Example #1
def generate_minimal_runtime_html(target, options, js_target, target_basename):
  logger.debug('generating HTML for minimal runtime')
  shell = utils.read_file(options.shell_path)
  if settings.SINGLE_FILE:
    # No extra files needed to download in a SINGLE_FILE build.
    shell = shell.replace('{{{ DOWNLOAD_JS_AND_WASM_FILES }}}', '')
    shell = shell.replace('{{{ DOWNLOAD_JS_AND_WASM_FILES }}}', generate_minimal_runtime_load_statement(target_basename))

  temp_files = shared.configuration.get_temp_files()
  with temp_files.get_file(suffix='.js') as shell_temp:
    utils.write_file(shell_temp, shell)
    shell = shared.read_and_preprocess(shell_temp)

  if re.search(r'{{{\s*SCRIPT\s*}}}', shell):
    shared.exit_with_error('--shell-file "' + options.shell_path + '": MINIMAL_RUNTIME uses a different kind of HTML page shell file than the traditional runtime! Please see $EMSCRIPTEN/src/shell_minimal_runtime.html for a template to use as a basis.')

  shell = shell.replace('{{{ TARGET_BASENAME }}}', target_basename)
  shell = shell.replace('{{{ EXPORT_NAME }}}', settings.EXPORT_NAME)
  shell = shell.replace('{{{ PTHREAD_WORKER_FILE }}}', settings.PTHREAD_WORKER_FILE)

  # In SINGLE_FILE build, embed the main .js file into the .html output
  if settings.SINGLE_FILE:
    js_contents = utils.read_file(js_target)
    js_contents = ''
  shell = shell.replace('{{{ JS_CONTENTS_IN_SINGLE_FILE_BUILD }}}', js_contents)
  shell = line_endings.convert_line_endings(shell, '\n', options.output_eol)
  # Force UTF-8 output for consistency across platforms and with the web.
  with open(target, 'wb') as f:
Example #2
def generate_minimal_runtime_html(target, options, js_target, target_basename,
                                  asm_target, wasm_binary_target,
                                  memfile, optimizer):
  logger.debug('generating HTML for minimal runtime')
  shell = open(options.shell_path, 'r').read()
  shell = shell.replace('{{{ DOWNLOAD_JS_AND_WASM_FILES }}}', generate_minimal_runtime_load_statement(target_basename))

  temp_files = shared.configuration.get_temp_files()
  with temp_files.get_file(suffix='.js') as shell_temp:
    open(shell_temp, 'w').write(shell)
    shell = shared.read_and_preprocess(shell_temp)

  if re.search(r'{{{\s*SCRIPT\s*}}}', shell):
    shared.exit_with_error('--shell-file "' + options.shell_path + '": MINIMAL_RUNTIME uses a different kind of HTML page shell file than the traditional runtime! Please see $EMSCRIPTEN/src/shell_minimal_runtime.html for a template to use as a basis.')

  shell = shell.replace('{{{ TARGET_BASENAME }}}', target_basename)
  shell = shell.replace('{{{ EXPORT_NAME }}}', shared.Settings.EXPORT_NAME)
  shell = line_endings.convert_line_endings(shell, '\n', options.output_eol)
  with open(target, 'wb') as f: