def main(mode="random", iter_num=20, k=5): """average time to 1 pair = (2 / k^2) sec""" if mode == "random": from random import uniform from time import time img1 = cv2.imread("comp1.tif") img1 = tools.resize(img1, k) cont = [] for i in range(iter_num): dx = dy = 0 dr = 0 shift = (uniform(-dx, dx), uniform(-dy, dy)) rot = (uniform(-dr, dr)) img2 = tools.get_img(img1, shift, rot) solver = Solution(img1, img2, 100) print("RIGHT", rot, shift) start = time() solver.estimate() shift1 = [0, 0] rot1, shift1[0], shift1[1] = solver.rotXY if rot1 != False: print("EST", rot1, shift1) print("rotXY", solver.rotXY) delta = [ abs(rot - rot1), abs(shift[0] - shift1[0]), abs(shift[1] - shift1[1]) ] print(f"FALLIBILITY = {delta}") else: print("NOT") cont.append(time() - start) print("___") print( f"MAX = {max(cont)}, MIN = {min(cont)}, AVERAGE = {sum(cont) / iter_num} SECONDS" ) elif mode == "compare": name1, name2 = f"/MESSIDOR/1pp.tif", f"/MESSIDOR/20051216_43913_0200_PP.tif" img1 = (cv2.imread(name1)) img2 = (cv2.imread(name2)) #img2 = tools.rotAlignment(img2, 0) img1 = segm.extract_bv(tools.resize(img1, k)) img2 = segm.extract_bv(tools.resize(img2, k)) solver = Solution(img1, img2) print(solver.estimate()) return 0
def tell(path): # print(model.to_json()) # import h5py as h5 # h = h5.File("./output/lenet.hdf5","r") # print(h.keys()) # image = cv2.imread("./smiles/positives/positives7/24.jpg") image = cv2.imread(path) image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) image = tools.resize(image, 28) cv2.imwrite("./smiles/mine/mine_proc.jpg", image) image = img_to_array(image) data = [] data.append(image) data = np.array(data, dtype="float") / 255.0 # print( if not image.any(): print("No image input!") else: model = load_model('./output/lenet.hdf5') predict = model.predict(data) print(predict) if predict.argmax(axis=1)[0]: # positive = 1, negative = 0 print("Positive!") else: print("Negative!")
def _generateCover(self, inFile, outFile, format, max_width, max_height): from PIL import Image try: # Open the image cover = width = cover.size[0] height = cover.size[1] newWidth, newHeight = tools.resize(width, height, max_width, max_height) cover = cover.resize((newWidth, newHeight), Image.ANTIALIAS), format) except Exception: # This message will probably be displayed for the thumbnail and the big cover. logger.error( '[%s] An error occurred while generating the cover for "%s"\n\n%s' % (MOD_NAME, inFile, traceback.format_exc())) # Remove corrupted file. tools.remove(outFile)
# 命令行参数 ap = argparse.ArgumentParser() ap.add_argument("-d", "--dataset", required=True) ap.add_argument("-m", "--model", required=True) args = vars(ap.parse_args()) # 数据和标签列表 data = [] labels = [] epoch = 10 # default: 15 # 遍历每一张样本图片 for imagePath in sorted(list(tools.list_images(args["dataset"]))): image = cv2.imread(imagePath) image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) image = tools.resize(image, width=28) image = img_to_array(image) data.append(image) # 样本图片路径smiles/positives/positives7/13229.jpg label = imagePath.split(os.path.sep)[-3] label = "smiling" if label == "positives" else "not_smiling" labels.append(label) # 缩放到[0,1] # print(data[0][0]) data = np.array(data, dtype="float") / 255.0 # print(data[0][0]) # print( labels = np.array(labels)
klick = pygame.mixer.Sound("klick.wav") gong = pygame.mixer.Sound("gong.wav") error = pygame.mixer.Sound("error.wav") dinfo = pygame.display.Info() video_flags = OPENGL | HWSURFACE | DOUBLEBUF | FULLSCREEN #ein paar variablen zu den seitenverhaeltnissen: SCREEN_RATIO = float(dinfo.current_w) / float(dinfo.current_h) #16:9 GITTER_RATIO = float(gitter.GITTER_W) / float(gitter.GITTER_H) FIELD_W_RATIO = (GITTER_RATIO * float(dinfo.current_h)) / float( dinfo.current_w) pygame.display.set_mode((dinfo.current_w, dinfo.current_h), video_flags) tools.resize((dinfo.current_w, dinfo.current_h)) tools.GlInit() tools.clearScreen() eManager = eventmanager.eventmanager() mausimaus = maus.maus() git = gitter.gitter((dinfo.current_w * FIELD_W_RATIO, dinfo.current_h), eManager, mausimaus, (klick, gong, error)) sidebar = hud.hud( (dinfo.current_w * FIELD_W_RATIO + 2, 2, dinfo.current_w - dinfo.current_w * FIELD_W_RATIO - 4, dinfo.current_h - 4), mausimaus, font)
import cv2 ap = argparse.ArgumentParser() ap.add_argument("-c", "--cascade", required=True) ap.add_argument("-m", "--model", required=True) args = vars(ap.parse_args()) detector = cv2.CascadeClassifier(args["cascade"]) model = load_model(args["model"]) camera = cv2.VideoCapture(0) while True: (grabbed, frame) = frame = tools.resize(frame, width=900) gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) frameNew = frame.copy() # 在灰度图上检测人脸,得到所有矩形。 rects = detector.detectMultiScale(gray, scaleFactor=1.1, minNeighbors=5, minSize=(30, 30), flags=cv2.CASCADE_SCALE_IMAGE) # 循环每一个检测出人脸的矩形区域 for (fX, fY, fW, fH) in rects: # 抽取ROI区域,缩放为28*28 roi = gray[fY:fY + fH, fX:fX + fW] roi = cv2.resize(roi, (28, 28))
multinom_bkg = list(np.random.multinomial(1, prob_bkg)) draw_bkg = multinom_bkg.index(1) bkg_name = background_list[draw_bkg] multinom_card = list((np.random.multinomial(1, prob_card))) draw_card = multinom_card.index(1) card_name = card_list[draw_card] bkg = + "/Backgrounds/" + bkg_name) card = + "/Cards/" + card_name) card = card.convert('RGBA') # Give random size on card image ratio = np.random.normal(2.2, 0.1) print("Card ratio: " + str(round(ratio, 2))) card = tools.resize(card, ratio) # Set a paste position of card around the middle of the background image. # Top left corner position is starting coords (0,0), not middle. x_val = bkg.size[0] / 2 - card.size[0] / 2 y_val = bkg.size[1] / 2 - card.size[1] / 2 x_offset = int(np.random.normal(x_val, x_val / 5.5)) y_offset = int(np.random.normal(y_val, y_val / 5.5)) # Copy images back_im = bkg.copy() card_im = card.copy() # Set variables to be used in mutation w, h = card_im.size
checkpoint = torch.load('../fast-depth/mobilenet-nnconv5dw-skipadd.pth.tar', map_location=torch.device('cpu')) torch_model = checkpoint['model'] import cv2 import tools cap = cv2.VideoCapture('/home/sebastian/Desktop/SLAM-CPP/home.MOV') ret, frame = while False: #frame = cv2.resize(frame, (224, 224)) frame = tools.resize(frame) cv2.imshow('frame', frame) model_in = np.expand_dims(np.array(frame, dtype=np.float32)/255., 0) tf_prediction = model.predict(model_in) tf_prediction = np.squeeze(tf_prediction) tf_prediction = tools.toShow(tf_prediction) model_in = np.moveaxis(model_in, -1, 1) torch_model_in = torch.tensor(model_in).float() torch_prediction = torch_model(torch_model_in) torch_prediction = torch_prediction.detach().numpy().squeeze() torch_prediction = tools.toShow(torch_prediction) cv2.imshow('tf_prediction', tf_prediction) cv2.imshow('torch_prediction', torch_prediction)