Example #1
def deletePosts(params, ids):
    c,cs = tokens.loadConsumer()
    tapi = api.API(c, cs, tokens.loadAccessToken) #we must sign our requests - access token is required
    for id in ids: #for every post
        id = id.strip()
            tapi.deletePost(params.blog, id) #deleting post
        except api.NotFound as E: #no such post (or blog)
            if not params.quiet:
                print >>stderr, '#{id}: post not found'.format(id=id, blog=params.blog)
            failure = True
        except api.Unauthorized as E: #we don't have access token
            if not params.quiet:
                print >>stderr, '#{id}: access denied to blog {blog}'.format(id=id, blog=params.blog)
            failure = True
        except api.Error as E: #I just don't know what went wrong!
            if not params.quiet:
                print >>stderr, '#{id}: {msg}'.format(id=id, msg=E.message)
            failure = True
        else: #Everything is fine
            failure = False
        if failure and (params.outcome=='fail'): #if something bad happened and we must fail
            exit(1) # then we fail.
        elif (not failure or (params.outcome=='ignore')):
            print >>stdout, id
Example #2
def retagPosts(params, ids):
    c,cs = tokens.loadConsumer()
    tapi = api.API(c, cs, tokens.loadAccessToken) #we must sign our requests - access token is required
    for id in ids: #for every post
        id = id.strip()
            post = tapi.retrievePost(params.blog, id)
            actions = expandTags(params.actions, post)
            post['tags'] = changeTags(actions, post['tags'])
            tapi.updatePost(params.blog, post)
        except api.NotFound as E: #no such post (or blog)
            if not params.quiet:
                print >>stderr, '#{id}: post not found'.format(id=id, blog=params.blog)
            failure = True
        except api.Unauthorized as E: #we don't have access token
            if not params.quiet:
                print >>stderr, '#{id}: access denied to blog {blog}'.format(id=id, blog=params.blog)
            failure = True
        except api.Error as E: #I just don't know what went wrong!
            if not params.quiet:
                print >>stderr, '#{id}: {msg}'.format(id=id, msg=E.message)
            failure = True
        else: #Everything is fine
            failure = False
        if not failure or (params.error=='ignore'):
            print >>stdout, params.format(post)
        elif params.error=='fail':
Example #3
def retrievePosts(params):
    '''Retrieves posts via Tumblr API, utilizing some filtering conditions in the process.'''
    c,cs = tokens.loadConsumer()
    tapi = api.API(c, cs, tokens.loadAccessToken)
    posttype = params.type if params.type!=u'all' else u''
    req_params = { #pre-retrieval filter
    if params.id is not None: #post id (if specified)
        req_params['id'] = params.id
    if params.tags: #tag
        for tag,rule in dict(params.tags).iteritems(): #checking tags list (duplicate tags removed)
            if rule=='+': #if there is a required tag...
                req_params['tag'] = tag #set this tag as search criteria
                break #Tumblr lets us set only one required tag as search criteria. Other tag restrictions will be enforced later.
    #portion size - how many posts will be retrieved per query
    if params.slice is None: 
        if params.count is not None:
            req_params['limit'] = str(params.count)
        req_params['limit'] = str(params.slice)
    if params.plaintext: #use plain text versions
        req_params['filter'] = 'text'
    flt = PostFilter(params) #setting up post-retrieval filter
    offset = params.offset #initial offset
    end = offset+1 #initial end value
        while offset<end: #as long as there are more posts to retrieve
            req_params['offset'] = str(offset) #new offset
            data = tapi.listPosts(params.blog, req_params, posttype) #decoded API response
            total = data['total_posts'] #updating total post count
            part = data['posts'] #post list
            offset += len(part) #how many posts have we retrieved?
            limit = total if params.count is None else params.count
            end = min(total, params.offset+limit) #determining new post count
                for post in part: #returning filtered posts one by one
                    if flt(post):
                        yield post
            except NoMoreMatchesExpected:
    except api.NotFound as E:
        if (params.id is not None):
            raise api.NotFound("post #{id}".format(id=params.id))
Example #4
def editPosts(params, ids):
    c,cs = tokens.loadConsumer()
    tapi = api.API(c, cs, tokens.loadAccessToken) #we must sign our requests - access token is required
    processPost = performRegexp if params.useregexp else performReplacement #determining method
    for id in ids: #for every post
        id = id.strip()
        post = { u'id':id } #stub. In case of post retrieval failure we will have the ID.
            post = tapi.retrievePost(params.blog, id) #retrieving post
            changed = processPost(params.body, post, args.FieldMap.body) #changing body
            if params.title: 
                if (post['type']=='answer'): #we can't change question
                    raise api.Error('Can\'t edit question text.')
                else: #change title (or equivalent part)
                    changed_title = processPost(params.title, post, args.FieldMap.title)
                    changed = changed or changed_title
            tapi.updatePost(params.blog, post) #submitting post back
        except api.NotFound as E: #no such post (or blog)
            if not params.quiet:
                print >>stderr, '#{id}: post not found'.format(id=id, blog=params.blog)
            failure = True
        except api.Unauthorized as E: #we don't have access token
            if not params.quiet:
                print >>stderr, '#{id}: access denied to blog {blog}'.format(id=id, blog=params.blog)
            failure = True
        except api.Error as E: #I just don't know what went wrong!
            if not params.quiet:
                print >>stderr, '#{id}: {msg}'.format(id=id, msg=E.message)
            failure = True
        else: #Everything is fine
            failure = False
        if failure and (params.outcome=='fail'): #if something bad happened and we must fail
            exit(1) # then we fail.
        elif (not failure or (params.outcome=='ignore')) and \
            (not params.editonly or changed):
            print >>stdout, params.format(post)