def __str__(self): if self.has_complex_coeffs(): return ' + '.join( str(c) + '×X^' + str(i) for i, c in enumerate(self._coeffs)) terms = [] signs = [] for i, c in enumerate(self): term = '' if c == 0: continue if c > 0: signs += ['+'] elif c < 0: signs += ['-'] else: signs += [''] if c not in (1, -1) or i == 0: term += str(abs(c)) if i >= 1: term += 'x' if i >= 2: term += '^' + str(i) if term != '': terms += [term] terms, signs = list(reversed(terms)), list(reversed(signs)) first_sign, signs = signs[0], (' ' + s + ' ' for s in signs[1:]) if first_sign == '+': first_sign = '' return first_sign + ''.join(toolz.interleave([terms, signs]))
def retrieve_newsgroup_articles(max_documents=-1): # List of documents documents = [] news_groups_all = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='all') train_news_groups = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='train') train_news_groups_zipped = zip(,, train_news_groups.filenames) test_news_groups = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='test') test_news_groups_zipped = zip(,, test_news_groups.filenames) news_groups = interleave( [train_news_groups_zipped, test_news_groups_zipped]) for news_group_id, article, file_name in news_groups: if max_documents > -1 and len(documents) >= max_documents: return documents words = tokenize(article) document = { 'words': words, 'categories': [news_groups_all.target_names[news_group_id]], 'is_training_example': True if 'train/' in file_name else False, 'is_test_example': True if 'test/' in file_name else False, 'words_filtered': do_filter_words(words), 'file_id': file_name } if len(document['words_filtered']) < 30: continue documents.append(document) return documents
def __init__(self, activations, dims, bn_init=None, **kwargs): if bn_init is None: bn_init = IsotropicGaussian(0.1) self.bn_init = bn_init self.activations = activations self.batch_normnalizations = [ BatchNormalization(name='bn_{}'.format(i), beta_init=bn_init, gamma_init=bn_init) for i in range(len(activations)) ] self.linear_transformations = [ Linear(name='linear_{}'.format(i)) for i in range(len(activations)) ] # Interleave the transformations and activations application_methods = [] for entity in interleave([ self.linear_transformations, self.batch_normnalizations, activations ]): if entity is None: continue if isinstance(entity, Brick): application_methods.append(entity.apply) else: application_methods.append(entity) if not dims: dims = [None] * (len(activations) + 1) self.dims = dims super(BatchNormalizedMLP, self).__init__(application_methods, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, input_dim0, input_dim1, other_dims, activations, batch_size, **kwargs): self.activations = activations self.input_dim0 = input_dim0 self.input_dim1 = input_dim1 self.other_dims = other_dims self.batch_size = batch_size self.linear_transformations = [] self.linear_transformations.append( TensorLinear(input_dim0=self.input_dim0, input_dim1=self.input_dim1, output_dim=self.other_dims[0], batch_size=batch_size)) self.linear_transformations.extend([ Linear(name='linear_{}'.format(i), input_dim=other_dims[i], output_dim=other_dims[i + 1]) for i in range(len(other_dims) - 1) ]) self.linear_transformations.append( TensorLinear_inverse(input_dim=self.other_dims[-1], output_dim0=self.input_dim0, output_dim1=self.input_dim1, batch_size=batch_size)) application_methods = [] for entity in interleave([self.linear_transformations, activations]): if entity is None: continue if isinstance(entity, Brick): application_methods.append(entity.apply) else: application_methods.append(entity) super(tabula_NADE, self).__init__(application_methods, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, input_dim0, input_dim1, other_dims, activations, batch_size, **kwargs): self.activations = activations self.input_dim0 = input_dim0 self.input_dim1 = input_dim1 self.other_dims = other_dims self.batch_size = batch_size self.linear_transformations = [] self.linear_transformations.append(TensorLinear(input_dim0=self.input_dim0, input_dim1=self.input_dim1, output_dim=self.other_dims[0], batch_size=batch_size) ) self.linear_transformations.extend([Linear(name='linear_{}'.format(i), input_dim=other_dims[i], output_dim=other_dims[i + 1]) for i in range(len(other_dims) - 1)]) self.linear_transformations.append(TensorLinear_inverse(input_dim=self.other_dims[-1], output_dim0=self.input_dim0, output_dim1=self.input_dim1, batch_size=batch_size)) application_methods = [] for entity in interleave([self.linear_transformations, activations]): if entity is None: continue if isinstance(entity, Brick): application_methods.append(entity.apply) else: application_methods.append(entity) super(tabula_NADE, self).__init__(application_methods, **kwargs)
def __getattr__(name): # Highly obsfuscated code. This is the puzzle. If you solve it you can use # forbidden powers in production code. You can, but you shouldn't. Really, # don't do it! import toolz import inspect import os if name != "forbidden_powers": raise AttributeError(name) evil = os.environ.get("EVIL", "").lower() == "true" try: fn = globals()["_forbidden_powers"] except KeyError: pass else: if evil: data = inspect.getsource(fn) print("Forbidden power spells") print(f"SPELL_1 = {data[::2]!r}") print(f"SPELL_2 = {data[1::2]!r}") print("\n\n") return fn code = "".join(toolz.interleave([SPELL_1, SPELL_2])) if evil: print("Forbidden_powers code\n\n") print(code) exec(code, globals()) return globals()["_forbidden_powers"]
def getCubeIndex(self, ch, listoftimestamps, listofidxs, resolution, neariso=False): """Retrieve the indexes of inserted cubes""" index_store = self.getIndexStore() index_store_temp = index_store+'&temp' index_list_size = len(listofidxs)*len(listoftimestamps) try: index_list = list(interleave([[1]*index_list_size, self.getIndexList(ch, listoftimestamps, listofidxs, resolution, neariso)])) self.client.zadd(index_store_temp, *index_list) # if listoftimestamps: # # TODO KL Test this # index_list = list(interleave([[1]*len(listofidxs), self.getIndexList(ch, resolution, listofidxs)])) # self.client.zadd(index_store_temp, *index_list) # else: # index_list = list(interleave([[1]*len(listofidxs), self.getIndexList(ch, resolution, listofidxs)])) # self.client.zadd(index_store_temp, *index_list) # self.client.zinterstore(index_store_temp, [index_store_temp, index_store] ) self.client.zunionstore(index_store_temp, {index_store_temp : 1, index_store : 0}, 'MIN') ids_to_fetch = self.client.zrevrangebyscore(index_store_temp, '+inf', 1) self.client.delete(index_store_temp) except Exception, e: logger.error("Error retrieving cube indexes into the database. {}".format(e)) raise SpatialDBError("Error retrieving cube indexes into the database. {}".format(e))
def putCubeIndex(self, ch, listoftimestamps, listofidxs, resolution, neariso=False): """Add the listofidxs to the store""" try: cachedtime_list = [time.time() ] * len(listofidxs) * len(listoftimestamps) index_list = list( interleave([ cachedtime_list, self.getIndexList(ch, listoftimestamps, listofidxs, resolution, neariso) ])) self.client.zadd(self.getIndexStore(), *index_list) # if listoftimestamps: # # TODO KL Test this # cachedtime_list = [time.time()]*len(listofidxs) # index_list = list(interleave([cachedtime_list, self.getIndexList(ch, resolution, listofidxs)])) # self.client.zadd(self.getIndexStore(), *index_list) # else: # cachedtime_list = [time.time()]*len(listofidxs) # index_list = list(interleave([cachedtime_list, self.getIndexList(ch, resolution, listofidxs)])) # self.client.zadd(self.getIndexStore(), *index_list) except Exception, e: logger.error( "Error inserting cube indexes into the database. {}".format(e)) raise SpatialDBError( "Error inserting cube indexes into the database. {}".format(e))
def retrieve_reuters_documents(max_documents=-1, filter_words=True): # List of documents documents = [] training_files = [ file_id for file_id in reuters.fileids() if 'training/' in file_id ] test_files = [ file_id for file_id in reuters.fileids() if 'test/' in file_id ] for file_id in interleave([training_files, test_files]): if max_documents > -1 and len(documents) >= max_documents: return documents words = list(reuters.words(fileids=file_id)) words_filtered = do_filter_words(words) document = { 'words': words, 'title': reuters.raw(fileids=file_id).split("\n")[0], 'categories': reuters.categories(fileids=file_id), 'is_training_example': True if 'training/' in file_id else False, 'is_test_example': True if 'test/' in file_id else False, 'words_filtered': words_filtered if filter_words else words, 'file_id': file_id } if len(words_filtered) < 30: continue documents.append(document) return documents
def apply(self, input_): out = input_ for brick in interleave([self.linear_transformations, self.batch_norms, self.activations]): if brick is None: continue if isinstance(brick, Brick): out = brick.apply(out) return out
def apply(self, input_): out = input_ for brick in interleave( [self.linear_transformations, self.batch_norms, self.activations]): if brick is None: continue if isinstance(brick, Brick): out = brick.apply(out) return out
def compute_stats(df): means = df.groupby(["model"], sort=False).mean().add_prefix("Average ").reset_index() std = df.groupby(["model"], sort=False).std().add_suffix(" (STD)").reset_index() model = means["model"] means = means.drop(columns=["model"]) std = std.drop(columns=["model"]) stats = pd.concat([means, std], axis=1)[list(interleave([means, std]))] stats.insert(0, 'model', model) return stats
def encode(message, rails): encoded = [] for i in range(rails): if i == 0 or i == rails - 1: encoded.append(message[i::2 * rails - 2]) else: l1 = message[i::2 * rails - 2] l2 = message[2 * rails - (i + 2)::2 * rails - 2] encoded.append("".join(toolz.interleave([l1, l2]))) return "".join(encoded)
def __init__(self, activations, dims, **kwargs): self.activations = activations self.linear_transformations = [Linear(name='linear_{}'.format(i)) for i in range(len(activations))] # Interleave the transformations and activations application_methods = [brick.apply for brick in interleave( [self.linear_transformations, activations]) if brick is not None] if not dims: dims = [None] * (len(activations) + 1) self.dims = dims super(MLP, self).__init__(application_methods, **kwargs)
def insert(arr, obj, values, axis): # axis is a required argument here to avoid needing to deal with the numpy # default case (which reshapes the array to make it flat) if not -arr.ndim <= axis < arr.ndim: raise IndexError('axis %r is out of bounds for an array of dimension ' '%s' % (axis, arr.ndim)) if axis < 0: axis += arr.ndim if isinstance(obj, slice): obj = np.arange(*obj.indices(arr.shape[axis])) obj = np.asarray(obj) scalar_obj = obj.ndim == 0 if scalar_obj: obj = np.atleast_1d(obj) obj = np.where(obj < 0, obj + arr.shape[axis], obj) if (np.diff(obj) < 0).any(): raise NotImplementedError( 'da.insert only implemented for monotonic ``obj`` argument') split_arr = split_at_breaks(arr, np.unique(obj), axis) if getattr(values, 'ndim', 0) == 0: # we need to turn values into a dask array name = 'values-' + tokenize(values) dtype = getattr(values, 'dtype', type(values)) values = Array({(name,): values}, name, chunks=(), dtype=dtype) values_shape = tuple(len(obj) if axis == n else s for n, s in enumerate(arr.shape)) values = broadcast_to(values, values_shape) elif scalar_obj: values = values[(slice(None),) * axis + (None,)] values_chunks = tuple(values_bd if axis == n else arr_bd for n, (arr_bd, values_bd) in enumerate(zip(arr.chunks, values.chunks))) values = values.rechunk(values_chunks) counts = np.bincount(obj)[:-1] values_breaks = np.cumsum(counts[counts > 0]) split_values = split_at_breaks(values, values_breaks, axis) interleaved = list(interleave([split_arr, split_values])) interleaved = [i for i in interleaved if i.nbytes] return concatenate(interleaved, axis=axis)
def compile(self): self._extract_subqueries() extracted = self.format_subqueries() buf = [] if extracted: buf.append(f'WITH {extracted}') buf.extend( toolz.interleave(( map(self.format_relation, self.tables), self._get_keyword_list(), ))) return '\n'.join(buf)
def __init__(self, activations, dims, prototype=None, **kwargs): self.activations = activations self.prototype = Linear() if prototype is None else prototype self.linear_transformations = [] for i in range(len(activations)): linear = copy.deepcopy(self.prototype) name = self.prototype.__class__.__name__.lower() = '{}_{}'.format(name, i) self.linear_transformations.append(linear) if not dims: dims = [None] * (len(activations) + 1) self.dims = dims # Interleave the transformations and activations applications = [a for a in interleave([self.linear_transformations, activations]) if a is not None] super(MLP, self).__init__(applications, **kwargs)
def solve_matrix(lhs_mat, rhs_mat): df = toolz.merge(lhs_mat, rhs_mat) df = pd.DataFrame(df) df[list(rhs_mat.keys())] *= -1 # df.replace("nan", 0) df = df.fillna(value=0) matrix = sp.Matrix(df.values.astype(int)) consts = matrix.nullspace() headings = list(df.columns) consts = consts[0].values() consts = [float(x) for x in consts] consts = [Fraction(x).limit_denominator() for x in consts] solns = list(toolz.interleave([headings, consts])) solns = list(toolz.partition(2, solns)) return solns
def adjust_links(s: str): matches = list(link_pattern.finditer(s)) if len(matches) == 0: return s abs_save_paths = [ Path(load_config().save_path, 'assets', for m in matches ] first_segment = s[:matches[0].start(1)] segments = [ s[m1.end(1):m2.start(1)] for m1, m2 in t.sliding_window(2, matches) ] last_segment = s[matches[-1].end(1):] return "".join( t.interleave([[first_segment] + segments, map(str, abs_save_paths)])) + last_segment
def __init__(self, activations, dims, **kwargs): self.activations = activations self.linear_transformations = [Linear(name='linear_{}'.format(i)) for i in range(len(activations))] # Interleave the transformations and activations application_methods = [] for entity in interleave([self.linear_transformations, activations]): if entity is None: continue if isinstance(entity, Brick): application_methods.append(entity.apply) else: application_methods.append(entity) if not dims: dims = [None] * (len(activations) + 1) self.dims = dims super(MLP, self).__init__(application_methods, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, activations, dims, prototype=None, **kwargs): self.activations = activations self.prototype = Linear() if prototype is None else prototype self.linear_transformations = [] for i in range(len(activations)): linear = copy.deepcopy(self.prototype) name = self.prototype.__class__.__name__.lower() = '{}_{}'.format(name, i) self.linear_transformations.append(linear) if not dims: dims = [None] * (len(activations) + 1) self.dims = dims # Interleave the transformations and activations applications = [ a for a in interleave([self.linear_transformations, activations]) if a is not None ] super(MLP, self).__init__(applications, **kwargs)
def putCubeIndex(self, ch, listoftimestamps, listofidxs, resolution, neariso=False): """Add the listofidxs to the store""" try: cachedtime_list = [time.time()]*len(listofidxs)*len(listoftimestamps) index_list = list(interleave([cachedtime_list, self.getIndexList(ch, listoftimestamps, listofidxs, resolution, neariso)])) self.client.zadd(self.getIndexStore(), *index_list) # if listoftimestamps: # # TODO KL Test this # cachedtime_list = [time.time()]*len(listofidxs) # index_list = list(interleave([cachedtime_list, self.getIndexList(ch, resolution, listofidxs)])) # self.client.zadd(self.getIndexStore(), *index_list) # else: # cachedtime_list = [time.time()]*len(listofidxs) # index_list = list(interleave([cachedtime_list, self.getIndexList(ch, resolution, listofidxs)])) # self.client.zadd(self.getIndexStore(), *index_list) except Exception, e: logger.error("Error inserting cube indexes into the database. {}".format(e)) raise SpatialDBError("Error inserting cube indexes into the database. {}".format(e))
def getCubeIndex(self, ch, listoftimestamps, listofidxs, resolution, neariso=False): """Retrieve the indexes of inserted cubes""" index_store = self.getIndexStore() index_store_temp = index_store + '&temp' index_list_size = len(listofidxs) * len(listoftimestamps) try: index_list = list( interleave([[1] * index_list_size, self.getIndexList(ch, listoftimestamps, listofidxs, resolution, neariso)])) self.client.zadd(index_store_temp, *index_list) # if listoftimestamps: # # TODO KL Test this # index_list = list(interleave([[1]*len(listofidxs), self.getIndexList(ch, resolution, listofidxs)])) # self.client.zadd(index_store_temp, *index_list) # else: # index_list = list(interleave([[1]*len(listofidxs), self.getIndexList(ch, resolution, listofidxs)])) # self.client.zadd(index_store_temp, *index_list) # self.client.zinterstore(index_store_temp, [index_store_temp, index_store] ) self.client.zunionstore(index_store_temp, { index_store_temp: 1, index_store: 0 }, 'MIN') ids_to_fetch = self.client.zrevrangebyscore( index_store_temp, '+inf', 1) self.client.delete(index_store_temp) except Exception, e: logger.error( "Error retrieving cube indexes into the database. {}".format( e)) raise SpatialDBError( "Error retrieving cube indexes into the database. {}".format( e))
def __init__(self, activations, dims, prototype=None, **kwargs): self.activations = activations self.prototype = Linear() if prototype is None else prototype self.linear_transformations = [] for i in range(len(activations)): linear = copy.deepcopy(self.prototype) name = self.prototype.__class__.__name__.lower() = '{}_{}'.format(name, i) self.linear_transformations.append(linear) # Interleave the transformations and activations application_methods = [] for entity in interleave([self.linear_transformations, activations]): if entity is None: continue if isinstance(entity, Brick): application_methods.append(entity.apply) else: application_methods.append(entity) if not dims: dims = [None] * (len(activations) + 1) self.dims = dims super(MLP, self).__init__(application_methods, **kwargs)
def retrieve_imdb_movie_reviews(max_documents=-1): # List of documents documents = [] file_names = interleave([ list_files('/data-sets/aclImdb/test/neg'), list_files('/data-sets/aclImdb/test/pos'), list_files('/data-sets/aclImdb/train/neg'), list_files('/data-sets/aclImdb/train/pos'), list_files('/data-sets/aclImdb/train/unsup') ]) for file_name in file_names: if max_documents > -1 and len(documents) >= max_documents: return documents text_file = open(file_name, "r", encoding='utf8') lines = text_file.readlines() text_file.close() words = tokenize("\n".join(lines)) document = { 'words': words, 'categories': ['neg'] if '/neg/' in file_name else ['pos'] if '/pos/' in file_name else [], 'is_training_example': True if '/train/' in file_name else False, 'is_test_example': True if '/test/' in file_name else False, 'words_filtered': do_filter_words(words), 'file_id': file_name } if len(document['words_filtered']) < 30: continue documents.append(document) return documents
question.possible_answers ) def add_last_answer(question: Question, text: str) -> Question: return Question(, question.text, question.possible_answers + [Answer(, text)] ) def is_appropriate(question: Question) -> bool: return question.text.startswith('bb') business_rules_questions = [ Question(10, 'bizness?', [Answer(10, 'biz'), Answer(10, 'ness')]), Question(20, 'nezbis?', [Answer(20, 'nez'), Answer(20, 'bis')]) ] questions_to_ask = filter( is_appropriate, toolz.interleave(( toolz.take(1, business_rules_questions), map(toolz.compose(reformulate, partial(add_last_answer, text='non')), algorithmic_generated_questions) ))) print(list(questions_to_ask))
def doubleEveryOther(ints: PVector[int]) -> PVector[int]: return pvector( interleave([ ints[::-1][0::2], pvector(map(lambda x: x * 2, ints[::-1][1::2])) ]))
def ldisj_seq_goal(S): nonlocal goals goals, _goals = tee(goals) yield from interleave(g(S) for g in _goals)
#### Two dataframes df_delays = df[[ 'start_delay_ref', 'ones', 'duration_delay']] df_delays.columns=['start', 'index' , 'duration'] df_delays['condition']='delay' df_inter_delays = df[[ 'starts_inter_delay', 'zeros', 'durations_inter']] df_inter_delays.columns=['start', 'index' , 'duration'] df_inter_delays['condition']='baseline'; ##### Interleave #concat_df = pd.concat([df_inter_delays, df_delays ]).sort_index().reset_index(drop=True) #concat_df['intercept'] = 1 # concat_df = pd.DataFrame(interleave([df_inter_delays.values, df_delays.values])) concat_df.columns=['start', 'index_c' , 'duration', 'condition'] concat_df['intercept'] = 1 concat_df['index_c'] = concat_df['index_c'].replace([0,1], [1,2]); #Matrix = pd.DataFrame(concat_df.values) #Matrix= Matrix.round(2) #Matrix.to_csv('dm_fs.par', header=False, index=False, sep='\t', mode='a') # # # # # #concat_df.values.to_csv('dm_fs.par', header=False, index=False, sep='\t', mode='a') #
def bind(z, g): """Apply a goal to a state stream and then combine the resulting state streams.""" # We could also use `chain`, but `interleave` preserves the old behavior. # return chain.from_iterable(map(g, z)) return interleave(map(g, z))
def merge_dataframes_outer(self, dfs_outer, dfs_outer_outer, year_output_folder, name): result = pd.concat(dfs_outer, axis=1)[list(interleave(dfs_outer))] result.to_csv(year_output_folder + name, index=True) dfs_outer_outer.append(result)
def make_yaml(path, title=None): yaml = f"""--- title: {title} image_dir: {path} """ items = [] directory = f'static/img/{path}' for img_fname in os.listdir(directory): i ='{directory}/{img_fname}') w, h = i.size item_string = f""" - name: {img_fname} width: {w} height: {h} caption: description: """ # displaying in a column on the page, the apparent height is relative to width items.append({'rel_height': h / w, 'yaml': item_string}) # # Need to balance out the columns of images for the gallery # The columns are templated according to the modulus of the index of the item in a list # so, the kth column will include every image whose index % k == 0 # # # In order for a good even bucketing, start with a *reverse* sorted array # items_reverse_sorted = sorted(items, key=lambda x: x['rel_height'], reverse=True) # utility function def sum_group(xs): return sum([x['rel_height'] for x in xs]) groups = [list() for _ in range(COLUMNS)] for item in items_reverse_sorted: min_group = groups[0] min_sum = sum_group(min_group) for g in groups: current_sum = sum_group(g) if current_sum < min_sum: min_group = g min_group.append(item) # # shuffle for looks, so that we don't get a blocky grid # we want to leave the "bottom" of the columns where they're at # bc they are the smallest images, and shuffling a large image into the end # can potentially cause lopsided columns if the total number of images are not evenly divisible min_length = min([len(g) for g in groups]) for g in groups: subset = g[:min_length] random.shuffle(subset) g[:min_length] = subset random.shuffle(groups) # now stagger them, so they will be doled out into columns items = toolz.interleave(groups) # finally, cook up the yaml yaml_strings = map(lambda x: x['yaml'], items) yaml = f"""{yaml} images: {"".join(yaml_strings)} --- """ return yaml
def pointVectorFill(points, size): numc = len(points) if numc == size: return points # filling if less than size if numc < size: nmiss = size - numc #inc_rate = 2 while nmiss > 0: pos = 0 newpoints = [] while (pos < (len(points) - 1)) and (nmiss > 0): newpoints.append(((points[pos][0] + points[pos + 1][0]) / 2, (points[pos][1] + points[pos + 1][1]) / 2)) nmiss -= 1 pos += 1 #inc_rate += 1 points = list(interleave([points, newpoints])) #plt.plot(x,y,'ro') #for p in points: # plt.plot(p[0], p[1], 'bx') return points #........................................................................... # selecting significant points.............................................. else: x = [] y = [] for p in points: x.append(p[0]) y.append(p[1]) plt.plot(x, y, 'ro') #...................first derivative.................................... slopes = [0] ch_points = [(0, 0)] for i in range(1, len(x)): xdif = x[i] - x[i - 1] ydif = y[i] - y[i - 1] slope = ydif / (xdif + 1e-10) slopes.append(slope) ch_points.append((i, slope)) #plt.plot(range(len(x)),slopes) #.......................second derivative............................... ddx = [0] for i in range(1, len(slopes)): ddx.append(abs(slopes[i - 1] - slopes[i])) #plt.plot(range(len(ddx)), ddx) c = sorted(range(len(ddx)), key=lambda k: ddx[k]) c.reverse() c = [0] + c[:(size - 1)] if not (numc - 1) in c: c[size - 1] = (numc - 1) c = sorted(c) new_points = [] for i in c: new_points.append(points[i]) #plt.plot(x,y,'ro') #for i in range(size): # plt.plot(x[c[i]], y[c[i]], 'bx') return new_points
def _generate_stencil(self): init = InitialSimplexPoint(self) point = SimplexPoint(self.point, init, 0) seen = {point} seen_add = seen.add first_seen = {point.point_key} first_seen_add = first_seen.add stencil_points_append = self._stencil_points.append for p in point.get_points(): stencil_points_append(p) yield p first_seen_add(p.point_key) seen_add(p) self_reflect = [] mirror_reflect = [] reflect = [] self_contract = [point] contract = [] while True: next_self_reflect = [] next_mirror_reflect = [] next_reflect = [] next_self_contract = [] next_contract = [] for p in concatv( interleave(x.get_reflections() for x in self_reflect), interleave(x.get_reflections() for x in mirror_reflect), interleave(x.get_reflections() for x in reflect), interleave(x.get_reflections() for x in self_contract), interleave(x.get_reflections() for x in contract), ): if p.point_key not in first_seen: stencil_points_append(p) yield p first_seen_add(p.point_key) seen_add(p) next_reflect.append(p) elif p not in seen: seen_add(p) if p.index == 0: next_self_reflect.append(p) elif p.index == 1: next_mirror_reflect.append(p) else: next_reflect.append(p) for p in concatv( interleave(x.get_contractions() for x in self_reflect), interleave(x.get_contractions() for x in mirror_reflect), interleave(x.get_contractions() for x in reflect), interleave(x.get_contractions() for x in self_contract), interleave(x.get_contractions() for x in contract), ): if p.point_key not in first_seen: stencil_points_append(p) yield p first_seen_add(p.point_key) seen_add(p) next_contract.append(p) elif p not in seen: seen_add(p) if p.index == 0: next_self_contract.append(p) else: next_contract.append(p) self_reflect = next_self_reflect mirror_reflect = next_mirror_reflect reflect = next_reflect self_contract = next_self_contract contract = next_contract
# Filename: # Author: Michael L. Smith # # Takes in a directory of CSVs generated from OpenFace 2.0 FeatureExtractor's function and # converts them to the necessary format needed for my animations. import os import numpy as np import pandas as pd from toolz import interleave directory = os.fsencode('/Users/MichaelSmith/Desktop/CSVs/OF_CSVs') for file in os.listdir(directory): filename = os.fsdecode(file) savename = filename[:10] print(filename) if '.csv' in filename: #print(filename) csv_pd = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(os.fsdecode(directory), filename)) X = csv_pd.loc[:, ' x_0':' x_67'] Y = csv_pd.loc[:, ' y_0':' y_67'] XY = pd.DataFrame(interleave([X.values, Y.values])).T XY.to_csv('/Users/MichaelSmith/Desktop/CSVs/ANIM_CSVs/' + savename + '.csv', index=False, header=False)