Example #1
    def get_bga(adj, strategy, num_bgraph, **kwargs):
        num_node = adj.size(-1)
        dv = adj.device()
        if strategy == "admm":
            if num_node < 80:
                bipartite_graphs_dense = admm_bga(
                    adj.to_dense().to(torch.double), M=num_bgraph, **kwargs
                beta = torch.zeros(num_node, num_bgraph, dtype=torch.bool, device=dv)
                bipartite_graphs = []
                for i, B in enumerate(bipartite_graphs_dense):
                    _, vtx_color, _ = is_bipartite_fix(B, fix_flag=True)
                    beta[:, i] = torch.as_tensor(vtx_color)
                return bipartite_graphs, beta

                bipartite_graphs, beta, partptr, perm = admm_lbga_ray(
                    adj, num_bgraph, **kwargs

        elif strategy == "amfs":
            bipartite_graphs, beta = amfs(adj, level=num_bgraph, **kwargs)

            raise RuntimeError(
                f"{str(strategy)} is not a valid numerical decomposition algorithm "
                f"supported at present."
        bipartite_graphs = [SparseTensor.from_scipy(B).to(dv) for B in bipartite_graphs]
        return bipartite_graphs, beta
Example #2
 def forward(self, x, adj=None, theta=None):
     theta = SparseTensor.from_dense(theta)
     x = self.gcn1(x, adj)
     x = self.gcn2(x.float(), theta.float())
     x = self.relu(x)
     x = self.dropout(x)
     return x
Example #3
def to_cpx(mat, layout="csr", dtype=None):
    assert layout in SparseLayouts
    import cupy as cp
    import cupyx.scipy as xcipy

    if isinstance(mat, torch.Tensor):
        assert mat.dim() == 2
        assert mat.is_cuda
        if mat.is_sparse:
            smt = SparseTensor.from_torch_sparse_coo_tensor(mat)
            smt = SparseTensor.from_dense(mat)

    elif isinstance(mat, SparseTensor):
        assert mat.dim() == 2
        assert mat.is_cuda()
        smt = mat

    elif isinstance(mat, xcipy.sparse.spmatrix):
        assert mat.ndim == 2
        cls = {
            "csr": xcipy.sparse.csr_matrix,
            "csc": xcipy.sparse.csc_matrix,
            "coo": xcipy.sparse.coo_matrix,
        smt = cls(mat)
        return smt

        raise RuntimeError

    shape = smt.sparse_sizes()

    if layout == "coo":
        row, col, value = smt.coo()
        row = cp.asarray(row.detach())
        col = cp.asarray(col.detach())
        value = (cp.asarray(value.detach())
                 if smt.has_value() else cp.ones(smt.nnz(), dtype=dtype))
        return xcipy.sparse.coo_matrix((value, (row, col)), shape)
    elif layout == "csr":
        rowptr, col, value = smt.csr()
        rowptr = cp.asarray(rowptr.detach())
        col = cp.asarray(col.detach())
        value = (cp.asarray(value.detach())
                 if smt.has_value() else cp.ones(smt.nnz(), dtype=dtype))
        return xcipy.sparse.csr_matrix((value, col, rowptr), shape)
    elif layout == "csc":
        colptr, row, value = smt.csc()
        colptr = cp.asarray(colptr.detach())
        row = cp.asarray(row.detach())
        value = (cp.asarray(value.detach())
                 if smt.has_value() else cp.ones(smt.nnz(), dtype=dtype))
        return xcipy.sparse.csc_matrix((value, row, colptr), shape)

        raise RuntimeError(
            f"{layout} is not one of valid sparse formats `coo`, `csr` and `csc`."
Example #4
def test_laplace(lap_type, device):
    N = 6
    A = torch.rand(N, N)
    A = A + A.t()
    spA = SparseTensor.from_dense(A)
    L = laplace(spA, lap_type).to_dense()
    print("\n:", L)
Example #5
    def __init__(
        G: Graph,
        k: int = 8,
        in_channels: int = 1,
        order: int = 16,
        strategy: str = "admm",
        level: int = 1,
        lam_max: float = 2.0,
        zero_dc: bool = False,
        self.adj = G
        N = self.adj.size(-1)
        self.lam_max = lam_max
        self.strategy = strategy
        self.num_bgraph = level

        device = self.adj.device()
        dtype = self.adj.dtype()
        if strategy == "admm":
            if N < 80:
                bipartite_graphs_dense = admm_bga(
                    self.adj.to_dense().to(torch.double), M=level, **kwargs
                beta = bipartite_graphs_dense.new_zeros(N, level).to(torch.bool)
                bipartite_graphs = []
                bipartite_graphs_dense = bipartite_graphs_dense.to(dtype).to(device)
                for i, B in enumerate(bipartite_graphs_dense):
                    _, vtx_color, _ = is_bipartite_fix(B, fix_flag=True)
                    beta[:, i] = torch.as_tensor(vtx_color)

                bipartite_graphs, beta, self.partptr, self.perm = admm_lbga_ray(
                    self.adj, level, **kwargs
                bipartite_graphs = [
                    for B in bipartite_graphs

        elif strategy == "amfs":
            bipartite_graphs, beta = amfs(self.adj, level=self.num_bgraph, **kwargs)
            bipartite_graphs = [
                for B in bipartite_graphs

            raise RuntimeError(
                f"{strategy} is not a valid numerical decomposition "
                f"algorithm supported at present."

            bipartite_graphs, beta, k, in_channels, order, lam_max, zero_dc
Example #6
def to_torch_sparse(mat):
    if isinstance(mat, torch.Tensor):
        if not mat.is_sparse:
            stm = SparseTensor.from_dense(mat)
            stm = SparseTensor.from_torch_sparse_coo_tensor(mat)

    elif isinstance(mat, np.ndarray):
        stm = SparseTensor.from_dense(torch.as_tensor(mat))

    elif isinstance(mat, spmatrix):
        stm = SparseTensor.from_scipy(mat)

    elif isinstance(mat, SparseTensor):
        stm = mat
        raise TypeError(f"{type(mat)} not supported now")

    return stm
Example #7
def test_getitem(dtype, device):
    mat = torch.randn(50, 40, dtype=dtype, device=device)
    mat = SparseTensor.from_dense(mat)

    idx1 = torch.randint(0, 50, (10, ), dtype=torch.long, device=device)
    idx2 = torch.randint(0, 40, (10, ), dtype=torch.long, device=device)

    assert mat[:10, :10].sizes() == [10, 10]
    assert mat[..., :10].sizes() == [50, 10]
    assert mat[idx1, idx2].sizes() == [10, 10]
    assert mat[idx1.tolist()].sizes() == [10, 40]
Example #8
    def test_transform(self, device, dtype):
        M, N = 2, 32
        K = 30
        Bs = []
        beta = []

        bpg, bt = rand_bipartite(N // 2,
                                 N - N // 2,
        mask = Bs[0].to_dense() != 0
        for i in range(M - 1):
            bpg, bt = rand_bipartite(
                N // 2,
                N - N // 2,
            dense = bpg.to_dense()
            temp_mask = dense != 0

            dense[mask] = 0
            mask = temp_mask + mask
            if i % 2 == 0:

        beta = torch.stack(beta).T

        qmf = QmfCore(bipartite_graphs=Bs, beta=beta, order=K)
        x = torch.rand(N, dtype=dtype, device=device)
        y = qmf.analyze(x)
        assert y.shape == (2**M, N, 1)

        z = qmf.synthesize(y)
        assert z.shape == (2**M, N, 1)
        assert (z.sum(0).squeeze() - x).abs().sum() != 0

        f_hat = z.sum(0)
        dis = (f_hat - x).abs()
        pf = snr(f_hat, x)
        ppprint(dis, pf)
Example #9
    def make_adjmatrix(self, data_dir, fname, zerolen_tripids=None):
        @fname :: trips f : "preprocessed_entire_porto.h5"
        ex) f["trips/{}".format(num)] where the num is bet 1~all including zerolen_trips
        make_adjmatrix(data_dir, "preprocessed_entire_porto.h5",)
        file_path = data_dir / self.dataset_name / fname
        seq_vocabs = open(file_path, "r")

        # nodes ~ vocabs : self.vocab_start ~ self.vocab_size
        nodes = list(range(self.vocab_size))
        adj_matrix = np.zeros((len(nodes), len(nodes)), )  # (nodes,nodes)
        #         print(adj_matrix.shape)

        with h5py.File(file_path, 'r') as f:
            total_len = len(f["trips"].keys())
            for num in range(total_len):

                if num % 3000 == 2999:
                    print("Scanned {} trips out of {}".format(
                        num + 1, total_len))

                if num + 1 in set(zerolen_tripids): continue

                trip = f["trips/" + str(num + 1)][()]  # nd.array (2,traj_len)

                if trip.shape[1] == 1:
                    continue  # bc there cannot be any connention
                    trip = np.array(
                        self.trip2seq(trip))  # seq of vocabs : (len_trip)
                    trip_pre, trip_curr = trip[:-1], trip[1:]
                    conn = np.array([[pre, curr]
                                     for pre, curr in zip(trip_pre, trip_curr)
                    conn = np.unique(conn, axis=0)  #(#conn, 2)
                    adj_matrix[conn[:, 0], conn[:, 1]] = 1

                    conn = conn[np.all(conn != 'UNK',
                                       axis=1)].astype(int)  # (#conn, 2)
                    adj_matrix[conn[:, 0], conn[:, 1]] = 1

        adj_matrix = adj_matrix[self.vocab_start:, self.vocab_start:]
                   np.arange(adj_matrix.shape[0])] = 0
        self.adj_matrix = SparseTensor.from_dense(torch.from_numpy(adj_matrix))

        return adj_matrix
Example #10
def to_scipy(mat, layout="csr", dtype=None):
    assert layout in SparseLayouts
    if isinstance(mat, torch.Tensor):
        if not mat.is_sparse:
            smt = SparseTensor.from_dense(mat).to_scipy(layout, dtype)
            smt = SparseTensor.from_torch_sparse_coo_tensor(mat).to_scipy(
                layout, dtype)
    elif isinstance(mat, SparseTensor):
        smt = mat.to_scipy(layout, dtype)
    elif isinstance(mat, (spmatrix, np.ndarray)):
        cls = {"csr": csr_matrix, "csc": csc_matrix, "coo": coo_matrix}[layout]
        smt = cls(mat)
        raise TypeError(f"{type(mat)} is not supported now or invalid")

    return smt
def test_getitem(dtype, device):
    m = 50
    n = 40
    k = 10
    mat = torch.randn(m, n, dtype=dtype, device=device)
    mat = SparseTensor.from_dense(mat)

    idx1 = torch.randint(0, m, (k,), dtype=torch.long, device=device)
    idx2 = torch.randint(0, n, (k,), dtype=torch.long, device=device)
    bool1 = torch.zeros(m, dtype=torch.bool, device=device)
    bool2 = torch.zeros(n, dtype=torch.bool, device=device)
    bool1.scatter_(0, idx1, 1)
    bool2.scatter_(0, idx2, 1)
    # idx1 and idx2 may have duplicates
    k1_bool = bool1.nonzero().size(0)
    k2_bool = bool2.nonzero().size(0)

    idx1np = idx1.cpu().numpy()
    idx2np = idx2.cpu().numpy()
    bool1np = bool1.cpu().numpy()
    bool2np = bool2.cpu().numpy()

    idx1list = idx1np.tolist()
    idx2list = idx2np.tolist()
    bool1list = bool1np.tolist()
    bool2list = bool2np.tolist()

    assert mat[:k, :k].sizes() == [k, k]
    assert mat[..., :k].sizes() == [m, k]

    assert mat[idx1, idx2].sizes() == [k, k]
    assert mat[idx1np, idx2np].sizes() == [k, k]
    assert mat[idx1list, idx2list].sizes() == [k, k]

    assert mat[bool1, bool2].sizes() == [k1_bool, k2_bool]
    assert mat[bool1np, bool2np].sizes() == [k1_bool, k2_bool]
    assert mat[bool1list, bool2list].sizes() == [k1_bool, k2_bool]

    assert mat[idx1].sizes() == [k, n]
    assert mat[idx1np].sizes() == [k, n]
    assert mat[idx1list].sizes() == [k, n]

    assert mat[bool1].sizes() == [k1_bool, n]
    assert mat[bool1np].sizes() == [k1_bool, n]
    assert mat[bool1list].sizes() == [k1_bool, n]
Example #12
def test_batch():

    x1 = torch.tensor([1, 2, 3], dtype=torch.float)
    x1_sp = SparseTensor.from_dense(x1.view(-1, 1))
    e1 = torch.tensor([[0, 1, 1, 2], [1, 0, 2, 1]])
    adj1 = SparseTensor.from_edge_index(e1)
    s1 = '1'
    array1 = ['1', '2']
    x2 = torch.tensor([1, 2], dtype=torch.float)
    x2_sp = SparseTensor.from_dense(x2.view(-1, 1))
    e2 = torch.tensor([[0, 1], [1, 0]])
    adj2 = SparseTensor.from_edge_index(e2)
    s2 = '2'
    array2 = ['3', '4', '5']
    x3 = torch.tensor([1, 2, 3, 4], dtype=torch.float)
    x3_sp = SparseTensor.from_dense(x3.view(-1, 1))
    e3 = torch.tensor([[0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3], [1, 0, 2, 1, 3, 2]])
    adj3 = SparseTensor.from_edge_index(e3)
    s3 = '3'
    array3 = ['6', '7', '8', '9']

    data1 = Data(x=x1, x_sp=x1_sp, edge_index=e1, adj=adj1, s=s1, array=array1,
    data2 = Data(x=x2, x_sp=x2_sp, edge_index=e2, adj=adj2, s=s2, array=array2,
    data3 = Data(x=x3, x_sp=x3_sp, edge_index=e3, adj=adj3, s=s3, array=array3,

    batch = Batch.from_data_list([data1])
    assert str(batch) == ('Batch(x=[3], edge_index=[2, 4], '
                          'x_sp=[3, 1, nnz=3], adj=[3, 3, nnz=4], s=[1], '
                          'array=[1], num_nodes=3, batch=[3], ptr=[2])')
    assert batch.num_graphs == 1
    assert len(batch) == 9
    assert batch.x.tolist() == [1, 2, 3]
    assert batch.x_sp.to_dense().view(-1).tolist() == batch.x.tolist()
    assert batch.edge_index.tolist() == [[0, 1, 1, 2], [1, 0, 2, 1]]
    edge_index = torch.stack(batch.adj.coo()[:2], dim=0)
    assert edge_index.tolist() == batch.edge_index.tolist()
    assert batch.s == ['1']
    assert batch.array == [['1', '2']]
    assert batch.num_nodes == 3
    assert batch.batch.tolist() == [0, 0, 0]
    assert batch.ptr.tolist() == [0, 3]

    batch = Batch.from_data_list([data1, data2, data3], follow_batch=['s'])

    assert str(batch) == ('Batch(x=[9], edge_index=[2, 12], '
                          'x_sp=[9, 1, nnz=9], adj=[9, 9, nnz=12], s=[3], '
                          's_batch=[3], array=[3], num_nodes=9, batch=[9], '
    assert batch.num_graphs == 3
    assert len(batch) == 10
    assert batch.x.tolist() == [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4]
    assert batch.x_sp.to_dense().view(-1).tolist() == batch.x.tolist()
    assert batch.edge_index.tolist() == [[0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8],
                                         [1, 0, 2, 1, 4, 3, 6, 5, 7, 6, 8, 7]]
    edge_index = torch.stack(batch.adj.coo()[:2], dim=0)
    assert edge_index.tolist() == batch.edge_index.tolist()
    assert batch.s == ['1', '2', '3']
    assert batch.s_batch.tolist() == [0, 1, 2]
    assert batch.array == [['1', '2'], ['3', '4', '5'], ['6', '7', '8', '9']]
    assert batch.num_nodes == 9
    assert batch.batch.tolist() == [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2]
    assert batch.ptr.tolist() == [0, 3, 5, 9]

    data = batch[0]
    assert str(data) == ("Data(x=[3], edge_index=[2, 4], x_sp=[3, 1, nnz=3], "
                         "adj=[3, 3, nnz=4], s='1', array=[2], num_nodes=3)")
    data = batch[1]
    assert str(data) == ("Data(x=[2], edge_index=[2, 2], x_sp=[2, 1, nnz=2], "
                         "adj=[2, 2, nnz=2], s='2', array=[3], num_nodes=2)")

    data = batch[2]
    assert str(data) == ("Data(x=[4], edge_index=[2, 6], x_sp=[4, 1, nnz=4], "
                         "adj=[4, 4, nnz=6], s='3', array=[4], num_nodes=4)")

    assert len(batch.index_select([1, 0])) == 2
    assert len(batch.index_select(torch.tensor([1, 0]))) == 2
    assert len(batch.index_select(torch.tensor([True, False]))) == 1
    assert len(batch.index_select(np.array([1, 0], dtype=np.int64))) == 2
    assert len(batch.index_select(np.array([True, False]))) == 1
    assert len(batch[:2]) == 2

    data_list = batch.to_data_list()
    assert len(data_list) == 3

    assert len(data_list[0]) == 7
    assert data_list[0].x.tolist() == [1, 2, 3]
    assert data_list[0].x_sp.to_dense().view(-1).tolist() == [1, 2, 3]
    assert data_list[0].edge_index.tolist() == [[0, 1, 1, 2], [1, 0, 2, 1]]
    edge_index = torch.stack(data_list[0].adj.coo()[:2], dim=0)
    assert edge_index.tolist() == data_list[0].edge_index.tolist()
    assert data_list[0].s == '1'
    assert data_list[0].array == ['1', '2']
    assert data_list[0].num_nodes == 3

    assert len(data_list[1]) == 7
    assert data_list[1].x.tolist() == [1, 2]
    assert data_list[1].x_sp.to_dense().view(-1).tolist() == [1, 2]
    assert data_list[1].edge_index.tolist() == [[0, 1], [1, 0]]
    edge_index = torch.stack(data_list[1].adj.coo()[:2], dim=0)
    assert edge_index.tolist() == data_list[1].edge_index.tolist()
    assert data_list[1].s == '2'
    assert data_list[1].array == ['3', '4', '5']
    assert data_list[1].num_nodes == 2

    assert len(data_list[2]) == 7
    assert data_list[2].x.tolist() == [1, 2, 3, 4]
    assert data_list[2].x_sp.to_dense().view(-1).tolist() == [1, 2, 3, 4]
    assert data_list[2].edge_index.tolist() == [[0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3],
                                                [1, 0, 2, 1, 3, 2]]
    edge_index = torch.stack(data_list[2].adj.coo()[:2], dim=0)
    assert edge_index.tolist() == data_list[2].edge_index.tolist()
    assert data_list[2].s == '3'
    assert data_list[2].array == ['6', '7', '8', '9']
    assert data_list[2].num_nodes == 4

Example #13
def read_planetoid_data(folder, prefix):
    names = ['x', 'tx', 'allx', 'y', 'ty', 'ally', 'graph', 'test.index']
    items = [read_file(folder, prefix, name) for name in names]
    x, tx, allx, y, ty, ally, graph, test_index = items
    train_index = torch.arange(y.size(0), dtype=torch.long)
    val_index = torch.arange(y.size(0), y.size(0) + 500, dtype=torch.long)
    sorted_test_index = test_index.sort()[0]

    if prefix.lower() == 'citeseer':
        # There are some isolated nodes in the Citeseer graph, resulting in
        # none consecutive test indices. We need to identify them and add them
        # as zero vectors to `tx` and `ty`.
        len_test_indices = (test_index.max() - test_index.min()).item() + 1

        tx_ext = torch.zeros(len_test_indices, tx.size(1))
        tx_ext[sorted_test_index - test_index.min(), :] = tx
        ty_ext = torch.zeros(len_test_indices, ty.size(1))
        ty_ext[sorted_test_index - test_index.min(), :] = ty

        tx, ty = tx_ext, ty_ext

    if prefix.lower() == 'nell.0.001':
        tx_ext = torch.zeros(len(graph) - allx.size(0), x.size(1))
        tx_ext[sorted_test_index - allx.size(0)] = tx

        ty_ext = torch.zeros(len(graph) - ally.size(0), y.size(1))
        ty_ext[sorted_test_index - ally.size(0)] = ty

        tx, ty = tx_ext, ty_ext

        x = torch.cat([allx, tx], dim=0)
        x[test_index] = x[sorted_test_index]

        # Creating feature vectors for relations.
        row, col, value = SparseTensor.from_dense(x).coo()
        rows, cols, values = [row], [col], [value]

        mask1 = index_to_mask(test_index, size=len(graph))
        mask2 = index_to_mask(torch.arange(allx.size(0), len(graph)),
        mask = ~mask1 | ~mask2
        isolated_index = mask.nonzero(as_tuple=False).view(-1)[allx.size(0):]

        rows += [isolated_index]
        cols += [torch.arange(isolated_index.size(0)) + x.size(1)]
        values += [torch.ones(isolated_index.size(0))]

        x = SparseTensor(row=torch.cat(rows),
        x = torch.cat([allx, tx], dim=0)
        x[test_index] = x[sorted_test_index]

    y = torch.cat([ally, ty], dim=0).max(dim=1)[1]
    y[test_index] = y[sorted_test_index]

    train_mask = index_to_mask(train_index, size=y.size(0))
    val_mask = index_to_mask(val_index, size=y.size(0))
    test_mask = index_to_mask(test_index, size=y.size(0))

    edge_index = edge_index_from_dict(graph, num_nodes=y.size(0))

    data = Data(x=x, edge_index=edge_index, y=y)
    data.train_mask = train_mask
    data.val_mask = val_mask
    data.test_mask = test_mask

    return data