def start_screen(self): """ description: """ # global pygame echo.infoln("Screen...") # Set screen resolution self.screen_resolution = [ int(s) for s in self.screen_size.split('x') if s.isdigit() ] # Check for minimum resolution if (self.screen_resolution[0] < 480) or \ (self.screen_resolution[1] < 320): self.screen_resolution = (480, 320) self.screen_resolution[0] -= 1 self.screen_resolution[1] -= 1 echo.infoln( "Size: " + str(self.screen_resolution[0] + 1) + 'x' + str(self.screen_resolution[1] + 1) + ' px', 1) echo.infoln("Refresh rate: " + str(self.screen_rate) + ' FPS', 1) # Positioning os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED'] = '1' # Initialise screen pygame.init() # pylint: disable=no-member self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(self.screen_resolution) if self.screen_full: pygame.display.toggle_fullscreen() # Window caption pygame.display.set_caption(self.window_title) # Checking fonts echo.debugln('Checking fonts...', 1) for ttf_name in ['Digital Readout Thick Upright', 'Ubuntu']: ttf_path = pygame.font.match_font(ttf_name) if ttf_path is None: echo.erroln('TrueType font missing.') echo.infoln( '\"' + str(ttf_name) + '\" not found (' + str(ttf_path) + ')', 2) # Background self.background = pygame.Surface(self.screen.get_size()) self.background.fill([0, 0, 0]) # Black # Controls area self.controls = pygame.Surface([120, 240]) # Object area self.object_area = pygame.Surface( [self.screen.get_size()[0] - 65, self.screen.get_size()[1] - 70]) # Status bar self.status_bar = pygame.Surface([self.screen.get_size()[0], 16]) # Clockling echo.debugln('Clockling...', 1) self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() # Screensaver self.screensaver = Screensaver(self.screen) self.screensaver_timer = Timer(1000 * self.screensaver_time, 'COUNTDOWN') if not self.screensaver_enable: self.screensaver_timer.disable()
def start_x86_64(self): """ description: """ self.timer = Timer(1000) # Temperature sensor status = 'Absent' try: if[]["resources"]["temperature_sensor"]: self.temperature = 0 status = 'Present' except BaseException: pass echo.debugln('Temperature sensor: ' + status, 1)
def __init__(self, data): # pylint: disable=too-many-statements self.__work_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) self.__work_dir = os.path.join(self.__work_dir, '../') self.__img_dir = os.path.join(self.__work_dir, 'images') self.screen_full = False self.screen_size = "480x320" self.screen_rate = 30 self.screensaver_time = 60 self.screensaver_type = 'black' self.screensaver_enable = False self.screen = None self.screen_resolution = None self.screensaver = None self.screensaver_timer = None self.controls = None self.object_area = None self.status_bar = None self.clock = None self.background = None = None self.session = None self.running = None self.device = None self.device_timer = Timer(1000) self.connected_devices = None self.was_connected = None self.__joystick = None self.joyicon = None self.control_joystick_button = None self.__keyboard = None self.keyboard = None self.control_keyboard_button = None self.__mouse = None self.mouse = None self.control_mouse_button = None self.__touch = None self.touch = None self.control_touch_button = None self.ctrl_touch_delay = None self.control_touch_delay = None self.control_touch_enable = None self.control_touch_speed = None self.control_touch_visible = None self.window_caption = None self.window_title = None self.load(data) self.reset()
def __init__(self): self.__enable = False self.__factor = 1 self.__scan_time = 1000 # milliseconds self.__scan_timer = Timer(self.__scan_time) self.__joystick = None self.__mapping = {} self.reset()
def start_armv7l(self): """ description: """ try: from fan import Fan except ImportError as err: echo.erroln("Could not load module. " + str(err)) sys.exit(True) self.timer = Timer(1000) # Temperature sensor status = 'Absent' try: if[]["resources"]["temperature_sensor"]: self.temperature = 0 status = 'Present' except BaseException: pass echo.debugln('Temperature sensor: ' + status, 1) # Status LED status = 'Absent' try: if[]["resources"]["status_led"]: from tools.signal import SigGen GPIO.setup(33, GPIO.OUT) self.status_led = GPIO.PWM(33, 50) self.status_led.start(0) self.status_signal = SigGen() self.status_signal.period(1000) status = 'Present' except BaseException: pass echo.infoln('Status LED: ' + status, 1) # Fan status = 'Absent' try: if[]["resources"]["fan"]: = Fan(32, 22, max_speed=2000), 60) self.fan_speed = 0 status = 'Present' except BaseException: pass echo.infoln('Fan: ' + status, 1)
def __init__(self, write_pin, read_pin=None, max_speed=3000): self.read_pin = read_pin # Pin number self.write_pin = write_pin # Pin number self.max_speed = max_speed # RPM self.speed = 100 # Initial speed self.is_sensor_present = False self.rpm = 0 self.counter_rpm = 0 self.sample_rate = 30 # Sample rate (per minute) self.delta_t = 60.0 / self.sample_rate * 1000 # Interval (per seconds) self.timer = Timer(self.delta_t) self.bounce = 1000 / (self.max_speed * 2 / 60) # Bounce time self.limit_min = 0 self.limit_max = 100 # setmode # Available modes: # GPIO.BOARD: Board numbering scheme. The pin numbers follow the pin # numbers on header P1. # GPIO.BCM: Broadcom chip-specific pin numbers. These pin numbers # follow the lower-level numbering system defined by the # Raspberry Pis Broadcom-chip brain. GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) # Set fan control pin GPIO.setup(self.write_pin, GPIO.OUT) # Set PWM control self.fan_controller = GPIO.PWM(self.write_pin, self.speed) self.fan_controller.start(self.speed) if self.read_pin is not None: self.is_sensor_present = True # Set fan sensor pin # pull_up_down: Internal Pull-ups and Pull-down resistors. # Available options: # GPIO.PUD_UP: Pull up # GPIO.PUD_DOWN: Pull down GPIO.setup(self.read_pin, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) # Add interrupt detection GPIO.add_event_detect(self.read_pin, GPIO.RISING, callback=self.counter, bouncetime=self.bounce)
def start_objects(self): """ description: """ for i in self.device.get_objects(): i["image"] = Image( self.object_area, os.path.join(self.__img_dir, i["picture"]["file"]), eval(i["picture"]["split"])) i["boolean"] = i["default"] == "on" # infoln('ID: ' + str(i["id"]) + ", default: " + str(i["default"])) i["source"] = '' i["factor"] = '1' i["button"] = Button(i["image"], eval(i["picture"]["position"]), [65, 50], i["boolean"]) try: i["timer"] = Timer(i["delay"]) except BaseException: i["timer"] = Timer(20) i["state"] = i["default"] if self.device.get_objects(): echo.infoln('Objects...') echo.infoln('Imported: ' + str(len(self.device.get_objects())), 1)
def period(self, time=False): """ description: Set scan period parameters: time: scan time period (integer >= 1000) returns: int: scan time period """ if time >= 1000: self.__scan_time = time self.__scan_timer = Timer(self.__scan_time) return self.__scan_time
class Fan(): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """ description: Fan speed control. Fan (write_pin, read_pin) parameters: write_pin: Arduino LED connected to PWM motor controller read_pin: Arduino pin connected to motor sensor pin returns: void """ __version__ = 0.3 def __init__(self, write_pin, read_pin=None, max_speed=3000): self.read_pin = read_pin # Pin number self.write_pin = write_pin # Pin number self.max_speed = max_speed # RPM self.speed = 100 # Initial speed self.is_sensor_present = False self.rpm = 0 self.counter_rpm = 0 self.sample_rate = 30 # Sample rate (per minute) self.delta_t = 60.0 / self.sample_rate * 1000 # Interval (per seconds) self.timer = Timer(self.delta_t) self.bounce = 1000 / (self.max_speed * 2 / 60) # Bounce time self.limit_min = 0 self.limit_max = 100 # setmode # Available modes: # GPIO.BOARD: Board numbering scheme. The pin numbers follow the pin # numbers on header P1. # GPIO.BCM: Broadcom chip-specific pin numbers. These pin numbers # follow the lower-level numbering system defined by the # Raspberry Pis Broadcom-chip brain. GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) # Set fan control pin GPIO.setup(self.write_pin, GPIO.OUT) # Set PWM control self.fan_controller = GPIO.PWM(self.write_pin, self.speed) self.fan_controller.start(self.speed) if self.read_pin is not None: self.is_sensor_present = True # Set fan sensor pin # pull_up_down: Internal Pull-ups and Pull-down resistors. # Available options: # GPIO.PUD_UP: Pull up # GPIO.PUD_DOWN: Pull down GPIO.setup(self.read_pin, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) # Add interrupt detection GPIO.add_event_detect(self.read_pin, GPIO.RISING, callback=self.counter, bouncetime=self.bounce) def counter(self): """ description: Just a counter. parameters: none returns: bool """ if not self.is_sensor_present: self.counter_rpm = 0 return True # Count self.counter_rpm += 1 if self.timer.check(): self.rpm = int(self.counter_rpm / self.delta_t * 1000 * 60 / 2.0) self.counter_rpm = 0 return False def write_speed(self, speed): """ description: Change fan speed value. fan.speedWrite(int percent_speed) parameters: percent_speed: Fan percent speed returns: false: invalid input true: no errors """ # Check input limits if (speed < 0 or speed > 100): return True self.speed = speed # Write to PWM self.fan_controller.ChangeDutyCycle(self.speed) return False def set_limits(self, minimum, maximum): """ description: """ self.limit_min = minimum self.limit_max = maximum def auto_speed(self, x_input): """ description: """ speed = amap(constrain(x_input, self.limit_min, self.limit_max), self.limit_min, self.limit_max, 0, 100) self.write_speed(speed) def read_speed(self): """ * Description * . * a_led.blink() * Parameters * none * Returns * false: if the last state was not modified * true: if the last state was modified """ return self.speed def read_rpm(self): """ description: """ return self.rpm def stop(self): """ description: """ return self.fan_controller.stop() def cleanup(self): """ description: """ self.stop() return GPIO.cleanup()
class HostProperties: # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """ description: """ __version__ = 0.5 def __init__(self, data): = '' self.machine = '' self.architecture = '' self.processor = '' self.core = 0 self.memory = 0 self.memory_used = 0 self.system = '' self.distribution = '' self.distribution_version = '' self.python_version = '' self.temperature = None self.status_led = None self.status_signal = None self.fan_speed = None = None self.timer = None self.load(data) self.set() def load(self, data): """ description: """ = data def set(self): """ description: """ # self.reset() = platform.node() self.machine = platform.machine() self.architecture = platform.architecture()[0] self.processor = platform.processor() self.core = os.sysconf("SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN") self.memory = int( round(float(virtual_memory().total) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024)) self.memory_used = virtual_memory().percent self.system = platform.system() self.distribution = distro.linux_distribution()[0] self.distribution_version = distro.linux_distribution()[1] self.python_version = platform.python_version() self.profile = 'generic' if in self.profile = else: self.profile = 'generic' def info(self): """ description: """ echo.infoln("Host...") echo.debugln("Profile: " + self.profile, 1) echo.infoln("Name: " +, 1) echo.debugln( "Machine: " + self.machine + " (" + self.architecture + ")", 1) echo.debugln("Processor: " + self.processor, 1) echo.debug("Core", 1) if self.core > 1: echo.debug("s") echo.debugln(": " + str(self.core)) echo.debugln( "Memory: " + str(self.memory) + "GB (used: " + str(self.memory_used) + "%)", 1) echo.debug("Operating system: " + self.system, 1) if platform.system() == 'Linux': echo.debugln(" (" + self.distribution + " " + self.distribution_version + ")") echo.debugln("Python: " + self.python_version, 1) def run(self): """ description: """ if self.machine == 'armv7l': self.run_armv7l() if self.machine == 'x86_64': self.run_x86_64() def start_x86_64(self): """ description: """ self.timer = Timer(1000) # Temperature sensor status = 'Absent' try: if[]["resources"]["temperature_sensor"]: self.temperature = 0 status = 'Present' except BaseException: pass echo.debugln('Temperature sensor: ' + status, 1) def start(self): """ description: """ if self.machine == 'armv7l': self.start_armv7l() if self.machine == 'x86_64': self.start_x86_64() def run_x86_64(self): """ description: """ if not self.timer.check(): return False # Temperature sensor try: if[]["resources"]["temperature_sensor"]: from psutil import sensors_temperatures payload = str(sensors_temperatures()['acpitz']).split(',')[1] temperature = re.sub(r' [a-z]*=', '', payload) self.temperature = str("{:1.0f} C".format(float(temperature))) except BaseException: pass return False def run_armv7l(self): """ description: """ # Blink Status LED try: if[]["resources"]["status_led"]: self.status_led.ChangeDutyCycle(self.status_signal.sine() * 100) except BaseException: pass # Check sensors if not self.timer.check(): return False # Temperature sensor try: if[]["resources"]["temperature_sensor"]: temp = os.popen("vcgencmd measure_temp").readline() temp = temp.replace("temp=", "") temp = temp.replace("\'C", "") self.temperature = str("{:1.0f} C".format(float(temp))) except BaseException: pass # Fan speed try: if[]["resources"]["temperature_sensor"] and \[]["resources"]["fan"]: self.fan_speed = str("{:1.1f} RPM".format( float( except BaseException: pass return False def status_armv7l(self): """ description: """ status = '' self.run_armv7l() try: if[]["resources"]["temperature_sensor"]: status = self.temperature except BaseException: pass try: if[]["resources"]["temperature_sensor"] and \[]["resources"]["fan"]: status += ' ' + str(self.fan_speed) + ' RPM' except BaseException: pass return status def status_x86_64(self): """ description: """ status = '' self.run_x86_64() try: if[]["resources"]["temperature_sensor"]: status = self.temperature except BaseException: pass return status def status(self): """ description: """ if self.machine == 'armv7l': return self.status_armv7l() if self.machine == 'x86_64': return self.status_x86_64() return '' def start_armv7l(self): """ description: """ try: from fan import Fan except ImportError as err: echo.erroln("Could not load module. " + str(err)) sys.exit(True) self.timer = Timer(1000) # Temperature sensor status = 'Absent' try: if[]["resources"]["temperature_sensor"]: self.temperature = 0 status = 'Present' except BaseException: pass echo.debugln('Temperature sensor: ' + status, 1) # Status LED status = 'Absent' try: if[]["resources"]["status_led"]: from tools.signal import SigGen GPIO.setup(33, GPIO.OUT) self.status_led = GPIO.PWM(33, 50) self.status_led.start(0) self.status_signal = SigGen() self.status_signal.period(1000) status = 'Present' except BaseException: pass echo.infoln('Status LED: ' + status, 1) # Fan status = 'Absent' try: if[]["resources"]["fan"]: = Fan(32, 22, max_speed=2000), 60) self.fan_speed = 0 status = 'Present' except BaseException: pass echo.infoln('Fan: ' + status, 1) def get_control(self): """ description: """ try: return[]["control"] except BaseException: pass def get_screen(self): """ description: """ try: return[]["screen"] except BaseException: pass def get_screensaver(self): """ description: """ try: return[]["screensaver"] except BaseException: pass def stop(self): """ description: """ if self.machine == 'armv7l': self.stop_armv7l() if self.machine == 'x86_64': self.stop_x86_64() def stop_x86_64(self): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """ description: """ return False def stop_armv7l(self): """ description: """ try: if[]["resources"]["status_led"]: self.status_led.stop() except BaseException: pass try: if[]["resources"]["fan"]: except BaseException: pass try: if[]["resources"]["status_led"] or \[]["resources"]["fan"]: GPIO.cleanup() except BaseException: pass
class Gui: # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods,too-many-instance-attributes """ description: """ __version__ = 0.20 def __init__(self, data): # pylint: disable=too-many-statements self.__work_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) self.__work_dir = os.path.join(self.__work_dir, '../') self.__img_dir = os.path.join(self.__work_dir, 'images') self.screen_full = False self.screen_size = "480x320" self.screen_rate = 30 self.screensaver_time = 60 self.screensaver_type = 'black' self.screensaver_enable = False self.screen = None self.screen_resolution = None self.screensaver = None self.screensaver_timer = None self.controls = None self.object_area = None self.status_bar = None self.clock = None self.background = None = None self.session = None self.running = None self.device = None self.device_timer = Timer(1000) self.connected_devices = None self.was_connected = None self.__joystick = None self.joyicon = None self.control_joystick_button = None self.__keyboard = None self.keyboard = None self.control_keyboard_button = None self.__mouse = None self.mouse = None self.control_mouse_button = None self.__touch = None self.touch = None self.control_touch_button = None self.ctrl_touch_delay = None self.control_touch_delay = None self.control_touch_enable = None self.control_touch_speed = None self.control_touch_visible = None self.window_caption = None self.window_title = None self.load(data) self.reset() def reset(self): """ description: """ self.device = DeviceProperties( self.window_title = 'xC' self.window_caption = 'xC - Axes Controller' self.was_connected = False self.connected_devices = 0 def load(self, data): """ description: """ = data def ctrl_joystick_start(self): """ description: """ self.__joystick = ControlJoystick() # Is supported? if 'joystick' in self.device.get_control(): # Is enable? if 'enable' in self.device.get_control()['joystick']: if self.device.get_control()['joystick']['enable'] is True: self.__joystick.enable() # Set factor if 'factor' in self.device.get_control()['joystick']: self.__joystick.factor( self.device.get_control()['joystick']['factor']) # Start self.__joystick.start() self.__joystick.mapping(self.device.get_objects()) # Draw self.joyicon = Image(self.controls, os.path.join(self.__img_dir, 'joystick.png'), [2, 1]) self.control_joystick_button = Button(self.joyicon, [0, 100], [5, 58], self.__joystick.state()) def ctrl_keyboard_handle(self, event): # pylint: disable=too-many-branches """ description: """ # Program behavior if event.type == KEYDOWN: # pylint: disable=undefined-variable # Escape if event.key == K_ESCAPE: # pylint: disable=undefined-variable self.running = False # Keyboard grab if event.key == K_F9: # pylint: disable=undefined-variable self.control_keyboard_button.toggle() # Mouse grab if event.key == K_F10: # pylint: disable=undefined-variable self.control_mouse_button.toggle() # Joystick grab if event.key == K_F11: # pylint: disable=undefined-variable self.control_joystick_button.toggle() # Touch grab if event.key == K_F12: # pylint: disable=undefined-variable self.control_touch_button.toggle() # Release controls if event.key == K_LALT: # pylint: disable=undefined-variable self.__keyboard.state(self.control_keyboard_button.state()) self.__mouse.state(self.control_mouse_button.state()) self.__joystick.state(self.control_joystick_button.state()) self.__touch.state(self.control_touch_button.state()) # Object behavior self.__keyboard.handle(event) def ctrl_keyboard_start(self): """ description: """ self.__keyboard = ControlKeyboard() # Is supported? if 'keyboard' in self.device.get_control(): # Is enable? if 'enable' in self.device.get_control()['keyboard']: if self.device.get_control()['keyboard']['enable'] is True: self.__keyboard.enable() # Set delay if 'delay' in self.device.get_control()['keyboard']: self.__keyboard.delay( self.device.get_control()['keyboard']['delay']) # Set interval if 'interval' in self.device.get_control()['keyboard']: self.__keyboard.delay( self.device.get_control()['keyboard']['interval']) # Start self.__keyboard.start() self.__keyboard.mapping(self.device.get_objects()) # Draw self.keyboard = Image(self.controls, os.path.join(self.__img_dir, 'keyboard.png'), [2, 1]) self.control_keyboard_button = Button(self.keyboard, [0, 0], [5, 58], self.__keyboard.state()) def ctrl_mouse_start(self): """ description: """ self.__mouse = ControlMouse() # Is supported? if 'mouse' in self.device.get_control(): # Is enable? if 'enable' in self.device.get_control()['mouse']: if self.device.get_control()['mouse']['enable'] is True: self.__mouse.enable() # Set factor if 'factor' in self.device.get_control()['mouse']: self.__mouse.factor( self.device.get_control()['mouse']['factor']) # Start self.__mouse.start() self.__mouse.mapping(self.device.get_objects()) # Draw self.mouse = Image(self.controls, os.path.join(self.__img_dir, 'mouse.png'), [2, 1]) self.control_mouse_button = Button(self.mouse, [0, 50], [5, 58], self.__mouse.state()) def ctrl_touch_handle(self, event): """ description: """ # Program behavior if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP: # pylint: disable=undefined-variable # Set button self.control_keyboard_button.check(pygame.mouse.get_pos()) self.control_mouse_button.check(pygame.mouse.get_pos()) self.control_joystick_button.check(pygame.mouse.get_pos()) self.control_touch_button.check(pygame.mouse.get_pos()) # Set control self.__keyboard.state(self.control_keyboard_button.state()) self.__mouse.state(self.control_mouse_button.state()) self.__joystick.state(self.control_joystick_button.state()) self.__touch.state(self.control_touch_button.state()) # Object behavior self.__touch.handle(event) def ctrl_touch_start(self): """ description: """ self.__touch = ControlTouch() # Is supported? if 'touch' in self.device.get_control(): # Is enable? if 'enable' in self.device.get_control()['touch']: if self.device.get_control()['touch']['enable'] is True: self.__touch.enable() # Set visitility if 'visible' in['touch']: self.__touch.visible(['touch']['visible']) # Start self.__touch.start() self.__touch.mapping(self.device.get_objects()) # Draw self.touch = Image(self.controls, os.path.join(self.__img_dir, 'touch.png'), [2, 1]) self.control_touch_button = Button(self.touch, [0, 150], [5, 58], self.__touch.state()) def start_session(self): """ description: """ self.session = Session(self.device.get_comm()) self.session.start() if self.session.is_connected_serial(): while not self.session.is_ready(): continue # self.session.clear() for command in self.device.get_startup()["command"]: self.session.send_wait(command) self.was_connected = True def draw_device(self): """ description: """ # Device name font = pygame.font.SysFont('Ubuntu', 22) text = font.render(self.window_caption, True, (100, 100, 100)) textpos = text.get_rect() textpos.centerx = self.background.get_rect().centerx textpos[1] += 10 self.screen.blit(text, textpos) def stop_session(self): """ description: """ if not self.session.is_connected_serial(): return echo.infoln('Session...') while not self.session.is_ready(): continue echo.infoln('Terminating...', 1) for command in self.device.get_endup()["command"]: self.session.send_wait(command) self.session.stop() self.was_connected = False def stop_ctrl(self): """ description: """ self.__touch.disable() self.__joystick.disable() self.__mouse.disable() self.__keyboard.disable() def stop(self): """ description: """ self.stop_ctrl() self.stop_session() pygame.quit() # pylint: disable=no-member def draw_object(self): """ description: """ self.object_area.fill([0, 0, 0]) # Black for i in self.device.get_objects(): i["button"].draw() self.screen.blit(self.object_area, [65, 50]) def run(self): """ description: """ echo.infoln('Ready...') self.running = True while self.running: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: # pylint: disable=no-member self.running = False self.ctrl_check(event) self.draw() self.ctrl_handle() self.device_check() echo.infoln("Exiting...") self.stop() return False def ctrl_handle(self): """ description: """ # Objects for i in self.device.get_objects(): if i["source"] == 'joystick': continue # Push button (pulse) if i["type"] == 'push-button' and \ i["button"].get_state() and \ i["timer"].check() and \ self.session.is_connected(): command = i["on"]["command"].replace('*', i["factor"]) self.session.send_wait(command) # Switch elif i["type"] == 'switch' and \ i["button"].get_change() and \ self.session.is_connected(): i["state"] = "on" if i["button"].get_state() else "off" command = i[i["state"]]["command"] self.session.send_wait(command) def ctrl_check(self, event): """ description: """ self.screensaver_timer.reset() if self.screensaver.running: self.screensaver.stop() return self.ctrl_keyboard_handle(event) self.__mouse.handle(event) self.__joystick.handle(event) self.ctrl_touch_handle(event) self.ctrl_handle() def draw_ctrl(self): """ description: """ self.controls.fill([0, 0, 0]) # Black self.control_keyboard_button.draw() self.control_mouse_button.draw() self.control_joystick_button.draw() self.control_touch_button.draw() self.screen.blit(self.controls, (5, 58)) def draw_screensaver(self): """ description: """ if self.screensaver_timer.check() and not self.screensaver.running: self.screensaver.start() if self.screensaver.running: def draw(self): """ description: """ self.screen.blit(self.background, (0, 0)) self.draw_ctrl() self.draw_object() self.draw_device() self.draw_status() self.draw_screensaver() self.clock.tick(self.screen_rate) pygame.display.flip() def start_host(self): """ description: """ = HostProperties(["host"]) echo.debugln("pygame: " + pygame.version.ver, 1) # Get Screen parameters try: self.screen_full =["full"] self.screen_size =["size"] self.screen_rate =["rate"] except BaseException: pass # Get Screensaver parameters try: self.screensaver_time = \ .get('time', self.screensaver_time) if self.screensaver_time < 1: self.screensaver_time = 1 self.screensaver_type = \ .get('type', self.screensaver_type) self.screensaver_enable = \ .get('enable', self.screensaver_enable) except BaseException: pass def start_objects(self): """ description: """ for i in self.device.get_objects(): i["image"] = Image( self.object_area, os.path.join(self.__img_dir, i["picture"]["file"]), eval(i["picture"]["split"])) i["boolean"] = i["default"] == "on" # infoln('ID: ' + str(i["id"]) + ", default: " + str(i["default"])) i["source"] = '' i["factor"] = '1' i["button"] = Button(i["image"], eval(i["picture"]["position"]), [65, 50], i["boolean"]) try: i["timer"] = Timer(i["delay"]) except BaseException: i["timer"] = Timer(20) i["state"] = i["default"] if self.device.get_objects(): echo.infoln('Objects...') echo.infoln('Imported: ' + str(len(self.device.get_objects())), 1) def device_set(self, device_id): """ description: """ self.device.set(device_id) def device_check(self): """ description: """ if not self.device_timer.check(): return False # Reset all data if device was unpluged. if not self.session.is_connected_serial() and self.was_connected: self.reset() self.device.reset() self.start_device() self.ctrl_start() self.start_objects() self.session.reset() self.start_session() if self.device.get_id() is None: # How many devices are connected? devices = self.device.detect() # If is just one... if len(devices) == 1: # Configure a new device. self.session.reset() self.start_device() self.ctrl_start() self.start_objects() self.start_session() return False # Abort if are more than one. if len(devices) > 1 and (len(devices) != self.connected_devices): self.connected_devices = len(devices) echo.infoln('Too many connected devices: ' + str(devices), 1) return False def start_device(self): """ description: """ echo.infoln("Device...") if not self.device.get_id(): detected = self.device.detect() if len(detected) > 1: echo.warnln('Too many connected devices: ' + str(detected), 1) return echo.debugln( if self.device.get_id(): self.window_title = self.device.system_plat + ' Mark ' + \ self.device.system_mark self.window_caption = self.device.system_plat + ' Mark ' + \ self.device.system_mark + ' - ' + \ self.device.system_desc def start_screen(self): """ description: """ # global pygame echo.infoln("Screen...") # Set screen resolution self.screen_resolution = [ int(s) for s in self.screen_size.split('x') if s.isdigit() ] # Check for minimum resolution if (self.screen_resolution[0] < 480) or \ (self.screen_resolution[1] < 320): self.screen_resolution = (480, 320) self.screen_resolution[0] -= 1 self.screen_resolution[1] -= 1 echo.infoln( "Size: " + str(self.screen_resolution[0] + 1) + 'x' + str(self.screen_resolution[1] + 1) + ' px', 1) echo.infoln("Refresh rate: " + str(self.screen_rate) + ' FPS', 1) # Positioning os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED'] = '1' # Initialise screen pygame.init() # pylint: disable=no-member self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(self.screen_resolution) if self.screen_full: pygame.display.toggle_fullscreen() # Window caption pygame.display.set_caption(self.window_title) # Checking fonts echo.debugln('Checking fonts...', 1) for ttf_name in ['Digital Readout Thick Upright', 'Ubuntu']: ttf_path = pygame.font.match_font(ttf_name) if ttf_path is None: echo.erroln('TrueType font missing.') echo.infoln( '\"' + str(ttf_name) + '\" not found (' + str(ttf_path) + ')', 2) # Background self.background = pygame.Surface(self.screen.get_size()) self.background.fill([0, 0, 0]) # Black # Controls area self.controls = pygame.Surface([120, 240]) # Object area self.object_area = pygame.Surface( [self.screen.get_size()[0] - 65, self.screen.get_size()[1] - 70]) # Status bar self.status_bar = pygame.Surface([self.screen.get_size()[0], 16]) # Clockling echo.debugln('Clockling...', 1) self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() # Screensaver self.screensaver = Screensaver(self.screen) self.screensaver_timer = Timer(1000 * self.screensaver_time, 'COUNTDOWN') if not self.screensaver_enable: self.screensaver_timer.disable() def ctrl_start(self): """ description: """ echo.infoln('Input...') self.ctrl_keyboard_start() self.ctrl_mouse_start() self.ctrl_joystick_start() self.ctrl_touch_start() def start(self): """ description: """ self.start_host() self.start_screen() self.start_device() self.ctrl_start() self.start_objects() self.start_session() def draw_status(self): """ description: """ # Status bar pygame.draw.rect(self.status_bar, (0, 29, 0), (0, 0, self.status_bar.get_size()[0], self.status_bar.get_size()[1])) font = pygame.font.SysFont("Digital Readout Thick Upright", 13) # Frame rate fps = str("FPS: {:1.1f}".format(float(self.clock.get_fps()))) text = font.render(fps, True, (32, 128, 32)) textpos = text.get_rect() textpos.bottomleft = self.status_bar.get_rect().bottomleft textpos[0] += 3 self.status_bar.blit(text, textpos) # Device connection status connection = 'Connected' if self.session.is_connected() \ else 'Disconnected' text = font.render(connection, True, (32, 128, 32)) textpos = text.get_rect() textpos.bottomright = self.status_bar.get_rect().bottomright textpos[0] += -3 self.status_bar.blit(text, textpos) # General information text = font.render(str(, True, (32, 128, 32)) textpos = text.get_rect() textpos.midbottom = self.status_bar.get_rect().midbottom self.status_bar.blit(text, textpos) self.screen.blit(self.status_bar, [0, self.screen.get_size()[1] - 16])