Example #1
 def checkObject(self, obj):
     if type(obj) != types.TupleType:
         raise Violation("not a tuple")
     if len(obj) != len(self.constraints):
         raise Violation("wrong size tuple")
     for i in range(len(self.constraints)):
Example #2
 def checkObject(self, obj):
     if type(obj) != types.ListType:
         raise Violation("not a list")
     if len(obj) > self.maxLength:
         raise Violation("list too long")
     for o in obj:
Example #3
 def checkObject(self, obj):
     if not isinstance(obj, (types.IntType, types.LongType)):
         raise Violation("not a number")
     if self.maxBytes == -1:
         if obj >= 2**31 or obj < -2**31:
             raise Violation("number too large")
     elif self.maxBytes != None:
         if abs(obj) >= 2**(8*self.maxBytes):
             raise Violation("number too large")
Example #4
    def checkToken(self, typebyte, size):
        """Check the token type. Raise an exception if it is not accepted
        right now, or if the body-length limit is exceeded."""

        limit = self.taster.get(typebyte, "not in list")
        if limit == "not in list":
            if self.strictTaster:
                raise BananaError("invalid token type")
                raise Violation("%s token rejected by %s" % \
                                (tokenNames[typebyte], self.name))
        if limit and size > limit:
            raise Violation("token too large: %d>%d" % (size, limit))
Example #5
 def openerCheckToken(self, typebyte, size, opentype):
     if typebyte == tokens.STRING:
         if size > self.maxIndexLength:
             why = "STRING token is too long, %d>%d" % \
                   (size, self.maxIndexLength)
             raise Violation(why)
     elif typebyte == tokens.VOCAB:
         # TODO: hack for testing
         raise Violation("index token 0x%02x not STRING or VOCAB" % \
         raise BananaError("index token 0x%02x not STRING or VOCAB" % \
Example #6
 def checkToken(self, typebyte, size):
     if self.maxLength != None and len(self.list) >= self.maxLength:
         # list is full, no more tokens accepted
         # this is hit if the max+1 item is a primitive type
         raise Violation("the list is full")
     if self.itemConstraint:
         self.itemConstraint.checkToken(typebyte, size)
Example #7
 def checkArgs(self, argdict):
     # this is called on the inbound side. Each argument has already been
     # checked individually, so all we have to do is verify global things
     # like all required arguments have been provided.
     for argname in self.required:
         if not argdict.has_key(argname):
             raise Violation("missing required argument '%s'" % argname)
Example #8
 def checkToken(self, typebyte, size):
     if self.maxKeys != None:
         if len(self.d) >= self.maxKeys:
             raise Violation("the dict is full")
     if self.gettingKey:
         if self.keyConstraint:
             self.keyConstraint.checkToken(typebyte, size)
         if self.valueConstraint:
             self.valueConstraint.checkToken(typebyte, size)
Example #9
 def receiveChild(self, obj, ready_deferred=None):
     assert not isinstance(obj, Deferred)
     assert ready_deferred is None
     assert type(obj) == int
     if self.constraint:
         if self.constraint.value != None:
             if bool(obj) != self.constraint.value:
                 raise Violation("This boolean can only be %s" % \
     self.value = bool(obj)
Example #10
 def checkObject(self, obj):
     ok = False
     for c in self.alternatives:
             ok = True
         except Violation:
     if not ok:
         raise Violation("does not satisfy any of %s" \
                         % (self.alternatives,))
Example #11
 def doOpen(self, opentype):
     where = len(self.list)
     if self.constraints != None:
         if where >= len(self.constraints):
             raise Violation("the tuple is full")
     unslicer = self.open(opentype)
     if unslicer:
         if self.constraints != None:
     return unslicer
Example #12
 def getArgConstraint(self, argname):
     c = self.argConstraints.get(argname)
     if c:
         if isinstance(c, Optional):
             c = c.constraint
         return (True, c)
     # what do we do with unknown arguments?
     if self.ignoreUnknown:
         return (False, None)
     if self.acceptUnknown:
         return (True, None)
     raise Violation("unknown argument '%s'" % argname)
Example #13
 def open(self, opentype):
     # called (by delegation) by the top Unslicer on the stack, regardless
     # of what kind of unslicer it is. This is only used for "internal"
     # objects: non-top-level nodes
     assert len(self.protocol.receiveStack) > 1
     for reg in self.openRegistry:
         opener = reg.get(opentype)
         if opener is not None:
             child = opener()
             return child
         raise Violation("unknown OPEN type %s" % (opentype, ))
Example #14
 def getAttrConstraint(self, attrname):
     c = self.keys.get(attrname)
     if c:
         if isinstance(c, Optional):
             c = c.constraint
         return (True, c)
     # unknown attribute
     if self.ignoreUnknown:
         return (False, None)
     if self.acceptUnknown:
         return (True, None)
     raise Violation("unknown attribute '%s'" % attrname)
Example #15
 def doOpen(self, opentype):
     # decide whether the given object type is acceptable here. Raise a
     # Violation exception if not, otherwise give it to our opener (which
     # will normally be the RootUnslicer). Apply a constraint to the new
     # unslicer.
     if self.maxLength != None and len(self.list) >= self.maxLength:
         # this is hit if the max+1 item is a non-primitive type
         raise Violation("the list is full")
     if self.itemConstraint:
     unslicer = self.open(opentype)
     if unslicer:
         if self.itemConstraint:
     return unslicer
Example #16
 def doOpen(self, opentype):
     if self.maxKeys != None:
         if len(self.d) >= self.maxKeys:
             raise Violation("the dict is full")
     if self.gettingKey:
         if self.keyConstraint:
         if self.valueConstraint:
     unslicer = self.open(opentype)
     if unslicer:
         if self.gettingKey:
             if self.keyConstraint:
             if self.valueConstraint:
     return unslicer
Example #17
    def doOpen(self, opentype):
        # this is only called for top-level objects
        assert len(self.protocol.receiveStack) == 1
        if self.constraint:
        if opentype == ("vocab", ):
            # only legal at top-level
            return VocabUnslicer()
        for reg in self.topRegistry:
            opener = reg.get(opentype)
            if opener is not None:
                child = opener()
            raise Violation("unknown top-level OPEN type %s" % (opentype, ))

        if self.constraint:
        return child
Example #18
 def slicerForObject(self, obj):
     # could use a table here if you think it'd be faster than an
     # adapter lookup
     if self.debug: print "slicerForObject(%s)" % type(obj)
     # do the adapter lookup first, so that registered adapters override
     # UnsafeSlicerTable's InstanceSlicer
     slicer = tokens.ISlicer(obj, None)
     if slicer:
         if self.debug: print "got ISlicer", slicer
         return slicer
     slicerFactory = self.slicerTable.get(type(obj))
     if slicerFactory:
         if self.debug: print " got slicerFactory", slicerFactory
         return slicerFactory(obj)
     if issubclass(type(obj), types.InstanceType):
         name = str(obj.__class__)
         name = str(type(obj))
     if self.debug: print "cannot serialize %s (%s)" % (obj, name)
     raise Violation("cannot serialize %s (%s)" % (obj, name))
Example #19
 def receiveChild(self, obj, ready_deferred=None):
     assert ready_deferred is None
     if self.debug:
         print "%s[%d].receiveChild(%s)" % (self, self.count, obj)
     # obj could be a primitive type, a Deferred, or a complex type like
     # those returned from an InstanceUnslicer. However, the individual
     # object has already been through the schema validation process. The
     # only remaining question is whether the larger schema will accept
     # it.
     if self.maxLength != None and len(self.list) >= self.maxLength:
         # this is redundant
         # (if it were a non-primitive one, it would be caught in doOpen)
         # (if it were a primitive one, it would be caught in checkToken)
         raise Violation("the list is full")
     if isinstance(obj, Deferred):
         if self.debug:
             print " adding my update[%d] to %s" % (len(self.list), obj)
         obj.addCallback(self.update, len(self.list))
Example #20
    def checkObject(self, obj, inbound):
        if type(obj) != type({}):
            raise Violation, "'%s' (%s) is not a Dictionary" % (obj,
        allkeys = self.keys.keys()
        for k in obj.keys():
                constraint = self.keys[k]
            except KeyError:
                if not self.ignoreUnknown:
                    raise Violation, "key '%s' not in schema" % k
                    # hmm. kind of a soft violation. allow it for now.
                constraint.checkObject(obj[k], inbound)

        for k in allkeys[:]:
            if isinstance(self.keys[k], Optional):
        if allkeys:
            raise Violation("object is missing required keys: %s" % \
Example #21
 def doOpen(self, opentype):
     raise Violation("'%s' does not accept sub-objects" % self)
Example #22
 def checkObject(self, obj):
     if type(obj) != types.BooleanType:
         raise Violation("not a bool")
     if self.value != None:
         if obj != self.value:
             raise Violation("not %s" % self.value)
Example #23
 def checkObject(self, obj):
     # TODO: maybe try to get an adapter instead?
     if not self.interface.providedBy(obj):
         raise Violation("does not provide interface %s" % self.interface)
Example #24
    def produce(self, dummy=None):
        # optimize: cache 'next' because we get many more tokens than stack
        # pushes/pops
        while self.slicerStack and not self.paused:
            if self.debugSend: print "produce.loop"
                slicer, next, openID = self.slicerStack[-1]
                obj = next()
                if self.debugSend: print " produce.obj=%s" % (obj, )
                if isinstance(obj, defer.Deferred):
                    for s, n, o in self.slicerStack:
                        if not s.streamable:
                            raise Violation("parent not streamable")
                    obj.addErrback(self._slice_error, s)
                    # this is the primary exit point
                elif type(obj) in (int, long, float, str):
                    # sendToken raises a BananaError for weird tokens
                    # newSlicerFor raises a Violation for unsendable types
                    # pushSlicer calls .slice, which can raise Violation
                        slicer = self.newSlicerFor(obj)
                        self.pushSlicer(slicer, obj)
                    except Violation, v:
                        # pushSlicer is arranged such that the pushing of
                        # the Slicer and the sending of the OPEN happen
                        # together: either both occur or neither occur. In
                        # addition, there is nothing past the OPEN/push
                        # which can cause an exception.

                        # Therefore, if an exception was raised, we know
                        # that the OPEN has not been sent (so we don't have
                        # to send an ABORT), and that the new Unslicer has
                        # not been pushed (so we don't have to pop one from
                        # the stack)

                        f = BananaFailure()
                        if self.debugSend:
                            print " violation in newSlicerFor:", f

            except StopIteration:
                if self.debugSend: print "StopIteration"

            except Violation, v:
                # Violations that occur because of Constraints are caught
                # before the Slicer is pushed. A Violation that is caught
                # here was raised inside .next(), or .streamable wasn't
                # obeyed. The Slicer should now be abandoned.
                if self.debugSend: print " violation in .next:", v

                f = BananaFailure()
                self.handleSendViolation(f, doPop=True, sendAbort=True)

Example #25
 def checkObject(self, obj, inbound):
     if not isinstance(obj, self.klass):
         raise Violation("is not an instance of %s" % self.klass)
Example #26
    def receiveChild(self, token, ready_deferred=None):
        assert not isinstance(token, defer.Deferred)
        if self.debug:
            log.msg("%s.receiveChild [s%d]: %s" %
                    (self, self.stage, repr(token)))

        if self.stage == 0:  # reqID
            # we don't yet know which reqID to send any failure to
            assert ready_deferred is None
            self.reqID = token
            self.stage = 1
            if self.reqID != 0:
                assert self.reqID not in self.broker.activeLocalCalls
                self.broker.activeLocalCalls[self.reqID] = self

        if self.stage == 1:  # objID
            # this might raise an exception if objID is invalid
            assert ready_deferred is None
            self.objID = token
                self.obj = self.broker.getMyReferenceByCLID(token)
            except KeyError:
                raise Violation("unknown CLID %d" % (token, ))
            #iface = self.broker.getRemoteInterfaceByName(token)
            if self.objID < 0:
                self.interface = None
                self.interface = self.obj.getInterface()
            self.stage = 2

        if self.stage == 2:  # methodname
            # validate the methodname, get the schema. This may raise an
            # exception for unknown methods

            # must find the schema, using the interfaces

            # TODO: getSchema should probably be in an adapter instead of in
            # a pb.Referenceable base class. Old-style (unconstrained)
            # flavors.Referenceable should be adapted to something which
            # always returns None

            # TODO: make this faster. A likely optimization is to take a
            # tuple of components.getInterfaces(obj) and use it as a cache
            # key. It would be even faster to use obj.__class__, but that
            # would probably violate the expectation that instances can
            # define their own __implements__ (independently from their
            # class). If this expectation were to go away, a quick
            # obj.__class__ -> RemoteReferenceSchema cache could be built.

            assert ready_deferred is None
            self.stage = 3

            if self.objID < 0:
                # the target is a bound method, ignore the methodname
                self.methodSchema = getattr(self.obj, "methodSchema", None)
                self.methodname = None  # TODO: give it something useful
                if self.broker.requireSchema and not self.methodSchema:
                    why = "This broker does not accept unconstrained " + \
                          "method calls"
                    raise Violation(why)

            self.methodname = token

            if self.interface:
                # they are calling an interface+method pair
                ms = self.interface.get(self.methodname)
                if not ms:
                    why = "method '%s' not defined in %s" % \
                          (self.methodname, self.interface.__remote_name__)
                    raise Violation(why)
                self.methodSchema = ms


        if self.stage == 3:  # arguments
            assert isinstance(token, ArgumentUnslicer)
            self.allargs = token
            # queue the message. It will not be executed until all the
            # arguments are ready. The .args list and .kwargs dict may change
            # before then.
            if ready_deferred:
            self.stage = 4
Example #27
 def requireBroker(self, protocol):
     broker = IBroker(protocol, None)
     if not broker:
         msg = "This object can only be serialized by a broker"
         raise Violation(msg)
     return broker
Example #28
 def checkToken(self, typebyte, size):
     if self.constraints == None:
     if len(self.list) >= len(self.constraints):
         raise Violation("the tuple is full")
     self.constraints[len(self.list)].checkToken(typebyte, size)
Example #29
    def receiveChild(self, token, ready_deferred=None):
        if self.stage < 3:
            assert not isinstance(token, defer.Deferred)
            assert ready_deferred is None
        #print "CallUnslicer.receiveChild [s%d]" % self.stage, repr(token)
        # TODO: if possible, return an error to the other side

        if self.stage == 0:  # reqID
            # we don't yet know which reqID to send any failure to
            self.reqID = token
            self.stage += 1
            assert not self.broker.activeLocalCalls.get(self.reqID)
            self.broker.activeLocalCalls[self.reqID] = self

        if self.stage == 1:  # objID
            # this might raise an exception if objID is invalid
            self.objID = token
            self.obj = self.broker.getMyReferenceByCLID(token)
            #iface = self.broker.getRemoteInterfaceByName(token)
            if self.objID < 0:
                self.interface = None
                self.interface = self.obj.getInterface()
            self.stage = 2

        if self.stage == 2:  # methodname
            # validate the methodname, get the schema. This may raise an
            # exception for unknown methods
            if self.objID < 0:
                # the target is a bound method
                self.methodSchema = getattr(self.obj, "methodSchema", None)
                self.methodname = None  # TODO: give it something useful
                if self.broker.requireSchema and not self.methodSchema:
                    why = "This broker does not accept unconstrained " + \
                          "method calls"
                    raise Violation(why)
                self.stage = 3

            methodname = token
            # must find the schema, using the interfaces

            # TODO: getSchema should probably be in an adapter instead of in
            # a pb.Referenceable base class. Old-style (unconstrained)
            # flavors.Referenceable should be adapted to something which
            # always returns None

            # TODO: make this faster. A likely optimization is to take a
            # tuple of components.getInterfaces(obj) and use it as a cache
            # key. It would be even faster to use obj.__class__, but that
            # would probably violate the expectation that instances can
            # define their own __implements__ (independently from their
            # class). If this expectation were to go away, a quick
            # obj.__class__ -> RemoteReferenceSchema cache could be built.

            ms = None

            if self.interface:
                # they are calling an interface+method pair
                ms = self.interface.get(methodname)
                if not ms:
                    why = "method '%s' not defined in %s" % \
                          (methodname, self.interface.__remote_name__)
                    raise Violation(why)

            self.methodSchema = ms
            self.methodname = methodname

            if self.broker.requireSchema and not self.methodSchema:
                why = "This broker does not accept unconstrained method calls"
                raise Violation(why)

            self.stage = 3

        if self.stage == 3:  # argname/value pairs
            if self.argname == None:
                assert not isinstance(token, defer.Deferred)
                assert ready_deferred is None
                argname = token
                if self.args.has_key(argname):
                    raise BananaError("duplicate argument '%s'" % argname)
                ms = self.methodSchema
                if ms:
                    # if the argname is invalid, this may raise Violation
                    accept, self.argConstraint = ms.getArgConstraint(argname)
                    assert accept  # TODO: discard if not
                self.argname = argname
                argvalue = token
                if isinstance(argvalue, defer.Deferred):
                    self.num_unreferenceable_children += 1
                    argvalue.addCallback(self.update, self.argname)
                self.args[self.argname] = argvalue
                self.argname = None
                if ready_deferred:
                    self.num_unready_children += 1
Example #30
    def handleData(self, chunk):
        # buffer, assemble into tokens
        # call self.receiveToken(token) with each
        if self.skipBytes:
            if len(chunk) <= self.skipBytes:
                # skip the whole chunk
                self.skipBytes -= len(chunk)
            # skip part of the chunk, and stop skipping
            chunk = chunk[self.skipBytes:]
            self.skipBytes = 0

        # Loop through the available input data, extracting one token per
        # pass.

        while len(self.buffer):
            first65 = self.buffer.popleft(65)
            pos = 0
            for ch in first65:
                if ch >= HIGH_BIT_SET:
                pos = pos + 1
                if pos > 64:
                    # drop the connection. We log more of the buffer, but not
                    # all of it, to make it harder for someone to spam our
                    # logs.
                    s = first65 + self.buffer.popleft(200)
                    raise BananaError("token prefix is limited to 64 bytes: "
                                      "but got %r" % s)
                # we've run out of buffer without seeing the high bit, which
                # means we're still waiting for header to finish
            assert pos <= 64

            # At this point, the header and type byte have been received.
            # The body may or may not be complete.

            typebyte = first65[pos]
            if pos:
                header = b1282int(first65[:pos])
                header = 0

            # rejected is set as soon as a violation is detected. It
            # indicates that this single token will be rejected.

            rejected = False
            if self.discardCount:
                rejected = True

            wasInOpen = self.inOpen
            if typebyte == OPEN:
                self.inboundObjectCount = self.objectCounter
                self.objectCounter += 1
                if self.inOpen:
                    raise BananaError("OPEN token followed by OPEN")
                self.inOpen = True
                # the inOpen flag is set as soon as the OPEN token is
                # witnessed (even it it gets rejected later), because it
                # means that there is a new sequence starting that must be
                # handled somehow (either discarded or given to a new
                # Unslicer).

                # The inOpen flag is cleared when the Index Phase ends. There
                # are two possibilities: 1) a new Unslicer is pushed, and
                # tokens are delivered to it normally. 2) a Violation was
                # raised, and the tokens must be discarded
                # (self.discardCount++). *any* rejection-caused True->False
                # transition of self.inOpen must be accompanied by exactly
                # one increment of self.discardCount

            # determine if this token will be accepted, and if so, how large
            # it is allowed to be (for STRING and LONGINT/LONGNEG)

            if ((not rejected)
                    and (typebyte not in (PING, PONG, ABORT, CLOSE, ERROR))):
                # PING, PONG, ABORT, CLOSE, and ERROR are always legal. All
                # others (including OPEN) can be rejected by the schema: for
                # example, a list of integers would reject STRING, VOCAB, and
                # OPEN because none of those will produce integers. If the
                # unslicer's .checkToken rejects the tokentype, its
                # .receiveChild will immediately get an Failure
                    # the purpose here is to limit the memory consumed by
                    # the body of a STRING, OPEN, LONGINT, or LONGNEG token
                    # (i.e., the size of a primitive type). If the sender
                    # wants to feed us more data than we want to accept, the
                    # checkToken() method should raise a Violation. This
                    # will never be called with ABORT or CLOSE types.
                    top = self.receiveStack[-1]
                    if wasInOpen:
                        top.openerCheckToken(typebyte, header, self.opentype)
                        top.checkToken(typebyte, header)
                except Violation:
                    rejected = True
                    f = BananaFailure()
                    if wasInOpen:
                        methname = "openerCheckToken"
                        methname = "checkToken"
                    self.handleViolation(f, methname, inOpen=self.inOpen)
                    self.inOpen = False

            if typebyte == ERROR and header > SIZE_LIMIT:
                # someone is trying to spam us with an ERROR token. Drop
                # them with extreme prejudice.
                raise BananaError("oversized ERROR token")

            self.buffer.appendleft(first65[pos + 1:])

            # determine what kind of token it is. Each clause finishes in
            # one of four ways:
            #  raise BananaError: the protocol was violated so badly there is
            #                     nothing to do for it but hang up abruptly
            #  return: if the token is not yet complete (need more data)
            #  continue: if the token is complete but no object (for
            #            handleToken) was produced, e.g. OPEN, CLOSE, ABORT
            #  obj=foo: the token is complete and an object was produced
            # note that if rejected==True, the object is dropped instead of
            # being passed up to the current Unslicer

            if typebyte == OPEN:
                self.inboundOpenCount = header
                if rejected:
                    if self.debugReceive:
                        print "DROP (OPEN)"
                    if self.inOpen:
                        # we are discarding everything at the old level, so
                        # discard everything in the new level too
                        self.discardCount += 1
                        if self.debugReceive:
                            print "++discardCount (OPEN), now %d" \
                                  % self.discardCount
                        self.inOpen = False
                        # the checkToken handleViolation has already started
                        # discarding this new sequence, we don't have to
                    self.inOpen = True
                    self.opentype = []

            elif typebyte == CLOSE:
                count = header
                if self.discardCount:
                    self.discardCount -= 1
                    if self.debugReceive:
                        print "--discardCount (CLOSE), now %d" \
                              % self.discardCount

            elif typebyte == ABORT:
                count = header
                # TODO: this isn't really a Violation, but we need something
                # to describe it. It does behave identically to what happens
                # when receiveChild raises a Violation. The .handleViolation
                # will pop the now-useless Unslicer and start discarding
                # tokens just as if the Unslicer had made the decision.
                if rejected:
                    if self.debugReceive:
                        print "DROP (ABORT)"
                    # I'm ignoring you, LALALALALA.
                    # In particular, do not deliver a second Violation
                    # because of the ABORT that we're supposed to be
                    # ignoring because of a first Violation that happened
                    # earlier.
                    # slightly silly way to do it, but nice and uniform
                    raise Violation("ABORT received")
                except Violation:
                    f = BananaFailure()
                    self.handleViolation(f, "receive-abort")

            elif typebyte == ERROR:
                strlen = header
                if len(self.buffer) >= strlen:
                    # the whole string is available
                    obj = self.buffer.popleft(strlen)
                    # handleError must drop the connection
                    self.buffer.appendleft(first65[:pos + 1])
                    return  # there is more to come

            elif typebyte == LIST:
                raise BananaError("oldbanana peer detected, " +
                                  "compatibility code not yet written")
                #listStack.append((header, []))

            elif typebyte == STRING:
                strlen = header
                if len(self.buffer) >= strlen:
                    # the whole string is available
                    obj = self.buffer.popleft(strlen)
                    # although it might be rejected
                    # there is more to come
                    if rejected:
                        # drop all we have and note how much more should be
                        # dropped
                        if self.debugReceive:
                            print "DROPPED some string bits"
                        self.skipBytes = strlen - len(self.buffer)
                        self.buffer.appendleft(first65[:pos + 1])

            elif typebyte == INT:
                obj = int(header)
            elif typebyte == NEG:
                # -2**31 is too large for a positive int, so go through
                # LongType first
                obj = int(-long(header))
            elif typebyte == LONGINT or typebyte == LONGNEG:
                strlen = header
                if len(self.buffer) >= strlen:
                    # the whole number is available
                    obj = bytes_to_long(self.buffer.popleft(strlen))
                    if typebyte == LONGNEG:
                        obj = -obj
                    # although it might be rejected
                    # there is more to come
                    if rejected:
                        # drop all we have and note how much more should be
                        # dropped
                        self.skipBytes = strlen - len(self.buffer)
                        self.buffer.appendleft(first65[:pos + 1])

            elif typebyte == VOCAB:
                obj = self.incomingVocabulary[header]
                # TODO: bail if expanded string is too big
                # this actually means doing self.checkToken(VOCAB, len(obj))
                # but we have to make sure we handle the rejection properly

            elif typebyte == FLOAT:
                if len(self.buffer) >= 8:
                    obj = struct.unpack("!d", self.buffer.popleft(8))[0]
                    # this case is easier than STRING, because it is only 8
                    # bytes. We don't bother skipping anything.
                    self.buffer.appendleft(first65[:pos + 1])

            elif typebyte == PING:
                continue  # otherwise ignored

            elif typebyte == PONG:
                continue  # otherwise ignored

                raise BananaError("Invalid Type Byte 0x%x" % ord(typebyte))

            if not rejected:
                if self.inOpen:
                                    self.inboundObjectCount, obj)
                    # handleOpen might push a new unslicer and clear
                    # .inOpen, or leave .inOpen true and append the object
                    # to .indexOpen
                if self.debugReceive:
                    print "DROP", type(obj), obj
                pass  # drop the object

            # while loop ends here

        # note: this is redundant, as there are no 'break' statements in that
        # loop, and the loop exit condition is 'while len(self.buffer)'