Example #1
def wasserstein(p, u_values, v_values, u_weights=None, v_weights=None):
    Compute Wass_p between two one-dimensional distributions :math:`u` and

    This implementation is an adaptation of the scipy implementation of
    `scipy.stats._cdf_distance` for torch tensors.

    u_values, v_values : torch tensors of shape (ns, ) and (nt, )
        Values observed in the (empirical) distributions.
    u_weights, v_weights : array_like, optional
        Weight for each value. If unspecified, each value is assigned the same
        `u_weights` (resp. `v_weights`) must have the same length as
        `u_values` (resp. `v_values`). If the weight sum differs from 1, it
        must still be positive and finite so that the weights can be normalized
        to sum to 1.
    distance : float
        The computed distance between the distributions.
    u_sorter = torch.argsort(u_values)
    v_sorter = torch.argsort(v_values)

    all_values = torch.cat((u_values, v_values))
    all_values, _ = torch.sort(all_values)

    # Compute the differences between pairs of successive values of u and v.
    deltas = torch_diff(all_values)

    # Get the respective positions of the values of u and v among the values of
    # both distributions.
    u_cdf_indices = searchsorted(u_values[u_sorter], all_values[:-1], 'right')
    v_cdf_indices = searchsorted(v_values[v_sorter], all_values[:-1], 'right')

    # Calculate the CDFs of u and v using their weights, if specified.
    if u_weights is None:
        u_cdf = u_cdf_indices / u_values.size  # TODO
        u_sorted_cumweights = torch.cat(
            ([0], np.cumsum(u_weights[u_sorter])))  # TODO
        u_cdf = u_sorted_cumweights[u_cdf_indices] / u_sorted_cumweights[-1]

    if v_weights is None:
        v_cdf = v_cdf_indices / v_values.size  # TODO
        v_sorted_cumweights = torch.cat(
            ([0], np.cumsum(v_weights[v_sorter])))  # TODO
        v_cdf = v_sorted_cumweights[v_cdf_indices] / v_sorted_cumweights[-1]

    # Compute the value of the integral based on the CDFs.
    return torch.sum(torch.mul(torch.abs(u_cdf - v_cdf), torch.pow(deltas, p)))
Example #2
def ks2(data1, data2):

    n1 = data1.shape[1]
    n2 = data2.shape[1]

    data1 = data1.sort()[0]
    data2 = data2.sort()[0]
    data_all = torch.cat([data1, data2], dim=1)
    cdf1 = searchsorted(data1, data_all, side='right') / (1.0 * n1)
    cdf2 = (searchsorted(data2, data_all, side='right')) / (1.0 * n2)
    d = (cdf1 - cdf2).abs().max()
    return d
def energy_spectrum(vel):
    Compute energy spectrum given a velocity field
    :param vel: tensor of shape (N, 3, res, res, res)
    :return spec: tensor of shape(N, res/2)
    :return k: tensor of shape (res/2,), frequencies corresponding to spec
    device = vel.device
    res = vel.shape[-2:]

    assert (res[0] == res[1])
    r = res[0]
    k_end = int(r / 2)
    vel_ = pad_rfft3(vel, onesided=False)  # (N, 3, res, res, res, 2)
    uu_ = (torch.norm(vel_, dim=-1) / r**3)**2
    e_ = torch.sum(uu_, dim=1)  # (N, res, res, res)
    k = fftfreqs(res).to(device)  # (3, res, res, res)
    rad = torch.norm(k, dim=0)  # (res, res, res)
    k_bin = torch.arange(k_end, device=device).float() + 1
    bins = torch.zeros(k_end + 1).to(device)
    bins[1:-1] = (k_bin[1:] + k_bin[:-1]) / 2
    bins[-1] = k_bin[-1]
    bins = bins.unsqueeze(0)
    bins[1:] += 1e-3
    inds = searchsorted(bins, rad.flatten().unsqueeze(0)).squeeze().int()
    # bincount = torch.histc(inds.cpu(), bins=bins.shape[1]+1).to(device)
    bincount = torch.bincount(inds)
    asort = torch.argsort(inds.squeeze())
    sorted_e_ = e_.view(e_.shape[0], -1)[:, asort]
    csum_e_ = torch.cumsum(sorted_e_, dim=1)
    binloc = torch.cumsum(bincount, dim=0).long() - 1
    spec_ = csum_e_[:, binloc[1:]] - csum_e_[:, binloc[:-1]]
    spec_ = spec_[:, :-1]
    spec_ = spec_ * 2 * np.pi * (k_bin.float()**2) / bincount[1:-1].float()
    return spec_, k_bin
Example #4
def resample_pdf(probs, samples, n_samples=32, deterministic=False):
    sampled_depth, sampled_idx, sampled_dists = samples
    # compute CDF
    pdf = probs / (probs.sum(-1, keepdims=True) + 1e-7)
    cdf = torch.cat([torch.zeros_like(pdf[...,:1]), torch.cumsum(pdf, -1)], -1)
    # generate random samples
    z = torch.arange(n_samples, device=cdf.device, dtype=cdf.dtype).expand(
        cdf.size(0), n_samples).contiguous()
    if deterministic:
        z = z + 0.5
        z = z + z.clone().uniform_()
    z = z / float(n_samples)

    # inverse transform sampling
    inds = searchsorted(cdf, z) - 1
    inds_miss = inds.eq(sampled_idx.size(1))
    inds_safe = inds.clamp(max=sampled_idx.size(1)-1)
    resampled_below, resampled_above = cdf.gather(1, inds_safe), cdf.gather(1, inds_safe + 1)
    resampled_idx = sampled_idx.gather(1, inds_safe).masked_fill(inds_miss, -1)
    resampled_depth = sampled_depth.gather(1, inds_safe).masked_fill(inds_miss, MAX_DEPTH)
    resampled_dists = sampled_dists.gather(1, inds_safe).masked_fill(inds_miss, 0.0)
    # reparameterization
    resampled_depth = ((z - resampled_below) / (resampled_above - resampled_below + 1e-7) - 0.5) * resampled_dists + resampled_depth
    return resampled_depth, resampled_idx, resampled_depth
Example #5
def sample_pdf(bins, weights, N_samples, det=False):
    # Get pdf
    weights = weights + 1e-5  # prevent nans
    pdf = weights / torch.sum(weights, -1, keepdim=True)
    cdf = torch.cumsum(pdf, -1)
    cdf = torch.cat([torch.zeros_like(cdf[..., :1]), cdf],
                    -1)  # (batch, len(bins))

    # Take uniform samples
    if det:
        u = torch.linspace(0., 1., steps=N_samples)
        u = u.expand(list(cdf.shape[:-1]) + [N_samples])
        u = torch.rand(list(cdf.shape[:-1]) + [N_samples])

    # Invert CDF
    u = u.contiguous()
    inds = searchsorted(cdf, u, side='right')
    below = torch.max(torch.zeros_like(inds - 1), inds - 1)
    above = torch.min((cdf.shape[-1] - 1) * torch.ones_like(inds), inds)
    inds_g = torch.stack([below, above], -1)  # (batch, N_samples, 2)

    matched_shape = [inds_g.shape[0], inds_g.shape[1], cdf.shape[-1]]
    cdf_g = torch.gather(cdf.unsqueeze(1).expand(matched_shape), 2, inds_g)
    bins_g = torch.gather(bins.unsqueeze(1).expand(matched_shape), 2, inds_g)

    denom = (cdf_g[..., 1] - cdf_g[..., 0])
    denom = torch.where(denom < 1e-5, torch.ones_like(denom), denom)
    t = (u - cdf_g[..., 0]) / denom
    samples = bins_g[..., 0] + t * (bins_g[..., 1] - bins_g[..., 0])

    return samples
Example #6
def test_searchsorted_output_dtype(device):
    B = 100
    A = 50
    V = 12

    a = torch.sort(torch.rand(B, V, device=device), dim=1)[0]
    v = torch.rand(B, A, device=device)

    out = searchsorted(a, v)
    out_np = numpy_searchsorted(a.cpu().numpy(), v.cpu().numpy())
    assert out.dtype == torch.long
    np.testing.assert_array_equal(out.cpu().numpy(), out_np)

    out = torch.empty(v.shape, dtype=torch.long, device=device)
    searchsorted(a, v, out)
    assert out.dtype == torch.long
    np.testing.assert_array_equal(out.cpu().numpy(), out_np)
Example #7
 def compute_pad_amounts(self, batch_index, batch_size):
     """Compute padding needed to form dense minibatch."""
     helper_index = torch.arange(batch_size + 1, device=batch_index.device)
     helper_index = helper_index.unsqueeze(0).contiguous().int()
     batch_index = batch_index.unsqueeze(0).contiguous().int()
     start_index = searchsorted(batch_index, helper_index).squeeze(0)
     batch_count = start_index[1:] - start_index[:-1]
     pad = list((batch_count.max() - batch_count).cpu().numpy())
     batch_count = list(batch_count.cpu().numpy())
     return batch_count, pad
Example #8
def sample_pdf(bins, weights, N_importance, det=False, eps=1e-5):
    Sample @N_importance samples from @bins with distribution defined by @weights.

        bins: (N_rays, N_samples_+1) where N_samples_ is "the number of coarse samples per ray - 2"
        weights: (N_rays, N_samples_)
        N_importance: the number of samples to draw from the distribution
        det: deterministic or not
        eps: a small number to prevent division by zero

        samples: the sampled samples
    N_rays, N_samples_ = weights.shape
    weights = weights + eps  # prevent division by zero (don't do inplace op!)
    pdf = weights / torch.sum(weights, -1,
                              keepdim=True)  # (N_rays, N_samples_)
    cdf = torch.cumsum(
        pdf, -1)  # (N_rays, N_samples), cumulative distribution function
    cdf = torch.cat([torch.zeros_like(cdf[:, :1]), cdf],
                    -1)  # (N_rays, N_samples_+1)
    # padded to 0~1 inclusive
    if det:
        u = torch.linspace(0, 1, N_importance, device=bins.device)
        u = u.expand(N_rays, N_importance)
        u = torch.rand(N_rays, N_importance, device=bins.device)
    u = u.contiguous()

    inds = searchsorted(cdf, u, side='right')
    below = torch.clamp_min(inds - 1, 0)
    above = torch.clamp_max(inds, N_samples_)

    inds_sampled = torch.stack([below, above],
                               -1).view(N_rays, 2 * N_importance)

    cdf_g = torch.gather(cdf, 1, inds_sampled).view(N_rays, N_importance, 2)
    bins_g = torch.gather(bins, 1, inds_sampled).view(N_rays, N_importance, 2)

    print(u[0], inds[0], cdf[0], below[0], above[0])

    denom = cdf_g[..., 1] - cdf_g[..., 0]
        denom <
        eps] = 1  # denom equals 0 means a bin has weight 0, in which case it will not be sampled
    # anyway, therefore any value for it is fine (set to 1 here)

    samples = bins_g[..., 0] + (u - cdf_g[..., 0]) / denom * (bins_g[..., 1] -
                                                              bins_g[..., 0])

    print(inds_sampled[0], cdf_g[0], bins_g[0], denom[0])
    return samples
Example #9
def test_searchsorted_correct(Ba, Bv, A, V, side, device):
    if Ba > 1 and Bv > 1 and Ba != Bv:
    for test in range(nrepeat):
        a = torch.sort(torch.rand(Ba, A, device=device), dim=1)[0]
        v = torch.rand(Bv, V, device=device)
        out_np = numpy_searchsorted(a.cpu().numpy(),
        out = searchsorted(a, v, side=side).cpu().numpy()
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(out, out_np)
Example #10
def sample_pdf(bins, weights, args):
    Hierarchical sampling
    # Get pdf

    weights = weights + 1e-5  # prevent nans
    pdf = weights / torch.sum(weights, -1, keepdim=True)
    cdf = torch.cumsum(pdf, -1)
    cdf = torch.cat(
        [torch.zeros_like(cdf[..., :1], device=args.default_device), cdf],
        -1)  # (batch, len(bins))

    # Take uniform samples
    u = torch.linspace(0.,
    u = u.expand(list(cdf.shape[:-1]) + [args.number_fine_samples])

    # Invert CDF
    u = u.contiguous()
    #inds = torch.searchsorted(cdf, u, right=True)
    inds = searchsorted(cdf, u, side='right')
    below = torch.max(torch.zeros_like(inds - 1, device=args.default_device),
                      inds - 1)
    above = torch.min(
        cdf.shape[-1] - 1 * torch.ones_like(inds, device=args.default_device),
    inds_g = torch.stack([below, above], -1)  # (batch, N_samples, 2)

    # cdf_g = tf.gather(cdf, inds_g, axis=-1, batch_dims=len(inds_g.shape)-2)
    # bins_g = tf.gather(bins, inds_g, axis=-1, batch_dims=len(inds_g.shape)-2)
    matched_shape = [inds_g.shape[0], inds_g.shape[1], cdf.shape[-1]]
    cdf_g = torch.gather(cdf.unsqueeze(1).expand(matched_shape), 2, inds_g)
    bins_g = torch.gather(bins.unsqueeze(1).expand(matched_shape), 2, inds_g)

    denom = (cdf_g[..., 1] - cdf_g[..., 0])
    denom = torch.where(denom < 1e-5,
                        torch.ones_like(denom, device=args.default_device),
    t = (u - cdf_g[..., 0]) / denom
    samples = bins_g[..., 0] + t * (bins_g[..., 1] - bins_g[..., 0])

    return samples
Example #11
def sample_pdf(bins, weights, N_samples, det=False, pytest=False):
    # Get pdf
    weights = weights + 1e-5  # prevent nans
    pdf = weights / torch.sum(weights, -1, keepdim=True)
    cdf = torch.cumsum(pdf, -1)
    cdf = torch.cat([torch.zeros_like(cdf[..., :1]), cdf],
                    -1)  # (batch, len(bins))

    # Take uniform samples
    if det:
        u = torch.linspace(0., 1., steps=N_samples)
        u = u.expand(list(cdf.shape[:-1]) + [N_samples])
        u = torch.rand(list(cdf.shape[:-1]) + [N_samples])

    # Pytest, overwrite u with numpy's fixed random numbers
    if pytest:
        new_shape = list(cdf.shape[:-1]) + [N_samples]
        if det:
            u = np.linspace(0., 1., N_samples)
            u = np.broadcast_to(u, new_shape)
            u = np.random.rand(*new_shape)
        u = torch.Tensor(u)

    # Invert CDF
    u = u.contiguous()
    inds = searchsorted(cdf, u, side='right')
    below = torch.max(torch.zeros_like(inds - 1), inds - 1)
    above = torch.min((cdf.shape[-1] - 1) * torch.ones_like(inds), inds)
    inds_g = torch.stack([below, above], -1)  # (batch, N_samples, 2)

    # cdf_g = tf.gather(cdf, inds_g, axis=-1, batch_dims=len(inds_g.shape)-2)
    # bins_g = tf.gather(bins, inds_g, axis=-1, batch_dims=len(inds_g.shape)-2)
    matched_shape = [inds_g.shape[0], inds_g.shape[1], cdf.shape[-1]]
    cdf_g = torch.gather(cdf.unsqueeze(1).expand(matched_shape), 2, inds_g)
    bins_g = torch.gather(bins.unsqueeze(1).expand(matched_shape), 2, inds_g)

    denom = (cdf_g[..., 1] - cdf_g[..., 0])
    denom = torch.where(denom < 1e-5, torch.ones_like(denom), denom)
    t = (u - cdf_g[..., 0]) / denom
    samples = bins_g[..., 0] + t * (bins_g[..., 1] - bins_g[..., 0])

    return samples
Example #12
def sample_pdf_2(bins, weights, num_samples, det=False):
    r"""sample_pdf function from another concurrent pytorch implementation
    by yenchenlin (https://github.com/yenchenlin/nerf-pytorch).

    weights = weights + 1e-5
    pdf = weights / torch.sum(weights, dim=-1, keepdim=True)
    cdf = torch.cumsum(pdf, dim=-1)
    cdf = torch.cat([torch.zeros_like(cdf[..., :1]), cdf],
                    dim=-1)  # (batchsize, len(bins))

    # Take uniform samples
    if det:
        u = torch.linspace(0.0,
        u = u.expand(list(cdf.shape[:-1]) + [num_samples])
        u = torch.rand(
            list(cdf.shape[:-1]) + [num_samples],

    # Invert CDF
    u = u.contiguous()
    cdf = cdf.contiguous()
    inds = torchsearchsorted.searchsorted(cdf, u, side="right")
    below = torch.max(torch.zeros_like(inds - 1), inds - 1)
    above = torch.min((cdf.shape[-1] - 1) * torch.ones_like(inds), inds)
    inds_g = torch.stack((below, above), dim=-1)  # (batchsize, num_samples, 2)

    matched_shape = (inds_g.shape[0], inds_g.shape[1], cdf.shape[-1])
    cdf_g = torch.gather(cdf.unsqueeze(1).expand(matched_shape), 2, inds_g)
    bins_g = torch.gather(bins.unsqueeze(1).expand(matched_shape), 2, inds_g)

    denom = cdf_g[..., 1] - cdf_g[..., 0]
    denom = torch.where(denom < 1e-5, torch.ones_like(denom), denom)
    t = (u - cdf_g[..., 0]) / denom
    samples = bins_g[..., 0] + t * (bins_g[..., 1] - bins_g[..., 0])

    return samples
Example #13
    def forward(self, decoys: DecoyBatch):
        # separation = decoys.receivers - graphs.senders - 1
        # separation_cls = searchsorted(separation, self.bins, side='right') - 1

        separation = (decoys.senders - decoys.receivers +
        separation_cls = (self.bins.numel() - 1) - searchsorted(
            self.bins, separation).squeeze_(0).long()

        separation_onehot = torch.zeros(decoys.num_edges,

        decoys = decoys.evolve(edge_features=torch.cat(
            (decoys.edge_features, separation_onehot), dim=1), )

        return decoys
Example #14
    def __call__(self, batch):
        """"compute the (generalized) sliced Wasserstein distance between
        the object dataset and the provided batch

        batch: torch.Tensor (num_samples, ) + sample_shape
            the batch of samples for which to compute the GSW distance to
            the dataset."""
        # update the target if required
        if (self.target_percentiles is None) or not self.manual_refresh:

        # bringing the target percentiles to the batch device (if not done)
        # already
        self.target_percentiles = [
            t.to(batch.device) for t in self.target_percentiles

        # if the batch is too small, we may have to reduce the number of
        # percentiles
        num_percentiles = min(batch.shape[0], self.num_percentiles)
        if num_percentiles != self.num_percentiles:
            indices = searchsorted(
                self.percentiles[None, :],
                torch.linspace(0, 100, num_percentiles)[None, :]).long()
            indices = Ellipsis
        percentiles = self.percentiles[indices].squeeze()

        loss = torch.tensor(0, device=batch.device)
        for (projector_id, target_percentiles) in zip(self.projector_ids,
            # get the projector
            projector = self.projectors[projector_id]
            test_percentiles = sketch(projector, batch, percentiles)
            loss = loss + torch.nn.MSELoss()(

        loss = loss / self.batchsize
        return loss
Example #15
def sample_pdf_torch(bins, weights, num_samples, det=False):
    # TESTED (Carefully, line-to-line).
    # But chances of bugs persist; haven't integration-tested with
    # training routines.

    # Get pdf
    weights = weights + 1e-5  # prevent nans
    pdf = weights / weights.sum(-1).unsqueeze(-1)
    cdf = torch.cumsum(pdf, -1)
    cdf = torch.cat((torch.zeros_like(cdf[..., :1]), cdf), -1)

    # Take uniform samples
    if det:
        u = torch.linspace(0.0, 1.0, num_samples).to(weights)
        u = u.expand(list(cdf.shape[:-1]) + [num_samples])
        u = torch.rand(list(cdf.shape[:-1]) + [num_samples]).to(weights)

    # Invert CDF
    inds = torchsearchsorted.searchsorted(cdf.contiguous(),

    below = torch.max(torch.zeros_like(inds), inds - 1)
    above = torch.min((cdf.shape[-1] - 1) * torch.ones_like(inds), inds)
    inds_g = torch.stack((below, above), -1)
    orig_inds_shape = inds_g.shape

    cdf_g = gather_cdf_util_torch(cdf, inds_g)
    bins_g = gather_cdf_util_torch(bins, inds_g)

    denom = cdf_g[..., 1] - cdf_g[..., 0]
    denom = torch.where(denom < 1e-5, torch.ones_like(denom), denom)
    t = (u - cdf_g[..., 0]) / denom
    samples = bins_g[..., 0] + t * (bins_g[..., 1] - bins_g[..., 0])

    return samples
Example #16
                + ': Training set loss = ' + str(int(loss_data*1e5)/1e5))

    # spectrum 1
    # extract model
    spec_1 = rest_spec_model_1.spec
    #RV_pred_1 = rv_model_1.rv

    #RV_pred_1, RV_pred_2 = rv_model.forward()
    RV_pred_1 = rv_model_1.forward()
    RV_pred_2 = rv_model_2.forward()

    # RV shift
    doppler_shift = torch.sqrt((1 - RV_pred_1/const_c)/(1 + RV_pred_1/const_c))
    new_wavelength = torch.t(torch.ger(wave, doppler_shift)).contiguous() # torch.ger = outer product
    ind = searchsorted(wave_cat, new_wavelength).type(torch.LongTensor)

    # fix border indexing problem
    ind[ind == num_pixel - 1] = num_pixel - 2

    # calculate adjacent gradient
    slopes = (spec_1[1:] - spec_1[:-1])/(wave[1:]-wave[:-1])

    # linear interpolate
    spec_shifted_recovered_1 = spec_1[ind] + slopes[ind]*(new_wavelength - wave[ind])

    # spectrum 2
    spec_2 = rest_spec_model_2.spec
    #RV_pred_2 = rv_model_2.rv
    doppler_shift = torch.sqrt((1 - RV_pred_2/const_c)/(1 + RV_pred_2/const_c))
Example #17
def histogramdd(sample,bins=None,ranges=None,weights=None,edges=None,device=None):
    custom_edges = False
    D = sample.size(0)
    if device == None:
        device = sample.device
    if bins == None:
        if edges == None:
            bins = 10
            custom_edges = False
                bins = edges.size(1)-1
            except AttributeError:
                bins = torch.empty(D)
                for i in range(len(edges)):
                    bins[i] = edges[i].size(0)-1
                bins = bins.to(device)
            custom_edges = True
        M = bins.size(0)
        if M != D:
            raise ValueError(
                'The dimension of bins must be equal to the dimension of the '
                ' sample x.')
    except AttributeError:
        # bins is either an integer or a list
        if type(bins) == int:
            bins = torch.full([D],bins,dtype=torch.long,device=device)
        elif torch.is_tensor(bins[0]):
            custom_edges = True
            edges = bins
            bins = torch.empty(D,dtype=torch.long)
            for i in range(len(edges)):
                bins[i] = edges[i].size(0)-1
            bins = bins.to(device)
            bins = torch.as_tensor(bins)
    if bins.dim() == 2:
        custom_edges = True
        edges = bins
        bins = torch.full([D],bins.size(1)-1,dtype=torch.long,device=device)
    if custom_edges:
        if not torch.is_tensor(edges):
            m = max(i.size(0) for i in edges)
            tmp = torch.empty([D,m])
            for i in range(D):
                s = edges[i].size(0)
            edges = tmp.to(device)
        k = searchsorted(edges,sample)
        if ranges == None:
            ranges = torch.empty(2,D,device=device)
        tranges = torch.empty_like(ranges)
        tranges[1,:] = bins/(ranges[1,:]-ranges[0,:])
        tranges[0,:] = 1-ranges[0,:]*tranges[1,:]
        k = torch.addcmul(tranges[0,:].reshape(-1,1),sample,tranges[1,:].reshape(-1,1)).long() #Get the right index
        k = torch.max(k,torch.tensor(0,device=device)) #Underflow bin
    k = torch.min(k,(bins+1).reshape(-1,1))   
    multiindex = torch.ones_like(bins)
    multiindex[1:] = torch.cumprod(torch.flip(bins[1:],[0])+2,-1).long()
    multiindex = torch.flip(multiindex,[0])
    l = torch.sum(k*multiindex.reshape(-1,1),0)
    hist = torch.bincount(l,minlength=(multiindex[0]*(bins[0]+2)).item(),weights=weights)
    hist = hist.reshape(tuple(bins+2))
    m,index = l.sort()
    r = torch.arange((bins.size(1)+1)**bins.size(0),device=device)
    hist = searchsorted(m.reshape(1,-1),r.reshape(1,-1),side='right')
    hist = hist.reshape(tuple(torch.full([bins.size(0)],bins.size(1)+1,dtype=int,device=device)))
    return hist
Example #18
    test_CPU = None

    for ntest in range(ntests):
        print("Looking for %dx%d values in %dx%d entries" % (nrows_v, nvalues,

        # generate a matrix with sorted rows
        a = torch.randn(nrows_a, nsorted_values, device='cpu')
        a = torch.sort(a, dim=1)[0]

        # generate a matrix of values to searchsort
        v = torch.randn(nrows_v, nvalues, device='cpu')

        t0 = time.time()
        test_CPU = searchsorted(a, v, test_CPU)
        print('CPU:  searchsorted in %0.3fms' % (1000*(time.time()-t0)))

        if not torch.cuda.is_available():
            print('CUDA is not available on this machine, cannot go further.')
            # now do the CPU
            a = a.to('cuda')
            v = v.to('cuda')

            # launch searchsorted on those
            t0 = time.time()
            test_GPU = searchsorted(a, v, test_GPU)
            print('GPU:  searchsorted in %0.3fms' % (1000*(time.time()-t0)))
Example #19
    def forward(ctx, x, y, xnew, out=None):
        Linear 1D interpolation on the GPU for Pytorch.
        This function returns interpolated values of a set of 1-D functions at
        the desired query points `xnew`.
        This function is working similarly to Matlabâ„¢ or scipy functions with
        the `linear` interpolation mode on, except that it parallelises over
        any number of desired interpolation problems.
        The code will run on GPU if all the tensors provided are on a cuda

        x : (N, ) or (D, N) Pytorch Tensor
            A 1-D or 2-D tensor of real values.
        y : (N,) or (D, N) Pytorch Tensor
            A 1-D or 2-D tensor of real values. The length of `y` along its
            last dimension must be the same as that of `x`
        xnew : (P,) or (D, P) Pytorch Tensor
            A 1-D or 2-D tensor of real values. `xnew` can only be 1-D if
            _both_ `x` and `y` are 1-D. Otherwise, its length along the first
            dimension must be the same as that of whichever `x` and `y` is 2-D.
        out : Pytorch Tensor, same shape as `xnew`
            Tensor for the output. If None: allocated automatically.

        # checking availability of the searchsorted pytorch module
            raise Exception(
                'The interp1d function depends on the '
                'torchsearchsorted module, which is not available.\n'
                'You must get it at ',

        # making the vectors at least 2D
        is_flat = {}
        require_grad = {}
        v = {}
        device = []
        eps = torch.finfo(y.dtype).eps
        for name, vec in {'x': x, 'y': y, 'xnew': xnew}.items():
            assert len(vec.shape) <= 2, 'interp1d: all inputs must be '\
                                        'at most 2-D.'
            if len(vec.shape) == 1:
                v[name] = vec[None, :]
                v[name] = vec
            is_flat[name] = v[name].shape[0] == 1
            require_grad[name] = vec.requires_grad
            device = list(set(device + [str(vec.device)]))
        assert len(device) == 1, 'All parameters must be on the same device.'
        device = device[0]

        # Checking for the dimensions
        assert (v['x'].shape[1] == v['y'].shape[1]
                and (v['x'].shape[0] == v['y'].shape[0] or v['x'].shape[0] == 1
                     or v['y'].shape[0] == 1)
                ), ("x and y must have the same number of columns, and either "
                    "the same number of row or one of them having only one "

        reshaped_xnew = False
        if ((v['x'].shape[0] == 1) and (v['y'].shape[0] == 1)
                and (v['xnew'].shape[0] > 1)):
            # if there is only one row for both x and y, there is no need to
            # loop over the rows of xnew because they will all have to face the
            # same interpolation problem. We should just stack them together to
            # call interp1d and put them back in place afterwards.
            original_xnew_shape = v['xnew'].shape
            v['xnew'] = v['xnew'].contiguous().view(1, -1)
            reshaped_xnew = True

        # identify the dimensions of output and check if the one provided is ok
        D = max(v['x'].shape[0], v['xnew'].shape[0])
        shape_ynew = (D, v['xnew'].shape[-1])
        if out is not None:
            if out.numel() != shape_ynew[0] * shape_ynew[1]:
                # The output provided is of incorrect shape.
                # Going for a new one
                out = None
                ynew = out.reshape(shape_ynew)
        if out is None:
            ynew = torch.zeros(*shape_ynew, device=device)

        # moving everything to the desired device in case it was not there
        # already (not handling the case things do not fit entirely, user will
        # do it if required.)
        for name in v:
            v[name] = v[name].to(device)

        # calling searchsorted on the x values.
        ind = ynew.long()
        searchsorted(v['x'].contiguous(), v['xnew'].contiguous(), ind)

        # the `-1` is because searchsorted looks for the index where the values
        # must be inserted to preserve order. And we want the index of the
        # preceeding value.
        ind -= 1
        # we clamp the index, because the number of intervals is x.shape-1,
        # and the left neighbour should hence be at most number of intervals
        # -1, i.e. number of columns in x -2
        ind = torch.clamp(ind, 0, v['x'].shape[1] - 1 - 1)

        # helper function to select stuff according to the found indices.
        def sel(name):
            if is_flat[name]:
                return v[name].contiguous().view(-1)[ind]
            return torch.gather(v[name], 1, ind)

        # activating gradient storing for everything now
        enable_grad = False
        saved_inputs = []
        for name in ['x', 'y', 'xnew']:
            if require_grad[name]:
                enable_grad = True
                saved_inputs += [v[name]]
                saved_inputs += [
        # assuming x are sorted in the dimension 1, computing the slopes for
        # the segments
        is_flat['slopes'] = is_flat['x']
        # now we have found the indices of the neighbors, we start building the
        # output. Hence, we start also activating gradient tracking
        with torch.enable_grad() if enable_grad else contextlib.suppress():
            v['slopes'] = ((v['y'][:, 1:] - v['y'][:, :-1]) /
                           (eps + v['x'][:, 1:] - v['x'][:, :-1]))

            # now build the linear interpolation
            ynew = sel('y') + sel('slopes') * (v['xnew'] - sel('x'))

            if reshaped_xnew:
                ynew = ynew.view(original_xnew_shape)

        ctx.save_for_backward(ynew, *saved_inputs)
        return ynew
Example #20
        side = 'right'
        # generate a matrix with sorted rows
        a = torch.randn(nrows_a, nsorted_values, device='cpu')
        a = torch.sort(a, dim=1)[0]
        # generate a matrix of values to searchsort
        v = torch.randn(nrows_v, nvalues, device='cpu')

        # a = torch.tensor([[0., 1.]])
        # v = torch.tensor([[1.]])

        t0 = time.time()
        test_NP = torch.tensor(numpy_searchsorted(a, v, side))
        print('NUMPY:  searchsorted in %0.3fms' % (1000 * (time.time() - t0)))
        t0 = time.time()
        test_CPU = searchsorted(a, v, test_CPU, side)
        print('CPU:  searchsorted in %0.3fms' % (1000 * (time.time() - t0)))
        # compute the difference between both
        error_CPU = torch.norm(test_NP.double() - test_CPU.double()).numpy()
        if error_CPU:
            import ipdb
        print('    difference between CPU and NUMPY: %0.3f' % error_CPU)

        if not torch.cuda.is_available():
            print('CUDA is not available on this machine, cannot go further.')
            # now do the CPU
            a = a.to('cuda')
            v = v.to('cuda')
Example #21
def searchsorted_synchronized(a, v, out=None, side='left'):
    out = searchsorted(a, v, out, side)
    return out