def create_label(self, name, markup=False, align=1.0, wrap=False, angle=None, width=None, fname=None, help=None, detail_tooltip=False): label = gtk.Label(name) eb = gtk.EventBox() eb.set_events(gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK) if markup: label.set_use_markup(True) self.trans_box_label.append((eb, name, fname)) eb.add(label) def size_allocate(label, allocation): label.set_size_request( allocation.width - 2, -1 ) if fname is None and name and len(name) > 50: label.connect( "size-allocate", size_allocate ) uid = rpc.session.uid tooltip = '' if help: tooltip = '<span foreground="darkred"><b>%s</b></span>\n%s' % \ (tools.to_xml(name), tools.to_xml(help)) label.set_markup('<sup><span foreground="darkgreen">?</span></sup>' + tools.to_xml(name)) if detail_tooltip: tooltip += (help and '\n' or '') + detail_tooltip if tooltip: eb.set_tooltip_markup(tooltip) label.set_alignment(align, 0.5) if width: label.set_size_request(width, -1) label.set_line_wrap(bool(int(wrap))) if angle: label.set_angle(int(angle)) return eb
def process_bom(bom, currency_id, factor=1): xml = '<row>' sum = 0 sum_strd = 0 prod = product_pool.browse(cr, uid, bom['product_id']) prod_name = to_xml(bom['name']) prod_qtty = factor * bom['product_qty'] product_uom = product_uom_pool.browse(cr, uid, bom['product_uom'], context=context) product_uom_name = to_xml( main_sp_price, main_sp_name , main_strd_price = '','','' sellers, sellers_price = '','' if prod.seller_id: main_sp_name = '- <b>'+ to_xml( +'</b>\r\n' price = supplier_info_pool.price_get(cr, uid,,, number*prod_qtty)[] price = product_uom_pool._compute_price(cr, uid,, price, main_sp_price = """<b>"""+rml_obj.formatLang(price)+' '+ company_currency.symbol+"""</b>\r\n""" sum += prod_qtty*price std_price = product_uom_pool._compute_price(cr, uid,, prod.standard_price, main_strd_price = str(std_price) + '\r\n' sum_strd = prod_qtty*std_price for seller_id in prod.seller_ids: sellers += '- <i>'+ to_xml( +'</i>\r\n' price = supplier_info_pool.price_get(cr, uid,,, number*prod_qtty)[] price = product_uom_pool._compute_price(cr, uid,, price, sellers_price += """<i>"""+rml_obj.formatLang(price) +' '+ company_currency.symbol +"""</i>\r\n""" xml += """<col para='yes'> """+ prod_name +""" </col> <col para='yes'> """+ main_sp_name + sellers + """ </col> <col f='yes'>"""+ rml_obj.formatLang(prod_qtty) +' '+ product_uom_name +"""</col> <col f='yes'>"""+ rml_obj.formatLang(float(main_strd_price)) +' '+ company_currency.symbol +"""</col> <col f='yes'>""" + main_sp_price + sellers_price + """</col>'""" xml += '</row>' return xml, sum, sum_strd
def wid_add(self, widget, colspan=1, name=None, expand=False, xoptions=False, ypadding=0, help=False, rowspan=1): self.count += 1 (table, x, y) = self.cont[-1] if name: vbox = gtk.VBox(homogeneous=False, spacing=2) label = gtk.Label(name) label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.0) if help: try: vbox.set_tooltip_markup( '<span foreground=\"darkred\"><b>' + tools.to_xml(name) + '</b></span>\n' + tools.to_xml(help)) except: pass label.set_markup( "<sup><span foreground=\"darkgreen\">?</span></sup>" + tools.to_xml(name)) vbox.pack_start(label, expand=False) vbox.pack_start(widget, expand=expand, fill=False) wid = vbox wid.set_border_width(2) else: wid = widget if help: try: wid.set_tooltip_markup( '<span foreground=\"darkred\"></span>' + tools.to_xml(help)) except: pass yopt = False if expand: yopt = yopt | gtk.EXPAND | gtk.FILL if not xoptions: xoptions = gtk.FILL | gtk.EXPAND table.attach(wid, x, x + colspan, y, y + rowspan, yoptions=yopt, xoptions=xoptions, ypadding=ypadding, xpadding=0) self.cont[-1] = (table, x + colspan, y) wid_list = table.get_children() wid_list.reverse() table.set_focus_chain(wid_list) return wid
def process_bom(bom, currency_id, factor=1): xml = '<row>' sum = 0 sum_strd = 0 prod = product_pool.browse(cr, uid, bom['product_id']) prod_name = to_xml(bom['name']) prod_qtty = factor * bom['product_qty'] product_uom = product_uom_pool.browse(cr, uid, bom['product_uom'], context=context) product_uom_name = to_xml( main_sp_price, main_sp_name, main_strd_price = '', '', '' sellers, sellers_price = '', '' if prod.seller_id: main_sp_name = '- <b>' + to_xml( + '</b>\r\n' pricelist = prod.seller_id.property_product_pricelist_purchase price = pricelist_pool.price_get( cr, uid, [],, number * prod_qtty or 1.0,, { 'uom':, 'date': time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), })[] main_sp_price = """<b>""" + rml_obj.formatLang(price) + ' ' + ( company_currency_symbol) + """</b>\r\n""" sum += prod_qtty * price std_price = product_uom_pool._compute_price( cr, uid,, prod.standard_price, main_strd_price = str(std_price) + '\r\n' sum_strd = prod_qtty * std_price for seller_id in prod.seller_ids: sellers += '- <i>' + to_xml( + '</i>\r\n' pricelist = price = pricelist_pool.price_get( cr, uid, [],, number * prod_qtty or 1.0,, { 'uom':, 'date': time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), })[] sellers_price += """<i>""" + rml_obj.formatLang( price) + ' ' + (company_currency_symbol) + """</i>\r\n""" xml += """<col para='yes'> """ + prod_name + """ </col> <col para='yes'> """ + main_sp_name + sellers + """ </col> <col f='yes'>""" + rml_obj.formatLang( prod_qtty) + ' ' + product_uom_name + """</col> <col f='yes'>""" + rml_obj.formatLang( float(main_strd_price)) + ' ' + ( company_currency_symbol) + """</col> <col f='yes'>""" + main_sp_price + sellers_price + """</col>'""" xml += '</row>' return xml, sum, sum_strd
def create_detail_tooltip(self, name='', field_attr={}): tooltip = '<span foreground="#009900"><b>%s:</b> %s - <b>%s:</b> %s' % \ (_('Field'), tools.to_xml(name), _('Object'), tools.to_xml(field_attr.get('model',''))) attributes = field_attr.keys() attributes.sort() for attr in attributes: if attr in self.accepted_attr_list: tooltip += '\n<b>%s:</b> %s' %(tools.to_xml(str(attr).capitalize()),tools.to_xml(str(field_attr[attr]))) return tooltip + '</span>'
def create_detail_tooltip(self, name='', field_attr={}): tooltip = '<span foreground="#009900"><b>%s:</b> %s - <b>%s:</b> %s' % \ (_('Field'), tools.to_xml(name), _('Object'), tools.to_xml(field_attr.get('model',''))) attributes = field_attr.keys() attributes.sort() for attr in attributes: if attr in self.accepted_attr_list: tooltip += '\n<b>%s:</b> %s' % (tools.to_xml( str(attr).capitalize()), tools.to_xml(str( field_attr[attr]))) return tooltip + '</span>'
def fields_view_get(self, cr, uid, view_id=None, view_type="form", context=None, toolbar=False): wiz_id = self.pool.get("ir.actions.wizard").search(cr, uid, [("wiz_name", "=", "create.model")]) res = super(account_analytic_plan_instance, self).fields_view_get(cr, uid, view_id, view_type, context, toolbar) if res["type"] == "form": plan_id = False if context.get("journal_id", False): plan_id = self.pool.get("account.journal").browse(cr, uid, int(context["journal_id"]), context).plan_id elif context.get("plan_id", False): plan_id = self.pool.get("account.analytic.plan").browse(cr, uid, int(context["plan_id"]), context) if plan_id: i = 1 res[ "arch" ] = """<form string="%s"> <field name="name"/> <field name="code"/> <field name="journal_id"/> <button name="%d" string="Save This Distribution as a Model" type="action" colspan="2"/> """ % ( tools.to_xml(, wiz_id[0], ) for line in plan_id.plan_ids: res[ "arch" ] += """ <field name="account%d_ids" string="%s" colspan="4"> <tree string="%s" editable="bottom"> <field name="rate"/> <field name="analytic_account_id" domain="[('parent_id','child_of',[%d])]"/> </tree> </field> <newline/>""" % ( i, tools.to_xml(, tools.to_xml(, line.root_analytic_id and or 0, ) i += 1 res["arch"] += "</form>" doc = etree.fromstring(res["arch"].encode("utf8")) xarch, xfields = self._view_look_dom_arch(cr, uid, doc, view_id, context=context) res["arch"] = xarch res["fields"] = xfields return res else: return res
def __init__(self, name, parent, attrs={}, call=None): wid_int.wid_int.__init__(self, name, parent, attrs, call) if name: self.butt = gtk.ToggleButton(name) if len(name) < 10: self.butt.set_size_request(90, -1) else: self.butt = gtk.ToggleButton() self.butt.set_relief(gtk.RELIEF_NONE) icon = gtk.Image() icon.set_from_stock(attrs.get('icon', 'gtk-home'), 1) self.butt.set_image(icon) self.butt.set_image_position(gtk.POS_TOP) self.butt.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_ACTIVE, gtk.gdk.color_parse("grey")) self.butt.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_PRELIGHT, gtk.gdk.color_parse("light grey")) help = attrs.get('help', False) or attrs.get('string', False) if help: self.butt.set_tooltip_markup(tools.to_xml(help)) self.domain = attrs.get('domain', "[]") self.context = attrs.get('context', "{}") if self.default_search: self.butt.set_active(True) self.butt.set_alignment(0.5, 0.5) self.butt.connect('toggled', call[1]) self.screen_context = call[0].context self.widget = self.butt
def __init__(self, name, parent, attrs={}, call=None): wid_int.wid_int.__init__(self, name, parent, attrs,call) if name: self.butt = gtk.ToggleButton(name) if len(name) < 10: self.butt.set_size_request(90,-1) else: self.butt = gtk.ToggleButton() self.butt.set_relief(gtk.RELIEF_NONE) icon = gtk.Image() = name or attrs.get('string') icon_to_set = attrs.get('icon','gtk-home') if icon_to_set.startswith('STOCK'): icon_to_set = getattr(gtk, icon_to_set) icon.set_from_stock(icon_to_set, 1) self.butt.set_image(icon) self.butt.set_image_position(gtk.POS_TOP) self.butt.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_ACTIVE, gtk.gdk.color_parse("grey")) self.butt.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_PRELIGHT, gtk.gdk.color_parse("light grey")) help = attrs.get('help', False) or attrs.get('string', False) if help: self.butt.set_tooltip_markup(tools.to_xml(help)) self.domain = attrs.get('domain', "[]") self.context = attrs.get('context', "{}") if self.default_search: self.butt.set_active(True) self.butt.set_alignment(0.5, 0.5) self.butt.connect('toggled', call[1]) self.screen_context = call[0].context self.widget = self.butt
def wid_add(self, widget, name=None, expand=False, ypadding=2, rowspan=1, colspan=1, translate=False, fname=None, help=False, fill=False, invisible=False): (table, x, y) = self.cont[-1] if colspan>self.col[-1]: colspan=self.col[-1] a = name and 1 or 0 if colspan+x+a>self.col[-1]: self.newline() (table, x, y) = self.cont[-1] yopt = False if expand: yopt = yopt | gtk.EXPAND if fill: yopt = yopt | gtk.FILL if colspan == 1 and a == 1: colspan = 2 if name: label = gtk.Label(name) eb = gtk.EventBox() eb.set_events(gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK) self.trans_box_label.append((eb, name, fname)) eb.add(label) if help: try: eb.set_tooltip_markup('<span foreground=\"darkred\"><b>'+tools.to_xml(name)+'</b></span>\n'+tools.to_xml(help)) except: pass label.set_markup("<sup><span foreground=\"darkgreen\">?</span></sup>"+tools.to_xml(name)) if '_' in name: label.set_text_with_mnemonic(name) label.set_mnemonic_widget(widget) label.set_alignment(1.0, 0.5) table.attach(eb, x, x+1, y, y+rowspan, yoptions=yopt, xoptions=gtk.FILL, ypadding=ypadding, xpadding=2) hbox = widget hbox.show_all() if translate: hbox = gtk.HBox(spacing=3) hbox.pack_start(widget) img = gtk.Image() img.set_from_stock('terp-translate', gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) ebox = gtk.EventBox() ebox.set_events(gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK) self.trans_box.append((ebox, name, fname, widget)) ebox.add(img) hbox.pack_start(ebox, fill=False, expand=False) hbox.show_all() table.attach(hbox, x+a, x+colspan, y, y+rowspan, yoptions=yopt, ypadding=ypadding, xpadding=2) self.cont[-1] = (table, x+colspan, y) wid_list = table.get_children() wid_list.reverse() table.set_focus_chain(wid_list) if invisible: hbox.hide()
def create_label(self, name, markup=False, align=1.0, wrap=False, angle=None, width=None, fname=None, help=None, detail_tooltip=False): label = gtk.Label(name) eb = gtk.EventBox() eb.set_events(gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK) if markup: label.set_use_markup(True) self.trans_box_label.append((eb, name, fname)) eb.add(label) def size_allocate(label, allocation): label.set_size_request(allocation.width - 2, -1) if fname is None and name and len(name) > 50: label.connect("size-allocate", size_allocate) uid = rpc.session.uid tooltip = '' if help: tooltip = '<span foreground="darkred"><b>%s</b></span>\n%s' % \ (tools.to_xml(name), tools.to_xml(help)) label.set_markup( '<sup><span foreground="darkgreen">?</span></sup>' + tools.to_xml(name)) if detail_tooltip: tooltip += (help and '\n' or '') + detail_tooltip if tooltip: eb.set_tooltip_markup(tooltip) label.set_alignment(align, 0.5) if width: label.set_size_request(width, -1) label.set_line_wrap(bool(int(wrap))) if angle: label.set_angle(int(angle)) return eb
def process_bom(bom, currency_id, factor=1): xml = '<row>' sum = 0 sum_strd = 0 prod = product_pool.browse(cr, uid, bom['product_id']) prod_name = to_xml(bom['name']) prod_qtty = factor * bom['product_qty'] product_uom = product_uom_pool.browse(cr, uid, bom['product_uom'], context=context) product_uom_name = to_xml( main_sp_price, main_sp_name , main_strd_price = '','','' sellers, sellers_price = '','' if prod.seller_id: main_sp_name = '- <b>'+ to_xml( +'</b>\r\n' pricelist = prod.seller_id.property_product_pricelist_purchase price = pricelist_pool.price_get(cr,uid,[],, number*prod_qtty or 1.0,, { 'uom':, 'date': time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), })[] main_sp_price = """<b>"""+rml_obj.formatLang(price)+' '+ (company_currency_symbol)+"""</b>\r\n""" sum += prod_qtty*price std_price = product_uom_pool._compute_price(cr, uid,, prod.cost_price, main_strd_price = str(std_price) + '\r\n' sum_strd = prod_qtty*std_price for seller_id in prod.seller_ids: sellers += '- <i>'+ to_xml( +'</i>\r\n' pricelist = price = pricelist_pool.price_get(cr,uid,[],, number*prod_qtty or 1.0,, { 'uom':, 'date': time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), })[] sellers_price += """<i>"""+rml_obj.formatLang(price) +' '+ (company_currency_symbol) +"""</i>\r\n""" xml += """<col para='yes'> """+ prod_name +""" </col> <col para='yes'> """+ main_sp_name + sellers + """ </col> <col f='yes'>"""+ rml_obj.formatLang(prod_qtty) +' '+ product_uom_name +"""</col> <col f='yes'>"""+ rml_obj.formatLang(float(main_strd_price)) +' '+ (company_currency_symbol) +"""</col> <col f='yes'>""" + main_sp_price + sellers_price + """</col>'""" xml += '</row>' return xml, sum, sum_strd
def display(self, widget): if self.treeview: if self.value: self.treeview.warn( 'misc-message', '<b>' + str(tools.to_xml(self.value)) + "</b>") else: self.treeview.warn( 'misc-message', _("Press <i>'+'</i>, <i>'-'</i> or <i>'='</i> for special date operations." ))
def __init__(self, name, parent, attrs={}, call=None): wid_int.wid_int.__init__(self, name, parent, attrs) win_gl = glade.XML(common.terp_path(""),"hbox_custom_filter",gettext.textdomain()) self.widget = win_gl.get_widget('hbox_custom_filter') #Changing the date format when using custom filter self.Dt_Tm_format = tools.user_locale_format.get_datetime_format(True) self.Dt_format = tools.user_locale_format.get_date_format() # Processing fields self.combo_fields = win_gl.get_widget('combo_fields') self.field_selection = {} fields = attrs.get('fields',None) for item in fields: self.field_selection[item[1].encode('utf-8')] = (item[0], item[2], item[3]) self.combo_fields.append_text(item[1]) self.combo_fields.set_active(0) # Processing operator combo self.combo_op = win_gl.get_widget('combo_operator') self.op_selection = {} for item in (['ilike', _('contains')], ['not ilike', _('doesn\'t contain')], ['=', _('is equal to')], ['<>',_('is not equal to')], ['>',_('greater than')], ['<',_('less than')], ['in',_('in')], ['not in',_('not in')], ): self.op_selection[item[1].encode('utf-8')] = item[0] self.combo_op.append_text(item[1]) self.combo_op.set_active(0) # Processing text value self.right_text = win_gl.get_widget('right_compare') # Processing Custom conditions self.condition_next = win_gl.get_widget('cond_custom') self.condition_next.set_active(0) self.condition_next.hide() # Processing Removal of panel self.remove_filter = win_gl.get_widget('remove_custom') self.remove_filter.set_relief(gtk.RELIEF_NONE) try: self.right_text.set_tooltip_markup(tools.to_xml(_("Enter Values separated by ',' if operator 'in' or 'not in' is chosen.\nFor Date and DateTime Formats, specify text in '%Y-%m-%d' and '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' formats respectively."))) except: pass self.remove_filter.connect('clicked',call,self)
def fields_view_get(self, cr, uid, view_id=None, view_type='form', context=None, toolbar=False, submenu=False): if context is None: context = {} wiz_id = self.pool.get('ir.actions.act_window').search(cr, uid, [("name","=","analytic.plan.create.model.action")], context=context) res = super(account_analytic_plan_instance,self).fields_view_get(cr, uid, view_id, view_type, context, toolbar=toolbar, submenu=submenu) journal_obj = self.pool.get('account.journal') analytic_plan_obj = self.pool.get('account.analytic.plan') if (res['type']=='form'): plan_id = False if context.get('journal_id', False): plan_id = journal_obj.browse(cr, uid, int(context['journal_id']), context=context).plan_id elif context.get('plan_id', False): plan_id = analytic_plan_obj.browse(cr, uid, int(context['plan_id']), context=context) if plan_id: i=1 res['arch'] = """<form string="%s"> <field name="name"/> <field name="code"/> <field name="journal_id"/> <button name="%d" string="Save This Distribution as a Model" type="action" colspan="2"/> """% (tools.to_xml(, wiz_id[0]) for line in plan_id.plan_ids: res['arch']+=""" <field name="account%d_ids" string="%s" nolabel="1" colspan="4"> <tree string="%s" editable="bottom"> <field name="rate"/> <field name="analytic_account_id" domain="[('parent_id','child_of',[%d])]" groups="base.group_extended"/> </tree> </field> <newline/>"""%(i,tools.to_xml(,tools.to_xml(,line.root_analytic_id and or 0) i+=1 res['arch'] += "</form>" doc = etree.fromstring(res['arch'].encode('utf8')) xarch, xfields = self._view_look_dom_arch(cr, uid, doc, view_id, context=context) res['arch'] = xarch res['fields'] = xfields return res else: return res
def wid_add(self, widget, colspan=1, name=None, expand=False, xoptions=False, ypadding=0, help=False, rowspan=1): self.count += 1 (table, x, y) = self.cont[-1] if name: vbox = gtk.VBox(homogeneous=False, spacing=2) label = gtk.Label(name) label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.0) if help: try: vbox.set_tooltip_markup( '<span foreground="darkred"><b>' + tools.to_xml(name) + "</b></span>\n" + tools.to_xml(help) ) except: pass label.set_markup('<sup><span foreground="darkgreen">?</span></sup>' + tools.to_xml(name)) vbox.pack_start(label, expand=False) vbox.pack_start(widget, expand=expand, fill=False) wid = vbox wid.set_border_width(2) else: wid = widget if help: try: wid.set_tooltip_markup('<span foreground="darkred"></span>' + tools.to_xml(help)) except: pass yopt = False if expand: yopt = yopt | gtk.EXPAND | gtk.FILL if not xoptions: xoptions = gtk.FILL | gtk.EXPAND table.attach( wid, x, x + colspan, y, y + rowspan, yoptions=yopt, xoptions=xoptions, ypadding=ypadding, xpadding=0 ) self.cont[-1] = (table, x + colspan, y) wid_list = table.get_children() wid_list.reverse() table.set_focus_chain(wid_list) return wid
def process_workcenter(wrk): workcenter = workcenter_pool.browse(cr, uid, wrk['workcenter_id']) cost_cycle = wrk['cycle']*workcenter.costs_cycle cost_hour = wrk['hour']*workcenter.costs_hour total = cost_cycle + cost_hour xml = '<row>' xml += "<col para='yes'>" + to_xml( + '</col>' xml += "<col/>" xml += """<col f='yes'>"""+rml_obj.formatLang(cost_cycle)+' '+ (company_currency_symbol) + """</col>""" xml += """<col f='yes'>"""+rml_obj.formatLang(cost_hour)+' '+ (company_currency_symbol) + """</col>""" xml += """<col f='yes'>"""+rml_obj.formatLang(cost_hour + cost_cycle)+' '+ (company_currency_symbol) + """</col>""" xml += '</row>' return xml, total
def create(self, cr, uid, ids, datas, context): _divide_columns_for_matrix = 0.7 _display_ans_in_rows = 5 _pageSize = ('29.7cm', '21.1cm') if datas.has_key('form') and datas['form'].get('orientation', '') == 'vertical': if datas['form'].get('paper_size', '') == 'letter': _pageSize = ('21.6cm', '27.9cm') elif datas['form'].get('paper_size', '') == 'legal': _pageSize = ('21.6cm', '35.6cm') elif datas['form'].get('paper_size', '') == 'a4': _pageSize = ('21.1cm', '29.7cm') elif datas.has_key('form') and datas['form'].get('orientation', '') == 'horizontal': if datas['form'].get('paper_size', '') == 'letter': _pageSize = ('27.9cm', '21.6cm') elif datas['form'].get('paper_size', '') == 'legal': _pageSize = ('35.6cm', '21.6cm') elif datas['form'].get('paper_size', '') == 'a4': _pageSize = ('29.7cm', '21.1cm') _frame_width = tools.ustr(_pageSize[0]) _frame_height = tools.ustr( float(_pageSize[1].replace('cm', '')) - float(1.90)) + 'cm' _tbl_widths = tools.ustr( float(_pageSize[0].replace('cm', '')) - float(2.10)) + 'cm' rml = """<document filename="Survey Form.pdf"> <template pageSize="(""" + _pageSize[0] + """,""" + _pageSize[ 1] + """)" title='Survey Form' author="OpenERP S.A.([email protected])" allowSplitting="20" > <pageTemplate id="first"> <frame id="first" x1="0.0cm" y1="1.0cm" width='""" + _frame_width + """' height='""" + _frame_height + """'/> <pageGraphics> <lineMode width="1.0"/> <lines>1.0cm """ + tools.ustr( float(_pageSize[1].replace('cm', '')) - float(1.00)) + 'cm' + """ """ + tools.ustr( float(_pageSize[0].replace('cm', '')) - float(1.00)) + 'cm' + """ """ + tools.ustr( float(_pageSize[1].replace('cm', '')) - float(1.00)) + 'cm' + """</lines> <lines>1.0cm """ + tools.ustr( float(_pageSize[1].replace('cm', '')) - float(1.00) ) + 'cm' + """ 1.0cm 1.00cm</lines> <lines>""" + tools.ustr( float(_pageSize[0].replace('cm', '')) - float(1.00)) + 'cm' + """ """ + tools.ustr( float(_pageSize[1].replace('cm', '')) - float(1.00)) + 'cm' + """ """ + tools.ustr( float(_pageSize[0].replace('cm', '')) - float(1.00)) + 'cm' + """ 1.00cm</lines> <lines>1.0cm 1.00cm """ + tools.ustr( float(_pageSize[0].replace('cm', '')) - float(1.00) ) + 'cm' + """ 1.00cm</lines>""" if datas.has_key('form') and datas['form']['page_number']: rml += """ <fill color="gray"/> <setFont name="Helvetica" size="10"/> <drawRightString x='""" + tools.ustr( float(_pageSize[0].replace('cm', '')) - float(1.00) ) + 'cm' + """' y="0.6cm">Page : <pageNumber/> </drawRightString>""" rml += """</pageGraphics> </pageTemplate> </template> <stylesheet> <blockTableStyle id="ans_tbl"> <blockAlignment value="LEFT"/> <blockValign value="TOP"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEBELOW" colorName="#e6e6e6" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/> </blockTableStyle> <blockTableStyle id="tbl_white"> <blockAlignment value="LEFT"/> <blockValign value="TOP"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEBELOW" colorName="#e6e6e6" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEBEFORE" colorName="#777777" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEAFTER" colorName="#777777" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/> </blockTableStyle> <blockTableStyle id="tbl_gainsboro"> <blockAlignment value="LEFT"/> <blockValign value="TOP"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEBELOW" colorName="#e6e6e6" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEBEFORE" colorName="#777777" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEAFTER" colorName="#777777" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/> <blockBackground colorName="gainsboro" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/> </blockTableStyle> <blockTableStyle id="ans_tbl_white"> <blockAlignment value="LEFT"/> <blockValign value="TOP"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEBELOW" colorName="#e6e6e6" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/> </blockTableStyle> <blockTableStyle id="ans_tbl_gainsboro"> <blockAlignment value="LEFT"/> <blockValign value="TOP"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEBELOW" colorName="#e6e6e6" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/> <blockBackground colorName="gainsboro" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/> </blockTableStyle> <blockTableStyle id="page_tbl"> <blockAlignment value="LEFT"/> 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stop="-1,-1"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEBEFORE" colorName="#777777" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEAFTER" colorName="#777777" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/> </blockTableStyle> <initialize> <paraStyle name="all" alignment="justify"/> </initialize> <paraStyle name="response" fontName="Helvetica-oblique" fontSize="9.5"/> <paraStyle name="page" fontName="helvetica-bold" fontSize="15.0" leftIndent="0.0" textColor="white"/> <paraStyle name="title" fontName="helvetica-bold" fontSize="18.0" leftIndent="0.0" textColor="white"/> <paraStyle name="question" fontName="helvetica-boldoblique" fontSize="10.0" leftIndent="3.0"/> <paraStyle name="answer" fontName="helvetica" fontSize="09.0" leftIndent="0.0"/> <paraStyle name="descriptive_text" fontName="helvetica" fontSize="10.0" leftIndent="0.0"/> <paraStyle name="answer_left" alignment="LEFT" fontName="helvetica-bold" fontSize="8.0" leftIndent="0.0"/> <paraStyle name="P2" fontName="Helvetica" fontSize="14.0" leading="15" spaceBefore="6.0" spaceAfter="6.0"/> <paraStyle name="comment" fontName="Helvetica" fontSize="14.0" leading="50" spaceBefore="0.0" spaceAfter="0.0"/> <paraStyle name="P1" fontName="Helvetica" fontSize="9.0" leading="12" spaceBefore="0.0" spaceAfter="1.0"/> <paraStyle name="terp_tblheader_Details" fontName="Helvetica-Bold" fontSize="9.0" leading="11" alignment="LEFT" spaceBefore="6.0" spaceAfter="6.0"/> <paraStyle name="terp_default_9" fontName="Helvetica" fontSize="9.0" leading="11" alignment="LEFT" spaceBefore="0.0" spaceAfter="0.0"/> </stylesheet> <story>""" surv_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('survey') for survey in surv_obj.browse(cr, uid, ids): rml += """ <blockTable colWidths='""" + _tbl_widths + """' style="title_tbl"> <tr><td><para style="title">""" + to_xml( tools.ustr(survey.title) ) + """</para><para style="P2"><font></font></para></td></tr> </blockTable>""" if survey.note: rml += """ <para style="P2"></para> <blockTable colWidths='""" + _tbl_widths + """' style="note_table"> <tr><td><para style="descriptive_text">""" + to_xml( tools.ustr(survey.note) ) + """</para><para style="P2"><font></font></para></td></tr> </blockTable>""" seq = 0 for page in survey.page_ids: seq += 1 rml += """ <blockTable colWidths='""" + _tbl_widths + """' style="page_tbl"> <tr><td><para style="page">""" + tools.ustr( seq) + """. """ + to_xml(tools.ustr( page.title)) + """</para></td></tr> </blockTable>""" if page.note: rml += """<para style="P2"></para><blockTable colWidths='""" + _tbl_widths + """' style="note_table"> <tr><td><para style="descriptive_text">""" + to_xml( tools.ustr(page.note or '')) + """</para></td></tr> </blockTable>""" for que in page.question_ids: cols_widhts = [] rml += """ <para style="P2"><font></font></para> <blockTable colWidths='""" + _tbl_widths + """' style="question_tbl"> <tr><td><para style="question">""" + to_xml( tools.ustr(que.question)) + """</para></td></tr> </blockTable> <para style="P2"><font></font></para>""" if que.type in ['descriptive_text']: cols_widhts.append(float(_tbl_widths.replace('cm', ''))) colWidths = "cm,".join(map(tools.ustr, cols_widhts)) colWidths = colWidths + 'cm' rml += """ <blockTable colWidths=" """ + colWidths + """ " style="ans_tbl"> <tr> <td> <para style="descriptive_text">""" + to_xml( tools.ustr(que.descriptive_text)) + """</para> </td> </tr> </blockTable>""" elif que.type in [ 'multiple_choice_multiple_ans', 'multiple_choice_only_one_ans' ]: answer = [] for ans in que.answer_choice_ids: answer.append(to_xml(tools.ustr((ans.answer)))) def divide_list(lst, n): return [lst[i::n] for i in range(n)] divide_list = divide_list(answer, _display_ans_in_rows) for lst in divide_list: if que.type == 'multiple_choice_multiple_ans': if len(lst) <> 0 and len(lst) <> int( round( float(len(answer)) / _display_ans_in_rows, 0)): lst.append('') if not lst: del divide_list[divide_list.index(lst):] for divide in divide_list: a = _divide_columns_for_matrix * len(divide) b = float(_tbl_widths.replace('cm', '')) - float(a) cols_widhts = [] for div in range(0, len(divide)): cols_widhts.append(float(a / len(divide))) cols_widhts.append(float(b / len(divide))) colWidths = "cm,".join(map(tools.ustr, cols_widhts)) colWidths = colWidths + 'cm' rml += """<blockTable colWidths=" """ + colWidths + """ " style="ans_tbl"> <tr>""" for div in range(0, len(divide)): if divide[div] != '': if que.type == 'multiple_choice_multiple_ans': rml += """ <td> <illustration> <rect x="0.1cm" y="-0.4cm" width="0.5 cm" height="0.5cm" fill="no" stroke="yes"/> </illustration> </td> <td><para style="answer">""" + divide[ div] + """</para></td>""" else: rml += """ <td> <illustration> <circle x="0.3cm" y="-0.18cm" radius="0.23 cm" fill="no" stroke="yes"/> </illustration> </td> <td><para style="answer">""" + divide[ div] + """</para></td>""" else: rml += """ <td></td> <td></td>""" rml += """ </tr></blockTable>""" elif que.type in [ 'matrix_of_choices_only_one_ans', 'rating_scale', 'matrix_of_choices_only_multi_ans', 'matrix_of_drop_down_menus' ]: if len(que.column_heading_ids): cols_widhts.append( float(_tbl_widths.replace('cm', '')) / float(2.0)) for col in que.column_heading_ids: cols_widhts.append( float( (float(_tbl_widths.replace('cm', '')) / float(2.0)) / len(que.column_heading_ids))) else: cols_widhts.append( float(_tbl_widths.replace('cm', ''))) tmp = 0.0 sum = 0.0 i = 0 if que.comment_column: for col in cols_widhts: if i == 0: cols_widhts[i] = cols_widhts[i] / 2.0 tmp = cols_widhts[i] sum += col i += 1 cols_widhts.append(round(tmp, 2)) colWidths = "cm,".join(map(tools.ustr, cols_widhts)) colWidths = colWidths + 'cm' matrix_ans = [ '', ] for col in que.column_heading_ids: if col.title not in matrix_ans: matrix_ans.append(col.title) if que.comment_column: matrix_ans.append( to_xml(tools.ustr(que.column_name))) rml += """<blockTable colWidths=" """ + colWidths + """ " style="ans_tbl"><tr>""" for mat_col in matrix_ans: rml += """<td><para style="response">""" + to_xml( tools.ustr(mat_col)) + """</para></td>""" rml += """</tr></blockTable>""" i = 0 for ans in que.answer_choice_ids: if i % 2 != 0: style = 'ans_tbl_white' else: style = 'ans_tbl_gainsboro' i += 1 rml += """ <blockTable colWidths=" """ + colWidths + """ " style='""" + style + """'> <tr><td><para style="answer">""" + to_xml( tools.ustr(ans.answer)) + """</para></td>""" rec_width = float((sum - tmp) * 10 + 100) value = "" if que.type in ['matrix_of_drop_down_menus']: value = """ <fill color="white"/> <rect x="-0.1cm" y="-0.45cm" width='""" + tools.ustr( cols_widhts[-1] - 0.5 ) + "cm" + """' height="0.5cm" fill="yes" stroke="yes" round="0.1cm"/>""" elif que.type in [ 'matrix_of_choices_only_one_ans', 'rating_scale' ]: value = """ <fill color="white"/> <circle x="0.35cm" y="-0.18cm" radius="0.25 cm" fill="yes" stroke="yes"/>""" else: value = """ <fill color="white"/> <rect x="0.1cm" y="-0.4cm" width="0.5 cm" height="0.5cm" fill="yes" stroke="yes" round="0.1cm"/>""" for mat_col in range(1, len(matrix_ans)): if matrix_ans[mat_col] == que.column_name: if mat_col == 1: rml += """ <td><para style="answer_left">""" + to_xml( tools.ustr(que.column_name) ) + """</para></td>""" else: rml += """<td></td>""" else: rml += """<td><illustration>""" + value + """</illustration></td>""" rml += """</tr></blockTable>""" elif que.type in [ 'multiple_textboxes', 'numerical_textboxes', 'date_and_time', 'date', 'multiple_textboxes_diff_type' ]: cols_widhts.append( float(_tbl_widths.replace('cm', '')) / 2) cols_widhts.append( float(_tbl_widths.replace('cm', '')) / 2) colWidths = "cm,".join(map(tools.ustr, cols_widhts)) colWidths = tools.ustr(colWidths) + 'cm' for ans in que.answer_choice_ids: rml += """<para style="P1"></para> <blockTable colWidths=" """ + colWidths + """ " style="ans_tbl"> <tr> <td><para style="answer">""" + to_xml( tools.ustr(ans.answer) ) + """</para></td> <td> <illustration> <rect x="0.0cm" y="-0.5cm" width='""" + tools.ustr( str(cols_widhts[0] - 0.3) + "cm" ) + """' height="0.6cm" fill="no" stroke="yes"/> </illustration> </td> </tr> </blockTable>""" elif que.type in ['comment']: cols_widhts.append(float(_tbl_widths.replace('cm', ''))) colWidths = "cm,".join(map(tools.ustr, cols_widhts)) rml += """<blockTable colWidths=" """ + colWidths + """cm " style="ans_tbl"> <tr> <td><para style="comment"><font color="white"> </font></para> <illustration> <rect x="0.1cm" y="0.3cm" width='""" + tools.ustr( str(float(colWidths) - 0.6) + 'cm' ) + """' height="1.5cm" fill="no" stroke="yes"/> </illustration> </td> </tr> </blockTable>""" elif que.type in ['single_textbox']: cols_widhts.append(float(_tbl_widths.replace('cm', ''))) colWidths = "cm,".join(map(tools.ustr, cols_widhts)) rml += """<para style="P2"><font color="white"> </font></para> <blockTable colWidths=" """ + colWidths + """cm " style="ans_tbl"> <tr> <td> <illustration> <rect x="0.2cm" y="0.3cm" width='""" + tools.ustr( str(float(colWidths) - 0.7) + 'cm' ) + """' height="0.6cm" fill="no" stroke="yes"/> </illustration> </td> </tr> </blockTable>""" elif que.type in ['table']: tbl_width = float(_tbl_widths.replace('cm', '')) for i in range(0, len(que.column_heading_ids)): cols_widhts.append( tbl_width / float(len(que.column_heading_ids))) colWidths = "cm,".join(map(tools.ustr, cols_widhts)) colWidths = colWidths + 'cm' rml += """<blockTable colWidths=" """ + colWidths + """ " style="tbl"><tr>""" for col in que.column_heading_ids: rml += """<td><para style="terp_tblheader_Details">""" + to_xml( tools.ustr(col.title)) + """</para></td>""" rml += """</tr></blockTable>""" i = 0 for r in range(0, que.no_of_rows): if i % 2 != 0: style = 'tbl_white' else: style = 'tbl_gainsboro' i += 1 rml += """<blockTable colWidths=" """ + colWidths + """ " style='""" + style + """'><tr>""" for c in que.column_heading_ids: rml += """ <td><para style="terp_default_9"><font color="white"> </font></para></td>""" rml += """</tr></blockTable>""" if datas.has_key( 'form') and not datas['form']['without_pagebreak']: rml += """<pageBreak/>""" elif not datas.has_key('form'): rml += """<pageBreak/>""" else: rml += """<para style="P2"><font></font></para>""" rml += """</story></document>""" report_type = datas.get('report_type', 'pdf') create_doc = self.generators[report_type] pdf = create_doc(rml, title=self.title) return (pdf, report_type)
def create_xml(self, cr, uid, ids, data, context=None): partner_id = ids[0] pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname) user_pool = pool.get('res.users') company_id = user_pool.browse(cr, uid, uid).company_id period_from_id = data['form']['period_from_id'] period_to_id = data['form']['period_to_id'] pool_period = pool.get('account.period') period_from = pool_period.browse(cr, uid, period_from_id) period_to = pool_period.browse(cr, uid, period_to_id) pool_partner = pool.get('res.partner') partner = pool_partner.browse(cr, uid, partner_id) date_from = period_from['date_start'] date_to = period_to['date_stop'] rml_obj = report_sxw.rml_parse(cr, uid, pool_period._name, context) rml_obj.localcontext.update({'lang': context.get('lang', False)}) if date_from > date_to: raise osv.except_osv( _('Error'), _('Start period should be smaller than end period')) sql = ''' select as period_name, per.date_start as period_start, per.date_stop as period_stop, sum(inv.amount_untaxed) as total_untaxed, sum(inv.amount_total) as total from account_invoice inv inner join account_period per on inv.period_id = where inv.partner_id = %s and per.date_start >= date(%s) and per.date_stop <= date(%s) and inv.state in ('open', 'paid') group by, per.date_start, per.date_stop order by per.date_start ''' cr.execute(sql, (partner_id, date_from, date_to)) results = cr.dictfetchall() if not results: raise osv.except_osv(_('No Data Available'), _('No records found for your selection!')) xml = '' config_start = """ <config> <date>Data: """ + to_xml( rml_obj.formatLang('%Y-%m-%d'), date=True)) + """</date> <reportname>STAMPA CLIENTI/FORNITORI</reportname> <company>Azienda: %s</company> <PageSize>210.00mm,297.00mm</PageSize> <PageWidth>595.27</PageWidth> <PageHeight>841.88</PageHeight> <tableSize>60.00mm,80.00mm,40.00mm</tableSize> """ % ( config_stop = """ <report-footer>Generated by OpenERP</report-footer> </config> """ partner_type = '' if partner.customer: partner_type += 'Cliente' if partner.customer and partner.supplier: partner_type += '/' if partner.supplier: partner_type += 'Fornitore' partner_ref = partner.ref or '' partner_name = partner_piva = partner.vat or '' title = """ <row> <col>""" + to_xml(partner_type) + """: """ + to_xml( partner_ref) + """</col> <col>Rag. Soc.: """ + to_xml(partner_name) + """</col> <col>P.IVA: """ + to_xml(partner_piva) + """</col> </row>""" invoice_header = """ <row> <col>%s</col> <col t='yes'>%s</col> <col t='yes'>%s</col> </row>""" % (_('Periodo'), _('Fatturato'), _('Fatt. Netto')) xml += "<lines style='total'>" + title + "</lines>" + "<lines style='header'>" + invoice_header + "</lines>" purchase_price_digits = rml_obj.get_digits(dp='Purchase Price') company_currency = company_id.currency_id company_currency_symbol = company_currency.symbol or for period in results: period_name = period['period_name'] total_untaxed = period['total_untaxed'] total = period['total'] xml += """<lines style='lines'><row> <col para='yes'>""" + period_name + """</col> <col f='yes'>""" + rml_obj.formatLang( total, digits=purchase_price_digits) + ' ' + ( company_currency_symbol) + """</col> <col f='yes'>""" + rml_obj.formatLang( total_untaxed, digits=purchase_price_digits) + ' ' + ( company_currency_symbol) + """</col> </row></lines>""" xml = '<?xml version="1.0" ?><report>' + config_start + config_stop + xml + '</report>' return xml
def create(self, cr, uid, ids, datas, context): _divide_columns_for_matrix = 0.7 _display_ans_in_rows = 5 _pageSize = ('29.7cm','21.1cm') if datas.has_key('form') and datas['form'].get('orientation','') == 'vertical': if datas['form'].get('paper_size','') == 'letter': _pageSize = ('21.6cm','27.9cm') elif datas['form'].get('paper_size','') == 'legal': _pageSize = ('21.6cm','35.6cm') elif datas['form'].get('paper_size','') == 'a4': _pageSize = ('21.1cm','29.7cm') elif datas.has_key('form') and datas['form'].get('orientation',False) == 'horizontal': if datas['form'].get('paper_size','') == 'letter': _pageSize = ('27.9cm','21.6cm') elif datas['form'].get('paper_size','') == 'legal': _pageSize = ('35.6cm','21.6cm') elif datas['form'].get('paper_size') == 'a4': _pageSize = ('29.7cm','21.1cm') _frame_width = tools.ustr(_pageSize[0]) _frame_height = tools.ustr(float(_pageSize[1].replace('cm','')) - float(1.90))+'cm' _tbl_widths = tools.ustr(float(_pageSize[0].replace('cm','')) - float(2.10))+'cm' rml ="""<document filename="Survey Answer Report.pdf"> <template pageSize="("""+_pageSize[0]+""","""+_pageSize[1]+""")" title='Survey Answer' author="OpenERP S.A.([email protected])" allowSplitting="20" > <pageTemplate id="first"> <frame id="first" x1="0.0cm" y1="1.0cm" width='"""+_frame_width+"""' height='"""+_frame_height+"""'/> <pageGraphics> <lineMode width="1.0"/> <lines>1.0cm """+tools.ustr(float(_pageSize[1].replace('cm','')) - float(1.00))+'cm'+""" """+tools.ustr(float(_pageSize[0].replace('cm','')) - float(1.00))+'cm'+""" """+tools.ustr(float(_pageSize[1].replace('cm','')) - float(1.00))+'cm'+"""</lines> <lines>1.0cm """+tools.ustr(float(_pageSize[1].replace('cm','')) - float(1.00))+'cm'+""" 1.0cm 1.00cm</lines> <lines>"""+tools.ustr(float(_pageSize[0].replace('cm','')) - float(1.00))+'cm'+""" """+tools.ustr(float(_pageSize[1].replace('cm','')) - float(1.00))+'cm'+""" """+tools.ustr(float(_pageSize[0].replace('cm','')) - float(1.00))+'cm'+""" 1.00cm</lines> <lines>1.0cm 1.00cm """+tools.ustr(float(_pageSize[0].replace('cm','')) - float(1.00))+'cm'+""" 1.00cm</lines>""" if datas.has_key('form') and datas['form']['page_number']: rml +=""" <fill color="gray"/> <setFont name="Helvetica" size="10"/> <drawRightString x='"""+tools.ustr(float(_pageSize[0].replace('cm','')) - float(1.00))+'cm'+"""' y="0.6cm">Page : <pageNumber/> </drawRightString>""" rml +="""</pageGraphics> </pageTemplate> </template> <stylesheet> <blockTableStyle id="tbl_white"> <blockAlignment value="LEFT"/> <blockValign value="TOP"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEBELOW" colorName="#e6e6e6" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEBEFORE" colorName="#777777" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEAFTER" colorName="#777777" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/> </blockTableStyle> <blockTableStyle id="tbl_gainsboro"> <blockAlignment value="LEFT"/> <blockValign value="TOP"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEBELOW" colorName="#e6e6e6" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEBEFORE" 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<paraStyle name="all" alignment="justify"/> </initialize> <paraStyle name="title" fontName="helvetica-bold" fontSize="18.0" leftIndent="0.0" textColor="white"/> <paraStyle name="answer_right" alignment="RIGHT" fontName="helvetica" fontSize="09.0" leftIndent="2.0"/> <paraStyle name="Standard1" fontName="helvetica-bold" alignment="RIGHT" fontSize="09.0"/> <paraStyle name="Standard" alignment="LEFT" fontName="Helvetica-Bold" fontSize="11.0"/> <paraStyle name="header1" fontName="Helvetica" fontSize="11.0"/> <paraStyle name="response" fontName="Helvetica-oblique" fontSize="9.5"/> <paraStyle name="page" fontName="helvetica" fontSize="11.0" leftIndent="0.0"/> <paraStyle name="question" fontName="helvetica-boldoblique" fontSize="10.0" leftIndent="3.0"/> <paraStyle name="answer_bold" fontName="Helvetica-Bold" fontSize="09.0" leftIndent="2.0"/> <paraStyle name="answer" fontName="helvetica" fontSize="09.0" leftIndent="2.0"/> <paraStyle name="answer1" fontName="helvetica" fontSize="09.0" leftIndent="2.0"/> <paraStyle name="Title" fontName="helvetica" fontSize="20.0" leading="15" spaceBefore="6.0" spaceAfter="6.0" alignment="CENTER"/> <paraStyle name="P2" fontName="Helvetica" fontSize="14.0" leading="15" spaceBefore="6.0" spaceAfter="6.0"/> <paraStyle name="comment" fontName="Helvetica" fontSize="14.0" leading="50" spaceBefore="0.0" spaceAfter="0.0"/> <paraStyle name="P1" fontName="Helvetica" fontSize="9.0" leading="12" spaceBefore="0.0" spaceAfter="1.0"/> <paraStyle name="terp_tblheader_Details" fontName="Helvetica-Bold" fontSize="9.0" leading="11" alignment="LEFT" spaceBefore="6.0" spaceAfter="6.0"/> <paraStyle name="terp_default_9" fontName="Helvetica" fontSize="9.0" leading="11" alignment="LEFT" spaceBefore="0.0" spaceAfter="0.0"/> <paraStyle name="terp_default_9_Bold" fontName="Helvetica-Bold" fontSize="9.0" leading="11" alignment="LEFT" spaceBefore="0.0" spaceAfter="0.0"/> <paraStyle name="terp_tblheader_General_Centre_simple" fontName="Helvetica" fontSize="10.0" leading="10" alignment="LEFT" spaceBefore="6.0" spaceAfter="6.0"/> <paraStyle name="terp_tblheader_General_Centre" fontName="Helvetica-Bold" fontSize="10.0" leading="10" alignment="LEFT" spaceBefore="6.0" spaceAfter="6.0"/> <paraStyle name="terp_tblheader_General_right_simple" fontName="Helvetica" fontSize="10.0" leading="10" alignment="RIGHT" spaceBefore="6.0" spaceAfter="6.0"/> <paraStyle name="terp_tblheader_General_right" fontName="Helvetica-Bold" fontSize="10.0" leading="10" alignment="RIGHT" spaceBefore="6.0" spaceAfter="6.0"/> <paraStyle name="descriptive_text" fontName="helvetica-bold" fontSize="18.0" leftIndent="0.0" textColor="white"/> <paraStyle name="descriptive_text_heading" fontName="helvetica-bold" fontSize="18.0" alignment="RIGHT" leftIndent="0.0" textColor="white"/> </stylesheet> <images/> <story>""" surv_resp_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('survey.response') rml_obj=report_sxw.rml_parse(cr, uid, surv_resp_obj._name,context) if datas.has_key('form') and datas['form'].has_key('response_ids'): response_id = datas['form']['response_ids'] elif context.has_key('response_id') and context['response_id']: response_id = [int(context['response_id'][0])] else: response_id =, uid, [('survey_id', 'in', ids)]) surv_resp_line_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('survey.response.line') surv_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('survey') for response in surv_resp_obj.browse(cr, uid, response_id): for survey in surv_obj.browse(cr, uid, []): tbl_width = float(_tbl_widths.replace('cm', '')) colwidth = "2.5cm,4.8cm," + str(tbl_width - 15.0) +"cm,3.2cm,4.5cm" resp_create = tools.ustr(time.strftime('%d-%m-%Y %I:%M:%S %p', time.strptime(response.date_create.split('.')[0], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))) rml += """<blockTable colWidths='""" + colwidth + """' style="Table_heading"> <tr> <td><para style="terp_default_9_Bold">Print Date : </para></td> <td><para style="terp_default_9">""" + to_xml(rml_obj.formatLang(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),date_time=True)) + """</para></td> <td><para style="terp_default_9"></para></td> <td><para style="terp_default_9_Bold">Answered by : </para></td> <td><para style="terp_default_9">""" + to_xml(response.user_id.login or '') + """</para></td> </tr> <tr> <td><para style="terp_default_9"></para></td> <td><para style="terp_default_9"></para></td> <td><para style="terp_default_9"></para></td> <td><para style="terp_default_9_Bold">Answer Date : </para></td> <td><para style="terp_default_9">""" + to_xml(resp_create) + """</para></td> </tr> </blockTable><para style="P2"></para>""" status = "Not Finished" if response.state == "done": status = "Finished" colwidth = str(tbl_width - 7) + "cm," colwidth += "7cm" rml += """<blockTable colWidths='""" + str(colwidth) + """' style="title_tbl"> <tr> <td><para style="title">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(survey.title)) + """</para><para style="P2"><font></font></para></td> <td><para style="descriptive_text_heading">Status :- """ + to_xml(tools.ustr(status)) + """</para><para style="P2"><font></font></para></td> </tr> </blockTable>""" if survey.note: rml += """<blockTable colWidths='""" + _tbl_widths + """' style="note_table"> <tr><td><para style="response">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(survey.note or '')) + """</para><para style="P2"><font></font></para></td></tr> </blockTable>""" for page in survey.page_ids: rml += """<blockTable colWidths='""" + str(_tbl_widths) + """' style="page_tbl"> <tr><td><para style="page">Page :- """ + to_xml(tools.ustr(page.title or '')) + """</para></td></tr> </blockTable>""" if page.note: rml += """<para style="P2"></para> <blockTable colWidths='""" + str(_tbl_widths) + """' style="note_table"> <tr><td><para style="response">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(page.note or '')) + """</para></td></tr> </blockTable>""" for que in page.question_ids: rml += """<para style="P2"></para> <blockTable colWidths='""" + str(_tbl_widths) + """' style="Table5"> <tr><td><para style="question">""" + to_xml(to_xml(que.question)) + """</para></td></tr> </blockTable>""" answer = surv_resp_line_obj.browse(cr ,uid,, uid, [('question_id', '=',,('response_id', '=',])) if que.type in ['descriptive_text']: rml +="""<blockTable colWidths='""" + str(_tbl_widths) + """' style="simple_table"> <tr><td> <para style="response">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(que.descriptive_text)) + """</para></td> </tr> </blockTable>""" elif que.type in ['table']: if len(answer) and answer[0].state == "done": col_heading = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('survey.tbl.column.heading') cols_widhts = [] tbl_width = float(_tbl_widths.replace('cm', '')) for i in range(0, len(que.column_heading_ids)): cols_widhts.append(tbl_width / float(len(que.column_heading_ids))) colWidths = "cm,".join(map(tools.ustr, cols_widhts)) colWidths = colWidths + 'cm' matrix_ans = [] rml +="""<para style="P2"></para><blockTable colWidths=" """ + str(colWidths) + """ " style="Table41"><tr>""" for col in que.column_heading_ids: if col.title not in matrix_ans: matrix_ans.append(col.title) rml += """<td> <para style="terp_tblheader_Details">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(col.title)) +"""</para></td>""" rml += """</tr></blockTable>""" i = 0 for row in range(0, que.no_of_rows): if i%2 != 0: style = 'tbl_white' else: style = 'tbl_gainsboro' i +=1 rml += """<blockTable colWidths=" """ + str(colWidths) + """ " style='"""+style+"""'><tr>""" table_data = col_heading.browse(cr, uid,, uid, [('response_table_id', '=', answer[0].id), ('name', '=', row)])) for column in matrix_ans: value = False for col in table_data: if column == col.column_id.title: value = col.value if value: rml += """<td> <para style="terp_default_9">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(value)) +"""</para></td>""" else: rml += """<td><para style="terp_default_9"><font color ="white"> </font></para></td>""" rml += """</tr></blockTable>""" else: rml +="""<blockTable colWidths='""" + str(_tbl_widths) + """' style="simple_table"> <tr><td> <para style="response">No Answer</para></td> </tr> </blockTable>""" elif que.type in ['multiple_choice_only_one_ans','multiple_choice_multiple_ans']: if len(answer) and answer[0].state == "done": ans_list = [] for ans in answer[0].response_answer_ids: ans_list.append(to_xml(tools.ustr(ans.answer_id.answer))) answer_choice=[] for ans in que['answer_choice_ids']: answer_choice.append(to_xml(tools.ustr((ans.answer)))) def divide_list(lst, n): return [lst[i::n] for i in range(n)] divide_list = divide_list(answer_choice,_display_ans_in_rows) for lst in divide_list: if que.type == 'multiple_choice_multiple_ans': if len(lst) <> 0 and len(lst) <> int(round(float(len(answer_choice)) / _display_ans_in_rows, 0)): lst.append('') if not lst: del divide_list[divide_list.index(lst):] for divide in divide_list: a = _divide_columns_for_matrix * len(divide) b = float(_tbl_widths.replace('cm', '')) - float(a) cols_widhts = [] for div in range(0, len(divide)): cols_widhts.append(float(a / len(divide))) cols_widhts.append(float(b / len(divide))) colWidths = "cm,".join(map(tools.ustr, cols_widhts)) colWidths = colWidths +'cm' rml += """<blockTable colWidths=" """ + colWidths + """ " style="simple_table"><tr>""" for div in range(0, len(divide)): if divide[div] != '': if que.type == 'multiple_choice_multiple_ans': if divide[div] in ans_list: rml += """<td><illustration><fill color="white"/> <rect x="0.1cm" y="-0.45cm" width="0.5 cm" height="0.5cm" fill="yes" stroke="yes" round="0.1cm"/> <fill color="gray"/> <rect x="0.2cm" y="-0.35cm" width="0.3 cm" height="0.3cm" fill="yes" stroke="no" round="0.1cm"/> </illustration></td> <td><para style="answer">""" + divide[div] + """</para></td>""" else: rml+="""<td><illustration> <rect x="0.1cm" y="-0.45cm" width="0.5 cm" height="0.5cm" fill="no" stroke="yes" round="0.1cm"/> </illustration></td> <td><para style="answer">""" + divide[div] + """</para></td>""" else: if divide[div] in ans_list: rml += """<td><illustration><fill color="white"/> <circle x="0.3cm" y="-0.18cm" radius="0.22 cm" fill="yes" stroke="yes" round="0.1cm"/> <fill color="gray"/> <circle x="0.3cm" y="-0.18cm" radius="0.10 cm" fill="yes" stroke="no" round="0.1cm"/> </illustration></td> <td><para style="answer">""" + divide[div] + """</para></td>""" else: rml += """<td> <illustration> <circle x="0.3cm" y="-0.18cm" radius="0.23 cm" fill="no" stroke="yes" round="0.1cm"/> </illustration> </td> <td><para style="answer">""" + divide[div] + """</para></td>""" else: rml += """<td></td><td></td>""" rml += """</tr></blockTable>""" if que.is_comment_require and answer[0].comment: rml += """<blockTable colWidths='""" + str(_tbl_widths) + """' style="simple_table"><tr> <td><para style="answer">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(answer[0].comment)) + """</para></td></tr></blockTable>""" else: rml += """<blockTable colWidths='""" + str(_tbl_widths) + """' style="simple_table"> <tr><td> <para style="response">No Answer</para></td> </tr> </blockTable>""" elif que.type in ['multiple_textboxes_diff_type','multiple_textboxes','date','date_and_time','numerical_textboxes','multiple_textboxes_diff_type']: if len(answer) and answer[0].state == "done": cols_widhts = [] cols_widhts.append(float(_tbl_widths.replace('cm',''))/2) cols_widhts.append(float(_tbl_widths.replace('cm',''))/2) colWidths = "cm,".join(map(tools.ustr, cols_widhts)) colWidths = tools.ustr(colWidths) + 'cm' answer_list = {} for ans in answer[0].response_answer_ids: answer_list[ans.answer_id.answer] = ans.answer for que_ans in que['answer_choice_ids']: if que_ans.answer in answer_list: rml += """<blockTable colWidths='""" + str(colWidths) + """' style="simple_table"> <tr> <td> <para style="response">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(que_ans.answer)) + """</para></td> <td> <para style="response">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(answer_list[que_ans.answer])) + """</para></td></tr> </blockTable>""" else: rml += """<blockTable colWidths='""" + str(colWidths) + """' style="simple_table"> <tr> <td> <para style="response">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(que_ans.answer)) + """</para></td> <td> <para style="response"></para></td></tr> </blockTable>""" else: rml += """<blockTable colWidths='""" + str(_tbl_widths) + """' style="simple_table"> <tr> <td> <para style="response">No Answer</para></td> </tr> </blockTable>""" elif que.type in ['single_textbox']: if len(answer) and answer[0].state == "done": rml += """<blockTable colWidths='""" + str(_tbl_widths) + """' style="simple_table"> <tr> <td> <para style="response">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(answer[0].single_text)) + """</para></td></tr> </blockTable>""" else: rml += """<blockTable colWidths='""" + str(_tbl_widths) + """' style="simple_table"> <tr> <td> <para style="response">No Answer</para></td> </tr> </blockTable>""" elif que.type in ['comment']: if len(answer) and answer[0].state == "done": rml += """<blockTable colWidths='""" + str(_tbl_widths) + """' style="simple_table"> <tr> <td> <para style="response">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(answer[0].comment)) + """</para></td></tr> </blockTable>""" else: rml += """<blockTable colWidths='""" + str(_tbl_widths) + """' style="simple_table"> <tr> <td> <para style="response">No Answer</para></td> </tr> </blockTable>""" elif que.type in ['matrix_of_choices_only_one_ans','matrix_of_choices_only_multi_ans', 'rating_scale', 'matrix_of_drop_down_menus']: if len(answer) and answer[0].state == "done": if que.type in ['matrix_of_choices_only_one_ans', 'rating_scale'] and que.comment_column: pass cols_widhts = [] if len(que.column_heading_ids): cols_widhts.append(float(_tbl_widths.replace('cm','')) / float(2.0)) for col in que.column_heading_ids: cols_widhts.append(float((float(_tbl_widths.replace('cm','')) / float(2.0)) / len(que.column_heading_ids))) else: cols_widhts.append(float(_tbl_widths.replace('cm',''))) tmp = 0.0 sum = 0.0 i = 0 if que.type in ['matrix_of_choices_only_one_ans','rating_scale'] and que.comment_column: for col in cols_widhts: if i == 0: cols_widhts[i] = cols_widhts[i] / 2.0 tmp = cols_widhts[i] sum += col i += 1 cols_widhts.append(round(tmp, 2)) colWidths = "cm,".join(map(tools.ustr, cols_widhts)) colWidths = colWidths + 'cm' matrix_ans = [(0, ''),] for col in que.column_heading_ids: if col.title not in matrix_ans: matrix_ans.append((, col.title)) len_matrix = len(matrix_ans) if que.type in ['matrix_of_choices_only_one_ans', 'rating_scale'] and que.comment_column: matrix_ans.append((0,que.column_name)) rml += """<blockTable colWidths=" """ + colWidths + """ " style="simple_table"><tr>""" for mat_col in range(0, len(matrix_ans)): rml += """<td><para style="response">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(matrix_ans[mat_col][1])) + """</para></td>""" rml += """</tr>""" rml += """</blockTable>""" i = 0 for ans in que.answer_choice_ids: if i%2 != 0: style = 'ans_tbl_white' else: style = 'ans_tbl_gainsboro' i += 1 rml += """<blockTable colWidths=" """ + colWidths + """ " style='"""+style+"""'> <tr><td><para style="response">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(ans.answer)) + """</para></td>""" comment_value = "" for mat_col in range(1, len_matrix): value = """""" for res_ans in answer[0].response_answer_ids: if == and == matrix_ans[mat_col][0]: comment_value = to_xml(tools.ustr(res_ans.comment_field)) if que.type in ['matrix_of_drop_down_menus']: value = """<para style="response">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(res_ans.value_choice)) + """</para>""" elif que.type in ['matrix_of_choices_only_one_ans', 'rating_scale']: value = """<illustration><fill color="white"/> <circle x="0.3cm" y="-0.18cm" radius="0.22 cm" fill="yes" stroke="yes"/> <fill color="gray"/> <circle x="0.3cm" y="-0.18cm" radius="0.10 cm" fill="yes" stroke="no"/> </illustration>""" elif que.type in ['matrix_of_choices_only_multi_ans']: value = """<illustration> <fill color="white"/> <rect x="0.1cm" y="-0.45cm" width="0.5 cm" height="0.5cm" fill="yes" stroke="yes" round="0.1cm"/> <fill color="gray"/> <rect x="0.2cm" y="-0.35cm" width="0.3 cm" height="0.3cm" fill="yes" stroke="no" round="0.1cm"/> </illustration>""" break else: if que.type in ['matrix_of_drop_down_menus']: value = """""" elif que.type in ['matrix_of_choices_only_one_ans','rating_scale']: value = """<illustration><fill color="white"/> <circle x="0.3cm" y="-0.18cm" radius="0.22 cm" fill="yes" stroke="yes" round="0.1cm"/> </illustration>""" elif que.type in ['matrix_of_choices_only_multi_ans']: value = """<illustration><fill color="white"/> <rect x="0.1cm" y="-0.45cm" width="0.5 cm" height="0.5cm" fill="yes" stroke="yes" round="0.1cm"/> </illustration>""" rml+= """<td>""" + value + """</td>""" if que.type in ['matrix_of_choices_only_one_ans','rating_scale'] and que.comment_column: if comment_value == 'False': comment_value = '' rml += """<td><para style="response">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(comment_value)) + """</para></td>""" rml += """</tr></blockTable>""" if que.is_comment_require: rml += """<blockTable colWidths='""" + str(_tbl_widths) + """' style="simple_table"><tr> <td><para style="answer">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(answer[0].comment or '')) + """</para></td></tr></blockTable>""" else: rml += """<blockTable colWidths='""" + str(_tbl_widths) + """' style="simple_table"> <tr><td> <para style="response">No Answer</para></td> </tr> </blockTable>""" if datas.has_key('form') and not datas['form']['without_pagebreak']: rml += """<pageBreak/>""" elif not datas.has_key('form'): rml += """<pageBreak/>""" else: rml += """<para style="P2"><font></font></para>""" rml += """</story></document>""" report_type = datas.get('report_type', 'pdf') create_doc = self.generators[report_type] pdf = create_doc(rml, title=self.title) return (pdf, report_type)
def create_xml(self, cr, uid, ids, data, context=None): partner_id = ids[0] pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname) user_pool = pool.get('res.users') company_id = user_pool.browse(cr, uid, uid).company_id period_from_id = data['form']['period_from_id'] period_to_id = data['form']['period_to_id'] pool_period = pool.get('account.period') period_from = pool_period.browse(cr, uid, period_from_id) period_to = pool_period.browse(cr, uid, period_to_id) pool_partner = pool.get('res.partner') partner = pool_partner.browse(cr, uid, partner_id) date_from = period_from['date_start'] date_to = period_to['date_stop'] rml_obj=report_sxw.rml_parse(cr, uid, pool_period._name,context) rml_obj.localcontext.update({'lang':context.get('lang',False)}) if date_from > date_to: raise osv.except_osv(_('Error'), _('Start period should be smaller than end period')) sql = ''' select as period_name, per.date_start as period_start, per.date_stop as period_stop, sum(inv.amount_untaxed) as total_untaxed, sum(inv.amount_total) as total from account_invoice inv inner join account_period per on inv.period_id = where inv.partner_id = %s and per.date_start >= date(%s) and per.date_stop <= date(%s) and inv.state in ('open', 'paid') group by, per.date_start, per.date_stop order by per.date_start ''' cr.execute(sql, (partner_id, date_from, date_to)) results = cr.dictfetchall() if not results: raise osv.except_osv(_('No Data Available'), _('No records found for your selection!')) xml = '' config_start = """ <config> <date>Data: """ + to_xml(rml_obj.formatLang('%Y-%m-%d'),date=True)) + """</date> <reportname>STAMPA CLIENTI/FORNITORI</reportname> <company>Azienda: %s</company> <PageSize>210.00mm,297.00mm</PageSize> <PageWidth>595.27</PageWidth> <PageHeight>841.88</PageHeight> <tableSize>60.00mm,80.00mm,40.00mm</tableSize> """ % ( config_stop = """ <report-footer>Generated by OpenERP</report-footer> </config> """ partner_type ='' if partner.customer: partner_type +='Cliente' if partner.customer and partner.supplier: partner_type +='/' if partner.supplier: partner_type +='Fornitore' partner_ref = partner.ref or '' partner_name = partner_piva = partner.vat or '' title = """ <row> <col>""" + to_xml(partner_type) +""": """ + to_xml(partner_ref) + """</col> <col>Rag. Soc.: """ + to_xml(partner_name) + """</col> <col>P.IVA: """ + to_xml(partner_piva) + """</col> </row>""" invoice_header = """ <row> <col>%s</col> <col t='yes'>%s</col> <col t='yes'>%s</col> </row>""" % (_('Periodo'),_('Fatturato'), _('Fatt. Netto')) xml += "<lines style='total'>" + title + "</lines>" + "<lines style='header'>" + invoice_header + "</lines>" purchase_price_digits = rml_obj.get_digits(dp='Purchase Price') company_currency = company_id.currency_id company_currency_symbol = company_currency.symbol or for period in results: period_name = period['period_name'] total_untaxed = period['total_untaxed'] total = period['total'] xml += """<lines style='lines'><row> <col para='yes'>""" + period_name + """</col> <col f='yes'>""" + rml_obj.formatLang(total, digits=purchase_price_digits) + ' '+ (company_currency_symbol) + """</col> <col f='yes'>""" + rml_obj.formatLang(total_untaxed, digits=purchase_price_digits) +' '+ (company_currency_symbol) + """</col> </row></lines>""" xml = '<?xml version="1.0" ?><report>' + config_start + config_stop + xml + '</report>' return xml
def wid_add(self, widget, name=None, expand=False, ypadding=2, rowspan=1, colspan=1, translate=False, fname=None, help=False, fill=False, invisible=False): (table, x, y) = self.cont[-1] if colspan > self.col[-1]: colspan = self.col[-1] a = name and 1 or 0 if colspan + x + a > self.col[-1]: self.newline() (table, x, y) = self.cont[-1] yopt = False if expand: yopt = yopt | gtk.EXPAND if fill: yopt = yopt | gtk.FILL if colspan == 1 and a == 1: colspan = 2 if name: label = gtk.Label(name) eb = gtk.EventBox() eb.set_events(gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK) self.trans_box_label.append((eb, name, fname)) eb.add(label) if help: try: eb.set_tooltip_markup('<span foreground=\"darkred\"><b>' + tools.to_xml(name) + '</b></span>\n' + tools.to_xml(help)) except: pass label.set_markup( "<sup><span foreground=\"darkgreen\">?</span></sup>" + tools.to_xml(name)) if '_' in name: label.set_text_with_mnemonic(name) label.set_mnemonic_widget(widget) label.set_alignment(1.0, 0.5) table.attach(eb, x, x + 1, y, y + rowspan, yoptions=yopt, xoptions=gtk.FILL, ypadding=ypadding, xpadding=2) hbox = widget hbox.show_all() if translate: hbox = gtk.HBox(spacing=3) hbox.pack_start(widget) img = gtk.Image() img.set_from_stock('terp-translate', gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) ebox = gtk.EventBox() ebox.set_events(gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK) self.trans_box.append((ebox, name, fname, widget)) ebox.add(img) hbox.pack_start(ebox, fill=False, expand=False) hbox.show_all() table.attach(hbox, x + a, x + colspan, y, y + rowspan, yoptions=yopt, ypadding=ypadding, xpadding=2) self.cont[-1] = (table, x + colspan, y) wid_list = table.get_children() wid_list.reverse() table.set_focus_chain(wid_list) if invisible: hbox.hide()
def create_xml(self, cr, uid, ids, datas, context=None): number = (datas.get('form', False) and datas['form']['number']) or 1 pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname) product_pool = pool.get('product.product') product_uom_pool = pool.get('product.uom') supplier_info_pool = pool.get('product.supplierinfo') workcenter_pool = pool.get('mrp.workcenter') user_pool = pool.get('res.users') bom_pool = pool.get('') pricelist_pool = pool.get('product.pricelist') rml_obj=report_sxw.rml_parse(cr, uid, product_pool._name,context) rml_obj.localcontext.update({'lang':context.get('lang',False)}) company_currency = user_pool.browse(cr, uid, uid).company_id.currency_id company_currency_symbol = company_currency.symbol or def process_bom(bom, currency_id, factor=1): xml = '<row>' sum = 0 sum_strd = 0 prod = product_pool.browse(cr, uid, bom['product_id']) prod_name = to_xml(bom['name']) prod_qtty = factor * bom['product_qty'] product_uom = product_uom_pool.browse(cr, uid, bom['product_uom'], context=context) product_uom_name = to_xml( main_sp_price, main_sp_name , main_strd_price = '','','' sellers, sellers_price = '','' if prod.seller_id: main_sp_name = '- <b>'+ to_xml( +'</b>\r\n' pricelist = prod.seller_id.property_product_pricelist_purchase price = pricelist_pool.price_get(cr,uid,[],, number*prod_qtty or 1.0,, { 'uom':, 'date': time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), })[] main_sp_price = """<b>"""+rml_obj.formatLang(price)+' '+ (company_currency_symbol)+"""</b>\r\n""" sum += prod_qtty*price std_price = product_uom_pool._compute_price(cr, uid,, prod.cost_price, main_strd_price = str(std_price) + '\r\n' sum_strd = prod_qtty*std_price for seller_id in prod.seller_ids: sellers += '- <i>'+ to_xml( +'</i>\r\n' pricelist = price = pricelist_pool.price_get(cr,uid,[],, number*prod_qtty or 1.0,, { 'uom':, 'date': time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), })[] sellers_price += """<i>"""+rml_obj.formatLang(price) +' '+ (company_currency_symbol) +"""</i>\r\n""" xml += """<col para='yes'> """+ prod_name +""" </col> <col para='yes'> """+ main_sp_name + sellers + """ </col> <col f='yes'>"""+ rml_obj.formatLang(prod_qtty) +' '+ product_uom_name +"""</col> <col f='yes'>"""+ rml_obj.formatLang(float(main_strd_price)) +' '+ (company_currency_symbol) +"""</col> <col f='yes'>""" + main_sp_price + sellers_price + """</col>'""" xml += '</row>' return xml, sum, sum_strd def process_workcenter(wrk): workcenter = workcenter_pool.browse(cr, uid, wrk['workcenter_id']) cost_cycle = wrk['cycle']*workcenter.costs_cycle cost_hour = wrk['hour']*workcenter.costs_hour total = cost_cycle + cost_hour xml = '<row>' xml += "<col para='yes'>" + to_xml( + '</col>' xml += "<col/>" xml += """<col f='yes'>"""+rml_obj.formatLang(cost_cycle)+' '+ (company_currency_symbol) + """</col>""" xml += """<col f='yes'>"""+rml_obj.formatLang(cost_hour)+' '+ (company_currency_symbol) + """</col>""" xml += """<col f='yes'>"""+rml_obj.formatLang(cost_hour + cost_cycle)+' '+ (company_currency_symbol) + """</col>""" xml += '</row>' return xml, total xml = '' config_start = """ <config> <date>""" + to_xml(rml_obj.formatLang('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),date_time=True)) + """</date> <company>%s</company> <PageSize>210.00mm,297.00mm</PageSize> <PageWidth>595.27</PageWidth> <PageHeight>841.88</PageHeight> <tableSize>55.00mm,58.00mm,29.00mm,29.00mm,29.00mm</tableSize> """ % (user_pool.browse(cr, uid, uid) config_stop = """ <report-footer>Generated by OpenERP</report-footer> </config> """ workcenter_header = """ <lines style='header'> <row> <col>%s</col> <col t='yes'/> <col t='yes'>%s</col> <col t='yes'>%s</col> <col t='yes'>%s</col> </row> </lines> """ % (_('Work Center name'), _('Cycles Cost'), _('Hourly Cost'),_('Work Cost')) prod_header = """ <row> <col>%s</col> <col>%s</col> <col t='yes'>%s</col> <col t='yes'>%s</col> <col t='yes'>%s</col> </row> """ % (_('Components'), _('Components suppliers'), _('Quantity'),_('Cost Price per Uom'), _('Supplier Price per Uom')) purchase_price_digits = rml_obj.get_digits(dp='Purchase Price') for product in product_pool.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context): product_uom_name = to_xml( bom_id = bom_pool._bom_find(cr, uid,, title = "<title>%s</title>" %(_("Cost Structure")) title += "<title>%s</title>" % (to_xml( xml += "<lines style='header'>" + title + prod_header + "</lines>" if not bom_id: total_strd = number * product.cost_price total = number * product_pool.price_get(cr, uid, [], 'standard_price')[] xml += """<lines style='lines'><row> <col para='yes'>-</col> <col para='yes'>-</col> <col para='yes'>-</col> <col para='yes'>-</col> <col para='yes'>-</col> </row></lines>""" xml += """<lines style='total'> <row> <col> """ + _('Total Cost of %s %s') % (str(number), product_uom_name) + """: </col> <col/> <col f='yes'/> <col t='yes'>"""+ rml_obj.formatLang(total_strd, digits=purchase_price_digits) +' '+ (company_currency_symbol) + """</col> <col t='yes'>"""+ rml_obj.formatLang(total, digits=purchase_price_digits) +' '+ (company_currency_symbol) + """</col> </row></lines>'""" else: bom = bom_pool.browse(cr, uid, bom_id, context=context) factor = number * product.uom_id.factor / bom.product_uom.factor sub_boms = bom_pool._bom_explode(cr, uid, bom, factor / bom.product_qty) total = 0 total_strd = 0 parent_bom = { 'product_qty': bom.product_qty, 'name':, 'product_uom':, 'product_id': } xml_tmp = '' for sub_bom in (sub_boms and sub_boms[0]) or [parent_bom]: txt, sum, sum_strd = process_bom(sub_bom, xml_tmp += txt total += sum total_strd += sum_strd xml += "<lines style='lines'>" + xml_tmp + '</lines>' xml += """<lines style='sub_total'> <row> <col> """ + _('Components Cost of %s %s') % (str(number), product_uom_name) + """: </col> <col/> <col t='yes'/> <col t='yes'>"""+ rml_obj.formatLang(total_strd, digits=purchase_price_digits) +' '+ (company_currency_symbol) + """</col> <col t='yes'></col> </row></lines>'""" total2 = 0 xml_tmp = '' for wrk in (sub_boms and sub_boms[1]): txt, sum = process_workcenter(wrk) xml_tmp += txt total2 += sum if xml_tmp: xml += workcenter_header xml += "<lines style='lines'>" + xml_tmp + '</lines>' xml += """<lines style='sub_total'> <row> <col> """ + _('Work Cost of %s %s') % (str(number), product_uom_name) +""": </col> <col/> <col/> <col/> <col t='yes'>"""+ rml_obj.formatLang(total2, digits=purchase_price_digits) +' '+ (company_currency_symbol) +"""</col> </row></lines>'""" xml += """<lines style='total'> <row> <col> """ + _('Total Cost of %s %s') % (str(number), product_uom_name) + """: </col> <col/> <col t='yes'/> <col t='yes'>"""+ rml_obj.formatLang(total_strd+total2, digits=purchase_price_digits) +' '+ (company_currency_symbol) + """</col> <col t='yes'></col> </row></lines>'""" xml = '<?xml version="1.0" ?><report>' + config_start + config_stop + xml + '</report>' return xml
def create(self, cr, uid, ids, datas, context): _divide_columns_for_matrix = 0.7 _display_ans_in_rows = 5 _pageSize = ('29.7cm','21.1cm') if datas.has_key('form') and datas['form'].get('orientation','') == 'vertical': if datas['form'].get('paper_size','') == 'letter': _pageSize = ('21.6cm','27.9cm') elif datas['form'].get('paper_size','') == 'legal': _pageSize = ('21.6cm','35.6cm') elif datas['form'].get('paper_size','') == 'a4': _pageSize = ('21.1cm','29.7cm') elif datas.has_key('form') and datas['form'].get('orientation','') == 'horizontal': if datas['form'].get('paper_size','') == 'letter': _pageSize = ('27.9cm','21.6cm') elif datas['form'].get('paper_size','') == 'legal': _pageSize = ('35.6cm','21.6cm') elif datas['form'].get('paper_size','') == 'a4': _pageSize = ('29.7cm','21.1cm') _frame_width = tools.ustr(_pageSize[0]) _frame_height = tools.ustr(float(_pageSize[1].replace('cm','')) - float(1.90))+'cm' _tbl_widths = tools.ustr(float(_pageSize[0].replace('cm','')) - float(2.10))+'cm' rml="""<document filename="Survey Form.pdf"> <template pageSize="("""+_pageSize[0]+""","""+_pageSize[1]+""")" title='Survey Form' author="OpenERP S.A.([email protected])" allowSplitting="20" > <pageTemplate id="first"> <frame id="first" x1="0.0cm" y1="1.0cm" width='"""+_frame_width+"""' height='"""+_frame_height+"""'/> <pageGraphics> <lineMode width="1.0"/> <lines>1.0cm """ + tools.ustr(float(_pageSize[1].replace('cm','')) - float(1.00)) + 'cm' + """ """+tools.ustr(float(_pageSize[0].replace('cm','')) - float(1.00))+'cm'+""" """+tools.ustr(float(_pageSize[1].replace('cm','')) - float(1.00)) + 'cm' + """</lines> <lines>1.0cm """ + tools.ustr(float(_pageSize[1].replace('cm','')) - float(1.00)) +'cm'+ """ 1.0cm 1.00cm</lines> <lines>""" + tools.ustr(float(_pageSize[0].replace('cm','')) - float(1.00))+'cm' + """ """ + tools.ustr(float(_pageSize[1].replace('cm','')) - float(1.00))+'cm'+""" """+tools.ustr(float(_pageSize[0].replace('cm','')) - float(1.00)) + 'cm' + """ 1.00cm</lines> <lines>1.0cm 1.00cm """ + tools.ustr(float(_pageSize[0].replace('cm','')) - float(1.00))+'cm'+""" 1.00cm</lines>""" if datas.has_key('form') and datas['form']['page_number']: rml +=""" <fill color="gray"/> <setFont name="Helvetica" size="10"/> <drawRightString x='""" + tools.ustr(float(_pageSize[0].replace('cm','')) - float(1.00)) + 'cm' + """' y="0.6cm">Page : <pageNumber/> </drawRightString>""" rml +="""</pageGraphics> </pageTemplate> </template> <stylesheet> <blockTableStyle id="ans_tbl"> <blockAlignment value="LEFT"/> <blockValign value="TOP"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEBELOW" colorName="#e6e6e6" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/> </blockTableStyle> <blockTableStyle id="tbl_white"> <blockAlignment value="LEFT"/> <blockValign value="TOP"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEBELOW" colorName="#e6e6e6" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEBEFORE" colorName="#777777" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEAFTER" colorName="#777777" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/> </blockTableStyle> 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stop="-1,-1"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEAFTER" colorName="#777777" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/> </blockTableStyle> <initialize> <paraStyle name="all" alignment="justify"/> </initialize> <paraStyle name="response" fontName="Helvetica-oblique" fontSize="9.5"/> <paraStyle name="page" fontName="helvetica-bold" fontSize="15.0" leftIndent="0.0" textColor="white"/> <paraStyle name="title" fontName="helvetica-bold" fontSize="18.0" leftIndent="0.0" textColor="white"/> <paraStyle name="question" fontName="helvetica-boldoblique" fontSize="10.0" leftIndent="3.0"/> <paraStyle name="answer" fontName="helvetica" fontSize="09.0" leftIndent="0.0"/> <paraStyle name="descriptive_text" fontName="helvetica" fontSize="10.0" leftIndent="0.0"/> <paraStyle name="answer_left" alignment="LEFT" fontName="helvetica-bold" fontSize="8.0" leftIndent="0.0"/> <paraStyle name="P2" fontName="Helvetica" fontSize="14.0" leading="15" spaceBefore="6.0" spaceAfter="6.0"/> <paraStyle name="comment" fontName="Helvetica" fontSize="14.0" leading="50" spaceBefore="0.0" spaceAfter="0.0"/> <paraStyle name="P1" fontName="Helvetica" fontSize="9.0" leading="12" spaceBefore="0.0" spaceAfter="1.0"/> <paraStyle name="terp_tblheader_Details" fontName="Helvetica-Bold" fontSize="9.0" leading="11" alignment="LEFT" spaceBefore="6.0" spaceAfter="6.0"/> <paraStyle name="terp_default_9" fontName="Helvetica" fontSize="9.0" leading="11" alignment="LEFT" spaceBefore="0.0" spaceAfter="0.0"/> </stylesheet> <story>""" surv_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('survey') for survey in surv_obj.browse(cr,uid,ids): rml += """ <blockTable colWidths='"""+_tbl_widths+"""' style="title_tbl"> <tr><td><para style="title">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(survey.title)) + """</para><para style="P2"><font></font></para></td></tr> </blockTable>""" if survey.note: rml += """ <para style="P2"></para> <blockTable colWidths='"""+_tbl_widths+"""' style="note_table"> <tr><td><para style="descriptive_text">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(survey.note)) + """</para><para style="P2"><font></font></para></td></tr> </blockTable>""" seq = 0 for page in survey.page_ids: seq += 1 rml += """ <blockTable colWidths='"""+_tbl_widths+"""' style="page_tbl"> <tr><td><para style="page">"""+ tools.ustr(seq) + """. """ + to_xml(tools.ustr(page.title)) + """</para></td></tr> </blockTable>""" if page.note: rml += """<para style="P2"></para><blockTable colWidths='"""+_tbl_widths+"""' style="note_table"> <tr><td><para style="descriptive_text">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(page.note or '')) + """</para></td></tr> </blockTable>""" for que in page.question_ids: cols_widhts = [] rml += """ <para style="P2"><font></font></para> <blockTable colWidths='"""+_tbl_widths+"""' style="question_tbl"> <tr><td><para style="question">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(que.question)) + """</para></td></tr> </blockTable> <para style="P2"><font></font></para>""" if que.type in ['descriptive_text']: cols_widhts.append(float(_tbl_widths.replace('cm',''))) colWidths = "cm,".join(map(tools.ustr, cols_widhts)) colWidths = colWidths + 'cm' rml += """ <blockTable colWidths=" """ + colWidths + """ " style="ans_tbl"> <tr> <td> <para style="descriptive_text">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(que.descriptive_text)) + """</para> </td> </tr> </blockTable>""" elif que.type in ['multiple_choice_multiple_ans','multiple_choice_only_one_ans']: answer = [] for ans in que.answer_choice_ids: answer.append(to_xml(tools.ustr((ans.answer)))) def divide_list(lst, n): return [lst[i::n] for i in range(n)] divide_list = divide_list(answer,_display_ans_in_rows) for lst in divide_list: if que.type == 'multiple_choice_multiple_ans': if len(lst)<>0 and len(lst)<>int(round(float(len(answer))/_display_ans_in_rows,0)): lst.append('') if not lst: del divide_list[divide_list.index(lst):] for divide in divide_list: a = _divide_columns_for_matrix*len(divide) b = float(_tbl_widths.replace('cm','')) - float(a) cols_widhts = [] for div in range(0,len(divide)): cols_widhts.append(float(a/len(divide))) cols_widhts.append(float(b/len(divide))) colWidths = "cm,".join(map(tools.ustr, cols_widhts)) colWidths = colWidths +'cm' rml+="""<blockTable colWidths=" """ + colWidths + """ " style="ans_tbl"> <tr>""" for div in range(0,len(divide)): if divide[div] != '': if que.type == 'multiple_choice_multiple_ans': rml += """ <td> <illustration> <rect x="0.1cm" y="-0.4cm" width="0.5 cm" height="0.5cm" fill="no" stroke="yes"/> </illustration> </td> <td><para style="answer">""" + divide[div] + """</para></td>""" else: rml += """ <td> <illustration> <circle x="0.3cm" y="-0.18cm" radius="0.23 cm" fill="no" stroke="yes"/> </illustration> </td> <td><para style="answer">""" + divide[div] + """</para></td>""" else: rml += """ <td></td> <td></td>""" rml += """ </tr></blockTable>""" elif que.type in ['matrix_of_choices_only_one_ans','rating_scale','matrix_of_choices_only_multi_ans','matrix_of_drop_down_menus']: if len(que.column_heading_ids): cols_widhts.append(float(_tbl_widths.replace('cm',''))/float(2.0)) for col in que.column_heading_ids: cols_widhts.append(float((float(_tbl_widths.replace('cm',''))/float(2.0))/len(que.column_heading_ids))) else: cols_widhts.append(float(_tbl_widths.replace('cm',''))) tmp = 0.0 sum = 0.0 i = 0 if que.comment_column: for col in cols_widhts: if i == 0: cols_widhts[i] = cols_widhts[i]/2.0 tmp = cols_widhts[i] sum += col i += 1 cols_widhts.append(round(tmp,2)) colWidths = "cm,".join(map(tools.ustr, cols_widhts)) colWidths = colWidths+'cm' matrix_ans = ['',] for col in que.column_heading_ids: if col.title not in matrix_ans: matrix_ans.append(col.title) if que.comment_column: matrix_ans.append(to_xml(tools.ustr(que.column_name))) rml+="""<blockTable colWidths=" """ + colWidths + """ " style="ans_tbl"><tr>""" for mat_col in matrix_ans: rml += """<td><para style="response">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(mat_col)) + """</para></td>""" rml += """</tr></blockTable>""" i = 0 for ans in que.answer_choice_ids: if i%2 != 0: style='ans_tbl_white' else: style='ans_tbl_gainsboro' i += 1 rml += """ <blockTable colWidths=" """ + colWidths + """ " style='"""+style+"""'> <tr><td><para style="answer">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(ans.answer)) + """</para></td>""" rec_width = float((sum-tmp)*10+100) value = "" if que.type in ['matrix_of_drop_down_menus']: value = """ <fill color="white"/> <rect x="-0.1cm" y="-0.45cm" width='""" + tools.ustr(cols_widhts[-1] - 0.5) +"cm" + """' height="0.5cm" fill="yes" stroke="yes" round="0.1cm"/>""" elif que.type in ['matrix_of_choices_only_one_ans','rating_scale']: value = """ <fill color="white"/> <circle x="0.35cm" y="-0.18cm" radius="0.25 cm" fill="yes" stroke="yes"/>""" else: value = """ <fill color="white"/> <rect x="0.1cm" y="-0.4cm" width="0.5 cm" height="0.5cm" fill="yes" stroke="yes" round="0.1cm"/>""" for mat_col in range(1,len(matrix_ans)): if matrix_ans[mat_col] == que.column_name: if mat_col == 1: rml += """ <td><para style="answer_left">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(que.column_name)) + """</para></td>""" else: rml += """<td></td>""" else: rml += """<td><illustration>""" + value + """</illustration></td>""" rml += """</tr></blockTable>""" elif que.type in ['multiple_textboxes', 'numerical_textboxes', 'date_and_time','date','multiple_textboxes_diff_type']: cols_widhts.append(float(_tbl_widths.replace('cm',''))/2) cols_widhts.append(float(_tbl_widths.replace('cm',''))/2) colWidths = "cm,".join(map(tools.ustr, cols_widhts)) colWidths = tools.ustr(colWidths) + 'cm' for ans in que.answer_choice_ids: rml += """<para style="P1"></para> <blockTable colWidths=" """+ colWidths + """ " style="ans_tbl"> <tr> <td><para style="answer">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(ans.answer)) + """</para></td> <td> <illustration> <rect x="0.0cm" y="-0.5cm" width='""" + tools.ustr(str(cols_widhts[0] - 0.3) + "cm") + """' height="0.6cm" fill="no" stroke="yes"/> </illustration> </td> </tr> </blockTable>""" elif que.type in ['comment']: cols_widhts.append(float(_tbl_widths.replace('cm',''))) colWidths = "cm,".join(map(tools.ustr, cols_widhts)) rml += """<blockTable colWidths=" """ + colWidths + """cm " style="ans_tbl"> <tr> <td><para style="comment"><font color="white"> </font></para> <illustration> <rect x="0.1cm" y="0.3cm" width='""" + tools.ustr(str(float(colWidths) - 0.6) +'cm') + """' height="1.5cm" fill="no" stroke="yes"/> </illustration> </td> </tr> </blockTable>""" elif que.type in ['single_textbox']: cols_widhts.append(float(_tbl_widths.replace('cm',''))) colWidths = "cm,".join(map(tools.ustr, cols_widhts)) rml += """<para style="P2"><font color="white"> </font></para> <blockTable colWidths=" """ + colWidths + """cm " style="ans_tbl"> <tr> <td> <illustration> <rect x="0.2cm" y="0.3cm" width='""" + tools.ustr(str(float(colWidths) - 0.7) +'cm') + """' height="0.6cm" fill="no" stroke="yes"/> </illustration> </td> </tr> </blockTable>""" elif que.type in ['table']: tbl_width = float(_tbl_widths.replace('cm','')) for i in range(0,len(que.column_heading_ids)): cols_widhts.append(tbl_width/float(len(que.column_heading_ids))) colWidths = "cm,".join(map(tools.ustr, cols_widhts)) colWidths = colWidths+'cm' rml += """<blockTable colWidths=" """ + colWidths + """ " style="tbl"><tr>""" for col in que.column_heading_ids: rml+="""<td><para style="terp_tblheader_Details">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(col.title)) + """</para></td>""" rml += """</tr></blockTable>""" i = 0 for r in range(0,que.no_of_rows): if i%2 != 0: style = 'tbl_white' else: style = 'tbl_gainsboro' i += 1 rml += """<blockTable colWidths=" """ + colWidths + """ " style='"""+style+"""'><tr>""" for c in que.column_heading_ids: rml += """ <td><para style="terp_default_9"><font color="white"> </font></para></td>""" rml += """</tr></blockTable>""" if datas.has_key('form') and not datas['form']['without_pagebreak']: rml += """<pageBreak/>""" elif not datas.has_key('form'): rml += """<pageBreak/>""" else: rml += """<para style="P2"><font></font></para>""" rml += """</story></document>""" report_type = datas.get('report_type', 'pdf') create_doc = self.generators[report_type] pdf = create_doc(rml, title=self.title) return (pdf, report_type)
def create(self, cr, uid, ids, datas, context): surv_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('survey') user_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('res.users') rml_obj=report_sxw.rml_parse(cr, uid, surv_obj._name,context) company=user_obj.browse(cr,uid,[uid],context)[0].company_id rml ="""<document filename="Survey Analysis Report.pdf"> <template pageSize="(595.0,842.0)" title="Survey Analysis" author="OpenERP S.A.([email protected])" allowSplitting="20"> <pageTemplate> <frame id="first" x1="1.3cm" y1="1.5cm" width="18.4cm" height="26.5cm"/> <pageGraphics> <fill color="black"/> <stroke color="black"/> <setFont name="DejaVu Sans" size="8"/> <drawString x="1.3cm" y="28.3cm"> """+to_xml(rml_obj.formatLang(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),date_time=True))+"""</drawString> <setFont name="DejaVu Sans Bold" size="10"/> <drawString x="9.8cm" y="28.3cm">"""+ to_xml( +"""</drawString> <stroke color="#000000"/> <lines>1.3cm 28.1cm 20cm 28.1cm</lines> </pageGraphics> </pageTemplate> </template> <stylesheet> <blockTableStyle id="Table1"> <blockAlignment value="LEFT"/> <blockValign value="TOP"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEBELOW" colorName="#e6e6e6"/> </blockTableStyle> <blockTableStyle id="Table2"> <blockAlignment value="LEFT"/> <blockValign value="TOP"/> </blockTableStyle> <blockTableStyle id="Table3"> <blockAlignment value="LEFT"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEBELOW" colorName="#e6e6e6" start="1,0" stop="2,-1"/> <blockValign value="TOP"/> </blockTableStyle> <blockTableStyle id="Table4"> <blockAlignment value="LEFT"/> <blockValign value="TOP"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEBELOW" colorName="#000000" start="0,-1" stop="1,-1"/> </blockTableStyle> <blockTableStyle id="Table5"> <blockAlignment value="LEFT"/> <blockValign value="TOP"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEBELOW" colorName="#8f8f8f" start="0,-1" stop="1,-1"/> </blockTableStyle> <blockTableStyle id="Table_heading"> <blockAlignment value="LEFT"/> <blockValign value="TOP"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEBEFORE" colorName="#e6e6e6" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/> 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fontSize="11.0"/> <paraStyle name="header1" fontName="Helvetica" fontSize="11.0"/> <paraStyle name="response" fontName="Helvetica-oblique" fontSize="9.5"/> <paraStyle name="response-bold" fontName="Helvetica-bold" fontSize="9" alignment="RIGHT" /> <paraStyle name="page" fontName="helvetica" fontSize="11.0" leftIndent="0.0"/> <paraStyle name="question" fontName="helvetica-boldoblique" fontSize="10.0" leftIndent="3.0"/> <paraStyle name="answer_bold" fontName="Helvetica-Bold" fontSize="09.0" leftIndent="2.0"/> <paraStyle name="answer" fontName="helvetica" fontSize="09.0" leftIndent="2.0"/> <paraStyle name="Title" fontName="helvetica" fontSize="20.0" leading="15" spaceBefore="6.0" spaceAfter="6.0" alignment="CENTER"/> <paraStyle name="terp_tblheader_General_Centre" fontName="Helvetica-Bold" fontSize="9.0" leading="10" alignment="CENTER" spaceBefore="6.0" spaceAfter="6.0"/> <paraStyle name="terp_default_Centre_8" fontName="Helvetica" fontSize="9.0" leading="10" alignment="CENTER" spaceBefore="0.0" spaceAfter="0.0"/> <paraStyle name="terp_default_Center_heading" fontName="Helvetica-bold" fontSize="9.0" leading="10" alignment="CENTER" spaceBefore="0.0" spaceAfter="0.0"/> <paraStyle name="P2" fontName="Helvetica" fontSize="14.0" leading="15" spaceBefore="6.0" spaceAfter="6.0"/> </stylesheet> <images/> """ if datas.has_key('form') and datas['form']['survey_ids']: ids = datas['form']['survey_ids'] for survey in surv_obj.browse(cr, uid, ids): rml += """<story> <para style="Title">Answers Summary</para> <para style="Standard"><font></font></para> <para style="P2"> <font color="white"> </font> </para> <blockTable colWidths="280.0,100.0,120.0" style="Table_heading"> <tr> <td> <para style="terp_tblheader_General_Centre">Survey Title </para> </td> <td> <para style="terp_tblheader_General_Centre">Total Started Survey </para> </td> <td> <para style="terp_tblheader_General_Centre">Total Completed Survey </para> </td> </tr> </blockTable> <blockTable colWidths="280.0,100.0,120.0" style="Table_head_2"> <tr> <td> <para style="terp_default_Centre_8">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(survey.title)) + """</para> </td> <td> <para style="terp_default_Centre_8">""" + str(survey.tot_start_survey) + """</para> </td> <td> <para style="terp_default_Centre_8">""" + str(survey.tot_comp_survey) + """</para> </td> </tr> </blockTable> <para style="P2"> <font color="white"> </font> </para>""" for page in survey.page_ids: rml += """ <blockTable colWidths="500" style="Table4"> <tr> <td><para style="page">Page :- """ + to_xml(tools.ustr(page.title)) + """</para></td> </tr> </blockTable>""" for que in page.question_ids: rml +="""<blockTable colWidths="500" style="Table5"> <tr> <td><para style="question">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(que.question)) + """</para></td> </tr> </blockTable>""" cols_widhts = [] if que.type in ['matrix_of_choices_only_one_ans','matrix_of_choices_only_multi_ans']: cols_widhts.append(200) for col in range(0, len(que.column_heading_ids) + 1): cols_widhts.append(float(300 / (len(que.column_heading_ids) + 1))) colWidths = ",".join(map(tools.ustr, cols_widhts)) matrix_ans = [(0,'')] for col in que.column_heading_ids: if col.title not in matrix_ans: matrix_ans.append((,col.title)) rml += """<blockTable colWidths=" """ + colWidths + """ " style="Table1"><tr>""" for mat_col in range(0, len(matrix_ans)): rml+="""<td><para style="response">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(matrix_ans[mat_col][1])) + """</para></td>""" rml += """<td><para style="response-bold">Answer Count</para></td> </tr>""" last_col = cols_widhts[-1] for ans in que.answer_choice_ids: rml += """<tr><td><para style="answer">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(ans.answer)) + """</para></td>""" cr.execute("select count(id) from survey_response_answer sra where sra.answer_id = %s", (,)) tot_res = cr.fetchone()[0] cr.execute("select count(id) ,sra.column_id from survey_response_answer sra where sra.answer_id=%s group by sra.column_id", (,)) calc_res = cr.dictfetchall() for mat_col in range(1, len(matrix_ans)): percantage = 0.0 cal_count = 0 for cal in calc_res: if cal['column_id'] == matrix_ans[mat_col][0]: cal_count = cal['count'] if tot_res: percantage = round(float(cal_count)*100 / tot_res,2) if percantage: rml += """<td color="#FFF435"><para style="answer_bold">""" + tools.ustr(percantage) +"% (" + tools.ustr(cal_count) + """)</para></td>""" else: rml += """<td color="#FFF435"><para style="answer">""" + tools.ustr(percantage) +"% (" + tools.ustr(cal_count) + """)</para></td>""" rml += """<td><para style="answer_right">""" + tools.ustr(tot_res) + """</para></td> </tr>""" rml += """</blockTable>""" if que.is_comment_require: cr.execute("select count(id) from survey_response_line where question_id = %s and comment != ''",(,)) tot_res = cr.fetchone()[0] rml += """<blockTable colWidths=" """+ str(500 - last_col) +"," + str(last_col) + """ " style="Table1"><tr><td><para style="answer_right">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(que.comment_label)) + """</para></td> <td><para style="answer">""" + tools.ustr(tot_res) + """</para></td></tr></blockTable>""" elif que.type in['multiple_choice_only_one_ans', 'multiple_choice_multiple_ans', 'multiple_textboxes','date_and_time','date','multiple_textboxes_diff_type']: rml += """<blockTable colWidths="240.0,210,50.0" style="Table1">""" rml += """ <tr> <td> <para style="Standard"> </para></td> <td> <para style="terp_default_Center_heading">Answer Percentage</para></td> <td> <para style="response-bold">Answer Count</para></td> </tr>""" for ans in que.answer_choice_ids: progress = ans.average * 7 / 100 rml += """<tr><td><para style="answer">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(ans.answer)) + """</para></td> <td> <illustration> <stroke color="lightslategray"/> <rect x="0.1cm" y="-0.45cm" width="7.2 cm" height="0.5cm" fill="no" stroke="yes" round="0.1cm"/> """ if progress: rml += """<fill color="lightsteelblue"/> <rect x="0.2cm" y="-0.35cm" width='""" + tools.ustr(str(float(progress)) +'cm') + """' height="0.3cm" fill="yes" stroke="no" round="0.1cm"/>""" rml += """ <fill color="black"/> <setFont name="Helvetica" size="9"/> <drawString x="3.2cm" y="-0.30cm">""" + tools.ustr(ans.average) + """%</drawString></illustration> </td> <td><para style="answer_right">""" + tools.ustr(ans.response) + """</para></td></tr>""" rml += """</blockTable>""" if que.is_comment_require: # if que.make_comment_field: # cr.execute("select count(id) from survey_response_line where question_id = %s and comment != ''", (,)) # tot_res = cr.fetchone()[0] # tot_avg = 0.00 # if que.tot_resp: # tot_avg = round(float(tot_res * 100)/ que.tot_resp,2) # rml+="""<blockTable colWidths="280.0,120,100.0" style="Table1"><tr><td><para style="answer">""" +to_xml(tools.ustr(que.comment_label)) + """</para></td> # <td><para style="answer">""" + str(tot_avg) + """%</para></td> # <td><para style="answer">""" + tools.ustr(tot_res) + """</para></td></tr></blockTable>""" # else: cr.execute("select count(id) from survey_response_line where question_id = %s and comment != ''", (,)) tot_res = cr.fetchone()[0] rml += """<blockTable colWidths="450.0,50.0" style="Table1"><tr><td><para style="answer_right">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(que.comment_label)) + """</para></td> <td><para style="answer_right">""" + tools.ustr(tot_res) + """</para></td></tr></blockTable>""" elif que.type in['single_textbox']: cr.execute("select count(id) from survey_response_line where question_id = %s and single_text!=''",(,)) rml += """<blockTable colWidths="400.0,100.0" style="Table1"> <tr> <td> <para style="Standard"> </para></td> <td> <para style="response-bold">Answer Count</para></td> </tr> <tr><td><para style="answer"></para></td> <td><para style="answer_right">""" + tools.ustr(cr.fetchone()[0]) + """ </para></td></tr> </blockTable>""" elif que.type in['comment']: cr.execute("select count(id) from survey_response_line where question_id = %s and comment !=''", (,)) rml += """<blockTable colWidths="400.0,100.0" style="Table1"> <tr> <td> <para style="Standard"> </para></td> <td> <para style="response-bold">Answer Count</para></td> </tr> <tr><td><para style="answer"></para></td> <td><para style="answer_right">""" + tools.ustr(cr.fetchone()[0]) + """ </para></td></tr> </blockTable>""" elif que.type in['rating_scale']: cols_widhts.append(200) for col in range(0,len(que.column_heading_ids) + 2): cols_widhts.append(float(300 / (len(que.column_heading_ids) + 2))) colWidths = ",".join(map(tools.ustr, cols_widhts)) matrix_ans = [(0,'')] for col in que.column_heading_ids: if col.title not in matrix_ans: matrix_ans.append((,col.title)) rml += """<blockTable colWidths=" """ + colWidths + """ " style="Table1"><tr>""" for mat_col in range(0,len(matrix_ans)): rml += """<td><para style="response">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(matrix_ans[mat_col][1])) + """</para></td>""" rml += """<td><para style="response-bold">Rating Average</para></td> <td><para style="response-bold">Answer Count</para></td> </tr>""" for ans in que.answer_choice_ids: rml += """<tr><td><para style="answer">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(ans.answer)) + """</para></td>""" res_count = 0 rating_weight_sum = 0 for mat_col in range(1, len(matrix_ans)): cr.execute("select count(sra.answer_id) from survey_response_line sr, survey_response_answer sra\ where = sra.response_id and sra.answer_id = %s and sra.column_id ='%s'", (,matrix_ans[mat_col][0])) tot_res = cr.fetchone()[0] cr.execute("select count(sra.answer_id),sqc.rating_weight from survey_response_line sr, survey_response_answer sra ,\ survey_question_column_heading sqc where = sra.response_id and \ sqc.question_id = sr.question_id and sra.answer_id = %s and sqc.title ='%s'\ + group by sra.answer_id,sqc.rating_weight", (,matrix_ans[mat_col][1])) col_weight = cr.fetchone() if not col_weight: col_weight= (0,0) elif not col_weight[1]: col_weight = (col_weight[0],0) res_count = col_weight[0] if tot_res and res_count: rating_weight_sum += int(col_weight[1]) * tot_res tot_per = round((float(tot_res) * 100) / int(res_count), 2) else: tot_per = 0.0 if tot_res: rml += """<td><para style="answer_bold">""" + tools.ustr(tot_per) + "%(" + tools.ustr(tot_res) + """)</para></td>""" else: rml += """<td><para style="answer">""" + tools.ustr(tot_per)+"%(" + tools.ustr(tot_res) + """)</para></td>""" percantage = 0.00 if res_count: percantage = round((float(rating_weight_sum)/res_count), 2) rml += """<td><para style="answer_right">""" + tools.ustr(percantage) + """</para></td> <td><para style="answer_right">""" + tools.ustr(res_count) + """</para></td></tr>""" rml += """</blockTable>""" elif que.type in['matrix_of_drop_down_menus']: for column in que.column_heading_ids: rml += """<blockTable colWidths="500" style="Table1"><tr> <td><para style="answer">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(column.title)) + """</para></td></tr></blockTable>""" menu_choices = column.menu_choice.split('\n') cols_widhts = [] cols_widhts.append(200) for col in range(0, len(menu_choices) + 1): cols_widhts.append(float(300 / (len(menu_choices) + 1))) colWidths = ",".join(map(tools.ustr, cols_widhts)) rml += """<blockTable colWidths=" """ + colWidths + """ " style="Table1"><tr> <td><para style="response"></para></td>""" for menu in menu_choices: rml += """<td><para style="response">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(menu)) + """</para></td>""" rml += """<td><para style="response-bold">Answer Count</para></td></tr>""" cr.execute("select count(id), sra.answer_id from survey_response_answer sra \ where sra.column_id='%s' group by sra.answer_id ", (,)) res_count = cr.dictfetchall() cr.execute("select count(,sra.value_choice, sra.answer_id, sra.column_id from survey_response_answer sra \ where sra.column_id='%s' group by sra.value_choice ,sra.answer_id, sra.column_id", (,)) calc_percantage = cr.dictfetchall() for ans in que.answer_choice_ids: rml += """<tr><td><para style="answer_right">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(ans.answer)) + """</para></td>""" for mat_col in range(0, len(menu_choices)): calc = 0 response = 0 for res in res_count: if res['answer_id'] == response = res['count'] for per in calc_percantage: if == per['answer_id'] and menu_choices[mat_col] == per['value_choice']: calc = per['count'] percantage = 0.00 if calc and response: percantage = round((float(calc)* 100) / response,2) if calc: rml += """<td><para style="answer_bold">""" +tools.ustr(percantage)+"% (" + tools.ustr(calc) + """)</para></td>""" else: rml += """<td><para style="answer">""" +tools.ustr(percantage)+"% (" + tools.ustr(calc) + """)</para></td>""" response = 0 for res in res_count: if res['answer_id'] == response = res['count'] rml += """<td><para style="answer_right">""" + tools.ustr(response) + """</para></td></tr>""" rml += """</blockTable>""" elif que.type in['numerical_textboxes']: rml += """<blockTable colWidths="240.0,20,100.0,70,70.0" style="Table1"> <tr> <td> <para style="Standard"> </para></td> <td> <para style="Standard"> </para></td> <td> <para style="response">Answer Average</para></td> <td> <para style="response">Answer Total</para></td> <td> <para style="response-bold">Answer Count</para></td> </tr>""" for ans in que.answer_choice_ids: cr.execute("select answer from survey_response_answer where answer_id=%s group by answer", (,)) tot_res = cr.dictfetchall() total = 0 for tot in tot_res: total += int(tot['answer']) per = 0.00 if len(tot_res): per = round((float(total) / len(tot_res)),2) rml+="""<tr><td><para style="answer">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(ans.answer)) + """</para></td> <td> <para style="Standard"> </para></td> <td> <para style="answer">""" + tools.ustr(per) +"""</para></td> <td><para style="answer">""" + tools.ustr(total) + """</para></td> <td><para style="answer_right">""" + tools.ustr(len(tot_res)) + """</para></td></tr>""" rml+="""</blockTable>""" rml +="""<blockTable colWidths="300,100,100.0" style="Table3"> <tr> <td><para style="Standard1"></para></td> <td><para style="Standard1">Answered Question</para></td> <td><para style="Standard1">""" + tools.ustr(que.tot_resp) + """</para></td> </tr> <tr> <td><para style="Standard1"></para></td> <td><para style="Standard1">Skipped Question</para></td> <td><para style="Standard1">""" + tools.ustr(survey.tot_start_survey - que.tot_resp) + """</para></td> </tr> </blockTable>""" rml += """</story>""" rml += """</document>""" report_type = datas.get('report_type', 'pdf') create_doc = self.generators[report_type] self.internal_header=True pdf = create_doc(rml, title=self.title) return (pdf, report_type)
def create_xml(self, cr, uid, ids, datas, context=None): number = (datas.get('form', False) and datas['form']['number']) or 1 pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname) product_pool = pool.get('product.product') product_uom_pool = pool.get('product.uom') supplier_info_pool = pool.get('product.supplierinfo') workcenter_pool = pool.get('mrp.workcenter') user_pool = pool.get('res.users') bom_pool = pool.get('') pricelist_pool = pool.get('product.pricelist') rml_obj = report_sxw.rml_parse(cr, uid, product_pool._name, context) rml_obj.localcontext.update({'lang': context.get('lang', False)}) company_currency = user_pool.browse(cr, uid, uid).company_id.currency_id company_currency_symbol = company_currency.symbol or def process_bom(bom, currency_id, factor=1): xml = '<row>' sum = 0 sum_strd = 0 prod = product_pool.browse(cr, uid, bom['product_id']) prod_name = to_xml(bom['name']) prod_qtty = factor * bom['product_qty'] product_uom = product_uom_pool.browse(cr, uid, bom['product_uom'], context=context) product_uom_name = to_xml( main_sp_price, main_sp_name, main_strd_price = '', '', '' sellers, sellers_price = '', '' if prod.seller_id: main_sp_name = '- <b>' + to_xml( + '</b>\r\n' pricelist = prod.seller_id.property_product_pricelist_purchase price = pricelist_pool.price_get( cr, uid, [],, number * prod_qtty or 1.0,, { 'uom':, 'date': time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), })[] main_sp_price = """<b>""" + rml_obj.formatLang(price) + ' ' + ( company_currency_symbol) + """</b>\r\n""" sum += prod_qtty * price std_price = product_uom_pool._compute_price( cr, uid,, prod.standard_price, main_strd_price = str(std_price) + '\r\n' sum_strd = prod_qtty * std_price for seller_id in prod.seller_ids: sellers += '- <i>' + to_xml( + '</i>\r\n' pricelist = price = pricelist_pool.price_get( cr, uid, [],, number * prod_qtty or 1.0,, { 'uom':, 'date': time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), })[] sellers_price += """<i>""" + rml_obj.formatLang( price) + ' ' + (company_currency_symbol) + """</i>\r\n""" xml += """<col para='yes'> """ + prod_name + """ </col> <col para='yes'> """ + main_sp_name + sellers + """ </col> <col f='yes'>""" + rml_obj.formatLang( prod_qtty) + ' ' + product_uom_name + """</col> <col f='yes'>""" + rml_obj.formatLang( float(main_strd_price)) + ' ' + ( company_currency_symbol) + """</col> <col f='yes'>""" + main_sp_price + sellers_price + """</col>'""" xml += '</row>' return xml, sum, sum_strd def process_workcenter(wrk): workcenter = workcenter_pool.browse(cr, uid, wrk['workcenter_id']) cost_cycle = wrk['cycle'] * workcenter.costs_cycle cost_hour = wrk['hour'] * workcenter.costs_hour total = cost_cycle + cost_hour xml = '<row>' xml += "<col para='yes'>" + to_xml( + '</col>' xml += "<col/>" xml += """<col f='yes'>""" + rml_obj.formatLang( cost_cycle) + ' ' + (company_currency_symbol) + """</col>""" xml += """<col f='yes'>""" + rml_obj.formatLang( cost_hour) + ' ' + (company_currency_symbol) + """</col>""" xml += """<col f='yes'>""" + rml_obj.formatLang( cost_hour + cost_cycle) + ' ' + (company_currency_symbol) + """</col>""" xml += '</row>' return xml, total xml = '' config_start = """ <config> <date>""" + to_xml( rml_obj.formatLang('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), date_time=True)) + """</date> <company>%s</company> <PageSize>210.00mm,297.00mm</PageSize> <PageWidth>595.27</PageWidth> <PageHeight>841.88</PageHeight> <tableSize>55.00mm,58.00mm,29.00mm,29.00mm,29.00mm</tableSize> """ % (user_pool.browse(cr, uid, uid) config_stop = """ <report-footer>Generated by OpenERP</report-footer> </config> """ workcenter_header = """ <lines style='header'> <row> <col>%s</col> <col t='yes'/> <col t='yes'>%s</col> <col t='yes'>%s</col> <col t='yes'>%s</col> </row> </lines> """ % (_('Work Center name'), _('Cycles Cost'), _('Hourly Cost'), _('Work Cost')) prod_header = """ <row> <col>%s</col> <col>%s</col> <col t='yes'>%s</col> <col t='yes'>%s</col> <col t='yes'>%s</col> </row> """ % (_('Components'), _('Components suppliers'), _('Quantity'), _('Cost Price per Uom'), _('Supplier Price per Uom')) purchase_price_digits = rml_obj.get_digits(dp='Purchase Price') for product in product_pool.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context): product_uom_name = to_xml( bom_id = bom_pool._bom_find(cr, uid,, title = "<title>%s</title>" % (_("Cost Structure")) title += "<title>%s</title>" % (to_xml( xml += "<lines style='header'>" + title + prod_header + "</lines>" if not bom_id: total_strd = number * product.standard_price total = number * product_pool.price_get( cr, uid, [], 'standard_price')[] xml += """<lines style='lines'><row> <col para='yes'>-</col> <col para='yes'>-</col> <col para='yes'>-</col> <col para='yes'>-</col> <col para='yes'>-</col> </row></lines>""" xml += """<lines style='total'> <row> <col> """ + _('Total Cost of %s %s') % ( str(number), product_uom_name) + """: </col> <col/> <col f='yes'/> <col t='yes'>""" + rml_obj.formatLang( total_strd, digits=purchase_price_digits) + ' ' + ( company_currency_symbol) + """</col> <col t='yes'>""" + rml_obj.formatLang( total, digits=purchase_price_digits) + ' ' + ( company_currency_symbol) + """</col> </row></lines>'""" else: bom = bom_pool.browse(cr, uid, bom_id, context=context) factor = number * product.uom_id.factor / bom.product_uom.factor sub_boms = bom_pool._bom_explode(cr, uid, bom, factor / bom.product_qty) total = 0 total_strd = 0 parent_bom = { 'product_qty': bom.product_qty, 'name':, 'product_uom':, 'product_id': } xml_tmp = '' for sub_bom in (sub_boms and sub_boms[0]) or [parent_bom]: txt, sum, sum_strd = process_bom(sub_bom, xml_tmp += txt total += sum total_strd += sum_strd xml += "<lines style='lines'>" + xml_tmp + '</lines>' xml += """<lines style='sub_total'> <row> <col> """ + _('Components Cost of %s %s') % ( str(number), product_uom_name) + """: </col> <col/> <col t='yes'/> <col t='yes'>""" + rml_obj.formatLang( total_strd, digits=purchase_price_digits) + ' ' + ( company_currency_symbol) + """</col> <col t='yes'></col> </row></lines>'""" total2 = 0 xml_tmp = '' for wrk in (sub_boms and sub_boms[1]): txt, sum = process_workcenter(wrk) xml_tmp += txt total2 += sum if xml_tmp: xml += workcenter_header xml += "<lines style='lines'>" + xml_tmp + '</lines>' xml += """<lines style='sub_total'> <row> <col> """ + _('Work Cost of %s %s') % ( str(number), product_uom_name) + """: </col> <col/> <col/> <col/> <col t='yes'>""" + rml_obj.formatLang( total2, digits=purchase_price_digits) + ' ' + ( company_currency_symbol) + """</col> </row></lines>'""" xml += """<lines style='total'> <row> <col> """ + _('Total Cost of %s %s') % ( str(number), product_uom_name) + """: </col> <col/> <col t='yes'/> <col t='yes'>""" + rml_obj.formatLang( total_strd + total2, digits=purchase_price_digits) + ' ' + ( company_currency_symbol) + """</col> <col t='yes'></col> </row></lines>'""" xml = '<?xml version="1.0" ?><report>' + config_start + config_stop + xml + '</report>' return xml
def create(self, cr, uid, ids, datas, context): surv_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('survey') user_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('res.users') rml_obj = report_sxw.rml_parse(cr, uid, surv_obj._name, context) company = user_obj.browse(cr, uid, [uid], context)[0].company_id rml = """<document filename="Survey Analysis Report.pdf"> <template pageSize="(595.0,842.0)" title="Survey Analysis" author="OpenERP S.A.([email protected])" allowSplitting="20"> <pageTemplate> <frame id="first" x1="1.3cm" y1="1.5cm" width="18.4cm" height="26.5cm"/> <pageGraphics> <fill color="black"/> <stroke color="black"/> <setFont name="DejaVu Sans" size="8"/> <drawString x="1.3cm" y="28.3cm"> """ + to_xml( rml_obj.formatLang(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), date_time=True)) + """</drawString> <setFont name="DejaVu Sans Bold" size="10"/> <drawString x="9.8cm" y="28.3cm">""" + to_xml( + """</drawString> <stroke color="#000000"/> <lines>1.3cm 28.1cm 20cm 28.1cm</lines> </pageGraphics> </pageTemplate> </template> <stylesheet> <blockTableStyle id="Table1"> <blockAlignment value="LEFT"/> <blockValign value="TOP"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEBELOW" colorName="#e6e6e6"/> </blockTableStyle> <blockTableStyle id="Table2"> <blockAlignment value="LEFT"/> <blockValign value="TOP"/> </blockTableStyle> <blockTableStyle id="Table3"> <blockAlignment value="LEFT"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEBELOW" colorName="#e6e6e6" start="1,0" stop="2,-1"/> <blockValign value="TOP"/> </blockTableStyle> <blockTableStyle id="Table4"> <blockAlignment value="LEFT"/> <blockValign value="TOP"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEBELOW" colorName="#000000" start="0,-1" stop="1,-1"/> </blockTableStyle> <blockTableStyle id="Table5"> <blockAlignment value="LEFT"/> <blockValign value="TOP"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEBELOW" colorName="#8f8f8f" start="0,-1" stop="1,-1"/> </blockTableStyle> <blockTableStyle id="Table_heading"> <blockAlignment value="LEFT"/> <blockValign value="TOP"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEBEFORE" colorName="#e6e6e6" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEAFTER" colorName="#e6e6e6" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEBELOW" colorName="#e6e6e6" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEABOVE" colorName="#e6e6e6" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/> </blockTableStyle> <blockTableStyle id="Table_head_2"> <blockAlignment value="LEFT"/> <blockValign value="TOP"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEBEFORE" colorName="#e6e6e6" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEAFTER" colorName="#e6e6e6" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEBELOW" colorName="#e6e6e6" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEABOVE" colorName="#e6e6e6" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/> </blockTableStyle> <initialize> <paraStyle name="all" alignment="justify"/> </initialize> <paraStyle name="answer_right" alignment="RIGHT" fontName="helvetica" fontSize="09.0" leftIndent="2.0"/> <paraStyle name="Standard1" fontName="helvetica-bold" alignment="RIGHT" fontSize="09.0"/> <paraStyle name="Standard" alignment="LEFT" fontName="Helvetica-Bold" fontSize="11.0"/> <paraStyle name="header1" fontName="Helvetica" fontSize="11.0"/> <paraStyle name="response" fontName="Helvetica-oblique" fontSize="9.5"/> <paraStyle name="response-bold" fontName="Helvetica-bold" fontSize="9" alignment="RIGHT" /> <paraStyle name="page" fontName="helvetica" fontSize="11.0" leftIndent="0.0"/> <paraStyle name="question" fontName="helvetica-boldoblique" fontSize="10.0" leftIndent="3.0"/> <paraStyle name="answer_bold" fontName="Helvetica-Bold" fontSize="09.0" leftIndent="2.0"/> <paraStyle name="answer" fontName="helvetica" fontSize="09.0" leftIndent="2.0"/> <paraStyle name="Title" fontName="helvetica" fontSize="20.0" leading="15" spaceBefore="6.0" spaceAfter="6.0" alignment="CENTER"/> <paraStyle name="terp_tblheader_General_Centre" fontName="Helvetica-Bold" fontSize="9.0" leading="10" alignment="CENTER" spaceBefore="6.0" spaceAfter="6.0"/> <paraStyle name="terp_default_Centre_8" fontName="Helvetica" fontSize="9.0" leading="10" alignment="CENTER" spaceBefore="0.0" spaceAfter="0.0"/> <paraStyle name="terp_default_Center_heading" fontName="Helvetica-bold" fontSize="9.0" leading="10" alignment="CENTER" spaceBefore="0.0" spaceAfter="0.0"/> <paraStyle name="P2" fontName="Helvetica" fontSize="14.0" leading="15" spaceBefore="6.0" spaceAfter="6.0"/> </stylesheet> <images/> """ if datas.has_key('form') and datas['form']['survey_ids']: ids = datas['form']['survey_ids'] for survey in surv_obj.browse(cr, uid, ids): rml += """<story> <para style="Title">Answers Summary</para> <para style="Standard"><font></font></para> <para style="P2"> <font color="white"> </font> </para> <blockTable colWidths="280.0,100.0,120.0" style="Table_heading"> <tr> <td> <para style="terp_tblheader_General_Centre">Survey Title </para> </td> <td> <para style="terp_tblheader_General_Centre">Total Started Survey </para> </td> <td> <para style="terp_tblheader_General_Centre">Total Completed Survey </para> </td> </tr> </blockTable> <blockTable colWidths="280.0,100.0,120.0" style="Table_head_2"> <tr> <td> <para style="terp_default_Centre_8">""" + to_xml( tools.ustr(survey.title)) + """</para> </td> <td> <para style="terp_default_Centre_8">""" + str( survey.tot_start_survey) + """</para> </td> <td> <para style="terp_default_Centre_8">""" + str( survey.tot_comp_survey) + """</para> </td> </tr> </blockTable> <para style="P2"> <font color="white"> </font> </para>""" for page in survey.page_ids: rml += """ <blockTable colWidths="500" style="Table4"> <tr> <td><para style="page">Page :- """ + to_xml( tools.ustr(page.title)) + """</para></td> </tr> </blockTable>""" for que in page.question_ids: rml += """<blockTable colWidths="500" style="Table5"> <tr> <td><para style="question">""" + to_xml( tools.ustr(que.question)) + """</para></td> </tr> </blockTable>""" cols_widhts = [] if que.type in [ 'matrix_of_choices_only_one_ans', 'matrix_of_choices_only_multi_ans' ]: cols_widhts.append(200) for col in range(0, len(que.column_heading_ids) + 1): cols_widhts.append( float(300 / (len(que.column_heading_ids) + 1))) colWidths = ",".join(map(tools.ustr, cols_widhts)) matrix_ans = [(0, '')] for col in que.column_heading_ids: if col.title not in matrix_ans: matrix_ans.append((, col.title)) rml += """<blockTable colWidths=" """ + colWidths + """ " style="Table1"><tr>""" for mat_col in range(0, len(matrix_ans)): rml += """<td><para style="response">""" + to_xml( tools.ustr(matrix_ans[mat_col] [1])) + """</para></td>""" rml += """<td><para style="response-bold">Answer Count</para></td> </tr>""" last_col = cols_widhts[-1] for ans in que.answer_choice_ids: rml += """<tr><td><para style="answer">""" + to_xml( tools.ustr(ans.answer)) + """</para></td>""" cr.execute( "select count(id) from survey_response_answer sra where sra.answer_id = %s", (, )) tot_res = cr.fetchone()[0] cr.execute( "select count(id) ,sra.column_id from survey_response_answer sra where sra.answer_id=%s group by sra.column_id", (, )) calc_res = cr.dictfetchall() for mat_col in range(1, len(matrix_ans)): percantage = 0.0 cal_count = 0 for cal in calc_res: if cal['column_id'] == matrix_ans[mat_col][ 0]: cal_count = cal['count'] if tot_res: percantage = round( float(cal_count) * 100 / tot_res, 2) if percantage: rml += """<td color="#FFF435"><para style="answer_bold">""" + tools.ustr( percantage) + "% (" + tools.ustr( cal_count) + """)</para></td>""" else: rml += """<td color="#FFF435"><para style="answer">""" + tools.ustr( percantage) + "% (" + tools.ustr( cal_count) + """)</para></td>""" rml += """<td><para style="answer_right">""" + tools.ustr( tot_res) + """</para></td> </tr>""" rml += """</blockTable>""" if que.is_comment_require: cr.execute( "select count(id) from survey_response_line where question_id = %s and comment != ''", (, )) tot_res = cr.fetchone()[0] rml += """<blockTable colWidths=" """ + str( 500 - last_col ) + "," + str( last_col ) + """ " style="Table1"><tr><td><para style="answer_right">""" + to_xml( tools.ustr(que.comment_label) ) + """</para></td> <td><para style="answer">""" + tools.ustr( tot_res) + """</para></td></tr></blockTable>""" elif que.type in [ 'multiple_choice_only_one_ans', 'multiple_choice_multiple_ans', 'multiple_textboxes', 'date_and_time', 'date', 'multiple_textboxes_diff_type' ]: rml += """<blockTable colWidths="240.0,210,50.0" style="Table1">""" rml += """ <tr> <td> <para style="Standard"> </para></td> <td> <para style="terp_default_Center_heading">Answer Percentage</para></td> <td> <para style="response-bold">Answer Count</para></td> </tr>""" for ans in que.answer_choice_ids: progress = ans.average * 7 / 100 rml += """<tr><td><para style="answer">""" + to_xml( tools.ustr(ans.answer)) + """</para></td> <td> <illustration> <stroke color="lightslategray"/> <rect x="0.1cm" y="-0.45cm" width="7.2 cm" height="0.5cm" fill="no" stroke="yes" round="0.1cm"/> """ if progress: rml += """<fill color="lightsteelblue"/> <rect x="0.2cm" y="-0.35cm" width='""" + tools.ustr( str(float(progress)) + 'cm' ) + """' height="0.3cm" fill="yes" stroke="no" round="0.1cm"/>""" rml += """ <fill color="black"/> <setFont name="Helvetica" size="9"/> <drawString x="3.2cm" y="-0.30cm">""" + tools.ustr( ans.average) + """%</drawString></illustration> </td> <td><para style="answer_right">""" + tools.ustr( ans.response) + """</para></td></tr>""" rml += """</blockTable>""" if que.is_comment_require: # if que.make_comment_field: # cr.execute("select count(id) from survey_response_line where question_id = %s and comment != ''", (,)) # tot_res = cr.fetchone()[0] # tot_avg = 0.00 # if que.tot_resp: # tot_avg = round(float(tot_res * 100)/ que.tot_resp,2) # rml+="""<blockTable colWidths="280.0,120,100.0" style="Table1"><tr><td><para style="answer">""" +to_xml(tools.ustr(que.comment_label)) + """</para></td> # <td><para style="answer">""" + str(tot_avg) + """%</para></td> # <td><para style="answer">""" + tools.ustr(tot_res) + """</para></td></tr></blockTable>""" # else: cr.execute( "select count(id) from survey_response_line where question_id = %s and comment != ''", (, )) tot_res = cr.fetchone()[0] rml += """<blockTable colWidths="450.0,50.0" style="Table1"><tr><td><para style="answer_right">""" + to_xml( tools.ustr(que.comment_label) ) + """</para></td> <td><para style="answer_right">""" + tools.ustr( tot_res) + """</para></td></tr></blockTable>""" elif que.type in ['single_textbox']: cr.execute( "select count(id) from survey_response_line where question_id = %s and single_text!=''", (, )) rml += """<blockTable colWidths="400.0,100.0" style="Table1"> <tr> <td> <para style="Standard"> </para></td> <td> <para style="response-bold">Answer Count</para></td> </tr> <tr><td><para style="answer"></para></td> <td><para style="answer_right">""" + tools.ustr( cr.fetchone()[0]) + """ </para></td></tr> </blockTable>""" elif que.type in ['comment']: cr.execute( "select count(id) from survey_response_line where question_id = %s and comment !=''", (, )) rml += """<blockTable colWidths="400.0,100.0" style="Table1"> <tr> <td> <para style="Standard"> </para></td> <td> <para style="response-bold">Answer Count</para></td> </tr> <tr><td><para style="answer"></para></td> <td><para style="answer_right">""" + tools.ustr( cr.fetchone()[0]) + """ </para></td></tr> </blockTable>""" elif que.type in ['rating_scale']: cols_widhts.append(200) for col in range(0, len(que.column_heading_ids) + 2): cols_widhts.append( float(300 / (len(que.column_heading_ids) + 2))) colWidths = ",".join(map(tools.ustr, cols_widhts)) matrix_ans = [(0, '')] for col in que.column_heading_ids: if col.title not in matrix_ans: matrix_ans.append((, col.title)) rml += """<blockTable colWidths=" """ + colWidths + """ " style="Table1"><tr>""" for mat_col in range(0, len(matrix_ans)): rml += """<td><para style="response">""" + to_xml( tools.ustr(matrix_ans[mat_col] [1])) + """</para></td>""" rml += """<td><para style="response-bold">Rating Average</para></td> <td><para style="response-bold">Answer Count</para></td> </tr>""" for ans in que.answer_choice_ids: rml += """<tr><td><para style="answer">""" + to_xml( tools.ustr(ans.answer)) + """</para></td>""" res_count = 0 rating_weight_sum = 0 for mat_col in range(1, len(matrix_ans)): cr.execute( "select count(sra.answer_id) from survey_response_line sr, survey_response_answer sra\ where = sra.response_id and sra.answer_id = %s and sra.column_id ='%s'", (, matrix_ans[mat_col][0])) tot_res = cr.fetchone()[0] cr.execute( "select count(sra.answer_id),sqc.rating_weight from survey_response_line sr, survey_response_answer sra ,\ survey_question_column_heading sqc where = sra.response_id and \ sqc.question_id = sr.question_id and sra.answer_id = %s and sqc.title ='%s'\ + group by sra.answer_id,sqc.rating_weight", (, matrix_ans[mat_col][1])) col_weight = cr.fetchone() if not col_weight: col_weight = (0, 0) elif not col_weight[1]: col_weight = (col_weight[0], 0) res_count = col_weight[0] if tot_res and res_count: rating_weight_sum += int( col_weight[1]) * tot_res tot_per = round((float(tot_res) * 100) / int(res_count), 2) else: tot_per = 0.0 if tot_res: rml += """<td><para style="answer_bold">""" + tools.ustr( tot_per) + "%(" + tools.ustr( tot_res) + """)</para></td>""" else: rml += """<td><para style="answer">""" + tools.ustr( tot_per) + "%(" + tools.ustr( tot_res) + """)</para></td>""" percantage = 0.00 if res_count: percantage = round( (float(rating_weight_sum) / res_count), 2) rml += """<td><para style="answer_right">""" + tools.ustr( percantage) + """</para></td> <td><para style="answer_right">""" + tools.ustr( res_count) + """</para></td></tr>""" rml += """</blockTable>""" elif que.type in ['matrix_of_drop_down_menus']: for column in que.column_heading_ids: rml += """<blockTable colWidths="500" style="Table1"><tr> <td><para style="answer">""" + to_xml( tools.ustr(column.title) ) + """</para></td></tr></blockTable>""" menu_choices = column.menu_choice.split('\n') cols_widhts = [] cols_widhts.append(200) for col in range(0, len(menu_choices) + 1): cols_widhts.append( float(300 / (len(menu_choices) + 1))) colWidths = ",".join(map(tools.ustr, cols_widhts)) rml += """<blockTable colWidths=" """ + colWidths + """ " style="Table1"><tr> <td><para style="response"></para></td>""" for menu in menu_choices: rml += """<td><para style="response">""" + to_xml( tools.ustr(menu)) + """</para></td>""" rml += """<td><para style="response-bold">Answer Count</para></td></tr>""" cr.execute( "select count(id), sra.answer_id from survey_response_answer sra \ where sra.column_id='%s' group by sra.answer_id ", (, )) res_count = cr.dictfetchall() cr.execute( "select count(,sra.value_choice, sra.answer_id, sra.column_id from survey_response_answer sra \ where sra.column_id='%s' group by sra.value_choice ,sra.answer_id, sra.column_id", (, )) calc_percantage = cr.dictfetchall() for ans in que.answer_choice_ids: rml += """<tr><td><para style="answer_right">""" + to_xml( tools.ustr( ans.answer)) + """</para></td>""" for mat_col in range(0, len(menu_choices)): calc = 0 response = 0 for res in res_count: if res['answer_id'] == response = res['count'] for per in calc_percantage: if == per[ 'answer_id'] and menu_choices[ mat_col] == per[ 'value_choice']: calc = per['count'] percantage = 0.00 if calc and response: percantage = round( (float(calc) * 100) / response, 2) if calc: rml += """<td><para style="answer_bold">""" + tools.ustr( percantage) + "% (" + tools.ustr( calc) + """)</para></td>""" else: rml += """<td><para style="answer">""" + tools.ustr( percantage) + "% (" + tools.ustr( calc) + """)</para></td>""" response = 0 for res in res_count: if res['answer_id'] == response = res['count'] rml += """<td><para style="answer_right">""" + tools.ustr( response) + """</para></td></tr>""" rml += """</blockTable>""" elif que.type in ['numerical_textboxes']: rml += """<blockTable colWidths="240.0,20,100.0,70,70.0" style="Table1"> <tr> <td> <para style="Standard"> </para></td> <td> <para style="Standard"> </para></td> <td> <para style="response">Answer Average</para></td> <td> <para style="response">Answer Total</para></td> <td> <para style="response-bold">Answer Count</para></td> </tr>""" for ans in que.answer_choice_ids: cr.execute( "select answer from survey_response_answer where answer_id=%s group by answer", (, )) tot_res = cr.dictfetchall() total = 0 for tot in tot_res: total += int(tot['answer']) per = 0.00 if len(tot_res): per = round((float(total) / len(tot_res)), 2) rml += """<tr><td><para style="answer">""" + to_xml( tools.ustr(ans.answer)) + """</para></td> <td> <para style="Standard"> </para></td> <td> <para style="answer">""" + tools.ustr( per) + """</para></td> <td><para style="answer">""" + tools.ustr( total) + """</para></td> <td><para style="answer_right">""" + tools.ustr( len(tot_res) ) + """</para></td></tr>""" rml += """</blockTable>""" rml += """<blockTable colWidths="300,100,100.0" style="Table3"> <tr> <td><para style="Standard1"></para></td> <td><para style="Standard1">Answered Question</para></td> <td><para style="Standard1">""" + tools.ustr( que.tot_resp) + """</para></td> </tr> <tr> <td><para style="Standard1"></para></td> <td><para style="Standard1">Skipped Question</para></td> <td><para style="Standard1">""" + tools.ustr( survey.tot_start_survey - que.tot_resp) + """</para></td> </tr> </blockTable>""" rml += """</story>""" rml += """</document>""" report_type = datas.get('report_type', 'pdf') create_doc = self.generators[report_type] self.internal_header = True pdf = create_doc(rml, title=self.title) return (pdf, report_type)
def display(self, widget): if self.treeview: if self.value: self.treeview.warn('misc-message', '<b>' + str(tools.to_xml(self.value))+"</b>") else: self.treeview.warn('misc-message', _("Press <i>'+'</i>, <i>'-'</i> or <i>'='</i> for special date operations."))
def _str_2_rml(s): return to_xml(tools.ustr(s or ''))
def create(self, cr, uid, ids, datas, context): _divide_columns_for_matrix = 0.7 _display_ans_in_rows = 5 _pageSize = ("29.7cm", "21.1cm") if datas.has_key("form") and datas["form"].get("orientation", "") == "vertical": if datas["form"].get("paper_size", "") == "letter": _pageSize = ("21.6cm", "27.9cm") elif datas["form"].get("paper_size", "") == "legal": _pageSize = ("21.6cm", "35.6cm") elif datas["form"].get("paper_size", "") == "a4": _pageSize = ("21.1cm", "29.7cm") elif datas.has_key("form") and datas["form"].get("orientation", False) == "horizontal": if datas["form"].get("paper_size", "") == "letter": _pageSize = ("27.9cm", "21.6cm") elif datas["form"].get("paper_size", "") == "legal": _pageSize = ("35.6cm", "21.6cm") elif datas["form"].get("paper_size") == "a4": _pageSize = ("29.7cm", "21.1cm") _frame_width = tools.ustr(_pageSize[0]) _frame_height = tools.ustr(float(_pageSize[1].replace("cm", "")) - float(1.90)) + "cm" _tbl_widths = tools.ustr(float(_pageSize[0].replace("cm", "")) - float(2.10)) + "cm" rml = ( """<document filename="Survey Answer Report.pdf"> <template pageSize="(""" + _pageSize[0] + """,""" + _pageSize[1] + """)" title='Survey Answer' author="OpenERP S.A.([email protected])" allowSplitting="20" > <pageTemplate id="first"> <frame id="first" x1="0.0cm" y1="1.0cm" width='""" + _frame_width + """' height='""" + _frame_height + """'/> <pageGraphics> <lineMode width="1.0"/> <lines>1.0cm """ + tools.ustr(float(_pageSize[1].replace("cm", "")) - float(1.00)) + "cm" + """ """ + tools.ustr(float(_pageSize[0].replace("cm", "")) - float(1.00)) + "cm" + """ """ + tools.ustr(float(_pageSize[1].replace("cm", "")) - float(1.00)) + "cm" + """</lines> <lines>1.0cm """ + tools.ustr(float(_pageSize[1].replace("cm", "")) - float(1.00)) + "cm" + """ 1.0cm 1.00cm</lines> <lines>""" + tools.ustr(float(_pageSize[0].replace("cm", "")) - float(1.00)) + "cm" + """ """ + tools.ustr(float(_pageSize[1].replace("cm", "")) - float(1.00)) + "cm" + """ """ + tools.ustr(float(_pageSize[0].replace("cm", "")) - float(1.00)) + "cm" + """ 1.00cm</lines> <lines>1.0cm 1.00cm """ + tools.ustr(float(_pageSize[0].replace("cm", "")) - float(1.00)) + "cm" + """ 1.00cm</lines>""" ) if datas.has_key("form") and datas["form"]["page_number"]: rml += ( """ <fill color="gray"/> <setFont name="Helvetica" size="10"/> <drawRightString x='""" + tools.ustr(float(_pageSize[0].replace("cm", "")) - float(1.00)) + "cm" + """' y="0.6cm">Page : <pageNumber/> </drawRightString>""" ) rml += """</pageGraphics> </pageTemplate> </template> <stylesheet> <blockTableStyle id="tbl_white"> <blockAlignment value="LEFT"/> <blockValign value="TOP"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEBELOW" colorName="#e6e6e6" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEBEFORE" colorName="#777777" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEAFTER" colorName="#777777" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/> </blockTableStyle> <blockTableStyle id="tbl_gainsboro"> <blockAlignment value="LEFT"/> <blockValign value="TOP"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEBELOW" colorName="#e6e6e6" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEBEFORE" colorName="#777777" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEAFTER" colorName="#777777" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/> <blockBackground colorName="gainsboro" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/> </blockTableStyle> <blockTableStyle id="ans_tbl_white"> <blockAlignment value="LEFT"/> <blockValign value="TOP"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEBELOW" colorName="#e6e6e6" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/> </blockTableStyle> <blockTableStyle id="ans_tbl_gainsboro"> <blockAlignment value="LEFT"/> <blockValign value="TOP"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEBELOW" colorName="#e6e6e6" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/> <blockBackground colorName="gainsboro" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/> </blockTableStyle> <blockTableStyle id="simple_table"> <blockAlignment value="LEFT"/> <blockValign value="TOP"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEBELOW" colorName="#e6e6e6"/> </blockTableStyle> <blockTableStyle id="note_table"> <blockAlignment value="LEFT"/> 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stop="-1,-1"/> </blockTableStyle> <blockTableStyle id="Table51"> <blockAlignment value="LEFT"/> <blockValign value="TOP"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEBELOW" colorName="#e6e6e6" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEBEFORE" colorName="#777777" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEAFTER" colorName="#777777" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/> </blockTableStyle> <blockTableStyle id="Table_heading"> <blockAlignment value="LEFT"/> <blockValign value="TOP"/> </blockTableStyle> <blockTableStyle id="title_tbl"> <blockAlignment value="LEFT"/> <blockValign value="TOP"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEBELOW" colorName="#000000" start="0,-1" stop="1,-1"/> <blockBackground colorName="black" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/> <blockTextColor colorName="white" start="0,0" stop="0,0"/> </blockTableStyle> <blockTableStyle id="page_tbl"> <blockAlignment value="LEFT"/> <blockValign value="TOP"/> <lineStyle kind="LINEBELOW" colorName="#000000" start="0,-1" stop="1,-1"/> <blockBackground colorName="gray" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/> <blockTextColor colorName="white" start="0,0" stop="0,0"/> </blockTableStyle> <initialize> <paraStyle name="all" alignment="justify"/> </initialize> <paraStyle name="title" fontName="helvetica-bold" fontSize="18.0" leftIndent="0.0" textColor="white"/> <paraStyle name="answer_right" alignment="RIGHT" fontName="helvetica" fontSize="09.0" leftIndent="2.0"/> <paraStyle name="Standard1" fontName="helvetica-bold" alignment="RIGHT" fontSize="09.0"/> <paraStyle name="Standard" alignment="LEFT" fontName="Helvetica-Bold" fontSize="11.0"/> <paraStyle name="header1" fontName="Helvetica" fontSize="11.0"/> <paraStyle name="response" fontName="Helvetica-oblique" fontSize="9.5"/> <paraStyle name="page" fontName="helvetica" fontSize="11.0" leftIndent="0.0"/> <paraStyle name="question" fontName="helvetica-boldoblique" fontSize="10.0" leftIndent="3.0"/> <paraStyle name="answer_bold" fontName="Helvetica-Bold" fontSize="09.0" leftIndent="2.0"/> <paraStyle name="answer" fontName="helvetica" fontSize="09.0" leftIndent="2.0"/> <paraStyle name="answer1" fontName="helvetica" fontSize="09.0" leftIndent="2.0"/> <paraStyle name="Title" fontName="helvetica" fontSize="20.0" leading="15" spaceBefore="6.0" spaceAfter="6.0" alignment="CENTER"/> <paraStyle name="P2" fontName="Helvetica" fontSize="14.0" leading="15" spaceBefore="6.0" spaceAfter="6.0"/> <paraStyle name="comment" fontName="Helvetica" fontSize="14.0" leading="50" spaceBefore="0.0" spaceAfter="0.0"/> <paraStyle name="P1" fontName="Helvetica" fontSize="9.0" leading="12" spaceBefore="0.0" spaceAfter="1.0"/> <paraStyle name="terp_tblheader_Details" fontName="Helvetica-Bold" fontSize="9.0" leading="11" alignment="LEFT" spaceBefore="6.0" spaceAfter="6.0"/> <paraStyle name="terp_default_9" fontName="Helvetica" fontSize="9.0" leading="11" alignment="LEFT" spaceBefore="0.0" spaceAfter="0.0"/> <paraStyle name="terp_default_9_Bold" fontName="Helvetica-Bold" fontSize="9.0" leading="11" alignment="LEFT" spaceBefore="0.0" spaceAfter="0.0"/> <paraStyle name="terp_tblheader_General_Centre_simple" fontName="Helvetica" fontSize="10.0" leading="10" alignment="LEFT" spaceBefore="6.0" spaceAfter="6.0"/> <paraStyle name="terp_tblheader_General_Centre" fontName="Helvetica-Bold" fontSize="10.0" leading="10" alignment="LEFT" spaceBefore="6.0" spaceAfter="6.0"/> <paraStyle name="terp_tblheader_General_right_simple" fontName="Helvetica" fontSize="10.0" leading="10" alignment="RIGHT" spaceBefore="6.0" spaceAfter="6.0"/> <paraStyle name="terp_tblheader_General_right" fontName="Helvetica-Bold" fontSize="10.0" leading="10" alignment="RIGHT" spaceBefore="6.0" spaceAfter="6.0"/> <paraStyle name="descriptive_text" fontName="helvetica-bold" fontSize="18.0" leftIndent="0.0" textColor="white"/> <paraStyle name="descriptive_text_heading" fontName="helvetica-bold" fontSize="18.0" alignment="RIGHT" leftIndent="0.0" textColor="white"/> </stylesheet> <images/> <story>""" surv_resp_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get("survey.response") rml_obj = report_sxw.rml_parse(cr, uid, surv_resp_obj._name, context) if datas.has_key("form") and datas["form"].has_key("response_ids"): response_id = datas["form"]["response_ids"] elif context.has_key("response_id") and context["response_id"]: response_id = [int(context["response_id"][0])] else: response_id =, uid, [("survey_id", "in", ids)]) surv_resp_line_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get("survey.response.line") surv_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get("survey") for response in surv_resp_obj.browse(cr, uid, response_id): for survey in surv_obj.browse(cr, uid, []): tbl_width = float(_tbl_widths.replace("cm", "")) colwidth = "2.5cm,4.8cm," + str(tbl_width - 15.0) + "cm,3.2cm,4.5cm" resp_create = tools.ustr( time.strftime( "%d-%m-%Y %I:%M:%S %p", time.strptime(response.date_create.split(".")[0], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") ) ) rml += ( """<blockTable colWidths='""" + colwidth + """' style="Table_heading"> <tr> <td><para style="terp_default_9_Bold">Print Date : </para></td> <td><para style="terp_default_9">""" + to_xml(rml_obj.formatLang(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), date_time=True)) + """</para></td> <td><para style="terp_default_9"></para></td> <td><para style="terp_default_9_Bold">Answered by : </para></td> <td><para style="terp_default_9">""" + to_xml(response.user_id.login or "") + """</para></td> </tr> <tr> <td><para style="terp_default_9"></para></td> <td><para style="terp_default_9"></para></td> <td><para style="terp_default_9"></para></td> <td><para style="terp_default_9_Bold">Answer Date : </para></td> <td><para style="terp_default_9">""" + to_xml(resp_create) + """</para></td> </tr> </blockTable><para style="P2"></para>""" ) status = "Not Finished" if response.state == "done": status = "Finished" colwidth = str(tbl_width - 7) + "cm," colwidth += "7cm" rml += ( """<blockTable colWidths='""" + str(colwidth) + """' style="title_tbl"> <tr> <td><para style="title">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(survey.title)) + """</para><para style="P2"><font></font></para></td> <td><para style="descriptive_text_heading">Status :- """ + to_xml(tools.ustr(status)) + """</para><para style="P2"><font></font></para></td> </tr> </blockTable>""" ) if survey.note: rml += ( """<blockTable colWidths='""" + _tbl_widths + """' style="note_table"> <tr><td><para style="response">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(survey.note or "")) + """</para><para style="P2"><font></font></para></td></tr> </blockTable>""" ) for page in survey.page_ids: rml += ( """<blockTable colWidths='""" + str(_tbl_widths) + """' style="page_tbl"> <tr><td><para style="page">Page :- """ + to_xml(tools.ustr(page.title or "")) + """</para></td></tr> </blockTable>""" ) if page.note: rml += ( """<para style="P2"></para> <blockTable colWidths='""" + str(_tbl_widths) + """' style="note_table"> <tr><td><para style="response">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(page.note or "")) + """</para></td></tr> </blockTable>""" ) for que in page.question_ids: rml += ( """<para style="P2"></para> <blockTable colWidths='""" + str(_tbl_widths) + """' style="Table5"> <tr><td><para style="question">""" + to_xml(to_xml(que.question)) + """</para></td></tr> </blockTable>""" ) answer = surv_resp_line_obj.browse( cr, uid, cr, uid, [("question_id", "=",, ("response_id", "=",] ), ) if que.type in ["descriptive_text"]: rml += ( """<blockTable colWidths='""" + str(_tbl_widths) + """' style="simple_table"> <tr><td> <para style="response">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(que.descriptive_text)) + """</para></td> </tr> </blockTable>""" ) elif que.type in ["table"]: if len(answer) and answer[0].state == "done": col_heading = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get("survey.tbl.column.heading") cols_widhts = [] tbl_width = float(_tbl_widths.replace("cm", "")) for i in range(0, len(que.column_heading_ids)): cols_widhts.append(tbl_width / float(len(que.column_heading_ids))) colWidths = "cm,".join(map(tools.ustr, cols_widhts)) colWidths = colWidths + "cm" matrix_ans = [] rml += ( """<para style="P2"></para><blockTable colWidths=" """ + str(colWidths) + """ " style="Table41"><tr>""" ) for col in que.column_heading_ids: if col.title not in matrix_ans: matrix_ans.append(col.title) rml += ( """<td> <para style="terp_tblheader_Details">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(col.title)) + """</para></td>""" ) rml += """</tr></blockTable>""" i = 0 for row in range(0, que.no_of_rows): if i % 2 != 0: style = "tbl_white" else: style = "tbl_gainsboro" i += 1 rml += ( """<blockTable colWidths=" """ + str(colWidths) + """ " style='""" + style + """'><tr>""" ) table_data = col_heading.browse( cr, uid, cr, uid, [("response_table_id", "=", answer[0].id), ("name", "=", row)] ), ) for column in matrix_ans: value = False for col in table_data: if column == col.column_id.title: value = col.value if value: rml += ( """<td> <para style="terp_default_9">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(value)) + """</para></td>""" ) else: rml += """<td><para style="terp_default_9"><font color ="white"> </font></para></td>""" rml += """</tr></blockTable>""" else: rml += ( """<blockTable colWidths='""" + str(_tbl_widths) + """' style="simple_table"> <tr><td> <para style="response">No Answer</para></td> </tr> </blockTable>""" ) elif que.type in ["multiple_choice_only_one_ans", "multiple_choice_multiple_ans"]: if len(answer) and answer[0].state == "done": ans_list = [] for ans in answer[0].response_answer_ids: ans_list.append(to_xml(tools.ustr(ans.answer_id.answer))) answer_choice = [] for ans in que["answer_choice_ids"]: answer_choice.append(to_xml(tools.ustr((ans.answer)))) def divide_list(lst, n): return [lst[i::n] for i in range(n)] divide_list = divide_list(answer_choice, _display_ans_in_rows) for lst in divide_list: if que.type == "multiple_choice_multiple_ans": if len(lst) <> 0 and len(lst) <> int( round(float(len(answer_choice)) / _display_ans_in_rows, 0) ): lst.append("") if not lst: del divide_list[divide_list.index(lst) :] for divide in divide_list: a = _divide_columns_for_matrix * len(divide) b = float(_tbl_widths.replace("cm", "")) - float(a) cols_widhts = [] for div in range(0, len(divide)): cols_widhts.append(float(a / len(divide))) cols_widhts.append(float(b / len(divide))) colWidths = "cm,".join(map(tools.ustr, cols_widhts)) colWidths = colWidths + "cm" rml += ( """<blockTable colWidths=" """ + colWidths + """ " style="simple_table"><tr>""" ) for div in range(0, len(divide)): if divide[div] != "": if que.type == "multiple_choice_multiple_ans": if divide[div] in ans_list: rml += ( """<td><illustration><fill color="white"/> <rect x="0.1cm" y="-0.45cm" width="0.5 cm" height="0.5cm" fill="yes" stroke="yes" round="0.1cm"/> <fill color="gray"/> <rect x="0.2cm" y="-0.35cm" width="0.3 cm" height="0.3cm" fill="yes" stroke="no" round="0.1cm"/> </illustration></td> <td><para style="answer">""" + divide[div] + """</para></td>""" ) else: rml += ( """<td><illustration> <rect x="0.1cm" y="-0.45cm" width="0.5 cm" height="0.5cm" fill="no" stroke="yes" round="0.1cm"/> </illustration></td> <td><para style="answer">""" + divide[div] + """</para></td>""" ) else: if divide[div] in ans_list: rml += ( """<td><illustration><fill color="white"/> <circle x="0.3cm" y="-0.18cm" radius="0.22 cm" fill="yes" stroke="yes" round="0.1cm"/> <fill color="gray"/> <circle x="0.3cm" y="-0.18cm" radius="0.10 cm" fill="yes" stroke="no" round="0.1cm"/> </illustration></td> <td><para style="answer">""" + divide[div] + """</para></td>""" ) else: rml += ( """<td> <illustration> <circle x="0.3cm" y="-0.18cm" radius="0.23 cm" fill="no" stroke="yes" round="0.1cm"/> </illustration> </td> <td><para style="answer">""" + divide[div] + """</para></td>""" ) else: rml += """<td></td><td></td>""" rml += """</tr></blockTable>""" if que.is_comment_require and answer[0].comment: rml += ( """<blockTable colWidths='""" + str(_tbl_widths) + """' style="simple_table"><tr> <td><para style="answer">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(answer[0].comment)) + """</para></td></tr></blockTable>""" ) else: rml += ( """<blockTable colWidths='""" + str(_tbl_widths) + """' style="simple_table"> <tr><td> <para style="response">No Answer</para></td> </tr> </blockTable>""" ) elif que.type in [ "multiple_textboxes_diff_type", "multiple_textboxes", "date", "date_and_time", "numerical_textboxes", "multiple_textboxes_diff_type", ]: if len(answer) and answer[0].state == "done": cols_widhts = [] cols_widhts.append(float(_tbl_widths.replace("cm", "")) / 2) cols_widhts.append(float(_tbl_widths.replace("cm", "")) / 2) colWidths = "cm,".join(map(tools.ustr, cols_widhts)) colWidths = tools.ustr(colWidths) + "cm" answer_list = {} for ans in answer[0].response_answer_ids: answer_list[ans.answer_id.answer] = ans.answer for que_ans in que["answer_choice_ids"]: if que_ans.answer in answer_list: rml += ( """<blockTable colWidths='""" + str(colWidths) + """' style="simple_table"> <tr> <td> <para style="response">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(que_ans.answer)) + """</para></td> <td> <para style="response">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(answer_list[que_ans.answer])) + """</para></td></tr> </blockTable>""" ) else: rml += ( """<blockTable colWidths='""" + str(colWidths) + """' style="simple_table"> <tr> <td> <para style="response">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(que_ans.answer)) + """</para></td> <td> <para style="response"></para></td></tr> </blockTable>""" ) else: rml += ( """<blockTable colWidths='""" + str(_tbl_widths) + """' style="simple_table"> <tr> <td> <para style="response">No Answer</para></td> </tr> </blockTable>""" ) elif que.type in ["single_textbox"]: if len(answer) and answer[0].state == "done": rml += ( """<blockTable colWidths='""" + str(_tbl_widths) + """' style="simple_table"> <tr> <td> <para style="response">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(answer[0].single_text)) + """</para></td></tr> </blockTable>""" ) else: rml += ( """<blockTable colWidths='""" + str(_tbl_widths) + """' style="simple_table"> <tr> <td> <para style="response">No Answer</para></td> </tr> </blockTable>""" ) elif que.type in ["comment"]: if len(answer) and answer[0].state == "done": rml += ( """<blockTable colWidths='""" + str(_tbl_widths) + """' style="simple_table"> <tr> <td> <para style="response">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(answer[0].comment)) + """</para></td></tr> </blockTable>""" ) else: rml += ( """<blockTable colWidths='""" + str(_tbl_widths) + """' style="simple_table"> <tr> <td> <para style="response">No Answer</para></td> </tr> </blockTable>""" ) elif que.type in [ "matrix_of_choices_only_one_ans", "matrix_of_choices_only_multi_ans", "rating_scale", "matrix_of_drop_down_menus", ]: if len(answer) and answer[0].state == "done": if ( que.type in ["matrix_of_choices_only_one_ans", "rating_scale"] and que.comment_column ): pass cols_widhts = [] if len(que.column_heading_ids): cols_widhts.append(float(_tbl_widths.replace("cm", "")) / float(2.0)) for col in que.column_heading_ids: cols_widhts.append( float( (float(_tbl_widths.replace("cm", "")) / float(2.0)) / len(que.column_heading_ids) ) ) else: cols_widhts.append(float(_tbl_widths.replace("cm", ""))) tmp = 0.0 sum = 0.0 i = 0 if ( que.type in ["matrix_of_choices_only_one_ans", "rating_scale"] and que.comment_column ): for col in cols_widhts: if i == 0: cols_widhts[i] = cols_widhts[i] / 2.0 tmp = cols_widhts[i] sum += col i += 1 cols_widhts.append(round(tmp, 2)) colWidths = "cm,".join(map(tools.ustr, cols_widhts)) colWidths = colWidths + "cm" matrix_ans = [(0, "")] for col in que.column_heading_ids: if col.title not in matrix_ans: matrix_ans.append((, col.title)) len_matrix = len(matrix_ans) if ( que.type in ["matrix_of_choices_only_one_ans", "rating_scale"] and que.comment_column ): matrix_ans.append((0, que.column_name)) rml += """<blockTable colWidths=" """ + colWidths + """ " style="simple_table"><tr>""" for mat_col in range(0, len(matrix_ans)): rml += ( """<td><para style="response">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(matrix_ans[mat_col][1])) + """</para></td>""" ) rml += """</tr>""" rml += """</blockTable>""" i = 0 for ans in que.answer_choice_ids: if i % 2 != 0: style = "ans_tbl_white" else: style = "ans_tbl_gainsboro" i += 1 rml += ( """<blockTable colWidths=" """ + colWidths + """ " style='""" + style + """'> <tr><td><para style="response">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(ans.answer)) + """</para></td>""" ) comment_value = "" for mat_col in range(1, len_matrix): value = """""" for res_ans in answer[0].response_answer_ids: if ( == and == matrix_ans[mat_col][0] ): comment_value = to_xml(tools.ustr(res_ans.comment_field)) if que.type in ["matrix_of_drop_down_menus"]: value = ( """<para style="response">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(res_ans.value_choice)) + """</para>""" ) elif que.type in ["matrix_of_choices_only_one_ans", "rating_scale"]: value = """<illustration><fill color="white"/> <circle x="0.3cm" y="-0.18cm" radius="0.22 cm" fill="yes" stroke="yes"/> <fill color="gray"/> <circle x="0.3cm" y="-0.18cm" radius="0.10 cm" fill="yes" stroke="no"/> </illustration>""" elif que.type in ["matrix_of_choices_only_multi_ans"]: value = """<illustration> <fill color="white"/> <rect x="0.1cm" y="-0.45cm" width="0.5 cm" height="0.5cm" fill="yes" stroke="yes" round="0.1cm"/> <fill color="gray"/> <rect x="0.2cm" y="-0.35cm" width="0.3 cm" height="0.3cm" fill="yes" stroke="no" round="0.1cm"/> </illustration>""" break else: if que.type in ["matrix_of_drop_down_menus"]: value = """""" elif que.type in ["matrix_of_choices_only_one_ans", "rating_scale"]: value = """<illustration><fill color="white"/> <circle x="0.3cm" y="-0.18cm" radius="0.22 cm" fill="yes" stroke="yes" round="0.1cm"/> </illustration>""" elif que.type in ["matrix_of_choices_only_multi_ans"]: value = """<illustration><fill color="white"/> <rect x="0.1cm" y="-0.45cm" width="0.5 cm" height="0.5cm" fill="yes" stroke="yes" round="0.1cm"/> </illustration>""" rml += """<td>""" + value + """</td>""" if ( que.type in ["matrix_of_choices_only_one_ans", "rating_scale"] and que.comment_column ): if comment_value == "False": comment_value = "" rml += ( """<td><para style="response">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(comment_value)) + """</para></td>""" ) rml += """</tr></blockTable>""" if que.is_comment_require: rml += ( """<blockTable colWidths='""" + str(_tbl_widths) + """' style="simple_table"><tr> <td><para style="answer">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(answer[0].comment or "")) + """</para></td></tr></blockTable>""" ) else: rml += ( """<blockTable colWidths='""" + str(_tbl_widths) + """' style="simple_table"> <tr><td> <para style="response">No Answer</para></td> </tr> </blockTable>""" ) if datas.has_key("form") and not datas["form"]["without_pagebreak"]: rml += """<pageBreak/>""" elif not datas.has_key("form"): rml += """<pageBreak/>""" else: rml += """<para style="P2"><font></font></para>""" rml += """</story></document>""" report_type = datas.get("report_type", "pdf") create_doc = self.generators[report_type] pdf = create_doc(rml, title=self.title) return (pdf, report_type)
def fields_view_get(self, cr, uid, view_id=None, view_type='form', context=None, toolbar=False): if context is None: context = {} setting_obj = self.pool.get('hr.evaluation.setting') values_obj = self.pool.get('hr.evaluation.values') sett_obj = self.pool.get('hr.evaluation.setting') criteria_obj = self.pool.get('hr.evaluation.criteria') values_ids =,uid,[]) res = {} setting_id = context.get('active_id', False) if not setting_id: setting_id = context.get('setting_id', False) cols = ['criteria_id', 'form_id', 'text_criteria', 'rating'] flag='y' r_only = 1 has_group = [ for x in self.pool.get('res.users').browse(cr,uid,uid).groups_id if'Human Resources / Manager'] if has_group: r_only = 0 section_name = '' if (view_type =='form'): res['arch'] = """<?xml version="1.0"?> <form string="Evaluation Form"> <field name="name" select = "1"/> <field name="employee_id" select = "1" readonly = "%d"/> <field name="setting_id" select = "2" readonly = "%d" /> <field name="employee_id2" select = "2" readonly = "%d"/> <newline/> <notebook colspan = "4"> """%(r_only, r_only, r_only) _Section_list = [] set_ids = [] if setting_id: for field in setting_obj.browse(cr,uid, setting_id).criteria_ids: _tmp_list = [] _tmp_list_id = [] set_ids = [] seq = [] if (field.section_id and not in _Section_list: _Section_list.append(field.section_id and _tmp_list.append(field.section_id and _tmp_list_id.append(field.section_id and if _tmp_list: for i in setting_obj.browse(cr, uid, setting_id).criteria_ids: if i.section_id: if == _tmp_list_id[0]: set_ids.append( seq.append((i.sequence, first_page = res['arch'].find('<page') last_page = res['arch'].find('</page>') if first_page != -1: res['arch'] +="""</page>""" res['arch'] += """ <page string="%s">"""%(field.section_id and or '') if flag == 'y': flag = '' res['arch'] += """ <page string="%s">"""%(field.section_id and or '') res['arch']+=""" """ set_ids = [l[1] for l in seq if l] for field in criteria_obj.browse(cr,uid, set_ids): if res['arch']+="""<group col="1" colspan="2"> <separator colspan="2" string="%s"/> <label string="%s" align="0.0"/> """%(to_xml(,to_xml(field.desc_criteria or ''),) if field.format_text: res['arch'] += """<field name="val_q_%d" nolabel="1"/> <newline/> """%( if field.format_select: res['arch'] += """<label string="Rating" align="0.0"/> <newline/>""" res['arch'] += """<field name="rating_%d" nolabel="1"/>"""%( res['arch'] += """</group>""" first_page = res['arch'].find('<page') last_page = res['arch'].find('</page>') if not res['arch'].endswith('</page>') and (first_page!=-1) : res['arch'] +="""</page>""" res['arch'] += """</notebook> <separator colspan="4" string="Note"/> <field name="note" colspan="4" nolabel = "1"/> """ res['arch'] += """ <group colspan="4" col="5" > <field name="state" select="1" readonly="1"/> <button name="button_done" string="Con_firm" type="object" states="draft" /> <button name="button_cancel" string="Can_cel" type="object" states="draft,done,review"/> <button name="button_review" string="Re_viewed by top management" type="object" states="done"/> </group>""" res['arch'] += "</form>" res['fields'] = self.fields_get(cr, uid, cols, context) else: res = super(hr_evaluation_form,self).fields_view_get(cr, uid, view_id, view_type, context, toolbar) return res