Example #1
def test_1waypoints():
    "The case where there is only one waypoint."
    pi = SplineInterpolator([0], [[1, 2, 3]])
    assert pi.dof == 3
    npt.assert_allclose(pi.path_interval, np.r_[0, 0])
    npt.assert_allclose(pi.eval(0), np.r_[1, 2, 3])
    npt.assert_allclose(pi.evald(0), np.r_[0, 0, 0])

    npt.assert_allclose(pi.eval([0, 0]), [[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]])
    npt.assert_allclose(pi.evald([0, 0]), [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]])
Example #2
def test_compute_rave_trajectory(robot_fixture, ss_waypoints, waypoints):
    """From the given spline trajectory, compute openrave trajectory."""
    active_indices = robot_fixture.GetActiveDOFIndices()
    path = SplineInterpolator(ss_waypoints, waypoints)
    traj = path.compute_rave_trajectory(robot_fixture)
    spec = traj.GetConfigurationSpecification()

    xs = np.linspace(0, path.duration, 10)

    # Interpolate with spline
    qs_spline = path.eval(xs)
    qds_spline = path.evald(xs)
    qdds_spline = path.evaldd(xs)

    # Interpolate with OpenRAVE
    qs_rave = []
    qds_rave = []
    qdds_rave = []
    for t in xs:
        data = traj.Sample(t)
            data, robot_fixture, active_indices, 0))
            data, robot_fixture, active_indices, 1))
            data, robot_fixture, active_indices, 2))

    # Assert all close
    npt.assert_allclose(qs_spline, qs_rave)
    npt.assert_allclose(qds_spline, qds_rave)
    npt.assert_allclose(qdds_spline, qdds_rave)
Example #3
def test_scalar(sswp, wp, ss, path_interval):
    "A scalar (dof=1) trajectory."
    pi = SplineInterpolator(sswp, wp)  # 1 + 2s + 3s^2
    assert pi.dof == 1

    assert pi.eval(ss).shape == (len(ss), )
    assert pi.evald(ss).shape == (len(ss), )
    assert pi.evaldd(ss).shape == (len(ss), )
    assert pi.eval(0).shape == ()
    npt.assert_allclose(pi.path_interval, path_interval)
Example #4
def test_5_dof():
    pi = SplineInterpolator([0, 1], np.random.rand(2, 5))
    # [1 + 2s + 3s^2]
    # [-2 + 3s + 4s^2 + 5s^3]

    ss = np.linspace(0, 1, 10)
    assert pi.dof == 5
    assert pi.eval(ss).shape == (10, 5)
    assert pi.evald(ss).shape == (10, 5)
    assert pi.evaldd(ss).shape == (10, 5)
    npt.assert_allclose(pi.path_interval, np.r_[0, 1])
Example #5
def test_2waypoints(xs, ys, yd):
    "There is only two waypoints. Linear interpolation is done between them."
    pi = SplineInterpolator(xs, ys, bc_type='natural')
    npt.assert_allclose(pi.path_interval, xs)
    npt.assert_allclose(pi.evald((xs[0] + xs[1]) / 2), yd)
    npt.assert_allclose(pi.evaldd(0), np.zeros_like(ys[0]))