Example #1
def test_update_in():
    assert update_in({"a": 0}, ["a"], inc) == {"a": 1}
    assert update_in({"a": 0, "b": 1}, ["b"], str) == {"a": 0, "b": "1"}
    assert (update_in({
        "t": 1,
        "v": {
            "a": 0
    }, ["v", "a"], inc) == {
        "t": 1,
        "v": {
            "a": 1
    # Handle missing element one deep:
    assert update_in({}, ["z"], str) == {"z": "None"}
    # Same semantics as Clojure, raises an error if going deeper than
    # one level into a dict which doesn't have the initial key:
    assert raises(AttributeError, lambda: update_in({}, ["z", "q"], str))

    # Verify immutability:
    d = {'x': 1}
    oldd = d
    update_in(d, ['x'], inc)
    assert d is oldd
Example #2
def update_config_data(name, value):
    Update config value to existing configuration

    :param str name: Name is a . separated path to a configuration value
        stored in a nested dictionary.
    :param value: Value to be updated
    global _config_data
    _config_data = update_in(_config_data, name.split('.'), lambda _: value)
Example #3
def update_config_data(name, value):
    Update config value to existing configuration

    :param str name: Name is a . separated path to a configuration value
        stored in a nested dictionary.
    :param value: Value to be updated
    global _config_data
    _config_data = update_in(_config_data, name.split('.'), lambda _: value)
Example #4
def _predict_action(state):
    mine = shapely.geometry.Polygon(state['desc']['mine_shell'])
    obstacles = [shapely.geometry.Polygon(sh) for sh in state['desc']['obstacle_shells']]
    obstacle = shapely.ops.unary_union(obstacles)
    situable = mine.difference(obstacle)
    wrappeds = [shapely.geometry.Polygon(sh) for sh in state['wrapped_shells']]
    wrapped = shapely.ops.unary_union(wrappeds)
    not_wrapped = situable.difference(wrapped)

    if not_wrapped.area < 1.0:
        return None, state

    last_move = state.get('last_move', 'W')
    for move in [last_move, 'W', 'S', 'A', 'D']:
        proj = _move_projection_center(state['worker']['pos'], move)
        if not_wrapped.contains(proj):
            return move, tzd.dissoc(state, 'path_pts_to_not_wrapped')

    if not state.get('path_pts_to_not_wrapped'):
        target_tile = tzf.thread_first(not_wrapped.representative_point(),
        print('Finding shortest path from tile {} to {}'.format(state['worker']['pos'], target_tile))

        if tzd.get_in(['cache', 'incidence_m'], state) is None:
            incidence_m = _incidence_matrix(situable)
            state = tzd.assoc_in(state, ['cache', 'incidence_m'], incidence_m)
            incidence_m = state['cache']['incidence_m']

        target_vertex_ind = _incidence_ind(target_tile[0], target_tile[1], x_size=math.ceil(situable.bounds[2]))
        path_dists, path_predecessors = sp.sparse.csgraph.shortest_path(csgraph=incidence_m,
        start_vertex_ind = _incidence_ind(state['worker']['pos'][0],

        path_inds = _path_inds(path_predecessors, start_vertex_ind)
        path_pts = [_incidence_pt(ind, x_size=math.ceil(situable.bounds[2]))
                    for ind in path_inds]
        print('Found path: {}'.format(path_pts))
        state = tzd.assoc(state, 'path_pts_to_not_wrapped', path_pts)

    path_move = _projection_pt_move(state['worker']['pos'], state['path_pts_to_not_wrapped'][0])
    if path_move is not None:
        return path_move, tzd.update_in(state, ['path_pts_to_not_wrapped'], lambda p: p[1:])

    return 'Z', state
Example #5
 def send(image_id):
     lc_type = self.group_config["launchConfiguration"]["type"]
     if image_id is not None and lc_type == "launch_server":
         self.group_config = update_in(
             ["launchConfiguration", "args", "server", "imageRef"],
             lambda _: image_id)
     d = self.treq.post("%s/groups" % str(rcs.endpoints["otter"]),
     d.addCallback(check_success, [201])
     return d.addCallback(record_results)
Example #6
 def send(image_id):
     lc_type = self.group_config["launchConfiguration"]["type"]
     if image_id is not None and lc_type == "launch_server":
         self.group_config = update_in(
             ["launchConfiguration", "args", "server", "imageRef"],
             lambda _: image_id)
     d = self.treq.post(
         "%s/groups" % str(rcs.endpoints["otter"]),
     d.addCallback(check_success, [201])
     return d.addCallback(record_results)
Example #7
def test_update_in():
    assert update_in({"a": 0}, ["a"], inc) == {"a": 1}
    assert update_in({"a": 0, "b": 1}, ["b"], str) == {"a": 0, "b": "1"}
    assert (update_in({"t": 1,
                       "v": {"a": 0}}, ["v", "a"], inc) ==
            {"t": 1, "v": {"a": 1}})
    # Handle missing element one deep:
    assert update_in({}, ["z"], str) == {"z": "None"}
    # Same semantics as Clojure, raises an error if going deeper than
    # one level into a dict which doesn't have the initial key:
    assert raises(AttributeError,
                  lambda: update_in({}, ["z", "q"], str))

    # Verify immutability:
    d = {'x': 1}
    oldd = d
    update_in(d, ['x'], inc)
    assert d is oldd
def _update_value_in_nested_dict_by_keylist(dictionary: dict,
                                            key_list: List[str],
                                            new_value) -> dict:
    """Update the value of a nested-dictionary by a keylist with new value.

    Wrapper around :func:`toolz.dicttoolz.update_in`.

        Do not update the original dict, returns a new dict with same content
        as original dict, but with update and required location.

        dictionary: the dictionary to update.
        key_list: list of subkeys where to update the dictionary.
        new_value: the new value to update to.

        the updated dictionary.

    return update_in(dictionary, key_list, lambda x: new_value)
 def test_update_in(self):
     D, kw = self.D, self.kw
     assert update_in(D({"a": 0}), ["a"], inc, **kw) == D({"a": 1})
     assert update_in(D({"a": 0, "b": 1}), ["b"], str, **kw) == D({"a": 0, "b": "1"})
     assert (update_in(D({"t": 1, "v": D({"a": 0})}), ["v", "a"], inc, **kw) ==
             D({"t": 1, "v": D({"a": 1})}))
     # Handle one missing key.
     assert update_in(D({}), ["z"], str, None, **kw) == D({"z": "None"})
     assert update_in(D({}), ["z"], inc, 0, **kw) == D({"z": 1})
     assert update_in(D({}), ["z"], lambda x: x+"ar", default="b", **kw) == D({"z": "bar"})
     # Same semantics as Clojure for multiple missing keys, ie. recursively
     # create nested empty dictionaries to the depth specified by the
     # keys with the innermost value set to f(default).
     assert update_in(D({}), [0, 1], inc, default=-1, **kw) == D({0: D({1: 0})})
     assert update_in(D({}), [0, 1], str, default=100, **kw) == D({0: D({1: "100"})})
     assert (update_in(D({"foo": "bar", 1: 50}), ["d", 1, 0], str, 20, **kw) ==
             D({"foo": "bar", 1: 50, "d": D({1: D({0: "20"})})}))
     # Verify immutability:
     d = D({'x': 1})
     oldd = d
     update_in(d, ['x'], inc, **kw)
     assert d is oldd
Example #10
 def test_update_in(self):
     D, kw = self.D, self.kw
     assert update_in(D({"a": 0}), ["a"], inc, **kw) == D({"a": 1})
     assert update_in(D({
         "a": 0,
         "b": 1
     }), ["b"], str, **kw) == D({
         "a": 0,
         "b": "1"
     assert (update_in(D({
         "t": 1,
         "v": D({"a": 0})
     }), ["v", "a"], inc, **kw) == D({
         "t": 1,
         "v": D({"a": 1})
     # Handle one missing key.
     assert update_in(D({}), ["z"], str, None, **kw) == D({"z": "None"})
     assert update_in(D({}), ["z"], inc, 0, **kw) == D({"z": 1})
     assert update_in(D({}), ["z"], lambda x: x + "ar", default="b",
                      **kw) == D({"z": "bar"})
     # Same semantics as Clojure for multiple missing keys, ie. recursively
     # create nested empty dictionaries to the depth specified by the
     # keys with the innermost value set to f(default).
     assert update_in(D({}), [0, 1], inc, default=-1,
                      **kw) == D({0: D({1: 0})})
     assert update_in(D({}), [0, 1], str, default=100,
                      **kw) == D({0: D({1: "100"})})
     assert (update_in(D({
         "foo": "bar",
         1: 50
     }), ["d", 1, 0], str, 20, **kw) == D({
         "foo": "bar",
         1: 50,
         "d": D({1: D({0: "20"})})
     # Verify immutability:
     d = D({'x': 1})
     oldd = d
     update_in(d, ['x'], inc, **kw)
     assert d is oldd
        'When --split is True, this is the path of the folder report parts will be writen to.'
                        help='Path to the Make/Model evaluation file.')

    args = parser.parse_args()

    dataset = list(
            lambda elem: update_in(
                elem, ['predictions'],
                compose(list, partial(take, args.predictions_limit))),

    sections = groupby(lambda x: tuple(map(x.get, ['make', 'model'])),

    evaluation_base_url = f'https://storage.cloud.google.com/dev_visual_search/evaluations/output/by-id/{args.evaluation_id}'

    def link_to_page(key):
        if key is None:
            return None
        make, model = key
        return f'{evaluation_base_url}/prediction-{make}-{model}.html'

    for prev, current, next in sliding_window(
Example #12
def test_update_in():
    assert update_in({"a": 0}, ["a"], inc) == {"a": 1}
    assert update_in({"a": 0, "b": 1}, ["b"], str) == {"a": 0, "b": "1"}
    assert (update_in({"t": 1, "v": {"a": 0}}, ["v", "a"], inc) ==
            {"t": 1, "v": {"a": 1}})
    # Handle one missing key.
    assert update_in({}, ["z"], str, None) == {"z": "None"}
    assert update_in({}, ["z"], inc, 0) == {"z": 1}
    assert update_in({}, ["z"], lambda x: x+"ar", default="b") == {"z": "bar"}
    # Same semantics as Clojure for multiple missing keys, ie. recursively
    # create nested empty dictionaries to the depth specified by the
    # keys with the innermost value set to f(default).
    assert update_in({}, [0, 1], inc, default=-1) == {0: {1: 0}}
    assert update_in({}, [0, 1], str, default=100) == {0: {1: "100"}}
    assert (update_in({"foo": "bar", 1: 50}, ["d", 1, 0], str, 20) ==
            {"foo": "bar", 1: 50, "d": {1: {0: "20"}}})
    # Verify immutability:
    d = {'x': 1}
    oldd = d
    update_in(d, ['x'], inc)
    assert d is oldd
Example #13
def test_update_in():
    assert update_in({"a": 0}, ["a"], inc) == {"a": 1}
    assert update_in({"a": 0, "b": 1}, ["b"], str) == {"a": 0, "b": "1"}
    assert (update_in({"t": 1, "v": {"a": 0}}, ["v", "a"], inc) ==
            {"t": 1, "v": {"a": 1}})
    # Handle one missing key.
    assert update_in({}, ["z"], str, None) == {"z": "None"}
    assert update_in({}, ["z"], inc, 0) == {"z": 1}
    assert update_in({}, ["z"], lambda x: x+"ar", default="b") == {"z": "bar"}
    # Same semantics as Clojure for multiple missing keys, ie. recursively
    # create nested empty dictionaries to the depth specified by the
    # keys with the innermost value set to f(default).
    assert update_in({}, [0, 1], inc, default=-1) == {0: {1: 0}}
    assert update_in({}, [0, 1], str, default=100) == {0: {1: "100"}}
    assert (update_in({"foo": "bar", 1: 50}, ["d", 1, 0], str, 20) ==
            {"foo": "bar", 1: 50, "d": {1: {0: "20"}}})
    # Verify immutability:
    d = {'x': 1}
    oldd = d
    update_in(d, ['x'], inc)
    assert d is oldd

    # Test object support:
    c = C()
    c.a = 0
    assert update_in(c, ["a"], inc).__dict__ == {"a": 1}
    c = C()
    c.a = 0
    c.b = 1
    assert update_in(c, ["b"], str).__dict__ == {"a": 0, "b": "1"}
    v = C()
    v.a = 0
    c = C()
    c.t = 1
    c.v = v
    assert update_in(c, ["v", "a"], inc).v.__dict__ == {"a": 1}

    # Handle one missing key.
    c = C()
    assert update_in(c, ["z"], str, None).__dict__ == {"z": "None"}
    assert update_in(c, ["z"], inc, 0).__dict__ == {"z": 1}
    assert update_in(c, ["z"], lambda x: x + "ar",
                         default="b").__dict__ == {"z": "bar"}

    # Allow AttributeError to be thrown if more than one missing key,
    # because we don't know what type of object to create for nesting.
    assert raises(AttributeError,
                  lambda: update_in(c, ["y", "z"], inc, default=0))

    # Verify immutability:
    o = C()
    o.x = 1
    update_in(o, ['x'], inc)
    assert o.x == 1
Example #14
def test_update_in():
    assert update_in({"a": 0}, ["a"], inc) == {"a": 1}
    assert update_in({"a": 0, "b": 1}, ["b"], str) == {"a": 0, "b": "1"}
    assert (update_in({"t": 1, "v": {"a": 0}}, ["v", "a"], inc) ==
            {"t": 1, "v": {"a": 1}})
    # Handle one missing key.
    assert update_in({}, ["z"], str, None) == {"z": "None"}
    assert update_in({}, ["z"], inc, 0) == {"z": 1}
    assert update_in({}, ["z"], lambda x: x+"ar", default="b") == {"z": "bar"}
    # Same semantics as Clojure for multiple missing keys, ie. recursively
    # create nested empty dictionaries to the depth specified by the
    # keys with the innermost value set to f(default).
    assert update_in({}, [0, 1], inc, default=-1) == {0: {1: 0}}
    assert update_in({}, [0, 1], str, default=100) == {0: {1: "100"}}
    assert (update_in({"foo": "bar", 1: 50}, ["d", 1, 0], str, 20) ==
            {"foo": "bar", 1: 50, "d": {1: {0: "20"}}})
    # Verify immutability:
    d = {'x': 1}
    oldd = d
    update_in(d, ['x'], inc)
    assert d is oldd