Example #1
def main():
    # Tests first a random input, then a sorted input
    for testType in ["Random", "Sorted"]:

        # Displays if random or sorted
        print(testType.title().center(25 + (12 * (3)) + 1, "=") + "\n")

        # Uses HOF to determine the testSet
        if testType == "Random":
            testSet = getRandomList

            testSet = lambda x: list(range(x))

        # Displays all three metrics as described for this lab
        for test in ["time", "swaps", "comparisons"]:
            # Invokes compare for all sorts

            ], [selectionSort, bubbleSort, quickSort, mergeSort],
                    [10, 100, 1000, 10000],
                        "comparisons": 0,
                        "swaps": 0

    def similarity(self):
        sizeM = len(self.sequenceS)
        sizeN = len(self.sequenceT)

        for i in range(1, sizeM + 1):
            for j in range(1, sizeN + 1):
                maxValue = max(
                    self.matrix[i - 1, j] + values["GAP"],
                    self.matrix[i - 1, j - 1] +
                    tls.compare(self.sequenceS[i - 1], self.sequenceT[j - 1]),
                    self.matrix[i, j - 1] + values["GAP"], 0)
                self.matrix[i, j] = maxValue
                if (maxValue > self.optimalValue):
                    self.optimalValue = maxValue
                    self.positionOptimalValue = [i, j]
        return self.matrix
Example #3
def check_new_chapters(url):
    """check if there is new chapter and
    save new chapters in json form into noval.json

    html, chapters = request_get(url, a_xpath)
    # 获取章节
    chpt_infos = []
    for chapter in chapters:
        chpt_url = chapter.xpath("./@href")
        chpt_name = chapter.xpath("./text()")
        chpt_infos.append([chpt_url, chpt_name])

    # 对比并保存新的 小说章节
    title = html.xpath("//div[@class='title']")
    if title:
        save_filename = title[0] + '.json'
        title = url.split('/')[-1]

    # 查询新章节
    if os.path.exists(save_filename):
        with open(save_filename, 'r') as info_f:
            old_chpt_infos = json.loads(info_f.read())
        new_chpt_infos = compare(old=old_chpt_infos, new=chpt_infos)

        # todo: download chapter according to new_chpt_infos
        if new_chpt_infos:
            for chpt_url, chpt_name in new_chpt_infos:
                # 查看url 是否以 '/' 结尾
                base_url = url.split('index.html')[0]
                if base_url[-1] == '/':
                    chapter_link = base_url + chpt_url
                    chapter_link = base_url + '/' + chpt_url
                noval_filename = download_chapter(title, chapter_link)

            # send email to user
            # 删除

        with open(save_filename, 'w') as f:
            chpt_json = json.dumps(chpt_infos)
    def align(self):
        sequenceS = self.sequenceS
        sequenceT = self.sequenceT

        alignS = ""
        alignT = ""

        lenS = self.positionOptimalValue[0]
        lenT = self.positionOptimalValue[1]

        while (lenS >= 0 and lenT >= 0):
            if (lenT - 1 < 0 and lenS - 1 < 0):
            if (lenS - 1 < 0):
                scoreUp = None
                scoreDiag = None
            if (lenT - 1 < 0):
                scoreLeft = None
                scoreDiag = None
            score = self.matrix[lenS, lenT]
            scoreDiag = self.matrix[lenS - 1, lenT - 1]
            scoreUp = self.matrix[lenS - 1, lenT]
            scoreLeft = self.matrix[lenS, lenT - 1]

            if (scoreDiag != None and score == scoreDiag +
                    tls.compare(sequenceS[lenS - 1], sequenceT[lenT - 1])):
                alignS = sequenceS[lenS - 1] + alignS
                alignT = sequenceT[lenT - 1] + alignT
                lenS = lenS - 1
                lenT = lenT - 1
            if (scoreLeft != None and score == scoreLeft + values["GAP"]):
                alignS = "-" + alignS
                alignT = sequenceT[lenT - 1] + alignT
                lenT = lenT - 1
                alignS = sequenceS[lenS - 1] + alignS
                alignT = "-" + alignT
                lenS = lenS - 1
        return (alignS, alignT)
Example #5
 def _check_state(self, test_outputs, ins):
     val_l = [test_outputs[k] for k in self.out_names]
     return compare(val_l, ins, False)
Example #6
 def _check_state(self, test_outputs, ins):
         val_l = [test_outputs[k] for k in self.out_names]
         return compare(val_l, ins, False)
Example #7
def main():
    compare(["Brute", "Fancy"],
            [lambda x: nQueensBrute(x, True), lambda x: nQueensFancy(x, True)],
            [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
Example #8
    def advance_state(self, o):
        s = self.cur_state
        next_state = [
            # S*0
                (compare(s, "0000")) or
                (compare(s, "0001") and compare(o, "000010")) or
                (compare(s, "0010")) or
                (compare(s, "0110"))),
            # S*1
                (compare(s, "0001") and compare(o, "10-011")) or
                (compare(s, "0001") and compare(o, "000000")) or
                (compare(s, "0010") and not o[3]) or
                (compare(s, "0110"))),
            # S*2
                (compare(s, "0001") and compare(o, "000000")) or
                (compare(s, "0010") and o[3]) or
                (compare(s, "0011")) or
                (compare(s, "0110"))),
            # S*3
            (compare(s, "0001") and compare(o, "000--0") and (o[2] ^ o[1]))

        self.cur_state = next_state
Example #9
 def get_output(self):
     s = self.cur_state
     return {
         'RegDst': True,
         'RegWrite': compare(s, "-111") or compare(s, "-100"),
         'ALUSrcA': s[3] or s[1],
         'MemRead': compare(s, "-011") or compare(s, "0000"),
         'MemWrite': compare(s, "-101"),
         'MemToReg': False,
         'lorD': s[0],
         'IRWrite': compare(s, "0000"),
         'PCWrite': compare(s, "1--1") or compare(s, "0000"),
         'PCWriteCond': compare(s, "1--0"),
         'AluOP1': s[2],
         'AluOP0': s[3],
         'AluSrcB1': s[0] or compare(s, "-01-"),
         'AluSrcB0': compare(s, "0-0-"),
         'PCSrc1': s[0],
         'PCSrc0': compare(s, "1--0")
    def similarity(self):
        sizeM = len(self.sequenceS)
        sizeN = len(self.sequenceT)
        for i in range(0, sizeM+1):
            self.matrix[i, 0] = i*values["GAP"]
        for j in range(0, sizeN+1):
            self.matrix[0, j] = j*values["GAP"]

        for i in range(1, sizeM+1):
            for j in range(1, sizeN+1):    
                self.matrix[i, j] = max(self.matrix[i-1, j] + values["GAP"], self.matrix[i-1, j-1] + tls.compare(self.sequenceS[i-1], self.sequenceT[j-1]), self.matrix[i, j-1] + values["GAP"])
        return self.matrix