Example #1
    def scrap_naver_data(self):
        logging.info("########## Scrapper[START] - scrap_naver_data ##########")
        assert self.src_path, "src_path 가 없음"
        assert self.tgt_path, "tgt_path 가 없음"

        movie_df = load_csv(self.src_path)
        movie_df['score'], movie_df['participa'], movie_df['nation'], movie_df['genre'], movie_df['showtime'], movie_df['exist'] = zip(

        movie_df.to_csv(self.tgt_path, encoding=ENCODING)
        logging.info("########## Scrapper[END] - scrap_naver_data ##########")
Example #2
import vlc
import pafy
from flask import Flask, render_template
from flask_socketio import SocketIO
from tools import load_csv

app = Flask(__name__)
socketio = SocketIO(app)
player = vlc.MediaPlayer(vlc.Instance())

songs = load_csv()
current_song = ''

def sessions():
    return render_template('index.html', buttons=songs.values())

@socketio.on('my event')
def handle_my_custom_event(json):
    global player, current_song
    print('received my event:', json['data'])
    print(player.get_state(), str(player.get_state()))
    if json['data'] == current_song:
        if str(player.get_state()) == 'State.Stopped':
Example #3
def loadNd(dataID):
    if dataID == 1:
        # Number 1 dataset

        fields = [
            'duration', 'width', 'height', 'bitrate', 'framerate', 'i', 'p',
            'b', 'frames', 'i_size', 'p_size', 'b_size', 'size', 'o_bitrate',
            'o_framerate', 'o_width', 'o_height', 'umem', 'utime'
        # fields = ['i_size', 'umem','utime']
        fields = ['duration', 'bitrate', 'framerate', 'size', 'umem', 'utime']
        y_column = 4  # should be the order in the input file, not in the "fields" order.
        data = tools.load_csv(file1, fields, y_column)
        # "../data/1online_video_dataset/1transcoding_mesurment.csv"
    if dataID == 2:
        # Number 2 dataset
        fields = ["RMSD", "F1", "F2", "F3", "F4", "F5", "F6", "F7", "F8", "F9"]
        # fields = ["RMSD", "F3", "F5"]

        # fields = ["RMSD", "F2", "F7"]
        fields = ["RMSD", "F4", "F5"]

        y_column = 0  # should be the order in the input file, not in the "fields" order.
        data = tools.load_csv(file2, fields, y_column)
        # "../data/2CASP.csv"
    if dataID == 3:
        # Number 3 dataset

        fields = [
            'year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'pm2.5', 'DEWP', 'TEMP', 'PRES',
            'Iws', 'Is', 'Ir'
        y_column = 4
        # fields = ['pm2.5','PRES']
        # y_column = 0  # should be the order in the input file, not in the "fields" order.
        # fields = ['pm2.5','TEMP', 'PRES']
        # fields = ['pm2.5', 'TEMP', 'Iws'] # good vision
        # fields = ['pm2.5', 'PRES', 'Iws']
        # y_column = 0  # should be the order in the input file, not in the "fields" order.
        data = tools.load_csv(file3, fields, y_column)
    if dataID == 4:
        # Number 4 dataset

        # load the data
        fields = [
            'n_tokens_title', 'n_tokens_content', 'n_unique_tokens',
        y_column = 2
        # fields = ['n_tokens_content', 'n_unique_tokens']
        # y_column = 1  # should be the order in the input file, not in the "fields" order.
        # fields = ['n_tokens_title','n_tokens_content','n_unique_tokens']
        # fields = ['n_tokens_content', 'n_unique_tokens','n_non_stop_unique_tokens']
        # #fields = [ 'n_tokens_content', 'n_unique_tokens', 'n_non_stop_unique_tokens']
        # y_column = 1  # should be the order in the input file, not in the "fields" order.
        data = tools.load_csv(file4, fields, y_column)
    if dataID == 5:
        # Number 5 dataset
        # '''
        # load the data
        fields = [
            'Temperature', 'Exhaust_Vacuum', 'Ambient_Pressure',
            'Relative_Humidity', 'energy_output'
        y_column = 4  # should be the order in the input file, not in the "fields" order.
        data = tools.load_csv(file5, fields, y_column)
    if dataID == 6:
        # Number 6 dataset

        fields = [
            'year', 'c1', 'c2', 'c3', 'c4', 'c5', 'c6', 'c7', 'c8', 'c9',
            'c10', 'c11', 'c12', 'c13', 'c14', 'c15', 'c16', 'c17', 'c18',
            'c19', 'c20', 'c21', 'c22', 'c23', 'c24', 'c25', 'c26', 'c27',
            'c28', 'c29', 'c30', 'c31', 'c32', 'c33', 'c34', 'c35', 'c36',
            'c37', 'c38', 'c39', 'c40', 'c41', 'c42', 'c43', 'c44', 'c45',
            'c46', 'c47', 'c48', 'c49', 'c50', 'c51', 'c52', 'c53', 'c54',
            'c55', 'c56', 'c57', 'c58', 'c59', 'c60', 'c61', 'c62', 'c63',
            'c64', 'c65', 'c66', 'c67', 'c68', 'c69', 'c70', 'c71', 'c72',
            'c73', 'c74', 'c75', 'c76', 'c77', 'c78', 'c79', 'c80', 'c81',
            'c82', 'c83', 'c84', 'c85', 'c86', 'c87', 'c88', 'c89', 'c90'
        fields = ['year', 'c1', 'c2', 'c3']
        y_column = 0  # should be the order in the input file, not in the "fields" order.
        data = tools.load_csv(file6, fields, y_column)
    if dataID == 7:
        # Number 7 dataset

        # load the data
        # fields = ['duration','width','height','bitrate','framerate','i','p','b','frames','i_size','p_size','b_size','size','o_bitrate','o_framerate','o_width','o_height','umem','utime']

        fields = [
            'Time_(seconds)', 'Methane_conc_(ppm)', 'Ethylene_conc_(ppm)',
            'c1', 'c2', 'c3', 'c4', 'c5', 'c6', 'c7', 'c8', 'c9', 'c10', 'c11',
            'c12', 'c13', 'c14', 'c15', 'c16'
        fields = ['c1', 'c2']
        y_column = 1  # should be the order in the input file, not in the "fields" order.
        fields = ['c1', 'c2', 'c4']
        fields = [
            'Methane_conc_(ppm)', 'Ethylene_conc_(ppm)', 'c1', 'c2', 'c3', 'c4'
        y_column = 3  # should be the order in the input file, not in the "fields" order.
        # data = tools.load_csv("datasets/1online_video_dataset/1transcoding_mesurment.csv",fields,y_column)
        data = tools.load_csv(file7, fields, y_column, sep=' ')
    if dataID == 8:
        # Number 8 dataset

        # load the data

        fields = [
            'timestamp', 'Global_active_power', 'Global_reactive_power',
            'Voltage', 'Global_intensity', 'Sub_metering_1', 'Sub_metering_2',
            'Sub_metering_3', 'energy'
        # fields = ['Date',  'Global_active_power', 'Global_reactive_power', 'Voltage', 'Global_intensity',
        #          'Sub_metering_1', 'Sub_metering_2', 'Sub_metering_3']
        # fields = ['Global_active_power', 'Global_reactive_power', 'energy']
        y_column = 8  # should be the order in the input file, not in the "fields" order.
        data = tools.load_csv(file8, fields, y_column, sep=',')
    return data