Example #1
def set_deterministic_debug_mode(debug_mode: Union[builtins.int, str]) -> None:
    r"""Sets the debug mode for deterministic operations.

    .. note:: This is an alternative interface for
        :func:`torch.use_deterministic_algorithms`. Refer to that function's
        documentation for details about affected operations.

        debug_mode(str or int): If "default" or 0, don't error or warn on
            nondeterministic operations. If "warn" or 1, warn on
            nondeterministic operations. If "error" or 2, error on
            nondeterministic operations.

    # NOTE: builtins.int is used here because int in this scope resolves
    # to torch.int
    if not isinstance(debug_mode, (builtins.int, str)):
        raise TypeError(f'debug_mode must be str or int, but got {type(debug_mode)}')

    if isinstance(debug_mode, str):
        if debug_mode == 'default':
            debug_mode = 0
        elif debug_mode == 'warn':
            debug_mode = 1
        elif debug_mode == 'error':
            debug_mode = 2
            raise RuntimeError(
                'invalid value of debug_mode, expected one of `default`, '
                f'`warn`, `error`, but got {debug_mode}')

    if debug_mode == 0:
    elif debug_mode == 1:
        _C._set_deterministic_algorithms(True, warn_only=True)
    elif debug_mode == 2:
        raise RuntimeError(
            'invalid value of debug_mode, expected 0, 1, or 2, '
            f'but got {debug_mode}')
Example #2
def use_deterministic_algorithms(d):
    r""" Sets whether PyTorch operations must use "deterministic"
    algorithms. That is, algorithms which, given the same input, and when
    run on the same software and hardware, always produce the same output.
    When True, operations will use deterministic algorithms when available,
    and if only nondeterministic algorithms are available they will throw a
    :class:RuntimeError when called.

    .. warning::
        This feature is in beta, and its design and implementation may change
        in the future.

    The following normally-nondeterministic operations will act
    deterministically when `d=True`:

        * :class:`torch.nn.Conv1d` when called on CUDA tensor
        * :class:`torch.nn.Conv2d` when called on CUDA tensor
        * :class:`torch.nn.Conv3d` when called on CUDA tensor
        * :class:`torch.nn.ConvTranspose1d` when called on CUDA tensor
        * :class:`torch.nn.ConvTranspose2d` when called on CUDA tensor
        * :class:`torch.nn.ConvTranspose3d` when called on CUDA tensor
        * :func:`torch.bmm` when called on sparse-dense CUDA tensors

    The following normally-nondeterministic operations will throw a
    :class:`RuntimeError` when `d=True`:

        * :class:`torch.nn.AvgPool3d` when called on a CUDA tensor that requires grad
        * :class:`torch.nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d` when called on a CUDA tensor that requires grad
        * :class:`torch.nn.AdaptiveAvgPool3d` when called on a CUDA tensor that requires grad
        * :class:`torch.nn.MaxPool3d` when called on a CUDA tensor that requires grad
        * :class:`torch.nn.AdaptiveMaxPool2d` when called on a CUDA tensor that requires grad
        * :class:`torch.nn.FractionalMaxPool2d` when called on a CUDA tensor that requires grad
        * :class:`torch.nn.FractionalMaxPool3d` when called on a CUDA tensor that requires grad
        * :func:`torch.nn.functional.interpolate` when called on a CUDA tensor that requires grad
          and one of the following modes is used:

          - `linear`
          - `bilinear`
          - `bicubic`
          - `trilinear`

        * :class:`torch.nn.ReflectionPad1d` when called on a CUDA tensor that requires grad
        * :class:`torch.nn.ReflectionPad2d` when called on a CUDA tensor that requires grad
        * :class:`torch.nn.ReplicationPad1d` when called on a CUDA tensor that requires grad
        * :class:`torch.nn.ReplicationPad2d` when called on a CUDA tensor that requires grad
        * :class:`torch.nn.ReplicationPad3d` when called on a CUDA tensor that requires grad
        * :class:`torch.nn.NLLLoss` when called on a CUDA tensor that requires grad
        * :class:`torch.nn.CTCLoss` when called on a CUDA tensor that requires grad
        * :class:`torch.nn.EmbeddingBag` when called on a CUDA tensor that requires grad
        * :func:`torch.scatter_add_` when called on a CUDA tensor
        * :func:`torch.index_add_` when called on a CUDA tensor
        * :func:`torch.index_copy`
        * :func:`torch.index_select` when called on a CUDA tensor that requires grad
        * :func:`torch.repeat_interleave` when called on a CUDA tensor that requires grad
        * :func:`torch.histc` when called on a CUDA tensor
        * :func:`torch.bincount` when called on a CUDA tensor
        * :func:`torch.kthvalue` with called on a CUDA tensor
        * :func:`torch.median` with indices output when called on a CUDA tensor

    A handful of CUDA operations are nondeterministic if the CUDA version is
    10.2 or greater, unless the environment variable `CUBLAS_WORKSPACE_CONFIG=:4096:8`
    or `CUBLAS_WORKSPACE_CONFIG=:16:8` is set. See the CUDA documentation for more
    details: `<https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cublas/index.html#cublasApi_reproducibility>`_
    If one of these environment variable configurations is not set, a :class:`RuntimeError`
    will be raised from these operations when called with CUDA tensors:

        * :func:`torch.mm`
        * :func:`torch.mv`
        * :func:`torch.bmm`

    Note that deterministic operations tend to have worse performance than
    non-deterministic operations.

        d (:class:`bool`): If True, force operations to be deterministic.
                           If False, allow non-deterministic operations.
Example #3
def use_deterministic_algorithms(mode):
    r""" Sets whether PyTorch operations must use "deterministic"
    algorithms. That is, algorithms which, given the same input, and when
    run on the same software and hardware, always produce the same output.
    When enabled, operations will use deterministic algorithms when available,
    and if only nondeterministic algorithms are available they will throw a
    :class:`RuntimeError` when called.

    The following normally-nondeterministic operations will act
    deterministically when ``mode=True``:

        * :class:`torch.nn.Conv1d` when called on CUDA tensor
        * :class:`torch.nn.Conv2d` when called on CUDA tensor
        * :class:`torch.nn.Conv3d` when called on CUDA tensor
        * :class:`torch.nn.ConvTranspose1d` when called on CUDA tensor
        * :class:`torch.nn.ConvTranspose2d` when called on CUDA tensor
        * :class:`torch.nn.ConvTranspose3d` when called on CUDA tensor
        * :func:`torch.bmm` when called on sparse-dense CUDA tensors
        * :func:`torch.Tensor.__getitem__` when attempting to differentiate a CPU tensor
          and the index is a list of tensors
        * :func:`torch.Tensor.index_put` with ``accumulate=False``
        * :func:`torch.Tensor.index_put` with ``accumulate=True`` when called on a CPU
        * :func:`torch.Tensor.put_` with ``accumulate=True`` when called on a CPU
        * :func:`torch.Tensor.scatter_add_` when ``input`` dimension is one and called
          on a CUDA tensor
        * :func:`torch.gather` when ``input`` dimension is one and called
          on a CUDA tensor that requires grad
        * :func:`torch.index_add` when called on CUDA tensor
        * :func:`torch.index_select` when attempting to differentiate a CUDA tensor
        * :func:`torch.repeat_interleave` when attempting to differentiate a CUDA tensor
        * :func:`torch.Tensor.index_copy` when called on a CPU or CUDA tensor

    The following normally-nondeterministic operations will throw a
    :class:`RuntimeError` when ``mode=True``:

        * :class:`torch.nn.AvgPool3d` when attempting to differentiate a CUDA tensor
        * :class:`torch.nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d` when attempting to differentiate a CUDA tensor
        * :class:`torch.nn.AdaptiveAvgPool3d` when attempting to differentiate a CUDA tensor
        * :class:`torch.nn.MaxPool3d` when attempting to differentiate a CUDA tensor
        * :class:`torch.nn.AdaptiveMaxPool2d` when attempting to differentiate a CUDA tensor
        * :class:`torch.nn.FractionalMaxPool2d` when attempting to differentiate a CUDA tensor
        * :class:`torch.nn.FractionalMaxPool3d` when attempting to differentiate a CUDA tensor
        * :func:`torch.nn.functional.interpolate` when attempting to differentiate a CUDA tensor
          and one of the following modes is used:

          - ``linear``
          - ``bilinear``
          - ``bicubic``
          - ``trilinear``

        * :class:`torch.nn.ReflectionPad1d` when attempting to differentiate a CUDA tensor
        * :class:`torch.nn.ReflectionPad2d` when attempting to differentiate a CUDA tensor
        * :class:`torch.nn.ReplicationPad1d` when attempting to differentiate a CUDA tensor
        * :class:`torch.nn.ReplicationPad2d` when attempting to differentiate a CUDA tensor
        * :class:`torch.nn.ReplicationPad3d` when attempting to differentiate a CUDA tensor
        * :class:`torch.nn.NLLLoss` when called on a CUDA tensor
        * :class:`torch.nn.CTCLoss` when attempting to differentiate a CUDA tensor
        * :class:`torch.nn.EmbeddingBag` when attempting to differentiate a CUDA tensor when
        * :func:`torch.Tensor.scatter_add_` when ``input`` dimension is larger than one
          and called on a CUDA tensor
        * :func:`torch.gather` when ``input`` dimension is larger than one
          and called on a CUDA tensor that requires grad
        * :func:`torch.Tensor.put_` when ``accumulate=False``
        * :func:`torch.Tensor.put_` when ``accumulate=True`` and called on a CUDA tensor
        * :func:`torch.histc` when called on a CUDA tensor
        * :func:`torch.bincount` when called on a CUDA tensor
        * :func:`torch.kthvalue` with called on a CUDA tensor
        * :func:`torch.median` with indices output when called on a CUDA tensor
        * :func:`torch.nn.functional.grid_sample` when attempting to differentiate a CUDA tensor

    A handful of CUDA operations are nondeterministic if the CUDA version is
    10.2 or greater, unless the environment variable ``CUBLAS_WORKSPACE_CONFIG=:4096:8``
    or ``CUBLAS_WORKSPACE_CONFIG=:16:8`` is set. See the CUDA documentation for more
    details: `<https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cublas/index.html#cublasApi_reproducibility>`_
    If one of these environment variable configurations is not set, a :class:`RuntimeError`
    will be raised from these operations when called with CUDA tensors:

        * :func:`torch.mm`
        * :func:`torch.mv`
        * :func:`torch.bmm`

    Note that deterministic operations tend to have worse performance than
    nondeterministic operations.

    .. note::

        This flag does not detect or prevent nondeterministic behavior caused
        by calling an inplace operation on a tensor with an internal memory
        overlap or by giving such a tensor as the :attr:`out` argument for an
        operation. In these cases, multiple writes of different data may target
        a single memory location, and the order of writes is not guaranteed.

        mode (:class:`bool`): If True, makes potentially nondeterministic
            operations switch to a deterministic algorithm or throw a runtime
            error. If False, allows nondeterministic operations.


        >>> torch.use_deterministic_algorithms(True)

        # Forward mode nondeterministic error
        >>> torch.randn(10).index_copy(0, torch.tensor([0]), torch.randn(1))
        RuntimeError: index_copy does not have a deterministic implementation...

        # Backward mode nondeterministic error
        >>> torch.randn(10, requires_grad=True, device='cuda').index_select(0, torch.tensor([0], device='cuda')).backward()
        RuntimeError: index_add_cuda_ does not have a deterministic implementation...