Example #1
def fix_edges(edges):
    # turn all "fake" (negative) verticies monotonically increasing numbers...
    # TODO:  this could probably be made more efficient by doing a topo sort
    #   directly, rather than using this (helpful) library

    verticies = set([])
    pairs = []
    for e in edges:

    sorted_verticies = toposort.topological_sort(verticies, pairs)
    if sorted_verticies == None:
        sys.stderr.write("cannot process lattice -- could there be a loop?\n")
        return [lattice.Vertex(id=0, label='error_in_lattice_toposort')]

    vertex_transform = {}
    for i in xrange(len(verticies)):
        vertex_transform[sorted_verticies[i]] = i

    return [
                     properties=e.properties) for e in edges
Example #2
    def toXmlDB(self):
        uids = sorted(self.umbrellas.keys())
        cids = sorted(self.collectors.keys())

        # topological sort of the alert

        alerts_sorted = topological_sort(self.alerts.values(),
                                         lambda a: a.dependson)

        s = '<alertdb>\n'
        s += '    <alerts>\n'
        for alert in alerts_sorted:
            if not alert.skip:
                s += alert.toXml()
        for uid in uids:
            s += self.toXmlUmbrella(uid, self.umbrellas[uid])
        for cid in cids:
            s += self.toXmlCollector(cid, self.collectors[cid])
        s += '    </alerts>\n'
        s += '    <parameters>\n'
        for key in self.paramSorted:
            s += self.parameters[key].toXmlIntern()
        s += '    </parameters>\n'
        s += '</alertdb>\n'
        return s
def fix_edges(edges):
    # turn all "fake" (negative) verticies monotonically increasing numbers...
    # TODO:  this could probably be made more efficient by doing a topo sort
    #   directly, rather than using this (helpful) library

    verticies = set([])
    pairs = []
    for e in edges:
    sorted_verticies = toposort.topological_sort(verticies, pairs)
    if sorted_verticies == None:
        sys.stderr.write("cannot process lattice -- could there be a loop?\n")
        return [lattice.Vertex(id=0, label='error_in_lattice_toposort')]
    vertex_transform = {}
    for i in xrange(len(verticies)):
        vertex_transform[sorted_verticies[i]] = i

    return [lattice.Edge(span=(vertex_transform[e.span[0]],vertex_transform[e.span[1]]),label=e.label,properties=e.properties) for e in edges]
Example #4
 def render(self):
     inclusions = topological_sort(
         self._inclusions, lambda inclusion: inclusion.dependencies())
     snippets = [inclusion.html() for inclusion in inclusions]
     return '\n'.join(snippets)
Example #5
def derive_block_info(dbfile):
    """Store for each block to which account chain (account id) it belongs"""

    print('Deriving per-block info')

    sqldb = apsw.Connection(dbfile)
    sqlcur = sqldb.cursor()
    sqlcur.execute('delete from block_info')

    # Previous point for a block, or None (for open blocks)
    # Key: block id
    # Value: id of previous block
    block_to_previous = {}

    # Get open blocks, for which we know the account

    open_block_to_account = {}
    account_to_open_block = {}
    block_to_type = {}
    block_to_sister = {}
    block_to_balance = {}

    sqlcur.execute('select id, account, source from blocks where type=?',
                   ('open', ))

    for id, account, source in sqlcur:
        block_to_previous[id] = None
        block_to_type[id] = 'open'

        open_block_to_account[id] = account
        account_to_open_block[account] = id

        if id == 0:
            # No source for genesis open block

        assert source is not None
        block_to_sister[id] = source
        block_to_sister[source] = id

    # Gather all other blocks

    blocks_to_process = set()

        'select id, type, previous, source, destination, balance_raw from blocks where type<>?',
        ('open', ))

    for id, type, previous, source, destination, balance in sqlcur:

        block_to_type[id] = type

        if previous is None:
            print('No previous value for block %d (type %s)!' % (id, type))

        if type == 'receive':
            assert source is not None
            block_to_sister[id] = source
            block_to_sister[source] = id
        elif type == 'send':
            block_to_balance[id] = int(balance)

        block_to_previous[id] = previous

    # Reconstruct all the account chains, using the previous pointers
    # in the blocks

    # Account chains under construction
    # Key: id of *last* block in the chain
    # Value: list of sequential blocks [open, ... , D, E, ...]; with E.previous = D
    account_chains = {}

    # Bootstrap with the open blocks
    for id in open_block_to_account.keys():
        account_chains[id] = [id]

    bar = progressbar.ProgressBar('Reconstructing account chains')

    while len(blocks_to_process) > 0:

        # Get next block to process
        tail_block = blocks_to_process.pop()

        #print('processing block %d' % tail_block)

        # Follow the previous pointers until we hit an existing chain
        chain = collections.deque([tail_block])
        blocks_processed = set()

        cur_block = block_to_previous[tail_block]

        while cur_block not in account_chains:

            assert cur_block is not None
            assert cur_block not in blocks_processed


            cur_block = block_to_previous[cur_block]

        assert cur_block in account_chains

        #print('processed block %d: merging chain of %d with %d' % (tail_block, len(account_chains[cur_block]), len(chain)))

        # Merge the new chain with the existing one
        new_chain = account_chains[cur_block] + list(chain)
        del account_chains[cur_block]
        account_chains[new_chain[-1]] = new_chain

        blocks_to_process -= blocks_processed


    assert len(account_chains) == len(open_block_to_account)

    # Determine block -> account mapping

    block_to_account = {}

    for last_block, chain in account_chains.items():
        account = open_block_to_account[chain[0]]
        for block in chain:
            block_to_account[block] = account

    # Compute account balance at each block, plus amounts transfered
    # by send/receive/open blocks.

    block_to_amount = {}

    compute_block_balances_and_amounts(account_chains, block_to_type,
                                       block_to_previous, block_to_sister,
                                       block_to_balance, block_to_amount)

    # Perform global topological sort of all blocks, based on
    # dependencies between blocks

    edges = generate_block_dependencies(sqlcur, account_to_open_block,

    print('Determining topological order')
    order = topological_sort(edges)

    block_to_global_index = {}
    for idx, block in enumerate(order):
        block_to_global_index[block] = idx

    # Store all the derived information

    bar = progressbar.ProgressBar('Storing per-block info for each account')
    i = 0


    for last_block, chain in account_chains.items():

        account = open_block_to_account[chain[0]]

        for idx, block in enumerate(chain):

            sister = None
            if block in block_to_sister:
                sister = block_to_sister[block]

            # Long int -> string
            balance = str(block_to_balance[block])
            amount = None
            if block in block_to_amount:
                amount = str(block_to_amount[block])

                'insert into block_info (block, account, chain_index, global_index, sister, balance, amount) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)',
                (block, account, idx, block_to_global_index[block], sister,
                 balance, amount))

        i += 1

