Example #1
def get_updated_changeset_revisions_from_tool_shed( app, tool_shed_url, name, owner, changeset_revision ):
    Get all appropriate newer changeset revisions for the repository defined by 
    the received tool_shed_url / name / owner combination.
    url = suc.url_join( tool_shed_url,
                        'repository/updated_changeset_revisions?name=%s&owner=%s&changeset_revision=%s' % ( name, owner, changeset_revision ) )
    text = cu.tool_shed_get( app, tool_shed_url, url )
    return text
def get_api_url( base, parts=[], params=None ):
    if 'api' in parts and parts.index( 'api' ) != 0:
        parts.pop( parts.index( 'api' ) )
        parts.insert( 0, 'api' )
    elif 'api' not in parts:
        parts.insert( 0, 'api' )
    url = suc.url_join( base, *parts )
    if params:
        url += '?%s' % params
    return url
Example #3
def get_updated_changeset_revisions_from_tool_shed(app, tool_shed_url, name,
                                                   owner, changeset_revision):
    Get all appropriate newer changeset revisions for the repository defined by 
    the received tool_shed_url / name / owner combination.
    url = suc.url_join(
        % (name, owner, changeset_revision))
    text = cu.tool_shed_get(app, tool_shed_url, url)
    return text
Example #4
def get_readme_files_dict_for_display( trans, tool_shed_url, repo_info_dict ):
    Return a dictionary of README files contained in the single repository being installed so they can be displayed on the tool panel section 
    selection page.
    name = repo_info_dict.keys()[ 0 ]
    repo_info_tuple = repo_info_dict[ name ]
    description, repository_clone_url, changeset_revision, ctx_rev, repository_owner, repository_dependencies, installed_td = \
        suc.get_repo_info_tuple_contents( repo_info_tuple )
    # Handle README files.
    url = suc.url_join( tool_shed_url,
                       'repository/get_readme_files?name=%s&owner=%s&changeset_revision=%s' % ( name, repository_owner, changeset_revision ) )
    raw_text = common_util.tool_shed_get( trans.app, tool_shed_url, url )
    readme_files_dict = json.from_json_string( raw_text )
    return readme_files_dict
Example #5
def get_api_url( base, parts=[], params=None ):
    """Compose and return a URL for the Tool Shed API."""
    if 'api' in parts and parts.index( 'api' ) != 0:
        parts.pop( parts.index( 'api' ) )
        parts.insert( 0, 'api' )
    elif 'api' not in parts:
        parts.insert( 0, 'api' )
    url = suc.url_join( base, *parts )
    if params is not None:
            query_string = urllib.urlencode( params )
        except Exception, e:
            # The value of params must be a string.
            query_string = params
        url += '?%s' % query_string
Example #6
def get_readme_files_dict_for_display(trans, tool_shed_url, repo_info_dict):
    Return a dictionary of README files contained in the single repository being installed so they can be displayed on the tool panel section 
    selection page.
    name = repo_info_dict.keys()[0]
    repo_info_tuple = repo_info_dict[name]
    description, repository_clone_url, changeset_revision, ctx_rev, repository_owner, repository_dependencies, installed_td = \
        suc.get_repo_info_tuple_contents( repo_info_tuple )
    # Handle README files.
    url = suc.url_join(
        'repository/get_readme_files?name=%s&owner=%s&changeset_revision=%s' %
        (name, repository_owner, changeset_revision))
    raw_text = common_util.tool_shed_get(trans.app, tool_shed_url, url)
    readme_files_dict = json.from_json_string(raw_text)
    return readme_files_dict
def build_citable_url( host, repository ):
    return url_join( host, 'view', repository.user.username, repository.name )
Example #8
 def install_repository_revision( self, trans, payload, **kwd ):
     POST /api/tool_shed_repositories/install_repository_revision
     Install a specified repository revision from a specified tool shed into Galaxy.
     :param key: the current Galaxy admin user's API key
     The following parameters are included in the payload.
     :param tool_shed_url (required): the base URL of the Tool Shed from which to install the Repository
     :param name (required): the name of the Repository
     :param owner (required): the owner of the Repository
     :param changset_revision (required): the changset_revision of the RepositoryMetadata object associated with the Repository
     :param new_tool_panel_section_label (optional): label of a new section to be added to the Galaxy tool panel in which to load
                                                     tools contained in the Repository.  Either this parameter must be an empty string or
                                                     the tool_panel_section_id parameter must be an empty string or both must be an empty
                                                     string (both cannot be used simultaneously).
     :param tool_panel_section_id (optional): id of the Galaxy tool panel section in which to load tools contained in the Repository.
                                              If this parameter is an empty string and the above new_tool_panel_section_label parameter is an
                                              empty string, tools will be loaded outside of any sections in the tool panel.  Either this
                                              parameter must be an empty string or the tool_panel_section_id parameter must be an empty string
                                              of both must be an empty string (both cannot be used simultaneously).
     :param install_repository_dependencies (optional): Set to True if you want to install repository dependencies defined for the specified
                                                        repository being installed.  The default setting is False.
     :param install_tool_dependencies (optional): Set to True if you want to install tool dependencies defined for the specified repository being
                                                  installed.  The default setting is False.
     :param shed_tool_conf (optional): The shed-related tool panel configuration file configured in the "tool_config_file" setting in the Galaxy config file
                                       (e.g., universe_wsgi.ini).  At least one shed-related tool panel config file is required to be configured. Setting
                                       this parameter to a specific file enables you to choose where the specified repository will be installed because
                                       the tool_path attribute of the <toolbox> from the specified file is used as the installation location
                                       (e.g., <toolbox tool_path="../shed_tools">).  If this parameter is not set, a shed-related tool panel configuration
                                       file will be selected automatically.
     # Get the information about the repository to be installed from the payload.
     tool_shed_url = payload.get( 'tool_shed_url', '' )
     if not tool_shed_url:
         raise HTTPBadRequest( detail="Missing required parameter 'tool_shed_url'." )
     name = payload.get( 'name', '' )
     if not name:
         raise HTTPBadRequest( detail="Missing required parameter 'name'." )
     owner = payload.get( 'owner', '' )
     if not owner:
         raise HTTPBadRequest( detail="Missing required parameter 'owner'." )
     changeset_revision = payload.get( 'changeset_revision', '' )
     if not changeset_revision:
         raise HTTPBadRequest( detail="Missing required parameter 'changeset_revision'." )
     # Make sure this Galaxy instance is configured with a shed-related tool panel configuration file.
     if not suc.have_shed_tool_conf_for_install( trans ):
         message = get_message_for_no_shed_tool_config()
         log.error( message, exc_info=True )
         trans.response.status = 500
         return dict( status='error', error=message )
     # Make sure the current user's API key proves he is an admin user in this Galaxy instance.
     if not trans.user_is_admin():
         raise HTTPForbidden( detail='You are not authorized to install a tool shed repository into this Galaxy instance.' )
     # Keep track of all repositories that are installed - there may be more than one if repository dependencies are installed.
     installed_tool_shed_repositories = []
     # Get all of the information necessary for installing the repository from the specified tool shed.
     url = suc.url_join( tool_shed_url,
                         'api/repositories/get_repository_revision_install_info?name=%s&owner=%s&changeset_revision=%s' % \
                         ( name, owner, changeset_revision ) )
         raw_text = common_util.tool_shed_get( trans.app, tool_shed_url, url )
     except Exception, e:
         message = "Error attempting to retrieve installation information from tool shed %s for revision %s of repository %s owned by %s: %s" % \
             ( str( tool_shed_url ), str( changeset_revision ), str( name ), str( owner ), str( e ) )
         log.error( message, exc_info=True )
         trans.response.status = 500
         return dict( status='error', error=message )
        tmp_export_info = xml_util.create_and_write_tmp_file( export_elem, use_indent=True )
        repositories_archive.add( tmp_export_info, arcname='export_info.xml' )
        # Write the manifest, which must preserve the order in which the repositories should be imported.
        exported_repository_root = xml_util.create_element( 'repositories' )
        for exported_repository_elem in exported_repository_registry.exported_repository_elems:
            exported_repository_root.append( exported_repository_elem )
        tmp_manifest = xml_util.create_and_write_tmp_file( exported_repository_root, use_indent=True )
        repositories_archive.add( tmp_manifest, arcname='manifest.xml' )
    except Exception, e:
        log.exception( str( e ) )
    if api:
        encoded_repositories_archive_name = encoding_util.tool_shed_encode( repositories_archive_filename )
        download_url = suc.url_join( web.url_for( '/', qualified=True ),
                                     'repository/export_via_api?encoded_repositories_archive_name=%s' % encoded_repositories_archive_name )
        return dict( download_url=download_url, error_messages=error_messages )
    return repositories_archive, error_messages

def generate_repository_archive( trans, work_dir, tool_shed_url, repository, changeset_revision, file_type ):
    file_type_str = suc.get_file_type_str( changeset_revision, file_type )
    file_name = '%s-%s' % ( repository.name, file_type_str )
    return_code, error_message = archive_repository_revision( trans, ui, repository, work_dir, changeset_revision )
    if return_code:
        return None, error_message
    repository_archive_name = os.path.join( work_dir, file_name )
    # Create a compressed tar archive that will contain only valid files and possibly altered dependency definition files.
    repository_archive = tarfile.open( repository_archive_name, "w:%s" % file_type )
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk( work_dir ):
        if root.find( '.hg' ) < 0 and root.find( 'hgrc' ) < 0:
            for dir in dirs:
Example #10
def get_required_repo_info_dicts( trans, tool_shed_url, repo_info_dicts ):
    Inspect the list of repo_info_dicts for repository dependencies and append a repo_info_dict for each of them to the list.  All
    repository_dependencies entries in each of the received repo_info_dicts includes all required repositories, so only one pass through
    this method is required to retrieve all repository dependencies.
    all_required_repo_info_dict = {}
    all_repo_info_dicts = []
    if repo_info_dicts:
        # We'll send tuples of ( tool_shed, repository_name, repository_owner, changeset_revision ) to the tool shed to discover repository ids.
        required_repository_tups = []
        for repo_info_dict in repo_info_dicts:
            if repo_info_dict not in all_repo_info_dicts:
                all_repo_info_dicts.append( repo_info_dict )
            for repository_name, repo_info_tup in repo_info_dict.items():
                description, repository_clone_url, changeset_revision, ctx_rev, repository_owner, repository_dependencies, tool_dependencies = \
                    suc.get_repo_info_tuple_contents( repo_info_tup )
                if repository_dependencies:
                    for key, val in repository_dependencies.items():
                        if key in [ 'root_key', 'description' ]:
                            toolshed, name, owner, changeset_revision, prior_installation_required = container_util.get_components_from_key( key )
                            components_list = [ toolshed, name, owner, changeset_revision, prior_installation_required ]
                        except ValueError:
                            # For backward compatibility to the 12/20/12 Galaxy release, default prior_installation_required to False in the caller.
                            toolshed, name, owner, changeset_revision = container_util.get_components_from_key( key )
                            components_list = [ toolshed, name, owner, changeset_revision ]
                        if components_list not in required_repository_tups:
                            required_repository_tups.append( components_list )
                        for components_list in val:
                            if components_list not in required_repository_tups:
                                required_repository_tups.append( components_list )
                    # We have a single repository with no dependencies.
                    components_list = [ tool_shed_url, repository_name, repository_owner, changeset_revision, 'False' ]
                    required_repository_tups.append( components_list )
            if required_repository_tups:
                # The value of required_repository_tups is a list of tuples, so we need to encode it.
                encoded_required_repository_tups = []
                for required_repository_tup in required_repository_tups:
                    # Convert every item in required_repository_tup to a string.
                    required_repository_tup = [ str( item ) for item in required_repository_tup ]
                    encoded_required_repository_tups.append( encoding_util.encoding_sep.join( required_repository_tup ) )
                encoded_required_repository_str = encoding_util.encoding_sep2.join( encoded_required_repository_tups )
                encoded_required_repository_str = encoding_util.tool_shed_encode( encoded_required_repository_str )
                url = suc.url_join( tool_shed_url, '/repository/get_required_repo_info_dict' )
                request = urllib2.Request( url, data=urllib.urlencode( dict( encoded_str=encoded_required_repository_str ) ) )
                response = urllib2.urlopen( request ).read()
                if response:
                        required_repo_info_dict = json.from_json_string( response )
                    except Exception, e:
                        log.exception( e )
                        return all_repo_info_dicts
                    required_repo_info_dicts = []
                    for k, v in required_repo_info_dict.items():
                        if k == 'repo_info_dicts':
                            encoded_dict_strings = required_repo_info_dict[ 'repo_info_dicts' ]
                            for encoded_dict_str in encoded_dict_strings:
                                decoded_dict = encoding_util.tool_shed_decode( encoded_dict_str )
                                required_repo_info_dicts.append( decoded_dict )
                            if k not in all_required_repo_info_dict:
                                all_required_repo_info_dict[ k ] = v
                                if v and not all_required_repo_info_dict[ k ]:
                                    all_required_repo_info_dict[ k ] = v
                        if required_repo_info_dicts:                            
                            for required_repo_info_dict in required_repo_info_dicts:
                                if required_repo_info_dict not in all_repo_info_dicts:
                                    all_repo_info_dicts.append( required_repo_info_dict )
                    all_required_repo_info_dict[ 'all_repo_info_dicts' ] = all_repo_info_dicts
Example #11
def build_citable_url( host, repository ):
    return url_join( host, 'view', repository.user.username, repository.name )
def get_required_repo_info_dicts( trans, tool_shed_url, repo_info_dicts ):
    Inspect the list of repo_info_dicts for repository dependencies and append a repo_info_dict for each of them to the list.  All
    repository_dependencies entries in each of the received repo_info_dicts includes all required repositories, so only one pass through
    this method is required to retrieve all repository dependencies.
    all_required_repo_info_dict = {}
    all_repo_info_dicts = []
    if repo_info_dicts:
        # We'll send tuples of ( tool_shed, repository_name, repository_owner, changeset_revision ) to the tool shed to discover repository ids.
        required_repository_tups = []
        for repo_info_dict in repo_info_dicts:
            if repo_info_dict not in all_repo_info_dicts:
                all_repo_info_dicts.append( repo_info_dict )
            for repository_name, repo_info_tup in repo_info_dict.items():
                description, repository_clone_url, changeset_revision, ctx_rev, repository_owner, repository_dependencies, tool_dependencies = \
                    suc.get_repo_info_tuple_contents( repo_info_tup )
                if repository_dependencies:
                    for key, val in repository_dependencies.items():
                        if key in [ 'root_key', 'description' ]:
                        repository_components_tuple = container_util.get_components_from_key( key )
                        components_list = suc.extract_components_from_tuple( repository_components_tuple )
                        # Skip listing a repository dependency if it is required only to compile a tool dependency defined for the dependent repository since
                        # in this case, the repository dependency is really a dependency of the dependent repository's contained tool dependency, and only if
                        # that tool dependency requires compilation.
                        # For backward compatibility to the 12/20/12 Galaxy release.
                        prior_installation_required = 'False'
                        only_if_compiling_contained_td = 'False'
                        if len( components_list ) == 4:
                            prior_installation_required = 'False'
                            only_if_compiling_contained_td = 'False'
                        elif len( components_list ) == 5:
                            prior_installation_required = components_list[ 4 ]
                            only_if_compiling_contained_td = 'False'
                        if not util.asbool( only_if_compiling_contained_td ):
                            if components_list not in required_repository_tups:
                                required_repository_tups.append( components_list )
                        for components_list in val:
                                only_if_compiling_contained_td = components_list[ 5 ]
                                only_if_compiling_contained_td = 'False'
                            # Skip listing a repository dependency if it is required only to compile a tool dependency defined for the dependent repository
                            # (see above comment).
                            if not util.asbool( only_if_compiling_contained_td ):
                                if components_list not in required_repository_tups:
                                    required_repository_tups.append( components_list )
                    # We have a single repository with no dependencies.
                    components_list = [ tool_shed_url, repository_name, repository_owner, changeset_revision ]
                    required_repository_tups.append( components_list )
            if required_repository_tups:
                # The value of required_repository_tups is a list of tuples, so we need to encode it.
                encoded_required_repository_tups = []
                for required_repository_tup in required_repository_tups:
                    # Convert every item in required_repository_tup to a string.
                    required_repository_tup = [ str( item ) for item in required_repository_tup ]
                    encoded_required_repository_tups.append( encoding_util.encoding_sep.join( required_repository_tup ) )
                encoded_required_repository_str = encoding_util.encoding_sep2.join( encoded_required_repository_tups )
                encoded_required_repository_str = encoding_util.tool_shed_encode( encoded_required_repository_str )
                url = suc.url_join( tool_shed_url, '/repository/get_required_repo_info_dict' )
                request = urllib2.Request( url, data=urllib.urlencode( dict( encoded_str=encoded_required_repository_str ) ) )
                response = urllib2.urlopen( request ).read()
                if response:
                        required_repo_info_dict = json.from_json_string( response )
                    except Exception, e:
                        log.exception( e )
                        return all_repo_info_dicts
                    required_repo_info_dicts = []
                    for k, v in required_repo_info_dict.items():
                        if k == 'repo_info_dicts':
                            encoded_dict_strings = required_repo_info_dict[ 'repo_info_dicts' ]
                            for encoded_dict_str in encoded_dict_strings:
                                decoded_dict = encoding_util.tool_shed_decode( encoded_dict_str )
                                required_repo_info_dicts.append( decoded_dict )
                            if k not in all_required_repo_info_dict:
                                all_required_repo_info_dict[ k ] = v
                                if v and not all_required_repo_info_dict[ k ]:
                                    all_required_repo_info_dict[ k ] = v
                        if required_repo_info_dicts:
                            for required_repo_info_dict in required_repo_info_dicts:
                                if required_repo_info_dict not in all_repo_info_dicts:
                                    all_repo_info_dicts.append( required_repo_info_dict )
                    all_required_repo_info_dict[ 'all_repo_info_dicts' ] = all_repo_info_dicts