) startDateFetch = cursor.fetchone() if startDateFetch[0] is not None: startDate = startDateFetch[0] now = endDate = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') #endDate = baseDate + " 15:00:00" body = { "method": "get_price_period", "token": getToken(), "code": code, "unit": "1m", "date": startDate, "end_date": endDate, "fq_ref_date": baseDate } response =, data=json.dumps(body)) dataArray = response.text.split('\n') del dataArray[0] for data in dataArray: smallDataArray = data.split(',') nowTime = smallDataArray[0] startPrice = smallDataArray[1] endPrice = smallDataArray[2] currentHighestPrice = smallDataArray[3] currentLowestPrice = smallDataArray[4] volume = smallDataArray[5] money = smallDataArray[6] avgPrice = (float(startPrice) + float(endPrice) + float(currentHighestPrice) + float(currentLowestPrice)) / 4 cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute( "SELECT (start_price+end_price+lowest_price+highest_price)/4 as price,rise_point,down_point FROM stock_data WHERE stock_code ='%s' order by now_time desc limit 1" % (stockCode)) preMinuteAveregePriceFetchOne = cursor.fetchone() if preMinuteAveregePriceFetchOne: preMinuteAveregePrice = preMinuteAveregePriceFetchOne[0] nowAveregePrice = (float(startPrice) + float(endPrice) + float(currentHighestPrice) + float(currentLowestPrice)) / 4 currentAmplitude = ( (nowAveregePrice - float(preMinuteAveregePrice)) / float(yesterDayPrice)) * 100 risePoint = preMinuteAveregePriceFetchOne[1] downPoint = preMinuteAveregePriceFetchOne[2] else: currentAmplitude = ((float(endPrice) - float(startPrice)) / float(yesterDayPrice)) * 100 risePoint = 0 downPoint = 0 currentLatitude = ( (decimal.Decimal(endPrice) - decimal.Decimal(yesterDayPrice)) / decimal.Decimal(yesterDayPrice)) * 100 cursor.execute( "SELECT ((max(highest_price)-%s)/yesterday_price)*100>13 as flag FROM stock_data where stock_code='%s'" % (currentLowestPrice, stockCode)) flag = cursor.fetchone() #达到位置0.75短信通知 sevenFiveProcess(stockCode, currentLowestPrice, nowTime) if flag: if flag[0] == 1: #smsVerifySend(stockCode,nowTime,baseDate)"买入 stockName=" + stockName + " code=" + stockCode + " 时间=" + nowTime + " 当前低位" + str(round(currentLatitude, 2)) + "两点半后慎重考虑") if currentLatitude <= -6:"买入参考 name=" + stockName + " code=" + stockCode + " 时间=" + nowTime + " 当前低位" + str(round(currentLatitude, 2))) if currentAmplitude >= 1: risePoint = risePoint + 1 if risePoint > 1 and currentLatitude < 3 and holdFlag > 0: smsVerifySend(stockCode, nowTime, baseDate)"name=" + stockName + " code=" + stockCode + " 时间=" + nowTime + " 涨跌幅:" + str(round(currentLatitude, 2)) + " 上扬次数:" + str(risePoint) + " 分钟级别上扬:" + str(round(currentAmplitude, 2))) cursor.execute( "select * from minute_level where stock_code='%s' and now_time='%s' " % (stockCode, nowTime)) existLevel = cursor.fetchone() if not existLevel: cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO minute_level (stock_code, stock_name, rise_point, down_point, current_amplitude_rise, current_latitude, now_time,deal_date,hold_flag) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s,%s,%s)", (stockCode, stockName, str(risePoint), str(downPoint), str(round(currentAmplitude, 2)), str(round(currentLatitude, 2)), nowTime, baseDate, str(holdFlag))) db.commit() if currentAmplitude <= -1: downPoint = downPoint + 1 cursor.execute( "select * from minute_level where stock_code='%s' and now_time='%s' " % (stockCode, nowTime)) existLevel = cursor.fetchone() if not existLevel: cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO minute_level (stock_code, stock_name, rise_point, down_point, current_amplitude_down,current_latitude, now_time,deal_date,hold_flag) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", (stockCode, stockName, str(risePoint), str(downPoint), str(round(currentAmplitude, 2)), str(round(currentLatitude, 2)), nowTime, baseDate, str(holdFlag))) db.commit() if holdFlag > 0: smsVerifySend(stockCode, nowTime, baseDate)"name=" + stockName + " code=" + stockCode + " 时间=" + nowTime + " 涨跌幅:" + str(round(currentLatitude, 2)) + " 下挫次数:" + str(downPoint) + " 分钟级别下挫:" + str(round(currentAmplitude, 2))) effectRow = cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO stock_data (stock_code,now_time,start_price,end_price,lowest_price,highest_price,yesterday_price,current_amplitude,current_latitude,create_time,rise_point,down_point,volume,money,avg_price) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)", (stockCode, nowTime, startPrice, endPrice, currentLowestPrice, currentHighestPrice, yesterDayPrice, currentAmplitude, currentLatitude, nowTime, risePoint, downPoint, volume, money, str(round(avgPrice, 2)))) db.commit()