Example #1
    def test_fusion_layer_in_sequential(self):

        with override_quantized_engine('fbgemm'):
            torch.backends.quantized.engine = "fbgemm"

            q_config_mapping = QConfigMapping()

            prepared_model = self._prepare_model_and_run_input(
                torch.randn(1, 3, 10, 10),

            # run the detector
            per_channel_detector = PerChannelDetector(torch.backends.quantized.engine)
            optims_str, per_channel_info = per_channel_detector.generate_detector_report(prepared_model)

            # no optims possible and there should be nothing in per_channel_status

            # to ensure it got into the nested layer and it considered all the nested fusion components
            self.assertEqual(len(per_channel_info["per_channel_status"]), 4)

            # for each layer, should be supported but not used
            for key in per_channel_info["per_channel_status"].keys():
                module_entry = per_channel_info["per_channel_status"][key]
                self.assertEqual(module_entry["per_channel_supported"], True)
                self.assertEqual(module_entry["per_channel_used"], True)
Example #2
    def test_simple_conv(self):

        with override_quantized_engine('fbgemm'):
            torch.backends.quantized.engine = "fbgemm"

            q_config_mapping = QConfigMapping()

            input = torch.randn(1, 3, 10, 10)
            prepared_model = self._prepare_model_and_run_input(ConvModel(), q_config_mapping, input)

            # run the detector
            per_channel_detector = PerChannelDetector(torch.backends.quantized.engine)
            optims_str, per_channel_info = per_channel_detector.generate_detector_report(prepared_model)

            # no optims possible and there should be nothing in per_channel_status
            self.assertEqual(per_channel_info["backend"], torch.backends.quantized.engine)
            self.assertEqual(len(per_channel_info["per_channel_status"]), 1)
            self.assertEqual(list(per_channel_info["per_channel_status"])[0], "conv")
            self.assertEqual(per_channel_info["per_channel_status"]["conv"]["per_channel_used"], True)
Example #3
    def test_conv_sub_class_considered(self):

        with override_quantized_engine('qnnpack'):
            torch.backends.quantized.engine = "qnnpack"

            q_config_mapping = QConfigMapping()

            prepared_model = self._prepare_model_and_run_input(
                torch.randn(1, 3, 10, 10),

            # run the detector
            per_channel_detector = PerChannelDetector(torch.backends.quantized.engine)
            optims_str, per_channel_info = per_channel_detector.generate_detector_report(prepared_model)

            # there should be optims possible

            # to ensure it got into the nested layer and it considered the lazyConv2d
            self.assertEqual(len(per_channel_info["per_channel_status"]), 4)

            # for each layer, should be supported but not used
            for key in per_channel_info["per_channel_status"].keys():
                module_entry = per_channel_info["per_channel_status"][key]

                self.assertEqual(module_entry["per_channel_supported"], True)
                self.assertEqual(module_entry["per_channel_used"], False)
Example #4
    def test_multi_linear_model_without_per_channel(self):

        with override_quantized_engine('qnnpack'):
            torch.backends.quantized.engine = "qnnpack"

            q_config_mapping = QConfigMapping()

            prepared_model = self._prepare_model_and_run_input(

            # run the detector
            per_channel_detector = PerChannelDetector(torch.backends.quantized.engine)
            optims_str, per_channel_info = per_channel_detector.generate_detector_report(prepared_model)

            # there should be optims possible
            self.assertEqual(per_channel_info["backend"], torch.backends.quantized.engine)
            self.assertEqual(len(per_channel_info["per_channel_status"]), 2)

            # for each linear layer, should be supported but not used
            for linear_key in per_channel_info["per_channel_status"].keys():
                module_entry = per_channel_info["per_channel_status"][linear_key]

                self.assertEqual(module_entry["per_channel_supported"], True)
                self.assertEqual(module_entry["per_channel_used"], False)
Example #5
    def test_qat_aware_model_example(self):

        # first we want a QAT model
        class QATConvLinearReluModel(torch.nn.Module):
            def __init__(self):
                super(QATConvLinearReluModel, self).__init__()
                # QuantStub converts tensors from floating point to quantized
                self.quant = torch.quantization.QuantStub()
                self.conv = torch.nn.Conv2d(1, 1, 1)
                self.bn = torch.nn.BatchNorm2d(1)
                self.relu = torch.nn.ReLU()
                # DeQuantStub converts tensors from quantized to floating point
                self.dequant = torch.quantization.DeQuantStub()

            def forward(self, x):
                x = self.quant(x)
                x = self.conv(x)
                x = self.bn(x)
                x = self.relu(x)
                x = self.dequant(x)
                return x

        with override_quantized_engine('qnnpack'):
            # create a model instance
            model_fp32 = QATConvLinearReluModel()

            model_fp32.qconfig = torch.quantization.get_default_qat_qconfig("qnnpack")

            # model must be in eval mode for fusion
            model_fp32_fused = torch.quantization.fuse_modules(model_fp32, [["conv", "bn", "relu"]])

            # model must be set to train mode for QAT logic to work

            # prepare the model for QAT, different than for post training quantization
            model_fp32_prepared = torch.quantization.prepare_qat(model_fp32_fused)

            # run the detector
            per_channel_detector = PerChannelDetector(torch.backends.quantized.engine)
            optims_str, per_channel_info = per_channel_detector.generate_detector_report(model_fp32_prepared)

            # there should be optims possible

            # make sure it was able to find the single conv in the fused model
            self.assertEqual(len(per_channel_info["per_channel_status"]), 1)

            # for the one conv, it should still give advice to use different qconfig
            for key in per_channel_info["per_channel_status"].keys():
                module_entry = per_channel_info["per_channel_status"][key]
                self.assertEqual(module_entry["per_channel_supported"], True)
                self.assertEqual(module_entry["per_channel_used"], False)
Example #6
    def test_constructor(self):
        Tests the constructor of the ModelReport class.
        Specifically looks at:
        - The desired reports
        - Ensures that the observers of interest are properly initialized

        with override_quantized_engine('fbgemm'):
            # set the backend for this test
            torch.backends.quantized.engine = "fbgemm"
            backend = torch.backends.quantized.engine

            # make an example set of detectors
            test_detector_set = set([DynamicStaticDetector(), PerChannelDetector(backend)])
            # initialize with an empty detector
            model_report = ModelReport(test_detector_set)

            # make sure internal valid reports matches
            detector_name_set = set([detector.get_detector_name() for detector in test_detector_set])
            self.assertEqual(model_report.get_desired_reports_names(), detector_name_set)

            # now attempt with no valid reports, should raise error
            with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
                model_report = ModelReport(set([]))

            # number of expected obs of interest entries
            num_expected_entries = len(test_detector_set)
            self.assertEqual(len(model_report.get_observers_of_interest()), num_expected_entries)

            for value in model_report.get_observers_of_interest().values():
                self.assertEqual(len(value), 0)
Example #7
    def test_prepare_model_callibration(self):
        Tests model_report.prepare_detailed_calibration that prepares the model for callibration
        Specifically looks at:
        - Whether observers are properly inserted into regular nn.Module
        - Whether the target and the arguments of the observers are proper
        - Whether the internal representation of observers of interest is updated

        # example model to use for tests
        class ThreeOps(nn.Module):
            def __init__(self):
                super(ThreeOps, self).__init__()
                self.linear = nn.Linear(3, 3)
                self.bn = nn.BatchNorm2d(3)
                self.relu = nn.ReLU()

            def forward(self, x):
                x = self.linear(x)
                x = self.bn(x)
                x = self.relu(x)
                return x

        class TwoThreeOps(nn.Module):
            def __init__(self):
                super(TwoThreeOps, self).__init__()
                self.block1 = ThreeOps()
                self.block2 = ThreeOps()

            def forward(self, x):
                x = self.block1(x)
                y = self.block2(x)
                z = x + y
                z = F.relu(z)
                return z

        with override_quantized_engine('fbgemm'):
            # create model report object
            # make an example set of detectors
            torch.backends.quantized.engine = "fbgemm"
            backend = torch.backends.quantized.engine
            test_detector_set = set([DynamicStaticDetector(), PerChannelDetector(backend)])
            # initialize with an empty detector
            model_report = ModelReport(test_detector_set)

            # prepare the model
            model = TwoThreeOps()
            example_input = torch.randn(1, 3, 3, 3)
            current_backend = torch.backends.quantized.engine
            q_config_mapping = QConfigMapping()

            model_prep = quantize_fx.prepare_fx(model, q_config_mapping, example_input)

            # prepare the model for callibration
            prepared_for_callibrate_model = model_report.prepare_detailed_calibration(model_prep)

            # see whether observers properly in regular nn.Module
            # there should be 4 observers present in this case
            modules_observer_cnt = 0
            for fqn, module in prepared_for_callibrate_model.named_modules():
                if isinstance(module, ModelReportObserver):
                    modules_observer_cnt += 1

            self.assertEqual(modules_observer_cnt, 4)

            model_report_str_check = "model_report"
            # also make sure arguments for observers in the graph are proper
            for node in prepared_for_callibrate_model.graph.nodes:
                # not all node targets are strings, so check
                if isinstance(node.target, str) and model_report_str_check in node.target:
                    # if pre-observer has same args as the linear (next node)
                    if "pre_observer" in node.target:
                        self.assertEqual(node.args, node.next.args)
                    # if post-observer, args are the target linear (previous node)
                    if "post_observer" in node.target:
                        self.assertEqual(node.args, (node.prev,))

            # ensure model_report observers of interest updated
            # there should be two entries
            self.assertEqual(len(model_report.get_observers_of_interest()), 2)
            for detector in test_detector_set:
                self.assertTrue(detector.get_detector_name() in model_report.get_observers_of_interest().keys())

                # get number of entries for this detector
                detector_obs_of_interest_fqns = model_report.get_observers_of_interest()[detector.get_detector_name()]

                # assert that the per channel detector has 0 and the dynamic static has 4
                if isinstance(detector, PerChannelDetector):
                    self.assertEqual(len(detector_obs_of_interest_fqns), 0)
                elif isinstance(detector, DynamicStaticDetector):
                    self.assertEqual(len(detector_obs_of_interest_fqns), 4)

            # ensure that we can prepare for callibration only once
            with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
                prepared_for_callibrate_model = model_report.prepare_detailed_calibration(model_prep)
Example #8
    def test_multiple_q_config_options(self):

        with override_quantized_engine('qnnpack'):
            torch.backends.quantized.engine = "qnnpack"

            # qconfig with support for per_channel quantization
            per_channel_qconfig = QConfig(

            # we need to design the model
            class ConvLinearModel(torch.nn.Module):
                def __init__(self):
                    self.conv1 = torch.nn.Conv2d(3, 3, 2, 1)
                    self.fc1 = torch.nn.Linear(9, 27)
                    self.relu = torch.nn.ReLU()
                    self.fc2 = torch.nn.Linear(27, 27)
                    self.conv2 = torch.nn.Conv2d(3, 3, 2, 1)

                def forward(self, x):
                    x = self.conv1(x)
                    x = self.fc1(x)
                    x = self.relu(x)
                    x = self.fc2(x)
                    x = self.conv2(x)
                    return x

            q_config_mapping = QConfigMapping()
            ).set_object_type(torch.nn.Conv2d, per_channel_qconfig)

            prepared_model = self._prepare_model_and_run_input(
                torch.randn(1, 3, 10, 10),

            # run the detector
            per_channel_detector = PerChannelDetector(torch.backends.quantized.engine)
            optims_str, per_channel_info = per_channel_detector.generate_detector_report(prepared_model)

            # the only suggestions should be to linear layers

            # there should be optims possible

            # to ensure it got into the nested layer
            self.assertEqual(len(per_channel_info["per_channel_status"]), 4)

            # for each layer, should be supported but not used
            for key in per_channel_info["per_channel_status"].keys():
                module_entry = per_channel_info["per_channel_status"][key]
                self.assertEqual(module_entry["per_channel_supported"], True)

                # if linear False, if conv2d true cuz it uses different config
                if "fc" in key:
                    self.assertEqual(module_entry["per_channel_used"], False)
                elif "conv" in key:
                    self.assertEqual(module_entry["per_channel_used"], True)
                    raise ValueError("Should only contain conv and linear layers as key values")
Example #9
    def test_generate_report(self):
            Tests model_report.generate_model_report to ensure report generation
            Specifically looks at:
            - Whether correct number of reports are being generated
            - Whether observers are being properly removed if specified
            - Whether correct blocking from generating report twice if obs removed

        with override_quantized_engine('fbgemm'):
            # set the backend for this test
            torch.backends.quantized.engine = "fbgemm"

            # check whether the correct number of reports are being generated
            filled_detector_set = set([DynamicStaticDetector(), PerChannelDetector(torch.backends.quantized.engine)])
            single_detector_set = set([DynamicStaticDetector()])

            # initialize one with filled detector
            model_report_full = ModelReport(filled_detector_set)
            # initialize another with a single detector set
            model_report_single = ModelReport(single_detector_set)

            # prepare and callibrate two different instances of same model
            # prepare the model
            model_full = TestFxModelReportClass.TwoThreeOps()
            model_single = TestFxModelReportClass.TwoThreeOps()
            example_input = torch.randn(1, 3, 3, 3)
            current_backend = torch.backends.quantized.engine
            q_config_mapping = QConfigMapping()

            model_prep_full = quantize_fx.prepare_fx(model_full, q_config_mapping, example_input)
            model_prep_single = quantize_fx.prepare_fx(model_single, q_config_mapping, example_input)

            # prepare the models for callibration
            prepared_for_callibrate_model_full = model_report_full.prepare_detailed_calibration(model_prep_full)
            prepared_for_callibrate_model_single = model_report_single.prepare_detailed_calibration(model_prep_single)

            # now callibrate the two models
            num_iterations = 10
            for i in range(num_iterations):
                example_input = torch.tensor(torch.randint(100, (1, 3, 3, 3)), dtype=torch.float)

            # now generate the reports
            model_full_report = model_report_full.generate_model_report(
                prepared_for_callibrate_model_full, True
            model_single_report = model_report_single.generate_model_report(prepared_for_callibrate_model_single, False)

            # check that sizes are appropriate
            self.assertEqual(len(model_full_report), len(filled_detector_set))
            self.assertEqual(len(model_single_report), len(single_detector_set))

            # make sure observers are being properly removed for full report since we put flag in
            modules_observer_cnt, graph_observer_cnt = self.get_module_and_graph_cnts(prepared_for_callibrate_model_full)
            self.assertEqual(modules_observer_cnt, 0)  # assert no more observer modules
            self.assertEqual(graph_observer_cnt, 0)  # assert no more observer nodes in graph

            # make sure observers aren't being removed for single report since not specified
            modules_observer_cnt, graph_observer_cnt = self.get_module_and_graph_cnts(prepared_for_callibrate_model_single)
            self.assertNotEqual(modules_observer_cnt, 0)
            self.assertNotEqual(graph_observer_cnt, 0)

            # make sure error when try to rerun report generation for full report but not single report
            with self.assertRaises(Exception):
                model_full_report = model_report_full.generate_model_report(
                    prepared_for_callibrate_model_full, False

            # make sure we don't run into error for single report
            model_single_report = model_report_single.generate_model_report(prepared_for_callibrate_model_single, False)