Example #1
def ratelimit(request: HTTPServerRequest, area: str = "global") -> bool:
    """Test if a requesting IP is ratelimited for a certain area. Areas are
    different functionalities of the website, for example 'view' or 'input' to
    differentiate between creating new pastes (low volume) or high volume

    Important: this does not work well for IPv6 addresses where really when a
    ratelimit is hit, we should walk up the CIDRs (/64, /48, etc) as those
    ranges usually belong to the same person. If this is encountered in real
    life this function will have to be expanded."""

    if area not in ratelimit_area:
        ratelimit_area[area] = {}

    # TODO handle valueerror as validationerror?
    address = ipaddress.ip_address(request.remote_ip)

    if address not in ratelimit_area[area]:
        ratelimit_area[area][address] = token_bucket.Limiter(

    if not ratelimit_area[area][address].consume(1):
        log.warning("%s hit rate limit for %r", address, area)
        return True

    return False
Example #2
    def __init__(self, api_key):
        self.BASE_URL = 'https://www.giantbomb.com/api'
        self.api_key = api_key

        # Ratelimit burst limit 200, renews at 200 / 1hr
        self.bucket_storage = token_bucket.MemoryStorage()
        self.ratelimit = token_bucket.Limiter(200 / (60 * 60), 200, self.bucket_storage)
Example #3
 def test_token_bucket(self):
     storage = token_bucket.MemoryStorage()
     limiter = token_bucket.Limiter(10, 10, storage)
     for i in range(30):
         if limiter.consume('key'):
             print("Write to kafka")
         import time
Example #4
 def __init__(self,
              credentials: PhemexCredentials = PublicCredentials(),
              request_timeout: int = 30,
              rate: float = 2.5,
              capacity: int = 200):
     self.credentials = credentials
     self.api_url = api_url.rstrip('/')
     self.request_timeout = request_timeout
     self.session = Session()
     self.storage = token_bucket.MemoryStorage()
     self.limiter = token_bucket.Limiter(rate, capacity, self.storage)
Example #5
def test_general_functionality(rate, capacity):
    key = 'key'
    storage = token_bucket.MemoryStorage()
    limiter = token_bucket.Limiter(rate, capacity, storage)

    assert storage.get_token_count(key) == 0

    consume_one = functools.partial(limiter.consume, key)

    # NOTE(kgriffs) Trigger creation of the bucket and then
    #   sleep to ensure it is at full capacity before testing it.
    time.sleep(float(capacity) / rate)

    # NOTE(kgriffs): This works because we can consume at a much
    #   higher rate relative to the replenishment rate, such that we
    #   easily consume the total capacity before a single token can
    #   be replenished.
    def consume_all():
        for i in range(capacity + 3):
            conforming = consume_one()

            # NOTE(kgriffs): One past the end should be non-conforming,
            #   but sometimes an extra token or two can be generated, so
            #   only check a couple past the end for non-conforming.
            if i < capacity:
                assert conforming
            elif i > capacity + 1:
                assert not conforming

    # Check non-conforming after consuming all of the tokens

    # Let the bucket replenish 1 token
    time.sleep(1.0 / rate)
    assert consume_one()

    # NOTE(kgriffs): Occasionally enough time will have elapsed to
    #   cause an additional token to be generated. Clear that one
    #   out if it is there.

    assert storage.get_token_count(key) < 1.0

    # NOTE(kgriffs): Let the bucket replenish all the tokens; do this
    #   twice to verify that the bucket is limited to capacity.
    for __ in range(2):
        time.sleep(float(capacity) / rate)
        storage.replenish(key, rate, capacity)
        assert int(storage.get_token_count(key)) == capacity

Example #6
def handle_command_line_args():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="print all debug messages", action="store_true")
    parser.add_argument("--fahad_keyword", help="five-letter word to replace with 'Fahad'", type=str, default="their")
    parser.add_argument("--bandwidth", help="limits client's allowed bandwidth (bytes/sec)", type=int, required=False)
    parser.add_argument("--burst_rate", help="max bandwidth client is allowed (bytes/sec)", type=int, required=False)
    parser.add_argument("-a", "--server_address", help="server's address (eg: localhost)", type=str, default="localhost")
    parser.add_argument("-b", "--blacklist_sites", help="name of file containing list of blacklisted hostnames", type=str, default=None)
    parser.add_argument("port", help="port to run on", type=int)
    args = parser.parse_args()

    global VERBOSE
    if args.verbose:
        VERBOSE = True

    global RATE
    if args.bandwidth:
        RATE = args.bandwidth

    global CAPACITY
    if args.burst_rate:
        CAPACITY = args.burst_rate

    if args.burst_rate and args.bandwidth:

    if args.fahad_keyword:
        MODIFY_CONTENT = True
        CONTENT_REPLACE_TARGET = args.fahad_keyword[:5] # limit to 5 letters

    global limiter
    global storage
        storage = token_bucket.MemoryStorage()
        limiter = token_bucket.Limiter(RATE, CAPACITY, storage)

    if args.blacklist_sites is not None:
        USING_BLACKLIST = True

    return args
Example #7
def test_consume_multiple_tokens_at_a_time(capacity):
    rate = 100
    num_tokens = capacity
    key = 'key'
    storage = token_bucket.MemoryStorage()
    limiter = token_bucket.Limiter(rate, capacity, storage)

    assert not limiter.consume(key, num_tokens=capacity + 1)

    # NOTE(kgriffs): Should be able to conform indefinitely since we
    #   are matching the replenishment rate; verify for five seconds
    #   only.
    for __ in range(int(rate * 5 / num_tokens)):
        assert limiter.consume(key, num_tokens=num_tokens)
        assert storage.get_token_count(key) < 1.0

        # Sleep long enough to generate num_tokens
        time.sleep(1.0 / rate * num_tokens)
Example #8
def test_conforming_ratio():
    rate = 100
    capacity = 10
    key = 'key'
    target_ratio = 0.5
    ratio_max = 0.62
    num_threads = 4

    storage = token_bucket.MemoryStorage()
    limiter = token_bucket.Limiter(rate, capacity, storage)

    # NOTE(kgriffs): Rather than using a lock to protect some counters,
    #   rely on the GIL and count things up after the fact.
    conforming_states = []

    # NOTE(kgriffs): Start with an empty bucket
    while limiter.consume(key):

    def loop():
        # NOTE(kgriffs): Run for 10 seconds
        for __ in range(int(rate * 10 / target_ratio / num_threads)):

            # NOTE(kgriffs): Only generate some of the tokens needed, so
            #   that some requests will end up being non-conforming.
            time.sleep(1.0 / rate * target_ratio * num_threads)

    _run_threaded(loop, num_threads)

    total_conforming = 0
    for c in conforming_states:
        if c:
            total_conforming += 1

    actual_ratio = float(total_conforming) / len(conforming_states)

    # NOTE(kgriffs): We don't expect to be super precise due to
    #   the inprecision of time.sleep() and also having to take into
    #   account execution time of the other instructions in the
    #   loop. We do expect a few more conforming states vs. non-
    #   conforming since the sleep time + overall execution time
    #   makes the threads run a little behind the replenishment rate.
    assert target_ratio < actual_ratio < ratio_max
Example #9
def test_different_keys():
    rate = 10
    capacity = 10

    storage = token_bucket.MemoryStorage()
    limiter = token_bucket.Limiter(rate, capacity, storage)

    keys = [
        uuid.uuid4().bytes, u'3084"5tj jafsb: f', b'77752098', u'whiz:bang',

    # The last two should be non-conforming
    for i in range(capacity + 2):
        for k in keys:
            conforming = limiter.consume(k)

            if i < capacity:
                assert conforming
                assert not conforming
Example #10
    def __init__(self, ctx, localpath, s3path):
        self.ctx = ctx
        self.config = ctx.obj['CONFIG']
        self.localpath = localpath
        self.s3path = s3path

        self.include_patterns = self.config['watcher']['include_patterns']
        self.exclude_patterns = self.config['watcher']['exclude_patterns']
        exclude_directories = self.config['watcher']['exclude_directories']
        case_sensitive = self.config['watcher']['case_sensitive']

        watchdog.events.PatternMatchingEventHandler.__init__(self, patterns=self.include_patterns, ignore_patterns=self.exclude_patterns,
                                                             ignore_directories=exclude_directories, case_sensitive=case_sensitive)

        self.syncop = partial(_do_sync, ctx, self.localpath, self.s3path, include_patterns=self.include_patterns, exclude_patterns=self.exclude_patterns)

        storage = token_bucket.MemoryStorage()
        per_second_rate = (float(self.config['global']['max_syncs_per_minute'])/60.0)*NUM_TOKENS_PER_PUSH
        logger.debug("Rate limiting to [{}] tokens per second".format(per_second_rate))
        self.limiter = token_bucket.Limiter(per_second_rate, 60, storage)

        #do one sync to begin with
Example #11
def test_replenishment():
    capacity = 100
    rate = 100
    num_threads = 4
    trials = 100

    storage = token_bucket.MemoryStorage()

    def loop():
        for i in range(trials):
            key = str(i)

            for __ in range(int(capacity / num_threads)):
                storage.replenish(key, rate, capacity)
                time.sleep(1.0 / rate)

    _run_threaded(loop, num_threads)

    # NOTE(kgriffs): Ensure that a race condition did not result in
    #   not all the tokens being replenished
    for i in range(trials):
        key = str(i)
        assert storage.get_token_count(key) == capacity
Example #12
def test_negative_count(rate, capacity, max_tokens_to_consume):
    # NOTE(kgriffs): Usually there will be a much larger number of
    #   keys in a production system, but keep to just five to increase
    #   the likelihood of collisions.
    keys = [uuid.uuid4().bytes for __ in range(5)]
    num_threads = 100
    storage = token_bucket.MemoryStorage()
    limiter = token_bucket.Limiter(rate, capacity, storage)

    token_counts = []

    def loop():
        for __ in range(1000):
            key = random.choice(keys)
            num_tokens = random.randint(1, max_tokens_to_consume)

            # NOTE(kgriffs): The race condition is only possible when
            #   conforming.
            if limiter.consume(key, num_tokens):

            # NOTE(kgriffs): Sleep for only a short time to increase the
            #   likelihood for contention, while keeping to something
            #   more realistic than a no-op (max of 1 ms)
            time.sleep(random.random() / 1000)

    _run_threaded(loop, num_threads)

    negative_counts = [c for c in token_counts if c < 0]
    if negative_counts:
        # NOTE(kgriffs): Negatives should be rare
        ratio_of_negatives = float(len(negative_counts)) / len(token_counts)
        assert ratio_of_negatives < 0.008

        # NOTE(kgriffs): Shouldn't ever have more than a few extra tokens
        #   removed. Allow for 2-3 collisions at max token removal
        assert (max_tokens_to_consume * -2) < min(negative_counts)
Example #13
 def set_rate(self, rate):
     self.limiter = token_bucket.Limiter(rate, rate, token_bucket.MemoryStorage())
     self.rate = rate
Example #14
def test_input_validation_rate_and_capacity(rate, capacity, etype):
    with pytest.raises(etype):
        token_bucket.Limiter(rate, capacity, token_bucket.MemoryStorage())
Example #15
# List of active connections - dicts, with IP, port, socket object,
# thread signal (to kill corresponding thread), and Common Name
# example_connection = {
#	'ip' : '',
#	'port' : 2000,
#	'socket' : conn,
#	'kill_signal' : False,
#	'CN' : 'client'
# }
active_connections = []

rate_per_key = 10  # frames per second
max_capacity = 20  # token capacity - defines burst size

buckets = token_bucket.Limiter(rate_per_key, max_capacity,

# Initialize a TAP interface and make it non-blocking
tap = TunTapDevice(flags=IFF_TAP | IFF_NO_PI, name='tap0')
fcntl.fcntl(tap.fileno(), fcntl.F_SETFL, os.O_NONBLOCK)

tap_thread = threading.Thread(target=ThreadTapFunction,
tap_thread.daemon = True

t = threading.Thread(target=ServerFunction,
Example #16
    def __init__(self, bot):
        self.bot = bot
        self.inprogressEdits = {}

        # !profile ratelimits
        self.bucket_storage = token_bucket.MemoryStorage()
        self.profile_bucket = token_bucket.Limiter(
            1 / 30, 2,
            self.bucket_storage)  # burst limit 2, renews at 1 / 30 s

        # Profile generation
        self.twemojiPath = 'resources/twemoji/assets/72x72/'
        self.bot_contributors = [
            125233822760566784,  # MattBSG
            123879073972748290,  # Lyrus
            108429628560924672,  # Alex from Alaska
            115840403458097161,  # FlapSnapple

        # Profile generation - precaching
        self.profileFonts = self._load_fonts({
            'meta': ('Regular', 36),
            'user': ('Regular', 48),
            'subtext': ('Light', 48),
            'medium': ('Light', 36),
            'small': ('Light', 30),

        with open("resources/profiles/themes.yml", 'r') as stream:
            self.themes = yaml.safe_load(stream)

        with open("resources/profiles/borders.yml", 'r') as stream:
            self.borders = yaml.safe_load(stream)

        with open("resources/profiles/backgrounds.yml", 'r') as stream:
            self.backgrounds = yaml.safe_load(stream)

            for bg_name in self.backgrounds.keys():
                    "image"] = self._render_background_image(bg_name)

        for theme in self.themes.keys():
            self.themes[theme]['pfpBackground'] = Image.open(
            self.themes[theme]['missingImage'] = (Image.open(
                    "RGBA").resize((45, 45)))
            self.themes[theme]['profileStatic'] = self._init_profile_static(
                theme)  # Do this last

        self.trophyImgCache = {}
        self.borderImgCache = {}
        self.flagImgCache = {}
        self.gameImgCache = {}

        # Friend Code Regexs (\u2014 = em-dash)
        self.friendCodeRegex = {
            # Profile setup/editor (lenient)
                r'(?:sw)?[ \-\u2014_]?(\d{4})[ \-\u2014_]?(\d{4})[ \-\u2014_]?(\d{4})',
            # Chat filter, "It appears you've sent a friend code." Requires separators and discards select prefixes.
            # Discarded prefixes: MA/MO (AC Designer), DA (AC Dream Address).
                r'(sw|m[^ao]|d[^a]|[^MD]\w|^\w|^)[ \-\u2014_]?\d{4}[ \-\u2014_]\d{4}[ \-\u2014_]\d{4}',
                re.I + re.M),

        self.special_trophies = {
            lambda member, guild: member.bot,
            lambda member, guild: member.id == guild.owner.id,
            lambda member, guild: member.id in self.bot_contributors,
            lambda member, guild: guild.get_role(config.chatmod
                                                 ) in member.roles,
            lambda member, guild: guild.get_role(config.submod
                                                 ) in member.roles,
            lambda member, guild: guild.get_role(config.modemeritus) in member.
            roles or guild.get_role(config.submodemeritus) in member.roles,
            lambda member, guild: guild.get_role(config.helpfulUser
                                                 ) in member.roles,
            lambda member, guild: guild.get_role(config.boostRole
                                                 ) in member.roles,
            lambda member, guild: guild.get_role(config.verified
                                                 ) in member.roles,
Example #17
tls = TLSTunnel ()


if tls.args.mode == 'client':
	while (True):
		except Exception as e:
				print("Fail to establish connection or connection closed. Waiting a bit before retrying. " + str(e))
elif tls.args.mode == 'server':

	print ("tb", tls.tb_rate, tls.tb_burst)
	tls.buckets = token_bucket.Limiter(tls.tb_rate, tls.tb_burst, token_bucket.MemoryStorage())

	# start tap reading and sending to clients via TLS
	tap_thread = threading.Thread(target=TLSTunnel.srvThreadTapReadFunction, args=(tls.tap, tls.active_connections,))
	tap_thread.daemon = True; tap_thread.start()

	# start server thread waiting for new clients and spawn new tap read from client and write to tap
	t = threading.Thread(target=tls.srvThreadServerFunction, args=(tls.args.listen_addr, tls.args.listen_port, tls.active_connections, tls.buckets,))
	t.daemon = True; t.start()

	# printout stats and don't exit
	while True:
		print("\nActive connections:")
		for i, connection in enumerate(tls.active_connections):
			print("{} - {}:{} ({})".format(i, connection['ip'], connection['port'], connection['CN']))
Example #18
def test_input_validation_on_consume(key, num_tokens, etype):
    limiter = token_bucket.Limiter(1, 1, token_bucket.MemoryStorage())
    with pytest.raises(etype):
        limiter.consume(key, num_tokens)