def doExportUICall(assetName, cacheGrp, exportPath): logger.debug('Copying attribute ...') copyAttr(assetName) logger.debug('Done') logger.debug('exporting alembic ...') exportFilePath = '%s/' % (exportPath, assetName) abcUtils.exportABC('%s' % (cacheGrp), exportFilePath) logger.debug('export done') logger.debug('exporting data ...') exportData(assetName, exportFilePath) logger.debug('export data done') return exportFilePath
def doExportUICall(assetName, cacheGrp, exportPath) : logger.debug('Copying attribute ...') copyAttr(assetName) logger.debug('Done') logger.debug('exporting alembic ...') exportFilePath = '%s/' % (exportPath, assetName) abcUtils.exportABC('%s' % (cacheGrp), exportFilePath) logger.debug('export done') logger.debug('exporting data ...') exportData(assetName, exportFilePath) logger.debug('export data done') return exportFilePath
def exportABC(asset): mc.loadPlugin("C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2015/bin/plug-ins/AbcImport.mll", qt=True) from tool.ptAlembic import abcUtils reload(abcUtils) ctrl = setting.superRootCtrl geoGrp = setting.exportGrp # get publish maya file pubMayaFile = asset.publishFile() # replace to yml abcFile = pubMayaFile.replace(".ma", ".abc") abcDir = asset.rigDataPath("abc") abcFileName = "%s/%s" % (abcDir, os.path.basename(abcFile)) if not os.path.exists(abcDir): os.makedirs(abcDir) if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(abcFile)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(abcFile)) if mc.objExists(ctrl): start = mc.playbackOptions(q=True, min=True) end = mc.playbackOptions(q=True, max=True) # set animation setTurnAnimation(ctrl) # export abc result = abcUtils.exportABC(geoGrp, abcFile) if os.path.exists(abcFile): # copy to work area copyResult = fileUtils.copy(abcFile, abcFileName) # remove key removeKey(ctrl, start, end) status = False if os.path.exists(abcFile): status = True return {"Export abc": {"status": status, "message": result, "hero": result}}
def exportABCCmd(abcFile) : mc.loadPlugin("C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2015/bin/plug-ins/AbcImport.mll", qt = True) ctrl = setting.superRootCtrl geoGrp = setting.exportGrp if mc.objExists(ctrl) : start = mc.playbackOptions(q = True, min = True) end = mc.playbackOptions(q = True, max = True) # set animation rig.setTurnAnimation(ctrl) # export abc result = abcUtils.exportABC(geoGrp, abcFile) # remove key rig.removeKey(ctrl, start, end) status = False if os.path.exists(abcFile) : status = True return status
def export(assetName, exportPath): # exportPath = 'C:/Users/TA/Documents/maya/projects/default/cache/alembic/' abcUtils.exportABC('%s:%s' % (assetName, exportGrp), exportPath) return True
def export(assetName, exportPath) : # exportPath = 'C:/Users/TA/Documents/maya/projects/default/cache/alembic/' abcUtils.exportABC('%s:%s' % (assetName, exportGrp), exportPath) return True