class Session(object): """ Database Session :param id: the unique identifier of the session :type id: int or bson.objectid.ObjectId :param database: the database connection :type database: """ def __init__(self, id, database, registered_types={}): self._id = id self._uow = UnitOfWork(self) self._database = database self._repository_map = {} self._registered_types = registered_types @property def id(self): return self._id @property def db(self): """ Database-level API :rtype: pymongo.database.Database .. warning:: Please use this property with caution. The unit of work cannot track any changes done by direct calls via this property and may mess up with the change-set calculation. """ return self._database @property def collections(self): """ Alias to ``repositories`` """ return self.repositories def collection(self, entity_class): """ Alias to ``repository()`` """ return self.repository(entity_class) @property def repositories(self): """ Retrieve the list of used repositories. :rtype: list """ return [ self.collection(self._registered_types[key]) for key in self._registered_types ] def repository(self, entity_class): """ Retrieve the collection :param entity_class: an entity class :type entity_class: type :rtype: tori.db.repository.Repository """ key = entity_class.__collection_name__ self.register_class(entity_class) if key not in self._repository_map: self._repository_map[key] = Repository( session=self, representing_class=entity_class ) return self._repository_map[key] def register_class(self, entity_class): """Register the entity class :param entity_class: the class of document/entity :type entity_class: type :rtype: tori.db.repository.Repository """ key = entity_class.__collection_name__ if key not in self._registered_types: self._registered_types[key] = entity_class def delete(self, *entities): """ Delete entities :param entities: one or more entities :type entities: type of list of type """ for entity in entities: self._uow.register_deleted(entity) def refresh(self, *entities): """ Refresh entities :param entities: one or more entities :type entities: type of list of type """ for entity in entities: self.refresh_one(entity) def refresh_one(self, entity): self._uow.refresh(entity) def persist(self, *entities): """ Persist entities :param entities: one or more entities :type entities: type of list of type """ for entity in entities: self.persist_one(entity) def persist_one(self, entity): registering_action = self._uow.register_new \ if self._uow.is_new(entity) \ else self._uow.register_dirty registering_action(entity) def recognize(self, entity): self._uow.register_clean(entity) def flush(self): """ Flush all changes of the session. """ self._uow.commit() def find_record(self, id, cls): return self._uow.find_recorded_entity(id, cls) def apply_relational_map(self, entity): """ Wire connections according to the relational map """ for property_name in entity.__relational_map__: guide = entity.__relational_map__[property_name] """ :type: tori.db.mapper.RelatingGuide """ # In the reverse mapping, the lazy loading is not possible but so the proxy object is still used. if guide.inverted_by: collection = self.collection(guide.target_class) if guide.association in [AssociationType.ONE_TO_ONE, AssociationType.MANY_TO_ONE]: target = collection._api.find_one({guide.inverted_by:}) entity.__setattr__(property_name, ProxyFactory.make(self, target['_id'], guide)) elif guide.association == AssociationType.ONE_TO_MANY: proxy_list = [ ProxyFactory.make(self, target['_id'], guide) for target in collection._api.find({guide.inverted_by:}) ] entity.__setattr__(property_name, proxy_list) elif guide.association == AssociationType.MANY_TO_MANY: entity.__setattr__(property_name, ProxyCollection(self, entity, guide)) else: raise IntegrityConstraintError('Unknown type of entity association (reverse mapping)') return # Done the application # In the direct mapping, the lazy loading is applied wherever applicable. if guide.association in [AssociationType.ONE_TO_ONE, AssociationType.MANY_TO_ONE]: entity.__setattr__( property_name, ProxyFactory.make( self, entity.__getattribute__(property_name), guide ) ) elif guide.association == AssociationType.ONE_TO_MANY: proxy_list = [ ProxyFactory.make(self, object_id, guide) for object_id in entity.__getattribute__(property_name) ] entity.__setattr__(property_name, proxy_list) elif guide.association == AssociationType.MANY_TO_MANY: entity.__setattr__(property_name, ProxyCollection(self, entity, guide)) else: raise IntegrityConstraintError('Unknown type of entity association')
def __init__(self, driver): self._driver = driver self._uow = UnitOfWork(self) self._repository_map = {} self._registered_types = {} self._re_property_path_delimiter = re.compile('\.')
def __init__(self, id, database, registered_types={}): self._id = id self._uow = UnitOfWork(self) self._database = database self._repository_map = {} self._registered_types = registered_types
class Session(object): """ Database Session :param database_name: the database name :param driver: the driver API """ def __init__(self, driver): self._driver = driver self._uow = UnitOfWork(self) self._repository_map = {} self._registered_types = {} self._re_property_path_delimiter = re.compile('\.') @property def driver(self): return self._driver def collection(self, entity_class): """ Alias to ``repository()`` .. deprecated:: 2.2 """ return self.repository(entity_class) def repositories(self): """ Retrieve the list of collections :rtype: list """ return [self._repository_map[key] for key in self._repository_map] def repository(self, reference): """ Retrieve the collection :param reference: the entity class or entity metadata of the target repository / collection :rtype: tori.db.repository.Repository """ key = None if isinstance(reference, EntityMetadata): key = reference.collection_name elif EntityMetadataHelper.hasMetadata(reference): is_registerable_reference = True metadata = EntityMetadataHelper.extract(reference) key = metadata.collection_name self.register_class(reference) if not key: raise UnsupportedRepositoryReferenceError('Either a class with metadata or an entity metadata is supported.') if key not in self._repository_map: repository = Repository( session = self, representing_class = reference ) repository.setup_index() self._repository_map[key] = repository return self._repository_map[key] def register_class(self, entity_class): """ Register the entity class :param entity_class: the class of document/entity :type entity_class: type :rtype: tori.db.repository.Repository .. note:: This is for internal operation only. As it seems to be just a residual from the prototype stage, the follow-up investigation in order to remove the method will be for Tori 3.1. """ key = entity_class if isinstance(entity_class, type): metadata = EntityMetadataHelper.extract(entity_class) key = metadata.collection_name if key not in self._registered_types: self._registered_types[key] = entity_class def query(self, query): metadata = EntityMetadataHelper.extract(query.origin) # Deprecated in Tori 3.1; Only for backward compatibility if not query.is_new_style: return self.driver.query( metadata, query._condition, self.driver.dialect.get_iterating_constrains(query) ) root_class = query.origin expression_set = query.criteria.get_analyzed_version() # Register the root entity query.join_map[query.alias] = { 'alias': query.alias, 'path': None, 'class': root_class, 'parent_alias': None, 'property_path': None, 'result_list': [] } self._update_join_map(metadata, query.join_map, query.alias) iterating_sequence = self._compute_iterating_sequence(query.join_map) alias_to_query_map = self.driver.dialect.get_alias_to_native_query_map(query) for alias in query.join_map: mapping = query.join_map[alias] for iteration in iterating_sequence: if not self._sub_query(query, alias_to_query_map, iteration): break return query.join_map[query.alias]['result_list'] def _sub_query(self, query, alias_to_query_map, iteration): is_join_query = True alias = iteration.alias if alias not in alias_to_query_map: return False join_config = query.join_map[alias] joined_type = join_config['class'] joined_meta = EntityMetadataHelper.extract(joined_type) native_query = alias_to_query_map[alias] local_constrains = {} if not iteration.parent_alias: is_root = False constrains = self.driver.dialect.get_iterating_constrains(query) result_list = self.driver.query(joined_meta, native_query, local_constrains) # No result in a sub-query means no result in the main query. if not result_list: return False join_config['result_list'] = result_list alias_to_query_map.update(self.driver.dialect.get_alias_to_native_query_map(query)) return True def _compute_iterating_sequence(self, join_map): iterating_sequence = [] joining_sequence = [] reference_map = {} # reference_map is used locally for fast reverse lookup # iterating_seq is a final sequence # Calculate the iterating sequence for alias in join_map: join_config = join_map[alias] parent_alias = None property_path = None if join_config['path']: parent_alias, property_path = join_config['path'].split('.', 2) qi = QueryIteration(join_config, alias, parent_alias, property_path) joining_sequence.append(qi) reference_map[alias] = qi # Update the dependency map for key in reference_map: reference_a = reference_map[key] if reference_a.parent_alias not in reference_map: continue reference_a.connect(reference_map[reference_a.parent_alias]) iterating_sequence = DependencyManager.get_order(reference_map) iterating_sequence.reverse() return iterating_sequence def _update_join_map(self, origin_metadata, join_map, origin_alias): link_map = origin_metadata.relational_map iterating_sequence = [] # Compute the (local) iterating sequence for updating the join map. # Note: this is not the query iterating sequence. for alias in join_map: join_config = join_map[alias] if join_config['class']: continue parent_alias, property_path = join_config['path'].split('.', 2) join_config['alias'] = alias join_config['property_path'] = property_path join_config['parent_alias'] = parent_alias join_config['result_list'] = [] iterating_sequence.append((join_config, alias, parent_alias, property_path)) # Update the immediate properties. for join_config, current_alias, parent_alias, property_path in iterating_sequence: if parent_alias != origin_alias: continue if property_path not in link_map: continue mapper = link_map[property_path] join_config['class'] = mapper.target_class join_config['mapper'] = mapper # Update the joined properties. for join_config, current_alias, parent_alias, property_path in iterating_sequence: if current_alias not in join_map: continue if not join_map[current_alias]['class']: continue next_origin_class = join_map[current_alias]['class'] next_metadata = EntityMetadataHelper.extract(next_origin_class) self._update_join_map(next_metadata, join_map, current_alias) def delete(self, *entities): """ Delete entities :param entities: one or more entities :type entities: type of list of type """ for entity in entities: targeted_entity = self._force_load(entity) self._uow.register_deleted(targeted_entity) def refresh(self, *entities): """ Refresh entities :param entities: one or more entities :type entities: type of list of type """ for entity in entities: self.refresh_one(entity) def refresh_one(self, entity): self._uow.refresh(self._force_load(entity)) def persist(self, *entities): """ Persist entities :param entities: one or more entities :type entities: type of list of type """ for entity in entities: self.persist_one(entity) def persist_one(self, entity): targeted_entity = self._force_load(entity) registering_action = self._uow.register_new \ if self._uow.is_new(targeted_entity) \ else self._uow.register_dirty registering_action(targeted_entity) def recognize(self, entity): self._uow.register_clean(self._force_load(entity)) def flush(self): """ Flush all changes of the session. """ self._uow.commit() def find_record(self, id, cls): return self._uow.find_recorded_entity(id, cls) def apply_relational_map(self, entity): """ Wire connections according to the relational map """ meta = EntityMetadataHelper.extract(entity) rmap = meta.relational_map for property_name in rmap: guide = rmap[property_name] """ :type: tori.db.mapper.RelatingGuide """ # In the reverse mapping, the lazy loading is not possible but so # the proxy object is still used. if guide.inverted_by: target_meta = EntityMetadataHelper.extract(guide.target_class) api = self._driver.collection(target_meta.collection_name) if guide.association in [AssociationType.ONE_TO_ONE, AssociationType.MANY_TO_ONE]: # Replace with Criteria target = api.find_one({guide.inverted_by:}) entity.__setattr__(property_name, ProxyFactory.make(self, target['_id'], guide)) elif guide.association == AssociationType.ONE_TO_MANY: # Replace with Criteria proxy_list = [ ProxyFactory.make(self, target['_id'], guide) for target in api.find({guide.inverted_by:}) ] entity.__setattr__(property_name, proxy_list) elif guide.association == AssociationType.MANY_TO_MANY: entity.__setattr__(property_name, ProxyCollection(self, entity, guide)) else: raise IntegrityConstraintError('Unknown type of entity association (reverse mapping)') return # Done the application # In the direct mapping, the lazy loading is applied wherever applicable. if guide.association in [AssociationType.ONE_TO_ONE, AssociationType.MANY_TO_ONE]: if not entity.__getattribute__(property_name): continue entity.__setattr__( property_name, ProxyFactory.make( self, entity.__getattribute__(property_name), guide ) ) elif guide.association == AssociationType.ONE_TO_MANY: proxy_list = [] for object_id in entity.__getattribute__(property_name): if not object_id: continue proxy_list.append(ProxyFactory.make(self, object_id, guide)) entity.__setattr__(property_name, proxy_list) elif guide.association == AssociationType.MANY_TO_MANY: entity.__setattr__(property_name, ProxyCollection(self, entity, guide)) else: raise IntegrityConstraintError('Unknown type of entity association') def _force_load(self, entity): return entity._actual \ if isinstance(entity, ProxyObject) \ else entity