Example #1
File: go.py Project: Kajahnig/scion
 def _build_sciond_conf(self, topo_id, ia, base):
     name = sciond_name(topo_id)
     config_dir = '/share/conf' if self.args.docker else os.path.join(
         base, COMMON_DIR)
     raw_entry = {
         'general': {
             'ID': name,
             'ConfigDir': config_dir,
             'ReconnectToDispatcher': True,
         'logging': self._log_entry(name),
         'trustDB': trust_db_conf_entry(self.args, name),
         'discovery': self._discovery_entry(),
         'sd': {
             'Reliable': os.path.join(SCIOND_API_SOCKDIR, "%s.sock" % name),
             'Unix': os.path.join(SCIOND_API_SOCKDIR, "%s.unix" % name),
             'Public': '%s,[]:0' % ia,
             'pathDB': {
                 'Connection': os.path.join(self.db_dir,
                                            '%s.path.db' % name),
         'metrics': {
             prom_addr_sciond(self.args.docker, topo_id, self.args.networks,
         'EnableQUICTest': self.args.qtest,
     return raw_entry
Example #2
 def _cust_db_conf_entry(self, cs_name):
     conf_entry = trust_db_conf_entry(self.args, cs_name)
     # If we build the dockerized topology the directory is setup to be reachable
     # from docker, but the tool runs on the host, so we resolve the bind mount here.
     conf_entry['Connection'] = conf_entry['Connection'].replace(
         '/share/cache', 'gen-cache')
     return conf_entry
Example #3
 def _build_cs_conf(self, topo_id, ia, base, name, infra_elem):
     config_dir = '/share/conf' if self.args.docker else os.path.join(base, name)
     raw_entry = {
         'general': {
             'ID': name,
             'ConfigDir': config_dir,
         'sd_client': {
             'Path': get_default_sciond_path(topo_id),
         'logging': self._log_entry(name),
         'TrustDB': trust_db_conf_entry(self.args, name),
         'infra': {
             'Type': "CS"
         'discovery': self._discovery_entry(),
         'cs': {
             'LeafReissueLeadTime': "6h",
             'IssuerReissueLeadTime': "3d",
             'ReissueRate': "10s",
             'ReissueTimeout': "5s",
         'metrics': self._metrics_entry(name, infra_elem, CS_PROM_PORT),
     return raw_entry
Example #4
 def _build_ps_conf(self, topo_id, ia, base, name, infra_elem):
     config_dir = '/share/conf' if self.args.docker else os.path.join(
         base, name)
     raw_entry = {
         'general': {
             'ID': name,
             'ConfigDir': config_dir,
             'ReconnectToDispatcher': True,
         trust_db_conf_entry(self.args, name),
         'ps': {
             'pathDB': {
                 'Backend': 'sqlite',
                 'Connection': os.path.join(self.db_dir,
                                            '%s.path.db' % name),
             'SegSync': True,
         self._metrics_entry(name, infra_elem, PS_PROM_PORT),
         self._quic_conf_entry(PS_QUIC_PORT, self.args.svcfrac, infra_elem),
     return raw_entry
Example #5
 def _build_bs_conf(self, topo_id, ia, base, name, infra_elem):
     config_dir = '/share/conf' if self.args.docker else os.path.join(
         base, name)
     raw_entry = {
         'general': {
             'ID': name,
             'ConfigDir': config_dir,
             'ReconnectToDispatcher': True,
         trust_db_conf_entry(self.args, name),
         beacon_db_conf_entry(self.args, name),
         self._metrics_entry(name, infra_elem, BS_PROM_PORT),
         self._quic_conf_entry(BS_QUIC_PORT, self.args.svcfrac, infra_elem),
     return raw_entry
Example #6
 def _build_sciond_conf(self, topo_id, ia, base):
     name = sciond_name(topo_id)
     config_dir = '/share/conf' if self.args.docker else os.path.join(base, COMMON_DIR)
     ip = sciond_ip(self.args.docker, topo_id, self.args.networks)
     raw_entry = {
         'general': {
             'ID': name,
             'ConfigDir': config_dir,
             'ReconnectToDispatcher': True,
         'logging': self._log_entry(name),
         'trustDB': trust_db_conf_entry(self.args, name),
         'discovery': self._discovery_entry(),
         'sd': {
             'Reliable': os.path.join(SCIOND_API_SOCKDIR, "%s.sock" % name),
             'Unix': os.path.join(SCIOND_API_SOCKDIR, "%s.unix" % name),
             'Public': '[%s]:0' % ip,
             'pathDB': {
                 'Connection': os.path.join(self.db_dir, '%s.path.db' % name),
         'tracing': self._tracing_entry(),
         'metrics': {
             'Prometheus': '[%s]:%d' % (ip, SCIOND_PROM_PORT)
         'quic': self._quic_conf_entry(SD_QUIC_PORT, self.args.svcfrac),
     raw_entry['quic']['Address'] = '[%s]:%d' % (ip, SD_QUIC_PORT)
     return raw_entry
Example #7
 def _build_control_service_conf(self, topo_id, ia, base, name, infra_elem):
     config_dir = '/share/conf' if self.args.docker else os.path.join(
         base, name)
     raw_entry = {
         'general': {
             'ID': name,
             'ConfigDir': config_dir,
             'ReconnectToDispatcher': True,
         'logging': self._log_entry(name),
         'trustDB': trust_db_conf_entry(self.args, name),
         'beaconDB': beacon_db_conf_entry(self.args, name),
         'discovery': self._discovery_entry(),
         'tracing': self._tracing_entry(),
         'metrics': self._metrics_entry(name, infra_elem, BS_PROM_PORT),
         'quic': self._quic_conf_entry(BS_QUIC_PORT, self.args.svcfrac, infra_elem),
         'sd_client': {
             'Path': get_default_sciond_path(topo_id),
         'cs': {
             'LeafReissueLeadTime': "6h",
             'IssuerReissueLeadTime': "3d",
             'ReissueRate': "10s",
             'ReissueTimeout': "5s",
         'ps': {
             'pathDB': {
                 'Backend': 'sqlite',
                 'Connection': os.path.join(self.db_dir, '%s.path.db' % name),
             'SegSync': True,
     return raw_entry
Example #8
 def _write_cust_files(self, topo_dicts, cust_files):
     cust_pk = {}
     for topo_id, as_topo in topo_dicts.items():
         base = topo_id.base_dir(self.args.output_dir)
         for elem in as_topo["CertificateService"]:
             for path, value in cust_files[topo_id].items():
                 write_file(os.path.join(base, elem, path), value)
                 if self.args.cert_server == 'go':
                     cust_dir_name = os.path.dirname(path)
                     cust_dir = os.path.join(base, elem, cust_dir_name)
                     cust_pk[cust_dir] = elem
     if cust_pk:
         script_name = 'gen/load_custs.sh'
         with open(script_name, 'w') as script:
             for cust_dir, cs_name in cust_pk.items():
                 conf_entry = trust_db_conf_entry(self.args, cs_name)
                 # If we build the dockerized topology the directory is setup to be reachable
                 # from docker, but the tool runs on the host, so we resolve the bind mount here.
                 conf_entry['Connection'] = conf_entry[
                     'Connection'].replace('/share/cache', 'gen-cache')
                 script.write('cat > cfg.toml << EOL\n%sEOL\n\n' %
                              toml.dumps({'TrustDB': conf_entry}))
                     'bin/scion-custpk-load -customers %s -config %s\n' %
                     (cust_dir, 'cfg.toml'))
             script.write('rm cfg.toml\n')
         st = os.stat(script_name)
         os.chmod(script_name, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)