def draw_car(self): verts = self.translate_vertices(self.rotate_polygon(CAR_BODY, self.car_orn, [0, 0]), self.car_pos) self.update_object_coords([0], verts) # We have to rotate the local transformation of the front-AABB verts = self.translate_vertices(self.rotate_polygon(CAR_FRONT, self.car_orn, [0, 0]), self.car_pos) rot = m2d.rot_vec(FRONT_TRANS, self.car_orn) verts = list(map(lambda x: m2d.add(x, rot), verts)) self.update_object_coords([1], verts) ray_points = [] for i in range(2, 2 + self.car_rays): vec = m2d.rot_vec(RAY_LINE, self.car_orn + i*self.ray_dtheta) self.update_object_coords([i], [self.car_pos, m2d.add(self.car_pos, vec)]) ray_points.append(m2d.add(self.car_pos, vec)) i1 = len(ray_points) - 1 for i0 in range(self.car_rays): i = i0 + 2 + self.car_rays self.update_object_coords([i], [ray_points[i1], ray_points[i0]]) i1 = i0 # Test each rectangle that has not been seen against the ray triangles i1 = len(ray_points) - 1 for i0 in range(self.car_rays): tri = [self.car_pos, ray_points[i1], ray_points[i0]] if not m2d.is_ccw(tri): tri.reverse() for j in range(len(self.floor_polys)): if self.floors_seen[j]: continue elif m2d.test_intersection(tri, self.floor_polys[j]): self.canvas.itemconfig(self.floors_id[j], fill='lightblue') self.floors_seen[j] = True i1 = i0
def visit_tiles(self, scale, car_pos, ray_points): # Test each ray against each polygon, if intersecting, rasterise the triangle into the buffer, setting the # visible flag to true (0, 0, 0), i.e. black, if the pixel has been visited # Return an index containing the tile ids updated changed = [] car_rays = len(ray_points) i1 = len(ray_points) - 1 for i0 in range(car_rays): tri = [car_pos, ray_points[i1], ray_points[i0]] if not m2d.is_ccw(tri): tri.reverse() for tile in range(self.poly_count()): LB, TR = self.get_poly(tile) poly = verts([LB, TR]) if m2d.test_intersection(tri, poly): w = int(TR[0] - LB[0]) h = int(LB[1] - TR[1]) # Y is flipped img = self.images[tile] img_w, img_h = img.size pixels = list(img.getdata()) cx = int(LB[0] + w / 2) cy = int(LB[1] - h / 2) def cb(coord): if 0 <= coord[0] < img_w and 0 <= coord[1] < img_h: idx = coord[1] * img_w + coord[0] if 0 < idx < len(pixels): pixels[idx] = (0, 0, 0) itri = list( map( lambda x: [ int(round((x[0] - cx + w / 2) / scale[0], 4)), int(round((x[1] - cy + h / 2) / scale[1], 4)) ], tri)) tr.rasterise(itri, cb) img.putdata(pixels) changed.append(tile) i1 = i0 return changed