Example #1
    def get_context_data(self, *args, **kwargs):
        context = super(PaymentSuccess, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
        tx = self.request.GET.get("tx")
        if not tx:
            return context

        results = PaymentSuccess.paypal_post(tx)
            "mail/feedback", {"message": str(results), "email": self.request.user.email}, "User payment validation"
        context["result"] = results[0] == "SUCCESS"
        if context["result"]:
            result_dict = dict(res.split("=") for res in results[1:])
            amount_paid = result_dict.get("mc_gross")
            if not amount_paid or int(float(amount_paid)) < 3:
                context["result"] = False
            elif result_dict.get("payment_status") in ("Pending", "Completed", "Created", "Processed"):
                amount_paid = int(float(amount_paid))
                user = self.request.user
                """:type: Profile"""
                item_name = result_dict.get("item_name")
                if "small" not in item_name:
                    user.plan = Profile.PLAN_BUSINESS
                    user.plan = Profile.PLAN_SMALL_BUSINESS
                user.plan_expiry = user.new_plan_expiry(amount_paid)
                # https://cms.paypal.com/uk/cgi-bin/?cmd=_render-content&content_ID=developer/e_howto_html_IPNandPDTVariables
                if result_dict.get("txn_type") == "subscr_payment":
                    user.subscription = True
        return context
Example #2
def register(request):
    form = RegisterForm(request.POST)
    if form.is_valid():
        user = form.save(commit=False)

        # Generate activation key for user account
        activation_key = generate_activation_key(user.email)
        user.activation_key = activation_key
        user.is_active = False

        send_email.delay('mail/confirmation', {'link': activation_key},
                         u'\u2713 ' + _("Welcome to Prestashop-Sync Service"),
        return HttpResponse(
                _("Email with a confirmation link has been sent"),
        response = {}
        for k in form.errors:
            response[k] = form.errors[k][0]
        return HttpResponse(
                'response': response,
                'result': 'error'
Example #3
def _checked_update_presta_data(shop, data_list, language):
    domain = shop.domain
    user = shop.user
    # TODO: this is something weird, it seems that update status is never updated after creation
    status, created = UpdateStatus.objects.get_or_create(domain=domain,
                                                         defaults={'update_status': 'wait'})
        result_dict = shop.api.update_presta_data(data_list)
        start_char = u'\u2713 '
        result_dict['language'] = language
        if result_dict['errors']:
            start_char = u'\u2717 '
            send_html_email.delay('mail/customers/update_report.html', result_dict,
                                  'Update failure for {0}'.format(shop.domain))
        send_html_email.delay('mail/customers/update_report.html', result_dict,
                              start_char + _('Update report for %s') % shop.domain,
    except SoftTimeLimitExceeded:
        # send email
        send_email.delay('mail/feedback', {'message': unicode(shop.domain), 'email': user.email},
                         'Time limit exceeded')
        send_email.delay('mail/customers/time_limit_exceeded.html', {'language': language},
                         _('Time limit exceeded'), email=[user.email])
    status.update_status = 'success'
Example #4
    def get_context_data(self, *args, **kwargs):
        context = super(PaymentSuccess, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
        tx = self.request.GET.get('tx')
        if not tx:
            return context

        results = PaymentSuccess.paypal_post(tx)
        send_email.delay('mail/feedback', {
            'message': str(results),
            'email': self.request.user.email
        }, 'User payment validation')
        context['result'] = (results[0] == 'SUCCESS')
        if context['result']:
            result_dict = dict(res.split('=') for res in results[1:])
            amount_paid = result_dict.get('mc_gross')
            if not amount_paid or int(float(amount_paid)) < 3:
                context['result'] = False
            elif result_dict.get('payment_status') in ('Pending', 'Completed',
                                                       'Created', 'Processed'):
                amount_paid = int(float(amount_paid))
                user = self.request.user
                """:type: Profile"""
                item_name = result_dict.get('item_name')
                if 'small' not in item_name:
                    user.plan = Profile.PLAN_BUSINESS
                    user.plan = Profile.PLAN_SMALL_BUSINESS
                user.plan_expiry = user.new_plan_expiry(amount_paid)
                # https://cms.paypal.com/uk/cgi-bin/?cmd=_render-content&content_ID=developer/e_howto_html_IPNandPDTVariables
                if result_dict.get('txn_type') == 'subscr_payment':
                    user.subscription = True
        return context
Example #5
def send_registration_email(sender, instance, created, **kwargs):
    Send email on registration
    :type instance: Profile
    if created and not instance.is_guest():
        send_email.delay('mail/feedback', {'message': str(instance.provider), 'email':instance.email}, "User registration")
Example #6
def get_data(request, form):
    :type form: LoadDataBaseForm
    # TODO: test get_data when there are < 50 products, but > 50 combinations
    request.session["shop"] = shop = form.get_shop(True)
    data, error_dict = shop.get_data()
    if error_dict:
        return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps({"response": error_dict, "result": "error"}))

    next = shop.is_data_finished(len(data), 1)
    # put (data, real page number, start page index)
    request.session["data"] = (data, 0, 0)
    if len(data) > settings.PAGINATION:
        data = data[: settings.PAGINATION]
    request.session["sync_type"] = shop.sync_type

    from tools.utils import send_email

    send_email.delay("mail/error", {"domain": shop.domain}, "Successful GetData")

    response = render_to_string(
        {"data": data, "sync_type": shop.sync_type, "next": next, "previous": 0, "start_index": 0},
    return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps({"response": unicode(response), "result": "success", "temp": shop.temp}))
Example #7
def get_data(request, form):
    :type form: LoadDataBaseForm
    # TODO: test get_data when there are < 50 products, but > 50 combinations
    request.session['shop'] = shop = form.get_shop(True)
    data, error_dict = shop.get_data()
    if error_dict:
        return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps({'response': error_dict, 'result': 'error'}))

    next = shop.is_data_finished(len(data), 1)
    # put (data, real page number, start page index)
    request.session['data'] = (data, 0, 0)
    if len(data) > settings.PAGINATION:
        data = data[:settings.PAGINATION]
    request.session['sync_type'] = shop.sync_type

    from tools.utils import send_email
    send_email.delay('mail/error', {'domain': shop.domain}, "Successful GetData")

    response = render_to_string('partial/products_table.html', {'data': data,
                                                                'sync_type': shop.sync_type,
                                                                'next': next,
                                                                'previous': 0,
                                                                'start_index': 0})
    return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps({'response': unicode(response),
                                          'result': 'success', 'temp': shop.temp}))
Example #8
 def notify(self):
     if self.is_valid():
         data = {
             self.cleaned_data.get('from_email') or self.request.user.email
         send_email.delay("mail/feedback", data, "Feedback")
Example #9
def send_registration_email(sender, instance, created, **kwargs):
    Send email on registration
    :type instance: Profile
    if created and not instance.is_guest():
        send_email.delay('mail/feedback', {
            'message': str(instance.provider),
            'email': instance.email
        }, "User registration")
Example #10
    def add_product_data(self, data_list, images):
        :param data_list: list of product data in the following form:
        [{'ean13':EAN13, 'price':PRICE, 'categories':[MAIN_CATEGORY, OTHER,...],
          'langs': ['id':LANG_ID, 'name':PRODUCT_NAME, 'link_rewrite': link_rewrite]},...]
        see how these fields are generated in AddProductsShopForm.clean() method.
        :param images: list of images for every product
        :return: update_ok string if everything is fine, error string that matches
                 HTML ID in template otherwise

        # Check default lang, add link rewrite if it is different
        default_lang = self.default_lang
        for prod in data_list:
            langs = set([lang['id'] for lang in prod['langs']])
            if default_lang not in langs:
                new_value = prod['langs'][0].copy()
                new_value['id'] = default_lang

        domain = self.shop.domain
        headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
                   'Authorization': self.shop.authheader}

        context = {'prestashop_url': domain, 'products': data_list,
                   'date_add': datetime.now()}

        products_xml = render_to_string('xml_templates/add_products15.xml', context).encode('utf-8')

            result = get_xml_data("http://%s/api/products" % domain,
                                  headers, urllib.urlencode({'xml': products_xml}))
            # Extract product ids
            product_ids = [e.text for e in result.findall('.//product/id')]

            # TODO: Prestashop 1.5 does not allow to set quantities simalteniously,
            # set them separately
            quantities = [x['quantity'] for x in data_list]
            update_data_list = [(p_id, '0', {'quantity': str(q)}) for p_id, q in zip(product_ids, quantities)]
            # IMAGES ADD CODE
            self.add_images.delay(self, product_ids, images)

        except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
            result = e.fp.read()
            send_email.delay('mail/error', {'domain': domain, 'message': str(result),
                                            'data_list': str(data_list),
                                            'full_data': ''}, "Add product client Error")
            return '14_update_permission_or_csv'
Example #11
 def add_images(self, product_ids, images):
     domain = self.shop.domain
     headers = {'Content-Type': MULTIPART_CONTENT,
                'Authorization': self.shop.authheader}
     for i, p_images in enumerate(images):
         # TODO: why sometimes index does not exist?
         if i >= len(product_ids):
             send_email.delay('mail/error', {'domain': domain, 'message': str(product_ids),
                                             'data_list': '',
                                             'full_data': ''}, "Add images error")
         product_id = product_ids[i]
         for image in p_images:
             data = encode_multipart(BOUNDARY, {'image': image})
             req = urllib2.Request(smart_str("http://%s/api/images/products/%s" % (domain, product_id)),
                                   headers=headers, data=smart_str(data))
     self.make_first_image_default(product_ids, headers)
Example #12
def loginza_login(request):
    if request.method=='POST':
        if token:
            result = simplejson.loads(get_auth_info(token))
            # Check if there is an error - like token was used previously
            if result.has_key('error_message'):
                # TODO: redirect to page with error message and ask for relogin
                send_email.delay('mail/error', {'message': str(result)}, "Loginza Error")
                raise Http404
            uid, provider, defaults = parse_result(result)
            if not (defaults['email'] or Profile.objects.filter(uid=uid, provider=provider).exists()):
                form = RequestEmailForm(request=request)
                request.session['token'] = result
                return direct_to_template(request, "users/request_email.html", extra_context={'form': form })
            user = register_loginza_user(uid, provider, defaults, request)
            return HttpResponseRedirect(user.get_register_redirect())
    raise Http404
Example #13
    def get_presta_data(self, page_num, page_limit):
        domain = self.shop.domain
        headers = {"Authorization": self.shop.authheader}
        sync_type = self.shop.sync_type.lower()
        result_dict = {}

            # get products
            initial_index = page_num * page_limit
            data = get_xml_data("http://%s/api/%s?display=[id,%s,%s,name]&sort=[id_ASC]&limit=%d,%d&price[base_price][use_reduction]=0&price[base_price][use_tax]=0"
                                % (domain, 'products', sync_type, JOINED_ATTRS, initial_index, page_limit), headers)

            self._get_presta_data(headers, data, result_dict, domain, sync_type, page_limit, page_num)
        except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
            error = PrestaError.get_error(PrestaError.DOMAIN, 'Incorrect value', self)
            if e.code == 500:
                # This should never happen after we implemented proper pagination
                message = e.fp.read()
                send_email.delay('mail/error', {'domain': domain, 'data_list': str(e.message),
                                                'full_data': str(page_num), 'message': str(message)},
                                 "Client Error")
                error = {PrestaError.DOMAIN: _('You have some problem with API access configuration,<br>'
                                               'try if API works by manually examining url:<br>') +
                                             '<a href="http://%s/api/products">http://%s/api/products</a>' % (domain, domain)}
            elif e.code in (401, 403):
                # send email about this
                send_email.delay('mail/error', {'domain': domain, 'data_list': '',
                                                'full_data': '', 'message': ''}, "Incorrect key")
                error = PrestaError.get_error(PrestaError.KEY, 'Incorrect value', self)
                if 'attribute_lang' in result_dict:
                    error = PrestaError.get_error(PrestaError.KEY, PrestaError.PROD_COMBINATIONS, self)
                elif 'product' in result_dict:
                    error = PrestaError.get_error(PrestaError.KEY, PrestaError.PROD_OPTIONS_VALUES, self)
            elif e.code == 404 or e.code == 503:
                error = PrestaError.get_error(PrestaError.DOMAIN, PrestaError.NOT_ACTIVATED, self)
            return result_dict, error
        except (urllib2.URLError, socket.timeout):
            # either timeout or dns error
            error = PrestaError.get_error(PrestaError.DOMAIN, PrestaError.NOT_REACHABLE, self)
            return result_dict, error
        except PrestaError, e:
            # no products found in the shop
            error = PrestaError.get_error(PrestaError.DOMAIN, e.message, self)
            return result_dict, error
Example #14
def register(request):
    form = RegisterForm(request.POST)
    if form.is_valid():
        user = form.save(commit=False)

        # Generate activation key for user account
        activation_key = generate_activation_key(user.email)
        user.activation_key = activation_key
        user.is_active = False

        send_email.delay('mail/confirmation', {'link': activation_key},
                   u'\u2713 ' + _("Welcome to Prestashop-Sync Service"), [user.email])
        return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps({'response': _("Email with a confirmation link has been sent"),
                                       'result': 'success'}))
        response = {}
        for k in form.errors:
            response[k] = form.errors[k][0]
        return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps({'response': response, 'result': 'error'}))
Example #15
def loginza_login(request):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        token = request.POST.get('token')
        if token:
            result = simplejson.loads(get_auth_info(token))
            # Check if there is an error - like token was used previously
            if result.has_key('error_message'):
                # TODO: redirect to page with error message and ask for relogin
                send_email.delay('mail/error', {'message': str(result)},
                                 "Loginza Error")
                raise Http404
            uid, provider, defaults = parse_result(result)
            if not (defaults['email'] or Profile.objects.filter(
                    uid=uid, provider=provider).exists()):
                form = RequestEmailForm(request=request)
                request.session['token'] = result
                return direct_to_template(request,
                                          extra_context={'form': form})
            user = register_loginza_user(uid, provider, defaults, request)
            return HttpResponseRedirect(user.get_register_redirect())
    raise Http404
Example #16
def send_error(request):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        send_email.delay('mail/js_error', request.POST, "JavaScript Error")
    return HttpResponse("ok")
Example #17
 def notify(self):
     if self.is_valid():
         data = {'message': self.cleaned_data['message'],
                 'email': self.cleaned_data.get('from_email') or self.request.user.email}
         send_email.delay("mail/feedback", data, "Feedback")
Example #18
def send_error(request):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        send_email.delay('mail/js_error', request.POST, "JavaScript Error")
    return HttpResponse("ok")
Example #19
            result_dict['language'] = language
            if result_dict['errors']:
                start_char = u'\u2717 '
                send_html_email.delay('mail/customers/update_report.html', result_dict,
                                      'Periodic update failure for {0}'.format(shop.domain))
            send_html_email.delay('mail/customers/update_report.html', result_dict,
                                  start_char + _('Periodic update report for %s') % shop.domain,
            message = str(result['response'])
    except Exception, e:
        message = unicode(e)
    # notify
    if message is not None:
                         {'message': u'{0}:\n{1}'.format(unicode(shop.domain), message),
                          'email': user.email},
                         'Exception during periodic checked update')
                         {'language': language, 'message': unicode(message)},
                         _('Scheduled update failure'), email=[user.email])

def _checked_update_presta_data(shop, data_list, language):
    domain = shop.domain
    user = shop.user
    # TODO: this is something weird, it seems that update status is never updated after creation
    status, created = UpdateStatus.objects.get_or_create(domain=domain,
                                                         defaults={'update_status': 'wait'})
        result_dict = shop.api.update_presta_data(data_list)
        start_char = u'\u2713 '