Example #1
    def test_nvfuser_executor_partitioned_no_partitions_error(self, device):
        # This test is to ensure that nvfuser partitioned executor works correctly
        # It's assumed that digamma is not supported by nvfuser
        # If it's ever supported, this test will need to be updated
        self.assertTrue(torch.ops.prims.digamma.default.impl_nvfuser is None)

        from torch.fx.experimental.proxy_tensor import make_fx
        from torch._prims.context import TorchRefsMode
        from torch._prims.executor import execute

        a = torch.randn(3, 4, device=device)

        def func(a):
            return torch.digamma(a)  # not supported by nvfuser

        with TorchRefsMode.push():
            gm = make_fx(func)(a)

        with catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
            # Trigger warning
            execute(gm, a, executor="nvfuser")
            # Check warning occurs
            self.assertEqual(len(w), 1)
                "is not supported by nvFuser" in str(w[-1].message))
Example #2
    def test_nvfuser_executor_partitioned(self, device):
        # This test is to ensure that nvfuser partitioned executor works correctly
        # It's assumed that digamma is not supported by nvfuser
        # If it's ever supported, this test will need to be updated
        self.assertTrue(torch.ops.prims.digamma.default.impl_nvfuser is None)

        from torch.fx.experimental.proxy_tensor import make_fx
        from torch._prims.context import TorchRefsMode
        from torch._prims.executor import execute

        a = torch.randn(3, 4, device=device)
        b = torch.rand(3, 1, device=device)
        c = torch.rand(3, 4, device=device)

        def func(a, b, c):
            aa = torch.digamma(a)  # not supported by nvfuser
            d = torch.add(b, c)
            dd = torch.sqrt(d)
            return torch.mul(aa, dd.digamma())

        with TorchRefsMode.push():
            gm = make_fx(func)(a, b, c)

        expected = execute(gm, a, b, c, executor="aten")
        actual = execute(gm, a, b, c, executor="nvfuser")
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
Example #3
    def _traced(*args, executor="aten", **kwargs):
        # TODO: caching
        wrapped, all_args = wrapper_and_args_for_make_fx(fn, args, kwargs)

        with NvfuserPrimsMode(), TorchRefsMode():
            gm = make_fx(wrapped)(all_args)
        return execute(gm, all_args, executor=executor)
Example #4
    def _traced(*args, executor="aten", **kwargs):
        # TODO: caching
        nargs = len(args)
        fn_kwargs = kwargs
        flat_fn_kwargs = list(fn_kwargs.values())
        all_args = list(args) + flat_fn_kwargs

        def wrapped(args):
            fn_args = args[:nargs]
            kwargs_keys = list(fn_kwargs.keys())
            kwargs = dict(zip(kwargs_keys, args[nargs:]))
            return fn(*fn_args, **kwargs)

        with TorchRefsMode.push():
            gm = make_fx(wrapped)(all_args)
        return execute(gm, all_args, executor=executor)
Example #5
    def test_nvfuser_executor_cached_noncontiguous(self, device):
        # This test is to ensure that nvfuser computes correct results for noncontiguous tensors
        from torch.fx.experimental.proxy_tensor import make_fx
        from torch._prims.context import TorchRefsMode
        from torch._prims.executor import execute

        a = torch.randn(3, 3, device=device)

        def func(a):
            return torch.sigmoid(a)

        with TorchRefsMode.push():
            gm = make_fx(func)(a)

        # First run to create the cache
        execute(gm, a, executor="nvfuser")

        # a.mT is noncontiguous, but it shouldn't affect correctness
        expected = execute(gm, a.mT, executor="aten")
        actual = execute(gm, a.mT, executor="nvfuser")
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
Example #6
    def test_aten_overload_to_prims(self, device):
        # This test is to ensure that the torch.ops.aten calls are replaced with refs
        from torch.fx.experimental.proxy_tensor import make_fx
        from torch._prims.context import TorchRefsMode

        a = torch.randn(3, 3, device=device)

        def func(a):
            return torch.ops.aten.sigmoid.default(

        with TorchRefsMode():
            gm = make_fx(func)(a)

        # Check that all call_function nodes are prims
        call_function_nodes = list(
            filter(lambda n: n.op == "call_function", gm.graph.nodes))
        all_prims_namespace = all(
            for node in call_function_nodes)
Example #7
 def _traced(*args, executor="aten"):
     # TODO: caching
     with TorchRefsMode.push():
         gm = make_fx(fn)(*args)
     return execute(gm, *args, executor=executor)