Example #1
    def __call__(self, image_batch, theta_aff, theta_aff_tps, use_cuda=True):
        sampling_grid_aff = self.affTnf(image_batch=None,
        sampling_grid_aff_tps = self.tpsTnf(image_batch=None,
        if self.padding_crop_factor is not None:
            sampling_grid_aff_tps = sampling_grid_aff_tps*self.padding_crop_factor;

        # put 1e10 value in region out of bounds of sampling_grid_aff
        in_bound_mask_aff = ((sampling_grid_aff[:,:,:,0]>-1) * (sampling_grid_aff[:,:,:,0]<1) * (sampling_grid_aff[:,:,:,1]>-1) * (sampling_grid_aff[:,:,:,1]<1)).unsqueeze(3)
        in_bound_mask_aff = in_bound_mask_aff.expand_as(sampling_grid_aff)
        sampling_grid_aff = torch.mul(in_bound_mask_aff.float(),sampling_grid_aff)
        sampling_grid_aff = torch.add((in_bound_mask_aff.float()-1)*(1e10),sampling_grid_aff)       
        # compose transformations
        sampling_grid_aff_tps_comp = F.grid_sample(sampling_grid_aff.transpose(2,3).transpose(1,2), sampling_grid_aff_tps).transpose(1,2).transpose(2,3)
        # put 1e10 value in region out of bounds of sampling_grid_aff_tps_comp
        in_bound_mask_aff_tps=((sampling_grid_aff_tps[:,:,:,0]>-1) * (sampling_grid_aff_tps[:,:,:,0]<1) * (sampling_grid_aff_tps[:,:,:,1]>-1) * (sampling_grid_aff_tps[:,:,:,1]<1)).unsqueeze(3)
        sampling_grid_aff_tps_comp = torch.add((in_bound_mask_aff_tps.float()-1)*(1e10),sampling_grid_aff_tps_comp)       

        # sample transformed image
        warped_image_batch = F.grid_sample(image_batch, sampling_grid_aff_tps_comp)
        return warped_image_batch
def _crop_pool_layer(bottom, rois, max_pool=True):
    # code modified from 
    # https://github.com/ruotianluo/pytorch-faster-rcnn
    # implement it using stn
    # box to affine
    # input (x1,y1,x2,y2)
    [  x2-x1             x1 + x2 - W + 1  ]
    [  -----      0      ---------------  ]
    [  W - 1                  W - 1       ]
    [                                     ]
    [           y2-y1    y1 + y2 - H + 1  ]
    [    0      -----    ---------------  ]
    [           H - 1         H - 1      ]
    rois = rois.detach()
    batch_size = bottom.size(0)
    D = bottom.size(1)
    H = bottom.size(2)
    W = bottom.size(3)
    roi_per_batch = rois.size(0) / batch_size
    x1 = rois[:, 1::4] / 16.0
    y1 = rois[:, 2::4] / 16.0
    x2 = rois[:, 3::4] / 16.0
    y2 = rois[:, 4::4] / 16.0

    height = bottom.size(2)
    width = bottom.size(3)

    # affine theta
    zero = Variable(rois.data.new(rois.size(0), 1).zero_())
    theta = torch.cat([\
      (x2 - x1) / (width - 1),
      (x1 + x2 - width + 1) / (width - 1),
      (y2 - y1) / (height - 1),
      (y1 + y2 - height + 1) / (height - 1)], 1).view(-1, 2, 3)

    if max_pool:
      pre_pool_size = cfg.POOLING_SIZE * 2
      grid = F.affine_grid(theta, torch.Size((rois.size(0), 1, pre_pool_size, pre_pool_size)))
      bottom = bottom.view(1, batch_size, D, H, W).contiguous().expand(roi_per_batch, batch_size, D, H, W)\
                                                                .contiguous().view(-1, D, H, W)
      crops = F.grid_sample(bottom, grid)
      crops = F.max_pool2d(crops, 2, 2)
      grid = F.affine_grid(theta, torch.Size((rois.size(0), 1, cfg.POOLING_SIZE, cfg.POOLING_SIZE)))
      bottom = bottom.view(1, batch_size, D, H, W).contiguous().expand(roi_per_batch, batch_size, D, H, W)\
                                                                .contiguous().view(-1, D, H, W)
      crops = F.grid_sample(bottom, grid)
    return crops, grid
Example #3
def area_metrics(batch,batch_start_idx,theta_aff,theta_tps,theta_aff_tps,stats,args,use_cuda=True):
    do_aff = theta_aff is not None
    do_tps = theta_tps is not None
    do_aff_tps = theta_aff_tps is not None
    for b in range(batch_size):
        h_src = int(batch['source_im_size'][b,0].data.cpu().numpy())
        w_src = int(batch['source_im_size'][b,1].data.cpu().numpy())
        h_tgt = int(batch['target_im_size'][b,0].data.cpu().numpy())
        w_tgt = int(batch['target_im_size'][b,1].data.cpu().numpy())

        target_mask_np,target_mask = poly_str_to_mask(batch['target_polygon'][0][b],

        source_mask_np,source_mask = poly_str_to_mask(batch['source_polygon'][0][b],

                                                              theta_aff[b,:] if do_aff else None,
                                                              theta_tps[b,:] if do_tps else None,
                                                              theta_aff_tps[b,:] if do_aff_tps else None,
        idx = batch_start_idx+b
        if do_aff:
            warped_mask_aff = F.grid_sample(source_mask, grid_aff)            
            flow_aff = th_sampling_grid_to_np_flow(source_grid=grid_aff,h_src=h_src,w_src=w_src)
            stats['aff']['intersection_over_union'][idx] = intersection_over_union(warped_mask_aff,target_mask)
            stats['aff']['label_transfer_accuracy'][idx] = label_transfer_accuracy(warped_mask_aff,target_mask)
            stats['aff']['localization_error'][idx] = localization_error(source_mask_np, target_mask_np, flow_aff)
        if do_tps:
            warped_mask_tps = F.grid_sample(source_mask, grid_tps)
            flow_tps = th_sampling_grid_to_np_flow(source_grid=grid_tps,h_src=h_src,w_src=w_src)
            stats['tps']['intersection_over_union'][idx] = intersection_over_union(warped_mask_tps,target_mask)
            stats['tps']['label_transfer_accuracy'][idx] = label_transfer_accuracy(warped_mask_tps,target_mask)
            stats['tps']['localization_error'][idx] = localization_error(source_mask_np, target_mask_np, flow_tps)
        if do_aff_tps:
            warped_mask_aff_tps = F.grid_sample(source_mask, grid_aff_tps)
            flow_aff_tps = th_sampling_grid_to_np_flow(source_grid=grid_aff_tps,h_src=h_src,w_src=w_src)
            stats['aff_tps']['intersection_over_union'][idx] = intersection_over_union(warped_mask_aff_tps,target_mask)
            stats['aff_tps']['label_transfer_accuracy'][idx] = label_transfer_accuracy(warped_mask_aff_tps,target_mask)
            stats['aff_tps']['localization_error'][idx] = localization_error(source_mask_np, target_mask_np, flow_aff_tps)
    return stats
Example #4
def window_to_image(z_where, window_size, image_size, windows):
    n = windows.size(0)
    assert windows.size(1) == window_size ** 2, 'Size mismatch.'
    theta = expand_z_where(z_where)
    grid = F.affine_grid(theta, torch.Size((n, 1, image_size, image_size)))
    out = F.grid_sample(windows.view(n, 1, window_size, window_size), grid)
    return out.view(n, image_size, image_size)
Example #5
def image_to_window(z_where, window_size, image_size, images):
    n = images.size(0)
    assert images.size(1) == images.size(2) == image_size, 'Size mismatch.'
    theta_inv = expand_z_where(z_where_inv(z_where))
    grid = F.affine_grid(theta_inv, torch.Size((n, 1, window_size, window_size)))
    out = F.grid_sample(images.view(n, 1, image_size, image_size), grid)
    return out.view(n, -1)
Example #6
	def stn(self, z, c):
		zs = z.view(-1, 10 * 3 * 3)
		theta = self.fc_loc(zs)
		theta = theta.view(-1, 2, 3)
		grid = F.affine_grid(theta, c.size())
		cond = F.grid_sample(c, grid)
		return cond
def compare_grid_sample():
    # do gradcheck
    N = random.randint(1, 8)
    C = 2 # random.randint(1, 8)
    H = 5 # random.randint(1, 8)
    W = 4 # random.randint(1, 8)
    input = Variable(torch.randn(N, C, H, W).cuda(), requires_grad=True)
    input_p = input.clone().data.contiguous()
    grid = Variable(torch.randn(N, H, W, 2).cuda(), requires_grad=True)
    grid_clone = grid.clone().contiguous()

    out_offcial = F.grid_sample(input, grid)    
    grad_outputs = Variable(torch.rand(out_offcial.size()).cuda())
    grad_outputs_clone = grad_outputs.clone().contiguous()
    grad_inputs = torch.autograd.grad(out_offcial, (input, grid), grad_outputs.contiguous())
    grad_input_off = grad_inputs[0]

    crf = RoICropFunction()
    grid_yx = torch.stack([grid_clone.data[:,:,:,1], grid_clone.data[:,:,:,0]], 3).contiguous().cuda()
    out_stn = crf.forward(input_p, grid_yx)
    grad_inputs = crf.backward(grad_outputs_clone.data)
    grad_input_stn = grad_inputs[0]

    delta = (grad_input_off.data - grad_input_stn).sum()
def pad_image(image, pixel_2d, sout = None, grid_out = None):
    # image is the input image
    # pixel 2d are the coordinates, from 0 to sout
    # first coordinate is x, second coordinate is y
    # sout is the side length of the output image

    # grid_out is the meshgrid of dimension sout x sout

    # image should be N x 1 x slen x slen
    assert len(image.shape) == 4
    assert image.shape[1] == 1

    # assert there is a coordinate for each image
    assert image.shape[0] == pixel_2d.shape[0]

    batchsize = image.shape[0]
    sin = image.shape[-1]

    if grid_out is None:
        assert sout is not None
        r0 = (sout - 1) / 2
        grid_out = torch.FloatTensor(np.mgrid[0:sout, 0:sout].transpose() - r0)
        sout = grid_out.shape[0]

    grid1 = grid_out.unsqueeze(0).expand([pixel_2d.size(0), -1, -1, -1])

    grid2 = grid1 - pixel_2d.float().unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(1)
    grid3 = (grid2.float() + (sout // 2)) / (sin // 2)

    # grid sample only works with 4D inputs
    padded = f.grid_sample(image, grid3)

    return padded
def resize(original, um_sizes, desired_res):
    """ Resize array originally of um_sizes size to have desired_res resolution.

    We preserve the center of original and resized arrays exactly in the middle. We also
    make sure resolution is exactly the desired resolution. Given these two constraints,
    we cannot hold FOV of original and resized arrays to be exactly the same.

    :param np.array original: Array to resize.
    :param tuple um_sizes: Size in microns of the array (one per axis).
    :param int or tuple desired_res: Desired resolution (um/px) for the output array.

    :return: Output array (np.float32) resampled to the desired resolution. Size in pixels
        is round(um_sizes / desired_res).
    import torch.nn.functional as F

    # Create grid to sample in microns
    grid = create_grid(um_sizes, desired_res) # d x h x w x 3

    # Re-express as a torch grid [-1, 1]
    um_per_px = np.array([um / px for um, px in zip(um_sizes, original.shape)])
    torch_ones = np.array(um_sizes) / 2 - um_per_px / 2  # sample position of last pixel in original
    grid = grid / torch_ones[::-1].astype(np.float32)

    # Resample
    input_tensor = torch.from_numpy(original.reshape(1, 1, *original.shape).astype(
    grid_tensor = torch.from_numpy(grid.reshape(1, *grid.shape))
    resized_tensor = F.grid_sample(input_tensor, grid_tensor, padding_mode='border')
    resized = resized_tensor.numpy().squeeze()

    return resized
Example #10
	def stn(self, x):
		xs = self.localization(x)
		xs = xs.view(-1, 10 * 3 * 3)
		theta = self.fc_loc(xs)
		theta = theta.view(-1, 2, 3)
		grid = F.affine_grid(theta, x.size())
		x = F.grid_sample(x, grid)
		return x
Example #11
def warp_image(image, flow):
    Warp image (np.ndarray, shape=[h_src,w_src,3]) with flow (np.ndarray, shape=[h_tgt,w_tgt,2])
    sampling_grid_torch = np_flow_to_th_sampling_grid(flow, h_src, w_src)
    image_torch = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(image.astype(np.float32)).transpose(1,2).transpose(0,1).unsqueeze(0))
    warped_image_torch = F.grid_sample(image_torch, sampling_grid_torch)
    warped_image = warped_image_torch.data.squeeze(0).transpose(0,1).transpose(1,2).numpy().astype(np.uint8)
    return warped_image
Example #12
def affTpsTnf(source_image, theta_aff, theta_aff_tps, use_cuda=use_cuda):
    tpstnf = GeometricTnf(geometric_model = 'tps',use_cuda=use_cuda)
    sampling_grid = tpstnf(image_batch=source_image,
    X = sampling_grid[:,:,:,0].unsqueeze(3)
    Y = sampling_grid[:,:,:,1].unsqueeze(3)
    Xp = X*theta_aff[:,0].unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(2)+Y*theta_aff[:,1].unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(2)+theta_aff[:,2].unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(2)
    Yp = X*theta_aff[:,3].unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(2)+Y*theta_aff[:,4].unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(2)+theta_aff[:,5].unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(2)
    sg = torch.cat((Xp,Yp),3)
    warped_image_batch = F.grid_sample(source_image, sg)

    return warped_image_batch
Example #13
def warp_grid_torch(torch_mask, torch_grid, torch_texture):
    torch_grid = torch_grid.transpose(0, 1)

    torch_texture = torch_texture.transpose(2, 0)
    torch_texture = torch_texture.transpose(1, 2)
    torch_texture = torch_texture.unsqueeze(0)

    torch_grid = normalize_grid_for_grid_sample(torch_grid)

    torch_grid = torch_grid.unsqueeze(0)
    res = F.grid_sample(torch_texture, torch_grid, mode="bilinear").squeeze()

    res = res * torch_mask
    return res
Example #14
def warp_grid_torch(torch_mask, torch_grid, torch_texture):

    :param torch_mask:
    :param torch_grid:
    :param torch_texture: CxHxW tensor
    assert len(torch_texture.shape) == 3
    torch_texture = torch_texture.unsqueeze(0)

    torch_grid = normalize_grid_for_grid_sample(torch_grid)

    torch_grid = torch_grid.unsqueeze(0)
    res = F.grid_sample(torch_texture, torch_grid, mode="bilinear").squeeze(0)

    res = res * torch_mask
    return res
def find_tensor_peak_batch(heatmap, radius, downsample, threshold = 0.000001):
  assert heatmap.dim() == 3, 'The dimension of the heatmap is wrong : {}'.format(heatmap.size())
  assert radius > 0 and isinstance(radius, numbers.Number), 'The radius is not ok : {}'.format(radius)
  num_pts, H, W = heatmap.size(0), heatmap.size(1), heatmap.size(2)
  assert W > 1 and H > 1, 'To avoid the normalization function divide zero'
  # find the approximate location:
  score, index = torch.max(heatmap.view(num_pts, -1), 1)
  index_w = (index % W).float()
  index_h = (index / W).float()
  def normalize(x, L):
    return -1. + 2. * x.data / (L-1)
  boxes = [index_w - radius, index_h - radius, index_w + radius, index_h + radius]
  boxes[0] = normalize(boxes[0], W)
  boxes[1] = normalize(boxes[1], H)
  boxes[2] = normalize(boxes[2], W)
  boxes[3] = normalize(boxes[3], H)
  #affine_parameter = [(boxes[2]-boxes[0])/2, boxes[0]*0, (boxes[2]+boxes[0])/2,
  #                   boxes[0]*0, (boxes[3]-boxes[1])/2, (boxes[3]+boxes[1])/2]
  #theta = torch.stack(affine_parameter, 1).view(num_pts, 2, 3)

  affine_parameter = torch.zeros((num_pts, 2, 3))
  affine_parameter[:,0,0] = (boxes[2]-boxes[0])/2
  affine_parameter[:,0,2] = (boxes[2]+boxes[0])/2
  affine_parameter[:,1,1] = (boxes[3]-boxes[1])/2
  affine_parameter[:,1,2] = (boxes[3]+boxes[1])/2
  # extract the sub-region heatmap
  theta = affine_parameter.to(heatmap.device)
  grid_size = torch.Size([num_pts, 1, radius*2+1, radius*2+1])
  grid = F.affine_grid(theta, grid_size)
  sub_feature = F.grid_sample(heatmap.unsqueeze(1), grid).squeeze(1)
  sub_feature = F.threshold(sub_feature, threshold, np.finfo(float).eps)

  X = torch.arange(-radius, radius+1).to(heatmap).view(1, 1, radius*2+1)
  Y = torch.arange(-radius, radius+1).to(heatmap).view(1, radius*2+1, 1)
  sum_region = torch.sum(sub_feature.view(num_pts,-1),1)
  x = torch.sum((sub_feature*X).view(num_pts,-1),1) / sum_region + index_w
  y = torch.sum((sub_feature*Y).view(num_pts,-1),1) / sum_region + index_h
  x = x * downsample + downsample / 2.0 - 0.5
  y = y * downsample + downsample / 2.0 - 0.5
  return torch.stack([x, y],1), score
def crop_image(image, pixel_2d, sin = None, grid0 = None):
    # image should be N x 1 x slen x slen
    assert len(image.shape) == 4
    assert image.shape[1] == 1

    # assert there is a coordinate for each image
    assert image.shape[0] == pixel_2d.shape[0]

    batchsize, _, h, _ = image.shape

    if grid0 is None:
        assert sin is not None
        r = sin // 2
        grid0 = torch.from_numpy(\
                    np.mgrid[(-r):(r+1), (-r):(r+1)].transpose([2, 1, 0]))

    grid1 = grid0.unsqueeze(0).expand([image.size(0), -1, -1, -1])
    grid2 = grid1 + pixel_2d.view(image.size(0), 1, 1, 2) - (h - 1) / 2
    grid3 = grid2.float() / ((h - 1) / 2)

    return f.grid_sample(image, grid3)
Example #17
def theta_to_sampling_grid(out_h,out_w,theta_aff=None,theta_tps=None,theta_aff_tps=None,use_cuda=True,tps_reg_factor=0):
    affTnf = GeometricTnf(out_h=out_h,out_w=out_w,geometric_model='affine',use_cuda=use_cuda)
    tpsTnf = GeometricTnf(out_h=out_h,out_w=out_w,geometric_model='tps',use_cuda=use_cuda,tps_reg_factor=tps_reg_factor)

    if theta_aff is not None:
        sampling_grid_aff = affTnf(image_batch=None,
    if theta_tps is not None:
        sampling_grid_tps = tpsTnf(image_batch=None,
    if theta_aff is not None and theta_aff_tps is not None:
        sampling_grid_aff_tps = tpsTnf(image_batch=None,
        # put 1e10 value in region out of bounds of sampling_grid_aff
        sampling_grid_aff = sampling_grid_aff.clone()
        in_bound_mask_aff=Variable((sampling_grid_aff.data[:,:,:,0]>-1) & (sampling_grid_aff.data[:,:,:,0]<1) & (sampling_grid_aff.data[:,:,:,1]>-1) & (sampling_grid_aff.data[:,:,:,1]<1)).unsqueeze(3)
        sampling_grid_aff = torch.add((in_bound_mask_aff.float()-1)*(1e10),torch.mul(in_bound_mask_aff.float(),sampling_grid_aff))       
        # put 1e10 value in region out of bounds of sampling_grid_aff_tps_comp
        sampling_grid_aff_tps_comp = F.grid_sample(sampling_grid_aff.transpose(2,3).transpose(1,2), sampling_grid_aff_tps).transpose(1,2).transpose(2,3)
        in_bound_mask_aff_tps=Variable((sampling_grid_aff_tps.data[:,:,:,0]>-1) & (sampling_grid_aff_tps.data[:,:,:,0]<1) & (sampling_grid_aff_tps.data[:,:,:,1]>-1) & (sampling_grid_aff_tps.data[:,:,:,1]<1)).unsqueeze(3)
        sampling_grid_aff_tps_comp = torch.add((in_bound_mask_aff_tps.float()-1)*(1e10),torch.mul(in_bound_mask_aff_tps.float(),sampling_grid_aff_tps_comp))       
        sampling_grid_aff_tps_comp = None

    return (sampling_grid_aff,sampling_grid_tps,sampling_grid_aff_tps_comp) 
def warp_feature(feature, pts_location, patch_size):
  # pts_location is [X,Y], patch_size is [H,W]
  C, H, W = feature.size(0), feature.size(1), feature.size(2)
  def normalize(x, L):
    return -1. + 2. * x / (L-1)

  crop_box = [pts_location[0]-patch_size[1], pts_location[1]-patch_size[0], pts_location[0]+patch_size[1], pts_location[1]+patch_size[0]]
  crop_box[0] = normalize(crop_box[0], W)
  crop_box[1] = normalize(crop_box[1], H)
  crop_box[2] = normalize(crop_box[2], W)
  crop_box[3] = normalize(crop_box[3], H)
  affine_parameter = [(crop_box[2]-crop_box[0])/2, MU.np2variable(torch.zeros(1),feature.is_cuda,False), (crop_box[0]+crop_box[2])/2,
                      MU.np2variable(torch.zeros(1),feature.is_cuda,False), (crop_box[3]-crop_box[1])/2, (crop_box[1]+crop_box[3])/2]

  affine_parameter = torch.cat(affine_parameter).view(2, 3)
  theta = affine_parameter.unsqueeze(0)
  feature = feature.unsqueeze(0)
  grid_size = torch.Size([1, 1, 2*patch_size[0]+1, 2*patch_size[1]+1])
  grid = F.affine_grid(theta, grid_size)
  sub_feature = F.grid_sample(feature, grid).squeeze(0)
  return sub_feature
Example #19
    def __call__(self, image_batch, theta_batch=None, out_h=None, out_w=None, return_warped_image=True, return_sampling_grid=False, padding_factor=1.0, crop_factor=1.0):
        if image_batch is None:
        if theta_batch is None:
            theta_batch = self.theta_identity
            theta_batch = theta_batch.expand(b,2,3).contiguous()
            theta_batch = Variable(theta_batch,requires_grad=False)        
        # check if output dimensions have been specified at call time and have changed
        if (out_h is not None and out_w is not None) and (out_h!=self.out_h or out_w!=self.out_w):
            if self.geometric_model=='affine':
                gridGen = AffineGridGen(out_h, out_w)
            elif self.geometric_model=='tps':
                gridGen = TpsGridGen(out_h, out_w, use_cuda=self.use_cuda)
            gridGen = self.gridGen
        sampling_grid = gridGen(theta_batch)

        # rescale grid according to crop_factor and padding_factor
        if padding_factor != 1 or crop_factor !=1:
            sampling_grid = sampling_grid*(padding_factor*crop_factor)
        # rescale grid according to offset_factor
        if self.offset_factor is not None:
            sampling_grid = sampling_grid*self.offset_factor
        if return_sampling_grid and not return_warped_image:
            return sampling_grid
        # sample transformed image
        warped_image_batch = F.grid_sample(image_batch, sampling_grid)
        if return_sampling_grid and return_warped_image:
            return (warped_image_batch,sampling_grid)
        return warped_image_batch
Example #20
  def _crop_pool_layer(self, bottom, rois, max_pool=True):
    # implement it using stn
    # box to affine
    # input (x1,y1,x2,y2)
    [  x2-x1             x1 + x2 - W + 1  ]
    [  -----      0      ---------------  ]
    [  W - 1                  W - 1       ]
    [                                     ]
    [           y2-y1    y1 + y2 - H + 1  ]
    [    0      -----    ---------------  ]
    [           H - 1         H - 1      ]
    rois = rois.detach()

    x1 = rois[:, 1::4] / 16.0
    y1 = rois[:, 2::4] / 16.0
    x2 = rois[:, 3::4] / 16.0
    y2 = rois[:, 4::4] / 16.0

    height = bottom.size(2)
    width = bottom.size(3)

    # affine theta
    theta = Variable(rois.data.new(rois.size(0), 2, 3).zero_())
    theta[:, 0, 0] = ((x2 - x1) / (width - 1)).view(-1)
    theta[:, 0 ,2] = ((x1 + x2 - width + 1) / (width - 1)).view(-1)
    theta[:, 1, 1] = ((y2 - y1) / (height - 1)).view(-1)
    theta[:, 1, 2] = ((y1 + y2 - height + 1) / (height - 1)).view(-1)

    pre_pool_size = cfg.POOLING_SIZE * 2 if max_pool else cfg.POOLING_SIZE
    grid = F.affine_grid(theta, torch.Size((rois.size(0), 1, pre_pool_size, pre_pool_size)))
    torch.backends.cudnn.enabled = False
    crops = F.grid_sample(bottom.expand(rois.size(0), bottom.size(1), bottom.size(2), bottom.size(3)), grid)
    torch.backends.cudnn.enabled = True
    if max_pool:
      crops = F.max_pool2d(crops, 2, 2)
    return crops
 def forward(self, x):
     x_shape = x.size()  # (b, c, h, w)
     offset = self.offset_filter(x)  # (b, 2*c, h, w)
     offset_w, offset_h = torch.split(offset, self.regular_filter.in_channels, 1)  # (b, c, h, w)
     offset_w = offset_w.contiguous().view(-1, int(x_shape[2]), int(x_shape[3]))  # (b*c, h, w)
     offset_h = offset_h.contiguous().view(-1, int(x_shape[2]), int(x_shape[3]))  # (b*c, h, w)
     if not self.input_shape or self.input_shape != x_shape:
         self.input_shape = x_shape
         grid_w, grid_h = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-1, 1, x_shape[3]), np.linspace(-1, 1, x_shape[2]))  # (h, w)
         grid_w = torch.Tensor(grid_w)
         grid_h = torch.Tensor(grid_h)
         if self.cuda:
             grid_w = grid_w.cuda()
             grid_h = grid_h.cuda()
         self.grid_w = nn.Parameter(grid_w)
         self.grid_h = nn.Parameter(grid_h)
     offset_w = offset_w + self.grid_w  # (b*c, h, w)
     offset_h = offset_h + self.grid_h  # (b*c, h, w)
     x = x.contiguous().view(-1, int(x_shape[2]), int(x_shape[3])).unsqueeze(1)  # (b*c, 1, h, w)
     x = F.grid_sample(x, torch.stack((offset_h, offset_w), 3))  # (b*c, h, w)
     x = x.contiguous().view(-1, int(x_shape[1]), int(x_shape[2]), int(x_shape[3]))  # (b, c, h, w)
     x = self.regular_filter(x)
     return x
Example #22
 def forward(self,xIm,target=None,inpMask=None,hrMask=None):
     #Primary net
     x=self.primaryNet(xIm) #outp shape (batchnum,chan,lrNum,h,w)
     refy=x[...,1:  ,:,:]
     xReSh=torch.cat([refx,refy],dim=1)  #outp shape (batchnum,2*chan,lrNum,h,w)
     #Note: diffferent from paper, which uses 3D conv before 2D conv 
     #Reshape again for 2D conv
     xReSh=xReSh.permute(0,2,1,3,4).contiguous().view(-1,_chan,_h,_w) #outp shape (batchnum*lrNum,2*chan,h,w)
     #stn net
     #min,max clip
     #generate affine matrix
     affMat=self._genTransMat_onlyShift(xReSh)#outp shape (batchNum*lrNum,2,3)
     #register index>0 LR image feature to image feature of index 0
     refy=refy.permute(0,2,1,3,4).contiguous().view(-1,_chan,_h,_w)#outp shape (batchnum*lrNum,chan,h,w)
     grid=F.affine_grid(affMat, refy.size())
     refy=F.grid_sample(refy, grid)
     #reshape feature tensor back to normal
     #Fusion net
     hfResidual=self.fusionNet(regFeat) #outp shape (batchNum, chan=1,h,w)
     #register index>0 LR image to image of index 0
     regIm=xIm[:,:,1:,...].permute(0,2,1,3,4).contiguous().view(-1,_chan,_h,_w)#outp shape (batchnum*lrNum,chan,h,w)
     grid=F.affine_grid(affMat, regIm.size())
     regIm=F.grid_sample(regIm, grid)
     regIm=torch.cat([xIm[:,:,0:1,...],regIm],dim=2) #outp shape (batchNum,chan=1,lrNum,h,w)
     #generate Hr image
     if target is None:
         return hfResidual,regIm,hrIm
         #check and discard samples where LR images have high mask ratio
         if inpMask is not None:
         #loss from pixel similarity 
         if self.findBestLossFlag:
         #loss from structural similarity index
         print("loss: %.5f  "%(pixLoss))
         return [hfResidual,regIm,hrIm],loss
Example #23
def grid_cropper(img_t, theta, h=768, w=768):
    grid = F.affine_grid(theta, torch.Size((1, 3, h, w)))
    crop = F.grid_sample(img_t, grid.type(torch.float32), padding_mode='zeros')
    return crop
Example #24
def interpolate_texture_map(fragments, meshes) -> torch.Tensor:
    Interpolate a 2D texture map using uv vertex texture coordinates for each
    face in the mesh. First interpolate the vertex uvs using barycentric coordinates
    for each pixel in the rasterized output. Then interpolate the texture map
    using the uv coordinate for each pixel.

            The outputs of rasterization. From this we use

            - pix_to_face: LongTensor of shape (N, H, W, K) specifying the indices
              of the faces (in the packed representation) which
              overlap each pixel in the image.
            - barycentric_coords: FloatTensor of shape (N, H, W, K, 3) specifying
              the barycentric coordianates of each pixel
              relative to the faces (in the packed
              representation) which overlap the pixel.
        meshes: Meshes representing a batch of meshes. It is expected that
            meshes has a textures attribute which is an instance of the
            Textures class.

        texels: tensor of shape (N, H, W, K, C) giving the interpolated
        texture for each pixel in the rasterized image.
    if not isinstance(meshes.textures, Textures):
        msg = "Expected meshes.textures to be an instance of Textures; got %r"
        raise ValueError(msg % type(meshes.textures))

    faces_uvs = meshes.textures.faces_uvs_packed()
    verts_uvs = meshes.textures.verts_uvs_packed()
    faces_verts_uvs = verts_uvs[faces_uvs]
    texture_maps = meshes.textures.maps_padded()

    # pixel_uvs: (N, H, W, K, 2)
    pixel_uvs = interpolate_face_attributes(fragments.pix_to_face,

    N, H_out, W_out, K = fragments.pix_to_face.shape
    N, H_in, W_in, C = texture_maps.shape  # 3 for RGB

    # pixel_uvs: (N, H, W, K, 2) -> (N, K, H, W, 2) -> (NK, H, W, 2)
    pixel_uvs = pixel_uvs.permute(0, 3, 1, 2,
                                  4).reshape(N * K, H_out, W_out, 2)

    # textures.map:
    #   (N, H, W, C) -> (N, C, H, W) -> (1, N, C, H, W)
    #   -> expand (K, N, C, H, W) -> reshape (N*K, C, H, W)
    texture_maps = (texture_maps.permute(0, 3, 1, 2)[None, ...].expand(
        K, -1, -1, -1, -1).transpose(0, 1).reshape(N * K, C, H_in, W_in))

    # Textures: (N*K, C, H, W), pixel_uvs: (N*K, H, W, 2)
    # Now need to format the pixel uvs and the texture map correctly!
    # From pytorch docs, grid_sample takes `grid` and `input`:
    #   grid specifies the sampling pixel locations normalized by
    #   the input spatial dimensions It should have most
    #   values in the range of [-1, 1]. Values x = -1, y = -1
    #   is the left-top pixel of input, and values x = 1, y = 1 is the
    #   right-bottom pixel of input.

    pixel_uvs = pixel_uvs * 2.0 - 1.0
    texture_maps = torch.flip(texture_maps,
                              [2])  # flip y axis of the texture map
    if texture_maps.device != pixel_uvs.device:
        texture_maps = texture_maps.to(pixel_uvs.device)
    texels = F.grid_sample(texture_maps, pixel_uvs, align_corners=False)
    texels = texels.reshape(N, K, C, H_out, W_out).permute(0, 3, 4, 1, 2)
    return texels
    def _crop_pool_layer(self,
        # implement it using stn
        # box to affine
        # input (x1,y1,x2,y2)
    [  x2-x1             x1 + x2 - W + 1  ]
    [  -----      0      ---------------  ]
    [  W - 1                  W - 1       ]
    [                                     ]
    [           y2-y1    y1 + y2 - H + 1  ]
    [    0      -----    ---------------  ]
    [           H - 1         H - 1      ]
        rois = rois.detach()

        x1 = rois[:, 1::4] / scaling_ratio  # 16.0
        y1 = rois[:, 2::4] / scaling_ratio  # 16.0
        x2 = rois[:, 3::4] / scaling_ratio  # 16.0
        y2 = rois[:, 4::4] / scaling_ratio  # 16.0

        height = bottom.size(2)
        width = bottom.size(3)
        # affine theta
        theta = Variable(rois.data.new(rois.size(0), 2, 3).zero_())
        theta[:, 0, 0] = (x2 - x1) / (width - 1)
        theta[:, 0, 2] = (x1 + x2 - width + 1) / (width - 1)
        theta[:, 1, 1] = (y2 - y1) / (height - 1)
        theta[:, 1, 2] = (y1 + y2 - height + 1) / (height - 1)
        if use_for_parsing:
            pre_pool_size = cfg.POOLING_SIZE * 4
            grid = F.affine_grid(
                torch.Size((rois.size(0), 1, pre_pool_size, pre_pool_size)))
            crops = F.grid_sample(bottom.expand(rois.size(0), bottom.size(1),
            if max_pool:
                pre_pool_size = cfg.POOLING_SIZE * 2
                grid = F.affine_grid(
                        (rois.size(0), 1, pre_pool_size, pre_pool_size)))
                crops = F.grid_sample(bottom.expand(rois.size(0),
                crops = F.max_pool2d(crops, 2, 2)
                grid = F.affine_grid(
                        (rois.size(0), 1, cfg.POOLING_SIZE, cfg.POOLING_SIZE)))
                crops = F.grid_sample(
                    bottom.expand(rois.size(0), bottom.size(1), bottom.size(2),
                                  bottom.size(3)), grid)

        return crops
Example #26
    def forward(self, X, u):
        [_, self.bs, c, self.d, self.d] = X.shape
        T = len(self.t_eval)
        self.link1_l = torch.sigmoid(self.link1_para)
        # encode
        self.phi1_m_t0, self.phi1_v_t0, self.phi1_m_n_t0, self.phi2_m_t0, self.phi2_v_t0, self.phi2_m_n_t0 = self.encode(
        self.phi1_m_t1, self.phi1_v_t1, self.phi1_m_n_t1, self.phi2_m_t1, self.phi2_v_t1, self.phi2_m_n_t1 = self.encode(
        # reparametrize
        self.Q_phi1 = VonMisesFisher(self.phi1_m_n_t0, self.phi1_v_t0)
        self.Q_phi2 = VonMisesFisher(self.phi2_m_n_t0, self.phi2_v_t0)
        self.P_hyper_uni = HypersphericalUniform(1, device=self.device)
        self.phi1_t0 = self.Q_phi1.rsample()
        while torch.isnan(self.phi1_t0).any():
            self.phi1_t0 = self.Q_phi1.rsample()
        self.phi2_t0 = self.Q_phi2.rsample()
        while torch.isnan(self.phi2_t0).any():
            self.phi2_t0 = self.Q_phi2.rsample()

        # estimate velocity
        self.phi1_dot_t0 = self.angle_vel_est(self.phi1_m_n_t0,
                                              self.t_eval[1] - self.t_eval[0])
        self.phi2_dot_t0 = self.angle_vel_est(self.phi2_m_n_t0,
                                              self.t_eval[1] - self.t_eval[0])

        # predict
        z0_u = torch.cat([
            self.phi1_t0[:, 0:1], self.phi2_t0[:, 0:1], self.phi1_t0[:, 1:2],
            self.phi2_t0[:, 1:2], self.phi1_dot_t0, self.phi2_dot_t0, u
        zT_u = odeint(self.ode, z0_u, self.t_eval,
                      method=self.hparams.solver)  # T, bs, 4
        self.qT, self.q_dotT, _ = zT_u.split([4, 2, 2], dim=-1)
        self.qT = self.qT.view(T * self.bs, 4)

        # decode
        ones = torch.ones_like(self.qT[:, 0:1])
        self.link1 = self.obs_net_1(ones)
        self.link2 = self.obs_net_2(ones)

        theta1 = self.get_theta_inv(self.qT[:, 0],
                                    self.qT[:, 2],
                                    bs=T * self.bs)  # cos phi1, sin phi1
        x = self.link1_l * self.qT[:, 2]  # l * sin phi1
        y = self.link1_l * self.qT[:, 0]  # l * cos phi 1
        theta2 = self.get_theta_inv(self.qT[:, 1],
                                    self.qT[:, 3],
                                    bs=T * self.bs)  # cos phi2, sin phi 2

        grid1 = F.affine_grid(theta1,
                              torch.Size((T * self.bs, 1, self.d, self.d)))
        grid2 = F.affine_grid(theta2,
                              torch.Size((T * self.bs, 1, self.d, self.d)))

        transf_link1 = F.grid_sample(
            self.link1.view(T * self.bs, 1, self.d, self.d), grid1)
        transf_link2 = F.grid_sample(
            self.link2.view(T * self.bs, 1, self.d, self.d), grid2)
        self.Xrec = torch.cat(
            [transf_link1, transf_link2,
        self.Xrec = self.Xrec.view(T, self.bs, 3, self.d, self.d)
        return None
def main(source_img_root='./data',
    if not os.path.exists(output_root):
    source_fn = os.path.join(source_img_root, source_name)
    target_fn = target_name

    # print(target_seg_fn)
    # source_fn = './visualize_landmark/0.jpg'
    # target_fn = './visualize_landmark/1.jpg'

    source_img = cv2.imread(source_fn)
    target_img = cv2.imread(target_fn)
    print(source_fn, target_fn)
    hsv transfer color
    img_hsv = cv2.cvtColor(target_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
    mask = np.where(
            np.logical_and(30 < img_hsv[:, :, 0], img_hsv[:, :, 0] < 77),
            img_hsv[:, :, 1] > 70), 1, 0).astype(np.uint8)
    mask = cv2.blur(cv2.blur(mask, (5, 5)), (3, 3))[:, :, np.newaxis]
    # print(mask)
    h, w, _ = target_img.shape
    x_arr, y_arr, _ = np.nonzero(mask)
    # print(x_arr, y_arr)
    x_min = max(np.min(x_arr) - 25, 0)
    y_min = max(np.min(y_arr) - 25, 0)
    x_max = min(np.max(x_arr) + 25, h - 1)
    y_max = min(np.max(y_arr) + 25, w - 1)
    crop_mask = mask[x_min:x_max, y_min:y_max, :]
    h, w, _ = crop_mask.shape
    crop_area = mask.copy()
    crop_area[x_min:x_min + h, y_min:y_min + w, :] = 1
    sh, sw, _ = source_img.shape
    if h * sw > w * sh:
        source_img = cv2.resize(source_img, (sw * h // sh, h))

        source_img = cv2.resize(source_img, (w, sh * w // sw))
    sh, sw, _ = source_img.shape
    start_h = (sh - h) // 2 + args.shift_h
    start_w = (sw - w) // 2 + args.shift_w
    pad_num = 45
    start_h += pad_num
    start_w += pad_num

    img1 = np.pad(source_img[:, :, 0], pad_num,
                  'symmetric')[start_h:start_h + h, start_w:start_w + w]
    img2 = np.pad(source_img[:, :, 1], pad_num,
                  'symmetric')[start_h:start_h + h, start_w:start_w + w]
    img3 = np.pad(source_img[:, :, 2], pad_num,
                  'symmetric')[start_h:start_h + h, start_w:start_w + w]

    source_img = np.concatenate([
        img1[:, :, np.newaxis], img2[:, :, np.newaxis], img3[:, :, np.newaxis]
    ], 2)

    # source_img = source_img[start_h:start_h + h, start_w:start_w + w, :]
    crop_logo = source_img * crop_mask
    logo = target_img.copy()

    cv2.imwrite(f'./crop_logo_{source_name}.jpg', crop_logo)
    logo[x_min:x_min + h, y_min:y_min + w, :] = source_img

    source_fn = target_fn
    target_fn = os.path.join(target_img_root, target_name2)
    seg_fn = os.path.join(seg_root, target_name2)
    source_img = cv2.imread(source_fn)
    target_img = cv2.imread(target_fn)
    sh, sw, _ = source_img.shape
    th, tw, _ = target_img.shape
    w = max(sw, tw)
    h = max(sh, th)
    source_img = np.pad(logo, ((0, h - sh), (0, w - sw), (0, 0)),
                        constant_values=(255, 255))
    target_img = np.pad(target_img, ((0, h - th), (0, w - tw), (0, 0)),
                        constant_values=(255, 255))
    target_mask = cv2.imread(seg_fn, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
    target_mask = np.pad(target_mask, ((0, h - th), (0, w - tw)),
                         constant_values=(0, 0))
    cv2.imwrite(f'./source_{source_name}.jpg', source_img)
    cv2.imwrite(f'./target_{source_name}.jpg', target_img)
    source_keypoint, target_keypoint, raw_source_keypoint, raw_target_keypoint = \
        load_keypoints(w=w, h=h, source_name=target_name.split('/')[-1], target_name=target_name2,
                       source_keypoint_path=source_keypoint_path, target_keypoint_path=target_keypoint_path)
    raw_target_keypoint, target_keypoint = get_align_keypoint(
        raw_target_keypoint, is_source=False)
    raw_source_keypoint, source_keypoint = get_align_keypoint(
        raw_source_keypoint, is_source=True)
    visualize(target_keypoint, target_fn)
    visualize(source_keypoint, source_fn)
    target_keypoint = normalize(target_keypoint[:-2, :], w, h)
    source_keypoint = normalize(source_keypoint[:-2, :], w, h)
    _, grid = TPS(target_keypoint,

    grid = torch.from_numpy(grid)
    # 619 246
    # tensor([0.2597, 0.6458], dtype=torch.float64)
    source_img = torch.from_numpy(source_img.astype(
        np.float64)).unsqueeze(dim=0).permute(0, 3, 1, 2)
    target_img = torch.from_numpy(target_img.astype(
        np.float64)).unsqueeze(dim=0).permute(0, 3, 1, 2)
    # print(grid)
    grid = grid.unsqueeze(dim=0) * 2 - 1.0
    # print(grid.shape)
    # print(grid)
    warp_img = F.grid_sample(source_img,
    warp_img = warp_img.squeeze(dim=0).permute(1, 2, 0)
    warp_img = warp_img.numpy().astype(np.uint8)
    target_img = target_img.squeeze(dim=0).permute(1, 2, 0)
    target_img = target_img.numpy().astype(np.uint8)
    img_hsv = cv2.cvtColor(target_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)

    # mask = np.where(np.logical_and(np.logical_and(30 < img_hsv[:, :, 0], img_hsv[:, :, 0] < 77), img_hsv[:, :, 1] > 70),
    #                 1, 0).astype(np.uint8)
    # mask = cv2.blur(cv2.blur(mask, (5, 5)), (3, 3))[:, :, np.newaxis]
    # hsv_base = cv2.cvtColor(np.array([230, 230, 230], dtype=np.uint8).reshape(1, 1, 3), cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
    # new_img_hsv, base, scale, mu = standardization(hsv_base, target_img, mask)
    # target_img = cv2.cvtColor(new_img_hsv, cv2.COLOR_HSV2BGR) * mask + target_img * (1 - mask)
    # name = '.'.join((target_name2.split('/')[-1]).split('.')[:-1])
    # cv2.imwrite(f'./{name}.jpg', target_img)
    # cv2.imwrite(f'./{name}_mask.jpg', mask * 255)
    mask = target_mask.astype(float) / 255

    mask = mask[:, :, np.newaxis]
    warp_img = warp_img.astype(np.float32) * target_img.astype(
        np.float32) / 255
    warp_img = warp_img.astype(np.float32) * alpha + target_img.astype(
        np.float32) * (1 - alpha)

    cv2.imwrite('./warp.jpg', warp_img)

    warp_img = (mask * warp_img + (1 - mask) * target_img).astype(np.uint8)

    warp_img = gauss_blur(warp_img, mask)
    warp_img = jpeg_blur(warp_img, mask)

    result = warp_img  # (mask * warp_img + (1 - mask) * target_img).astype(np.uint8)

            output_root, '.'.join(
                (source_name.split('/')[-1]).split('.')[:-1]) + '_' + '.'.join(
                    (target_name2.split('/')[-1]).split('.')[:-1]) + '.jpg'),
Example #28
    def forward(self,
        #adv_patch = F.conv2d(adv_patch.unsqueeze(0),self.kernel,padding=(2,2))
        adv_patch = self.medianpooler(adv_patch.unsqueeze(0))
        # Determine size of padding
        pad = (img_size - adv_patch.size(-1)) / 2
        # Make a batch of patches
        adv_patch = adv_patch.unsqueeze(0)  #.unsqueeze(0)
        adv_batch = adv_patch.expand(lab_batch.size(0), lab_batch.size(1), -1,
                                     -1, -1)
        batch_size = torch.Size((lab_batch.size(0), lab_batch.size(1)))

        # Contrast, brightness and noise transforms

        # Create random contrast tensor
        contrast = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(batch_size).uniform_(
            self.min_contrast, self.max_contrast)
        contrast = contrast.unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1)
        contrast = contrast.expand(-1, -1, adv_batch.size(-3),
                                   adv_batch.size(-2), adv_batch.size(-1))
        contrast = contrast.cuda()

        # Create random brightness tensor
        brightness = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(batch_size).uniform_(
            self.min_brightness, self.max_brightness)
        brightness = brightness.unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1)
        brightness = brightness.expand(-1, -1, adv_batch.size(-3),
                                       adv_batch.size(-2), adv_batch.size(-1))
        brightness = brightness.cuda()

        # Create random noise tensor
        noise = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(adv_batch.size()).uniform_(
            -1, 1) * self.noise_factor

        # Apply contrast/brightness/noise, clamp
        adv_batch = adv_batch * contrast + brightness + noise

        adv_batch = torch.clamp(adv_batch, 0.000001, 0.99999)

        # Where the label class_id is 1 we don't want a patch (padding) --> fill mask with zero's
        cls_ids = torch.narrow(lab_batch, 2, 0, 1)
        cls_mask = cls_ids.expand(-1, -1, 3)
        cls_mask = cls_mask.unsqueeze(-1)
        cls_mask = cls_mask.expand(-1, -1, -1, adv_batch.size(3))
        cls_mask = cls_mask.unsqueeze(-1)
        cls_mask = cls_mask.expand(-1, -1, -1, -1, adv_batch.size(4))
        msk_batch = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(cls_mask.size()).fill_(1) - cls_mask

        # Pad patch and mask to image dimensions
        mypad = nn.ConstantPad2d(
            (int(pad + 0.5), int(pad), int(pad + 0.5), int(pad)), 0)
        adv_batch = mypad(adv_batch)
        msk_batch = mypad(msk_batch)

        # Rotation and rescaling transforms
        anglesize = (lab_batch.size(0) * lab_batch.size(1))
        if do_rotate:
            angle = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(anglesize).uniform_(
                self.minangle, self.maxangle)
            angle = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(anglesize).fill_(0)

        # Resizes and rotates
        current_patch_size = adv_patch.size(-1)
        lab_batch_scaled = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(lab_batch.size()).fill_(0)
        lab_batch_scaled[:, :, 1] = lab_batch[:, :, 1] * img_size
        lab_batch_scaled[:, :, 2] = lab_batch[:, :, 2] * img_size
        lab_batch_scaled[:, :, 3] = lab_batch[:, :, 3] * img_size
        lab_batch_scaled[:, :, 4] = lab_batch[:, :, 4] * img_size
        target_size = torch.sqrt(((lab_batch_scaled[:, :, 3].mul(0.2))**2) +
                                 ((lab_batch_scaled[:, :, 4].mul(0.2))**2))
        target_x = lab_batch[:, :, 1].view(np.prod(batch_size))
        target_y = lab_batch[:, :, 2].view(np.prod(batch_size))
        targetoff_x = lab_batch[:, :, 3].view(np.prod(batch_size))
        targetoff_y = lab_batch[:, :, 4].view(np.prod(batch_size))
        if (rand_loc):
            off_x = targetoff_x * (torch.cuda.FloatTensor(
                targetoff_x.size()).uniform_(-0.4, 0.4))
            target_x = target_x + off_x
            off_y = targetoff_y * (torch.cuda.FloatTensor(
                targetoff_y.size()).uniform_(-0.4, 0.4))
            target_y = target_y + off_y
        target_y = target_y - 0.05
        scale = target_size / current_patch_size
        scale = scale.view(anglesize)

        s = adv_batch.size()
        adv_batch = adv_batch.view(s[0] * s[1], s[2], s[3], s[4])
        msk_batch = msk_batch.view(s[0] * s[1], s[2], s[3], s[4])

        tx = (-target_x + 0.5) * 2
        ty = (-target_y + 0.5) * 2
        sin = torch.sin(angle)
        cos = torch.cos(angle)

        # Theta = rotation,rescale matrix
        theta = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(anglesize, 2, 3).fill_(0)
        theta[:, 0, 0] = cos / scale
        theta[:, 0, 1] = sin / scale
        theta[:, 0, 2] = tx * cos / scale + ty * sin / scale
        theta[:, 1, 0] = -sin / scale
        theta[:, 1, 1] = cos / scale
        theta[:, 1, 2] = -tx * sin / scale + ty * cos / scale

        b_sh = adv_batch.shape
        grid = F.affine_grid(theta, adv_batch.shape)

        adv_batch_t = F.grid_sample(adv_batch, grid)
        msk_batch_t = F.grid_sample(msk_batch, grid)
        # Theta2 = translation matrix
        theta2 = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(anglesize, 2, 3).fill_(0)
        theta2[:, 0, 0] = 1
        theta2[:, 0, 1] = 0
        theta2[:, 0, 2] = (-target_x + 0.5) * 2
        theta2[:, 1, 0] = 0
        theta2[:, 1, 1] = 1
        theta2[:, 1, 2] = (-target_y + 0.5) * 2

        grid2 = F.affine_grid(theta2, adv_batch.shape)
        adv_batch_t = F.grid_sample(adv_batch_t, grid2)
        msk_batch_t = F.grid_sample(msk_batch_t, grid2)

        adv_batch_t = adv_batch_t.view(s[0], s[1], s[2], s[3], s[4])
        msk_batch_t = msk_batch_t.view(s[0], s[1], s[2], s[3], s[4])

        adv_batch_t = torch.clamp(adv_batch_t, 0.000001, 0.999999)
        #img = msk_batch_t[0, 0, :, :, :].detach().cpu()
        #img = transforms.ToPILImage()(img)

        return adv_batch_t * msk_batch_t
Example #29
inputImage_cuda = inputImage.cuda(device)
inputGrids_cuda = inputGrids.cuda(device)
output_cuda = output.cuda(device)
using_zero_boundary = False
torch_border  = 'zeros' if using_zero_boundary else 'border'

start = time.time()
my_lib_nd.BilinearSamplerBCXY_updateOutput_2D(inputImage, inputGrids, output,using_zero_boundary)
print('sampling cpu time taking:', time.time() - start)

inputGrids_ordered = torch.zeros_like(inputGrids)
inputGrids_ordered[:, 0, ...] = inputGrids[:, 1, ...]
inputGrids_ordered[:, 1, ...] = inputGrids[:, 0, ...]
output_torch = F.grid_sample(inputImage, inputGrids_ordered.permute([0, 2, 3,1]), 'bilinear',torch_border)
out0 = (output-output_torch).view(-1).sum()
print("the difference of the current code and old code is {}".format(out0))

start = time.time()
my_lib_2D.BilinearSamplerBCWH_updateOutput_cuda_2D(inputImage_cuda, inputGrids_cuda, output_cuda, device_c,using_zero_boundary)
print('sampling gpu time taking:', time.time() - start)
out1 = (output-(output_cuda).cpu()).view(-1,1).sum()

Example #30
def PerspectiveTransform(I, H, xv, yv):
    xvt = (xv*H[0,0]+yv*H[0,1]+H[0,2])/(xv*H[2,0]+yv*H[2,1]+H[2,2])
    yvt = (xv*H[1,0]+yv*H[1,1]+H[1,2])/(xv*H[2,0]+yv*H[2,1]+H[2,2])
    J = F.grid_sample(I.view(1,1,height,width),torch.stack([xvt,yvt],2).unsqueeze(0)).squeeze()
    return J
    def forward(self, feture_bxdxtxhxw, tbes, tens):

        # 1 padd data with zero
        bnum, dnum, tnum, hnum, wnum = feture_bxdxtxhxw.shape
        dev = feture_bxdxtxhxw.device
        for tbe, ten in zip(tbes, tens):
            assert tbe >= 0
            assert ten <= self.crop
        featpad_bxdxtxhxw = []
        for i in range(bnum):
            featpad_1xdxt1xhxw = torch.zeros((1, dnum, tbes[i], hnum, wnum), dtype=torch.float32, device=dev)
            featpad_1xdxt2xhxw = torch.zeros((1, dnum, self.crop - tens[i], hnum, wnum), dtype=torch.float32, device=dev)
            featpad_1xdxtxhxw = torch.cat([featpad_1xdxt1xhxw, feture_bxdxtxhxw[i:i + 1], featpad_1xdxt2xhxw], dim=2)
        featpad_bxdxtxhxw = torch.cat(featpad_bxdxtxhxw, dim=0)
        featpad_bxdxtxhxw = feture_bxdxtxhxw.repeat(1, 1, 4, 1, 1)

        # 2 params
        assert hnum == wnum
        assert hnum == self.spatial_grid
        sptial_grid = hnum
        temprol_grid = self.crop

        # step 0, pad data
        data_BDxTxHxW = featpad_bxdxtxhxw.view(bnum * dnum, self.crop, hnum,

        # c gridz_1xMx1x1 = self.gridz_1xMx1x1_todev
        # data_BDxTxHxW = data_BDxTxHxW * (gridz_1xMx1x1 ** 2)
        gridz_square_1xMx1x1 = self.gridz_square_1xMx1x1
        data_BDxTxHxW = data_BDxTxHxW * gridz_square_1xMx1x1

        # numerical issue
        data_BDxTxHxW = F.relu(data_BDxTxHxW, inplace=False)
        data_BDxTxHxW = torch.sqrt(data_BDxTxHxW)

        # datapad_BDx2Tx2Hx2W = torch.zeros((bnum * dnum, 2 * temprol_grid, 2 * sptial_grid, 2 * sptial_grid), dtype=torch.float32, device=dev)
        datapad_Dx2Tx2Hx2W = self.datapad_Dx2Tx2Hx2W

        # create new variable
        assert bnum == 1
        # datapad_BDx2Tx2Hx2W = datapad_Dx2Tx2Hx2W.repeat(bnum, 1, 1, 1)
        datapad_BDx2Tx2Hx2W = datapad_Dx2Tx2Hx2W

        datapad_BDx2Tx2Hx2W[:, :temprol_grid, :sptial_grid, :
                            sptial_grid] = data_BDxTxHxW

        # 1 fft
        datazero_Dx2Tx2Hx2W = self.datazero_Dx2Tx2Hx2W
        datazero_BDx2Tx2Hx2W = datazero_Dx2Tx2Hx2W
        datapad_BDx2Tx2Hx2Wx2 = torch.stack(
            [datapad_BDx2Tx2Hx2W, datazero_BDx2Tx2Hx2W], dim=4)
        datafre_BDX2Tx2Hx2Wx2 = torch.fft(datapad_BDx2Tx2Hx2Wx2, 3)

        # fftshift
        datafre_BDX2Tx2Hx2Wx2 = self.roll_1(datafre_BDX2Tx2Hx2Wx2,
        datafre_BDX2Tx2Hx2Wx2 = self.roll_1(datafre_BDX2Tx2Hx2Wx2,
        datafre_BDX2Tx2Hx2Wx2 = self.roll_1(datafre_BDX2Tx2Hx2Wx2,

        # step2, ttrlt trick
        # simulate interpn
        # treat x and y as batch, sample z
        # shift

        if True:

            datafre_BDx2x2Hx2Wx2T = datafre_BDX2Tx2Hx2Wx2.permute(
                0, 4, 1, 2, 3)
            size = datafre_BDx2x2Hx2Wx2T.shape
            theta = torch.from_numpy(np.eye(3, 4, dtype=np.float32)).unsqueeze(0)
            gridstmp = F.affine_grid(theta, size, align_corners=self.align_corners)
            x = gridstmp[:, :, :, :, 0:1]
            y = gridstmp[:, :, :, :, 1:2]
            z = gridstmp[:, :, :, :, 2:3]

            newcoord_BDx2Mx2Nx2Nx3 = self.newcoord_dx2Mx2Nx2Nx3_todev.repeat(
                bnum, 1, 1, 1, 1)

            if True:
                datafrenew = F.grid_sample(datafre_BDx2x2Hx2Wx2T, newcoord_BDx2Mx2Nx2Nx3, \
                                           mode='bilinear', padding_mode='zeros', \
                datafrenew = F.grid_sample(datafre_BDx2x2Hx2Wx2T, newcoord_BDx2Mx2Nx2Nx3, \
                                       mode='bilinear', padding_mode='zeros')

            tdata_BDx2Tx2Hx2Wx2 = datafrenew.permute(0, 2, 3, 4, 1)
            tdata_BDx2Tx2Hx2Wx2 = tdata_BDx2Tx2Hx2Wx2.contiguous()

        # actually, pytorch sampling will lead a little different
            import scipy.interpolate as si
            zdim = self.zdim
            xdim = self.xdim
            ydim = xdim

            gridznew = self.gridznew.numpy()
            gridy_2Mx2Nx2N = self.gridy_2Mx2Nx2N.numpy()
            gridx_2Mx2Nx2N = self.gridx_2Mx2Nx2N.numpy()

            datafre_bdxtxhxwx2 = datafre_BDX2Tx2Hx2Wx2.detach().cpu().numpy()
            datafre_bdxtxhxw = datafre_bdxtxhxwx2[:, :, :, :,
                                                  0] + 1j * datafre_bdxtxhxwx2[:, :, :, :,

            re = []
            for datafre in datafre_bdxtxhxw:
                tvol = si.interpn(points=(zdim, ydim, xdim), values=datafre, \
                          xi=np.stack([gridznew, gridy_2Mx2Nx2N, gridx_2Mx2Nx2N], axis=3), \
                          method='linear', bounds_error=False, fill_value=0)

            re_bdxtxhxw = np.stack(re)
            re_real_bdxtxhxw = np.real(re_bdxtxhxw)
            re_imag_bdxtxhxw = np.imag(re_bdxtxhxw)

            re_real_bdxtxhxw = torch.from_numpy(re_real_bdxtxhxw).to(dev)
            re_imag_bdxtxhxw = torch.from_numpy(re_imag_bdxtxhxw).to(dev)
            tdata_BDx2Tx2Hx2Wx2 = torch.stack(
                [re_real_bdxtxhxw, re_imag_bdxtxhxw], dim=4)

        samplez_1xMxNxNx1 = self.gridz_2Mx2Nx2N_todev.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(4)
        sampleznew = self.gridznew_todev.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(4)

        tdata_BDx2Tx2Hx2Wx2[:, :self.z0pos, :, :, :] = 0
        tdata_BDx2Tx2Hx2Wx2 = tdata_BDx2Tx2Hx2Wx2 * samplez_1xMxNxNx1.abs()

        tdata_BDx2Tx2Hx2Wx2 = tdata_BDx2Tx2Hx2Wx2 / (sampleznew + 1e-8)

        # ifft
        tdata_BDx2Tx2Hx2Wx2 = self.roll_1(tdata_BDx2Tx2Hx2Wx2,
        tdata_BDx2Tx2Hx2Wx2 = self.roll_1(tdata_BDx2Tx2Hx2Wx2,
        tdata_BDx2Tx2Hx2Wx2 = self.roll_1(tdata_BDx2Tx2Hx2Wx2,

        data = torch.ifft(tdata_BDx2Tx2Hx2Wx2, 3)
        data = data[:, :temprol_grid, :sptial_grid, :sptial_grid]
        data = data[:, :, :, :, 0]**2 + data[:, :, :, :, 1]**2

        volumn_BDxTxHxW = data.view(bnum * dnum, self.crop, hnum, wnum)

        volumn_BxDxTxHxW = volumn_BDxTxHxW.view(bnum, dnum, self.crop, hnum,

        return volumn_BxDxTxHxW
Example #32
def neko_sample(feat,grid,dw,dh):
    dst = trnf.grid_sample(feat, grid.permute(0, 2, 3, 1),mode="bilinear");
    return trnf.adaptive_avg_pool2d(dst,[dh,dw]);
Example #33
def generate_video(im_name, normalise):
    # Load in the correspondences and images
    im1 = Image.open(os.environ['BASE_PATH'] + '/imL/%s.jpg' % im_name)
    im2 = Image.open(os.environ['BASE_PATH'] + '/imR/%s.jpg' % im_name)

    if normalise:
        np_tempwarp = np.load(os.environ['BASE_PATH'] +
                              '/warps/temp_sampler%s_2_grad_norm.npz' %
        H = np_tempwarp['H']
        np_tempwarp = np_tempwarp['sampler']
        np_tempwarp = np.load(os.environ['BASE_PATH'] +
                              '/warps/temp_sampler%s_2_grad_coarse.npz.npy' %

    if normalise:
        im1_arr = np.array(im1)
        im2_arr = np.array(im2)

        K1 = np.eye(3)
        K1[0, 0] = 2 / im1_arr.shape[1]
        K1[1, 1] = 2 / im1_arr.shape[0]
        K1[0:2, 2] = -1
        K2 = np.eye(3)
        K2[0, 0] = 2 / im2_arr.shape[1]
        K2[1, 1] = 2 / im2_arr.shape[0]
        K2[0:2, 2] = -1

        aff_mat = (np.linalg.inv(K2) @ H @ K1)

        # Now transform the image and return
        warp_im1 = cv2.warpAffine(im1_arr, aff_mat[0:2],
                                  (im2_arr.shape[1], im2_arr.shape[0]))

        im1 = warp_im1
        im1 = Image.fromarray(im1)

    warp = torch.Tensor(np_tempwarp).unsqueeze(0)

    im1_torch = tr.ToTensor()(im1).unsqueeze(0)
    im2_torch = tr.ToTensor()(im2).unsqueeze(0)

    gen_img = F.grid_sample(im1_torch, warp)

    sampler = F.upsample(warp.permute(0, 3, 1, 2),
                         size=(im2_torch.size(2), im2_torch.size(3)))
    gen_imglarge = F.grid_sample(im1_torch, sampler.permute(0, 2, 3, 1))

    W1, W2, _ = np_tempwarp.shape
    orig_warp = torch.meshgrid(torch.linspace(-1, 1, W1),
                               torch.linspace(-1, 1, W2))
    orig_warp = torch.cat(
        (orig_warp[1].unsqueeze(2), orig_warp[0].unsqueeze(2)), 2)

    orig_warp = orig_warp.unsqueeze(0)
    warp = torch.Tensor(np_tempwarp).unsqueeze(0)

    new_imgs = []

    if not os.path.exists('./temp%s/%s' % (im_name, im_name)):
        os.makedirs('./temp%s/%s' % (im_name, im_name))

    radius = 2 * 2 / 1024.

    for i in tqdm(range(-10, 30)):
        resample = (orig_warp * float(i) / 20. + warp * float(20 - i) / 20.)
        pts3D = resample.view(1, -1, 2)

        pts_mask = (warp.view(-1, 2)[:, 0] > -1) & (warp.view(-1, 2)[:, 0] < 1)

        pts3D = pts3D[:, pts_mask, :]
        pts3D = -pts3D
        pts3D = torch.cat((pts3D.cuda(), torch.ones(
            (1, pts3D.size(1), 1)).cuda()), 2)

        rgb = F.grid_sample(im2_torch,
                            orig_warp).permute(0, 2, 3, 1).view(1, -1,
                                                                   pts_mask, :]
        mask = torch.ones((1, rgb.size(1), 1)).cuda()

        pts3DRGB = Pointclouds(points=pts3D, features=rgb)
        points_idx, _, dist = rasterize_points(pts3DRGB, 1024, radius, 1)
        gen_img = pts3DRGB.features_packed()[
            points_idx.permute(0, 3, 1, 2).long()[0], :].permute(
                0, 3, 1, 2).mean(dim=0, keepdim=True)
        new_imgs += [gen_img.squeeze().permute(1, 2, 0)]

            gen_img, './temp%s/%s/im-%03d.png' % (im_name, im_name, i + 10))

        mask = (points_idx.permute(0, 3, 1, 2) < 0).float()

            mask, './temp%s/%s/mask-%03d.png' % (im_name, im_name, i + 10))
Example #34
 def rotate_weight(self, ):
     if self.grid is not None:
         return F.grid_sample(self.weight, self.grid)
         return self.weight
Example #35
    def sample_salient_points(self, line_seg, desc, img_size,
        Sample the most salient points along each line segments, with a
        minimal distance between each point. Pad the remaining points.
            line_seg: an Nx2x2 torch.Tensor.
            desc: a NxDxHxW torch.Tensor.
            image_size: the original image size.
            saliency_type: 'd2_net' or 'asl_feat'.
            line_points: an Nxnum_samplesx2 np.array.
            valid_points: a boolean Nxnum_samples np.array.
        device = desc.device
        if not self.line_score:
            # Compute the score map
            if saliency_type == "d2_net":
                score = self.d2_net_saliency_score(desc)
                score = self.asl_feat_saliency_score(desc)

        num_lines = len(line_seg)
        line_lengths = np.linalg.norm(line_seg[:, 0] - line_seg[:, 1], axis=1)

        # The number of samples depends on the length of the line
        num_samples_lst = np.clip(line_lengths // self.min_dist_pts,
                                  2, self.num_samples)
        line_points = np.empty((num_lines, self.num_samples, 2), dtype=float)
        valid_points = np.empty((num_lines, self.num_samples), dtype=bool)
        # Sample the score on a fixed number of points of each line
        n_samples_per_region = 4
        for n in np.arange(2, self.num_samples + 1):
            sample_rate = n * n_samples_per_region
            # Consider all lines where we can fit up to n points
            cur_mask = num_samples_lst == n
            cur_line_seg = line_seg[cur_mask]
            cur_num_lines = len(cur_line_seg)
            if cur_num_lines == 0:
            line_points_x = np.linspace(cur_line_seg[:, 0, 0],
                                        cur_line_seg[:, 1, 0],
                                        sample_rate, axis=-1)
            line_points_y = np.linspace(cur_line_seg[:, 0, 1],
                                        cur_line_seg[:, 1, 1],
                                        sample_rate, axis=-1)
            cur_line_points = np.stack([line_points_x, line_points_y],
                                       axis=-1).reshape(-1, 2)
            # cur_line_points is of shape (n_cur_lines * sample_rate, 2)
            cur_line_points = torch.tensor(cur_line_points, dtype=torch.float,
            grid_points = keypoints_to_grid(cur_line_points, img_size)

            if self.line_score:
                # The saliency score is high when the activation are locally
                # maximal along the line (and not in a square neigborhood)
                line_desc = F.grid_sample(desc, grid_points).squeeze()
                line_desc = line_desc.reshape(-1, cur_num_lines, sample_rate)
                line_desc = line_desc.permute(1, 0, 2)
                if saliency_type == "d2_net":
                    scores = self.d2_net_saliency_score(line_desc)
                    scores = self.asl_feat_saliency_score(line_desc)
                scores = F.grid_sample(score.unsqueeze(1),

            # Take the most salient point in n distinct regions
            scores = scores.reshape(-1, n, n_samples_per_region)
            best = torch.max(scores, dim=2, keepdim=True)[1].cpu().numpy()
            cur_line_points = cur_line_points.reshape(-1, n,
                                                      n_samples_per_region, 2)
            cur_line_points = np.take_along_axis(
                cur_line_points, best[..., None], axis=2)[:, :, 0]

            # Pad
            cur_valid_points = np.ones((cur_num_lines, self.num_samples),
            cur_valid_points[:, n:] = False
            cur_line_points = np.concatenate([
                np.zeros((cur_num_lines, self.num_samples - n, 2), dtype=float)],
            line_points[cur_mask] = cur_line_points
            valid_points[cur_mask] = cur_valid_points

        return line_points, valid_points
Example #36
    def forward(self, p, x):
        x = x.unsqueeze(1)

        p_features = p.transpose(1, -1)
        p = p.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(1)
        p = torch.cat([p + d for d in self.displacments],
                      dim=2)  # (B,1,7,num_samples,3)
        feature_0 = F.grid_sample(
            x, p, padding_mode='border')  # out : (B,C (of x), 1,1,sample_num)

        net = self.actvn(self.conv_in(x))
        net = self.conv_in_bn(net)
        feature_1 = F.grid_sample(
            net, p,
            padding_mode='border')  # out : (B,C (of x), 1,1,sample_num)
        net = self.maxpool(net)

        net = self.actvn(self.conv_0(net))
        net = self.actvn(self.conv_0_1(net))
        net = self.conv0_1_bn(net)
        feature_2 = F.grid_sample(
            net, p,
            padding_mode='border')  # out : (B,C (of x), 1,1,sample_num)
        net = self.maxpool(net)

        net = self.actvn(self.conv_1(net))
        net = self.actvn(self.conv_1_1(net))
        net = self.conv1_1_bn(net)
        feature_3 = F.grid_sample(
            net, p,
            padding_mode='border')  # out : (B,C (of x), 1,1,sample_num)
        net = self.maxpool(net)

        net = self.actvn(self.conv_2(net))
        net = self.actvn(self.conv_2_1(net))
        net = self.conv2_1_bn(net)
        feature_4 = F.grid_sample(net, p, padding_mode='border')
        net = self.maxpool(net)

        net = self.actvn(self.conv_3(net))
        net = self.actvn(self.conv_3_1(net))
        net = self.conv3_1_bn(net)
        feature_5 = F.grid_sample(net, p, padding_mode='border')

        # here every channel corresponds to one feature.

        features = torch.cat(
            (feature_0, feature_1, feature_2, feature_3, feature_4, feature_5),
            dim=1)  # (B, features, 1,7,sample_num)
        shape = features.shape
        features = torch.reshape(
            features, (shape[0], shape[1] * shape[3],
                       shape[4]))  # (B, featues_per_sample, samples_num)
        #features = torch.cat((features, p_features), dim=1)  # (B, featue_size, samples_num)

        net = self.actvn(self.fc_0(features))
        net = self.actvn(self.fc_1(net))
        net = self.actvn(self.fc_2(net))
        net = self.fc_out(net)
        out = net.squeeze(1)

        return out
Example #37
def unproject_heatmaps(heatmaps,
    device = heatmaps.device
    batch_size, n_views, n_joints, heatmap_shape = heatmaps.shape[
        0], heatmaps.shape[1], heatmaps.shape[2], tuple(heatmaps.shape[3:])
    volume_shape = coord_volumes.shape[1:4]

    volume_batch = torch.zeros(batch_size,

    # TODO: speed up this this loop
    for batch_i in range(batch_size):
        coord_volume = coord_volumes[batch_i]
        grid_coord = coord_volume.reshape((-1, 3))

        volume_batch_to_aggregate = torch.zeros(n_views,

        for view_i in range(n_views):
            heatmap = heatmaps[batch_i, view_i]
            heatmap = heatmap.unsqueeze(0)

            grid_coord_proj = multiview.project_3d_points_to_image_plane_without_distortion(
                proj_matricies[batch_i, view_i],

            invalid_mask = grid_coord_proj[:,
                                           2] <= 0.0  # depth must be larger than 0.0

            grid_coord_proj[grid_coord_proj[:, 2] == 0.0,
                            2] = 1.0  # not to divide by zero
            grid_coord_proj = multiview.homogeneous_to_euclidean(

            # transform to [-1.0, 1.0] range
            grid_coord_proj_transformed = torch.zeros_like(grid_coord_proj)
            grid_coord_proj_transformed[:, 0] = 2 * (
                grid_coord_proj[:, 0] / heatmap_shape[0] - 0.5)
            grid_coord_proj_transformed[:, 1] = 2 * (
                grid_coord_proj[:, 1] / heatmap_shape[1] - 0.5)
            grid_coord_proj = grid_coord_proj_transformed

            # prepare to F.grid_sample
            grid_coord_proj = grid_coord_proj.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(0)
                current_volume = F.grid_sample(heatmap,
            except TypeError:  # old PyTorch
                current_volume = F.grid_sample(heatmap, grid_coord_proj)

            # zero out non-valid points
            current_volume = current_volume.view(n_joints, -1)
            current_volume[:, invalid_mask] = 0.0

            # reshape back to volume
            current_volume = current_volume.view(n_joints, *volume_shape)

            # collect
            volume_batch_to_aggregate[view_i] = current_volume

        # agregate resulting volume
        if volume_aggregation_method.startswith('conf'):
            volume_batch[batch_i] = (volume_batch_to_aggregate *
                                         n_views, n_joints, 1, 1, 1)).sum(0)
        elif volume_aggregation_method == 'sum':
            volume_batch[batch_i] = volume_batch_to_aggregate.sum(0)
        elif volume_aggregation_method == 'max':
            volume_batch[batch_i] = volume_batch_to_aggregate.max(0)[0]
        elif volume_aggregation_method == 'softmax':
            volume_batch_to_aggregate_softmin = volume_batch_to_aggregate.clone(
            volume_batch_to_aggregate_softmin = volume_batch_to_aggregate_softmin.view(
                n_views, -1)
            volume_batch_to_aggregate_softmin = nn.functional.softmax(
                volume_batch_to_aggregate_softmin, dim=0)
            volume_batch_to_aggregate_softmin = volume_batch_to_aggregate_softmin.view(
                n_views, n_joints, *volume_shape)

            volume_batch[batch_i] = (volume_batch_to_aggregate *
            raise ValueError("Unknown volume_aggregation_method: {}".format(

    return volume_batch
Example #38
def warp_perspective(src: torch.Tensor,
                     M: torch.Tensor,
                     dsize: Tuple[int, int],
                     mode: str = 'bilinear',
                     padding_mode: str = 'zeros',
                     align_corners: Optional[bool] = None) -> torch.Tensor:
    r"""Applies a perspective transformation to an image.

    The function warp_perspective transforms the source image using
    the specified matrix:

    .. math::
        \text{dst} (x, y) = \text{src} \left(
        \frac{M_{11} x + M_{12} y + M_{13}}{M_{31} x + M_{32} y + M_{33}} ,
        \frac{M_{21} x + M_{22} y + M_{23}}{M_{31} x + M_{32} y + M_{33}}
        \right )

        src (torch.Tensor): input image with shape :math:`(B, C, H, W)`.
        M (torch.Tensor): transformation matrix with shape :math:`(B, 3, 3)`.
        dsize (tuple): size of the output image (height, width).
        mode (str): interpolation mode to calculate output values
          'bilinear' | 'nearest'. Default: 'bilinear'.
        padding_mode (str): padding mode for outside grid values
          'zeros' | 'border' | 'reflection'. Default: 'zeros'.
        align_corners(bool, optional): interpolation flag. Default: None.

        torch.Tensor: the warped input image :math:`(B, C, H, W)`.

       >>> img = torch.rand(1, 4, 5, 6)
       >>> H = torch.eye(3)[None]
       >>> out = warp_perspective(img, H, (4, 2), align_corners=True)
       >>> print(out.shape)
       torch.Size([1, 4, 4, 2])

    .. note::
        This function is often used in conjuntion with :func:`get_perspective_transform`.

    .. note::
        See a working example `here <https://kornia.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
    if not isinstance(src, torch.Tensor):
        raise TypeError("Input src type is not a torch.Tensor. Got {}".format(

    if not isinstance(M, torch.Tensor):
        raise TypeError("Input M type is not a torch.Tensor. Got {}".format(

    if not len(src.shape) == 4:
        raise ValueError("Input src must be a BxCxHxW tensor. Got {}".format(

    if not (len(M.shape) == 3 and M.shape[-2:] == (3, 3)):
        raise ValueError("Input M must be a Bx3x3 tensor. Got {}".format(

    # TODO: remove the statement below in kornia v0.6
    if align_corners is None:
        message: str = (
            "The align_corners default value has been changed. By default now is set True "
            "in order to match cv2.warpPerspective. In case you want to keep your previous "
            "behaviour set it to False. This warning will disappear in kornia > v0.6."
        # set default value for align corners
        align_corners = True

    B, C, H, W = src.size()
    h_out, w_out = dsize

    # we normalize the 3x3 transformation matrix and convert to 3x4
    dst_norm_trans_src_norm: torch.Tensor = normalize_homography(
        M, (H, W), (h_out, w_out))  # Bx3x3

    src_norm_trans_dst_norm = torch.inverse(dst_norm_trans_src_norm)  # Bx3x3

    # this piece of code substitutes F.affine_grid since it does not support 3x3
    grid = create_meshgrid(h_out,
                           device=src.device).to(src.dtype).repeat(B, 1, 1, 1)
    grid = transform_points(src_norm_trans_dst_norm[:, None, None], grid)

    return F.grid_sample(src,
Example #39
    def forward(self, data, is_volatile=False, specific_rotation=-1):
        if is_volatile:
            output_prob = []

            # Apply rotations to images
            for rotate_idx in range(self.num_rotations):
                rotate_theta = np.radians(rotate_idx *
                                          (360 / self.num_rotations))

                # Compute sample grid for rotation BEFORE neural network
                affine_mat_before = np.asarray(
                      np.sin(-rotate_theta), 0],
                      np.cos(-rotate_theta), 0]])
                affine_mat_before.shape = (2, 3, 1)
                affine_mat_before = torch.from_numpy(
                    affine_mat_before).permute(2, 0, 1).float()
                flow_grid_before = F.affine_grid(
                             requires_grad=False).to(self.device), data.size())

                # Rotate images clockwise
                rotate_data = F.grid_sample(Variable(data, volatile=True).to(

                # Compute features
                if self.net is not None:
                    push_feat, grasp_feat, place_feat = self.net.forward(
                    push_feat = self.push_net.forward(rotate_data)
                    grasp_feat = self.grasp_net.forward(rotate_data)
                    place_feat = self.place_net.forward(rotate_data)

                # Compute sample grid for rotation AFTER branches
                affine_mat_after = np.asarray(
                      np.sin(rotate_theta), 0],
                      np.cos(rotate_theta), 0]])
                affine_mat_after.shape = (2, 3, 1)
                affine_mat_after = torch.from_numpy(affine_mat_after).permute(
                    2, 0, 1).float()
                flow_grid_after = F.affine_grid(

                # Forward pass through branches, undo rotation on output predictions, upsample results
                    F.grid_sample(push_feat, flow_grid_after, mode='nearest'),
                    F.grid_sample(grasp_feat, flow_grid_after, mode='nearest'),
                    F.grid_sample(place_feat, flow_grid_after, mode='nearest')

            return output_prob

            self.output_prob = []

            rotate_idx = specific_rotation
            rotate_theta = np.radians(rotate_idx * (360 / self.num_rotations))

            # Compute sample grid for rotation BEFORE branches
            affine_mat_before = np.asarray(
                  np.sin(-rotate_theta), 0],
                  np.cos(-rotate_theta), 0]])
            affine_mat_before.shape = (2, 3, 1)
            affine_mat_before = torch.from_numpy(affine_mat_before).permute(
                2, 0, 1).float()
            flow_grid_before = F.affine_grid(
                         requires_grad=False).to(self.device), data.size())

            # Rotate images clockwise
            rotate_data = F.grid_sample(Variable(data, requires_grad=False).to(

            # Compute features
            if self.net is not None:
                push_feat, grasp_feat, place_feat = self.net.forward(
                push_feat = self.push_net.forward(rotate_data)
                grasp_feat = self.grasp_net.forward(rotate_data)
                place_feat = self.place_net.forward(rotate_data)

            # Compute sample grid for rotation AFTER branches
            affine_mat_after = np.asarray(
                  np.sin(rotate_theta), 0],
                  np.cos(rotate_theta), 0]])
            affine_mat_after.shape = (2, 3, 1)
            affine_mat_after = torch.from_numpy(affine_mat_after).permute(
                2, 0, 1).float()
            flow_grid_after = F.affine_grid(

            # Forward pass through branches, undo rotation on output predictions, upsample results
                F.grid_sample(push_feat, flow_grid_after, mode='nearest'),
                F.grid_sample(grasp_feat, flow_grid_after, mode='nearest'),
                F.grid_sample(place_feat, flow_grid_after, mode='nearest')

            return self.output_prob
Example #40
def remap(tensor: torch.Tensor,
          map_x: torch.Tensor,
          map_y: torch.Tensor,
          mode: str = 'bilinear',
          padding_mode: str = 'zeros',
          align_corners: Optional[bool] = None,
          normalized_coordinates: bool = False) -> torch.Tensor:
    r"""Applies a generic geometrical transformation to a tensor.

    The function remap transforms the source tensor using the specified map:

    .. math::
        \text{dst}(x, y) = \text{src}(map_x(x, y), map_y(x, y))

        tensor (torch.Tensor): the tensor to remap with shape (B, D, H, W).
          Where D is the number of channels.
        map_x (torch.Tensor): the flow in the x-direction in pixel coordinates.
          The tensor must be in the shape of (B, H, W).
        map_y (torch.Tensor): the flow in the y-direction in pixel coordinates.
          The tensor must be in the shape of (B, H, W).
        mode (str): interpolation mode to calculate output values
          'bilinear' | 'nearest'. Default: 'bilinear'.
        padding_mode (str): padding mode for outside grid values
          'zeros' | 'border' | 'reflection'. Default: 'zeros'.
        align_corners (bool, optional): mode for grid_generation. Default: None.
        normalized_coordinates (bool): whether the input coordinates are
           normalised in the range of [-1, 1]. Default: False

        torch.Tensor: the warped tensor with same shape as the input grid maps.

        >>> from kornia.utils import create_meshgrid
        >>> grid = create_meshgrid(2, 2, False)  # 1x2x2x2
        >>> grid += 1  # apply offset in both directions
        >>> input = torch.ones(1, 1, 2, 2)
        >>> remap(input, grid[..., 0], grid[..., 1], align_corners=True)   # 1x1x2x2
        tensor([[[[1., 0.],
                  [0., 0.]]]])

    .. note::
        This function is often used in conjuntion with :func:`create_meshgrid`.
    if not isinstance(tensor, torch.Tensor):
        raise TypeError(
            "Input tensor type is not a torch.Tensor. Got {}".format(

    if not isinstance(map_x, torch.Tensor):
        raise TypeError(
            "Input map_x type is not a torch.Tensor. Got {}".format(

    if not isinstance(map_y, torch.Tensor):
        raise TypeError(
            "Input map_y type is not a torch.Tensor. Got {}".format(

    if not tensor.shape[-2:] == map_x.shape[-2:] == map_y.shape[-2:]:
        raise ValueError("Inputs last two dimensions must match.")

    batch_size, _, height, width = tensor.shape

    # grid_sample need the grid between -1/1
    map_xy: torch.Tensor = torch.stack([map_x, map_y], dim=-1)

    # normalize coordinates if not already normalized
    if not normalized_coordinates:
        map_xy = normalize_pixel_coordinates(map_xy, height, width)

    # simulate broadcasting since grid_sample does not support it
    map_xy_norm: torch.Tensor = map_xy.expand(batch_size, -1, -1, -1)

    # warp ans return
    tensor_warped: torch.Tensor = F.grid_sample(tensor,
    return tensor_warped
Example #41
def test_gmm(opt, test_loader, model, board):

    base_name = os.path.basename(opt.checkpoint)
    name = opt.name
    save_dir = os.path.join(opt.result_dir, name, opt.datamode)
    if not os.path.exists(save_dir):
    warp_cloth_dir = os.path.join(save_dir, 'warp-cloth')
    if not os.path.exists(warp_cloth_dir):
    warp_mask_dir = os.path.join(save_dir, 'warp-mask')
    if not os.path.exists(warp_mask_dir):
    result_dir1 = os.path.join(save_dir, 'result_dir')
    if not os.path.exists(result_dir1):
    overlayed_TPS_dir = os.path.join(save_dir, 'overlayed_TPS')
    if not os.path.exists(overlayed_TPS_dir):
    warped_grid_dir = os.path.join(save_dir, 'warped_grid')
    if not os.path.exists(warped_grid_dir):
    for step, inputs in enumerate(test_loader.data_loader):
        iter_start_time = time.time()

        c_names = inputs['c_name']
        im_names = inputs['im_name']
        im = inputs['image'].to(opt.device)
        im_pose = inputs['pose_image'].to(opt.device)
        im_h = inputs['head'].to(opt.device)
        shape = inputs['shape'].to(opt.device)
        agnostic = inputs['agnostic'].to(opt.device)
        c = inputs['cloth'].to(opt.device)
        cm = inputs['cloth_mask'].to(opt.device)
        im_c = inputs['parse_cloth'].to(opt.device)
        im_g = inputs['grid_image'].to(opt.device)
        shape_ori = inputs['shape_ori']  # original body shape without blurring

        grid, theta = model(agnostic, cm)
        warped_cloth = F.grid_sample(c, grid, padding_mode='border')
        warped_mask = F.grid_sample(cm, grid, padding_mode='zeros')
        warped_grid = F.grid_sample(im_g, grid, padding_mode='zeros')
        overlay = 0.7 * warped_cloth + 0.3 * im

        visuals = [[im_h, shape, im_pose], [c, warped_cloth, im_c],
                   [warped_grid, (warped_cloth + im) * 0.5, im]]

        # save_images(warped_cloth, c_names, warp_cloth_dir)
        # save_images(warped_mask*2-1, c_names, warp_mask_dir)
        save_images(warped_cloth, im_names, warp_cloth_dir)
        save_images(warped_mask * 2 - 1, im_names, warp_mask_dir)
            shape_ori.to(opt.device) * 0.2 + warped_cloth * 0.8, im_names,
        save_images(warped_grid, im_names, warped_grid_dir)
        save_images(overlay, im_names, overlayed_TPS_dir)

        if (step + 1) % opt.display_count == 0:
            board_add_images(board, 'combine', visuals, step + 1)
            t = time.time() - iter_start_time
            print('step: %8d, time: %.3f' % (step + 1, t), flush=True)
def generate_mario_data(ntrain=10000,

    imgs = np.load(dpath + "images.npz")
    mario = torch.FloatTensor(imgs['mario'])
    iggy = torch.FloatTensor(imgs['iggy'])

    ntrain_each = int(ntrain / 2)
    ntest_each = int(ntest / 2)

    train_mario = torch.cat(ntrain_each * [mario])
    train_iggy = torch.cat(ntrain_each * [iggy])

    test_mario = torch.cat(ntest_each * [mario])
    test_iggy = torch.cat(ntest_each * [iggy])


    ## get angles and make labels ##
    ## this is a bunch of stupid algebra ##
    train_mario_pos = torch.rand(int(
        ntrain_each / 2)) * np.pi / 2. - np.pi / 4.
    neg_angles = torch.rand(int(ntrain_each / 2)) * np.pi / 2. - np.pi / 4.
    train_mario_neg = neg_angles.clone()
    train_mario_neg[neg_angles < 0] = neg_angles[neg_angles < 0] + np.pi
    train_mario_neg[neg_angles > 0] = neg_angles[neg_angles > 0] - np.pi
    train_mario_angles = torch.cat((train_mario_pos, train_mario_neg))

    train_iggy_pos = torch.rand(int(ntrain_each / 2)) * np.pi / 2. - np.pi / 4.
    neg_angles = torch.rand(int(ntrain_each / 2)) * np.pi / 2. - np.pi / 4.
    train_iggy_neg = neg_angles.clone()
    train_iggy_neg[neg_angles < 0] = neg_angles[neg_angles < 0] + np.pi
    train_iggy_neg[neg_angles > 0] = neg_angles[neg_angles > 0] - np.pi
    train_iggy_angles = torch.cat((train_iggy_pos, train_iggy_neg))

    test_mario_pos = torch.rand(int(ntest_each / 2)) * np.pi / 2. - np.pi / 4.
    neg_angles = torch.rand(int(ntest_each / 2)) * np.pi / 2. - np.pi / 4.
    test_mario_neg = neg_angles.clone()
    test_mario_neg[neg_angles < 0] = neg_angles[neg_angles < 0] + np.pi
    test_mario_neg[neg_angles > 0] = neg_angles[neg_angles > 0] - np.pi
    test_mario_angles = torch.cat((test_mario_pos, test_mario_neg))

    test_iggy_pos = torch.rand(int(ntest_each / 2)) * np.pi / 2. - np.pi / 4.
    neg_angles = torch.rand(int(ntest_each / 2)) * np.pi / 2. - np.pi / 4.
    test_iggy_neg = neg_angles.clone()
    test_iggy_neg[neg_angles < 0] = neg_angles[neg_angles < 0] + np.pi
    test_iggy_neg[neg_angles > 0] = neg_angles[neg_angles > 0] - np.pi
    test_iggy_angles = torch.cat((test_iggy_pos, test_iggy_neg))

    train_mario_labs = torch.zeros_like(train_mario_angles)
    train_mario_labs[train_mario_angles.abs() > 1.] = 1.
    train_iggy_labs = torch.zeros_like(train_iggy_angles)
    train_iggy_labs[train_iggy_angles.abs() < 1.] = 2.
    train_iggy_labs[train_iggy_angles.abs() > 1.] = 3.

    test_mario_labs = torch.zeros_like(test_mario_angles)
    test_mario_labs[test_mario_angles.abs() > 1.] = 1.
    test_iggy_labs = torch.zeros_like(test_iggy_angles)
    test_iggy_labs[test_iggy_angles.abs() < 1.] = 2.
    test_iggy_labs[test_iggy_angles.abs() > 1.] = 3.

    ## combine to just train and test ##
    train_images = torch.cat((train_mario, train_iggy))
    test_images = torch.cat((test_mario, test_iggy))

    train_angles = torch.cat((train_mario_angles, train_iggy_angles))
    test_angles = torch.cat((test_mario_angles, test_iggy_angles))

    train_labs = torch.cat(
        (train_mario_labs, train_iggy_labs)).type(torch.LongTensor)
    test_labs = torch.cat(
        (test_mario_labs, test_iggy_labs)).type(torch.LongTensor)

    ## rotate ##
    # train #
    with torch.no_grad():
        # Build affine matrices for random translation of each image
        affineMatrices = torch.zeros(ntrain, 2, 3)
        affineMatrices[:, 0, 0] = train_angles.cos()
        affineMatrices[:, 1, 1] = train_angles.cos()
        affineMatrices[:, 0, 1] = train_angles.sin()
        affineMatrices[:, 1, 0] = -train_angles.sin()

        flowgrid = F.affine_grid(affineMatrices, size=train_images.size())
        train_images = F.grid_sample(train_images, flowgrid)

    # test #
    with torch.no_grad():
        # Build affine matrices for random translation of each image
        affineMatrices = torch.zeros(ntest, 2, 3)
        affineMatrices[:, 0, 0] = test_angles.cos()
        affineMatrices[:, 1, 1] = test_angles.cos()
        affineMatrices[:, 0, 1] = test_angles.sin()
        affineMatrices[:, 1, 0] = -test_angles.sin()

        flowgrid = F.affine_grid(affineMatrices, size=test_images.size())
        test_images = F.grid_sample(test_images, flowgrid)

    ## shuffle ##
    trainshuffler = np.random.permutation(ntrain)
    testshuffler = np.random.permutation(ntest)

    train_images = train_images[np.ix_(trainshuffler), ::].squeeze()
    train_labs = train_labs[np.ix_(trainshuffler)]

    test_images = test_images[np.ix_(testshuffler), ::].squeeze()
    test_labs = test_labs[np.ix_(testshuffler)]

    if batch_size == ntrain:
        return train_images, train_labs, test_images, test_labs
        traindata = torch.utils.data.TensorDataset(train_images, train_labs)
        trainloader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(traindata,
        testdata = torch.utils.data.TensorDataset(test_images, test_labs)
        testloader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(testdata,

        return trainloader, testloader
Example #43
    def query_rgb(self, coord, cell=None):
        feat = self.feat

        if self.imnet is None:
            ret = F.grid_sample(feat, coord.flip(-1).unsqueeze(1),
                mode='nearest', align_corners=False)[:, :, 0, :] \
                .permute(0, 2, 1)
            return ret

        if self.feat_unfold:
            feat = F.unfold(feat, 3,
                            padding=1).view(feat.shape[0], feat.shape[1] * 9,
                                            feat.shape[2], feat.shape[3])

        if self.local_ensemble:
            vx_lst = [-1, 1]
            vy_lst = [-1, 1]
            eps_shift = 1e-6
            vx_lst, vy_lst, eps_shift = [0], [0], 0

        # field radius (global: [-1, 1])
        rx = 2 / feat.shape[-2] / 2
        ry = 2 / feat.shape[-1] / 2

        feat_coord = make_coord(feat.shape[-2:], flatten=False).cuda() \
            .permute(2, 0, 1) \
            .unsqueeze(0).expand(feat.shape[0], 2, *feat.shape[-2:])

        preds = []
        areas = []
        for vx in vx_lst:
            for vy in vy_lst:
                coord_ = coord.clone()
                coord_[:, :, 0] += vx * rx + eps_shift
                coord_[:, :, 1] += vy * ry + eps_shift
                coord_.clamp_(-1 + 1e-6, 1 - 1e-6)
                q_feat = F.grid_sample(
                    feat, coord_.flip(-1).unsqueeze(1),
                    mode='nearest', align_corners=False)[:, :, 0, :] \
                    .permute(0, 2, 1)
                q_coord = F.grid_sample(
                    feat_coord, coord_.flip(-1).unsqueeze(1),
                    mode='nearest', align_corners=False)[:, :, 0, :] \
                    .permute(0, 2, 1)
                rel_coord = coord - q_coord
                rel_coord[:, :, 0] *= feat.shape[-2]
                rel_coord[:, :, 1] *= feat.shape[-1]
                inp = torch.cat([q_feat, rel_coord], dim=-1)

                if self.cell_decode:
                    rel_cell = cell.clone()
                    rel_cell[:, :, 0] *= feat.shape[-2]
                    rel_cell[:, :, 1] *= feat.shape[-1]
                    inp = torch.cat([inp, rel_cell], dim=-1)

                bs, q = coord.shape[:2]
                pred = self.imnet(inp.view(bs * q, -1)).view(bs, q, -1)

                area = torch.abs(rel_coord[:, :, 0] * rel_coord[:, :, 1])
                areas.append(area + 1e-9)

        tot_area = torch.stack(areas).sum(dim=0)
        if self.local_ensemble:
            t = areas[0]
            areas[0] = areas[3]
            areas[3] = t
            t = areas[1]
            areas[1] = areas[2]
            areas[2] = t
        ret = 0
        for pred, area in zip(preds, areas):
            ret = ret + pred * (area / tot_area).unsqueeze(-1)
        return ret
Example #44
def pascal_parts_metrics(batch,batch_start_idx,theta_aff,theta_tps,theta_aff_tps,stats,args,use_cuda=True):
    do_aff = theta_aff is not None
    do_tps = theta_tps is not None
    do_aff_tps = theta_aff_tps is not None

    for b in range(batch_size):
        idx = batch_start_idx+b
        h_src = int(batch['source_im_size'][b,0].data.cpu().numpy())
        w_src = int(batch['source_im_size'][b,1].data.cpu().numpy())
        h_tgt = int(batch['target_im_size'][b,0].data.cpu().numpy())
        w_tgt = int(batch['target_im_size'][b,1].data.cpu().numpy())
        # do pck
        if batch['keypoint_A'][b].size!=0:
            src_points = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(batch['keypoint_A'][b])).unsqueeze(0)
            tgt_points = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(batch['keypoint_B'][b])).unsqueeze(0)
            L_pck = Variable(torch.FloatTensor([batch['L_pck'][b]])).unsqueeze(1)
            if use_cuda:
                L_pck = L_pck.cuda()

            batch_b = {'source_im_size': batch['source_im_size'][b,:].unsqueeze(0),
                       'target_im_size': batch['target_im_size'][b,:].unsqueeze(0),
                       'source_points':  src_points,
                       'target_points': tgt_points,
                       'L_pck': L_pck}
            args.pck_alpha = 0.05
            stats = pck_metric(batch_b,
                               theta_aff[b,:].unsqueeze(0) if do_aff else None,
                               theta_tps[b,:].unsqueeze(0) if do_tps else None,
                               theta_aff_tps[b,:].unsqueeze(0) if do_aff_tps else None,
            if do_aff:
                stats['aff']['pck'][idx] = -1
            if do_tps:
                stats['tps']['pck'][idx] = -1
            if do_aff_tps:
                stats['aff_tps']['pck'][idx] = -1
        # do area
        source_mask = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(batch['part_A'][b].astype(np.float32)).unsqueeze(0).transpose(2,3).transpose(1,2))
        target_mask = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(batch['part_B'][b].astype(np.float32)).unsqueeze(0).transpose(2,3).transpose(1,2))
        if use_cuda:
            source_mask = source_mask.cuda()
            target_mask = target_mask.cuda()
                                                              theta_aff[b,:] if do_aff else None,
                                                              theta_tps[b,:] if do_tps else None,
                                                              theta_aff_tps[b,:] if do_aff_tps else None,

        if do_aff:
            warped_mask_aff = F.grid_sample(source_mask, grid_aff)            
            stats['aff']['intersection_over_union'][idx] = intersection_over_union(warped_mask_aff,target_mask)   
        if do_tps:
            warped_mask_tps = F.grid_sample(source_mask, grid_tps)            
            stats['tps']['intersection_over_union'][idx] = intersection_over_union(warped_mask_tps,target_mask)
        if do_aff_tps:
            warped_mask_aff_tps = F.grid_sample(source_mask, grid_aff_tps)           
            stats['aff_tps']['intersection_over_union'][idx] = intersection_over_union(warped_mask_aff_tps,target_mask)
#        if idx==300:
#            import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    return stats
Example #45
[    0      -----    ---------------  ]
[           H - 1         H - 1      ]
height, width = img_t.size(2), img_t.size(3)

# requires grad
theta = torch.zeros(1, 2, 3)

# do crop
theta[:, 0, 0] = (x2 - x1) / (width - 1)
theta[:, 0, 2] = (x1 + x2 - width + 1) / (width - 1)
theta[:, 1, 1] = (y2 - y1) / (height - 1)
theta[:, 1, 2] = (y1 + y2 - height + 1) / (height - 1)

grid = F.affine_grid(theta, torch.Size((1, 3, 768, 768)))
crop = F.grid_sample(img_t, grid.type(torch.float32), padding_mode='zeros')

plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 8, 8
with sns.axes_style('white'):
    fig, axis = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2)

    axis[0].imshow(img_t.data.numpy().squeeze(0).transpose((1, 2, 0)))
    axis[0].plot(x1, y1, 'r+')
    axis[0].plot(x2, y2, 'b+')

    axis[1].imshow(crop.data.numpy().squeeze(0).transpose((1, 2, 0)))

Example #46
 def forward(self, input_img, input_grid):
     self.warp = input_grid.permute(0, 2, 3, 1)
     self.output = F.grid_sample(input_img, self.warp)
     return self.output
Example #47
    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        data = self.df.iloc[idx]
        # get the transformation type flag
        transform_type = data['aff/tps/h**o'].astype('uint8')
        source_img_name = osp.join(self.img_path, data.fname)
        if not os.path.exists(source_img_name):
            raise ValueError(
                "The path to one of the original image {} does not exist, check your image path "
                "and your csv file !".format(source_img_name))

        # aff/tps transformations
        if transform_type == 0 or transform_type == 1:
            # read image
            source_img = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(source_img_name),

            # cropping dimention of the image first if it is too big, would occur to big resizing after
            if source_img.shape[0] > self.H_AFF_TPS*self.ratio_cropping or \
               source_img.shape[1] > self.W_AFF_TPS*self.ratio_cropping:
                source_img, x, y = center_crop(
                    source_img, (int(self.W_AFF_TPS * self.ratio_cropping),
                                 int(self.H_AFF_TPS * self.ratio_cropping)))

            if transform_type == 0:
                theta = data.iloc[2:8].values.astype('float').reshape(2, 3)
                theta = torch.Tensor(theta.astype(np.float32)).expand(1, 2, 3)
                theta = data.iloc[2:].values.astype('float')
                theta = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(theta, 1), 2)
                theta = torch.Tensor(theta.astype(np.float32))
                theta = theta.expand(1, 18, 1, 1)

            # make arrays float tensor for subsequent processing
            image = torch.Tensor(source_img.astype(np.float32))

            if image.numpy().ndim == 2:
                image = \
            image = image.transpose(1, 2).transpose(0, 1)

            # Resize image using bilinear sampling with identity affine
            image_pad = self.transform_image(image.unsqueeze(0),
                                             self.H_AFF_TPS, self.W_AFF_TPS)

            # padding and crop factor depend where to crop and pad image
            img_src_crop = \

            img_target_crop = \

            # convert to [H, W, C] convention (for np arrays)
            img_src_crop = img_src_crop.transpose((1, 2, 0))
            img_target_crop = img_target_crop.transpose((1, 2, 0))

        # Homography transformation
        elif transform_type == 2:

            # ATTENTION CV2 resize is inverted, first w and then h
            theta = data.iloc[2:11].values.astype('double').reshape(3, 3)
            source_img = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(source_img_name),

            # cropping dimention of the image first if it is too big, would occur to big resizing after
            if source_img.shape[0] > self.H_HOMO * self.ratio_cropping \
                    or source_img.shape[1] > self.W_HOMO*self.ratio_cropping:
                source_img, x, y = center_crop(
                    source_img, (int(self.W_HOMO * self.ratio_cropping),
                                 int(self.H_HOMO * self.ratio_cropping)))

            # resize to value stated at the beginning
            img_src_orig = cv2.resize(source_img,
                                      dsize=(self.W_HOMO, self.H_HOMO),
                                      )  # cv2.resize, W is giving first

            # get a central crop:
            img_src_crop, x1_crop, y1_crop = center_crop(
                img_src_orig, self.W_OUT)

            # Obtaining the full and crop grids out of H
            grid_full, grid_crop = self.get_grid(theta,
                                                 ccrop=(x1_crop, y1_crop))

            # warp the fullsize original source image
            img_src_orig = torch.Tensor(img_src_orig.astype(np.float32))
            img_src_orig = img_src_orig.permute(2, 0, 1)
            if float(torch.__version__[:3]) >= 1.3:
                img_orig_target_vrbl = F.grid_sample(img_src_orig.unsqueeze(0),
                img_orig_target_vrbl = F.grid_sample(img_src_orig.unsqueeze(0),
            img_orig_target_vrbl = \
                img_orig_target_vrbl.squeeze().permute(1, 2, 0)

            # get the central crop of the target image
            img_target_crop, _, _ = center_crop(img_orig_target_vrbl.numpy(),

            print('Error: transformation type')

        if self.transforms_source is not None and self.transforms_target is not None:
            cropped_source_image = \
            cropped_target_image = \
            # if no specific transformations are applied, they are just put in 3xHxW
            cropped_source_image = \
            cropped_target_image = \

            # convert to [C, H, W] convention (for tensors)
            cropped_source_image = cropped_source_image.permute(-1, 0, 1)
            cropped_target_image = cropped_target_image.permute(-1, 0, 1)

        # construct a pyramid with a corresponding grid on each layer
        grid_pyramid = []
        mask_x = []
        mask_y = []
        if transform_type == 0:
            for layer_size in self.pyramid_param:
                # get layer size or change it so that it corresponds to PWCNet
                grid = self.generate_grid(layer_size, layer_size,
                mask = grid.ge(-1) & grid.le(1)
                mask_x.append(mask[:, :, 0])
                mask_y.append(mask[:, :, 1])
        elif transform_type == 1:
            grid = self.generate_grid(self.H_OUT, self.W_OUT, theta).squeeze(0)
            for layer_size in self.pyramid_param:
                grid_m = torch.from_numpy(
                    cv2.resize(grid.numpy(), (layer_size, layer_size)))
                mask = grid_m.ge(-1) & grid_m.le(1)
                mask_x.append(mask[:, :, 0])
                mask_y.append(mask[:, :, 1])
        elif transform_type == 2:
            grid = grid_crop.squeeze(0)
            for layer_size in self.pyramid_param:
                grid_m = torch.from_numpy(
                    cv2.resize(grid.numpy(), (layer_size, layer_size)))
                mask = grid_m.ge(-1) & grid_m.le(1)
                mask_x.append(mask[:, :, 0])
                mask_y.append(mask[:, :, 1])

        if self.get_flow:
            # ATTENTION, here we just get the flow of the highest resolution asked, not the pyramid of flows !
            flow = unormalise_and_convert_mapping_to_flow(
                grid_pyramid[-1], output_channel_first=True)
            mask = mask_x[-1] and mask_y[-1]
            return {
                'source_image': cropped_source_image,
                'target_image': cropped_target_image,
                'flow_map': flow,  # here flow map is 2 x h x w
                'correspondence_mask': mask
            # here we get both the pyramid of mappings and the last mapping (at the highest resolution)
            return {
                'source_image': cropped_source_image,
                'target_image': cropped_target_image,
                grid_pyramid[-1],  #torch tensor,  h x w x 2
                'correspondence_map_pyro': grid_pyramid,
                'mask_x': mask_x,
                'mask_y': mask_y
Example #48
def paired_transform_torch(image, transform, output_size, block_size=(1, 1)):
    transform = seg_transforms.SegTransformCompose([
        datapipe.seg_transforms_cv.SegCVTransformNormalizeToTensor(None, None)
    pipe = seg_transforms.SegDataPipeline(block_size, transform)

    torch_device = torch.device('cpu')

    x0, m0, xf0, x1, m1, xf1 = pipe.prepare_unsupervised_paired_batch([image])

    padded_shape = x0.shape[2:4]

    xf0_to_1 = affine.cat_nx2x3(xf1, affine.inv_nx2x3(xf0))

    t_image_xf0 = affine.cv_to_torch(xf0, padded_shape, image.shape[:2])
    t_image_xf1 = affine.cv_to_torch(xf1, padded_shape, image.shape[:2])
    t_xf0_to_1 = affine.cv_to_torch(xf0_to_1, padded_shape)

    image_f = img_as_float(image).astype(np.float32)

    t_image = torch.tensor(image_f.transpose(2, 0, 1)[None, ...],
    t_x0 = torch.tensor(x0, dtype=torch.float, device=torch_device)
    t_m0 = torch.tensor(m0, dtype=torch.float, device=torch_device)
    t_m1 = torch.tensor(m1, dtype=torch.float, device=torch_device)
    t_image_xf0 = torch.tensor(t_image_xf0,
    t_image_xf1 = torch.tensor(t_image_xf1,
    t_xf0_to_1 = torch.tensor(t_xf0_to_1,

    output_shape = torch.Size(len(x0), 3, output_size[0], output_size[1])
    grid_image0 = F.affine_grid(t_image_xf0, output_shape)
    grid_image1 = F.affine_grid(t_image_xf1, output_shape)
    grid_0to1 = F.affine_grid(t_xf0_to_1, output_shape)

    t_a = F.grid_sample(t_image, grid_image0)
    t_b = F.grid_sample(t_image, grid_image1)
    t_x01 = F.grid_sample(t_x0, grid_0to1)
    t_m01 = F.grid_sample(t_m0, grid_0to1) * t_m1

    t_a_np = t_a.detach().cpu().numpy()[0].transpose(1, 2, 0)
    t_b_np = t_b.detach().cpu().numpy()[0].transpose(1, 2, 0)
    t_x01_np = t_x01.detach().cpu().numpy()[0].transpose(1, 2, 0)
    t_m01_np = t_m01.detach().cpu().numpy()[0].transpose(1, 2, 0)

    x0 = x0[0].transpose(1, 2, 0)
    x1 = x1[0].transpose(1, 2, 0)

    return dict(x0=x0,
                m01=t_m01_np[:, :, 0])
Example #49
def resample_vol_cuda_Rt(src_vol, R, t, cam_intrinsic = None, 
                      d_candi = None, d_candi_new = None,
                      padding_value = 0., output_tensor = False, 
                      is_debug = False, PointsDs_ref_cam_coord_in = None):
    src_vol - src vol. NDHW or NCDHW format 

    if d_candi_new is not None: 
    d_candi : candidate depth values for the src view;
    d_candi_new : candidate depth values for the ref view. Usually d_candi_new is different from d_candi
    assert d_candi is not None, 'd_candi should be some np.array object'

    if src_vol.ndimension() == 4: # src_vol - NDHW
        _, D, H, W = src_vol.shape
    elif src_vol.ndimension() == 5: # src_vol - NCDHW
        _, C, D, H, W = src_vol.shape

    N = 1
    hhfov, hvfov =  math.radians(cam_intrinsic['hfov']) * .5, math.radians(cam_intrinsic['vfov']) * .5

    # --- 0. Get the sampled points in the ref. view --- #
    if PointsDs_ref_cam_coord_in is None:
        PointsDs_ref_cam_coord = torch.zeros(N, D, H, W, 3)
        if d_candi_new is not None:
            d_candi_ = d_candi_new
            d_candi_ = d_candi

        for idx_d, d in enumerate(d_candi_):
            PointsDs_ref_cam_coord[0, idx_d, :, :, :] \
                    = d * torch.FloatTensor(cam_intrinsic['unit_ray_array'])
        PointsDs_ref_cam_coord = PointsDs_ref_cam_coord.cuda()

        PointsDs_ref_cam_coord = PointsDs_ref_cam_coord_in

    if d_candi_new is not None:
        z_max, z_min = d_candi.max(), d_candi.min()
        z_max = torch.max(PointsDs_ref_cam_coord[0, :, :, :, 2 ])
        z_min = torch.min(PointsDs_ref_cam_coord[0, :, :, :, 2 ])

    z_half = (z_max + z_min) * .5
    z_radius = (z_max - z_min) * .5

    # --- 1. Coordinate transform --- # 
    PointsDs_ref_cam_coord = PointsDs_ref_cam_coord.reshape((-1, 3)).transpose(0,1)

    # NOTE: (1) For PointsD_src_cam_coord, use the Cartesian coordinate #
    #       (2) We should avoid in-place operation
    PointsDs_src_cam_coord_tmp = R.matmul( PointsDs_ref_cam_coord )

    PointsDs_src_cam_coord_tmp =  PointsDs_src_cam_coord_tmp+ \
        t.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, PointsDs_src_cam_coord_tmp.shape[1])

    # transform into range [-1, 1] for all dimensions #
    PointsDs_src_cam_coord = torch.zeros(PointsDs_src_cam_coord_tmp.shape).cuda()
    PointsDs_src_cam_coord[0, :] = \
        PointsDs_src_cam_coord_tmp[0,:] / (PointsDs_src_cam_coord_tmp[2,:] +1e-10) / math.tan( hhfov)

    PointsDs_src_cam_coord[1, :] = \
        PointsDs_src_cam_coord_tmp[1,:] / (PointsDs_src_cam_coord_tmp[2,:] +1e-10) / math.tan( hvfov)

    PointsDs_src_cam_coord[2, :] = \
        (PointsDs_src_cam_coord_tmp[2,:] -  z_half ) / z_radius

    # reshape to N x OD x OH x OW x 3 #
    PointsDs_src_cam_coord = PointsDs_src_cam_coord.transpose(0,1).reshape((N, D, H, W, 3))

    # --- 2. Re-sample --- #
    if src_vol.ndimension() == 4:
        src_vol_th = src_vol.unsqueeze(1)
    elif src_vol.ndimension() == 5:
        src_vol_th = src_vol

    src_vol_th_ = _set_vol_border(src_vol_th, padding_value)
    res_vol_th = torch.squeeze(\
            F.grid_sample(src_vol_th_, PointsDs_src_cam_coord, mode='bilinear', padding_mode = 'border'), 
            dim=0), \
    if is_debug:
        return res_vol_th, PointsDs_src_cam_coord, src_vol_th
        return res_vol_th
Example #50
    def forward(self, ind_source, img_source, opt):

        an = opt.angular_out
        an2 = opt.angular_out * opt.angular_out

        N, num_source, h, w = img_source.shape  # [N,4,h,w]
        ind_source = torch.squeeze(ind_source)  # [4]

        h_c = h - 2 * opt.crop_size
        w_c = w - 2 * opt.crop_size

        D = opt.psv_step
        disp_range = torch.linspace(-1 * opt.psv_range, opt.psv_range,
                                    steps=D).type_as(img_source)  # [D]

        if self.training:
            # PSV
            psv_input = img_source.view(N * num_source, 1, h,
                                        w).repeat(D * an2, 1, 1,
                                                  1)  # [N*an2*D*4,1,h,w]
            grid = construct_psv_grid(an, D, num_source, ind_source,
                                      disp_range, N, h, w)  # [N*an2*D*4,h,w,2]
            PSV = functional.grid_sample(psv_input, grid).view(
                N, an2, D, num_source, h,
                w)  # [N*an2*D*4,1,h,w]-->[N,an2,D,4,h,w]
            PSV = crop_boundary(PSV, opt.crop_size)

            # disparity & confidence estimation
            perPlane_out = self.conv_perPlane(
                PSV.view(N * an2 * D, num_source, h_c, w_c))  # [N*an2*D,4,h,w]
            crossPlane_out = self.conv_crossPlane(
                perPlane_out.view(N * an2, D * 4, h_c, w_c))  # [N*an2,D,h,w]
            disp_out = self.conv_disp(crossPlane_out)  # [N*an2,5,h,w]
            disp_target = disp_out[:, 0, :, :].view(
                N, an2, h_c, w_c)  # disparity for each view
            disp_target = functional.pad(disp_target,
                                             opt.crop_size, opt.crop_size,
                                             opt.crop_size, opt.crop_size
            conf_source = disp_out[:, 1:, :, :].view(
                N, an2, num_source, h_c,
                w_c)  # confidence of source views for each view
            conf_source = self.softmax_d2(conf_source)

            # intermediate LF
            warp_img_input = img_source.view(N * num_source, 1, h,
                                             w).repeat(an2, 1, 1,
                                                       1)  # [N*an2*4,1,h,w]
            grid = construct_syn_grid(an, num_source, ind_source, disp_target,
                                      N, h, w)  # [N*an2*4,h,w,2]
            warped_img = functional.grid_sample(warp_img_input, grid).view(
                N, an2, num_source, h, w)  # {N,an2,4,h,w]
            warped_img = crop_boundary(warped_img, opt.crop_size)

            inter_lf = torch.sum(warped_img * conf_source,
                                 dim=2)  # [N,an2,h,w]

            return disp_target, inter_lf

            inter_lf = torch.zeros((N, an2, h_c, w_c)).type_as(img_source)
            for k_t in range(0, an2):  # for each target view
                ind_t = torch.arange(an2)[k_t]
                # disparity & confidence estimation
                PSV = torch.zeros((N, D, num_source, h, w)).type_as(img_source)
                for step in range(0, D):
                    for k_s in range(0, num_source):
                        ind_s = ind_source[k_s]
                        disp = disp_range[step]
                        PSV[:, step, k_s] = warping(disp, ind_s, ind_t,
                                                    img_source[:, k_s], an)

                PSV = crop_boundary(PSV, opt.crop_size)

                perPlane_out = self.conv_perPlane(
                    PSV.view(N * D, num_source, h_c, w_c))  # [N*D,4,h,w]
                crossPlane_out = self.conv_crossPlane(
                    perPlane_out.view(N, D * 4, h_c, w_c))  # [N,D,h,w]
                disp_out = self.conv_disp(crossPlane_out)  # [N,5,h,w]
                disp_target = disp_out[:,
                                       0, :, :]  # [N,h,w] disparity for each view
                disp_target = functional.pad(disp_target,
                                                 opt.crop_size, opt.crop_size,
                                                 opt.crop_size, opt.crop_size
                conf_source = disp_out[:,
                                       1:, :, :]  # [N,4,h_c,w_c] confidence of source views for each view
                conf_source_norm = self.softmax_d1(conf_source)

                # warping source views
                warped_img = torch.zeros(N, num_source, h,
                for k_s in range(0, num_source):
                    ind_s = ind_source[k_s]
                    disp = disp_target
                    warped_img[:, k_s] = warping(disp, ind_s, ind_t,
                                                 img_source[:, k_s], an)
                warped_img = crop_boundary(warped_img, opt.crop_size)

                inter_view = torch.sum(warped_img * conf_source_norm,
                                       dim=1)  # [N,h,w]
                inter_lf[:, k_t] = inter_view

            return inter_lf
Example #51
def unproject_heatmaps(heatmaps, proj_matricies, coord_volumes, volume_aggregation_method='sum', vol_confidences=None):
    device = heatmaps.device
    batch_size, n_views, n_joints, heatmap_shape = heatmaps.shape[0], heatmaps.shape[1], heatmaps.shape[2], tuple(heatmaps.shape[3:]) # 1,4,32,96x96
    volume_shape = coord_volumes.shape[1:4] #64x64x64

    volume_batch = torch.zeros(batch_size, n_joints, *volume_shape, device=device) # 1x32x64x64x64のTensor

    # TODO: speed up this this loop
    for batch_i in range(batch_size):
        coord_volume = coord_volumes[batch_i] # Bx64x64x64x3 -> 64x64x64x3
        grid_coord = coord_volume.reshape((-1, 3)) # 262144x3

        volume_batch_to_aggregate = torch.zeros(n_views, n_joints, *volume_shape, device=device) # 4x32x64x64x64

        for view_i in range(n_views):
            heatmap = heatmaps[batch_i, view_i] # 1x4x32x96x96 -> 32x96x96
            heatmap = heatmap.unsqueeze(0) # 1x32x96x96 (一番初めに次元を追加)

            grid_coord_proj = multiview.project_3d_points_to_image_plane_without_distortion( # 262144x3
                proj_matricies[batch_i, view_i], grid_coord, convert_back_to_euclidean=False

            invalid_mask = grid_coord_proj[:, 2] <= 0.0  # depth must be larger than 0.0 #人がカメラに近づきすぎた場合に起こる??

            grid_coord_proj[grid_coord_proj[:, 2] == 0.0, 2] = 1.0  # not to divide by zero
            grid_coord_proj = multiview.homogeneous_to_euclidean(grid_coord_proj)

            # transform to [-1.0, 1.0] range
            grid_coord_proj_transformed = torch.zeros_like(grid_coord_proj) # 262144x2
            grid_coord_proj_transformed[:, 0] = 2 * (grid_coord_proj[:, 0] / heatmap_shape[0] - 0.5) # (0,0)->(96,96)の座標を、中心を(0,0)、左上を(-1,-1)、右下を(1,1)とする相対的な座標に変換
            grid_coord_proj_transformed[:, 1] = 2 * (grid_coord_proj[:, 1] / heatmap_shape[1] - 0.5)
            grid_coord_proj = grid_coord_proj_transformed

            # prepare to F.grid_sample
            grid_coord_proj = grid_coord_proj.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(0) # 引数で指定された場所に一つ次元を足すらしい 1x262144x1x2。heatmapが1x32x96x96
                current_volume = F.grid_sample(heatmap, grid_coord_proj, align_corners=True) # 1x32x262144x1 = Heatmap(1x32x96x96), grid_coord_proj(1x262144x1x2)
            except TypeError: # old PyTorch
                current_volume = F.grid_sample(heatmap, grid_coord_proj)

            # zero out non-valid points
            current_volume = current_volume.view(n_joints, -1) #32x262144
            current_volume[:, invalid_mask] = 0.0

            # reshape back to volume
            current_volume = current_volume.view(n_joints, *volume_shape) #32x64x64x64

            # collect
            volume_batch_to_aggregate[view_i] = current_volume

        # agregate resulting volume
        if volume_aggregation_method.startswith('conf'):
            volume_batch[batch_i] = (volume_batch_to_aggregate * vol_confidences[batch_i].view(n_views, n_joints, 1, 1, 1)).sum(0)
        elif volume_aggregation_method == 'sum':
            volume_batch[batch_i] = volume_batch_to_aggregate.sum(0)
        elif volume_aggregation_method == 'max':
            volume_batch[batch_i] = volume_batch_to_aggregate.max(0)[0]
        elif volume_aggregation_method == 'softmax':
            volume_batch_to_aggregate_softmin = volume_batch_to_aggregate.clone() # 2x32x64x64x64(n_views, n_joints, *volume_shape)
            volume_batch_to_aggregate_softmin = volume_batch_to_aggregate_softmin.view(n_views, -1) # reshape
            volume_batch_to_aggregate_softmin = nn.functional.softmax(volume_batch_to_aggregate_softmin, dim=0)
            volume_batch_to_aggregate_softmin = volume_batch_to_aggregate_softmin.view(n_views, n_joints, *volume_shape) #reshape back

            volume_batch[batch_i] = (volume_batch_to_aggregate * volume_batch_to_aggregate_softmin).sum(0)
            raise ValueError("Unknown volume_aggregation_method: {}".format(volume_aggregation_method))

    return volume_batch
Example #52
   th11 =  scalex * math.cos(angle)
   th12 = -math.sin(angle) * scaley * input_H/input_W
   th13 =  (2 * xc - input_W - 1) / (input_W - 1)
   th21 = math.sin(angle) * scalex * input_W/input_H
   th22 =  scaley * math.cos(angle)  
   th23 =  (2 * yc - input_H - 1) / (input_H - 1)
   t = np.asarray([th11, th12, th13, th21, th22, th23], dtype=np.float)
   t = torch.from_numpy(t).type(torch.FloatTensor)
   t = t.cuda()
   theta = t.view(-1, 2, 3)
   grid = F.affine_grid(theta, torch.Size((1, 3, int(target_h), int(target_gw))))
   x = F.grid_sample(im_data, grid)
   h2 = 2 * h2
   scalex =  (w2 + int( 2 *  h2)) / input_W
   scaley = h2 / input_H
   th11 =  scalex * math.cos(angle)
   th12 = -math.sin(angle) * scaley
   th13 =  (2 * xc - input_W - 1) / (input_W - 1) #* torch.cos(angle_var) - (2 * yc - input_H - 1) / (input_H - 1) * torch.sin(angle_var)
   th21 = math.sin(angle) * scalex
   th22 =  scaley * math.cos(angle)
   th23 =  (2 * yc - input_H - 1) / (input_H - 1) #* torch.cos(angle_var) + (2 * xc - input_W - 1) / (input_W - 1) * torch.sin(angle_var)
   t = np.asarray([th11, th12, th13, th21, th22, th23], dtype=np.float)
Example #53
def warp_affine(src: torch.Tensor,
                M: torch.Tensor,
                dsize: Tuple[int, int],
                mode: str = 'bilinear',
                padding_mode: str = 'zeros',
                align_corners: Optional[bool] = None) -> torch.Tensor:
    r"""Applies an affine transformation to a tensor.

    The function warp_affine transforms the source tensor using
    the specified matrix:

    .. math::
        \text{dst}(x, y) = \text{src} \left( M_{11} x + M_{12} y + M_{13} ,
        M_{21} x + M_{22} y + M_{23} \right )

        src (torch.Tensor): input tensor of shape :math:`(B, C, H, W)`.
        M (torch.Tensor): affine transformation of shape :math:`(B, 2, 3)`.
        dsize (Tuple[int, int]): size of the output image (height, width).
        mode (str): interpolation mode to calculate output values
          'bilinear' | 'nearest'. Default: 'bilinear'.
        padding_mode (str): padding mode for outside grid values
          'zeros' | 'border' | 'reflection'. Default: 'zeros'.
        align_corners (bool, optional): mode for grid_generation. Default: None.

        torch.Tensor: the warped tensor with shape :math:`(B, C, H, W)`.

       >>> img = torch.rand(1, 4, 5, 6)
       >>> A = torch.eye(2, 3)[None]
       >>> out = warp_affine(img, A, (4, 2), align_corners=True)
       >>> print(out.shape)
       torch.Size([1, 4, 4, 2])

    .. note::
        This function is often used in conjuntion with :func:`get_rotation_matrix2d`,
        :func:`get_shear_matrix2d`, :func:`get_affine_matrix2d`, :func:`invert_affine_transform`.

    .. note::
       See a working example `here <https://kornia.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
    if not isinstance(src, torch.Tensor):
        raise TypeError("Input src type is not a torch.Tensor. Got {}".format(

    if not isinstance(M, torch.Tensor):
        raise TypeError("Input M type is not a torch.Tensor. Got {}".format(

    if not len(src.shape) == 4:
        raise ValueError("Input src must be a BxCxHxW tensor. Got {}".format(

    if not (len(M.shape) == 3 or M.shape[-2:] == (2, 3)):
        raise ValueError("Input M must be a Bx2x3 tensor. Got {}".format(

    # TODO: remove the statement below in kornia v0.6
    if align_corners is None:
        message: str = (
            "The align_corners default value has been changed. By default now is set True "
            "in order to match cv2.warpAffine. In case you want to keep your previous "
            "behaviour set it to False. This warning will disappear in kornia > v0.6."
        # set default value for align corners
        align_corners = True

    B, C, H, W = src.size()

    # we generate a 3x3 transformation matrix from 2x3 affine
    M_3x3: torch.Tensor = convert_affinematrix_to_homography(M)
    dst_norm_trans_src_norm: torch.Tensor = normalize_homography(
        M_3x3, (H, W), dsize)

    src_norm_trans_dst_norm = torch.inverse(dst_norm_trans_src_norm)

    grid = F.affine_grid(src_norm_trans_dst_norm[:, :2, :],
                         [B, C, dsize[0], dsize[1]],

    return F.grid_sample(src,
Example #54
    def forward(self, p, x):
        # x = x.unsqueeze(1)

        p_features = p.transpose(1, -1)
        p = p.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(1)
        p = torch.cat([p + d for d in self.displacments], dim=2)
        feature_0 = F.grid_sample(x, p, padding_mode='border')
        # print(feature_0.shape)
        # print(feature_0[:,:,:,0,0])

        net = self.actvn(self.conv_in(x))
        net = self.conv_in_bn(net)
        feature_1 = F.grid_sample(net, p, padding_mode='border')
        net = self.maxpool(net)  #out 128

        net = self.actvn(self.conv_0(net))
        net = self.actvn(self.conv_0_1(net))
        net = self.conv0_1_bn(net)
        feature_2 = F.grid_sample(net, p, padding_mode='border')
        net = self.maxpool(net)  #out 64

        net = self.actvn(self.conv_1(net))
        net = self.actvn(self.conv_1_1(net))
        net = self.conv1_1_bn(net)
        feature_3 = F.grid_sample(net, p, padding_mode='border')
        net = self.maxpool(net)

        net = self.actvn(self.conv_2(net))
        net = self.actvn(self.conv_2_1(net))
        net = self.conv2_1_bn(net)
        feature_4 = F.grid_sample(net, p, padding_mode='border')
        net = self.maxpool(net)

        net = self.actvn(self.conv_3(net))
        net = self.actvn(self.conv_3_1(net))
        net = self.conv3_1_bn(net)
        feature_5 = F.grid_sample(net, p, padding_mode='border')
        net = self.maxpool(net)

        net = self.actvn(self.conv_4(net))
        net = self.actvn(self.conv_4_1(net))
        net = self.conv4_1_bn(net)
        feature_6 = F.grid_sample(net, p, padding_mode='border')

        # here every channel corresponse to one feature.

        features = torch.cat((feature_0, feature_1, feature_2, feature_3,
                              feature_4, feature_5, feature_6),
                             dim=1)  # (B, features, 1,7,sample_num)
        shape = features.shape
        features = torch.reshape(
            features, (shape[0], shape[1] * shape[3],
                       shape[4]))  # (B, featues_per_sample, samples_num)
        features = torch.cat(
            (features, p_features),
            dim=1)  # (B, featue_size, samples_num) samples_num 0->0,...,N->N
        # print('features: ', features[:,:,:3])

        net = self.actvn(self.fc_0(features))
        net = self.actvn(self.fc_1(net))
        net = self.actvn(self.fc_2(net))
        out = self.fc_out(net)
        # out = net.squeeze(1)

        return out