def test_seds(err=0.1, Av0=1., Z0=0.02): import grid #filters = 'hst_wfc3_f225w hst_wfc3_f336w hst_acs_hrc_f475w hst_acs_hrc_f814w hst_wfc3_f110w hst_wfc3_f160w'.upper().split() #osl = stellib.BaSeL() oAv = extinction.Cardelli() g = grid.FileSpectralGrid('libs/SEDs_basel_padovaiso.fits') lamb = g.lamb#*1e6 #fake DATA fakein, l, fakesed, fakeerr = getFake(g, Av0, 3.1, err=err) mask = numpy.zeros(fakesed.shape, dtype=bool) mask[3] = True mask[2] = True Av = numpy.arange(0.,3., 0.1) r = numpy.empty( (g.seds.shape[0], len(Av)), dtype=float ) with timeit('Likelihood'): for k in range(len(Av)): r[:, k] = job(lamb[:], numpy.copy(fakesed), numpy.copy(fakeerr), mask, numpy.copy(g.seds), oAv, Av=Av[k], Rv=3.1) return g,r, Av, fakein, lamb, fakesed, fakeerr, Av0, Z0
def generate_spectral_grid_from_isochrones(outfile, osl, oiso, Z=0.02): """ Reinterpolate a given stellar spectral library on to an Isochrone grid INPUTS: outfile str fits file to export to osl stellib.stellib a stellar library oiso isochrone.Isochrone an isochrone library Z float metallicity to use OUTPUTS: None only write into outfile """ assert(isNestedInstance(osl, stellib.Stellib) ) assert(isNestedInstance(oiso, isochrone.Isochrone) ) specs = numpy.empty( (, len(osl.wavelength)), dtype=float ) specs[-1] = osl.wavelength[:] progress = 0 with timeit('interpolation'): for k in range( if progress < int(100*(k+1)/ progress = int(100*(k+1)/ print "progress... %d / 100" % progress r = numpy.array( osl.interp(['logT'][k],['logg'][k], Z,['logL'][k]) ).T specs[k,:] = osl.genSpectrum(r) pyfits.writeto(outfile, specs) #copy pars data = {} for k in data[k] =[k] pars = mytables.Table(data, name='Reinterpolated stellib grid') pars.header['stellib'] = osl.source pars.header['isoch'] = oiso.source pars.write(outfile, append=True)
def test_specs(): osl = stellib.BaSeL() oAv = extinction.Cardelli() #fake DATA #fakein = 2000 # random between 0 & 4523, no idea what this is :p idx = osl.grid.where('(Teff >= 3.6) & (Teff <= 3.8) & (logG >= 4.5) & (logG <= 4.7) & (Z == 0.02)') fakein = idx[0][0] fakesed = numpy.copy(osl.spectra[fakein,:]) Av0 = 0.1 lamb = osl.wavelength tau = getFluxAttenuation(oAv, lamb, Av = Av0, Rv = 3.1) fakesed *= exp(-tau) #magerr = 0.05 #fakeerr = fakesed * (1. - 10**(-0.4*magerr) ) fakeerr = 0.5 * fakesed #get Models # will be replaced by broad-band SEDs but structure will be identical seds = numpy.copy(osl.spectra) #idx = osl.grid.where('(Z == 0.02)') #seds = osl.spectra[idx] lamb = osl.wavelength Av = numpy.arange(0,1,0.1) r = numpy.empty( (seds.shape[0], len(Av)), dtype=float ) with timeit('Likelihood'): for k in range(len(Av)): r[:, k] = job(lamb, fakesed, fakeerr, seds, oAv, Av=Av[k], Rv=3.1) def plot(_r, idx=None): import pylab as plt if _r.ndim == 2: r = _r.sum(1) else: r = _r if idx == None: idx = numpy.arange(len(r)) n0, bT, bg = numpy.histogram2d(osl.Teff[idx], osl.logg[idx], bins=[25,11]) n , bT, bg = numpy.histogram2d(osl.Teff[idx], osl.logg[idx], bins=[bT,bg], weights=exp(r) ) n0 = n0.astype(float)/n0.sum() n = n.astype(float)/n.sum() n1 = numpy.copy(n[:]) ind = n0 > 0. n[ind] /= n0[ind] n /= n.sum() n1 = n0 == 0, n1 ) n = n0 == 0, n ) plt.figure(1, figsize=(10,10)) plt.clf() ax0 = plt.subplot(221) ax0.imshow(n1.T, extent=[min(bT), max(bT), min(bg), max(bg)], vmin=0., vmax=numpy.max([n1.max(),n.max()]), origin='lower', aspect='auto') ax0.plot([osl.Teff[fakein]], [osl.logg[fakein]], 'o', mec='#ff0000', mfc='None', mew=2., ms=10.) ax0.set_xlabel('logT') ax0.set_ylabel('logg') ax0.set_xlim(ax0.get_xlim()[::-1]) ax0.set_ylim(ax0.get_ylim()[::-1]) ax0.set_title('Raw: P0(logT,logg) = K') ax1 =plt.subplot(222, sharex=ax0, sharey=ax0) ax1.imshow(n.T, extent=[min(bT), max(bT), min(bg), max(bg)], vmin=0., vmax=numpy.max([n1.max(),n.max()]), origin='lower', aspect='auto') ax1.plot([osl.Teff[fakein]], [osl.logg[fakein]], 'o', mec='#ff0000', mfc='None', mew=2., ms=10.) ax1.set_xlabel('logT') ax1.set_ylabel('logg') ax1.set_xlim(ax1.get_xlim()[::-1]) ax1.set_ylim(ax1.get_ylim()[::-1]) ax1.set_title('Corrected: P/P0(logT,logg) = K') ax2 =plt.subplot(223) x = 0.5*(bT[1:]+bT[:-1]) #ax2.step( bT[:-1], n1.sum(1), where='pre', lw=2.) #ax2.step( bT[:-1], n.sum(1), where='pre', lw=2.) ax2.plot( x, n1.sum(1), lw=2., label='raw') ax2.plot( x, n.sum(1), lw=2., label='cor') ylim = ax2.get_ylim() ax2.vlines([osl.Teff[fakein]], ylim[0],ylim[1]) ax2.set_ylim(ylim) ax2.set_xlabel('log(Teff)') ax2.set_ylabel(r'P( data $\mid$ log(Teff) ) P(Teff) / P0(log(Teff))') ax2.legend(loc=0, frameon=False, borderaxespad=2., prop={'size':14}) ax3 = plt.subplot(224) x = 0.5*(bg[1:]+bg[:-1]) #ax3.step( bg[:-1], n1.sum(0), where='pre', lw=2.) #ax3.step( bg[:-1], n.sum(0), where='pre', lw=2.) ax3.plot( x, n1.sum(0), lw=2.) ax3.plot( x, n.sum(0), lw=2.) ylim = ax3.get_ylim() ax3.vlines([osl.logg[fakein]], ylim[0],ylim[1]) ax3.set_ylim(ylim) ax3.set_xlabel('log(g)') ax3.set_ylabel(r'P( data $\mid$ log(g) ) P(log(g)) / P0(log(g))') figure.theme(ax=ax0) figure.theme(ax=ax1) figure.theme(ax=ax2) figure.theme(ax=ax3) plot(r) return r