def upload(name): """ This page allows a user to upload a text or image file. """ error = valid_user(name) if error is None: if request.method == 'POST': file = request.files['file'] if file and valid_file(file.filename): # Sanitize the filename, save the file to the uploads # folder, and add the file and owner info to the file database. filename = secure_filename(file.filename)['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename)) file_instance = Upload(name, filename) flash('File was uploaded successfully.') return redirect(url_for('files', name=name)) else: flash("Invalid filename or file type.") return render_template('upload.html') # If an error occurs, display the error and # redirect to the appropriate page. display(error) if 'logged_in' in session: return redirect(url_for('upload', name=session['logged_in'])) else: return redirect(url_for('login'))
def delete_entry(name, id): """ This page will delete an entry from the database. """ # Check if the user is logged in before allowing to delete files. error = valid_user(name) if error is None: entry_instance = Entry.query.filter_by(id=id, userid=name).first() if entry_instance and entry_instance.userid == name: # Delete the entry from the database if it exists. edb.session.delete(entry_instance) edb.session.commit() flash('Entry was deleted successfully.') return redirect(url_for('entries', name=name)) else: error = "Specified entry does not exist." # If an error occurs, display the error and # redirect to the appropriate page. display(error) if 'logged_in' in session: return redirect(url_for('entries', name=session['logged_in'])) else: return redirect(url_for('login'))
def change_theme(name): """ This page will allow the user to change the appearance of their blog. """ # Check if the user is logged in before allowing to change theme. error = valid_user(name) if error is None: if request.method == 'POST': new_theme = request.form['theme'] user_instance = get_user(name) # Change the user's theme, change the theme in browser and # store the changed theme in the user database. user_instance.theme = session['theme'] = new_theme udb.session.commit() flash('Theme changed to %s.' % new_theme.lower()) return redirect(url_for('change_theme', name=name)) return render_template('theme.html', username=name, theme=session['theme']) # If an error occurs, display the error and # redirect to the appropriate page. display(error) if 'logged_in' in session: return redirect(url_for('upload', name=session['logged_in'])) else: return redirect(url_for('login'))
def get_profile(profile): tools.display(preset.message["retrieve_user"]) user_data = tools.get_chrome_element(profile, preset.preferences) if not user_data: tools.display(preset.message["invalid_profile"]) exit(1) return tools.get_user(user_data)
def delete_file(name, filename): """ This page will delete a file from the database and uploads folder. """ # Check if the user is logged in before allowing to delete files. error = valid_user(name) if error is None: file = Upload.query.filter_by(filename=filename).first() if file and file.userid == name: # Delete the file from the upload folder if it exists. filepath = os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename) if os.path.isfile(filepath): os.remove(filepath) # Delete the upload object from the database. fdb.session.delete(file) fdb.session.commit() flash('File was deleted successfully.') return redirect(url_for('entries', name=name)) else: error = "Specified file does not exist." # If an error occurs, display the error and # redirect to the appropriate page. display(error) if 'logged_in' in session: return redirect(url_for('entries', name=session['logged_in'])) else: return redirect(url_for('login'))
def create(): """ Allows a user to create a new account. """ error = None if request.method == 'POST': # Get submitted values from fields. username = request.form['username'] password = request.form['password-a'] # Check if there is a user by the same username in the database. user_instance = get_user(username) if user_instance is not None: error = 'Username is already taken.' elif password != request.form['password-b']: error = 'Passwords do not match.' else: # Add user to the database and log user in. user_instance = User(username, password) flash('Account created!') session['logged_in'] = username return redirect(url_for('files', name=username)) display(error) return render_template('create.html')
def login(): """ Allows a user to log in to their account. Note that the index page redirects here by default. """ error = None if 'logged_in' not in session: session['theme'] = app.config['DEFAULT_THEME'] if request.method == 'POST': username = request.form['username'] # Check to see if the user exists. user_instance = get_user(username) if user_instance is None: error = 'Invalid username.' elif not user_instance.check_pw(request.form['password']): error = 'Invalid password.' else: session['logged_in'], session['posting_enabled'], session['theme'] = \ username, user_instance.posting_enabled, user_instance.theme flash('Successfully logged in.') return redirect(url_for('entries', name=username)) else: return render_template('login.html', theme=session['theme']) display(error) return render_template('login.html', theme=session['theme'])
def entries(name): """ This page presents a user's blog posts and file uploads, allowing visitors to download the files individually. """ if get_user(name) is not None: session['theme'] = get_user(name).theme entries = [e for e in Entry.query.all()] entries.reverse() uploads = [dict(userid=f.userid, filename=f.filename, filetype=f.filetype) \ for f in Upload.query.all()] if request.method == "POST": title, text = request.form['title'], request.form['text'] text = urlify(text) entry_instance = Entry(name, title, text) edb.session.add(entry_instance) edb.session.commit() flash('Post successful!') return redirect(url_for('entries', name=name)) else: return render_template('entries.html', username=name, uploads=uploads, entries=entries, theme=session['theme']) else: display("User does not exist.") return redirect(url_for('login'))
def append_data_table(data_table, url_list): tools.display(preset.message["appending_data_table"]) for url_item in url_list: head = preset.Header() head.Hostname = htmlSupport.parse_url(url_item)[2] head.URL_Clean = htmlSupport.clean_url(url_item) head.URL = url_item data_table.append(head.to_tuple()) return data_table
def import_text_file(text_file=preset.text_filename): tools.underline() tools.display(preset.message["import_text_file"] + " [" + text_file + "]") tools.overline() url_list = [] with open(text_file, encoding='utf-8') as text_file: for url_item in text_file: url_list.append(url_item.strip()) return url_list
def upload(name): """ This page allows a user to upload a text or image file. """ # Refuse access if posting is disabled for the user. if "posting_enabled" in session and session['posting_enabled'] == False: error = "Access denied." display(error) if 'logged_in' in session: return redirect(url_for('entries', name=session['logged_in'])) else: return redirect(url_for('login')) # Check if the user is logged in before allowing to upload files. error = valid_user(name) if error is None: if request.method == 'POST': file = request.files['file'] if file and valid_file(file.filename): # Sanitize the filename, save the file to the uploads # folder, and add the file and owner info to the file database. old_filename = filename = secure_filename(file.filename) filetype = filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1].lower() # Prevents duplicate filenames by appending (1), (2), etc. # e.g. if two "images.jpg" are uploaded, the second one would # become "images(1).jpg". x = 0 while os.path.isfile(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename)): x += 1 filename = ("%s(%s).%s" % (old_filename.rsplit('.', 1)[0], x, filetype)) # Save the file to the uploads folder.['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename)) file_instance = Upload(name, filename, filetype) # Insert the upload object into the database. fdb.session.add(file_instance) fdb.session.commit() flash('File was uploaded successfully.') return redirect(url_for('entries', name=name)) else: flash("Invalid filename or file type.") return render_template('upload.html', username=name, theme=session['theme']) # If an error occurs, display the error and # redirect to the appropriate page. display(error) if 'logged_in' in session: return redirect(url_for('upload', name=session['logged_in'])) else: return redirect(url_for('login'))
def on_open_account(self, event): profile_chooser_dialog = ProfileChooser(self, -1) button_pressed = profile_chooser_dialog.ShowModal() if button_pressed == wx.ID_OK: tools.display(preset.message["loading_bookmarks"]) data_table = bookMarks.generate_data( bookMarks.generate_bookmarks(self.selected_account)) self.main_url_panel.update_list(data_table) self.main_url_panel.Update() set_total_items(self) else: self.selected_account = -1
def get_terminal_size(): current_os = platform.system() tuple_xy = None if current_os == 'Windows': tuple_xy = _get_terminal_size_windows() if tuple_xy is None: tuple_xy = _get_terminal_size_tput() if current_os in ['Linux', 'Darwin'] or current_os.startswith('CYGWIN'): tuple_xy = _get_terminal_size_linux() if tuple_xy is None: tools.display("default") tuple_xy = (80, 25) return tuple_xy
def view_users(name): """ This page will allow the administrator to view the blogs of all registered users. """ # Check if the logged in user is the administrator. if 'logged_in' in session and session['logged_in'] == "admin": users = [u for u in User.query.all()] return render_template('all.html', username=name, users=users, theme=session['theme']) else: error = "Must be logged in as the administrator to access this page." display(error) return redirect(url_for('login'))
def run_chrome(profile, output, refresh, undupe, clean, import_txt, get_hostname, output_name, list_profile, x_org_gui): tools.debug("profile [", str(profile), "]\noutput [", str(output), "]\nrefresh [", str(refresh), "]\nundupe [", str(undupe), "]\nclean [", str(clean), "]\nimport_txt [", str(import_txt), "]\nget_hostname [", str(get_hostname), "]\noutput_name [", str(output_name), "]\nlist_profiles [" + str(list_profile) + "]") if x_org_gui: import chromeExport chromeExport.main() elif list_profile: if not list_profile.isdigit(): list_profile = preset.all_profiles tools.list_profiles(list_profile) else: if import_txt == preset.none and profile == preset.none: tools.underline() tools.display(preset.message["missing_parameter"]) tools.overline() else: tools.display(preset.new_line + preset.new_line) tools.underline() tools.display(preset.message["starting_export"]) if profile: email, full, name = get_profile(profile) bookmarks = bookMarks.generate_bookmarks(profile) tools.underline() tools.display(preset.message["process_user"] + ": {", full, "} [" + email + "]") tools.overline() bookmarks_data = bookMarks.generate_data(bookmarks) else: bookmarks_data = [] if import_txt: bookmarks_data = append_data_table( bookmarks_data, import_text_file(import_txt)) if not output_name: if output == "xlsx": output_name = preset.xlsx_filename else: output_name = preset.html_filename refresh = normalize(refresh) undupe = normalize(undupe) clean = normalize(clean) get_hostname = normalize(get_hostname) if output == "xlsx": generate_work_book(output_name, bookmarks_data, refresh, undupe, clean, get_hostname) else: generate_web_page(output_name, bookmarks_data, refresh, undupe, clean, get_hostname)
def files(name): """ This page presents a user's uploaded files, and allows the user to download them individually. """ error = valid_user(name) if error is None: uploads = [dict(userid=f.userid, filename=f.filename) \ for f in Upload.query.all()] return render_template('files.html', username=name, uploads=uploads) # If an error occurs, display the error and # redirect to the appropriate page. display(error) if 'logged_in' in session: return redirect(url_for('files', name=session['logged_in'])) else: return redirect(url_for('login'))
def write_html(webpage_filename, folder): with open(webpage_filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as html_file: html_file.write(header) for item in folder: if isinstance(item, tools.Folder): html_file.write( open_folder(item.add_date, item.modify_date, item.folder_name)) for url in item.children: if isinstance(url, tools.Urls): html_file.write( add_url(url.url, url.add_date, url.title)) elif isinstance(url, tools.Folder): tools.display(preset.message["new_folder"]) html_file.write(close_folder()) html_file.write(tail)
def uploaded_file(name, filename): """ This page will fetch a given file from the uploads folder, provided the user has privileges to access the file. """ error = valid_user(name) if error is None: if has_file_access(session['logged_in'], filename): return send_from_directory(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename) else: error = "Access denied." # If an error occurs, display the error and # redirect to the appropriate page. display(error) if 'logged_in' in session: return redirect(url_for('files', name=session['logged_in'])) else: return redirect(url_for('login'))
def login(): """ Allows a user to log in to their account. Note that the index page redirects here by default. """ error = None if request.method == 'POST': username = request.form['username'] # Check to see if the user exists. user_instance = get_user(username) if user_instance is None: error = 'Invalid username.' elif not user_instance.check_pw(request.form['password']): error = 'Invalid password.' else: session['logged_in'] = username flash('Successfully logged in.') return redirect(url_for('files', name=username)) display(error) return render_template('login.html')
def create(): """ Allows a user to create a new account. """ error = None if 'logged_in' not in session: session['theme'] = app.config['DEFAULT_THEME'] if request.method == 'POST': # Get submitted values from fields. username, password = request.form['username'], request.form['password-a'] # Check if there is a user by the same username in the database. user_instance = get_user(username) if user_instance is not None: error = 'Username is already taken.' elif'[^_a-zA-Z0-9]', username): error = 'Username must only contain letters, numbers, and underscores.' elif password == '': error = 'Please enter a password.' elif password != request.form['password-b']: error = 'Passwords do not match.' else: # Add user to the database and log user in. user_instance = User(username, password) user_instance.theme = app.config['DEFAULT_THEME'] udb.session.add(user_instance) udb.session.commit() flash('Account created!') session['logged_in'], session['posting_enabled'], session['theme'] = \ username, user_instance.posting_enabled, user_instance.theme return redirect(url_for('entries', name=username)) display(error) return render_template('create.html', theme=session['theme'])
def generate_bookmarks(profile): tools.display(preset.message["generating_bookmarks"]) bookmarks_file = tools.get_chrome_element(profile, preset.bookmarks) if bookmarks_file: return Bookmarks(bookmarks_file) return None
def generate_work_book(spreadsheet_filename, data_table, reload_url_title, remove_duplicated_urls, remove_tracking_from_url, get_hostname_title): tools.debug("filename [", str(spreadsheet_filename), "]\nreload_title[", str(reload_url_title), "]\nremove_dupes[", str(remove_duplicated_urls), "]\nremove_track[", str(remove_tracking_from_url), "]\nget_hostname[", str(get_hostname_title), "]") tools.display(preset.message["generating_workbook"] + " [" + spreadsheet_filename + "]") excel_workbook = Workbook() excel_worksheet = excel_worksheet.title = preset.message["chrome_urls"] reload_url_title_disabled = True if reload_url_title: tools.underline() tools.display(preset.message["get_url_status"]) tools.overline() reload_url_title_disabled = False if get_hostname_title: tools.underline() tools.display(preset.message["resolving_hostnames"]) tools.overline() total_items = len(data_table) disabled = False if preset.gui_progress_dialog: disabled = True with tqdm.tqdm(total=total_items, disable=disabled) as progress_bar: temporary_table = [] utils.update_progress(preset.message["resolving_hostnames"], -1, total_items) for index, data_row in enumerate(data_table): temporary_table.append( utils.update_tuple( data_row, htmlSupport.get_title(preset.protocol + data_row[22])[1], 2)) progress_bar.update(1) if utils.update_progress(preset.message["resolving_hostnames"], index, total_items): break data_table = temporary_table visited_url_address = set() data_table_without_duplicates = [] tools.display(preset.message["find_duplicated_lines"]) total_items = len(data_table) disabled = False if reload_url_title_disabled: disabled = True elif preset.gui_progress_dialog: disabled = True with tqdm.tqdm(total=total_items, disable=disabled) as progress_bar: utils.update_progress(preset.message["find_duplicated_lines"], -1, total_items) for index, data_row in enumerate(data_table): if utils.update_progress(preset.message["find_duplicated_lines"], index, total_items): break header = preset.Header() header.set_data(data_row) if remove_tracking_from_url: url_address = header.get_name(preset.url_clean_attr) else: url_address = header.get_name(preset.url_attr) url_name = header.get_name(preset.url_name_attr) if url_address not in visited_url_address: visited_url_address.add(url_address) data_table_without_duplicates.append( ("MAIN", get_title_conditional(progress_bar, reload_url_title_disabled, url_name, url_address)) + data_row) elif not remove_duplicated_urls: data_table_without_duplicates.append( ("DUPE", get_title_conditional(progress_bar, reload_url_title_disabled, url_name, url_address)) + data_row) tools.display(preset.message["writing_spreadsheet"]) tools.overline() total_items = len(data_table_without_duplicates) disabled = False if preset.gui_progress_dialog: disabled = True with tqdm.tqdm(total=total_items, disable=disabled) as progress_bar: utils.update_progress(preset.message["writing_spreadsheet"], -1, total_items) data_row_header = ["DUPE", "Site Name"] for item in preset.label_dictionary: data_row_header.append(preset.label_dictionary[item]) excel_worksheet.append(tuple(data_row_header)) for index, data_row in enumerate(data_table_without_duplicates): progress_bar.update(1) if utils.update_progress(preset.message["writing_spreadsheet"], index, total_items): break excel_worksheet.append(data_row) excel_worksheet.freeze_panes = "A2" excel_worksheet.auto_filter.ref = "A1:AU30000" tools.underline() tools.display(preset.message["format_columns"]) tools.overline() font_columns = [ 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'AA', 'AB', 'AC', 'AD', 'AE', 'AF', 'AG', 'AH', 'AI', 'AJ', 'AK', 'AL', 'AM', 'AN', 'AO', 'AP', 'AQ', 'AR', 'AS', 'AT', 'AU' ] total_items = (len(font_columns) * len(excel_worksheet['T'])) disabled = False if preset.gui_progress_dialog: disabled = True with tqdm.tqdm(total=total_items, disable=disabled) as progress_bar: utils.update_progress(preset.message["format_columns"], -1, total_items) for font_column in font_columns: for index, worksheet_column in enumerate( excel_worksheet[font_column]): progress_bar.update(1) if utils.update_progress(preset.message["format_columns"], index, total_items): break worksheet_column.font = Font(size=10, name='Courier New') tools.underline() tools.display(preset.message["format_dates"]) tools.overline() date_columns = ['G', 'H', 'I', 'P', 'Q', 'R'] total_items = (len(date_columns) * len(excel_worksheet['G'])) disabled = False if preset.gui_progress_dialog: disabled = True with tqdm.tqdm(total=total_items, disable=disabled) as progress_bar: utils.update_progress(preset.message["format_dates"], -1, total_items) for date_column in date_columns: excel_worksheet.column_dimensions[date_column].width = 18 for index, worksheet_column in enumerate( excel_worksheet[date_column]): progress_bar.update(1) if utils.update_progress(preset.message["format_dates"], index, total_items): break worksheet_column.number_format = preset.number_format tools.underline() tools.display(preset.message["hide_columns"]) hidden_columns = [ 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'AA', 'AB', 'AC', 'AD' ] for h in hidden_columns: excel_worksheet.column_dimensions[h].width = 9 excel_worksheet.column_dimensions[h].hidden = True tools.display(preset.message["format_header"]) for cell in excel_worksheet["1:1"]: cell.font = Font(bold=True) tools.display(preset.message["sizing_columns"]) excel_worksheet.column_dimensions['S'].width = 30 excel_worksheet.column_dimensions['T'].width = 85 tools.display(preset.message["saving_workbook"]) tools.display(preset.message["done"]) tools.overline()
def generate_from_txt(url_list): tools.display(preset.message["generating_from_text"]) txt_header = [] return append_data_table(txt_header, url_list)
def generate_web_page(web_page_filename, data_table, reload_url_title, remove_duplicated_urls, remove_tracking_from_url, get_hostname_title): tools.debug("filename [", str(web_page_filename), "]\nreload_title[", str(reload_url_title), "]\nremove_dupes[", str(remove_duplicated_urls), "]\nremove_track[", str(remove_tracking_from_url), "]\nget_hostname[", str(get_hostname_title), "]") tools.display(preset.message["generating_html"] + " [" + web_page_filename + "]") visited_hostname_title = set() visited_url_address = set() folder_list = [] data_table_without_duplicates = [] if remove_duplicated_urls: tools.underline() tools.display(preset.message["removing_duplicates"]) tools.overline() total_items = len(data_table) disabled = False if preset.gui_progress_dialog: disabled = True with tqdm.tqdm(total=total_items, disable=disabled) as progress_bar: utils.update_progress(preset.message["removing_duplicates"], -1, total_items) for index, data_row in enumerate(data_table): header = preset.Header() header.set_data(data_row) progress_bar.update(1) if utils.update_progress(preset.message["removing_duplicates"], index, total_items): break if remove_tracking_from_url: url_address = header.get_name(preset.url_clean_attr) else: url_address = header.get_name(preset.url_attr) if url_address not in visited_url_address: visited_url_address.add(url_address) data_table_without_duplicates.append(data_row) else: data_table_without_duplicates = data_table tools.underline() tools.display(preset.message["writing_html"]) tools.overline() total_items = len(data_table_without_duplicates) disabled = False if preset.gui_progress_dialog: disabled = True with tqdm.tqdm(total=total_items, disable=disabled) as progress_bar: utils.update_progress(preset.message["writing_html"], -1, total_items) for index, data_row in enumerate(data_table_without_duplicates): header = preset.Header() header.set_data(data_row) progress_bar.update(1) if utils.update_progress(preset.message["writing_html"], index, total_items): break url_title = header.get_name(preset.url_name_attr) if remove_tracking_from_url: url_address = header.get_name(preset.url_clean_attr) else: url_address = header.get_name(preset.url_attr) hostname_title = header.get_name(preset.hostname_attr) original_hostname = header.get_name(preset.hostname_attr) if reload_url_title: status_number, url_title = htmlSupport.get_title(url_address) if status_number != 0: url_title = "[ " + url_title + " " + str( status_number) + " - " + header.get_name( preset.url_name_attr) + " ]" if get_hostname_title: status_number, hostname_title = htmlSupport.get_title( preset.protocol + original_hostname) if status_number != 0: hostname_title = "[ " + hostname_title + " " + str( status_number) + " - " + original_hostname + " ]" if hostname_title not in visited_hostname_title: url_data = tools.Urls(url_address, header.get_name(preset.url_added_attr), url_title) visited_hostname_title.add(hostname_title) folder_list.append( tools.Folder(header.get_name(preset.folder_added_attr), header.get_name(preset.folder_modified_attr), hostname_title, [url_data])) else: url_data = tools.Urls(url_address, header.get_name(preset.url_added_attr), url_title) for folder in folder_list: if folder.folder_name == hostname_title: folder.add_url(url_data) tools.underline() tools.display(preset.message["saving_html"]) tools.overline() htmlExport.write_html(web_page_filename, folder_list) tools.display(preset.message["done"]) tools.overline()