def test_BNetwork_class05(self): """ Test de creado masivo de cuencas con cabeceras aleatorias """ files = ["small25", "jebja30", "tunez"] for file in files: # Cargamos DEM, Flow, Network fd = Flow("{}/{}_fd.tif".format(infolder, file)) net = Network("{}/{}_net.dat".format(infolder, file)) dem = DEM("{}/{}.tif".format(infolder, file)) # Generamos todas las cuencas cuencas = fd.get_drainage_basins(min_area=0.0025) # Generamos 50 puntos aleatorios dentro de la extensión del objeto Network # Estos 50 puntos se usaran como cabeceras xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = net.get_extent() xi = np.random.randint(xmin, xmax, 50) yi = np.random.randint(ymin, ymax, 50) heads = np.array((xi, yi)).T # Cogemos 5 cuencas aleatorias bids = np.random.choice(np.unique(cuencas.read_array())[1:], 5) for bid in bids: try: if np.random.randint(100) < 70: bnet = BNetwork(net, cuencas, heads, bid) else: basin = Basin(dem, cuencas, bid) bnet = BNetwork(net, basin, heads) except NetworkError: print( "Network of {} file inside the basin {} has not enough pixels" .format(file, bid)) continue # Salvamos BNetwork y volvemos a cargar para comprobar que se cargan-guardan bien bnet_path = "{}/{}_{}_bnet.dat".format(outfolder, file, bid) bnet2 = BNetwork(bnet_path) computed = np.array_equal(bnet._ix, bnet2._ix) self.assertEqual(computed, True) # borramos archivo os.remove(bnet_path)
def test_snap_poi_02(self): # Test 10 random basins files = ["small25", "morocco", "tunez", "jebja30"] for file in files: # Cargamos objeto network guardado previamente net_path = infolder + "/{0}".format(file) net = Network(net_path) # Obtenemos 20 puntos aleatorios x1, x2, y1, y2 = net.get_extent() xi = (x2 - x1) * np.random.random(25) + x1 yi = (y2 - y1) * np.random.random(25) + y1 puntos = np.array((xi, yi)).T # Hacemos snap a celdas de canal snap_pp = net.snap_points(puntos, kind="channel") row, col = net.xy_2_cell(snap_pp[:, 0], snap_pp[:, 1]) inds = net.cell_2_ind(row, col) # Comprobamos que punto esta entre los POI for ind in inds: res = ind in net._ix self.assertEqual(res, True)
def test_snap_poi_01(self): # Test 10 random basins files = ["small25", "morocco", "tunez", "jebja30"] for file in files: # Cargamos objeto network guardado previamente net_path = infolder + "/{0}".format(file) net = Network(net_path) # Obtenemos 20 puntos aleatorios x1, x2, y1, y2 = net.get_extent() xi = (x2 - x1) * np.random.random(25) + x1 yi = (y2 - y1) * np.random.random(25) + y1 puntos = np.array((xi, yi)).T # Hacemos snap a los stream poi for kind in ["heads", "confluences", "outlets"]: poi = net.get_stream_poi(kind, "XY") snap_pp = net.snap_points(puntos, kind) # Comprobamos que punto esta entre los POI for row in snap_pp: res = row in poi self.assertEqual(res, True)
def test_empty_network(self): net = Network() # Test PRaster properties self.assertEqual(net.get_cellsize(), (1.0, -1.0)) self.assertEqual(net.get_dims(), (1, 1)) self.assertEqual(net.get_size(), (1, 1)) self.assertEqual(net.get_extent(), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0)) self.assertEqual(net.get_geotransform(), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -1.0)) self.assertEqual(net.get_ncells(), 1) self.assertEqual(net.get_projection(), "") # Test PRaster functions self.assertEqual(net.cell_2_ind(0, 0), .0) self.assertEqual(net.cell_2_xy(0, 0), (0.5, 0.5)) self.assertEqual(net.xy_2_cell(1, 1), (0, 1)) self.assertEqual(net.ind_2_cell(0), (0, 0)) # Test saving functions path = outfolder + "/net_delete.dat" self.assertEqual(os.path.exists(path), True) if os.path.exists(path): os.remove(path) path = outfolder + "/points_delete.txt" net.export_to_points(path) self.assertEqual(os.path.exists(path), True) if os.path.exists(path): os.remove(path) path = outfolder + "/shp_delete.shp" net.export_to_shp(path) self.assertEqual(os.path.exists(path), True) if os.path.exists(path): os.remove(path) path = outfolder + "/chi_delete.shp" net.get_chi_shapefile(path, 0) self.assertEqual(os.path.exists(path), True) if os.path.exists(path): os.remove(path) # Test other functions self.assertEqual( np.array_equal(net.get_streams(False), np.array([1]).reshape(1, 1)), True) self.assertEqual( np.array_equal(net.get_stream_segments(False), np.array([0]).reshape(1, 1)), True) self.assertEqual( np.array_equal(net.get_stream_orders("strahler", False), np.array([1]).reshape(1, 1)), True) self.assertEqual( np.array_equal(net.get_stream_orders('shreeve', False), np.array([1]).reshape(1, 1)), True) self.assertEqual( np.array_equal(net.get_stream_orders('dinosaur', False), np.array([1]).reshape(1, 1)), True) self.assertEqual( np.array_equal(net.get_stream_poi("heads", "XY"), np.array([]).reshape(0, 2)), True) self.assertEqual( np.array_equal(net.get_stream_poi("heads", "CELL"), np.array([]).reshape(0, 2)), True) self.assertEqual( np.array_equal(net.get_stream_poi("heads", "IND"), np.array([])), True) self.assertEqual( np.array_equal(net.get_stream_poi("confluences", "XY"), np.array([]).reshape(0, 2)), True) self.assertEqual( np.array_equal(net.get_stream_poi("confluences", "CELL"), np.array([]).reshape(0, 2)), True) self.assertEqual( np.array_equal(net.get_stream_poi("confluences", "IND"), np.array([])), True) self.assertEqual( np.array_equal(net.get_stream_poi("outlets", "XY"), np.array([]).reshape(0, 2)), True) self.assertEqual( np.array_equal(net.get_stream_poi("outlets", "CELL"), np.array([]).reshape(0, 2)), True) self.assertEqual( np.array_equal(net.get_stream_poi("outlets", "IND"), np.array([])), True) self.assertEqual( np.array_equal(net.get_stream_poi("dinosaur", "dinosaur"), np.array([]).reshape(0, 2)), True) self.assertEqual( np.array_equal(net.snap_points(np.array((5, 5)).reshape(1, 2)), np.array([[0.5, 0.5]])), True) self.assertEqual(net.is_inside(0, 0), False) net.calculate_gradients(0)