def twiCmdListStatus(self, params, r): """ # tlist % show tweets in a given list % format: .ls <list id> [where] % use command '.where' for how to use '[where]' """ params = params.split() if len( params ) == 0: r.l("!bad argument") return if not params[0].isdigit(): r.l("!bad argument") return extra = {} if len( params ) == 2: extra = tools.parseWhere( params[1] ) if extra is None: r.l("!bad page argument") return assert extra is not None extra["list_id"] = params[0] url = mkURL( "", **extra ) succ, response = self.get(url, r) if not succ: return raw_data = tl = self._parseList( raw_data, twitter_object.Tweet ) r.l( tl )
def twiCmdSearch(self, params, r): """ # ttweet % search tweets % format: .s "<query>" [where] % query can contain any characters including whitespace % use command '.where' for how to use '[where]' % e.g: .s "bob and alice" <123456 """ pat = re.compile( r'"(.*)"(\s+([<|>]\d+))?' ) m = pat.match( params ) if m is None: r.l( "!bad argument" ) return q, _, where = m.groups() if where is None: where = '' query = tools.parseWhere( where ) query["q"] = q url = mkURL( "", **query) succ, response = self.get( url, r ) if not succ: return data = json.loads( )["statuses"] tl = map( twitter_object.Tweet, data ) tl.reverse() r.l( tl )
def twiCmdFavorite(self, params, r): """ # tfav % view tweets favorited by you or a specific user % format: .fav [user] [where] % both 'user' and 'where' are optional % if 'user' is not given, I will grab the favorate list of you. % use command '.where' for how to use '[where]' """ para_list = params.split() query = {} if len( para_list ) > 2: r.l("!bad argument") return if len( para_list ) == 0: # view favorite tweets of yourself query["user_id"] = self.uid elif len( para_list ) == 2: w = tools.parseWhere( para_list[1] ) if w is None: r.l("!bad argument") return query.update(w) query["screen_name"] = para_list[0] else: # only 1 element in the list # which must be either [user] or [where] w = tools.parseWhere( para_list[0] ) if w is None: # this is actually a user name query["screen_name"] = para_list[0] else: # this is a 'where' query.update(w) query["user_id"] = self.uid url = mkURL( "", **query ) succ, response = self.get( url, r) if not succ: return raw_data = tl = self._parseList( raw_data, twitter_object.Tweet ) r.l( tl )
def twiCmdHomeTimeline(self, params, r): """ # ttweet % show my home timeline % format: .ho [where] % use command '.where' for how to use '[where]' """ extra = tools.parseWhere( params ) if extra is None: r.l("!bad page argument") return url = mkURL( "", **extra ) succ, response = self.get(url, r) if not succ: return raw_data = tl = self._parseList( raw_data, twitter_object.Tweet ) r.l( tl )
def twiCmdMyTweets(self, params, r): """ # ttweet % get my tweets % format: .me [where] % use command '.where' for how to use '[where]' """ extra = tools.parseWhere( params ) if extra is None: r.l( "!bad argument" ) return extra["user_id"] = self.uid url = mkURL( "", **extra ) succ, response = self.get( url, r ) if not succ: return raw_data = tl = self._parseList( raw_data, twitter_object.Tweet ) r.l( tl )
def twiCmdDirectMessageSent(self, params, r): """ # tdm % view sent direct messages (outbox) % format: .dout [where] % use command '.where' for how to use '[where]' """ extra = tools.parseWhere( params ) if extra is None: r.l("!bad page argument") return url = mkURL ( "", **extra ) succ, response = self.get( url, r ) if not succ: return raw_data = tl = self._parseList( raw_data, twitter_object.DirectMessage ) r.l( tl )
def twiCmdUserTimeline(self, params, r): """ # ttweet % view timeline of a given user % format: .tl [user] [where] % both 'user' and 'where' are optional % 'user' is you by default % use command '.where' for how to use '[where]' """ para_list = params.split() query = {} if len( para_list ) > 2: r.l( "!bad argument" ) if len( para_list ) == 0: # identical to '.me' self.twiCmdMyTweets( params, r ) return if len( para_list ) == 1: if para_list[0][0] in '<>': # identical to '.me' self.twiCmdMyTweets( params, r) return else: # is a user query["screen_name"] = para_list[0] else: # has both user and 'where' extra = tools.parseWhere( para_list[1] ) if extra is None: r.l ( "!bad argument" ) return query.update( extra ) query["screen_name"] = para_list[0] # query is ready url = mkURL("", **query) succ, response = self.get( url, r ) if not succ: return raw_data = tl = self._parseList( raw_data, twitter_object.Tweet ) r.l( tl )
def twiCmdMention(self, params, r): """ # ttweet % show my mentions timeline % * if you are seeking help for how to reply others, % please refer to '.help reply' % format: .mention [where] % use command '.where' for how to use '[where]' """ extra = tools.parseWhere( params ) if extra is None: # there is another form of reply, jump to it. self.twiCmdReply( params, r ) return url = mkURL( "", **extra ) succ, response = self.get(url, r) if not succ: return raw_data = tl = self._parseList( raw_data, twitter_object.Tweet ) r.l( tl )