Example #1
def getEps(e1, e2, params, mode='P'):
        mode : 
            'P' => given P => params = P
            'R' => given r1 & r2 in params => params = (r1, r2)
    if mode == 'R':
        r1, r2 = params
        P = getP(r1, r2)
        P = params

    # For multiple r1 & r2 values, we'll have to do matrix multiplication
    # as P will be an array as well
    if isinstance(P, Iterable):
        if torch.is_tensor(e1):
            if P.ndim == 0:
                ea = e1 * (3 - 2 * P) + 2 * e2 * P
                eb = e1 * P + e2 * (3 - P)
                ea = torch.outer(e1, (3 - 2 * P)) + 2 * torch.outer(e2, P)
                eb = torch.outer(e1, P) + torch.outer(e2, 3 - P)
            ea = np.outer(e1, (3 - 2 * P)) + 2 * np.outer(e2, P)
            eb = np.outer(e1, P) + np.outer(e2, 3 - P)

    # For a single (r1, r2) sample pair, ea & eb will be same as e1 & e2
        ea = e1 * (3 - 2 * P) + 2 * e2 * P
        eb = e1 * P + e2 * (3 - P)

    return ea, eb
Example #2
def qt_cal(x, y):
    input_outer_product = torch.outer(x, x)
    output_outer_product = torch.outer(y, y)
    (input_evals, input_evecs) = torch.eig(input_outer_product,
    (output_evals, output_evecs) = torch.eig(output_outer_product,
Example #3
def qt_cal_density_matrix(x):
    # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66894586/eig-cpu-not-implemented-for-long-in-torch-eigx
    outer_product = torch.outer(x, x)
    (evals, evecs) = torch.eig(outer_product, eigenvectors=True)
    density_matrix = torch.zeros(len(x), len(x), dtype=torch.float)
    for i, eigval in enumerate(evals):
        eigval = eigval[0]
        density_matrix += (eigval * torch.outer(evecs[:, i], evecs[:, i]))
    return density_matrix
Example #4
    def learn(self) -> None:
        """Updates weights with XCAL learning equation."""
        # Compute weight changes
        srs = torch.outer(self.post.avg_s, self.pre.avg_s)
        srm = torch.outer(self.post.avg_m, self.pre.avg_m)
        s_mix = 0.9
        sm_mix = s_mix * srs + (1 - s_mix) * srm

        # Compute cos diff avg
        cos_diff_avg = self.post.cos_diff_avg
        if not self.spec.cos_diff_thr_l_mix:
            cos_diff_avg = 1
        if not self.post.hidden:
            cos_diff_avg = 0  # Clamped layers should not use Hebbian learning

        # Compute the learning rate modifier, if enabled
        lrate_mod = 1.0
        if self.spec.cos_diff_lrate:
            diff = self.post.cos_diff
            diff_avg = self.post.cos_diff_avg
            lo_diff = 0.0
            lo_lrate = 0.01
            hi_diff = 1.0
            hi_lrate = 0.01

            if diff <= lo_diff:
                lrate_mod = lo_lrate
            elif diff >= hi_diff:
                lrate_mod = hi_lrate
            elif diff < diff_avg:
                lrate_mod = 1.0 - ((diff_avg - diff) / (diff_avg - lo_diff))
                lrate_mod = lo_lrate + (1.0 - lo_lrate) * lrate_mod
                lrate_mod = 1.0 - ((diff - diff_avg) / (hi_diff - diff_avg))
                lrate_mod = hi_lrate + (1.0 - hi_lrate) * lrate_mod

        lthr = torch.outer(self.post.avg_l,
                           self.pre.avg_m * self.spec.thr_l_mix * cos_diff_avg)
        mthr = (1 - self.spec.thr_l_mix * cos_diff_avg) * srm
        dwts = self.spec.lrate * xcal(sm_mix, lthr + mthr)
        # comment otherwise does not learn
        # dwts[~self.mask] = 0

        # Apply weights
        mask = dwts > 0
        dwts[mask] *= 1 - self.fwts[mask]
        dwts[~mask] *= self.fwts[~mask]
        self.fwts += dwts
        self.wts = sig(self.spec.sig_gain, self.spec.sig_offset, self.fwts)
Example #5
        def bfgs_method(f, fprime, params, x0, maxiter=None, epsi=10e-3):

            if maxiter is None:
                maxiter = 1000

            k = 0

            field_shape = x0.shape

            gfk = fprime(x0, *params)

            gfk = torch.flatten(gfk)
            x0 = torch.flatten(x0)

            N = int(x0.shape[0])

            I = torch.eye(N, dtype=torch.float64, device=device)
            Hk = I
            xk = x0

            while torch.linalg.norm(gfk).item() > epsi and k < maxiter:
                # pk - direction of search

                pk = -torch.matmul(Hk, gfk)

                # line_search = sp.optimize.line_search(lambda x: f(torch.from_numpy(x), *params).cpu().numpy(), lambda x: fprime(torch.from_numpy(x), *params).cpu().numpy(), xk.cpu().numpy(), pk.cpu().numpy())
                # alpha_k = line_search[0]

                alpha_k = 1

                xkp1 = xk + alpha_k * pk
                sk = xkp1 - xk
                xk = xkp1

                gfkp1 = fprime(xkp1.view(field_shape), *params)
                gfkp1 = torch.flatten(gfkp1)

                yk = gfkp1 - gfk
                gfk = gfkp1

                k += 1

                ro = 1.0 / (torch.matmul(yk, sk))

                A1 = I - ro * torch.outer(sk, yk)
                A2 = I - ro * torch.outer(yk, yk)
                Hk = torch.matmul(A1, torch.matmul(Hk, A2)) + (ro * torch.outer(sk, sk))

            return (xk.view(field_shape), k)
Example #6
def get_shape_operator_poole(pt_grad, pt_hess):
    Adapted from descriptions given in:
    B Poole, S Lahiri, M Raghu, J Sohl-Dickstein, S Ganguli (2016) - Exponential Expressivity in Deep Neural Networks Through Transient Chaos
    code: https://github.com/ganguli-lab/deepchaos
    pt_grad = pt_grad.squeeze()
    pt_hess = pt_hess.squeeze()
    grad_scale = torch.linalg.norm(pt_grad)
    normed_grad = pt_grad / grad_scale
    normed_hess = pt_hess / grad_scale
    projected_hess = normed_hess - torch.outer(
        normed_grad, torch.matmul(normed_grad, normed_hess))
    shape_operator = projected_hess - torch.outer(
        torch.matmul(projected_hess, normed_grad), normed_grad)
    return shape_operator
Example #7
 def __init__(self, alpha, cns, dns):
     size = torch.numel(cns[0])
     dtype, device = cns[0].dtype, cns[0].device
     self.mat = torch.eye(size, dtype=dtype, device=device)
     self.mat *= alpha
     for i in range(len(cns)):
         self.mat += torch.outer(cns[i], dns[i])
Example #8
    def preconditioned_grad(self, damping: float = 0.001) -> None:
        """Compute precondition gradient of each weight in module.

        Preconditioned gradients can be applied to the actual gradients with
        `update_gradient()`. Note the steps are separate in the event that
        intermediate steps will be applied to the preconditioned gradient.

            damping (float, optional): damping to use if preconditioning using
                the eigendecomposition method (default: 0.001).
        if (self.qa is None or self.qg is None
                or (not self.prediv_eigenvalues and self.da is None)
                or (not self.prediv_eigenvalues and self.dg is None)
                or (self.prediv_eigenvalues and self.dgda is None)):
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Eigendecompositions for both A and G have not been computed',
        grad = self.module.get_grad()
        grad_type = grad.dtype
        grad = grad.to(self.qa.dtype)
        v1 = self.qg.t() @ grad @ self.qa
        if self.prediv_eigenvalues:
            v2 = v1 * self.dgda
            v2 = v1 / (torch.outer(
                cast(torch.Tensor, self.dg),
                cast(torch.Tensor, self.da),
            ) + damping)
        self.grad = (self.qg @ v2 @ self.qa.t()).to(grad_type)
Example #9
    def _loss_fn(self, pred, data):
        pdists = pred["dists"]
        w = data.node_norm[data.cell_mask].sqrt()
        weights = torch.outer(w, w)
        loss = torch.sum(weights * (pdists - data.dists)**2)

        return loss
Example #10
 def add_fixed_points(self, n_patterns):
     patterns = (2 * torch.eye(self.args.N) - 1)[:n_patterns, :]
     W_patt = torch.zeros((self.args.N, self.args.N))
     for p in patterns:
         p_tensor = torch.as_tensor(p)
         W_patt += torch.outer(p_tensor, p_tensor)
     self.J.weight.data += self.args.fixed_beta * W_patt / self.args.N / n_patterns
Example #11
    def __init__(
        filter_type=[1, 3, 3, 1],
        self.filter_type = filter_type
        self.stride = stride
        self.padding = _quadruple(padding)
        self.factor = factor
        self.direction = direction

        self.pad = Pad(
            horizontal="circular" if ring else "reflect",

        kernel = torch.tensor(self.filter_type, dtype=torch.float32)
        if direction == "vh":
            kernel = torch.outer(kernel, kernel)
        elif direction == "v":
            kernel = kernel[:, None]
        elif direction == "h":
            kernel = kernel[None, :]
            raise ValueError
        kernel /= kernel.sum()
        if factor > 1:
            kernel *= factor ** 2
        self.register_buffer("kernel", kernel[None, None])
Example #12
def _est_additive_noise(
    subdata: torch.Tensor, calculation_dtype: torch.dtype = torch.float
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
    # estimate the additive noise in the given data with a certain precision
    eps = 1e-6
    dim0data, dim1data = subdata.shape
    dtp = subdata.dtype
    subdata = subdata.to(dtype=calculation_dtype)
    w = torch.zeros(subdata.shape, dtype=calculation_dtype, device=subdata.device)
    ddp = subdata @ torch.conj(subdata).T
    hld = (ddp + eps) @ torch.eye(int(dim0data), dtype=calculation_dtype, device=subdata.device)
    ddpi = torch.inverse(hld)
    for i in range(dim0data):
        xx = ddpi - (torch.outer(ddpi[:, i], ddpi[i, :]) / ddpi[i, i])
        # XX = RRi - (RRi(:,i)*RRi(i,:))/RRi(i,i);
        ddpa = ddp[:, i]
        # RRa = RR(:,i);
        ddpa[i] = 0.0
        # RRa(i)=0; % this remove the effects of XX(:,i)
        beta = xx @ ddpa
        # beta = XX * RRa;
        beta[i] = 0
        # beta(i)=0; % this remove the effects of XX(i,:)
        w[i, :] = subdata[i, :] - (beta @ subdata)
    # ret = torch.diag(torch.diag(ddp / dim1data))
    # Rw=diag(diag(w*w'/N));
    # print("here", w.shape)
    hold2 = torch.matmul(w, w.T) / float(subdata.shape[1])
    ret = torch.diag(torch.diagonal(hold2))
    w = w.to(dtype=dtp)
    ret = ret.to(dtype=dtp)
    return w, ret
Example #13
 def _generator(self, data_size):
     dist_bern = torch.distributions.Bernoulli(self.p)
     self.u = dist_bern.sample((data_size, )).squeeze()
     self.u[self.u == 0] = -1
     y = torch.outer(self.u, self.v) / self.d
     y += torch.normal(0, self.std, (data_size, self.data_dim))
     return y
Example #14
 def compute(self):
     assert self.capture_mean_cov
     num_items = self.num_items_metric.compute()
     mean = self.raw_mean / num_items
     cov = self.raw_cov / num_items
     cov = cov - torch.outer(mean, mean)
     return mean, cov
Example #15
 def train_one_batch(self, batch: Tensor):
   embeddings = self._embed(batch)  # n * 512
   b = embeddings.size(0)
   for i in range(b):
     self.cov_sum += torch.outer(embeddings[i, :], embeddings[i, :])
   self.mean += embeddings.sum(dim=0)
   self.N += b
Example #16
def cross_one_hot(feature_a: torch.Tensor,
                  feature_b: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
    """Computes the feature cross of two one-hot encoded features."""

    return torch.vstack([
        torch.flatten(torch.outer(feature_a[i], feature_b[i]))
        for i in range(len(feature_a))
Example #17
    def _online_update(features: torch.Tensor, total: torch.Tensor, sigma: torch.Tensor) -> None:

        total += features

        if LooseVersion(torch.__version__) <= LooseVersion("1.7.0"):
            sigma += torch.ger(features, features)
            sigma += torch.outer(features, features)
Example #18
    def _generate_centers(self, v1, v2):
        n1 = normalize(v1, dim=0, p=2)

        n2 = normalize(v2, dim=0, p=2)
        n2 = normalize(n2 - torch.dot(n1, n2) * n1, dim=0, p=2)

        ger_sub = torch.outer(n2, n1) - torch.outer(n1, n2)
        ger_add = torch.outer(n1, n1) + torch.outer(n2, n2)
        sin_thetas = torch.unsqueeze(torch.unsqueeze(torch.sin(self.thetas),
        cos_thetas = torch.unsqueeze(torch.unsqueeze(torch.cos(self.thetas) -
        R = self.eye_matrix + ger_sub * sin_thetas + ger_add * cos_thetas

        return torch.einsum('bij,j->bi', R, n1)
Example #19
def hopfield_reservoir(N, g, patterns, beta):
    W = torch.zeros((N, N))
    W_rand = torch.normal(torch.zeros_like(W), g / np.sqrt(N))
    W += W_rand
    for p in patterns:
        p_tensor = torch.as_tensor(p)
        W_patt = torch.outer(p_tensor, p_tensor) / N
        W += beta * W_patt

    return W
def get_covariance_matrix(X):
    Returns the covariance of the data X
    X should contain a single data point per row of the tensor
    X_mean = torch.mean(X, dim=0)
    X_mean_matrix = torch.outer(X_mean, X_mean)
    X_corr_matrix = torch.matmul(torch.transpose(X, 0, 1), X) / X.size(0)
    cov = X_corr_matrix - X_mean_matrix
    return cov
Example #21
    def ifft2d(self, gridy, coeff1, coeff2, k1, k2):

        # y (batch, N, 2) locations in [0,1]*[0,1]
        # coeff (batch, channels, kmax, kmax)

        batchsize = gridy.shape[0]
        N = gridy.shape[1]
        device = gridy.device
        m1 = 2 * k1
        m2 = 2 * k2 - 1

        # wavenumber (m1, m2)
        k_x1 =  torch.cat((torch.arange(start=0, end=k1, step=1), \
                            torch.arange(start=-(k1), end=0, step=1)), 0).reshape(m1,1).repeat(1,m2).to(device)
        k_x2 =  torch.cat((torch.arange(start=0, end=k2, step=1), \
                            torch.arange(start=-(k2-1), end=0, step=1)), 0).reshape(1,m2).repeat(m1,1).to(device)

        # K = <y, k_x>,  (batch, N, m1, m2)
        K1 = torch.outer(gridy[:, :, 0].view(-1),
                         k_x1.view(-1)).reshape(batchsize, N, m1, m2)
        K2 = torch.outer(gridy[:, :, 1].view(-1),
                         k_x2.view(-1)).reshape(batchsize, N, m1, m2)
        K = K1 + K2

        # basis (N, m1, m2)
        basis = torch.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * K).to(device)

        # coeff (batch, channels, m1, m2)
        coeff3 = coeff1[:, :, 1:, 1:].flip(-1, -2).conj()
        coeff4 = torch.cat([
            coeff1[:, :, 0:1, 1:].flip(-1).conj(), coeff2[:, :, :, 1:].flip(
                -1, -2).conj()
        coeff12 = torch.cat([coeff1, coeff2], dim=-2)
        coeff43 = torch.cat([coeff4, coeff3], dim=-2)
        coeff = torch.cat([coeff12, coeff43], dim=-1)

        # Y (batch, channels, N)
        Y = torch.einsum("bcxy,bnxy->bcn", coeff, basis)
        Y = Y.real
        return Y
    def _fspecial_gauss_2d(self, size, sigma):
        """Create 2-D gauss kernel
            size (int): the size of gauss kernel
            sigma (float): sigma of normal distribution

            torch.Tensor: 2D kernel (size x size)
        gaussian_vec = self._fspecial_gauss_1d(size, sigma)
        return torch.outer(gaussian_vec, gaussian_vec)
Example #23
  def get_params(self, epsilon: float = .01):
    means = self.mean.detach().clone()
    covs = self.cov_sum.detach().clone()

    identity = torch.eye(self.feature_size).to(self.device)
    means /= self.N
    covs -= self.N * torch.outer(means, means)
    covs /= self.N - 1
    covs += epsilon * identity

    return means, covs
Example #24
 def blas_lapack_ops(self):
     m = torch.randn(3, 3)
     a = torch.randn(10, 3, 4)
     b = torch.randn(10, 4, 3)
     v = torch.randn(3)
     return (
         torch.addbmm(m, a, b),
         torch.addmm(torch.randn(2, 3), torch.randn(2, 3),
                     torch.randn(3, 3)),
         torch.addmv(torch.randn(2), torch.randn(2, 3), torch.randn(3)),
         torch.addr(torch.zeros(3, 3), v, v),
         torch.baddbmm(m, a, b),
         torch.bmm(a, b),
         torch.chain_matmul(torch.randn(3, 3), torch.randn(3, 3),
                            torch.randn(3, 3)),
         # torch.cholesky(a), # deprecated
         torch.cholesky_inverse(torch.randn(3, 3)),
         torch.cholesky_solve(torch.randn(3, 3), torch.randn(3, 3)),
         torch.dot(v, v),
         torch.ger(v, v),
         torch.inner(m, m),
         torch.lstsq(m, m),
         torch.lu_solve(m, *torch.lu(m)),
         torch.matmul(m, m),
         torch.matrix_power(m, 2),
         # torch.matrix_rank(m),
         torch.mm(m, m),
         torch.mv(m, v),
         # torch.orgqr(a, m),
         # torch.ormqr(a, m, v),
         torch.outer(v, v),
         # torch.qr(a),
         torch.solve(m, m),
         # torch.svd_lowrank(a),
         # torch.pca_lowrank(a),
         # torch.symeig(a), # deprecated
         # torch.lobpcg(a, b), # not supported
         torch.trapz(m, m),
         torch.trapezoid(m, m),
         torch.cumulative_trapezoid(m, m),
         # torch.triangular_solve(m, m),
         torch.vdot(v, v),
Example #25
def _expand_signals(discounted_rewards, temporal_novelty, spatial_novelty,

    hidden_dim = len(weight_bias_vector)
    time_dim = len(discounted_rewards)

    # expand discounted rewards and spatial novelty along hidden dimension
    discounted_rewards_exp = torch.outer(discounted_rewards,
    spatial_novelty_exp = torch.outer(spatial_novelty, torch.ones(hidden_dim))

    # expand temporal novelty along time and hidden dimension
    temporal_novelty_exp = temporal_novelty * torch.ones(
        [time_dim, hidden_dim])

    # expand weight_bias_vector along time dimension
    weight_bias_vector_exp = torch.outer(torch.ones(time_dim),

    return discounted_rewards_exp, temporal_novelty_exp, spatial_novelty_exp, weight_bias_vector_exp
Example #26
    def test_outer_ger_addr_legacy_tests(self, device):
        for size in ((0, 0), (0, 5), (5, 0)):
            a = torch.rand(size[0], device=device)
            b = torch.rand(size[1], device=device)

            self.assertEqual(torch.outer(a, b).shape, size)
            self.assertEqual(torch.ger(a, b).shape, size)

            m = torch.empty(size, device=device)
            self.assertEqual(torch.addr(m, a, b).shape, size)

        m = torch.randn(5, 6, device=device)
        a = torch.randn(5, device=device)
        b = torch.tensor(6, device=device)
        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.outer(a, b))
        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.outer(b, a))
        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.ger(a, b))
        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.ger(b, a))
        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.addr(m, a, b))
        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, lambda: torch.addr(m, b, a))
Example #27
 def fix(self, center=True):
     """Returns the Covariance matrix"""
     # local variables
     tlen = self._tlen
     cov_mtx = self._cov_mtx
     avg = self._avg / tlen
     cov_mtx = cov_mtx / tlen
     if center:
         avg_mtx = torch.outer(avg, avg)
         cov_mtx -= avg_mtx
     return cov_mtx
Example #28
    def forward(self, x, frequencies, x_grid):
        # Input has size (n_batch, n_channels, n_x_points)
        n_batch, n_channels, n_x_points = x.shape
        x = x.type(torch.cfloat)
        exp_argument = torch.mul(x_grid, -1j * 2 * np.pi)
        exp_multiplicand = torch.exp(torch.outer(frequencies, exp_argument))

        # x has shape b,c,s and exp_multiplicand has shape f,s and we want
        # output of shape b,c,f
        out = torch.einsum('bcs,fs->bcf', x, exp_multiplicand)

        return out
Example #29
    def get_grid_corr_2d(self):
        x = torch.arange(self.nx) * self.dx + self.xmin
        y = torch.arange(self.ny) * self.dy + self.xmin
        x = x.to(self.device)
        y = y.to(self.device)

        W = self.config['W']
        x_inv_kaiser = _inv_gcf_kaiser(x, self.du, W, self.beta)
        y_inv_kaiser = _inv_gcf_kaiser(y, self.dv, W, self.beta)

        gridcorr = torch.outer(x_inv_kaiser, y_inv_kaiser)
        return gridcorr
Example #30
def rotation_matrix(theta: torch.Tensor, n_1: torch.Tensor,
                    n_2: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
    This method returns a rotation matrix which rotates any vector 
    in the 2 dimensional plane spanned by 
    @n1 and @n2 an angle @theta. The vectors @n1 and @n2 have to be orthogonal.
    Inspired by 
    :param @n1: first vector spanning 2-d rotation plane, needs to be orthogonal to @n2
    :param @n2: second vector spanning 2-d rotation plane, needs to be orthogonal to @n1
    :param @theta: rotation angle
    :returns : rotation matrix
    dim = len(n_1)
    assert len(n_1) == len(n_2)
    assert (n_1.dot(n_2).abs() < 1e-4)
    return (
        torch.eye(dim) +
        (torch.outer(n_2, n_1) - torch.outer(n_1, n_2)) * torch.sin(theta) +
        (torch.outer(n_1, n_1) + torch.outer(n_2, n_2)) *
        (torch.cos(theta) - 1))