Example #1
 def testWallpaperCombo(self, wallpaperType, wallpaperColorIndex, borderIndex, borderColorIndex, mouldingType, mouldingColorIndex, flooringType, flooringColorIndex, wainscotingType, wainscotingColorIndex):
     wallpaperItem = CatalogWallpaperItem.CatalogWallpaperItem(wallpaperType, wallpaperColorIndex, borderIndex, borderColorIndex)
     mouldingItem = CatalogMouldingItem.CatalogMouldingItem(mouldingType, mouldingColorIndex)
     flooringItem = CatalogFlooringItem.CatalogFlooringItem(flooringType, flooringColorIndex)
     wainscotingItem = CatalogWainscotingItem.CatalogWainscotingItem(wainscotingType, wainscotingColorIndex)
     self.wallpaper = CatalogItemList.CatalogItemList([wallpaperItem,
      wainscotingItem], store=CatalogItem.Customization)
     if self.interior:
def convertItem(item, fCatalog):
    patternIndex = item.patternIndex
    colorIndex = item.colorIndex
    # This may be None
    newColorIndex = colorIndex
    if (patternIndex >= 101) and (patternIndex <= 111):
        # Flooring
        newPatternIndex = flooringBase + (patternIndex - 101) * 10
        if fCatalog:
            newColorIndex = None
        newItem = CatalogFlooringItem.CatalogFlooringItem(
            newPatternIndex, newColorIndex)
    elif (patternIndex >= 151) and (patternIndex <= 153):
        # Moulding
        if (patternIndex == 151) or (patternIndex == 152):
            newPatternIndex = 1000
        elif patternIndex == 153:
            newPatternIndex = 1010
        if newColorIndex == None:
            newColorIndex = 0
        newItem = CatalogMouldingItem.CatalogMouldingItem(
            newPatternIndex, newColorIndex)
    elif (patternIndex == 201) or (patternIndex == 202):
        # Wainscoting
        if newColorIndex == None:
            newColorIndex = 0
        newPatternIndex = wainscotingBase + (patternIndex - 201) * 10
        newItem = CatalogWainscotingItem.CatalogWainscotingItem(
            newPatternIndex, newColorIndex)
        # Wallpaper
        newBorderIndex = 0
        newBorderColorIndex = 0
        # Adjust pattern index
        if patternIndex == 1:
            newPatternIndex = 1200
        elif patternIndex == 2:
            newPatternIndex = 1300
        elif patternIndex == 3:
            newPatternIndex = 1600
        elif patternIndex == 4:
            newPatternIndex = 1100
        elif patternIndex == 5:
            newPatternIndex = 1000
        elif patternIndex == 1010:
            newPatternIndex = 1000
        elif patternIndex == 1102:
            newPatternIndex = 1100
        elif patternIndex == 1112:
            newPatternIndex = 1110
        elif patternIndex == 1122:
            newPatternIndex = 1120
        elif patternIndex == 1132:
            newPatternIndex = 1130
        elif patternIndex == 1142:
            newPatternIndex = 1140
        elif patternIndex == 1152:
            newPatternIndex = 1150
            newPatternIndex = patternIndex
        # Adjust colors
        if patternIndex <= 5:
            if colorIndex is not None:
                newColorIndex = 0
        # Adjust borders
        if patternIndex in [1010]:
            # Now use border pattern 1000
            newBorderIndex = 1000
        elif patternIndex in [4, 1102, 1132]:
            # Now use border pattern 1010
            newBorderIndex = 1010
        elif patternIndex in [1142, 1152]:
            # Now use border pattern 1020
            newBorderIndex = 1020
        elif patternIndex in [1122]:
            # Now use border pattern 1030
            newBorderIndex = 1030
        elif patternIndex in [1112]:
            # Now use border pattern 1040
            newBorderIndex = 1040
        elif patternIndex in [2000, 2100, 2110]:
            # Now use border pattern 1050
            newBorderIndex = 1050
        elif patternIndex in [2010, 2120]:
            # Now use border pattern 1060
            newBorderIndex = 1060
        elif patternIndex in [2020, 2130, 2140]:
            # Now use border pattern 1070
            newBorderIndex = 1070
            # No border
            newBorderIndex = 0
        # If catalog, change pattern number to group pattern index
        # and set colorIndex and borderIndex to None (non-customized)
        if fCatalog:
            newPatternIndex = newPatternIndex - (newPatternIndex % 100)
            newColorIndex = None
            newBorderIndex = None
        # Return brand shiny new catalog wallpaper item
        newItem = CatalogWallpaperItem.CatalogWallpaperItem(
            newPatternIndex, newColorIndex,
            newBorderIndex, newBorderColorIndex)
    # Copy over som essential fields
    newItem.deliveryDate = item.deliveryDate
    newItem.posHpr = item.posHpr
    return newItem
Example #3
 def _getCatalogItemObj(self, itemType, itemIndex):
     if itemType == CatalogItemTypes.CLOTHING_ITEM:
         clothingNumber = itemIndex
         #itemObj = CatalogBeanItem.CatalogBeanItem(amount)
         # for now always the first color choice
         itemObj = CatalogClothingItem.CatalogClothingItem(
             clothingNumber, 0)
         itemObj.giftTag = 0
         itemObj.giftCode = 1
     elif itemType == CatalogItemTypes.FURNITURE_ITEM:
         furnitureNumber = itemIndex
         itemObj = CatalogFurnitureItem.CatalogFurnitureItem(
             furnitureNumber, colorOption=0)
     elif itemType == CatalogItemTypes.CHAT_ITEM:
         chatIndex = itemIndex
         itemObj = CatalogChatItem.CatalogChatItem(chatIndex)
     elif itemType == CatalogItemTypes.EMOTE_ITEM:
         emoteIndex = itemIndex
         itemObj = CatalogEmoteItem.CatalogEmoteItem(emoteIndex)
     elif itemType == CatalogItemTypes.BEAN_ITEM:
         numBeans = itemIndex
         if not numBeans in JellybeanRewardValues:
                                       "giving %s beans" % numBeans)
         # an assertion exception will occur so the jellybean won't get rewarded
         assert (numBeans in JellybeanRewardValues)
         itemObj = CatalogBeanItem.CatalogBeanItem(numBeans)
     elif itemType == CatalogItemTypes.WALLPAPER_ITEM:
         wallPaperNumber = itemIndex
         itemObj = CatalogWallpaperItem.CatalogWallpaperItem(
             wallPaperNumber, colorIndex=0)
     elif itemType == CatalogItemTypes.WINDOW_ITEM:
         windowNumber = itemIndex
         itemObj = CatalogWindowItem.CatalogWindowItem(windowNumber,
     elif itemType == CatalogItemTypes.FLOORING_ITEM:
         flooringNumber = itemIndex
         itemObj = CatalogFlooringItem.CatalogFlooringItem(flooringNumber,
     elif itemType == CatalogItemTypes.MOULDING_ITEM:
         mouldingNumber = itemIndex
         itemObj = CatalogMouldingItem.CatalogMouldingItem(mouldingNumber,
     elif itemType == CatalogItemTypes.WAINSCOTING_ITEM:
         wainscotingNumber = itemIndex
         itemObj = CatalogWainscotingItem.CatalogWainscotingItem(
             wainscotingNumber, colorIndex=0)
     elif itemType == CatalogItemTypes.PET_TRICK_ITEM:
         trickId = itemIndex
         itemObj = CatalogPetTrickItem.CatalogPetTrickItem(trickId)
     elif itemType == CatalogItemTypes.RENTAL_ITEM:
         # TODO since all we offer so far is 48 hours of cannons, values pulled for CatalogGenerator
         # do something else if we have different durations
         rentalType = itemIndex
         itemObj = CatalogRentalItem.CatalogRentalItem(
             rentalType, 2880, 1000)
     elif itemType == CatalogItemTypes.ANIMATED_FURNITURE_ITEM:
         furnitureNumber = itemIndex
         itemObj = CatalogAnimatedFurnitureItem.CatalogAnimatedFurnitureItem(
             furnitureNumber, colorOption=0)
     return itemObj