Example #1
class TestContracts:
    """Test type checking and execution of a bunch of contracts"""
    @pytest.mark.parametrize("contract", all_contracts())
    def test_typecheck(self, client, contract):
        assert contract.endswith('.tz'), \
            "test contract should have .tz extension"
        client.typecheck(os.path.join(CONTRACT_PATH, contract))

            # operations cannot be PACKed
             r'operation type forbidden in parameter, storage and constants'),
            # big_maps cannot be PACKed
            ("pack_big_map.tz", r'big_map type not expected here'),
             r'Contract has no entrypoint named D'),
            ("contract_annotation_default.tz", r'unexpected annotation'),
    def test_ill_typecheck(self, client, contract, error_pattern):
        def cmd():
            client.typecheck(os.path.join(ILLTYPED_CONTRACT_PATH, contract))

        utils.assert_run_failure(cmd, error_pattern)
class TestMacroExpansion:
    """Test expanding macros"""
    @pytest.mark.parametrize("contract", all_contracts(['macros']))
    def test_macro_expansion(self, client_regtest, contract):
        """This test expands macros in all macro test contracts, with
        regression detection enabled. This test should fail if the definition
        of any macros change.
        client_regtest.expand_macros(path.join(CONTRACT_PATH, contract))
Example #3
def all_contracts(directories: List[str] = None) -> List[str]:
    return paths.all_contracts(CONTRACT_PATH, directories)