def __init__(self): # First set up service request_trajectory_service = rospy.ServiceProxy( "generate_toppra_trajectory", GenerateTrajectory) trajectory_pub = rospy.Publisher('trajectory', MultiDOFJointTrajectory, queue_size=1) time.sleep(2.5) # Example of a simple square trajectory for quadcopter. All vectors # must be of same length x = [-0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5] y = [-0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5] z = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] yaw = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] # Create a service request which will be filled with waypoints request = GenerateTrajectoryRequest() waypoint = JointTrajectoryPoint() for i in range(0, len(x)): waypoint.positions = [x[i], y[i], z[i], yaw[i]] waypoint.velocities = [0.7, 0.7, 1, 1] waypoint.accelerations = [0.08, 0.08, 1, 1] request.waypoints.points.append(copy.deepcopy(waypoint)) request.waypoints.joint_names = ["x", "y", "z", "yaw"] request.sampling_frequency = 100.0 response = request_trajectory_service(request) print "Converting trajectory to multi dof" joint_trajectory = response.trajectory multi_dof_trajectory = self.JointTrajectory2MultiDofTrajectory(joint_trajectory) trajectory_pub.publish(multi_dof_trajectory)
def CarrotCb(self, data): if self.carrot_received == False and self.carrot_status == "HOLD": self.carrot_data = data self.carrot_received = True rospy.logwarn( "Carrot received in position hold mode. Generating trajectory") # Set up helical trajectory helix_request = GetHelixPointsRequest() helix_request.r = self.r helix_request.angleStep = self.angleStep helix_request.x0 = self.x0 helix_request.y0 = self.y0 helix_request.z0 = self.z0 helix_request.zf = self.zf helix_request.deltaZ = self.deltaZ # Get the points helix_response = self.get_helix_points_service(helix_request) # Prepend the current carrot position first_point = JointTrajectoryPoint() initial_pose = data.transforms[0].translation first_point.positions = [ initial_pose.x, initial_pose.y, initial_pose.z, 0 ] helix_response.helix_points.points.insert(0, first_point) # GetHelixPoints just returns the points. The dynamical part must be # provided by the user. dof = len(helix_response.helix_points.points[0].positions) helix_response.helix_points.points[0].velocities = [ self.velocities ] * dof helix_response.helix_points.points[0].accelerations = [ self.accelerations ] * dof # Now call the trajectory generation service trajectory_request = GenerateTrajectoryRequest() trajectory_request.waypoints = helix_response.helix_points trajectory_request.sampling_frequency = 100 trajectory_response = self.request_trajectory_service( trajectory_request) # Repack the received trajectory to MultiDof self.multi_dof_trajectory = self.JointTrajectory2MultiDofTrajectory( trajectory_response.trajectory) self.trajectory_generated = True rospy.loginfo("Trajectory generated") self.trajectory_pub.publish(self.multi_dof_trajectory)
def __init__(self): # First set up service trajectory_type = rospy.get_param("~trajectory_type", "generate_toppra_trajectory") request_trajectory_service = rospy.ServiceProxy( trajectory_type, GenerateTrajectory) get_helix_points_service = rospy.ServiceProxy("get_helix_points", GetHelixPoints) trajectory_pub = rospy.Publisher('multi_dof_trajectory', MultiDOFJointTrajectory, queue_size=1) time.sleep(0.5) # Set up helical trajectory helix_request = GetHelixPointsRequest() helix_request.r = 0.5 helix_request.angleStep = 0.5 helix_request.x0 = -0.5 helix_request.y0 = 0.0 helix_request.z0 = 1.0 helix_request.zf = 2.5 helix_request.deltaZ = 0.05 # Get the points helix_response = get_helix_points_service(helix_request) # GetHelixPoints just returns the points. The dynamical part must be # provided by the user. dof = len(helix_response.helix_points.points[0].positions) helix_response.helix_points.points[0].velocities = [2.0] * dof helix_response.helix_points.points[0].accelerations = [1.0] * dof # Now call the trajectory generation service trajectory_request = GenerateTrajectoryRequest() trajectory_request.waypoints = helix_response.helix_points trajectory_request.sampling_frequency = 100 trajectory_response = request_trajectory_service(trajectory_request) multi_dof_trajectory = self.JointTrajectory2MultiDofTrajectory( trajectory_response.trajectory) trajectory_pub.publish(multi_dof_trajectory)
def __init__(self): # First set up service request_trajectory_service = rospy.ServiceProxy( "generate_toppra_trajectory", GenerateTrajectory) # This is an example for UAV and output trajectory is converted # accordingly trajectory_pub = rospy.Publisher('multi_dof_trajectory', MultiDOFJointTrajectory, queue_size=1) time.sleep(0.5) # Example of a simple square trajectory for quadcopter. All vectors # must be of same length x = [0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0] y = [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0] z = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] yaw = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] # Another example. Same square defined through more points. This will # overwrite the first example x = [0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] y = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.0] z = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0] yaw = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] # Create a service request which will be filled with waypoints request = GenerateTrajectoryRequest() # Add waypoints in request waypoint = JointTrajectoryPoint() for i in range(0, len(x)): # Positions are defined above waypoint.positions = [x[i], y[i], z[i], yaw[i]] # Also add constraints for velocity and acceleration. These # constraints are added only on the first waypoint since the # TOPP-RA reads them only from there. if i == 0: waypoint.velocities = [2, 2, 2, 1] waypoint.accelerations = [1.25, 1.25, 1.25, 1] # Append all waypoints in request request.waypoints.points.append(copy.deepcopy(waypoint)) # Set up joint names. This step is not necessary request.waypoints.joint_names = ["x", "y", "z", "yaw"] # Set up sampling frequency of output trajectory. request.sampling_frequency = 100.0 # Set up number of gridpoints. The more gridpoints there are, # trajectory interpolation will be more accurate but slower. # Defaults to 100 request.n_gridpoints = 500 # If you want to plot Maximum Velocity Curve and accelerations you can # send True in this field. This is intended to be used only when you # have to debug something since it will block the service until plot # is closed. request.plot = False # Request the trajectory response = request_trajectory_service(request) # Response will have trajectory and bool variable success. If for some # reason the trajectory was not able to be planned or the configuration # was incomplete or wrong it will return False. print "Converting trajectory to multi dof" joint_trajectory = response.trajectory multi_dof_trajectory = self.JointTrajectory2MultiDofTrajectory( joint_trajectory) trajectory_pub.publish(multi_dof_trajectory)
def generateTrajectoryCallback(self, msg): print("Generating trajectory") # Uav + ugv for westpoint, circular trajectory """ x_uav = [] y_uav = [] z_uav = [] yaw_uav = [] x_ugv = [] y_ugv = [] amp_uav = 0.5 amp_ugv = 0.5 total_angle = 2*math.pi n = 111 for i in range(0,n): angle = i*total_angle/float(n-1) x_uav.append(amp_uav*math.cos(angle)) y_uav.append(amp_uav*math.sin(angle)) z_uav.append(1.0) yaw_uav.append(0.0) x_ugv.append(amp_ugv*math.cos(angle)) y_ugv.append(amp_ugv*math.sin(angle)) for i in range(0,n-1): dx = x_uav[i+1]-x_uav[i] dy = y_uav[i+1]-y_uav[i] yaw_uav[i] = math.atan2(dy, dx) for i in range(1, n-1): if yaw_uav[i] < yaw_uav[i-1]: yaw_uav[i] = yaw_uav[i] + 2*math.pi yaw_uav[n-1] = yaw_uav[n-2] """ # Uav + ugv + manipulator trajectory x_uav = [] y_uav = [] z_uav = [] yaw_uav = [] x_ugv = [] y_ugv = [] x_start = -0.5 x_end = 0.5 y_start = 0.0 y_end = 0.0 x_offset = 0.2597 y_offset = -0.1777 z_offset = -0.22 yaw_offset = -math.pi/2.0 n = 111 for i in range(0,n): dx = x_end - x_start dy = y_end - y_start x_uav.append(dx*float(i)/float(n)+x_start) y_uav.append(dy*float(i)/float(n)+y_start) z_uav.append(1.0) yaw_uav.append(0.0) x_ugv.append(dx*float(i)/float(n)+x_start) y_ugv.append(dy*float(i)/float(n)+y_start) for i in range(0,n-1): dx = x_uav[i+1]-x_uav[i] dy = y_uav[i+1]-y_uav[i] yaw_uav[i] = math.atan2(dy, dx) for i in range(1, n-1): if yaw_uav[i] < yaw_uav[i-1]: yaw_uav[i] = yaw_uav[i] + 2*math.pi yaw_uav[n-1] = yaw_uav[n-2] # Create a service request which will be filled with waypoints request = GenerateTrajectoryRequest() waypoint = JointTrajectoryPoint() for i in range(0, n): waypoint.positions = [x_uav[i], y_uav[i], z_uav[i], yaw_uav[i], x_ugv[i], y_ugv[i], (x_uav[i]+x_offset), (y_uav[i]+y_offset), (z_uav[i]+z_offset), (yaw_uav[i]+yaw_offset)] waypoint.velocities = [1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 4.6, 0.25, 0.25, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 4.6] waypoint.accelerations = [0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 4.0, 0.04, 0.04, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 4.0] request.waypoints.points.append(copy.deepcopy(waypoint)) request.waypoints.joint_names = ["x_uav", "y_uav", "z_uav", "yaw_uav", "x_ugv", "y_ugv", "x_man", "y_man", "z_man", "yaw_man"] request.sampling_frequency = 100.0 response = self.request_trajectory_service(request) print("Total trajectory time: ", len(response.trajectory.points)/request.sampling_frequency) print("Converting trajectory to multi dof") joint_trajectory = response.trajectory multi_dof_trajectory = self.jointTrajectory2MultiDofTrajectory(joint_trajectory) self.trajectory_pub.publish(multi_dof_trajectory) ugv_trajectory = self.jointTrajectory2MultiDofTrajectoryUgv(joint_trajectory) self.ugv_trajectory_pub.publish(ugv_trajectory) manipulator_trajectory = self.jointTrajectory2MultiDofTrajectoryManipulator(joint_trajectory) self.manipulator_trajectory_pub.publish(manipulator_trajectory) if == 1: self.plotTrajectory(request, response)
def trajectory_cb(self, msg): if len(msg.points) == 0: print("ToppTracker - empty input trajectory recieved, RESET") self.trajectory = MultiDOFJointTrajectory() return if not self.carrot_trajectory_recieved: print("ToppTracker - trajectory recieved but carrot unavailable") self.trajectory = MultiDOFJointTrajectory() return # Nicely interpolate points from current to first x, y, z, yaw = self.interpolate_points(self.carrot_trajectory, msg.points[0]) print(x) print(y) print(yaw) if len(x) == 0: x.append(self.carrot_trajectory.transforms[0].translation.x) y.append(self.carrot_trajectory.transforms[0].translation.y) z.append(self.carrot_trajectory.transforms[0].translation.z) yaw.append( tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion([ self.carrot_trajectory.transforms[0].rotation.x, self.carrot_trajectory.transforms[0].rotation.y, self.carrot_trajectory.transforms[0].rotation.z, self.carrot_trajectory.transforms[0].rotation.w ])[2]) for point in msg.points: x.append(point.transforms[0].translation.x) y.append(point.transforms[0].translation.y) z.append(point.transforms[0].translation.z) yaw.append( tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion([ point.transforms[0].rotation.x, point.transforms[0].rotation.y, point.transforms[0].rotation.z, point.transforms[0].rotation.w ])[2]) # Fix Toppra orientation, at this point atleast two points are in trajectory if len(yaw) > 1: yaw[-1] = self.fix_topp_yaw(yaw[-1], yaw[-2]) for x_, y_, z_, yaw_ in zip(x, y, z, yaw): print("Recieved point: ", x_, y_, z_, yaw_) request = GenerateTrajectoryRequest() # Add waypoints in request waypoint = JointTrajectoryPoint() for i in range(0, len(x)): # Positions are defined above waypoint.positions = [x[i], y[i], z[i], yaw[i]] # Also add constraints for velocity and acceleration. These # constraints are added only on the first waypoint since the # TOPP-RA reads them only from there. if i == 0: waypoint.velocities = [ self.tracker_params.velocity[0], self.tracker_params.velocity[1], self.tracker_params.velocity[2], self.tracker_params.velocity[3] ] waypoint.accelerations = [ self.tracker_params.acceleration[0], self.tracker_params.acceleration[1], self.tracker_params.acceleration[2], self.tracker_params.acceleration[3] ] # Append all waypoints in request request.waypoints.points.append(copy.deepcopy(waypoint)) request.waypoints.joint_names = ["x", "y", "z", "yaw"] request.sampling_frequency = self.tracker_params.sampling_frequency request.n_gridpoints = self.tracker_params.n_gridpoints request.plot = False # Request the trajectory request_trajectory_service = rospy.ServiceProxy( "generate_toppra_trajectory", GenerateTrajectory) response = request_trajectory_service(request) # Response will have trajectory and bool variable success. If for some # reason the trajectory was not able to be planned or the configuration # was incomplete or wrong it will return False. print("ToppTracker: Converting trajectory to multi dof") joint_trajectory = response.trajectory self.enable_trajectory = False # Take the first point in the message, extract its roll / pitch and copy it in the # final trajectory angles = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion([ msg.points[0].transforms[0].rotation.x, msg.points[0].transforms[0].rotation.y, msg.points[0].transforms[0].rotation.z, msg.points[0].transforms[0].rotation.w ]) self.trajectory = self.JointTrajectory2MultiDofTrajectory( joint_trajectory, angles[0], angles[1]) # Publish the path path_msg = Path() path_msg.header.stamp = path_msg.header.frame_id = msg.header.frame_id self.trajectory_pose_arr.header.stamp = self.trajectory_pose_arr.header.frame_id = msg.header.frame_id self.trajectory_pose_arr.poses = [] self.trajectory_index = 0 for i, point in enumerate(self.trajectory.points): path_point = PoseStamped() path_point.header.stamp = path_point.header.frame_id = msg.header.frame_id path_point.pose.position.x = point.transforms[0].translation.x path_point.pose.position.y = point.transforms[0].translation.y path_point.pose.position.z = point.transforms[0].translation.z path_point.pose.orientation.x = point.transforms[0].rotation.x path_point.pose.orientation.y = point.transforms[0].rotation.y path_point.pose.orientation.z = point.transforms[0].rotation.z path_point.pose.orientation.w = point.transforms[0].rotation.w path_msg.poses.append(path_point) if i % 10 != 0: continue self.trajectory_pose_arr.poses.append(path_point.pose) self.path_pub.publish(path_msg)