Example #1
 def update_directional_speed(self, b_obj, speedf, balance=False):
     direction = self.directional_speed(b_obj.direction, speedf)
     if balance and tools.vector_size(direction) > 0:
         perpedicular_dir = (- direction[1], direction[0])
         dot = (b_obj.velocities[0] * perpedicular_dir[0] + b_obj.velocities[2] * perpedicular_dir[1]) / \
             (perpedicular_dir[0] * perpedicular_dir[0] + perpedicular_dir[1] * perpedicular_dir[1])
         if dot < 0:
             dot *= -1
             perpedicular_dir = (direction[1], - direction[0])
         direction = (direction[0] - perpedicular_dir[0] * dot, direction[1] - perpedicular_dir[1] * dot)
         self.turn_to_direction(b_obj, direction[0], direction[1])
     b_obj.velocities[0] += direction[0]
     b_obj.velocities[2] += direction[1]
Example #2
 def handle_water_movement(self, b_obj):
     is_in_water = False
     water_current = (0, 0, 0)
     bb = b_obj.aabb.expand(-0.001, -0.4010000059604645, -0.001)
     top_y = tools.grid_shift(bb.max_y + 1)
     for blk in self.world.grid.blocks_in_aabb(bb):
         if isinstance(blk, blocks.BlockWater):
             if top_y >= (blk.y + 1 - blk.height_percent):
                 is_in_water = True
                 water_current = blk.add_velocity_to(water_current)
     if tools.vector_size(water_current) > 0:
         water_current = tools.normalize(water_current)
         wconst = 0.014
         water_current = (water_current[0] * wconst, water_current[
                          1] * wconst, water_current[2] * wconst)
         b_obj.velocities = [b_obj.velocities[0] + water_current[0],
                             b_obj.velocities[1] + water_current[1],
                             b_obj.velocities[2] + water_current[2]]
     return is_in_water
Example #3
 def min_collision_between(self, bb1, bb2, horizontal=False, max_height=False):
     ubb = bb1.extend_to(dy=-1).union(bb2.extend_to(dy=-1))
     blcks = self.blocks_in_aabb(ubb)
     dvect = bb1.vector_to(bb2)
     if horizontal:
         dvect = (dvect[0], 0, dvect[2])
     col_rel_d = 1.1
     col_bb = None
     for blk in blcks:
         col, rel_d, bb = blk.sweep_collision(
             bb1, dvect, max_height=max_height)
         if col and fops.eq(col_rel_d, rel_d):
             if max_height:
                 if fops.lt(col_bb.max_y, bb.max_y):
                     col_bb = bb
         if col and fops.lt(rel_d, col_rel_d):
             col_rel_d = rel_d
             col_bb = bb
     if col_bb is not None:
         return col_rel_d * tools.vector_size(dvect), col_bb
         return None, None