def nll_poisson(self, preds, target): if self.normalize_nll: return nn.PoissonNLLLoss(reduction='none')(preds, target).view( preds.size(0), -1).mean(dim=1) else: return nn.PoissonNLLLoss(reduction='none')(preds, target).view( preds.size(0), -1).sum(dim=1)
def train_manager(): os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "0" num_epochs = 300 lr = 0.000001 model = LFADSG(time=100, neurons=50, dim_e=16, dim_c=24, dim_d=32, gcn_hidden=[8]) device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") model = criterion = nn.PoissonNLLLoss(log_input=True) train_loader = get_train_data_loader(batch_size=128) valid_loader = get_valid_data_loader(batch_size=128) # optimizer optimizer = optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=lr, momentum=0.9) # lr scheduler scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.ExponentialLR(optimizer, gamma=0.998) train_model(model, train_loader, valid_loader, criterion, optimizer, scheduler, num_epochs)
def __init__(self, hparams): """ Parameters ---------- hparams : :obj:`dict` - model_type (:obj:`str`): 'mlp' | 'mlp-mv' | 'lstm' - input_size (:obj:`int`) - output_size (:obj:`int`) - n_hid_layers (:obj:`int`) - n_hid_units (:obj:`int`) - n_lags (:obj:`int`): number of lags in input data to use for temporal convolution - noise_dist (:obj:`str`): 'gaussian' | 'gaussian-full' | 'poisson' | 'categorical' - activation (:obj:`str`): 'linear' | 'relu' | 'lrelu' | 'sigmoid' | 'tanh' """ super().__init__() self.hparams = hparams self.model = None self.build_model() # choose loss based on noise distribution of the model if self.hparams['noise_dist'] == 'gaussian': self._loss = nn.MSELoss() elif self.hparams['noise_dist'] == 'gaussian-full': from behavenet.fitting.losses import GaussianNegLogProb self._loss = GaussianNegLogProb() # model holds precision mat elif self.hparams['noise_dist'] == 'poisson': self._loss = nn.PoissonNLLLoss(log_input=False) elif self.hparams['noise_dist'] == 'categorical': self._loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() else: raise ValueError('"%s" is not a valid noise dist' % self.model['noise_dist'])
def __init__(self, core=Core(), readout=Readout(), output_nl=nn.Softplus(), loss=nn.PoissonNLLLoss(log_input=False), val_loss=None, detach_core=False, learning_rate=1e-3, batch_size=1000, num_workers=0, data_dir='', optimizer='AdamW', weight_decay=1e-2, amsgrad=False, betas=[.9,.999], max_iter=10000, **kwargs): super().__init__() self.core = core self.readout = readout self.detach_core = detach_core self.save_hyperparameters('learning_rate','batch_size', 'num_workers', 'data_dir', 'optimizer', 'weight_decay', 'amsgrad', 'betas', 'max_iter') if val_loss is None: self.val_loss = loss else: self.val_loss = val_loss self.output_nl = output_nl self.loss = loss
def _get_loss(self, loss_spec): if not isinstance(self.loss_spec, str): return self.loss_spec elif loss_spec == 'mse': return nn.MSELoss(reduction='mean') elif loss_spec == 'sse': return nn.MSELoss(reduction='sum') elif loss_spec == 'crossentropy': # Cross entropy loss is used for multiclass categorization and needs inputs in shape # ((# minibatch_size, C), targets) where C is a 1-d vector of probabilities for each potential category # and where target is a 1d vector of type long specifying the index to the target category. This # formatting is different from most other loss functions available to autodiff compositions, # and therefore requires a wrapper function to properly package inputs. cross_entropy_loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() return lambda x, y: cross_entropy_loss(x.unsqueeze(0), y.type(torch.LongTensor)) elif loss_spec == 'l1': return nn.L1Loss(reduction='sum') elif loss_spec == 'nll': return nn.NLLLoss(reduction='sum') elif loss_spec == 'poissonnll': return nn.PoissonNLLLoss(reduction='sum') elif loss_spec == 'kldiv': return nn.KLDivLoss(reduction='sum') else: raise AutodiffCompositionError( "Loss type {} not recognized. Loss argument must be a string or function. " "Currently, the recognized loss types are Mean Squared Error, Cross Entropy," " L1 loss, Negative Log Likelihood loss, Poisson Negative Log Likelihood, " "and KL Divergence. These are specified as 'mse', 'crossentropy', 'l1', " "'nll', 'poissonnll', and 'kldiv' respectively.".format( loss_spec))
def __init__(self, nb_kers, nb_tk, nb_sk, time_lags=12, rot_kernel_size=None): super(ConvNIM, self).__init__() if rot_kernel_size is None: rot_kernel_size = [3, 3, 3] padding = [k - 1 for k in rot_kernel_size] self.chomp3d = Chomp(chomp_sizes=padding, nb_dims=3) self.conv = RotConv3d( in_channels=2, out_channels=nb_kers, nb_rotations=8, kernel_size=rot_kernel_size, padding=padding, bias=False, ) self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True) self.temporal_fc = nn.Linear(time_lags, nb_tk, bias=False) self.spatial_fc = nn.Linear(225, nb_sk, bias=False) self.layer = nn.Linear(nb_kers * 8 * nb_tk * nb_sk, 12, bias=True) self.criterion = nn.PoissonNLLLoss(log_input=False, reduction="sum") self.softplus = nn.Softplus() print_num_params(self)
def get_objective(objective): if isinstance(objective, str): objective = objective.lower() if objective in ['l1', 'l1loss']: return nn.L1Loss() elif objective in ['nll', 'nllloss']: return nn.NLLLoss() elif objective in ['nll2d', 'nllloss2d']: return nn.NLLLoss2d() elif objective in ['poissonnll', 'poissonnllloss']: return nn.PoissonNLLLoss() elif objective in ['kldiv', 'kldivloss']: return nn.KLDivLoss() elif objective in ['mse', 'mseloss']: return nn.MSELoss() elif objective in ['bce', 'bceloss']: return nn.BCELoss() elif objective in ['smoothl1', 'smoothl1loss']: return nn.SmoothL1Loss() elif objective in ['crossentropy', 'cross_entropy']: return nn.CrossEntropyLoss() elif objective in ['ctc', 'ctcloss']: return nn.CTCLoss() else: raise ValueError('unknown argument!') elif isinstance(objective, _Loss): return objective else: raise ValueError('unknown argument {}'.format(objective))
def __init__(self, model_dim, nb_sk, nb_tk, lr: float = 1e-3, wd: float = 2.0, tmax: int = 10, eta_min: float = 1e-6, verbose=False,): super(SingleCellReadout, self).__init__() self.temporal_fcs = nn.ModuleList([ nn.Linear(11, nb_tk[0], bias=False), nn.Linear(6, nb_tk[1], bias=False), nn.Linear(3, nb_tk[2], bias=False), ]) self.spatial_fcs = nn.ModuleList([ nn.Linear(225, nb_sk[0], bias=False), nn.Linear(64, nb_sk[1], bias=False), nn.Linear(16, nb_sk[2], bias=False), ]) self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True) model_dims = [model_dim, model_dim * 2, model_dim * 4] num_filters = sum([ for item in zip(nb_tk, nb_sk, model_dims)]) self.layer = nn.Linear(num_filters, 1) self.softplus = nn.Softplus() self.criterion = nn.PoissonNLLLoss(log_input=False, reduction="sum") self.optim = None self.optim_schedule = None self._setup_optim(lr, wd, tmax, eta_min) if verbose: print_num_params(self)
def __init__(self, config): super(MTLayer, self).__init__() assert not config.multicell, "For single cell modeling only" self.config = config num_units = [1] + config.nb_vel_tuning_units + [1] layers = [] for i in range(len(config.nb_vel_tuning_units) + 1): layers += [ nn.Conv2d(num_units[i], num_units[i + 1], 1), nn.LeakyReLU() ] self.vel_tuning = nn.Sequential(*layers) self.dir_tuning = nn.Linear(2, 1, bias=False) self.temporal_kernel = nn.Linear(config.time_lags, 1, bias=False) self.spatial_kernel = nn.Linear(config.grid_size**2, 1, bias=True) self.criterion = nn.PoissonNLLLoss(log_input=False) self.reg_mats_dict = create_reg_mat(config.time_lags, config.grid_size) self.activation = get_activation_fn(config.readout_activation_fn) self.init_weights() self._load_vel_tuning() print_num_params(self)
def __init__(self, config: ReadoutConfig, verbose=False): super(ConvReadout, self).__init__() self.config = config _temp_dims = [11, 6, 3] _spat_dims = [15, 8, 4] spatiotemporal = [ nn.Sequential( weight_norm(nn.Conv3d( in_channels=config.core_dim * 2**i, out_channels=config.nb_units[i], kernel_size=config.kernel_sizes[i], groups=config.groups[i],)), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), nn.AdaptiveAvgPool3d(1), nn.Flatten(), ) for i in config.include_lvls ] self.spatiotemporal = nn.ModuleList(spatiotemporal) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(config.dropout) self.layer = nn.Linear(sum(config.nb_units), len(config.useful_cells[config.expt]), bias=True) self.softplus = nn.Softplus() self.criterion = nn.PoissonNLLLoss(log_input=False, reduction="sum") self.apply(get_init_fn(config.init_range)) if verbose: print_num_params(self)
def nll_poisson(self, preds, target, masks): if self.normalize_nll: loss = nn.PoissonNLLLoss(reduction='none')(preds, target) return (loss * masks.unsqueeze(-1)).view(preds.size(0), -1).sum( dim=-1) / (masks.view(masks.size(0), -1).sum(dim=1)) else: raise NotImplementedError()
def ge_test_extract_fun(data, n_device, batchsize, n_targets, model_path, n_extract): #データロード test_set = ge_data.ge_test_dataset(data) test_loader = DataLoader(test_set, batch_size = batchsize, shuffle=False, num_workers=50) device_str = "cuda:{}".format(n_device) device = torch.device(device_str if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") print("used device : ", device) #損失関数 loss_fun = nn.PoissonNLLLoss() #モデルの読み込み test_model = ge_nn.Net(n_targets=n_targets) test_model.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_path)) test_model.eval() #損失の記録 test_loss = [] #テストデータ番号 count = 0 with torch.no_grad(): for (test_in, test_out) in test_loader: count = count + 1 #モデル入力 test_in, test_out =, out = test_model(test_in) #損失計算 loss = loss_fun(out, test_out) test_loss.append(loss.item()) #グラフ描画 out = torch.exp(out) if count == n_extract: test_out ="cpu") out ="cpu") print(test_out.shape) print(out.shape) test_out = torch.squeeze(test_out) out = torch.squeeze(out) print(test_out.shape) print(out.shape) with open('data_extract_log.txt', 'a') as f: f.write('data{}:tensor detach numpy\n'.format(count)) test_out = test_out.detach().numpy() out = out.detach().numpy() #testデータ番号に応じてcsvファイルにデータを抽出(4229, 1024) with open('data_extract_log.txt', 'a') as f: f.write('data{}:test out data csv write\n'.format(count)) with open('/home/abe/data/genome_data/data310/data_test_out{}.csv'.format(count), 'w') as fc : writer = csv.writer(fc) writer.writerows(test_out) with open('data_extract_log.txt', 'a') as f: f.write('data{}:model out data csv write 2\n'.format(count)) with open('/home/abe/data/genome_data/data310/data_out{}.csv'.format(count), 'w') as fc : writer = csv.writer(fc) writer.writerows(out) else : with open('data_extract_log.txt', 'a') as f: f.write('data{}:data went through\n'.format(count)) print('data extract finished') with open('data_extract_log.txt', 'a') as f: f.write('data extract finished')
def __init__(self): self.activations = { 'sigmoid': nn.Sigmoid(), 'relu': nn.ReLU(), 'relu6': nn.ReLU6(), 'rrelu0103': nn.RReLU(0.1, 0.3), 'rrelu0205': nn.RReLU(0.2, 0.5), 'htang1': nn.Hardtanh(-1, 1), 'htang2': nn.Hardtanh(-2, 2), 'htang3': nn.Hardtanh(-3, 3), 'tanh': nn.Tanh(), 'elu': nn.ELU(), 'selu': nn.SELU(), 'hardshrink': nn.Hardshrink(), 'leakyrelu01': nn.LeakyReLU(0.1), 'leakyrelu001': nn.LeakyReLU(0.01), 'logsigmoid': nn.LogSigmoid(), 'prelu': nn.PReLU(), } self.loss_functions = { 'binary_cross_entropy': nn.BCELoss(), 'binary_cross_entropy_with_logits': nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss(), 'poisson_nll_loss': nn.PoissonNLLLoss(), # 'cosine_embedding_loss': nn.CosineEmbeddingLoss(), # 'cross_entropy': nn.CrossEntropyLoss(), # 'ctc_loss': nn.CTCLoss(), 'hinge_embedding_loss': nn.HingeEmbeddingLoss(), 'kl_div': nn.KLDivLoss(), 'l1_loss': nn.L1Loss(), 'mse_loss': nn.MSELoss(), # 'margin_ranking_loss': nn.MarginRankingLoss(), # 'multilabel_margin_loss': nn.MultiLabelMarginLoss(), 'multilabel_soft_margin_loss': nn.MultiLabelSoftMarginLoss(), # 'multi_margin_loss': nn.MultiMarginLoss(), # 'nll_loss': nn.NLLLoss(), 'smooth_l1_loss': nn.SmoothL1Loss(), 'soft_margin_loss': nn.SoftMarginLoss(), # 'triplet_margin_loss': nn.TripletMarginLoss(), } self.learning_rate = 2.8 self.momentum = 0.8 self.hidden_size = 10 self.activation_hidden = 'relu' self.loss_function = 'binary_cross_entropy' self.sols = {} self.solsSum = {} self.random = 3 self.random_grid = [_ for _ in range(10)] # self.hidden_size_grid = [20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39] # self.hidden_size_grid = [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19] # self.learning_rate_grid = [0.1, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0] # self.activation_hidden_grid = list(self.activations.keys()) # self.activation_hidden_grid = list(self.activations.keys()) # self.loss_function_grid = list(self.loss_functions.keys()) self.grid_search = GridSearch(self) self.grid_search.set_enabled(False)
def ge_train(data, n_device, lr, n_epochs, batchsize, beta1, beta2, model_dir): print('calling dataloader ...') train = ge_data.ge_train_dataset(data) val = ge_data.ge_train_dataset(data) #test = ge_data.hogehoge train_iter = DataLoader(train, batchsize) val_iter = DataLoader(val, batchsize, shuffle=False) #################################################################### train_model = ge_nn.Net() device_str = "cuda:{}".format(n_device) device = torch.device(device_str if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") print("used device : ", device) optimizer = optim.Adam(train_model.parameters(), lr, betas=(beta1, beta2)) loss_fun = nn.PoissonNLLLoss() loss_fun2 = nn.MSELoss() train_model.train() for epoch in range(n_epochs): counter = 0 batch_loss = 0.0 batch_acc = 0.0 print('Epoch {}/{}'.format(epoch + 1, n_epochs)) print('------------------------------------------------') for train_in, train_out in tqdm(train_iter): t1 = time.time() counter = counter + 1 #変数定義 #モデル入力 train_in = train_out = out = train_model(train_in) #損失計算 loss = loss_fun(out, train_out) mse_loss = loss_fun2(out, train_out) acc = ge_loss.log_r2_score(out, train_out) train_model.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() batch_loss += loss.item() batch_acc += acc t2 = time.time() #print('{} batch{} poissonLoss: {:.4f} mseLoss: {:.4f} Acc: {:.4f} time {}'.format(epoch+1, counter, loss, mse_loss, acc, t2-t1)) print('------------------------------------------------') epoch_loss = batch_loss / batchsize epoch_acc = batch_acc / batchsize print('{} poissonLoss: {:.4f} mseLoss: {:.4f} Acc: {:.4f}'.format( epoch + 1, epoch_loss, mse_loss, epoch_acc)) print('------------------------------------------------') print('------------------------------------------------'), "./" + model_dir + "/model_epoch{}.pth".format(epoch))
def criterion(self, log_input=True, full=False, size_average=None, eps=1e-08, reduce=None, reduction='mean') -> nn.PoissonNLLLoss: return nn.PoissonNLLLoss(log_input=log_input, full=full, size_average=size_average, eps=eps, reduce=reduce, reduction=reduction)
def loglikelihood(self, reduction): """ Return the log-likelihood """ if self._distr == 'poisson': if reduction == 'none': return self.poisson_cross_entropy return nn.PoissonNLLLoss(reduction=reduction) elif self._distr == 'bernoulli': return nn.BCELoss(reduction=reduction) else: raise ValueError('{} is not a valid distribution'.format( self._distr))
def __init__(self,policy_value_model=None): # create the model if(policy_value_model == None): self.model = resnet_policy_value_model()#torch_policy_value_model() else: self.model = policy_value_model learning_rate = 1e-3 self.optimizer = optim.Adam(self.model.parameters(), lr=learning_rate) self.policy_loss = nn.PoissonNLLLoss() # self.policy_loss = MSELoss() # self.policy_loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() self.value_loss = MSELoss()
def __init__(self, learning_rate=1e-3, batch_size=1000, data_dir='', optimizer='AdamW', weight_decay=1e-2, amsgrad=False, betas=[.9,.999], max_iter=10000, **kwargs): super().__init__() self.save_hyperparameters() self.loss = nn.PoissonNLLLoss(log_input=False)
def __init__(self, config, verbose=True): super(MTNet, self).__init__() assert config.multicell, "For multicell modeling only" self.config = config self.core = MTRotatioanlConvCoreNew(config, verbose=verbose) self.readout = MTReadout(config, verbose=verbose) # self.core = MTRotatioanlConvCore(config) # self.readout = MTReadout(config, self.core.output_size, verbose=verbose) self.criterion = nn.PoissonNLLLoss(log_input=False, reduction="sum") self.init_weights() if verbose: print_num_params(self)
def get_likelihood_surface(gd, cmod, Npos=20, radius=1, valid_eye_range=5.2): ''' main eye-tracking loop ''' from tqdm import tqdm # progress bar from copy import deepcopy assert gd.corrected is False, "cannot get an LL surface on an already corrected stimulus" loss = nn.PoissonNLLLoss(log_input=False, reduction='none') locs = np.linspace(-valid_eye_range, valid_eye_range, Npos) # grid up space x,y = gd[:10] # preload some data to get dimensions xh = cmod(x) # predict rates sz = list(xh.size()) # here's the shape NC = gd.NC NY = sz[1] NX = sz[2] LLspace1 = np.zeros([Npos,Npos,NY,NX]) # Loop over positions (this is the main time-consuming operation) for xx in tqdm(range(Npos)): for yy in range(Npos): ctrXY = (locs[xx],locs[yy]) inds = np.where(np.hypot(gd.eyeX[gd.valid]-ctrXY[0], gd.eyeY[gd.valid] - ctrXY[1]) < radius)[0] if len(inds) > 500: x,y = gd[inds] # get data from those indices xh = cmod(x) # predict rates # reshape and get loss across neurons over space sz = list(xh.size()) L = 0 for cc in range(NC): yc = y[:,cc][:,None].repeat((1, sz[1]*sz[2])).reshape(sz[0:3]) L += loss(xh[:,:,:,cc], yc).sum(axis=0) L = L.detach().cpu().numpy() LLspace1[xx,yy,:,:] = deepcopy(L) return LLspace1, locs
def __init__(self, config, verbose=True): super(MTNet, self).__init__() self.config = config self.beta = 0.0 self.encoder_stim = RotationalConvEncoder(config, verbose=verbose) self.decoder_stim = ConvDecoder(config, verbose=verbose) self.encoder_spks = SpksEncoder(config, verbose=verbose) self.decoder_spks = SpksDecoder(config, verbose=verbose) self.recon_criterion_stim = nn.MSELoss(reduction="sum") self.recon_criterion_spks = nn.PoissonNLLLoss(log_input=False, reduction="sum") self.init_weights() if verbose: print_num_params(self)
def ge_test_fun(data, n_device, batchsize, n_targets, model_path): #データロード test_set = ge_data.ge_test_dataset(data) test_loader = DataLoader(test_set, batch_size=batchsize, shuffle=False, num_workers=50) device_str = "cuda:{}".format(n_device) device = torch.device(device_str if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") print("used device : ", device) #損失関数 loss_fun = nn.PoissonNLLLoss() #モデルの読み込み test_model = ge_nn.Net(n_targets=n_targets) test_model.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_path)) test_model.eval() #損失の記録 test_loss = [] test_score = [] count = 0 with torch.no_grad(): for (test_in, test_out) in test_loader: #モデル入力 test_in, test_out =, out = test_model(test_in) #損失計算 loss = loss_fun(out, test_out) test_loss.append(loss.item()) #score計算 score = ge_loss.log_r2_score(out, test_out) test_score.append(score) #グラフ描画 out = torch.exp(out) test_out ="cpu") out ="cpu") avr_test_loss = np.average(test_loss) avr_test_score = np.average(test_score) print('test data loss:{}, test r2 score:{}'.format(avr_test_loss, avr_test_score)) with open('train_log.txt', 'a') as f: f.write('test data loss:{}, test r2 score:{}'.format( avr_test_loss, avr_test_score))
def __init__(self, model, n_datasets=1): if n_datasets > 1: raise ValueError('NLLLoss only supports single datasets') metric_strs = ['batches', 'loss', 'r2', 'fc'] super().__init__(model, metric_strs, n_datasets=n_datasets) # choose loss based on noise distribution of the model if self.model.hparams['noise_dist'] == 'gaussian': self._loss = nn.MSELoss() elif self.model.hparams['noise_dist'] == 'gaussian-full': from behavenet.fitting.losses import GaussianNegLogProb self._loss = GaussianNegLogProb() # model holds precision mat elif self.model.hparams['noise_dist'] == 'poisson': self._loss = nn.PoissonNLLLoss(log_input=False) elif self.model.hparams['noise_dist'] == 'categorical': self._loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() else: raise ValueError('"%s" is not a valid noise dist' % self.model.hparams['noise_dist'])
def __init__(self, input_size, hidden_size, num_layers): super(RGCNet, self).__init__() self.input_size = input_size self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.num_layers = num_layers self.num_directions = 2 self.seq_len = 1 self.gcn = GCNet(input_size, [hidden_size] * num_layers) self.rnn = RNN(hidden_size, hidden_size, num_layers=1) self.logit_layer = self.Linear(hidden_size, 2) self.count_layer = self.Linear(hidden_size, 1) self.opt = torch.optim.Adam(self.parameters()) self.logit_loss_fn = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduce=True, weight=torch.FloatTensor( [1, 10])) self.count_loss_fn = nn.PoissonNLLLoss(log_input=True)
def _get_loss(self, loss_spec): if not isinstance(self.loss_spec, str): return self.loss_spec elif loss_spec == 'mse': return nn.MSELoss(reduction='sum') elif loss_spec == 'crossentropy': return nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='sum') elif loss_spec == 'l1': return nn.L1Loss(reduction='sum') elif loss_spec == 'nll': return nn.NLLLoss(reduction='sum') elif loss_spec == 'poissonnll': return nn.PoissonNLLLoss(reduction='sum') elif loss_spec == 'kldiv': return nn.KLDivLoss(reduction='sum') else: raise AutodiffCompositionError("Loss type {} not recognized. Loss argument must be a string or function. " "Currently, the recognized loss types are Mean Squared Error, Cross Entropy," " L1 loss, Negative Log Likelihood loss, Poisson Negative Log Likelihood, " "and KL Divergence. These are specified as 'mse', 'crossentropy', 'l1', " "'nll', 'poissonnll', and 'kldiv' respectively.".format(loss_spec))
def __init__(self, config: FFConfig, verbose=False): super(GLM, self).__init__() self.config = config spat_dim = 15 self.spatiotemporal = nn.ModuleList([ nn.Sequential( nn.Flatten(), weight_norm(nn.Linear( in_features=config.time_lags * 2 * spat_dim ** 2, out_features=1, bias=True,)), nn.Softplus(),) for _ in range(len(config.useful_cells[config.expt])) ]) self.criterion = nn.PoissonNLLLoss(log_input=False, reduction="sum") self.apply(get_init_fn(self.config.init_range)) if verbose: print_num_params(self)
def get_loss_criterion(loss_name, loss_criterion_dict): if loss_name == "CrossEntropyLoss": loss_criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss( reduction=loss_criterion_dict["reduction"]) if loss_name == "L1Loss": loss_criterion = nn.L1Loss(reduction=loss_criterion_dict["reduction"]) if loss_name == "MSELoss": loss_criterion = nn.MSELoss(reduction=loss_criterion_dict["reduction"]) if loss_name == "CTCLoss": loss_criterion = nn.CTCLoss( reduction=loss_criterion_dict["reduction"], blank=loss_criterion_dict["blank"], zero_infinity=loss_criterion_dict["zero_infinity"]) if loss_name == "NLLLoss": loss_criterion = nn.NLLLoss(reduction=loss_criterion_dict["reduction"], weight=None) if loss_name == "PoissonNLLLoss": loss_criterion = nn.PoissonNLLLoss( reduction=loss_criterion_dict["reduction"], log_input=loss_criterion_dict["log_input"], full=loss_criterion_dict["full"], eps=loss_criterion_dict["eps"]) if loss_name == "KLDivLoss": loss_criterion = nn.KLDivLoss( reduction=loss_criterion_dict["reduction"]) if loss_name == "BCELoss": loss_criterion = nn.BCELoss(reduction=loss_criterion_dict["reduction"], weight=None) if loss_name == "BCEWithLogitsLoss": loss_criterion = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss( reduction=loss_criterion_dict["reduction"], weight=None, pos_weight=None) if loss_name == "SoftMarginLoss": loss_criterion = nn.SoftMarginLoss( reduction=loss_criterion_dict["reduction"]) if loss_name == "None": pass return loss_criterion
def __init__(self, config: ReadoutConfig, verbose=False): super(Readout, self).__init__() self.config = config _temp_dims = [11, 6, 3] _spat_dims = [15, 8, 4] spatiotemporal = [ nn.Sequential( nn.Dropout3d(p=config.dropout, inplace=True), nn.Linear(in_features=_temp_dims[i], # config.time_lags // 2**i, out_features=config.nb_tk[i], bias=True,), Permute(dims=(0, 1, -1, 2, 3)), nn.Flatten(start_dim=3), weight_norm(nn.Linear( in_features=_spat_dims[i] ** 2, out_features=config.nb_sk[i], bias=True,)), nn.Flatten(),) for i in config.include_lvls ] self.spatiotemporal = nn.ModuleList(spatiotemporal) self.activation = LearnedSwish(slope=1.0) # total filters to pool from self.nb_filters = {i: config.nb_tk[i] * config.nb_sk[i] * config.core_dim * 2**i for i in config.include_lvls} # self.register_buffer('mask', self._compute_mask()) nf = sum(list(self.nb_filters.values())) nc = len(config.useful_cells[config.expt]) layers = [] for cc in range(nc): layers += [nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(nf, 1, bias=True), LearnedSoftPlus(beta=1.0))] self.layers = nn.ModuleList(layers) # self.layer = nn.Linear(nb_filters, nb_cells, bias=True) # self.activations = nn.Softplus() self.criterion = nn.PoissonNLLLoss(log_input=False, reduction="sum") self.apply(get_init_fn(config.init_range)) if verbose: print_num_params(self)
def __init__(self, nb_exc, nb_inh, nb_vel_tuning, nb_tk, nb_sk, time_lags=12): super(DirSelectiveNIM, self).__init__() self.dir_tuning = nn.Linear(2, nb_exc + nb_inh, bias=False) self.vel_tuning = nn.Sequential( conv1x1(1, 32), nn.ReLU(), conv1x1(32, 32), nn.ReLU(), conv1x1(32, nb_vel_tuning), nn.ReLU(), ) self.temporal_kernels = nn.Linear(time_lags, nb_tk, bias=False) self.spatial_kernels = nn.Linear(15**2, nb_sk, bias=True) self.layer = nn.Linear( (nb_exc + nb_inh) * nb_vel_tuning * nb_sk * nb_tk, 12, bias=True) self.reg = Regularizer(reg_values={ 'd2t': 1e-4, 'd2x': 1e-3 }, time_lags_list=[12], spatial_dims_list=[15]) self.criterion = nn.PoissonNLLLoss(log_input=False, reduction="sum") self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True) self.softplus = nn.Softplus() # self._load_vel_tuning() print_num_params(self)
def __init__(self, config: ReadoutConfig, verbose=False): super(SingleCellReadout, self).__init__() self.config = config = len(config.useful_cells[config.expt]) # spatio-temporal filters self.temporal = nn.ModuleList([ nn.Linear( in_features=config.time_lags // 2**i, out_features=config.nb_tk[i], bias=False,) for i in config.include_lvls ]) _spat_dims = [15, 8, 4] self.spatial = nn.ModuleList([ nn.Linear( in_features=_spat_dims[i]**2, out_features=config.nb_sk[i] *, bias=False,) for i in config.include_lvls ]) # last layer nb_filters = sum(config.nb_tk[i] * config.nb_sk[i] * config.core_dim * 2**i for i in config.include_lvls) self.layers = nn.ModuleDict( {"{:d}".format(c): nn.Sequential( nn.ReLU(inplace=True), nn.Dropout(config.dropout), nn.Linear(in_features=nb_filters, out_features=1, bias=True,), nn.Softplus(),) for c in range(} ) self.criterion = nn.PoissonNLLLoss(log_input=False, reduction="sum") if verbose: print_num_params(self)