def POST(self, map_name, l_name, format): data = get_data(name="style", mandatory=["resource"], authorized=["name", "title", "abstract", "resource"]) url = urlparse.urlparse(data["resource"]["href"]) if url.path.startswith(web.ctx.homepath): path = url.path[len(web.ctx.homepath):] else: raise webapp.BadRequest(message="Resource href (%s) is not handled by MRA." % url.path) try: _, map_name, _, s_name = path.rsplit("/", 3) except ValueError: raise webapp.NotFound(message="ressource '%s' was not found." % path) s_name = s_name.rsplit(".", 1)[0] # Get the new style. mf = get_mapfile(map_name) try: style = open(tools.get_style_path(s_name)).read() except IOError, OSError: with webapp.mightNotFound("style", mapfile=map_name): style = mf.get_style_sld(s_name)
def GET(self, map_name, format, *args, **kwargs): mf = get_mapfile(map_name) return {"workspaces": [{ "name":, "href": "%s/maps/%s/workspaces/%s.%s" % (web.ctx.home, map_name,, format) } for ws in mf.iter_workspaces()] }
def DELETE(self, map_name, l_name, s_name, format): mf = get_mapfile(map_name) with webapp.mightNotFound("layer", mapfile=map_name): layer = mf.get_layer(l_name) with webapp.mightNotFound("style", layer=l_name): layer.remove_style(s_name)
def GET(self, map_name, format): mf = get_mapfile(map_name) return {"layers": [{ "name":, "href": "%s/maps/%s/layers/%s.%s" % (web.ctx.home, map_name,, format), } for layer in mf.iter_layers()] }
def GET(self, map_name, l_name, format): mf = get_mapfile(map_name) with webapp.mightNotFound("layer", mapfile=map_name): layer = mf.get_layer(l_name) data_type, store_type = { "featuretype": ("featuretype", "datastore"), "coverage": ("coverage", "coveragestore") }[layer.get_mra_metadata("type")] return {"layer" : { "name": l_name, "path": "/", # TODO "type": layer.get_type_name(), "defaultStyle": { "name":, "href": "%s/maps/%s/styles/%s.%s" % (web.ctx.home, map_name,, format), }, "styles": [{ # TODO: Add attr class="linked-hash-set" "name": s_name, "href": "%s/maps/%s/styles/%s.%s" % (web.ctx.home, map_name, s_name, format), } for s_name in layer.iter_styles()], "resource": { # TODO: Add attr class="featureType|coverage" "name": layer.get_mra_metadata("name"), "href": "%s/maps/%s/workspaces/%s/%ss/%s/%ss/%s.%s" % ( web.ctx.home, map_name, layer.get_mra_metadata("workspace"), store_type, layer.get_mra_metadata("storage"), data_type, layer.get_mra_metadata("name"), format), }, "enabled": bool(, "attribution": { # TODO "logoWidth": 0, "logoHeight": 0, }, } }
def GET(self, map_name, format): mf = get_mapfile(map_name) return {"layerGroups" : [{ "name":, "href": "%s/maps/%s/layergroups/%s.%s" % (web.ctx.home, map_name,, format) } for lg in mf.iter_layergroups()] }
def GET(self, map_name, format): mf = get_mapfile(map_name) return {"styles": [{ "name": os.path.basename(os.path.basename(s_name)), "href": "%s/maps/%s/styles/%s.%s" % (web.ctx.home, map_name, os.path.basename(s_name), format) } for s_name in tools.iter_styles(mf)] }
def GET(self, map_name, s_name, format): mf = get_mapfile(map_name) if format == "sld": # We look for styles on disk and in the mapfiles. try: return open(tools.get_style_path(s_name)).read() except IOError, OSError: with webapp.mightNotFound("style", mapfile=map_name): return mf.get_style_sld(s_name)
def PUT(self, map_name, format): mf = get_mapfile(map_name) path = tools.mk_mapfile_path(map_name) data = get_data(name="mapfile", mandatory=["name"], authorized=["name", "title", "abstract"]) if map_name != data.pop("name"): raise webapp.Forbidden("Can't change the name of a mapfile.") mf.update(data)
def GET(self, map_name, l_name, format): mf = get_mapfile(map_name) with webapp.mightNotFound("layer", mapfile=map_name): layer = mf.get_layer(l_name) return {"fields": [{ "name": layer.get_metadata("gml_%s_alias" % field, None), "fieldType": layer.get_metadata("gml_%s_type" % field, None), } for field in layer.iter_fields()] }
def DELETE(self, map_name, s_name, format): mf = get_mapfile(map_name) # OK check any( == s_name for class in layer.iter_classes) layers_using = [ for layer in mf.iter_layers() if any( == s_name for clazz in layer.iter_classes())] if layers_using: raise webapp.Forbidden(message="Can't remove style '%s' because it is beeing used by the folowing layers: %s." % (s_name, layers_using)) path = tools.get_style_path(s_name) try: os.remove(path) except OSError: mf = get_mapfile(map_name) if s_name in mf.iter_styles(): raise webapp.NotImplemented(message="Deleting manually added styles is not implemented.") else: raise webapp.NotFound("style '%s' not found in mapfile '%s'." % (s_name, map_name))
def GET(self, map_name, l_name, format): mf = get_mapfile(map_name) with webapp.mightNotFound("layer", mapfile=map_name): layer = mf.get_layer(l_name) if format == "sld": return layer.getSLD() return {"styles": [{ "name": s_name, "href": "%s/maps/%s/styles/%s.%s" % (web.ctx.home, map_name, s_name, format), } for s_name in layer.iter_styles()], }
def POST(self, map_name, format): mf = get_mapfile(map_name) data = get_data(name="layerGroup", mandatory=["name"], authorized=["name", "title", "abstract", "layers"]) lg_name = data.pop("name") layers = [mf.get_layer(l_name) for l_name in data.pop("layers", [])] with webapp.mightConflict("layerGroup", mapfile=map_name): lg = mf.create_layergroup(lg_name, data) lg.add(*layers) webapp.Created("%s/maps/%s/layergroups/%s%s" % (web.ctx.home, map_name,, (".%s" % format) if format else ""))
def PUT(self, map_name, s_name, format): path = tools.get_style_path(s_name) try: os.remove(path) except OSError: mf = get_mapfile(map_name) if s_name in mf.iter_styles(): raise webapp.NotImplemented(message="Updating manually added styles is not implemented.") else: raise webapp.NotFound("style '%s' not found in mapfile '%s'." % (s_name, map_name)) data = with open(path, "w") as f: f.write(data)
def POST(self, map_name, format): mf = get_mapfile(map_name) params = web.input(name=None) name = if name == None: raise webapp.BadRequest(message="no parameter 'name' given.") with webapp.mightConflict(message="style {exception} already exists."): if name in tools.iter_styles(mf): raise webapp.KeyExists(name) data = path = tools.mk_style_path(name) with open(path, "w") as f: f.write(data)
def PUT(self, map_name, lg_name, format): mf = get_mapfile(map_name) with webapp.mightNotFound("layerGroup", mapfile=map_name): lg = mf.get_layergroup(lg_name) data = get_data(name="layerGroup", mandatory=["name"], authorized=["name", "title", "abstract", "layers"]) if lg_name != data.pop("name"): raise webapp.Forbidden("Can't change the name of a layergroup.") layers = data.pop("layers", []) if not isinstance(layers, list) or any(not isinstance(x, basestring) for x in layers): raise webapp.BadRequest("layers must be a list of layer names.") lg.clear() lg.add(*layers)
def GET(self, map_name, format, *args, **kwargs): mf = get_mapfile(map_name) with open(mf.path, "r") as f: data = return {"mapfile": ({ "name": map_name, "href": "%s/maps/" % (web.ctx.home, map_name), "workspaces": href("%s/maps/%s/workspaces.%s" % (web.ctx.home, map_name, format)), "layers": href("%s/maps/%s/layers.%s" % (web.ctx.home, map_name, format)), "layergroups": href("%s/maps/%s/layergroups.%s" % (web.ctx.home, map_name, format)), "styles": href("%s/maps/%s/styles.%s" % (web.ctx.home, map_name, format)), "wms_capabilities": href("%smap=%s&REQUEST=GetCapabilities&VERSION=%s&SERVICE=WMS" % ( get_config("mapserver")["url"], mf.path, get_config("mapserver")["wms_version"])), "wfs_capabilities": href("%smap=%s&REQUEST=GetCapabilities&VERSION=%s&SERVICE=WFS" % ( get_config("mapserver")["url"], mf.path, get_config("mapserver")["wfs_version"])), "wcs_capabilities": href("%smap=%s&REQUEST=GetCapabilities&VERSION=%s&SERVICE=WCS" % ( get_config("mapserver")["url"], mf.path, get_config("mapserver")["wcs_version"])), }) } if format != "map" else data
def GET(self, map_name, lg_name, format): mf = get_mapfile(map_name) with webapp.mightNotFound("layerGroup", mapfile=map_name): lg = mf.get_layergroup(lg_name) latlon_extent = lg.get_latlon_extent() return {"layerGroup": ({ "name":, "mode": None, # TODO "publishables": [{ "name":, "href": "%s/maps/%s/layers/%s.%s" % (web.ctx.home, map_name,, format), } for layer in lg.iter_layers()], "bounds": { "minx": latlon_extent.minX(), "miny": latlon_extent.minY(), "maxx": latlon_extent.maxX(), "maxy": latlon_extent.maxY(), "crs": "EPSG:4326", }, "styles": [], }) }
def PUT(self, map_name, l_name, format): mf = get_mapfile(map_name) data = get_data(name="layer", mandatory=["name", "resource"], authorized=["name", "title", "abstract", "resource", "enabled"]) if l_name != data.pop("name"): raise webapp.Forbidden("Can't change the name of a layer.") l_enabled = data.pop("enabled", True) # This means we can have one mapfile for each workspace # and if eveything uses urls it should work *almost* as is. r_href = data["resource"]["href"] try: _, map_name, _, ws_name, st_type, st_name, r_type, r_name = r_href.rsplit("/", 7) except ValueError: raise webapp.NotFound(message="ressource '%s' was not found." % r_href) r_name = r_name.rsplit(".", 1)[0] ws = mf.get_workspace(ws_name) with webapp.mightNotFound(r_type, workspace=ws_name): try: model = ws.get_model(r_name, r_type[:-1], st_name) except ValueError: raise webapp.NotFound("Invalid layer model '%s'" % st_type) with webapp.mightNotFound("layer", mapfile=map_name): layer = mf.get_layer(l_name) if layer.get_mra_metadata("type") != r_type: raise webapp.BadRequest("Can't change a '%s' layer into a '%s'." % ( layer.get_mra_metadata("type"), r_type)) model.configure_layer(ws, layer, l_enabled)
def DELETE(self, map_name, lg_name, format): mf = get_mapfile(map_name) with webapp.mightNotFound("layerGroup", mapfile=map_name): mf.delete_layergroup(lg_name)
def DELETE(self, map_name, format): mf = get_mapfile(map_name) # TODO: We need to check if this mapfile is empty. with webapp.mightNotFound("Mapfile", mapfile=map_name): os.remove(mf.path)