def test_image_encoding(self): if not rospy.get_node_uri(): rospy.init_node("topic_store_tests") client = MongoStorage(collection="python_tests") # Test ROS_Message Serialisation with common Image Types from topic_store.utils import _numpy_types as numpy_types for encoding, np_type in numpy_types.items(): size = (32, 32, np_type[1]) if np_type[1] != 1 else (32, 32) random_array = np.random.random(size) typed_array = (random_array * 255.0).astype(np_type[0]) message = ros_numpy.msgify(Image, typed_array, encoding=encoding) # Insert image message im_document = TopicStore({"image": message}) im_result = client.insert_one(im_document) # Get image message and check data is the same returned_im_document = client.find_by_id(im_result.inserted_id) assert == im_result.inserted_id retrieved_array = ros_numpy.numpify( returned_im_document.msgs["image"]) np.testing.assert_equal(typed_array, retrieved_array) # Delete image message client.delete_by_id(im_result.inserted_id)
def __iter__(self): if not self.path.exists(): raise StopIteration() with"rb") as fh: while True: try: yield TopicStore(data_tree=pickle.load(fh)) except EOFError: break
def test_topic_store(self): if not rospy.get_node_uri(): rospy.init_node("topic_store_tests") sample_tree = {"ros_msg": "/rosout", "int": 1, "float": 1.0, "str": "1", "dict": {0: 0}, "list": [0]} tree = SubscriberTree(sample_tree) rospy.sleep(1) messages = tree.get_message_tree() test_file = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / "topic_store_tests.topic_store" try: test_file.unlink() except OSError: pass storage = TopicStorage(test_file) # Try getting an element that doesn't exist try: s = list(storage)[0] raise AssertionError() except IndexError: pass # Try looping over elements that don't exist for _ in storage: raise AssertionError() # Add a message and check write_n = 5 for _ in range(write_n): storage.insert_one(messages) # Check iterator indexing stored_items = write_n read_items = 0 for _ in storage: read_items += 1 assert read_items == stored_items # Check loading storage = TopicStorage(test_file) storage.insert_one(TopicStore({0: 0})) stored_items += 1 for s in storage: print(s) # Test API from topic_store import load loaded_messages = load(test_file) read_items = 0 for _ in storage: read_items += 1 assert read_items == stored_items print("All TopicStorage tests passed!")
def test_sanitation(self): if not rospy.get_node_uri(): rospy.init_node("topic_store_tests") test_dict = { # Data heavy types (binary) "1_Image": ("sensor_msgs/Image", sensor_msgs.msg.Image()), "1_RegionOfInterest": ("sensor_msgs/RegionOfInterest", sensor_msgs.msg.RegionOfInterest()), "1_CameraInfo": ("sensor_msgs/CameraInfo", sensor_msgs.msg.CameraInfo()), # Time types "1_Time_genpy": ("genpy.Time", rospy.rostime.Time(0)), "1_Duration_genpy": ("genpy.Duration", rospy.rostime.Duration(0)), "1_Time_rospy": ("genpy.Time", rospy.rostime.Time(0)), "1_Duration_rospy": ("genpy.Duration", rospy.rostime.Duration(0)), # Standard types "1_Header": ("std_msgs/Header", std_msgs.msg.Header()), # Duplicate the above to avoid memory copy not value copy errors # Data heavy types (binary) "2_Image": ("sensor_msgs/Image", sensor_msgs.msg.Image()), "2_RegionOfInterest": ("sensor_msgs/RegionOfInterest", sensor_msgs.msg.RegionOfInterest()), "2_CameraInfo": ("sensor_msgs/CameraInfo", sensor_msgs.msg.CameraInfo()), # Time types "2_Time_genpy": ("genpy.Time", rospy.rostime.Time(0)), "2_Duration_genpy": ("genpy.Duration", rospy.rostime.Duration(0)), "2_Time_rospy": ("genpy.Time", rospy.rostime.Time(0)), "2_Duration_rospy": ("genpy.Duration", rospy.rostime.Duration(0)), # Standard types "2_Header": ("std_msgs/Header", std_msgs.msg.Header()), } test_dict.update({ # Test nested objects "1_ImageHeader": ("std_msgs/Header", test_dict["1_Image"][1].header), "1_CameraInfo": ("std_msgs/Header", test_dict["1_CameraInfo"][1].header), "1_CameraInfoRegionOfInterest": ("sensor_msgs/RegionOfInterest", test_dict["1_CameraInfo"][1].roi), "2_ImageHeader": ("std_msgs/Header", test_dict["2_Image"][1].header), "2_CameraInfo": ("std_msgs/Header", test_dict["2_CameraInfo"][1].header), "2_CameraInfoRegionOfInterest": ("sensor_msgs/RegionOfInterest", test_dict["2_CameraInfo"][1].roi), }) # Check topic store functions store = TopicStore(test_dict) for key, (string_type, type_class) in test_dict.items(): assert store[key][1]["_ros_meta"]["type"] == string_type # check to python sanitation keeps type assert type(store(key)[1]) == type(type_class) # check to rosify sanitation returns correct type # Check main sanitation functions sanitised = sanitise_dict(test_dict) rosified = rosify_dict(test_dict) for key, (string_type, type_class) in test_dict.items(): assert sanitised[key][1]["_ros_meta"]["type"] == string_type # check to python sanitation keeps type assert type(rosified[key][1]) == type(type_class) # check to rosify sanitation returns correct type print("All sanitation tests passed!")
def insert_one(self, topic_store): """Inserts a topic store object into the database Returns: pymongo.results.InsertOneResult: Contains the ID for the inserted document """ if isinstance(topic_store, dict): topic_store = TopicStore(topic_store) if not isinstance(topic_store, TopicStore): raise ValueError("Can only insert TopicStore items into the database not '{}'".format(type(topic_store))) parsed_store = self.__gridfs_ify(topic_store) return self.collection.insert_one(parsed_store)
def __get(self, cursor_ret): document = None try: document = self.parser(cursor_ret) if self.apply_fn: document = self.apply_fn(document) return TopicStore(document) except Exception as e: if not self.skip_on_error: raise print("Skipping document '{}' because '{}'".format( (document.get('id') + " ") if document else None, e.message)) return document
def insert_one(self, topic_store): if isinstance(topic_store, dict): topic_store = TopicStore(topic_store) if not isinstance(topic_store, TopicStore): raise ValueError("TopicStorage only supports TopicStore types") # Create if doesn't exist on the system if not self.path.exists(): try: self.path.parent.mkdir(parents=True) except OSError as e: if e.errno != 17: # File exists is okay raise with"ab" if self.path.exists() else "wb") as fh: pickle.dump(topic_store.dict, fh, protocol=TopicStorage.PROTOCOL)
def test_documents(self): if not rospy.get_node_uri(): rospy.init_node("topic_store_tests") client = MongoStorage(collection="python_tests") # Insert a test document insert_result = client.insert_one( TopicStore({ "name": "test_name", "number": 1 })) # Retrieve the inserted document inserted_document = client.find_by_id(insert_result.inserted_id) assert == insert_result.inserted_id # Update the document name and number fields new_name = ''.join(random.sample('raymond', 7)) new_number = random.randint(0, 100) update_result = client.update_one_by_id(, name=new_name, number=new_number) inserted_document_after_update = client.find_by_id( insert_result.inserted_id) assert == insert_result.inserted_id assert inserted_document_after_update.dict["number"] == new_number assert inserted_document_after_update.dict["name"] == new_name # Print all documents in the collection cursor = client.find() for x in cursor: print( "Doc:\n\t-As Structure: {}\n\t-As Dict: {}\n\t-As ROS Msgs: {}" .format(str(x), x.dict, x.msgs)) # Or print using the same API as TopicStorage for x in client: print( "Doc:\n\t-As Structure: {}\n\t-As Dict: {}\n\t-As ROS Msgs: {}" .format(str(x), x.dict, x.msgs)) # Cleanup test by deleting document delete_result = client.delete_by_id(insert_result.inserted_id)
def __iter__(self): if not self.path.exists(): raise StopIteration() with"rb") as fh: position = -1 while True: try: load_kwargs = {} if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: # python3 loading load_kwargs = dict(encoding="latin1") position += 1 tree = pickle.load(fh, **load_kwargs) yield TopicStore(data_tree=tree) except EOFError: break except Exception as e: print( "File at position {} is corrupt. Skipping, error: {}". format(position, e))
def test_large_document(self): if not rospy.get_node_uri(): rospy.init_node("topic_store_tests") client = MongoStorage(collection="python_tests", use_grid_fs=True) # Insert >16MB document random_array = np.random.random((3000, 3000, 3)).astype(np.float32) message = ros_numpy.msgify(Image, random_array, encoding="32FC3") # Insert image message im_document = TopicStore({"image": message}) im_result = client.insert_one(im_document) # Get image message and check data is the same returned_im_document = client.find_by_id(im_result.inserted_id) assert == im_result.inserted_id retrieved_array = ros_numpy.numpify(returned_im_document.msgs["image"]) np.testing.assert_equal(random_array, retrieved_array) # Delete image message client.delete_by_id(im_result.inserted_id)
def find_one(self, query, *args, **kwargs): """Returns a matched TopicStore document""" # TODO: remove FIND_ONE function in place of generic find function skip_fetch_binary, skip_on_error, args, kwargs = self.__parse_find_args_kwargs(args, kwargs) doc = None try: doc = self.collection.find_one(query, *args, **kwargs) if not doc: # Return if doc not found return doc parsed_document = self.reverse_parser(doc) if not skip_fetch_binary: parsed_document = self.__ungridfs_ify(parsed_document) return TopicStore(parsed_document) except Exception as e: if not skip_on_error: raise print("Skipping document '{}' because '{}'".format( (doc.get('id') + " ") if doc else None, e.message) ) return doc
def test_image_encoding(self): if not rospy.get_node_uri(): rospy.init_node("topic_store_tests") client = MongoStorage(collection="python_tests") # Test ROS_Message Serialisation with common Image Types numpy_types = { "rgb8": (np.uint8, 3), "rgba8": (np.uint8, 4), "rgb16": (np.uint16, 3), "rgba16": (np.uint16, 4), "bgr8": (np.uint8, 3), "bgra8": (np.uint8, 4), "bgr16": (np.uint16, 3), "bgra16": (np.uint16, 4), "mono8": (np.uint8, 1), "mono16": (np.uint16, 1), "bayer_rggb8": (np.uint8, 1), "bayer_bggr8": (np.uint8, 1), "bayer_gbrg8": (np.uint8, 1), "bayer_grbg8": (np.uint8, 1), "bayer_rggb16": (np.uint16, 1), "bayer_bggr16": (np.uint16, 1), "bayer_gbrg16": (np.uint16, 1), "bayer_grbg16": (np.uint16, 1), "8UC1": (np.uint8, 1), "8UC2": (np.uint8, 2), "8UC3": (np.uint8, 3), "8UC4": (np.uint8, 4), "8SC1": (np.int8, 1), "8SC2": (np.int8, 2), "8SC3": (np.int8, 3), "8SC4": (np.int8, 4), "16UC1": (np.uint16, 1), "16UC2": (np.uint16, 2), "16UC3": (np.uint16, 3), "16UC4": (np.uint16, 4), "16SC1": (np.int16, 1), "16SC2": (np.int16, 2), "16SC3": (np.int16, 3), "16SC4": (np.int16, 4), "32SC1": (np.int32, 1), "32SC2": (np.int32, 2), "32SC3": (np.int32, 3), "32SC4": (np.int32, 4), "32FC1": (np.float32, 1), "32FC2": (np.float32, 2), "32FC3": (np.float32, 3), "32FC4": (np.float32, 4), "64FC1": (np.float64, 1), "64FC2": (np.float64, 2), "64FC3": (np.float64, 3), "64FC4": (np.float64, 4) } for encoding, np_type in numpy_types.items(): size = (32, 32, np_type[1]) if np_type[1] != 1 else (32, 32) random_array = np.random.random(size) typed_array = (random_array * 255.0).astype(np_type[0]) message = ros_numpy.msgify(Image, typed_array, encoding=encoding) # Insert image message im_document = TopicStore({"image": message}) im_result = client.insert_one(im_document) # Get image message and check data is the same returned_im_document = client.find_by_id(im_result.inserted_id) assert == im_result.inserted_id retrieved_array = ros_numpy.numpify( returned_im_document.msgs["image"]) np.testing.assert_equal(typed_array, retrieved_array) # Delete image message client.delete_by_id(im_result.inserted_id)
def next(self): return TopicStore(self.parser(
def get_message_tree(self): """TopicStore: Representation of the SubscriberTree topics snapshot""" return TopicStore(self.__get_msg_tree(data_tree=self.tree))
def next(self): document = self.parser( if self.apply_fn: document = self.apply_fn(document) return TopicStore(document)
def __getitem__(self, item): document = self.parser(self.cursor.__getitem__(item)) if self.apply_fn: document = self.apply_fn(document) return TopicStore(document)
def find_one(self, query, *args, **kwargs): """Returns a matched TopicStore document""" doc = self.collection.find_one(query, *args, **kwargs) parsed_document = self.reverse_parser(doc) parsed_document = self.__ungridfs_ify(parsed_document) return TopicStore(parsed_document)
def __getitem__(self, item): return TopicStore(self.parser(self.cursor.__getitem__(item)))
def find_one(self, query, *args, **kwargs): """Returns a matched TopicStore document""" return TopicStore(self.reverse_parser(self.collection.find_one(query, *args, **kwargs)))