Example #1
 def sequence_tagging(self, tokens: torch.LongTensor, head: str):
     tokens = tokens[:-1].view(-1, 1)
     src_lengths = torch.LongTensor([tokens.numel()]).view(-1, 1)
     r = self.models[0].decode(tokens,
     return r
Example #2
 def _build_sample(self, src_tokens: torch.LongTensor):
     assert torch.is_tensor(src_tokens)
     dataset = self.task.build_dataset_for_inference([src_tokens],
     sample = dataset.collater([dataset[0]])
     sample = utils.apply_to_sample(lambda tensor: tensor.to(self.device),
     return sample
Example #3
def compute_parse_stats(
    lmask: Tensor,
    mapped_target_labels: LongTensor,
    target_spans: LongTensor,
    ntargets: LongTensor,
    ignore_idxs: List[int] = [0, 1],
    # assumes target_spans are (nseqs, 2, nspans) and leaf_idx is shifted
    pad_val = -1
    npred, ngold = 0, 0
    ncorrect_lbls, ncorrect_spans = 0, 0

    for seq_idx in range(ntargets.numel()):
        seq_ntargets = ntargets[seq_idx]
        seq_targets = mapped_target_labels[seq_idx, :seq_ntargets]
        seq_tgt_ii = target_spans[seq_idx, 0, :seq_ntargets]
        seq_tgt_jj = target_spans[seq_idx, 1, :seq_ntargets]
        nrows, ncols = seq_tgt_ii.max() + 1, seq_tgt_jj.max() + 1

        tgt_chart = seq_targets.new_full((nrows, ncols),
        tgt_chart[seq_tgt_ii, seq_tgt_jj] = seq_targets
        lchart = lmask[seq_idx, :nrows, :ncols, :].max(dim=-1)[1]

        tgt_mask = tgt_chart.ne(pad_val)
        pred_mask = lmask[seq_idx, :nrows, :ncols, :].any(dim=-1).bool()
        for ignore_idx in ignore_idxs or []:
            tgt_mask *= tgt_chart.ne(ignore_idx)
            pred_mask *= lchart.ne(ignore_idx)

        # equivalent to: (is_target and is_predicted and is_same_label)
        ncorrect_lbls += ((lchart == tgt_chart) * tgt_mask * pred_mask).sum()
        npred += pred_mask.sum()
        ngold += tgt_mask.sum()
        ncorrect_spans += (tgt_mask * pred_mask).sum()

    return ParseStats(
    def forward(self, ids: torch.LongTensor) -> torch.Tensor:
        Receives the indices of a set of samples, and returns the precomputed predictions of those samples
        :param ids: Index of samples in the dataset
        :return: Predictions of the classifier for those indices
        metadata = read_pickle(self.path)
        time_batch_128 = metadata['metrics']['time']
        if self.split == Split.TRAIN:
            precomputed_pred = metadata['train']['logits']
        elif self.split == Split.TEST:
            precomputed_pred = metadata['test']['logits']
            precomputed_pred = metadata['val']['logits']

        precomputed_pred = torch.from_numpy(precomputed_pred)
        self.update_processing_time(ids.numel() * time_batch_128 / 128.0)
        self.predictions = precomputed_pred[ids].to(ids.device)
        return self.predictions
Example #5
    def forward(self,
                indices: torch.LongTensor,
                offsets: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None,
                per_index_weights: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None):
        Forward process to the embedding bag layer.
        :param indices: Tensor containing bags of indices into the embedding matrix.
        :param offsets: Only used when indices is 1D. offsets determines the starting index position of each bag
        (sequence)in input.
        :param per_index_weights: a tensor of float / double weights, or None to indicate all weights should be taken to
        be 1. If specified, per_sample_weights must have exactly the same shape as input and is treated as having the
        same offsets, if those are not None.
        :return: an #bag x embedding_dim Tensor.

        # always move indices to cpu, as we need to get its corresponding minhash values from table in memory
        indices = indices.cpu()

        # Check input validation.
        if per_index_weights is not None and indices.size() != per_index_weights.size():
            raise ValueError("embedding_bag: If per_index_weights ({}) is not None, "
                             "then it must have the same shape as the indices ({})"
                             .format(per_index_weights.shape, indices.shape))
        if indices.dim() == 2:
            if offsets is not None:
                raise ValueError("if input is 2D, then offsets has to be None"
                                 ", as input is treated is a mini-batch of"
                                 " fixed length sequences. However, found "
                                 "offsets of type {}".format(type(offsets)))
            offsets = torch.arange(0, indices.numel(), indices.size(1), dtype=torch.long, device=indices.device)
            indices = indices.reshape(-1)
            if per_index_weights is not None:
                per_sample_weights = per_index_weights.reshape(-1)
        elif indices.dim() == 1:
            if offsets is None:
                raise ValueError("offsets has to be a 1D Tensor but got None")
            if offsets.dim() != 1:
                raise ValueError("offsets has to be a 1D Tensor")
            ValueError("input has to be 1D or 2D Tensor,"
                       " but got Tensor of dimension {}".format(input.dim()))

        num_bags = offsets.size(0)

        # get the min-hash for each category value, note that lsh_weight_index is in cpu memory
        lsh_weight_index = self._minhash_table[indices]
        # print("In forward: ", lsh_weight_index, indices, self._minhash_table[indices], self.lsh_weight_size)

        # move the min-hash values to target device
        lsh_weight_index = lsh_weight_index.to(self.hashed_weight.device)
        lsh_weight_index %= self.lsh_weight_size

        # indices_embedding_vector is a |indices| x |embedding_dim| tensor.
        indices_embedding_vectors = self.hashed_weight[lsh_weight_index]
        # print('indices_embedding_vectors: ', lsh_weight_index, indices_embedding_vectors)

        # multiply embedding vectors by weights
        if per_index_weights is not None:
            per_index_weights = per_index_weights.to(indices_embedding_vectors.device)
            indices_embedding_vectors *= per_index_weights[:, None]
        # print("per_index_weights",per_index_weights)
        offsets2bag = make_offset2bag(offsets, indices)
        # print("offsets2bag: ", offsets2bag)
        if self._mode == "sum" or self._mode == "mean":
            result = \
                torch.zeros(num_bags, self.embedding_dim, dtype=indices_embedding_vectors.dtype,
            result.index_add_(0, offsets2bag, indices_embedding_vectors)
            if self._mode == "sum":
                return result

            # self._mode == "mean":
            bag_size = make_bag_size(offsets, indices).to(result.device)
            result /= bag_size[:, None]
            return result