Example #1
def test_reduce():
    start_tensor = torch.rand(50, 40, 30)

    assert torch.allclose(reduce(start_tensor, 'elementwise_mean'),
    assert torch.allclose(reduce(start_tensor, 'sum'), torch.sum(start_tensor))
    assert torch.allclose(reduce(start_tensor, 'none'), start_tensor)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        reduce(start_tensor, 'error_reduction')
Example #2
File: sam.py Project: Borda/metrics
def _sam_compute(
    preds: Tensor,
    target: Tensor,
    reduction: Literal["elementwise_mean", "sum", "none", None] = "elementwise_mean",
) -> Tensor:
    """Computes Spectral Angle Mapper.

        preds: estimated image
        target: ground truth image
        reduction: a method to reduce metric score over labels.

            - ``'elementwise_mean'``: takes the mean (default)
            - ``'sum'``: takes the sum
            - ``'none'`` or ``None``: no reduction will be applied

        >>> preds = torch.rand([16, 3, 16, 16], generator=torch.manual_seed(42))
        >>> target = torch.rand([16, 3, 16, 16], generator=torch.manual_seed(123))
        >>> preds, target = _sam_update(preds, target)
        >>> _sam_compute(preds, target)
    dot_product = (preds * target).sum(dim=1)
    preds_norm = preds.norm(dim=1)
    target_norm = target.norm(dim=1)
    sam_score = torch.clamp(dot_product / (preds_norm * target_norm), -1, 1).acos()
    return reduce(sam_score, reduction)
Example #3
def dice_score(
    preds: Tensor,
    target: Tensor,
    bg: bool = False,
    nan_score: float = 0.0,
    no_fg_score: float = 0.0,
    reduction: str = 'elementwise_mean',
) -> Tensor:
    Compute dice score from prediction scores

        preds: estimated probabilities
        target: ground-truth labels
        bg: whether to also compute dice for the background
        nan_score: score to return, if a NaN occurs during computation
        no_fg_score: score to return, if no foreground pixel was found in target
        reduction: a method to reduce metric score over labels.

            - ``'elementwise_mean'``: takes the mean (default)
            - ``'sum'``: takes the sum
            - ``'none'``: no reduction will be applied

        Tensor containing dice score

        >>> from torchmetrics.functional import dice_score
        >>> pred = torch.tensor([[0.85, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05],
        ...                      [0.05, 0.85, 0.05, 0.05],
        ...                      [0.05, 0.05, 0.85, 0.05],
        ...                      [0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.85]])
        >>> target = torch.tensor([0, 1, 3, 2])
        >>> dice_score(pred, target)

    num_classes = preds.shape[1]
    bg_inv = (1 - int(bg))
    scores = torch.zeros(num_classes - bg_inv,
    for i in range(bg_inv, num_classes):
        if not (target == i).any():
            # no foreground class
            scores[i - bg_inv] += no_fg_score

        # TODO: rewrite to use general `stat_scores`
        tp, fp, _, fn, _ = _stat_scores(preds=preds,
        denom = (2 * tp + fp + fn).to(torch.float)
        # nan result
        score_cls = (2 * tp).to(torch.float) / denom if torch.is_nonzero(
            denom) else nan_score

        scores[i - bg_inv] += score_cls
    return reduce(scores, reduction=reduction)
Example #4
def _ssim_compute(
    preds: Tensor,
    target: Tensor,
    kernel_size: Sequence[int] = (11, 11),
    sigma: Sequence[float] = (1.5, 1.5),
    reduction: str = "elementwise_mean",
    data_range: Optional[float] = None,
    k1: float = 0.01,
    k2: float = 0.03,
    if len(kernel_size) != 2 or len(sigma) != 2:
        raise ValueError(
            "Expected `kernel_size` and `sigma` to have the length of two."
            f" Got kernel_size: {len(kernel_size)} and sigma: {len(sigma)}."

    if any(x % 2 == 0 or x <= 0 for x in kernel_size):
        raise ValueError(f"Expected `kernel_size` to have odd positive number. Got {kernel_size}.")

    if any(y <= 0 for y in sigma):
        raise ValueError(f"Expected `sigma` to have positive number. Got {sigma}.")

    if data_range is None:
        data_range = max(preds.max() - preds.min(), target.max() - target.min())

    c1 = pow(k1 * data_range, 2)
    c2 = pow(k2 * data_range, 2)
    device = preds.device

    channel = preds.size(1)
    dtype = preds.dtype
    kernel = _gaussian_kernel(channel, kernel_size, sigma, dtype, device)
    pad_w = (kernel_size[0] - 1) // 2
    pad_h = (kernel_size[1] - 1) // 2

    preds = F.pad(preds, (pad_w, pad_w, pad_h, pad_h), mode='reflect')
    target = F.pad(target, (pad_w, pad_w, pad_h, pad_h), mode='reflect')

    input_list = torch.cat((preds, target, preds * preds, target * target, preds * target))  # (5 * B, C, H, W)
    outputs = F.conv2d(input_list, kernel, groups=channel)
    output_list = [outputs[x * preds.size(0):(x + 1) * preds.size(0)] for x in range(len(outputs))]

    mu_pred_sq = output_list[0].pow(2)
    mu_target_sq = output_list[1].pow(2)
    mu_pred_target = output_list[0] * output_list[1]

    sigma_pred_sq = output_list[2] - mu_pred_sq
    sigma_target_sq = output_list[3] - mu_target_sq
    sigma_pred_target = output_list[4] - mu_pred_target

    upper = 2 * sigma_pred_target + c2
    lower = sigma_pred_sq + sigma_target_sq + c2

    ssim_idx = ((2 * mu_pred_target + c1) * upper) / ((mu_pred_sq + mu_target_sq + c1) * lower)
    ssim_idx = ssim_idx[..., pad_h:-pad_h, pad_w:-pad_w]

    return reduce(ssim_idx, reduction)
Example #5
def _spectral_distortion_index_compute(
    preds: Tensor,
    target: Tensor,
    p: int = 1,
    reduction: Literal["elementwise_mean", "sum", "none"] = "elementwise_mean",
) -> Tensor:
    """Computes Spectral Distortion Index (SpectralDistortionIndex_)

        preds: Low resolution multispectral image
        target: High resolution fused image
        p: a parameter to emphasize large spectral difference
        reduction: a method to reduce metric score over labels.

            - ``'elementwise_mean'``: takes the mean (default)
            - ``'sum'``: takes the sum
            - ``'none'``: no reduction will be applied

        >>> _ = torch.manual_seed(42)
        >>> preds = torch.rand([16, 3, 16, 16])
        >>> target = torch.rand([16, 3, 16, 16])
        >>> preds, target = _spectral_distortion_index_update(preds, target)
        >>> _spectral_distortion_index_compute(preds, target)
    length = preds.shape[1]
    m1 = torch.zeros((length, length))
    m2 = torch.zeros((length, length))

    for k in range(length):
        for r in range(k, length):
            m1[k, r] = m1[r, k] = universal_image_quality_index(target[:, k : k + 1, :, :], target[:, r : r + 1, :, :])
            m2[k, r] = m2[r, k] = universal_image_quality_index(preds[:, k : k + 1, :, :], preds[:, r : r + 1, :, :])

    diff = torch.pow(torch.abs(m1 - m2), p)
    # Special case: when number of channels (L) is 1, there will be only one element in M1 and M2. Hence no need to sum.
    if length == 1:
        output = torch.pow(diff, (1.0 / p))
        output = torch.pow(1.0 / (length * (length - 1)) * torch.sum(diff), (1.0 / p))
    return reduce(output, reduction)
Example #6
def _jaccard_from_confmat(
    confmat: Tensor,
    num_classes: int,
    ignore_index: Optional[int] = None,
    absent_score: float = 0.0,
    reduction: Literal["elementwise_mean", "sum", "none",
                       None] = "elementwise_mean",
) -> Tensor:
    """Computes the intersection over union from confusion matrix.

        confmat: Confusion matrix without normalization
        num_classes: Number of classes for a given prediction and target tensor
        ignore_index: optional int specifying a target class to ignore. If given, this class index does not contribute
            to the returned score, regardless of reduction method.
        absent_score: score to use for an individual class, if no instances of the class index were present in ``preds``
            AND no instances of the class index were present in ``target``.
        reduction: a method to reduce metric score over labels.

            - ``'elementwise_mean'``: takes the mean (default)
            - ``'sum'``: takes the sum
            - ``'none'`` or ``None``: no reduction will be applied

    # Remove the ignored class index from the scores.
    if ignore_index is not None and 0 <= ignore_index < num_classes:
        confmat[ignore_index] = 0.0

    intersection = torch.diag(confmat)
    union = confmat.sum(0) + confmat.sum(1) - intersection

    # If this class is absent in both target AND pred (union == 0), then use the absent_score for this class.
    scores = intersection.float() / union.float()
    scores[union == 0] = absent_score

    if ignore_index is not None and 0 <= ignore_index < num_classes:
        scores = torch.cat([
            scores[ignore_index + 1:],

    return reduce(scores, reduction=reduction)
Example #7
def _iou_from_confmat(
    confmat: Tensor,
    num_classes: int,
    ignore_index: Optional[int] = None,
    absent_score: float = 0.0,
    reduction: str = 'elementwise_mean',
) -> Tensor:
    intersection = torch.diag(confmat)
    union = confmat.sum(0) + confmat.sum(1) - intersection

    # If this class is absent in both target AND pred (union == 0), then use the absent_score for this class.
    scores = intersection.float() / union.float()
    scores[union == 0] = absent_score

    # Remove the ignored class index from the scores.
    if ignore_index is not None and 0 <= ignore_index < num_classes:
        scores = torch.cat([
            scores[ignore_index + 1:],
    return reduce(scores, reduction=reduction)
Example #8
def _ergas_compute(
    preds: Tensor,
    target: Tensor,
    ratio: Union[int, float] = 4,
    reduction: Literal["elementwise_mean", "sum", "none",
                       None] = "elementwise_mean",
) -> Tensor:
    """Erreur Relative Globale Adimensionnelle de Synthèse.

        preds: estimated image
        target: ground truth image
        ratio: ratio of high resolution to low resolution
        reduction: a method to reduce metric score over labels.

            - ``'elementwise_mean'``: takes the mean (default)
            - ``'sum'``: takes the sum
            - ``'none'`` or ``None``: no reduction will be applied

        >>> preds = torch.rand([16, 1, 16, 16], generator=torch.manual_seed(42))
        >>> target = preds * 0.75
        >>> preds, target = _ergas_update(preds, target)
        >>> torch.round(_ergas_compute(preds, target))
    b, c, h, w = preds.shape
    preds = preds.reshape(b, c, h * w)
    target = target.reshape(b, c, h * w)

    diff = preds - target
    sum_squared_error = torch.sum(diff * diff, dim=2)
    rmse_per_band = torch.sqrt(sum_squared_error / (h * w))
    mean_target = torch.mean(target, dim=2)

    ergas_score = 100 * ratio * torch.sqrt(
        torch.sum((rmse_per_band / mean_target)**2, dim=1) / c)
    return reduce(ergas_score, reduction)
Example #9
def _ssim_compute(
    preds: Tensor,
    target: Tensor,
    gaussian_kernel: bool = True,
    sigma: Union[float, Sequence[float]] = 1.5,
    kernel_size: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = 11,
    reduction: Literal["elementwise_mean", "sum", "none",
                       None] = "elementwise_mean",
    data_range: Optional[float] = None,
    k1: float = 0.01,
    k2: float = 0.03,
    return_full_image: bool = False,
    return_contrast_sensitivity: bool = False,
) -> Union[Tensor, Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]]:
    """Computes Structual Similarity Index Measure.

        preds: estimated image
        target: ground truth image
        gaussian_kernel: If true (default), a gaussian kernel is used, if false a uniform kernel is used
        sigma: Standard deviation of the gaussian kernel, anisotropic kernels are possible.
            Ignored if a uniform kernel is used
        kernel_size: the size of the uniform kernel, anisotropic kernels are possible.
            Ignored if a Gaussian kernel is used
        reduction: a method to reduce metric score over labels.

            - ``'elementwise_mean'``: takes the mean
            - ``'sum'``: takes the sum
            - ``'none'`` or ``None``: no reduction will be applied

        data_range: Range of the image. If ``None``, it is determined from the image (max - min)
        k1: Parameter of SSIM.
        k2: Parameter of SSIM.
        return_full_image: If true, the full ``ssim`` image is returned as a second argument.
            Mutually exlusive with ``return_contrast_sensitivity``
        return_contrast_sensitivity: If true, the contrast term is returned as a second argument.
            The luminance term can be obtained with luminance=ssim/contrast
            Mutually exclusive with ``return_full_image``

        >>> preds = torch.rand([16, 1, 16, 16])
        >>> target = preds * 0.75
        >>> preds, target = _ssim_update(preds, target)
        >>> _ssim_compute(preds, target)
    is_3d = len(preds.shape) == 5

    if not isinstance(kernel_size, Sequence):
        kernel_size = 3 * [kernel_size] if is_3d else 2 * [kernel_size]
    if not isinstance(sigma, Sequence):
        sigma = 3 * [sigma] if is_3d else 2 * [sigma]

    if len(kernel_size) != len(target.shape) - 2:
        raise ValueError(
            f"`kernel_size` has dimension {len(kernel_size)}, but expected to be two less that target dimensionality,"
            f" which is: {len(target.shape)}")
    if len(kernel_size) not in (2, 3):
        raise ValueError(
            f"Expected `kernel_size` dimension to be 2 or 3. `kernel_size` dimensionality: {len(kernel_size)}"
    if len(sigma) != len(target.shape) - 2:
        raise ValueError(
            f"`kernel_size` has dimension {len(kernel_size)}, but expected to be two less that target dimensionality,"
            f" which is: {len(target.shape)}")
    if len(sigma) not in (2, 3):
        raise ValueError(
            f"Expected `kernel_size` dimension to be 2 or 3. `kernel_size` dimensionality: {len(kernel_size)}"

    if any(x % 2 == 0 or x <= 0 for x in kernel_size):
        raise ValueError(
            f"Expected `kernel_size` to have odd positive number. Got {kernel_size}."

    if any(y <= 0 for y in sigma):
        raise ValueError(
            f"Expected `sigma` to have positive number. Got {sigma}.")

    if data_range is None:
        data_range = max(preds.max() - preds.min(),
                         target.max() - target.min())

    c1 = pow(k1 * data_range, 2)
    c2 = pow(k2 * data_range, 2)
    device = preds.device

    channel = preds.size(1)
    dtype = preds.dtype
    gauss_kernel_size = [int(3.5 * s + 0.5) * 2 + 1 for s in sigma]

    pad_h = (gauss_kernel_size[0] - 1) // 2
    pad_w = (gauss_kernel_size[1] - 1) // 2

    if is_3d:
        pad_d = (gauss_kernel_size[2] - 1) // 2
        preds = _reflection_pad_3d(preds, pad_d, pad_w, pad_h)
        target = _reflection_pad_3d(target, pad_d, pad_w, pad_h)
        if gaussian_kernel:
            kernel = _gaussian_kernel_3d(channel, gauss_kernel_size, sigma,
                                         dtype, device)
        preds = F.pad(preds, (pad_w, pad_w, pad_h, pad_h), mode="reflect")
        target = F.pad(target, (pad_w, pad_w, pad_h, pad_h), mode="reflect")
        if gaussian_kernel:
            kernel = _gaussian_kernel_2d(channel, gauss_kernel_size, sigma,
                                         dtype, device)

    if not gaussian_kernel:
        kernel = torch.ones(
            (1, 1, *kernel_size)) / torch.prod(torch.Tensor(kernel_size))

    input_list = torch.cat((preds, target, preds * preds, target * target,
                            preds * target))  # (5 * B, C, H, W)

    if is_3d:
        outputs = F.conv3d(input_list, kernel, groups=channel)
        outputs = F.conv2d(input_list, kernel, groups=channel)

    output_list = outputs.split(preds.shape[0])

    mu_pred_sq = output_list[0].pow(2)
    mu_target_sq = output_list[1].pow(2)
    mu_pred_target = output_list[0] * output_list[1]

    sigma_pred_sq = output_list[2] - mu_pred_sq
    sigma_target_sq = output_list[3] - mu_target_sq
    sigma_pred_target = output_list[4] - mu_pred_target

    upper = 2 * sigma_pred_target + c2
    lower = sigma_pred_sq + sigma_target_sq + c2

    ssim_idx_full_image = ((2 * mu_pred_target + c1) * upper) / (
        (mu_pred_sq + mu_target_sq + c1) * lower)

    if is_3d:
        ssim_idx = ssim_idx_full_image[..., pad_h:-pad_h, pad_w:-pad_w,
        ssim_idx = ssim_idx_full_image[..., pad_h:-pad_h, pad_w:-pad_w]

    if return_contrast_sensitivity:
        contrast_sensitivity = upper / lower
        contrast_sensitivity = contrast_sensitivity[..., pad_h:-pad_h,
        return reduce(
            ssim_idx.reshape(ssim_idx.shape[0], -1).mean(-1),
            reduction), reduce(
                                             -1).mean(-1), reduction)

    elif return_full_image:
        return reduce(
            ssim_idx.reshape(ssim_idx.shape[0], -1).mean(-1),
            reduction), reduce(ssim_idx_full_image, reduction)

    return reduce(ssim_idx.reshape(ssim_idx.shape[0], -1).mean(-1), reduction)
Example #10
File: uqi.py Project: Borda/metrics
def _uqi_compute(
    preds: Tensor,
    target: Tensor,
    kernel_size: Sequence[int] = (11, 11),
    sigma: Sequence[float] = (1.5, 1.5),
    reduction: Optional[Literal["elementwise_mean", "sum", "none"]] = "elementwise_mean",
    data_range: Optional[float] = None,
    return_contrast_sensitivity: bool = False,
) -> Union[Tensor, Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]]:
    """Computes Universal Image Quality Index.

        preds: estimated image
        target: ground truth image
        kernel_size: size of the gaussian kernel
        sigma: Standard deviation of the gaussian kernel
        reduction: a method to reduce metric score over labels.

            - ``'elementwise_mean'``: takes the mean (default)
            - ``'sum'``: takes the sum
            - ``'none'`` or ``None``: no reduction will be applied

        data_range: Range of the image. If ``None``, it is determined from the image (max - min)

        >>> preds = torch.rand([16, 1, 16, 16])
        >>> target = preds * 0.75
        >>> preds, target = _uqi_update(preds, target)
        >>> _uqi_compute(preds, target)
    if len(kernel_size) != 2 or len(sigma) != 2:
        raise ValueError(
            "Expected `kernel_size` and `sigma` to have the length of two."
            f" Got kernel_size: {len(kernel_size)} and sigma: {len(sigma)}."

    if any(x % 2 == 0 or x <= 0 for x in kernel_size):
        raise ValueError(f"Expected `kernel_size` to have odd positive number. Got {kernel_size}.")

    if any(y <= 0 for y in sigma):
        raise ValueError(f"Expected `sigma` to have positive number. Got {sigma}.")

    if data_range is None:
        data_range = max(preds.max() - preds.min(), target.max() - target.min())

    device = preds.device
    channel = preds.size(1)
    dtype = preds.dtype
    kernel = _gaussian_kernel_2d(channel, kernel_size, sigma, dtype, device)
    pad_h = (kernel_size[0] - 1) // 2
    pad_w = (kernel_size[1] - 1) // 2

    preds = F.pad(preds, (pad_h, pad_h, pad_w, pad_w), mode="reflect")
    target = F.pad(target, (pad_h, pad_h, pad_w, pad_w), mode="reflect")

    input_list = torch.cat((preds, target, preds * preds, target * target, preds * target))  # (5 * B, C, H, W)
    outputs = F.conv2d(input_list, kernel, groups=channel)
    output_list = outputs.split(preds.shape[0])

    mu_pred_sq = output_list[0].pow(2)
    mu_target_sq = output_list[1].pow(2)
    mu_pred_target = output_list[0] * output_list[1]

    sigma_pred_sq = output_list[2] - mu_pred_sq
    sigma_target_sq = output_list[3] - mu_target_sq
    sigma_pred_target = output_list[4] - mu_pred_target

    upper = 2 * sigma_pred_target
    lower = sigma_pred_sq + sigma_target_sq

    uqi_idx = ((2 * mu_pred_target) * upper) / ((mu_pred_sq + mu_target_sq) * lower)
    uqi_idx = uqi_idx[..., pad_h:-pad_h, pad_w:-pad_w]

    return reduce(uqi_idx, reduction)