Example #1
def main():
    args = get_arguments()
    if args[0] == 'fill':
        db_tool.fill_database(*args[1:] + (SCHEMA_VERSION,))
    elif args[0] == 'stat':
        connector = SQLiteConnector()
        update_db.start_update(connector, SCHEMA_VERSION)
        StatClass = tool_config.get_stat_by_preset(args[1])
        if StatClass is None:
            print('No such statistics')
        stat = StatClass(connector, args[4], args[5])
Example #2
def get_arguments():
    args = parse_args()
    config_name = args['cfg'] or 'config.ini'
    action = args['action']
    if action not in ['stat', 'fill']:
        die('Invalid action')
        config = toollib.read_config(config_name)
        config['global']  # ensure that this section exists
    except Exception:
        die('Unable to parse config file')
    if config is None:
        die('Unable to parse config file')
    config = dict(config)
    database_name = args['database'] or config['global'].get('database') or die('Database not found')
    database_name = os.path.expanduser(database_name)

    if action == 'stat':
        if args['console']:
            outfile = None
        elif args['output']:
            outfile = args['output']
        elif config['global'].get('output'):
            outfile = config['global']['output']
            outfile = None
        outfile = None
    if outfile:
        outfile = os.path.expanduser(outfile)

    filters = {}
    if args['problem']:
        if args['problem'].count(':') != 1:
            die('Problem filter should be specified as CONTEST:PROBLEM. You can also write CONTEST: or :PROBLEM.')
        cf, pf = args['problem'].split(':')
        if cf:
            filters['contest'] = cf.rjust(6, '0')
        if pf:
            if pf.isdigit():
                filters['problem'] = pf
            elif pf.isalpha():
                # a = 1, z = 26, aa = 27 and so on
                val = 0
                for i in pf.upper():
                    val *= 26
                    val += ord(i) - ord('A') + 1
                filters['problem'] = str(val)
    if args['scoring']:
        filters['scoring'] = args['scoring'].upper()
    elif config.get('stat', {}).get('scoring'):
        filters['scoring'] = config['stat']['scoring'].upper()
    if 'scoring' in filters and filters['scoring'] == 'ALL':
        del filters['scoring']

    extra = {}
    extra['min_submits'] = 0
    if config.get('submits_by_signature', {}).get('min_submits') is not None:
        extra['min_submits'] = int(config['submits_by_signature']['min_submits'])
    if args['lang_sharding']:
        extra['lang_sharding'] = True
    if args['min_submits']:
        extra['min_submits'] = int(args['min_submits'])
    if args['pretty_json']:
        extra['pretty_json'] = True
    if args['tree_json']:
        extra['tree_json'] = args['tree_json']
    if args['clean']:
        extra['clean'] = True
    if args['hashes_only']:
        extra['hashes_only'] = True
    if args['no_hashes']:
        extra['no_hashes'] = True
    if args['update']:
        extra['update'] = True
    if args['contests_names']:
        extra['contests_names'] = True
    extra['start_from'] = args['start_from']

    if action == 'stat':
        preset = args['preset'] or die(tool_config.get_presets_info())
        return 'stat', preset, database_name, outfile, filters, extra
        if 'fill' not in config:
            die('Database config not found')
        base_dir = config['fill'].get('base_dir') or die('Base directory not specified')
        origin = config['fill'].get('origin') or die('Origin not specified')
        contests_info_dir = config['fill'].get('contests_info_dir')
            mysql_config = {
                'user': config['fill']['mysql_user'],
                'password': config['fill']['mysql_password'],
                'host': config['fill']['mysql_host'],
                'port': config['fill']['mysql_port'],
                'database': config['fill']['mysql_db_name']
        except KeyError:
            die('Unable to parse MySQL config')
        return 'fill', database_name, base_dir, contests_info_dir, mysql_config, origin, extra