Example #1
    def plotHistogram( self, *name, **arg ):
        @param bins: number of bins (10)
        @type  bins: int
        @param ynormalize: normalize histograms to area 1.0 (False)
        @type  ynormalize: bool
        @param xnormalize: adapt bin range to min and max of all profiles (True)
        @type  xnormalize: bool
        @param xrange: min and max of bin range (None)
        @type  xrange: (float, float)
        @param steps: draw histogram steps (True)
        @type  steps: bool
        if not biggles:
            raise ImportError, 'module biggles could not be imported'

        plot = biggles.FramedArray( len(name),1 )

        if not 'size' in arg:
            arg['size'] = 1
        bins = arg.get('bins', 10)
        hist = arg.get('ynormalize', False)
        steps= arg.get('steps', 1)
        histrange= arg.get('xrange', None)
        autorange= arg.get('xnormalize', histrange is None)
        xkey = arg.get('xkey', None)
        if xkey:
            plot.xlabel = xkey

        if autorange:
            v = []
            for keys in name:
                if not type(keys) is tuple:
                    keys = ( keys, )
                for key in keys:
                    v += list(self[key])
            histrange = ( min( v ), max( v ) )
        for i, keys in enumerate(name):
            if not type(keys) is tuple:
                keys = ( keys, )
            for j, key in enumerate(keys):

                h = density( self[key], nBins=bins, steps=steps, hist=hist,
                             range=histrange )
                x = h[:,0]
                y = h[:,1]
                colors = [0] + T.colorSpectrum( len(keys) , '00FF00', 'FF00FF')

                plot[i,0].add( biggles.Curve( x, y, color=colors[j], **arg ) )
                plot[i,0].add( biggles.PlotLabel( 0.7, 0.95-j*0.1, key,
                                                  color=colors[j] ) )

        return plot
Example #2
    def plotArray(self, *name, **arg):
        Plot several profiles as a panel of separate plots.
        @param *name: one or more profile names or tuples of profile names
        @type  *name: str or (str, str,...)
        @param xkey: profile to be used as x-axis (default: None)
        @type  xkey: str
        @param arg: key=value pairs for Biggles.Curve() function
        @type  arg: 

        @return: plot, view using plot.show() 
        @rtype: biggles.FramedPlot

        @raise TypeError: if profile contains non-number items
        @raise ImportError: If biggles module could not be imported
        if not biggles:
            raise ImportError, 'module biggles could not be imported'

        plot = biggles.FramedArray(len(name), 1)

        if not 'size' in arg:
            arg['size'] = 1

        xkey = arg.get('xkey', None)
        if xkey:
            plot.xlabel = xkey

        for i, keys in enumerate(name):

            if not type(keys) is tuple:
                keys = (keys, )

            for j, key in enumerate(keys):

                x = self.get(xkey, range(self.profLength()))
                y = self[key]

                colors = [0] + T.colorSpectrum(len(keys), '00FF00', 'FF00FF')

                plot[i, 0].add(biggles.Curve(x, y, color=colors[j], **arg))

                plot[i, 0].add(
                                      0.95 - j * 0.1,

        return plot
Example #3
    def plotArray( self, *name, **arg ):
        Plot several profiles as a panel of separate plots.
        @param *name: one or more profile names or tuples of profile names
        @type  *name: str or (str, str,...)
        @param xkey: profile to be used as x-axis (default: None)
        @type  xkey: str
        @param arg: key=value pairs for Biggles.Curve() function
        @type  arg: 

        @return: plot, view using plot.show() 
        @rtype: biggles.FramedPlot

        @raise TypeError: if profile contains non-number items
        @raise ImportError: If biggles module could not be imported
        if not biggles:
            raise ImportError, 'module biggles could not be imported'

        plot = biggles.FramedArray( len(name),1 )

        if not 'size' in arg:
            arg['size'] = 1
        xkey = arg.get('xkey', None)
        if xkey:
            plot.xlabel = xkey
        for i, keys in enumerate(name):
            if not type(keys) is tuple:
                keys = ( keys, )
            for j, key in enumerate(keys):

                x = self.get( xkey, range(self.profLength()) )
                y = self[key]
                colors = [0] + T.colorSpectrum( len(keys) , '00FF00', 'FF00FF')

                plot[i,0].add( biggles.Curve( x, y, color=colors[j], **arg ) )
                plot[i,0].add( biggles.PlotLabel( 0.7, 0.95-j*0.1, key,
                                                  color=colors[j] ) )

        return plot
Example #4
    def plot(self, *name, **arg):
        Plot one or more profiles using Biggles::
          plot( name1, [name2, ..],[arg1=x, arg2=y]) -> biggles.FramedPlot
        @param name: one or more profile names
        @type  name: str
        @param arg: key=value pairs for Biggles.Curve() function
        @type  arg: 
        @raise TypeError: if profile contains non-number items

        @return: plot, view using plot.show() 
        @rtype: biggles.FramedPlot

        @raise ImportError: If biggles module could not be imported
        if not biggles:
            raise ImportError, 'module biggles could not be imported'

        plot = biggles.FramedPlot()

        colors = T.colorSpectrum(len(name), '00FF00', 'FF00FF')

        for i in range(len(name)):

            p = N.array(self.get(name[i]))

            if p.dtype in ['O', 'c']:
                raise TypeError, 'Cannot plot values of profile %s.' % name[i]

            # Biggles with its old Numeric cannot handle numpy arrays
                biggles.Curve(range(len(p)), list(p), color=colors[i], **arg))

                biggles.PlotLabel(0.8, 0.8 - i / 8.0, name[i],

        return plot
Example #5
    def plot( self, *name, **arg ):
        Plot one or more profiles using Biggles::
          plot( name1, [name2, ..],[arg1=x, arg2=y]) -> biggles.FramedPlot
        @param name: one or more profile names
        @type  name: str
        @param arg: key=value pairs for Biggles.Curve() function
        @type  arg: 
        @raise TypeError: if profile contains non-number items

        @return: plot, view using plot.show() 
        @rtype: biggles.FramedPlot

        @raise ImportError: If biggles module could not be imported
        if not biggles:
            raise ImportError, 'module biggles could not be imported'

        plot = biggles.FramedPlot()

        colors = T.colorSpectrum( len( name ) , '00FF00', 'FF00FF') 

        for i in range( len(name)):

            p = N.array( self.get( name[i] ) )

            if p.dtype in ['O','c']:
                raise TypeError, 'Cannot plot values of profile %s.' % name[i]

            # Biggles with its old Numeric cannot handle numpy arrays
            plot.add( biggles.Curve( range( len(p) ), list(p), color=colors[i],
                                     **arg ) )

            plot.add( biggles.PlotLabel( 0.8, 0.8-i/8.0, name[i],
                                         color=colors[i]) )

        return plot